Scent of the Moon Chapter 5

Story by Silvermane77 on SoFurry

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#3 of Scent of the Moon


I woke up surprised to be in my bed. Last thing I recalled I was falling asleep in the back of Chris' truck. How did I get into my bed? Rolling over onto my side, I got some of the answer to that question. There were Kevin's amber eyes looking right at me. His lips curled back in a childish grin. A cascading waterfall of black flowed around his masculine face. I would have instinctively jumped from by bed expect that I was naked under the blankets that haphazardly covered me.

"Since when did I say you could sleep in my bed?" I growled a bit.

"I figured it was ok, after all it wasn't that long ago you slept in mine," grinned the feral werewolf. "Besides I was the only one who could carry you into the house. You also snore."

I ignored the comment about my snoring. "Nick..."

"Is omega, well he won't be much longer if Chris keeps curling his tail at every opportunity. Nick carrying you...I just wouldn't let him."

"Do you ever get tired of throwing rank around?" I inquired laying my head back onto the pillow.

"I wasn't just pulling rank. I was looking out for you."

I turned my head not believing the words I heard coming from Kevin's mouth. It was then I realized he was naked; goose bumps were covering his exposed tanned skin. He could easily pass himself off as a Native American. No one knew who Kevin's real father was but I had long suspected a native connection. His body was tall but muscular. It was not a football player build but more of a gymnast's body. The muscle tone gave him an air of strength and stamina. It wasn't bad to look at either. As his head was a waterfall of hair, his body was a dessert, except for his chest, the rest of his body was pretty much hairless. The only physical trace of Kevin's wild nature was his eyes. They were golden orbs of alertness that did not change when he shape shifted. Over all he was handsome, something I would never admit to but I knew I was lying to myself.

"Come on you're cold," I sighed thrusting the blanket that covered me over his lower body.

"Sorry I normally sleep in my wolf form but I had to carry you in," he apologized; there was a slight puppy dog look in his apology.

"You didn't have to. You could have woken me up you know."

"You were peacefully sleeping. I didn't want to disturb you. Nick told me not to shift back but I doubt any of those two could carry you in wolf form without waking you," explained Kevin as his body shook with a shiver.

Kevin moved his hands up on my thighs and gently embraced me. He pulled closer to me and the familiar scent of burnt sage and a musky smell similar to a kennel or zoo wafered into my nose. The familiar warmth came to the sheets reminding me of that night six years ago. It might as well have been a life time. Here I was in bed with the very werewolf who had gotten me into this new life. A low whimper came from my mouth as he traced his larger finger tips up along the edge of my hips. A smile broke out across his face as he pulled me closer. Instinct took over and I pushed back against him. The wolf growled and clawed at my mind telling me to submit and let Kevin take control. The smile on his face turned to a flash of anger then a look of a puppy loosing its favorite toy.

He didn't say a word as he moved swiftly forward and some how managed to flip me over onto my side. I felt his arms wrap around my stomach and his own front touched my lower back. A hot breath came down on my neck as he breathed and spoke.

"Besides I have always wanted to share a bed with you."

A red hot flash burned on my face at the comment. The wolf was sighing in contentment and I had to admit I did not mind being spooned by him as long as he knew not to take it any further. It was hard to resist such an urge right here and now. The wolf cried for the attention and I wasn't too far behind him in that train of thought as images and urges of a primal need danced through the early morning haze of my mind. A wet lick at my neck caused me to whimper and every muscle tensed up uncontrollably.

"You've got to learn to relax beta," grumbled Kevin as his teeth nibbled gently on the skin of my neck.

I could feel the heat starting to build behind my exposed back side. Kevin was more than ready to take this further and I wasn't sure if I could hold off from letting him do it. I honestly didn't think that I would mind at all if he just took me there and then. Fortunately before anything could go any further, and possibly do something to cause me further problems, Nick burst through the door. His eyes had a look of urgency that shifted as he looked at the two of us spooning to a look of disappointment and shock.

"Sean! Kevin! The Beast is here!"

The drive to Eric's place was a practice in ordered chaos and panic. Nick was all but a nervous wreck and visibly shaken by the news Eric had told him via cell phone. The Beast could do that to even the most hardened of werewolves. The very name sent shivers up my spine even as I laid with Kevin in bed. Now those shame shivers were coursing down my spine as I drove through the back roads to the Alpha's home.

The Beast was once a powerful werewolf that pretty much had all of Europe in sheer terror. Places like Gevaudan, the Black Forest, Fleet Street and many others all bore witness to his bestial killing sprees. Violent was an understatement when describing the Beast. If one werewolf could be singled out for all the myths and legends of the bloody, rampaging monsters in the countless werewolf stories and films it would be him.

"Why do you think Claude is here?" asked Kevin after a long silence in the car.

"I don't know, last I knew he was still in France," I shrugged trying to keep my mind on the road and not on the situation.

