Healing Love - Chapter 25

Story by Mirron Tenshi on SoFurry

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#25 of Healing Love

Healing Love

Chapter 25: When Max Was Young

By: Mirron Tenshi

I started to wake up purring. The first thing I was seeing was a cute smile on my cuddly tiger. I felt a smooth press moving from my head to my lower back. I smiled as Max petted me softly. I moved to my right and kissed his muzzle and laid back down. "How do you get your mane so soft?" He asked me in a low tone. I just purred more while I moved my leg and rubbed my foot with his. He chuckled and rubbed his own foot with mine. I couldn't stop smiling as I wrapped a tan furry arm around his orange and black body.

"Well, we got the whole day to ourselves . . . " I muttered as mouthed his ear, him giggling ". . . What do ya wanna do?" Max slowly dragged his lips around my muzzle.

"I dunno. What do you wanna do?" I chuckled as he put his paw on my pec.

"How 'bout we talk?" I asked as I kissed his nose.

"Ok . . ." Max licked my cheek. "What about?"

"Mmmm . . . how about you tell me the time when you came out." Max mrowled when he turned in bed, rubbing his back on my front, prompting me to reach lower and start scratching his firm belly. Ohhhh, I love making him pur.

"Muuurrrrr . . . You've already heard that one from my parents when we were in Japan . . . " He muttered while smiling.

"I know . . . but I wanna hear the story again. I wanna try to imagine what you looked like as a teenage cub." I said as I landed several kisses on his cheek. Max purred and chuckled as he rested on me.

"It all started when I was 14 years old . . . . . . ."


"Mom, dad, I'm home!" I said as I got back from school. My dad looked from his kanji paper; a while back, my parents have gotten really into Japanese stuff. I gotta say that I'm a little interested in the kanji symbols that I've seen. Good thing I decided to take Japanese as my Foreign Language class.

"Hey son, hooked any hot chicks yet?" My ears lowered. I haven't even bothered with asking for a date. It's hard to make myself go looking for a date for the Homecoming Dance when I'm not interested in girls.

"No, I haven't. Sorry, dad." My dad smiled as he padded my shoulder.

"It's ok, Max. Just hurry before the good ones are gone." Nodded as I climbed up my stairs. I sighed as I walked into my room. I yawned and stretched my arms before I flopped onto my bed. I've been feeling lousy lately. I really don't want to go to the dance. It's just not my thing, not to mention that I'm into boys and I haven't even got up the courage to tell them yet. I moaned a little as I turned; I just feel depressed.

My door knocked. I sat up and looked to the door. "Come in." The door opened as my white furred brother walked into my room. "Hey Ryan."

"Hi, Max." He sat down next to me and fell back on my bed. "So, looking forward to Homecoming?" I sighed as my ears lowered.

"Yeah . . . can't wait . . ." Dang it. I could've at least sounded more excited, but I'm not that good a liar, let alone a good actor. Hell, if I managed to look straight this long, I figure I'm something at it. My 17 year old brother sat up and looked at me.

"You don't want to go, do you?" I looked at him back.

"Am I that obvious?"

"Oh no, I'm just able to see clearly through all of your magical excitement." I laughed as he half hugged me. "Well, if you decide not to go this year, there's always next year. But I tell you, mom might not want to let it go for at least a month."

"Pft, great."

"C'mon. It's actually really awesome. It's really fun." All this was just making it worse, but I tried to cover it up as best as I could.

"I don't know, maybe." Ryan shrugged before he got up. He checked his cell phone and pressed a button. My brother grinned and laughed as he texted back.

"Ok, then I'll talk to you later, Max." With that, Ryan walked out with his cell in his paw. I laid back down as I rested my head on a pillow. I just don't know what I'm going to do. Ryan is starting to notice, it's only a matter of time before mom and dad catches on. I sighed sadly as I went to my back pack and started my homework.

I eagerly waited for my computer to load. It's 11 o'clock so by now, Ryan, mom, and dad are either asleep or doing something in their room. Either way, no one's going to walk in on me. I was sitting at my desk, completely naked, my athletic body illuminated from the computer screen. My heart pounded as I clicked onto the internet and went to my favorite porn sight. My sheath started to swell rapidly as I looked at the males bordered around the frames. I purred as my paw started to rub my balls.

