Paying Off Mom 2

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#3 of Paying Off Mom

Hey, look at that. I'm finally back to uploading this story.

As with the previous ones, inspired by comics by Atrolux. This story continues the relationship between Ailsa and Iggy, and the kid is slowly getting ready to be a proper whore. It seems like he's just about ready, now that he's about done with the butt plug, and his mom helps him get nice and slick for his first customer. She even finds him his first.

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Paying Off Mom Part 2 For Kacacarrotcake By Draconicon

Iggy still couldn't quite believe how yesterday had gone. The fact that he'd not just sucked his mom off, not just gotten fucked again, but agreed with her that he'd be a good whore for others...

It just didn't quite click for him. There was something inherently wrong with the idea of being a prostitute. Everyone looked down on them, everyone said that they brought all the bad things that happened to them on themselves. That was just how the world worked. That was how all the TV shows talked about it. That was how all the cops talked about it in those weird PSAs that came through the schools.

And yet...

Mom's a whore, he thought as he looked at the TV screen, tapping a few buttons on his controller. She makes money by having sex...That can't mean that they're all bad, right?

That was what he was counting on, at least. He didn't want to think his mom was a bad person, and that meant that he had to consider the prostitution as at least something of a good thing. If she was doing it, it couldn't be all bad. Not to mention that it didn't seem to be harming her at all, which meant that he might have a chance to get out of it without anything bad happening to him.

Once he made enough money, that was.

He shifted his weight and hissed softly, the stingray suddenly reminded of the plug jammed up his rump. The feeling of the hefty thing rubbing against his prostate made his dicks jump right off the bat, but it also reminded him of the fact that it was starting to dry out. The lube that had let it get in at all had started evaporating, which meant that he needed another application of it.

Which also meant...

He blushed as he got to his feet, trying and failing to pull his sweater over his crotch. His mom had told him to stay bottomless for a while, just to get used to the feeling of being naked in the house with other people around. It was only her, admittedly, but it didn't help to think about it that way. All he could do was think about the fact that he was naked in front of his mom, and despite their intimate relations...

Well, one didn't get over that sort of taboo overnight, it was better to just say that.


Standing up was almost as bad as shifting his weight around when it came to what it did to the plug inside. It kept pushing it around, and the stupid thing was so thick that he could feel it moving to the left and right no matter how slow he moved. It was so big that he knew that he'd need help to get it out later, and he winced just thinking about the big thing and how it would make his ass puff out, maybe even gape.

Old memories of porn that he'd seen when he was not getting laid popped into his head, reminding him of the way that stretched puckers tended to push out, how they looked, how they attracted cocks just by showing off. For all that men talked about wanting a tight little hole that they could mess with, it seemed that the practiced ones always won out in porn.

That wasn't what he wanted to get into. He didn't want to be a porn star, just an occasional whore, but...

But, well, there was always the chance that things could change even more than they already had. He bit his lip, trying not to moan too much as he walked out of his room.


"Yes, honey?"

"I need some more lube."

"Come downstairs, then."

He nodded, still blushing as he tried to be okay with the fact that his dicks were out already, that they were up and twitching every time that damn plug rubbed against his prostate. It was like feeling a dick inside of him, or a knot. A very fat knot that kept slamming against him like it was trying to get him off right then and there.

Iggy had to breathe deep to make it down the stairs without blowing a load all over the carpet, and the feeling of that plug kept pushing at him as he walked down the hallway to the kitchen. The smell of fried cheese and bread was thick in the air, and he could tell that his mom was having an easy day. She wasn't going for anything complicated for lunch.

He walked around the corner, his fingers twisting and pulling at the edge of his sweater, and his cheeks immediately went up in flames as he saw that she was dressed exactly how he'd imagined only a day ago. Her ass was completely bare, and he could see a lot of sideboob, too, considering she wasn't wearing anything but an apron.


The younger stingray covered his eyes, whipping himself back around the corner.

"Sorry, mom!"

"Oh, come on. You've seen much more than that. Get over here."


"Come on, don't be shy. You know you're going to see a lot more when we're working together. Some of the clients are going to want to see us together."


"You asked for mommy's help. Now, come on. Over the table."

"...Yes, mom."

He blushed worse than ever as he walked around the corner, trying not to think about the fact that his mom was naked. Honestly, he wished that his brain would settle on whether it was okay for him to be attracted to her or not. He had sucked her dicks and gotten fucked by them, and she'd been nice enough to give him a handjob while sending him to bed last night, but at the same time, he kept thinking about the fact that this was incest. There was something completely illegal about it, particularly if he were ever to fuck her properly...

