
Story by wellifimust on SoFurry

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#2 of Original Stories

The blooming, secret love Reuben has for his League of Legends buddy, Blake boils into a terrifying, enchanting, lustful lucid dream.

[h1]DISCLAIMER: M/M, Depressive + Violent themes ahead.[/h1]

My utmost thanks to my wonderful proofreaders, [url=]Psydrosis[/url] and [url=]DukeFerret[/url].


I like it when my computer's the only light on. Makes it easier to forget about it all. The ashtray's growing anthills, I put it on the windowsill. The heat's pretty low, I keep a hoodie on. My tail dangles a bit. Then I'm free to forget about some basic social ethics. I start forgetting what time it is. I forget my facial expression. I forget to get up and walk around. And for a few hours, none of it matters. Otter's paradise, right? Don't pity me; I wouldn't do it, either. It's only a matter of time before I nail the path from my chair to the cigarette stash.

"Reuben, where the fuck are you? Go mid!"

Fuck. I'm still at the spawning point. I rubbed my strained eyes and looked back at the screen. I've played this game a thousand fucking times, and somehow, I still need a reminder to right click once on the minimap. League of Legends sucks, I don't know why I keep playing it.

"Sorry about that, Temptician," I groaned. "Just got distracted again."

"Well stop it, I'm in promos," he snapped. "If I don't get platinum because of you, I swear, I'm gonna quit this fucking game."

I sighed on instinct. I wanted support, but since life wanted to be a bitch again, I'm playing Xerath mid. I don't mean to sound uptight, I just don't know how to play Xerath. He picked Yasuo, so basically, I'm living it up right now. Sorry, that's...sarcasm. My range lets me farm a good ways away before their jungler ganks my ass and I die for the twelfth time. Well, actually, I'm going 0-3 right now, but you get the point.

I get to tower and clear the minion wave, but that kinda fucked up my mana, so I've gotta play back now. I don't know shit about this matchup, but I'm pretty sure when he starts dashing on every minion and spamming taunt, he's trolling. My champion's all skillshots, too, so I'm probably not gonna hit anything for a while, story of my life.

Surprise surprise, I'm sighing to myself again. I just want to surrender at 15 and go to bed. But then again, I rather not end the night on that note. League's kinda like a slot machine in that way. You pull the lever, and either satisfaction (a win) or depression (a loss) comes out. Rarely do you ever get something in between. Some people would rather skip that and pay some pro to boost their account to higher tiers.

"They're at bot," said Temptician. 'They', of course, meaning the jungler. That's the guy that kills you from the sides of the lanes. Oh, that's Lee Sin in this game, by the way; sorry for not telling you sooner, I'm fuckin' dumb. Anyway, he's not on my ass, so that means I can get back to farming, if you could call that good news. I look back to my lane and just kinda slink in my chair.

I hear a ping. Blue flag on the top bush.

"Hey, bait him out, bro," urges Blake.

I smile. Hadn't even looked yet. When I did, I saw the brown plated, transparent figure of Nasus spamming his silly little dance emote in wait. Even hearing him call me "bro" alone makes me feel cool. I click my guy around my minions to get the Yasuo to dash forward. As he takes the bait, I lean into my screen. Then I throw out a stun...he blocks it with a wind wall, but I nod as he does it, cause Blake's coming in hot, and I can almost feel the enemy freaking out. He burned up all his dashes and had no escape, so Nasus just slows him down with Wither, chunking him with 3 hits or something and lets me have the kill at the last sliver of HP.

"Nice!"_he exclaimed. "See, I _knew you could play Xerath."

I smile a bit. "Stop...."

"It's true, man, cheer up!" he beamed. "Day one prodigy, baybee!"

I giggled a bit, thanking him. Blake...god, what a guy. He's been an online friend of mine for about ten years now, and he's just about the only thing right in the world. I don't think he's played a single game of League with someone other than Nasus. It's really funny - every time I ask him why, he just says something stupid about him being a god, and he's a jackal, too, so...yeah, do the math. I ask him all the time 'cause he makes it seem so official, and it makes me laugh.

Honestly, he makes me feel good in general. Like I'm looking over a cliff at a sunset and he's got his hand on my shoulder. I mean...sorry to get poetic, that's just what it feels like. That and some things that you'd laugh at me for if I said them out loud. Maybe it'd be different if I could meet him in person. know, if I could...I...sorry, I should probably....