My tongue lathered my muzzle as I hungrily watched a black labrador slowly stripped his clothes off. I pressed my fingers on my dick. The dog on the vid then let his cargo shorts drop, his back towards me, my cock throbbed in my paw as I ogled his framed rump in a blue jockstrap. Oh god, that is so hot! My dick felt so hungry to spurt out as the dog's firm ass made my shaft tingle. I softly cupped my nuts in my left paw. Oh, what I wouldn't give for this dog to give me a blowjob. I grabbed my dick with my right paw and stroked it slowly. Damn, once a week really makes this worth while. I moaned quietly as my paw smoothly rubbed my cock up and down. I purred as pleasure welved my body. This felt sooo good.

The black lab's tail wagged as his finger teased his tailhole. I gently squeezed my member as he inserted his finger into his pucker. The dog moaned as he inserted a second finger. Hm, I gotta try that. I put my right paw to my muzzle and put two fingers in my mouth. My hips moved lower as that I was leaning backward on my chair. My chest heaved as my saliva soaked fingers trailed my tail hole, causing me to shiver. In one try, I shoved my fingers into my ass.

My head threw back and I moaned, but I caught myself. Jeez, I hope no one heard, but fuck, it just felt so good! I rubbed my fingers in and out of my butt while I stroked my dick. Oh my ghod, this was awesome. Moaned as loud as I think I might be as my fingers wriggled in my insides, my shaft drooled pre on continuously was the lab started to rim a cheetah.

My toes curled as my cock throbbed more and more. Ohhhh, a rimjob looked like it feels amazing! I started to growl lustfully when the dog positioned to mount the yellow feline, the dog's balls hanging from his rear. The camera moved to the side to show the canine penetrating the cat's ass. I dug my fingers deep as I rubbed the pre soaked head of my cock on my palm. I moaned and jerked off faster. I purred and growled as I pumped my dick and my tailhole. My eyes went wide as I saw a really buff horse knelt down and spread the dog's butt cheeks as far as they would go and pressed his lips on the tailhole. The lab and cheetah squirmed as the canine fucked the cat with the dog's nuts were licked by the horse's probably silky tongue.

I moaned as I was getting close. The cam then moved to view and zoom in on the horse's muscular ass, both cheeks flex something hot as the stallion started to fuck the dog. I stopped fingering as I started to rub my balls while pumping my dick. I growled out as my load was getting closer and closer to shooting.

The brown horse pulled his dick out and started to rub the underside of his cock on the dog's ass. The dog yipped as the dog's cum started to leak down the cheetah's ballsack. Then the horse neighed as his dick started to shoot a load of horse cum all over the lab's back, soaking the dark labrador. I squeezed my dick hard as I snarled. I moaned and panted as I shot my cum all over my abs and chest. I sighed as I rested back on the chair as my member softened and retreated back to its sheath. I purred as I looked down on my torso.

Hmmmm, I wonder how it tastes . . . I leaned in and started to lick up my cum. It actually wasn't bad. I lapped and bathed what I could reach and soon, I was turning off my computer and dozing off, nude in my bed.

A week goes by. Every time my dad asks me about the dance, I felt sick to my stomach. I just can't take it anymore. I . . . I'm going to tell them. But what'll they say? What'll they ask? What if they reject me and kick me out of the house? Maybe I shouldn't.

I came through the door after walking home from school. My stomach felt sick and my heart pounded. I really do not feel up to this, but I don't want dad pestering me anymore. I feel like I'm gonna choke. I looked and both of my parents were in the living room. I guess this'll be somewhat easier to let both of them know, I don't think I could handle doing it twice. I gulped as I walked in, and sat on the couch. My mom and dad saw me and smiled. I could feel myself trembling. "Hi, Max, found any keepers yet?" My dad asked as mom chuckled. I felt my stomach pang as I looked down and sighed.

"I-I'm not going to Homecoming."

Dad sat up and looked at me curiously. "Not going? C'mon, son. I'm sure you can get a date easy if you tried."

"It's not that."

Now mom looked at me curiously. "Then what is it, Max? Is it that you can't afford the ticket? Your father and I are more than willing to buy you one." I shook my head as my paws gripped my knees.

"It's not that either."

"Max, it'll be fun. It may not be your type of thing now, but once you, go, you'll be happy that you did." They're so not making this easy.

"No, I'm not going because . . ." I looked up at my parents. "I'm gay." Mom's mouth was half open, dad just sat there.

"M-Max . . . What?" My mom asked. I continued trembling.

"I'm a homosexual, mom. I'm not interested in girls, and I didn't wanna lie by going out with one."

Mom gapped at me. She just stood up and rubbed her forehead. "Max, I just . . . I need a moment." With that, mom went to her and dad's bedroom.