And god, he wanted to. Her offer the day before, the one that would allow him to fuck her as much as he liked for every thousand dollars that he paid off of his student debt, was still in his head. The stingray wanted to know how his double-dicks would feel in his mom's pussy, or maybe in her ass. He wanted to have her under him, see her as a slave for a night.

Even if it was wrong.

His cheeks were still burning as he leaned over the table, lifting his tail and pulling his cheeks apart. He could feel the dryness around his rim, and he winced slightly as the pressure from the plug felt a little more powerful in that pose.

"Mmmph. It's not feeling good, mom."

"I can see that, dear. One second."

The sound of frying cheese and bread stopped, or at least went quiet as she turned off the stove. He held that pose as she went to the sink, washing her hands, and he tried to think of something that would take the burn out of his cheeks at what he was doing.

He didn't find anything before his mother's fingers were buried between his ass cheeks, probing against his rim and rubbing it softly.

"Definitely a little bit inflamed, dear. Why did you wait so long?"

"I was gaming."

"Anal health is important for a whore. You don't want someone to start ripping your butt open, do you?"

"Well, I didn't think about that..."

"That's part of what mommy's here for, hon. Now, hold still. We'll need to take care of this now."

The feeling of the gentle fingers along his butt hole was definitely new, as were the tugging feelings as his mom dragged the toy this way and that inside of him. He didn't know how to react, and just kept biting his lips so he didn't yelp or moan or make other noises that would be more embarrassing than they were helpful.

He kept shifting back and forth, feeling his mom pushing his butt cheeks apart so that she could keep her eyes on his hole. Every so often, he'd feel her hiss a bit at him, her tongue almost coming down over his ass, but that had to be his imagination. That had to be something that he was just imagining, right?



She ripped a gasp from his lips as she dragged her tongue along his hole, his toes curling against the carpet and his tail going up all the higher.

"What the fuck, mom?!"

"I don't have any lube on me right now, Iggy. Do you really want me to leave you here and go and get some, or do you want the toy out so that your butt feels better?"


"I'll take it that you want the toy out."

He blushed all the worse at that, lowering his head to the table as his mom started rimming him. The feeling of that tongue running around his pucker was as good as he had always imagined, but the fact that this was happening with her so in charge...god, this was hot and confusing at the same time.

His toes kept curling into the carpet as she kept licking him, the end of her tongue tracing a circle around his pucker over and over again. She'd turn the toy around a little bit, giving her room to start sliding her tongue inside of him, and then turn it the other way so that she could get at the other side. Every lick was something different, something new, something pleasurable, and his cocks kept leaking against the table as she kept licking him.

By the time that she pulled her head back and her breath wasn't puffing over his butt anymore, he was a mess. A puddle, of sorts, and he whimpered in need as she dragged her head back. It didn't help that she was pulling the plug up and down, up and down, smearing her spit up and down along his insides, too. The feeling of it was better than the dryness that he had been dealing with, but there was still that feeling of humiliation of being cared for this way.

And then -


She pulled, and the thick part of the plug almost came out right then and there. He gasped, squeezing down on the toy out of instinct as much as anything else as his hole felt like it was going to split wide open, and the stingray lowered his head to the table, his fists clenching hard.

"Ah, so big...too big..."

"You got it in. It has to come out."


"Don't worry, honey. I can take care of it."


"Hon...that's one thing I can't promise."

He nodded, biting his lip still as he waited. The tugging started again, slowly pulling back, dragging along his pucker. The sensation was a hot one, both sexually and temperature wise, as his mom's spit wasn't lube so much as just a bit of slickness. Not nearly enough of it, either, for the size of thing that had been rammed up his ass.

Just a bit more, just a bit more, he kept saying as the thick part kept coming out. He could feel it forcing his rim to widen around it, to give it room to pass. The sensation was so powerful and so mind-blanking that he started to pant when it wasn't even halfway out.

Then his mom pushed it back in, and he moaned like he was getting fucked. Not that he had been by anyone but family so far, but he imagined that it felt something like this, something like this powerful sensation of something dominating him, taking him, holding him, violating him, pleasuring him all at once. The feeling was...


He moaned under his breath, clawing at the table as the plug started to slide out again, his rim opening up once more, feeling like he was pushing out something the size of his fist. Hell, who knew, he might just have been doing that. The plug hadn't looked that big when it had first gone in, but it was definitely feeling downright huge at this point.

