Justice by Day, Passion by Night

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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A pair of superheroes unwind together after a long day fighting crime.

This story was written for Handofblades as part of my Patreon request days for March 2018. It contains M/M sex between consenting adults, and super-powered sexiness. <3

Justice by Day, Passion by Night

"...thankfully the armed robbers were unable to harm any of the hostages, and were swiftly remanded into police custody after the intervention of two of the city's most beloved heroes, masked crime fighters known as Rapide and Maelstrom."

Lying in bed, Filipe watched as the grainy security footage on the screen showed half a dozen men with guns and masks gesturing violently to a crowd of terrified citizens. Women. Kids. People going about their daily business prior to the bank being assaulted during its busiest hours specifically so the fuckers committing the crime could have more hostages, more leverage from which to bargain.

At least, the zebra imagined that had been their plan.

A rippling blur of motion passed through the image on screen, and one of the gunmen went flying into one of the others. Before either of their weapons could discharge of course, the same blur snatched them from their grasp, wrenching their wrists into unnatural positions in the process. He winced, but tried to remind himself that these guys had been pointing those guns at a mother of three just moments before. A split-second later, two yawning, crackling blue portals erupted from the ground, and thick grey tentacles began to swallow up two more of the gunmen, before a bolt of purple arcane energy lanced out through the other two, their bodies immediately falling entirely limp and collapsing to the floor, voiding their bladders and bowels in the process. About ten seconds later, two crackling blue portals re-opened in mid-air, and spat out the two previously abducted gunmen. Their bodies were coated in a thick, viscous slime, and as they fell back to terra-firma, their now seemingly naked, unarmed bodies curled up into foetally tight balls and began to rock, to sob in horror.

"Are you watching us again?"

Another voice called out from the adjoining bathroom of the small apartment, and about ten second later the already half-opened door swung the rest of the way into the room. Clayton padded in, still holding his toothbrush in one hand.

"Isn't there anything more interesting on?"

He gestured to the screen, seeming to only just notice that he still had his toothbrush with him as he held it out. A moment later though a small fluctuating rift opened up in reality in front of him. He placed his hand through it, the arm in question vanishing from view, and a split-second later the faint sound of the toothbrush landing in its cup beside the sink rattled out to meet them. His arm withdrew once again, and the rift vanished. Filipe shrugged.

"Hey, it's not my fault you take forever to get ready for bed."

The hyena rolled his eyes, grinning as his naked body padded over and slipped onto the bed, turning onto his side and running a hand across the bare fur of the other man's chest.

"Compared to you, everything I do takes forever."

Dramatically, Filipe flung and arm across his head and flopped limply against the bed.

"I know, it's such a struggle. How ever do I put up with you."

They grinned, and Clayton rolled himself over once more until he was straddling the zebra's nude form. He waved a hand behind his back, the TV falling silent and dark as the plug connecting it to the wall suddenly sprang free. His gaze never left the zebra's own however, and soon he was leaning down to kiss Filipe even as he felt the equine male's shaft begin to stir beneath his firm buttocks.

"Well, in my defence... I do order a mean pizza."

Another flick of his hands and their bed was no longer resting within the confines of their bedroom. Instead the same bed, with the same sheets and their same two naked bodies resting upon it was suddenly, instantly located in what looked to be an authentic Italian pizzaria. Indeed, as Filipe looked to his left and out through the restaurant's large bay windows, he grinned. Outside, across a large stretch of grassy parkland, there stood a tower. A tower which, even though the zebra was currently lying down in bed, was clearly tilted... leaning at an angle.

"You're right. The pizza in this relationship is pretty great."