Wait...right, the game, sorry:

I push the wave out and go back to base. I buy a rod, then I go back out, blah blah blah this is really fucking boring no one gives a fuck anyway we get to the mid game, and it's about 25 minutes in. I'm going 0/7/2, and that leaves me in a place where I either go to bed feeling guilty that I got carried, or I go to bed feeling guilty because I lost us the game. That's what gets me to go tryhard mode, I guess.

Wait...fuck, did I mention what a "rod" was? Sorry, that's the thing that gives you 60 more AP. That' makes your attacks stronger. Your magic ones. Sorry about that. I'm pretty good at forgetting details. Screws up a lot of, my job. I fuck up a lot. Blake doesn't, though. He kept his family alive for a year after high school with some shitty cashier job after his father got sick and couldn't work. A year. 365 days, probably more. Jesus, I can't even think about this week. You know what I do think about, though? The week after we started being friends is about when his father passed away from that disease. Crazy how these things can just happen and you're full on convinced that it's your fault anyway. I couldn't tell you if I tried.

You know what? Nevermind; this story sucks. Point is, we lost that game, and it was my fault, 'cause I got caught out. I went 2/11, so Temptician got really mad and blocked me, leaving just me and Blake in the call. I close the client and lean a bit in my chair. This is always my favorite part of the night. We finally get to talk one on one for a few minutes before we both head on off to bed. I'm quiet, but Blake always has something to say at the end of our calls, and he's got this droney, valley girl-ish tone from just being tired, and it's...just...the cutest thing.

"I wonder how fast that guy would get kicked out of PAX," Blake blurted. "I'm just imagining him at the front doors, right, and when the guys with the metal detectors go and stop him, he just fuckin' loses it, 'cause he doesn't understand he can't carry his patented Caitlyn rifle into the venue."

I had that kind of laugh that started as a wheeze, then a giggle, then a full on _laugh,_to the point where I was worried the tenant below me would complain. Good on Blake for always saying something fucking terrible to lift my spirits up.

"Holy shit, man," I whined through tears, "I really, really shouldn't be laughing at that."

"It's all good, man," Blake assured, sounding like he's stretching. "It's just a game. We'll play again tomorrow."

I sighed...he says that all the time. "Yeah, sorry, I'm a little too sad over this...."

"Don't apologize, man," he consoled me. "We all have really shitty games. If I apologized for every loss, that's half of what I'd be doing on here. Besides that, how was your night?"

"Good," I lied. "Better than my day shift." That wasn't a lie.

"How was that?"

"It's...." I started, then snicker. "It's really not worth talking about, trust me."

He laughs with me. "All right, fine. At least tomorrow's your day off, right?" it? I picked up my phone to look at the date, expecting about midnight. Nope, 3:24 AM, Saturday. Saturday?! I flinched. I thought it was Friday?! Wait...I cooled off once I thought that through.

"Oh, shit, I forgot, Friday's over," I laughed. "Whoo, that gave me a scare. I'm sorry, I just forgot how time works for a second there, but...hey, at least the sun's not up."

"You know, that's kind of deep, in a way," he says back, and I can hear his smile. "Like that's something I'd hear out of a...Bowie lyric, or something."

"I haven't listened to that artist in forever," I responded. "Sorry I can't give you a decent conversation on that."

"Don't apologize," Blake assured me. "It's just music." He paused. "Actually, you've been apologizing a lot lately, you all right?"

"Sorry about that."

"I'm serious, man, you all right? You've been actin' different lately, not that that's a bad thing."

I can hear the disappointment in his voice. I feel disappointed. I don't like that at all.

"It's nothing," I resign, trying to sound casual. "So, uh...what's new?"

"Everything,_man, _everything...." Blake said ponderously. "I just spent my whole day saying 'Hi' to all the new neighbors and walking around the city, trying to get myself accustomed to...well, everything...god, it's nothing like Tennessee. I mean, serious question, do the shops here ever close? Are they just constantly rotating out the guys who work there? Do they got a machine?_It's-it's _as overwhelming as it is exciting, and I really don't know how to feel about it."

"And you'd still never want to live in the city," I said, and he laughed. "It's cramped, it's loud, the apartments are expensive, there's homeless people everywhere, and you could end up like them any minute. Every day I go to work, it's like, 'Satan at least better give me a cup of coffee for this one.'"

"Tell him to throw a donut in there," he said. "You deserve it."

"Heh...well...thanks," I stammered, starting to say, "I could use a..."

"After all, you're not homeless," Blake pointed out. "You're working hard, and you've been doing that for a long time now. Give yourself a break."

