A Big Hard Present

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Well, I was feeling yiffy and this came to mind... So I give you a completely random, unrelated story that popped into my head.

I'm not putting in any disclaimers. If you're reading this then obviously you're interested...

Enjoy!!! ^///^ "A Big Hard Present"

A knock came at the door. Pit, awoken from his nap, stumbles to the door. The kitten's yellow fur, matted by the summer heat, drips sweat. The kittens twelve year old chest gleams in the sunlight. His tight little briefs are the only thing keeping him from being nude. Musk fills the air but the kitten is oblivious to it, having been exposed for so long. Another knock comes impatiently.

"Hold on," Pit rubs his eyes sleepily, "I'm coming. I'm coming... jeez." The kitten opens the door to the sight of a massive stallion standing before him.

He blushes seeing the gorgeous black horse. His tight sleeveless shirt showing his ripped chest and abs. Pit's eyes drop to the tight jogging shorts just below eye level. They leave nothing to the imagination. The stallion kneels down kissing the kitten deeply; his massive tongue swirling inside Pit's maw. The stallion breaks the kiss smiling; he picks up the little kitten in his arms and walks into the house. Pit shudders blushing deep crimson.

"Crow... W-what, are you do-doing here?" Pit pants between words, the kitten having yet to recover from the stallions assault on his tongue. Crow just smiles setting Pit down on the couch. Again, Crow leans in kissing Pit. Pit breaks the kiss, panting heavily; his kitten cock poking from the top of his briefs. Crow reaches down into Pit's briefs, groping the kittens prick in between his large fingers.

"Oh, it seems the kitten is happy to seem me." Pit shudders panting heavier than before; his small frame writhing in the horses hands. Crow slips another hand down the yellow kittens underwear, sliding them free from his waist. Pit shudders feeling his briefs pulled off.

"C-Crow, I-" Pit moans unable to finish his sentence. Crow sits down between the young cats legs and leans in close.

"Mmmm, Pit. As always you look delicious." Crow sniffs the kittens sack, taking in the scent of the immature cat into his nostrils.

"Ah, that's the smell I was craving today." Crow licks the furry sack at his lips, dragging his wide tongue up to he barbed tip of his cock. Pit grips Crows ears murring and panting wildly. Crow just smiles, lapping away slowly at Pit's tip. A bead of pre builds with every lick. Pit writhes and moans at the attention to his cock. Crow pulls of the little prick in his mouth and grins.

"C-Crow... Wh-!" Pit's gaze quickly moves below him. Crow stands slipping his fingers under the bands of his tight shorts. Slipping them down to his ankles, he discards them. Pit blushes madly, the massive stallion cock rests itself on his nose. The intoxicating smell of musk fills, the air staining the room with Crow's scent. Pit begins to get dizzy, sniffing ecstatically at the huge horse member pointed at him.

"Well kitty, what are you waiting for?" Crow grips the base of his penis, grinning slyly. Pit pants heavily leaning forward. He inhales once more taking a deep breath. Shuddering lightly the little kitten sticks his tongue out lapping lightly at the beads of pre built up on the massive flared tip.

"Mmm, kitten... that feels good but you know..." Pit cuts him short wrapping his little mouth around Crow's tip sucking hard. Pit reaches up gripping Crow's shaft in one hand and cupping his sack in the other.

"Oooh... That's more like it." Crow places his hands on Pit's head, pushing him down onto his enormous length. Pit masterfully swallows down the ebony shaft; inch after of inch of hot equine cock pulsing as it slides down the kittens throat. Pit holds off his gag reflex as he sinks down Crow's pulsing cock; Pit's nose jabbing against the older equines pubic fur. His small tongue darting out licking the enormous orbs between the stallions legs.

"Mmmmm." Pit moans around Crow's cock, the vibrations causing Crow to moan in unison. Pre leaking from the stallions flared tip soaks the kittens tongue filling his maw quickly. Pulling back to the tip, Pit laps the tip, licking off pre as it forms. Crow moans feeling the rough tongue of the cat scrape against his cock. Pit pulls off blushing a deep red gripping the base of the huge cock at his nose.

"Um, C-Crow..." Pit blushes even deeper red. Crow kneels down licking the kitten between his ears.

"Yes Pit?" Crow smiles lovingly and chuckles seeing his kittens embarrassment. Pit shudders, his four inches of barbed kitty cock twitching between his legs. Too embarrassed to say it, Pit leaps up latching onto the big stallions chest, arms wrapped around his broad torso. Wiggling himself on the strong stallion the kitten yips feeling something wet press to his tail hole. Crow looks down at Pit smiling and breathing heavily.

"Is this what you wanted kitty?" Crow grabs the thin cat's waist, skewering him down onto the tip of his flared cock. Pit shudders and moans, panting as the stallion's cock slowly pushes deeper and deeper into the tight kitten's ass. Crow leans down parting Pit's lips as he pulls him into a deep tongue twisting kiss. The stallions massive tongue slipping around the kitten's small tongue and lapping at his throat. Crow slides his tongue free, picking up speed as his full sixteen inches of horse meat sinks quickly into Pit. The kitten squeaks with both pain and pleasure. The three inch thickness of the stallions cock stretching the tight kitty wide. His barbed kit cock sliding slowly up the stallions ripped abs as Crow plunges into him.