The air around them rippled, and Clayton's head span as before his mind could process what was happening Filipe not only rolled them over so that he was now on top, but then manoeuvred himself so that their bodies were lying end to end. Suddenly the zebra's swelling erection was hovering and growing over Clayton's head, and he could feel Filipe's warm breath upon his own already semi-engorged shaft. As soon as the hyena's head was caught up on the movement of his body of course, his hand waved again and they were back in their bedroom. And a mere moment or so after that, thankfully with a now much lower risk of Italian chefs or servers walking in on them, Clayton felt a warm, experienced tongue flick across the very tip of his twitching member. He growled in pleasure, in excitement, and began to look back over his shoulder towards where the zebra's face was located.

"Fil... are you... a-are you going to... ah! Ahhhhyes!"

Before he could finish what he was saying, Filipe gave him his answer. The zebra's tongue flicked across the very tip of his throbbing cock once again, and then again, and then, as Filipe put his speedster super-powers to work, dozens of times each and every passing second. Within maybe ten seconds of having started his supersonic teasing of Clayton's cock with his tongue of course, the hyena was thrashing and howling in ecstasy, his body pushed to its limits, his mind overwhelmed as it was inundated with blissful sensation faster than his entire brain had the capacity to process. Another split-second later of course, and Filipe was gone. For the briefest moment Clayton caught a flash of his lover standing beside the bed, rooting around in one of the drawers, and then he was back. No longer straddling the hyena but lifting Clayton's legs, spreading them, and inserting a well lubricated finger into Clayton's ass.

They never skimped on lube in their house, and with good reason. If you had a finger, or indeed anything else moving in and out of you at such hyper-intense speeds as those of which Filipe was capable, you absolutely did not want any unexpected friction. That high quality lube was the only reason that both men felt perfectly safe doing what they were currently doing, Clayton thrashing and howling, and Filipe adding a second finger, then a third as he pumped them faster than the eye could follow in and out of his lover's rump. It was perhaps only five seconds later, a veritable eternity to Filipe after hundreds upon hundreds of teasing preparatory strokes, that he brought his already lubricated cock to bear against the hyena's ass.

"F-fuck me!"

Clayton howled, or rather, he began to. In reality, all that he managed to cry out before Filipe's cock was already inside him, already rendering the zebra's hips a striped blur as he pumped feverishly in and out of his beloved mate, was somewhat closer to...


The hyena howled and roared, he kicked and flailed and thrashed as his prostate was pounded, as his backside was jackhammered by impossibly quick, deliriously intense thrusts. He had felt this hundreds of times before, thousands frankly over the years of his and Filipe's relationship, but still it was every bit as irresistible as the first time. Still it drove him wild, and still it pushed his body beyond all limits of resistance and sanity in a matter of seconds. Had Filipe used a free hand to jerk him off at the same time, Clayton had no doubt whatsoever that he would already have cum within the first ten seconds of the speedsters fuck. But even without it, even utterly hands free with the zebra's thick black cock doing all the work as the frantic motion sent Clayton's cock slapping back and forth against his own stomach, it wasn't even half a minute after they'd started to fuck that the hyena's member began to strain, to twitch, and to paint his stomach with copious ribbons of thick, hot cum.

"AhhhhgodFilipe! AhhhhI'mcumming, I'mmmmhhaaaaahhhhh...!"

There was no time for him to become overly sensitive. No time for his body to realise its own fatigue. The first orgasm passed, and barely ten seconds later the pounding at his prostate provoked another, every bit as intensely pleasurable second peak. Then a third, and then...

Then Filipe stopped. Panting, snorting, whinnying in lustful excitement, the speedster stopped as he heard Clayton's gurgling cries of pleasure taking on a strained, frantic tone. Not one of pain or even the slightest discomfort, but a sound that they both knew to mean one thing in no uncertain terms. If Filipe made Clayton cum again while he was making those noises, the hyena would pass out. And they couldn't let that happen. Not yet.

After all, the zebra hadn't cum yet. And now that Clayton had been given his turn at experiencing the joys of his lover's passionately driven powers, it was Filipe's turn to reap the rewards of having a super-powered partner in more than just crime fighting.