His hole felt like it was going to just pop free, at this point. It had never felt this stretched before, not even when his mom had been putting the plug in. This was impossible. Impossible, impossible, impossible.

But impossibly good at the same time, as he felt the plug slide in again, his hole loosening up a little more, his eyes closing as his breath escaped him in a slow, slow whoosh of relief. He could feel his cocks about to pop, his orgasm right on the edge of happening from all the prostate and rim stimulation. He was gonna -


And there it was. His eyes went wide as they could go, and his breath just would not come as his mom popped the plug out without further ado. His asshole felt like it was gaping open, the warm kitchen air blowing into his insides as he just sat there, staring forward, frozen and wide-mouthed like a fish on the shore.

"Well, that wasn't so bad, was it?" his mother asked.

"...Ow," he squeaked.

"Heh, I figured. Come on. Lets get you cleaned up."

His legs shook as he was lifted back onto his feet, and he had to lean on his mom's shoulder as she half-carried him to the bathroom. His hole felt violated, utterly ruined, and yet, at the same time...all too empty.

By the time that they got to the bathroom, he was able to stand on his own again, though with some difficulty. He looked over his shoulder at the mirror, and hesitantly spread his ass cheeks. As soon as he did, he whistled.

His hole had been pulled out, alright. No tight pucker left there. It had a gape going on, the lips of the hole actually pushed outwards. Not puffy and donut-like, the way that a horse might have, but more the size of some orifice that had taken something too big for it and paid a bit of a price when it came out.

He ran his fingers along the edges of the gaping sides of his hole, and he gasped at the sensitivity that they had. The feeling of even that light touch sent a weird thrill to his cocks, almost like there was a phantom pleasure that they were getting from it at the same time.

Holy shit...

"You're going to get used to that," his mom said, reaching under the sink. "It takes a while, but once you figure out how to use your ass properly? It feels so much better than your cocks."

"Is that why you let other people do all the fucking?"

"Well, that, and it's just easier." His mother chuckled. "Do it as a job, and you start getting real tired when you're the one doing all the fucking, all the time."

"How long have you been doing it? Really?"

"Oh, about a decade."

"...That long?"

"Well, off and on," she said, still rooting around under the sink, her ass in the air. "You know how it goes. You find something else that works better for a while, you do that, and then you find out that it's not quite as good as you think. You go back to the old reliable until something better comes up."

"How much of my tuition did you pay by whoring?"

"Eh, about half. The rest came from your loans."

He whistled, but not entirely at the amount. She was shaking her bare butt from side to side, and that purple and white-striped rump was just...impossible to look away from. It was so sexy, so lovely, that it was all that he wanted to stare at. And yet, he knew that his mom had to know what he was doing...well, at least she seemed okay with it.

"Anyway, I'm glad that you're willing to give this a try. I didn't want to say anything, but it'll mean a lot to have someone else helping with the bills."

"Oh...are we..."

"Nah, we're not doing bad yet, but it helps to have some more income, you know? And besides, this is all under the table. No tax on this."

"That's true."

"Ah, there it is."

She finally popped back up, holding a cannister of lube in her hand. It was a thicker-looking bottle than she had used before, and he blushed as she took the dispenser lid off and replaced it with something that looked more like a turkey baster.

"Is that..."

"You need it in deep, Iggy. That way, you don't have to worry about running out."

"That looks more like an enema."

"Trust me. You'll want it later."


She smiled, giving a slow spin of her finger, gesturing for him to turn around. His blush got worse as he did, trying not to think about how this was going to feel later. The last time that he'd put more lube than he needed up his ass, it had turned into the slimiest, weirdest sensation that he'd ever had in his -


Iggy almost jumped, and would have if his mom hadn't been holding him down with one hand on his shoulder. His cheeks burned as he realized just how deep in his ass that plunger thing had gone, and just how big it actually felt.


It wasn't as thick as the plug, not by any stretch of the imagination, but it was thick enough to be more than a finger, perhaps as much as two. His cheeks burned all the more as his mom pushed it in and out, in and out, almost like she was fucking him with it.

It was more than that, too. There was already lube coming out of the tip, enough to slick up the whole thing, and it was soothing enough to take some of the fire out of his ass for the moment. Not enough to make his whole butt feel better, but enough to take the sting out of the worst of it. But it was also making everything feel slippery and slimy, to the point where his ass cheeks felt like they were wobbling and slipping off of each other rather than just grinding.

"I...I think that's enough, mom."

"Oh,'re so wrong."

There was no chance to brace himself. No chance to tell her that she needed to wait. There was only the squeeze, and what came after.