Slowly Crow pulls out to the tip, his flared head staying snug in the yellow cats tail. Pre coats the inner walls lubing the young cats tight hole. Plunging back into the kitten, all sixteen inches sinking swiftly, the tiny cat yips; squealing and shuddering in euphoria.

"Are you alright Pit?" Crow holds his kitty close, wrapping his muscular arms tightly around the thin cats sleek body. Pit pants wildly in the buff stallions arms. Every twitch from the bulbous cock sends the little kitten gasping for breath.

"I-I'm... *pant* O-ok C-*pant*Crow..." Pit shudders settling down letting himself sink into pure ecstasy. Crow's nostrils flare as the kitten scent suddenly thickens. Pre soaking his abs and waist as the young cat clenches down on Crow's pulsating cock.

"Y-you *pant* can k-keep go-going... Please, k-keep go-?!" Crow pulls out completely popping his flared cock head from its tight prison. Slowly Crow drives back in, hilting into Pit's ass. The huge orbs of the black stallion slapping against Pit's tail. The little cat spurts pre up the horses muscular chest, some hitting him in the nose. Crow chuckles licking the pre from his nose. Savoring the taste Crow leans in kissing Pit deeply, his tongue spreading the kitten's pre throughout his maw.

"Mmm, my kitten is so tight! It's like a vice wrapped around my cock..." Crow bites his lip as he thrusts in pre squirting deep into the cat's tail hole. The stallion begins to thrust forward, pulling back to the tip and driving it back in hard. Pit gasps with every thrust holding onto Crow's chest moaning loudly. With every thrust in Pit can feel the stallions huge orbs slap against his furry cheeks. Every hard thrust grinds Pit's kitten cock into Crow's abs, driving him closer and closer to climax.

"Aaaaahhh!!! *moan* C-Crow I- *pant* I'm getting c-close!" Crow chuckles dropping to his knees and laying Pit on the couch. Leaning his head down, Crow laps at the kitty prick; his wide tongue encasing it completely. Pit pant wildly writhing as the big horse cock begins slamming into him. Faster and faster the massive girth slides deep driving against the kittens under aged prostate. Pit begins clenching hard as Crow slides in fast, hilting with every thrust.

"Urh... Keep doing that and I might burst..." Crow plows in harder picking up speed. Each time the huge girth slams in, Pit gasps and moans. A small bulge forms in the kits stomach with every thrust. Crow grunts feeling his sack pull tight to his waist.

"*Huff* Well boy, where do you want it?" Crow pounds away wrapped tightly in a silky vice. Pit gasps nearly screaming out loud in euphoria. The kitten arches his back, grips the couch tightly and screams gasping for breath. Thin ropes of kitten seed spill out of his barbed tip. The tight kitten gets tighter clenching down hard around Crow's cock. Rope after rope of musky kitty cum spray out splashing against Crow's broad chest and abs. The tightness causes Crow to lose it. With a quick slam, jets of stallion cum gush out causing the kittens stomach to bulge. Crow moans loudly still sliding in and out of the kitten, pushing his seed deeper and deeper. Gallons of hot sticky cum gush into Pit's tail hole.

After what seems like forever the stallions cum flow slows. Some seed dribbling out soaking Pit's tail and dripping onto the couch. Crow leans down and suckles on the spent kittens prick, Pit writhing still sensitive moaning and gasping. Crow pulls off the sweet kitten cock and leans up kissing the young cat deeply. His wide tongue coating his kitten lovers mouth in the taste of his own seed. Sweet with a bit of saltiness mix with the saliva of the two furs.

"Oh... *pants* kitten. What does kitty *pants* want his big horsey to do now?" Pit blushes heavily, turning his yellow fur an orangey tint. He turns his head, too embarrassed to look Crow in his bright blue eyes. Reluctantly Pit shudders before speaking up.

"C-Crow, I... I want y-you to m-mark me." Pit closes his eyes shuddering and blushing deeper with every passing second. Crow just smiles leaning in to continue kissing his kitty. Pit closes his eyes his tongue wrapping around the big horses. Suddenly Pit breaks the kiss. Arching his back, he cries out as a continuous jet of horse piss splashes against his prostate. The little cats stomach bulges more and more, the hot brew mixing with the hot seed deep in the kittens ass. Spurting out the constant stream pulsating against Pit's prostate causes the kitten to gasp and shoot another sticky load between the two furs. It quickly spurts out, the mixture of seed and piss leaking out of the full cat.

"C-Crow..." Pit moans panting for air. Crow licks the kittens cheek lovingly.

"Happy birthday Pit." Crow lifts up the young cat his shaft still buried deep in his ass. The pair sits down on the couch, Pit held tightly in the big horses arms. Slowly Pit catches his breath, the smell of sweat, musk, cum and piss tingles his nose.

"Thank you Crow!" Pit smiles slowly falling asleep in the warm embrace of his stallion lover. "I need a nap, can I stay like this with you Crow?" Pit blushes wrapping his arms around Crow's chest snuggling in. Sleep calls to Pit, wrapped in the warmth of strong arms.

"Sleep well kit." Crow holds Pit tight as the young cat is lulled into a peaceful sleep. The large stallion chuckles staring down at the kitten sleeping peacefully.

"Love you Pit." Crow closes his eyes and is pulled into sleep as well. The pair cuddle into one another's warmth. Basking in the heat of the summer day.