Shuddering and gasping, Clayton pulled himself off of Filipe's huge and throbbing cock. He laid the zebra down upon his back, straddling the equine male's chest, and extended his hands before him like a concert pianist ready to get to work. The ring finger on his left hand twitched, and a small blue portal opened up at the foot of the bed, several tendrils of a slick grey hue beginning to issue forth. Immediately however they were consumed by a rich purple glow, and as the fingers of Clayton's other hand began to move, the now glowing tendrils, fully under the control of the Master of the Magical Maelstrom, began to wriggle and tease their way towards the zebra's body. Towards his own as yet untouched backside, and his throbbing, desperately needy but as yet unsatisfied cock.

"Where do you want to be?"

Clayton touched the index finger of his left hand to his lover's forehead, and Filipe's eyes widened. They didn't move from the bedroom, but as a shimmering violet glow flickered into being over both men's eyes, they saw the same sight around them. One moment they were lying upon soft hammocks on a tropical island with the hot sun beating down over them. The next, they were floating in space with stars shining all around them, able to breath, warm and safe, but adrift amongst the cosmos. Another instant and they were in a crowded bar, every person present stark naked and already in the midst of their own passionate encounters.

Then... they were back in their bedroom. Exactly as they were now, just the two of them trembling and moaning as the hyena's tentacles drew ever closer to teasing their way into and around Filipe, beginning to work him to the orgasm... or hopefully orgasms, plural, that he deserved.

Except, they weren't. With a flash, the purple faded from their eyes, and now they were back in the bedroom, no longer simply in an identical illusion of it. Clayton chuckled, and leaned down to kiss Filipe gently on the lips.

"A whole universe to explore... and all you want tonight, is this?"

Filipe snorted softly, tenderly, and reached up to caress the sides of Clayton's handsome face.

"All I ever want is this. I save the world every day so this bedroom is still here at the end of it. So this bed is still here. And so you're here to lie down in it with me."

They kissed again, muzzles lingering close to one another as they blushed and beamed. Their kissing, their tender silence only ended when Filipe's eyes widened once again, and a pleasure-stricken whinny escaped him as he felt a warm, tingling, magic-controlled tentacle beginning to probe into his backside while two more wrapped around his legs. Soon he felt more encircling his arms, his chest, pinning him to the bed and holding him immobile, restricting his use of his super-speed.

Only when he was fully bound, fully and safely held to the bed, did Clayton reach back and grasp at his huge, thick equine cock. And only then did he watch the hyena lift himself up, and begin to sink himself down onto that huge cock all over again, though this time with his own body entirely in control of the pace.

The tentacles in Filipe's ass began to tease at the horse's prostate, and as he slipped deeper and deeper into Clayton's backside, the tendrils all over his body strained as his muscles tried to instinctively begin thrusting and bucking at their instinctive, hyper-fast pace. He cried out when he couldn't though, in desire, in frantic longing, but in pleasure too as he felt the tentacles start to thrust and probe more actively, and as he felt Clayton starting to ride him. To bounce and fuck himself upon the zebra's thick cock at a more manageable pace. A pace that would allow him to bring Filipe to orgasm before he himself was entirely spent, and which, with a few more magical tricks along the way, would make even a night within the walls of their bedroom truly unique and memorable.

A crackling blue flash illuminated the bedroom for an instant, and suddenly Filipe's eyes were wide and staring at a thick, throbbing cock hovering just in front of his muzzle. He looked up, and saw Clayton standing over him by the edge of the bed, guiding his cock towards the zebra's huffing, panting maw. Peering down his chest, he saw Clayton still sitting there, riding him too.

Both the hyenas grinned, and Filipe's eyes rolled back into his head as he took the copy's cock into his muzzle and began to grant it the speedster-style blowjob of a lifetime. No matter how quickly he drained that Clayton however, he already knew that another would be right there to replace him. And another. And another.

And another, until both himself and the real Clayton, the real man he loved, were spent... and ready to rest. To sleep in one another's arms, before embarking on one more day of saving the world.

By Jeeves

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