Tales from the Brothel - Part 2

Story by Hand of Blades on SoFurry

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Notice: This story contains sexual interactions between consenting males; so if this is not your cup of tea, then please do not read. Also Kianne is copyright to Raiker and Alex is copyright to me, so do not use them with out our permission. So that's about it, read and enjoy. Also thank you Roken for editing my story.

Kianne gave a long drawn out yawn as he walked down the brothel's wide hallways. A slight sway to his slender hips, his whip-like tail curling in the air behind him. With each step he could feel cum sloshing around in his stomach, a gift from his most recent client. As he walked a few stay strands of purple hair fell over his eyes and obstructed his vision slightly. With a happy giggle he brushed them aside and looked for one of the mirrors that were scattered around the main halls. A light squeal of glee escaped his slim lips, which seemed frozen in a perpetual seductive pout, as he stepped in front of the mirror and took a quick glance at what he needed to fix for his next job.

His soft gray fur was slightly damp and matted down but in a good way. It gave him a more vapor-like aura, as if his real self could be blown away and his spirit dissolve into pure energy. Sexual energy if Kianne could have his way. His purple locks were slightly disarrayed from earlier and a few hairs were loose from the two tightly bound buns behind each ear. Three silver loops glittered in the dim light in his right ear, twinkling like tiny stars as they swayed with each subtle movement he made. His light gray belly fur clashed gently with the darker gray of the rest of his body and seemed to mold right into his stripes. Another silver star shone out of his navel, drawing all eyes toward his real prize. With a grin he gave his balls and sheath a playful grope through the hot purple pants that barely gave him any sense of decency. Well, he thought, so long as I don't play with myself like this. With another grin he turned away from the mirror satisfied that any customer would be more than willing to hire him given his current appearance. Least I am not covered in cum like yesterday, he thought as he giggled. He began skipping contentedly off toward the main lobby. But that wasn't so bad I guess. Zavis, Alex, and I had fun cleaning it off me.

"Kianne," he heard a soft voice call out from behind him. Wheeling around he saw a fairly slender gray wolf sporting a toned body and wearing a pair of green hot pants.

"Hey sexy," Kianne giggled as he rushed toward the wolf. He tossed his arms around the wolf's neck and pressed his lips roughly to Alex's. With a quiet moan he shoved his tongue forward past his and the wolf's lips, so that it could do battle with the wolf's own. He could hear Alex muttering some protests around his invading tongue but those were soon muted as Kianne felt the wolf surrender into the kiss and begin to return the passion back to him. Molding himself to the wolf's frame Kianne could feel the bulge forming in Alex's shorts, rubbing up against his own bulge in super heated friction. Moaning more he felt Alex wrap his arms around his leopard body and pull Kianne even closer.

The pair held the pose for several minutes before Alex finally pushed Kianne away, his bulge visibly throbbing within his shorts. With a lustful sigh Alex grinned at Kianne and began to speak. "Hey kitty, what is the biggest cock you think you can take," he muttered as he leaned up against the wall smiling.

Kianne smiled and walked up to the wolf and gave him a playful grope, feeling the heft, weight, and thickness of Alex's shaft. "I can take you easy big boy," he giggled as he began to stroke the wolf cock slowly though the silk-like shorts, "but after I get off okay, still got another hour or so of work."

Alex gulped and sucked air through clenched teeth as the leopard toyed and teased his thick cock through its thin covering. With an effort he shoved his mind back onto the task at paw and pushed Kianne away. "Never mind kitty, not for me anyways, and you just lost the chance at it," he growled as he turned away and started down the hall again. "Maybe Zavis will come back on shift, damn snake can take almost anything," Alex muttered, as a grin painted itself across his face. He knew Kianne would beg to get the job, and that he would offer Alex anything for the chance at it.

"Wait," Kianne yelped as he dashed after the wolf, literally throwing himself onto Alex's back, kissing and sucking on the wolf's neck and shoulders roughly. "Tell me the job please! I promise I can handle it," he pleaded as he matted down the wolf's fur with his wet kisses and roaming tongue. "Please tell me! If you do, I promise to give you some relief," he muttered as he reached around to grope lightly at Alex's swollen cock. "You must get so frustrated at not being able to work in the back, so I will make it up to you if you give me the job. And besides, I can take anything Zavis can take and you know it silly," he laughed as he began to nibble lightly on the wolf's ear.

Alex laughed softly as he felt Kianne kissing and sucking on his neck and shoulders, sending small shivers down his spine. The leopard's paw teased his aching cock through the thin material of his shorts. "Alright kitty, you can have the job," he growled as he pushed Kianne back with his paws before he turned around quickly and embraced the sexy feline. "If," he muttered as Kianne's mouth attached itself to the side of his neck, sucking and licking like that was all that was keeping the wolf alive, "you let me have a go at your tail hole once we get off shift."