"I can't," I replied. "That's...the point."

He paused a sec. "Well, when do you think you will?"

I stayed silent.

"Man, I'm worried for you," Blake mused. "You've been at that job a while now...I mean, I know it's a lot asking you to quit, but there's gotta be something better than lifting boxes out there."

I shrugged. "Not if they give me fifteen extra cents."

"Well, it's the city, right? I saw three help wanted signs out there just on my walk, I'm sure it'll be like that where you live."

"Look, I just...don't...want to talk about it," I submitted. "How's your new house? I wanna hear about that."

He sighed, and I hated the tone of it. "All right,'s one dusty little story, but I like it. I expected to get at least half the things in the place today. But you know what's the first thing I took out? The piano. I'm serious; all the other boxes aren't even open yet, except for the bed. I don't know why I got it out. At first I was excited that I finally have space in the house for it, but then I started playing it...just fumbling my fingers across the keys, and after a while...."

I chuckled. "You referencing that Jack White song?"

"Heh, yeah, 'Get in the Mind Shaft'," he chuckled back. "Such a weird song. I've always wanted to write something like that. That's why I think I'm gonna start now."

I raised my eyebrows. "You're really taking that up now?"

"Well, I have some free time!" he beamed charismatically. "Gotta use it on something, right? Might as well splash some music 'round the house. I figure it's a nice change of pace from microwave tunes, right?"

I force out a laugh. "Wish I could say the same for myself. I came home today and just collapsed on the bed for three hours, and I don't know how many times it's been like that for me. Really eats up my time."

"Well, you have enough free time to talk to me."

"Oh, I make time."

"Well, if you could make even more time, what would you do?"

"I dunno. Sleep some more?"

Blake chuckled. "Still down for a game of League, though, right?"

"Yeah, I guess, but I'm always down for bed," I groaned, trying to smile and make this joke hit, "that's where we're all goin' anyway, right? Anyway, how's Trent doing?"

He didn't respond for a bit, and I'm beginning to think he muted his mic. Maybe he did. Then he started talking again:

"Sorry, was takin' a drink," he started. "Yeah, Trent's doing...fine, I hope."

I start laughing a bit to lighten the mood. "Did he finally pick the restaurant?"

"Heh, yeah, he would do that," Blake sighed. "Uh...actually, we just broke up last week."

I sighed. "Oh...'cause you had to move?"

"That, and it just wasn't working," Blake sighed again. "It's fine, though. I've had three boyfriends before him."

"Maybe you could go back to them," I chuckled. "Wait...fuck, That didn't come out right. I'm just joking, I'm sorry...."

I tried sounding as sentimental as I could, but I yawned at the end of that sentence. That yawn would haunt me for the rest of the night.

"It's fine, Reuben," he said back. "I just hope he's happy with the next guy. And maybe he'll teach him to have better taste in paninis."

I chuckled a bit. I clutched my cross necklace to my chest and said, "Good to see your spirits still up."

"That's the plan," Blake replied. "Get up, move forward, don't look back. Life is a highway, y'know?"

"Yup," I grumbled. "Easiest when you aren't dealing with city traffic."

I felt a drop in my chest. Oh shit, I said that out loud.

"Oh, I mean, uh...."

"It's fine, man, I get it," he grumbled sighingly. "But look, dude, I know it's been hard, and if there was any way I could help you, you know that I would. I know I like to go on about how there are better jobs and you deserve a lot better, and I do mean that, but what you've got is what you've got." He sighed like he regretted saying that. "And that sucks, but nothing lasts forever, so I wanna help you 'til this part is over. If you need sleep, I'm gonna tell you to get sleep, kinda like how you tell me to stop being hard on myself. And we'll get through this together. All right?"

I paused.

"And for the record," he added, "the city traffic wasn't that bad today."

I chuckled a bit at that, then was tired enough to say something I hadn't intended to:

"Speaking of help," I said groggily, "do you have anybody to help you with the boxes?"

"Nah," he replied, sounding like he's stretching, "I've got them myself. Mama raised a strong jackal."

"Big manly man!" I announced jokingly, and his shrill laugh made me smile.

_"Yeah,"_he said like he was letting out some happiness. "Wish you were in my city...I guess that'd be asking for too much, though, at this phase in my life."

"Mhmm," I nodded. He can't know.

"Well, today's been...somethin'," Blake mumbled, "but I think I'm gonna get off now."