After a pause, I looked to my father. "Dad?" Dad looked at me, then turned to the bedroom door. I could tell that he was at a loss for words.

"I'm sorry, Max, I need to speak with your mother." Then dad got up and went. I leaned myself and coiled my tail around me. My eyes watered as I held my arms. I sniffled as I sat alone.

'I knew it . . . They won't accept me . . . I should've just kept myself quiet . . .' I thought.

My right ear twitched as I saw Ryan walking to the room. I wiped my tears and sniffed a little. "Hey Max . . ." I just didn't talk. "I heard . . ." My lower lip quivered. I didn't even figure how my brother would take it. I just turned away. I could help but start to cry again. I then felt Ryan sit next to me and then he hugged me close. I buried my face into his chest and cried; doing this was a huge impact on me. He rubbed his paw on my back as I sobbed. "It's ok, Max, it's alright."

"T-They're not going to love me anymore . . . They're gonna-"

"No they won't, buddy. They're mom and dad, Max. They'll love you no matter what. I know them, Max. Dad's going to be ok with it, but I think Mom will take a little longer around the track." I sniffled as my older brother comforted me and nuzzled me affectionately. "Even if they don't, I'll still be here for you if you feel alone. Ok, Max." I nodded as I whined in my throat.


" . . . A month later, mom was able to come to terms with my sexuality." Max finished as he cuddled me. I nuzzled him as we held hands.

"I wish my brother was like that. Instead, I had a loud sister." Max chuckled as my tiger kissed my neck, making me giggle as it tickled me. He nuzzled my mane as he snuggled on me.

"So what about you, babe? I don't think you've told me your story." My smile faded. I looked aside as my ears lowered.

"Max, I am so sorry. I really don't want to talk about it." He looked at me curiously, seeing how serious I was.

"Why not, honey?" I shook my head.

"Something happened and I don't want to remember it ever again." Max sighed and then licked my cheek. I smiled as he stroked a finger under my chin.

"Ok, baby. If you don't want to talk about it, then you don't have to." The tiger then got up and sat on my crotch, my member in my sheath started to get excited. "But, you owe me a happy moment." He said seductively as he pressed his bulged briefs on my boxers. I grinned as I felt his strong arms. I reached down and groped his butt. My tiger growled as I spanked him. "I love it when you're nice and frisky." He lowered his head and started to kiss me passionately.

I started to stroke his back softly as we tongue wrestled. In no time at all, my member was rock hard. I reached down and pulled my shorts off of me. I wrapped my legs around him as Max moved his arms under mine as I clung my paws onto his back. I grunted as the ring in my tail whole started to burn. I growled as my tiger penetrated me. Fuck, I wish he used lube first.

"Do you want me slick up?" I shook my head.

"No, I'm fine. Just go slow-LEE!" I arched as Max touched my prostate. I rolled my eyes back as my ass clasped on tiger cock. Max slowly pulled his rod out of my rump, and pushed back in. I moaned loud as Max pressed my prostate again. My body arched as he screwed me nice and easy. As he moved, his abs rubbed on my dick as my nips began to tingle. "Ohhh, Max . . . Oh yes . . . ! Fuck, you're so good!" Max went low and kissed me.

He could only moan and growl as Max started to plow me. "Tell me how my dick feels!"

"Oh, your cock feels so good in my ass!" Max moaned as I felt his rod spurt pre inside of me. I moaned as my tiger then started to suckle on my left nipple. I growled and pulled his body as close to mine as physically possible.

My right paw let go of him as I reached down and started to jerk my cock. I moaned as my tiger rammed his shaft into my prostate 5 more times. My lower body screamed in pleasure as we mated. Mac's thrusts were starting to get smoother and more erratic as his pre lubed up his dick. I felt the tiger cock hit my prostate once more. I couldn't hold an more as I roared and my dick shot a torrent of hot lion love. My roar must've turned him on more than ever as he moaned a response, followed by a hearty roar of his own as his rod pulsated inside me and and my ass was flooded with his semen. I moaned weakly as Max overfilled me. I purred as cum flowed out of my tailhole as he pulled his softening cock out of my well used ass.

My feline stud then laid next to me and laced his paw with mine. I then started to suckle on his ear as he rubbed the dry soft fur on my butt that wasn't wet in his jizz. "You. Are. One. Ace of a stud." Max nuzzled me as he kissed my muzzle.

"I can't wait for you to recover and be my stud." I scratched his ears and licked his neck. "You're so cute." I just purred; I didn't feel like talking anymore of a sudden.