"Deal, but since when have you been one to give jobs based off whether we let you fuck us?" Kianne muttered as his paws roamed over the wolf's toned body. His paws explored Alex's back and rump, squeezing and massaging every part he could touch. "So go ahead and tell me the room number," Kianne panted as his cock throbbed painfully against Alex's through their tight shorts, twin damp spots forming at each cock tip.

"Since you and Zavis decided to tease me so much with kissing and groping," the wolf replied. "And it's room 19" Alex growled lustfully as he shoved Kianne away from him and turned to walk down the long hallway. "Just don't forget," he muttered over his shoulder as he walked off, swaying his hips slightly to give Kianne a bit of a tease.

"I won't, hun," Kianne purred back as he turned and skipped off down the opposite end of the hall toward his next job. Licking his lips quickly he purred softly to himself as he wondered what his next customer would be, and also wondering how big of a cock it would have to be to make Alex ask him if he could handle it.

With a grin Kianne finally reached the large oak door that read 19, and with a light giggle he turned the metal knob and pushed the heavy door open. As he stepped into the dimly lit room, Kianne did a quick inventory of everything inside of it. It held a massive king plus sized bed on the far wall, a few dressers that Kianne knew held all of the fun little toys they could play with, and a grand high backed chair that held a massive black shape. "Hello," Kianne giggled as he dropped to all fours and slowly began to crawl toward the shape. His hips swayed slowly with each movements causing him to appear as though he was being taken from behind by a massive fur, and with each slow motion he managed to work his tight shorts off his hips till they rolled down to his knees, then finally off his legs completely.

"Well, well, well," the dark shape growled as it shifted in the chair slowly, a tail curling out from around it. "I guess you are my little fuck hole for the day, eh kitty?" the creature growled again as it leaned into the partial light of the room.

Kianne nodded as he looked up slightly, giving a small yip of excitement when he saw what the customer was. Shiny ebony black scales shimmered dimly in the half-lit room while a pair of ice blue eyes glimmered softly. Kianne's grin widened as the dragon finally came into full focus. The jet-black scales ran all over his heavily muscled body, sliding from one link of his armor to the next seamlessly. His belly scales turned to a lighter shade of black as they crept closer to his cock slit, but when Kianne's amber eyes finally fell on the dragon's cock slit he nearly wet himself. The massive member was already erect, and throbbing lightly against the cool air in the room. The cock was a steely black with a small shimmer of wetness rolling down one side. It was at least a good fifteen inches of solid pleasure and no less than two and a half inches across.

Kianne licked his lips and continued to crawl forward until he rested between the dragon's meaty thighs. He leaned forward slowly, pressing his soft furry face up against the twin orbs that hung just below the dragon's thick member and inhaled the thick draconic musk that rolled off them. His head swam with lust as the heavy scent slapped him in the face roughly, almost tell him it was more than he could handle. Through his delicate whiskers that toyed and teased the cock, Kianne could feel the heat rolling off the dragon's sex, begging for release in the tight feline's rear.

With a lustful purr, Kianne let his rough tongue slide out of his mouth and rest against the dragon's heavy balls. His purring grew louder, bordering on a growl as he dragged his tongue slowly against the smooth scale-encrusted balls, taking in the dragon's sweet but salty sweat that rested against them. Above him he could hear the dragon moaning softly from his tongue's rough ministrations. With a small growl he pushed upwards and dragged his tongue along the veined shaft and cleaned it of the dragon's sweet precum with his rough tongue. He moaned softly as the warm sweet liquid splashed around in his mouth before rolling down his throat.

Another light purr escaped from his mouth as Kianne opened his feline maw wide and sank as much of the heavy cock into his warm wet muzzle as he could. He forced it to the back of his throat while he took the lower part of the thick shaft with one paw and the heavy balls with the other. Lowering his head slowly he, bobbed his head up and down along the hot length, feeling each pulse and jerk of the member as he shoved it deeper down his throat while his paws teased and stroked the rest of the member. By now Kianne was beyond caring about what the customer wanted. He wanted to shove the cock as far down his throat as he could, pleasuring it until the cock exploded in his muzzle, flooding it with hot sticky seed. Then he wanted to pleasure the dragon's shaft again and again till the balls were empty of that nourishment that Kianne craved. After that Kianne wanted to fall asleep next to this cock, and then wake up to lick the sweat off of the soft member before nursing it back to hardness and draining it again.

But all of Kianne's dreams were interrupted when the dragon reached down and scooped the slender feline up. He lifted the cat's muzzle off his cock with a light popping sound, then hefted him up and rested Kianne's tight pucker against the massive cock head of the dragon.

"I came for a tailhole," the dragon half roared as he rubbed his cock head back and forth along Kianne's pucker, smearing a mixture of hot pre and cold saliva against the sensitive skin. "And I mean to take it kitty," he growled as he held Kianne tight and forced the leopard down, pushing right past the cat's tight anal ring muscles.