_"Yeah,_me too," I droned. "Just...just curious, is any of that because of me? I feel like I was really shitty in this call, and if that's the case, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Reuben," he cooed. "I've always seen you as one of the kindest people I've ever met, and, man, I just want to see you happy. But you're at your best after you've gotten some sleep, so let's do that together, okay?"

My heart jumped until I realized what he meant.

"Yeah, ha ha, sure could," I replied, giving two fake laughs for fake measure and a period of silence that I still curse myself for after that before I stupidly went, "Well, best of luck, man. See you later."

"All right," Blake yawned. "Sleep tight, man. Bye."

"Bye," I replied.

The call shuts off, and my smile is gone in an instant. Then, my stomach hurts. A lot. God, I should've just told him. I went through the whole bedroom routine without ever taking my mind off it. I can't do it. It hurts so goddamn much, but I can't do that to him. He's gotten too far in life to let someone like me into it. I spat in the sink, then threw myself on the mattress without taking my hoodie or sweatpants off.

I was too beat to jack off, so I stared out the window instead, waiting for a car to pass by. I always liked the sound it makes, and the headlights stretching across my room. Gives me something to get distracted by. I like to think of it as counting sheep.

As to be expected, I was tossing and turning a lot that night. Eventually, I picked up my phone, scrolling through the apps while I blindly swiped my hand across the blanket. I need some Brian Eno, but I don't think I can listen to pianos right now...fuck it, I'll just look up some 3 hour ambient playlist on YouTube. I felt some stringy shit on my fingers and knew that they were my earbuds. I plugged them into my ears before doing the same to my phone (even though it technically would've been better if I plugged it into my _phone,_first, so that I wouldn't have to hear some good ol' "enhanced silence" for a split second) and then rolled back over to my pillow.

It's got a bit of an ocean vibe when I close my eyes...I can fuck with that. Kinda wish I had somebody to rock my boat. But I don't mind just drifting off for now. Tonight, somehow, I'm starting to feel my muscles relax, like I'm a feather that's just blowing over the coast off to somewhere. No teeth, skin, emotions, brains; just flying, weightless, cause that's what a feather is. And it never really cares where it ends up. Just so long as it gets there. Could be an island. I wonder if I'd ever find Blake there. Maybe I'd find Blake there. That'd be nice. Wouldn't that be nice, brain? That would be nice....

There's a tear in my eye. I'll bet my stupid brain's real proud of showing me some emotion at the end there. Real nice of him to spoil the moment with more of the same bullshit not worth mentioning. Wouldn't it be cool if I just had one moment of peace and quiet, even if it was just to fall asleep? I'd give anything for it. It's really making the whole ocean waves thing kind of morbid. Oh -change of tone. Higher pitch. Feels like I'm floating. I'm two feet off the ground. I imagine the pressure of the mattress mix with the wind and cause wrinkles in my clothes.

Then the music gets this rasp to it. Like dragging the prongs of a fork across a rain gutter. I hear its echoes into nowhere. It's hot, then cold; probably the goosebumps. Something was on the horizon. And the floodgates open up vertically, blurs of orange, until I was met with a tangerine sky with cartoon clouds that look drawn on. Though I don't remember opening my eyes.

And that's when I saw it.

The ground hissed and whirled and rattled as I screamed out in confusion, my hands squishing in scales as I pushed myself to my feet. Oh god...the room was so wide....they covered every inch of the floor....

"What the fuck?!" I yelled.

I looked around at the ground beneath me and hyperventilated, watching them curl, undulate, my ears assaulted by their slick movements. All around me was dark, except for a lightbulb that swung back and forth two inches above me, mimicking the chaos. The round chamber sported grey blocks covered in dark filth in the seams. I yelped as I began to sink, catching myself by the hands, being bitten as I heaved myself back up. Twisting my legs, I ran on top of them, the lightbulb gracing my ears as I cried and screamed for an exit, though nothing was in sight, until I saw the end of the room.

The one brick looked off, and I sprinted straight at it, yelping in pain, crying out loud, the fangs punctured my ankles and calves again and again as I desperately tried to hop over them. I approached the brick, frantic as I banked in all of my luck on this one move, jamming my fingers as far as I can in the lengthy seams, and in one motion, I felt it: the brick was getting looser. Then I pull and pull with all my aching might, my legs beginning to numb as the brick slowly loosens itself. I expect to pull it out, but instead it fades upwards in the wall, clicking perfectly above it to reveal the cavern behind where it was.