Iggy's eyes almost bugged out of their sockets as he felt the flood running up his asshole. The sensation of being that full beat out anything else that he had ever pushed inside of him, or had pushed inside of him. The thick goo didn't come out, either, as there was something to the delivery-system that kept it from oozing back out of him just yet.

The stingray leaned over, his stomach swelling from all the lube that his mom was forcing up his ass. He felt bloated, a little sickly from all the bubbling lube that had been jammed up inside of him, and his stomach felt like it was going to roll if he made so much as the slightest shift to one side or the other.

The constant feeling of that pressure only got worse as she squeezed it again, and he swore he could taste lube when he burped a second later. He held one hand to his guts, but the feeling was strongest in his ass.

It felt like a slime from a video game had jammed a tentacle up his ass, swelling him up and making him feel like he was getting fucked by something that wasn't entirely solid. The sheer amount of lube made it feel semi-solid rather than liquid, and he groaned as he tried and failed to squeeze around it.


"Oh dear. I might have overdone it just a little."

"You think?!"

"Well, you can let out half of it."

"Oh, god..."

She helped him waddle over to the toilet. What happened next didn't bear thinking about, but she was true to her word. She let him let out half of it, and the rest was plugged in. It was enough to shrink his belly back down, at least, even if the rest of his body still felt waterlogged with lube.

He grumbled, allowing himself to be led back to his bedroom, but he still thanked his mom for throwing a towel down over his bed. The younger stingray rolled over, blushing softly as he felt the plug rolling against the lube that was still inside of him.

"Will you be up for a client tonight, you think?" she asked.

"I...hadn't thought about it."

"I have a few in mind for you, if you want to be treated gently."

"...I probably should, huh?"

"It's a good time to get started."

"Alright. Someone gentle?"


She smiled, nodding at him before shutting the door behind her. He just hoped that she was telling him the truth about 'gentle'. The last time that she had mentioned taking it slow...well, he'd gotten the truth of that today. The plug still ached a bit inside of him, though all that lube helped. His mom was right about getting it in deep, that was for sure...even if it did make him feel all slippery and slimy between his butt cheeks.

He tried to give himself a wipe before laying down and closing his eyes.

He woke from a dirty dream of being tentacle-fucked on all sides to find his mom knocking on the door. The stingray groaned, rolling on his side, pulling his sweater down again.

"What is it?"

"Your client's on his way."


"You agreed, hon."

"But...but already? Who is he? What kind of -"

A piece of paper slid under the door.

"Here's everything you need to know. He'll be here in twenty minutes. Good luck, son!"


There was no answer. She'd already walked away from the door, leaving him alone with the possibility of a complete freak-out.

Then again, that wasn't entirely out of character. His mom trusted him to be himself, to take care of himself unless he asked for help. Unless she thought that he was lying to himself. That happened a lot.

He groaned, getting to his feet with a wobble and a shiver as the plug reminded him of its presence. Making his way to the door, he squatted down on the balls of his feet and picked up the piece of paper. It almost looked like a character sheet.

"Name, Charles. Species, fox. Special kinks: Ass play, spanking...sissification?"

Creak. The door opened, and his mom passed him a pair of panties and a roll of duct tape. He stared at them, blinking as he took them.

"What am I supposed to do with these?"

"Look girly, dear. I know you can do it."

"But what's the tape for?"

"Oh, you know. Tucking."


"Be good, hon."

Click. The door shut again, and Iggy stared at the panties and the tape. The very idea of shoving his dicks back...

God. It was for a client, though. That meant that he had to do it if he wanted to be paid. And he really, really wanted to be paid. He shook his head, pulling off his sweater before getting a good grip on his dicks. Thankfully, they were mostly soft, so this wasn't too bad.

"This is gonna suck..."

The fox knocked on his door a few hours later, and Iggy blushed as he called for his client to come in. He was laid out on his bed, the lube half-dried between his ass cheeks, his cocks pulled down against his taint in his panties. They fit him all too well, and were halfway towards turning into a thong between his ass cheeks, too. That was something that he minded less than he thought he would, surprisingly.

Charles, the fox, seemed to like it even more. The fox was a middle-aged man, someone that could have been his father if they were anywhere near the same species, and he had a bulge that the plug in his ass rather put to shame. He was suddenly almost grateful that his mom had been using it the way that she had.

"Mmm, aren't you a lovely little snack?" Charles said, pulling off his vest and undoing the buttons of his shirt. "Are you ready for a good fucking?"

"I-I am, sir," he said, blushing. "I'm kinda new, though."

