The student six's messy diaper contest Alt Ending

Story by jaime_lion on SoFurry

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An alternate ending to the Student six messing contest story. It is recommended that you read part 1 and 2 first.


After that final push, Silverstream's head slumped back against the changing mat as she panted in exhaustion. Gallus looked equally as pooped (both figuratively and literally) by the time he finally let go of her hind-legs. As for their friends, who were all standing behind them in wait for the two to regain their energy, their eyes were continuously darting between the swollen diapers that hung around Gallus and Silverstream's waists, as well as the soiled garments that they were all still wearing themselves. And all the while, Twilight Sparkle stood in wait while wearing her still-clean diaper.

"Well then!" piped the Princess after clapping her hooves to catch everyone's attention. "It seems like everyone finished going, so I think we can get to work with the measurements."

"Alright then..." Gallus was the first to pull himself up with a strained groan, mostly due to the heavy diaper that was hanging between his legs like a poopy pendulum. He made sure to help Silverstream up as well, which elicited some audible squishes from the heavy messing she just made in front of everyone. But despite her heavy blush, the hippogriff was still smiling by the time Gallus asked, "You're feeling okay?"

"Psh~ Are you kidding?" Even though she looked embarrassed, Silverstream's tone was genuine when she replied, "After how long I've been backed-up, I feel amazing right now~"

"Heh~" Gallus grew a more devilish smirk, and narrowed his eyes on her as he peered down at her diaper. "Well, that's not too surprising~"

"Yeah, you can say that again!" Smolder was the first of their friends to speak up after their messing session, and was carrying a content smile of her own. "Honestly after all this, I doubt anything can surprise us now!"

She and everyone shared a good laugh from that remark, mostly due to how truthful such a claim should've sounded. Or at least, that's how it would've seemed if everyone was laughing. However, none of the group seemed to notice that one particular student wasn't laughing at all; instead, the blue gryphon kept his mischievous smirk as it widened immensely, and his eyes began to grow an ominous shade of yellow.

"Oh, I'm sure I can still surprise you all pretty easily~"

Twilight was the first to reel back at "Gallus" wide-eyed, immediately recognizing that familiar voice due to their history. Even though the Student Six weren't as familiar with the figure, the five students all gawked at the gryphon upon hearing that completely different voice coming out of his beak. Silverstream reeled back from him when she saw his ominous smirk, just as the gryphon stood up on his hind legs. After striking a dainty pose, the facade was finally lifted as the fake Gallus raised up his claw, and snapped his talons loudly:



A violently pink cloud of smoke erupted around "Gallus' form, which lifted off the ground like he was being levitated by an unseen force. Twilight may have already known what was happening, but she was still as stunned as the others when the smoke cleared to reveal the draconrquus in question. And as he floated up in the air with a cocky grin, Discord was still wearing that heavily soiled diaper while smirking down at the other "contestants".

"Well, that was certainly a fun way to spend the evening!" After giggling to himself, Discord kept his avian claw raised before adding, "But if you all excuse me, I happen to know of a fancy dinner party in Canterlot that needs some interruption."


Discord gave another snap of his claw, which made his diaper disappear with an audible poof of pink smoke. That snap also caused everyone else's diapers to suddenly disappear from their waists, which thankfully also cleaned them like nothing happened. Before any of them could realize what was going on, Discord was seen holding a large diaper pail full of their contributions. "Oh, and thank you all for donating to this disgusting prank idea I have planned. But don't worry, I'll be sure to leave your names out of any of the newspaper headlines tomorrow after I have my fun. Toodles!~"


With that, Discord disappeared from sight, and left everyone standing in awkward silence while still processing what was going on. Twilight looked especially peeved for being part of such a bizarre setup for a prank, but couldn't say much while the five students were left in stunned silence. But before any of them could look around for their friend, the real Gallus waddled into the room with a clean diaper and a determined smirk:

"Alright, let's get this contest started! Heh heh heh... Wait a minute, what happened?"