Time ran thin as I crawled through the square, tight around my waist, forcing me onto my belly, hands feeling sheets of metal to claw my way out of this hell. I whimpered moans of pain through the slots between my grit teeth as I felt my legs burn and pulse below. Two snakes were still hanging on by the fangs; one on my ankle, the other halfway up my thigh. And as I trudged further, the tunnel became tighter. I don't know how my tears were blurring the darkness, but it made it that much harder to bear. My arms burned, the tunnel closed in, the snakes on my legs crushing as it couldn't accommodate for them, and I wondered if I would be next....

I tumbled through the darkness and was met with my upper body smashing against some smooth stone. All the hissing was gone, but I still felt like I was on fire, cursing in ways I'm too embarrassed to write down, blinded by the new light even through my shut eyes. And that's when I cries weren't echoing.

As I braced myself for judgement, I opened my eyes. I...can't describe what I saw next. It's like I had lost my sense of place. Two white marble walls to the side, both at a mile away. I gasped, hungry for answers, each grey tile beneath me large enough to fill an average room. I was so stunned that I was hardly even feeling the pain in my legs...though, that may have been from the numbness. But then I looked ahead. And that's when something triggered in my mind.

Endless. Nothing but hallway. No doors. It was like looking down a mirror tunnel. Dread. That's what I felt. It spread through me the moment I looked at it. So, I looked behind me. I had to sort of tilt my body, but I got it. That slot behind me was still open. I didn't know what would happen if the snakes came through. I just knew that I couldn't go back.

I clawed my way forward, using all my upper body strength I could. Press, push, pull, press, push, pull. I was making more distance than I thought I would. But it never felt like I was earning it. Time was an illusion. Nothing mattered.

Then I looked to the sides of me. No sound, whatsoever. But the walls were moving inch by inch. That's when I realized...they were closing in.

Something in me was screaming, but it wouldn't come out. I became suddenly aware of the pain in my legs again. I slammed my hands into the floor, heaving myself further again and again, staring into that dark void so far into the distance like I had any chance at all of getting to it. The walls were getting closer, yet silent as they came, their gilded details becoming clearer: a row across them sprouting portraits of people I knew.

...I couldn't help what I was about to say:

"Please help...."

A loud bang erupted in front of me, echoing as I tumbled backwards. I looked upon myself in horror. Towering nearly a hundred feet tall, at least, the familiar green, furnished door, stretching comically out through the whole hallways. The longer I stared, the less distorted it got, until the walls compressed to the size of claustrophobia.

I thrashed about, desperately wanting to move my legs, but feeling absolutely nothing. Gasping for breath, I looked at the portraits on the walls like I was to yell for an answer, but all their heads were turned the other way.

Then the walls themselves began to ooze. Not like the bricks from earlier, but like sheets of liquid, sloshing down frame by frame from the marble. One by one, each sheet splashed to the ground, tidal waves of liquid flowing around my body as its color changed from white to red, yellow, blue, undulating a full rainbow. I was immediately confused, and in minutes, I was treading it, wading my sticky hands through the waxy liquid that felt like melted crayons.

No words came to mind. All the questions seemed to blend into nothing. But the room was filling up, and I didn't find a ceiling in sight.

Shrill cracks to the left, I whirled my head towards it. Lightning bolt cracks were stretched across the glass of the window I had mentioned earlier. The once beautiful wooden framework around it was cracking alongside it. My eyes shot open as tears seemed to roll off and drip down. Time measured itself in heartbeats:


The glass exploded.


The current took me.


My hands wrapped tight on the windowsill.

My arms burned as chills ran down from my spine to my dangling legs as I held in the loudest scream of my life. Downwards was nothingness, upwards were the endless walls, the flowing, rainbow liquid soaking my clothes and begging me one finger at a time to fall, wasting away into nothing. Holding on to what little I had left, my mind raced with all the people I had left to talk to. But the only person that came to mind was Blake. The necklace snapped. A heavy yowl behind me made me worry Satan was already laughing. After that, a finger slipped. Then another. I held my breath. Once the piece of wood gave way, I was weightless in my fall.



_ _ And when I hit the ground, my whole body malfunctioned, screaming and jolting in confusion in the span of a second. Opening my eyes, looking down, the dread swept over me as I saw the same blackness, like looking through glass with no reflection. Brilliant, thin, violet flames fizzled in two circles around me; one larger, one closer, a symbol on the ground I couldn't make out for the life of me. Wouldn't last long, anyways. I looked above, and the wax was still barraging the surface.

"We have to move quickly!"