Kianne felt a scream rise in his throat as the hot shaft plowed through his tailhole, ripping past his anal ring as it buried itself deep inside his warm depths. He arched his back and let his mouth hang open as the meaty cock rearranged his guts in so many wonderful ways. "So big," he half purred half moaned, as the dragon continued to plow forward, pushing inward until Kianne was certain it was going straight up his throat. After what seemed like ages Kianne felt his pucker press up against the dragon's smooth cock slit, and his furry balls come to rest on the dragon's stomach.

"Damn," he heard the dragon groan softly as the cock inside of him twitched slightly, firing a thick stream of warm wet pre cum up into him. As Kianne let his soft walls mold themselves to the thick cock inside of him, allowing him to feel every vein pulsing heatedly with the dragon's power. "Now ride me," he vaguely heard the dragon growl, and with a low grunt of pleasure he raised himself off the dragon's mighty cock, only to slam himself back down upon it. Letting it hammer into his tender rear and nail his prostate in heated collision of pleasure.

With a half growl Kianne tossed his head forward and trapped the dragon in a deep kiss, while he let his legs raise and lower himself off the thick cock. He let his walls milk the massive shaft as he tried to drain every ounce of sweet pre that he could get. As he let his tongue wrestle with the dragon's he could feel the massive cock throbbing harshly in his tail hole, every downward thrust of his hips eliciting a violent throb from the mighty member. Kianne's own member jerked and twitched between the pair, spurting his own thinner but still potent kitty pre cum all over their stomachs and chests.

Then, just as Kianne felt his orgasm building up, he felt the dragon grip his shoulders and slam him down harshly onto his burning dick. Kianne's balls slapped against the dragon's muscular stomach and knocked the wind from the leopard's body. Kianne's moan of pain was easily drown out by the dragon's lustful roar, as his cock throbbed and jerked deep inside the kitty's rear. Kianne's own feline scream mated with the dragon's roar as hot thick dragon seed flooded up Kianne's tail hole, blasting against his prostate in a super heated wave, then flooded up deeper than any other's cum had made it before.

As the dragon relaxed, basking in the warm glow of his orgasm, Kianne desperately humped into the smooth scales on the dragon's stomach. He rubbed his smooth barbs against the scales as he tried to find an equal release while he was still so full. He never noticed the dragon lifting him up, keeping him impaled on the thick meat. With a sigh the dragon yanked the frisky feline off his cock, and tossed him gently on the massive bed.

Kianne nearly screamed in frustration as he bounced lightly on the soft silken sheets. His cock throbbed desperately against his belly, begging him to give it release while his tail hole winked and leaked as the dragon cum flooded out of him, staining the bed sheets with the heavy male scent. Quick as lightning Kianne's paw shot downwards and gripped his own cock in a warm velvet-like embrace, as he heard the door to the room open and close. With a meaty purr he began to stroke his cock slowly, imagining the thick dragon cock still slamming into his ass, ripping it open and taking his most vulnerable flesh for its own pleasure. He quickly lost himself in the fantasy, his eyes glassing over slightly, completely ignoring the sound of the door opening and closing again.

"Don't touch that cock," a voice growled from across the room at the door. Struggling to look up Kianne only saw a shadowy figure dash from the door only to launch itself upon the prone feline. The figure quickly stripped Kianne's paw from his cock and trapped the other one in a vice like grip, forcing them over the leopard's head harsh.

"Who the," Kianne began in protest, but was quickly silence by the figure sealing his lips to the leopard's and forcing the cat's tongue into a heated war. As the cat fought against the figure he suddenly felt something hard, warm, and damp pressing up against his stretched pucker. He barely managed to mumble into the kiss a protest before this new cock was jammed deep inside of him, filling the void left by the dragon and slowly churning what seemed like gallons of cum that resided inside of him.

Finally he felt the figure bottom out, its balls resting just below his tail hole and Kianne's own swollen orbs nuzzled up against warm belly fur. The figure pulled back and Kianne was suddenly staring at Alex's wolfish grin. "What the hell," he growled as he struggled with the wolf, only managing to drive the cock even deeper into his over sexed body.

"I came to claim kitty," Alex growled as he rocked his hips slowly against the feline, sending the cum within Kianne swirling about and pushing his throbbing cock against the leopard's warm walls. "And don't worry about your schedule. I cleared it for the next hour," the wolf murred as he slowly pulled his cock back, resting the thick head Kianne's stretched pucker again. "So get ready kitty; the big bad wolf has come to play," Alex growled lightly as he slammed forward driving his cock against Kianne's prostate and rocking the feline to his bones.

Kianne just laid back and took the rough mounting. "Big bad wolf eh," he managed to purr softly, "then I guess you get to eat me after this"? The wolf smiled down on him and muttered, "I will eat out that pretty pucker of yours and then I will gobble up that tasty looking cock afterwards," and it was all Kianne could do to keep from grinning. The rest of the day was going to be fun.