"That's fine. I remember when Ailsa was still new to this. Her ass still looks as good as it always did."

" probably only gets better with age, sir."

"I'm sure. But I'm more interested in you today, son. Why don't you turn around, show me what you got?"

He was willing enough to do that. The stingray rolled onto all fours, turning around until he had his ass and soles facing toward his client. He still couldn't quite believe that he was doing this, but it had to be worth some money, right? Reaching up to his waistband, he slowly rolled the back of his panties down, rolling them to just under where the plug was, showing it off.

The appreciative groan from the fox told him that he was doing a good job, and he reached back to the plug. He rolled it, spun it, feeling all the lube inside that was just waiting to spill free. The impending mess made him blush, but...

Well, the fox was going to fuck him, right? Might as well show him that it was good.

With a wince for something that was far less painful than he expected it to be, he pulled at the edge of the plug and it came free. He gasped, arching his back and 'squirting' slightly, a little jet of lube shooting from his ass to the floor below.

"Oooooh yes. Ailsa's teaching you her tricks, is she?"

"What...what do you mean?"

"Looking like a squirter. Fuck, that's hot..."

Iggy didn't have a chance to look back before two clawed hands grabbed him by the hips. They yanked him back, and the hot heat of a real cock rested between his ass cheeks. The stingray's eyes went wide as he realized that this was now real, and that there was no going back without embarrassing both himself and his mom.

Do it for her...and for the money...

He blushed as he thought that, but he pushed his ass up a bit higher, feeling the heat of the fox's knot against his pucker as he slid his wet hole against that big cock. It was only about seven inches long, and it was perhaps half the width of the plug. Slightly more than two-thirds around the knot, he supposed.

He could take that...he hoped.

"Oh, you are a good 'girl,' aren't you?"

SMACK! The first spank made him yelp again, another 'squirt' of lube leaving his pucker. Charles seemed to like that, or at least, his cock did. Iggy felt it twitch against him, slapping his ass right under his tail.

"I'm going to use this ass hard."

"P-please do, sir."

This was different than his mom being the one to take care of him. This was so much different than having his mother's double-dicks between his ass cheeks, than having that comforting presence looming over him. This was someone that was going to use his ass, and someone that wanted to just dump a load in him. He shivered, feeling the tip running down the base of his tail, then between his ass cheeks, and then -

Squelch. The sound of that cock sliding in was like what he heard when he watched someone fucking pussy, and only a wet pussy at that. His ass had made that sound, and he could feel the fox get harder from that.

"Oh, you already have a good little ass-pussy...let's see how well it can take me..."

The first thrust went deep, the knot slapping against his hole in a way that his mother's cocks couldn't quite do. He blushed as he made the comparison, but it was hard not to, particularly with the fox rutting him so hard already. Each thrust took him harder, deeper, and his eyes rolled back in their sockets in short order.

In, out, in, out, each thrust beating down on his prostate and making his cocks throb against the duct tape that held them down. He could feel the giving of the tape, the way that the adhesive was starting to lose out against the lube running down from his asshole, but it would hold long enough.

Iggy gripped the bedsheets, panting, his toes curling and occasionally brushing against the fox's thighs as he humped and thrust. Charles's balls slapped against his crotch, beating his cocks, almost punishing them and reminding them to stay down. The feeling was...surprisingly sexy.

He moaned as he felt the knot starting to open him up, the squelching mass of too much lube in his ass making it easy to take that fat cock. It was running down his legs like some bitch's heat juices, at this point, but he didn't care. It was making his first client so much easier, and he loved his mom for taking care of him like this.

In and out, in and out, in and out that cock went, the knot forcing his hole further and further open. He moaned under his breath, arching his back for the fox.


Another spank, another squeeze and squirt. Charles loved it, grabbing him and pulling him tight against him. The stingray gasped as the knot pressed more firmly to him than ever, slowly forcing his hole open further and further, the base just about in -


And then it was. He shivered, feeling the splurt, splurt, splurt of the fox's seed shooting into the lube sea inside of him, swelling him slightly, and the older man leaned against him, panting for breath.

He hadn't cum, surprisingly. He had expected to, but he hadn't. Instead, he just oozed into the tape.

" did good, son."

The fox dropped $60 on the bed beside him, and Iggy blushed as he realized that he really had just done his first bit of prostitution...and earned decently for it. He reached for it shakily, clenching his fist around it.

"T-thank you, sir."

"Can't wait to try you again sometime, boy...girl..."

The fox chuckled, and Iggy shivered. This...this was going to take some getting used to.

The End