The Beast's real name was Claude Chastel. According to the French werewolves Jean Chastel was Claude's distant relative who helped cover up his rampages in Gevaudan. Everyone I talked to seemed to dismiss the idea that Claude could have a family. I wasn't entirely sure if the myth of the monster was clouding people's minds. To my knowledge Claude was pretty old though not the oldest werewolf in the world. Like many things about him though the Beast's age and origins were shrouded in mystery and wild speculation, probably because no one had the courage to ask the source themselves. About the only known fact was that he had no pack of his own probably due to his violent tendencies.

I pulled into Eric's driveway. Chris was waiting outside on the side deck. There was a black motorcycle and a beat up Ford Taurus in the driveway that I did not recognize as Chris or Eric's Outback. No doubt one of the cars or the bike itself was Claude's. I got out first followed by Kevin; it seemed even unintentionally we were following the pack pecking order. So rushed was our morning that he had only enough time to grab a pair of jean shorts. It really didn't seem to matter to him and he looked better without a shirt anyway. I tried not to stare but it was hard not to. There were more important issues going on than my unresolved personal attractions of the morning, or at least that is what I told myself. My stare didn't go unnoticed by Kevin who stretched out his body after getting out of the car. I couldn't tell if he was teasing me further or actually stretching. Knowing him it was probably a bit of both.

"How is it going Chris?" I asked as I walked up the stairs.

Before the brown haired man could utter one single word, a wave of an invisible hand came down on me. A weight came down on my shoulders making me slouch a bit. A whimper was all that escaped Chris mouth and Kevin took a step back. The wolf cowered knowing that what was going on inside was not something to be trifled with.

"That good huh?" I winced opening the door.

Another blast of oppressive force struck my chest as I walked in. The wolf almost bolted back through the door that he had entered. Flee, run, and hide, bad things. The thoughts ran through my head as I walked into the kitchen, I closed my eyes trying to reassure the wolf that nothing was going to happen, but it was a half felt lie and the wolf knew it. Opening my eyes again I saw a black haired twenty something young man leaning against a counter. He was dressed in a black hooded sweat shirt and a pair of baggy pants decorated with chains. His eyes were brown, almost black and a look of weariness flowed from them. His whole body language was one of discomfort as he hunched over avoiding any eye contact at all with me.

The similar scent of burnt sage and sweet grass hit my nose as did the smell of Axe body wash from the young man in the kitchen. Beyond that there was blood. Not fresh spilt blood, which was a relief, but old dried blood and the musky smell of wolf. It was a cross between wet dog and the musk you smell around zoos, not unpleasant but not something that Glade would be putting out in a fragrance.

"Kevin make sure our guest is ok. Nick go out and make sure Chris doesn't get into trouble." I ordered trying to be as calm as I could be.

My wolf wanted to bolt, if another wave of power struggle hit, I'd have to stop and tense every muscle just to keep myself from shifting. I could only imagine what it was like for Chris and Nick. I had seen and been to enough pack meetings to recognize struggles between Alphas but this was not like any of those. The air seemed to be heavy with tension weighing everything and everyone down. Something was going to give if it kept up like this and no doubt it was going to be bad and violent when it did. I had prepared myself since hearing the Beast was here for such an event, but this was something quite different.

I walked into the living room and was not surprised to see it in the condition it was. The native pottery was broken throughout the floor, claw marks ripped into the blue walls exposing the sheet rock underneath, picture frames, wall hangings, and plants laid strewn about the room. At the center of the room was the cause of the maelstrom.

It was rare when a werewolf took the hybrid form of the man-wolf. Rarer still was seeing two werewolves standing facing each other in those forms. One was Eric, his large midnight colored fur and gleaming amber eyes staring at the larger opponent in the room. I didn't need an introduction to know it was the Beast. Legends said that he had brown fur with a reddish hue and that was certainly true as that was all I could see before me. The Beast was huge even more so in the hybrid form. The tips of his ears touched the ceiling of the room dwarfing the black Alpha. Eric's eyes fixed their gaze briefly on me and their savage stare ordered me to stay back.

That brief stare though was enough to attract the Beast's attention. The mountain of brownish red fur turned and looked at me. His eyes were amber out lined in red and were seething with rage. The muzzle curled back revealing a mouth full of white fangs and drool. A thick heavy coat of fur covered his neck like a mane and his body was nothing but muscle, power, and fur. The wolf let out a whimper forcing the human body to pull back against a nearby wall. The retreat gave the beast all the invitation he needed as he swiftly moved forward grabbing my frailer body by the neck in lightning speed. The grip restricted my breathing but I was more afraid that Claude would simply snap my neck. I tried to grab his forearm to try and pry him off. All I got was the feeling of dense muscle under a layer of heated fur. Damn the Beast was going to kill me was the only thought going through my head. I thought I could hear a deep bestial laughter coming from his inhuman throat.

Two things happened at once. The first was the black flash of Eric ramping into the Beast's side. The momentum was enough to send both werewolves into the entertainment system which instantly exploded in a melee of sparks, broken glass, plastic, and wood. Growls echoed throughout the room as both of them fought it out. The second Eric rammed into the Beast I felt the familiar arms of Kevin wrap around me as he took the brunt of the fall landing on his back.

"Are you ok?" he asked concerned.

"Yeah..."was all I could manage to get out coughing.

Eric emerged from the broken entertainment unit with bits of what had been the t.v. in his fur. The large mound of fur that was the Beast laid motionless. The young man from the kitchen appeared in the door way staring blankly at the body of the Beast.

" he dead?" he asked, a tone of relief seemed to come from the last word.

"Not likely."

Eric was wrapping a wolf throw around his waist when he answered the young man. His normally muscular, slightly tanned skin was bruised and littered with scars. His black hair, graying at the temples, was a mess as he wearily sat down in his chair which was the only piece of furniture to survive the fight.

"Bring me some fucking clothing or I'll show you who is dead!" came a deep rumbling voice from the remains of the t.v. and book self.

The young man's expression went from mellow to complete horror before he bolted out of the room. From the pile of wood and plastic came a large man. Fortunately the debris covered his lower half as he sat up shaking off the bits of debris. Claude's hair remained the same brown red that his werewolf form had. He had a somewhat neatly trimmed beard that was slightly darker in tone than his hair. His upper body was dominated by large pectoral muscles, trunk like arms, and a nicely developed set of abs. His chest and stomach were covered in brown hair. He reminded me more of a bear than a wolf. The young man wasted no time in bringing back some clothes consisting of a leather jacket and a pair of jeans.

"So I take it you're keeping the pup?" growled Claude as he put on the pants.

"Yes," Eric coldly stated.

'Fine, just know that the next time one of mine comes into your hands, I'll do more than smash your living room," threatened Claude as he pulled the leather jacket over his muscled frame.

'There won't be a next time Claude," replied Eric as if he were stating a fact.

Claude merely stared at him and pushed the young man towards the entrance of the living room. The young man didn't even look to me or anyone else and instead walked right out the door. The devil might have been on his tail of course the devil might also have brown fur too. Claude looked down at Kevin and me. I half expected for him dismiss us and walk past us like a subordinate; instead a hand was thrusted into my face. I flinched a bit thinking he might smack me for some unseen insult. The reaction got a smile out of him.

"I can at least help you up. Don't worry I don't bite...much," a sinister smile crept long his bearded face.

I took the hand and with a quick jerk of his arm I was up on my feet and staring into his chest. A cloud of pine tree, musk, and a twinge of raw meat scents hung around Claude. I could also feel his warmth much like Kevin earlier that morning. Kevin didn't wait for Claude to help him up as I felt his presence behind me almost instantly. I kept my eyes on Claude but made damn sure not to look at him directly in the eyes. The last think I needed was him showing me his dominate side. I think I already saw enough of it already.

"Thank you," I managed to get out.

"Thank you what?" he grumbled.

I know the word he wanted me to say. The wolf was growling not at the other wolf but at his human side. This was an Alpha, maybe not his Alpha, but an Alpha. He needed to be shown respect and the wolf was not going to let the human side win over simply because of an ego being bruised.

_ "Sir," the wolf uttered in a whine._

"Hmmm well I see Eric is training you well," Claude replied.

I didn't need to see his smile to know that he was indeed doing so, just his tone suggested it. Chris and Nick came in after Claude casually walked out of the house. It was then that the new wolf appeared finally. He was still a kid, probably around eighteen or nineteen. He looked as if he were a basketball player, lean but somewhat lanky in build. His dirty blonde-brown hair was all messed up and he had a constant look of nervousness around him. Instantly he went to Eric who remained unclothed. It never ceased to amaze me how calm Eric could be about being nude amongst so many males.

"Kevin could you get Eric something to wear," I asked him politely. "What is going on here sir?"

"Claude has been given a territory up in the White Mountains. Viktor feels he has watched over him long enough and it seems out new wolf wanted out of his newly formed pack. Everyone this is Keith Monroe," explained Eric.

Keith merely nodded and kept his eyes averted. I did not envy him his position. As the new wolf he would be the omega at least until the roles in the pack got sorted out again.

"Keith's first job will be to help Chris pick up this mess that indirectly he caused. Sean and Kevin come with me."

The Alpha took us to the bedroom. I wondered what was going on for the rest of the pack to not hear. The wolf was equally suspicious especially when the door was closed behind Eric.

"What is said here does not leave this room. The Beast demanded Keith back. I didn't allow it because according to Keith Claude is rather abusive," stated Eric putting on a robe before a pair of pants.

"Not surprising," nodded Kevin folding his arms over his chest.

"True, the Beast had always been that way. However of immediate concern is the fact Claude is operating a club in North Conway."

"A club? The Beast is running a club, not a slaughter house!?' I exclaimed in shock over the revelation.

"I am surprised by it as well. I didn't get much out of him before he and I tore up the living room. I want you and Kevin to go up there and see if it is a threat to us."

"I doubt a club could threaten the pack," huffed Kevin.

Eric raised a brow. "I meant all of us."

Eric meant all werewolves and I could see his point. A club run by the most violent, publically known werewolf of legend could not end well.

"When do you want us to go?" I asked with a note of reluctance in my voice.

"As soon as possible and Sean you're doing it again," growled Eric as he left the room.

For the first time that morning I felt more fearful of Eric than I did the Beast.

_ _