_ _ I don't know where the male voice came from, but as I rolled over until I was in its direction, I looked at him from down-up. His golden, diamond plated ankle boots right below his meaty, brown thighs, both wrapped in white bandages of some sort, leading up into a skirt of gold, held together by a thick, elegantly padded royal blue belt. I gazed in awe as it led to a full upper body suit of golden armor, covering all but his forearms, which were also wrapped in bandages, just in tandem with the smooth, cyan gems placed in his helmet, shoulders, wrist guards and chestplate. And as he walked towards me, I saw the striking details of his glowing, pale blue eyes locked in his jackal head.

Nasus reached out a hand to me.

"There isn't much time!"

_ _ I gasped in frantic relief as I took his hand, the force of his pull nearly dislocating my arm before he threw his huge arms around me. Then, somehow, we felt an updraft from below us. I could tell whatever was holding us up was beginning to betray us as the rainbow liquid flooded into the circle. Even as I was pushing myself up by one hand, it was flooding up to my elbow. Between us, the circles of blue light faded from nowhere and swirled and twisted around us. The jackal looked up to the sky like he knew what was going on. I sure as hell didn't. I just knew I felt safe. That's when we faded into the same blueness, ourselves, rocketing high up into the distance.

Blues washed over us, and we were gone.


I don't know why teleporting in sci fi movies always looked so painful to me. Their bodies would be engulfed by this weird beam of light, and I guess they become a "part" of it before they're brought to wherever they need to go. I always wondered how that felt. And whenever I did, I'd always come back to the same image of being violently ripped apart atom by atom like a chick at the slaughterhouse, until somehow, all of that arranged neatly into the exact same shape where you wanted to go, like some kind of living corpse. But when I teleported away with Nasus, it wasn't like that. My fur prickled. My legs were in no pain at all. I wasn't scared. I felt a little stretch on my body, but everything else was just....warm. Like riding an elevator with a campfire in the middle, then feeling the floor lurch as it reached the stop.

When I finally opened my eyes to the teal, diagonal shards and the shaded browns of his incredibly detailed armor, it felt surreal. All the gems on his suit were still glowing blue. And as I saw his shining eyes, he looked back at me with a solemn, understanding expression. I don't know which felt better....

"Reuben," he said. "Are you all right?"

I stammered, startled by the weird echo in his voice. "Good question...."

Silence. He seemed like he wanted to nod. Then he let me go, and I wasn't ready for it. My legs still felt numb enough for me to fall backwards, cheek to the ground in a second. I expected to scream, but it felt almost...pillowy. I curled my fingers around the sand, taking it all in. I looked all around me, and felt the greatest mix of emotions inside me. Miles and miles of dunes surrounded me in every direction over a scarlet sky, their outlines thick and visible like some kind of abstract painting at an art fair.

Nasus got on one knee to offer a hand.

"I apologize for that, Reuben," he spoke, "and I sincerely hope you forgive me. It appears we both need to be adjusted to this realm. Let me help you up."

His palm engulfed my entire hand as he took it. Once I was to my feet, I felt a little small, realizing I'm half his size in height. The brilliant sunset looked amazing on the radiant parts of his armor.

I had to say something: "I don't know what you did, or why you're here, or...or how to repay you, or-"

"I know," he said calmly. "Come."

I said nothing and walked by his side, fascinated by the quietness of this place. Nasus seemed distracted by whatever was ahead of him, but all I saw was more sand, fading into the tall image of a bridge far in the distance. Every now and then he'd give me a glance, then looked away, like there was something in the distance he couldn't take his eye off of. Truthfully, I didn't know if I was.

I thought I saw a cactus, but I think it was a mirage. The same thing happened with a couple faraway black objects. Took me by surprise every time. I fidgeted with my fingers, trying to pay attention to the sand under our footsteps instead, but I just felt so disturbed and uncomfortable. Like the land itself was talking to me. Maybe Nasus knew. I opened my mouth....

"I don't know," Nasus said.

I blinked, looking up at him. "What?"

"I am ignorant to the conception of this land," he said, still absently looking forward. "Though I do not feel the same as my upbringing. There, in the deep void, a voice had called me. An entity that rang until I felt matter within the nothingness. And that's where I found you hanging out the window. I knew that I had to protect you. So, as we walk here, I will continue. That is my purpose."

I felt goosebumps trickle my skin. It didn't seem like he was protecting me from anything, but...maybe that was the point. "I'm grateful, in every way, I promise, did you know I would say that?"

He gave me a watery gaze. "It is not how I know, Reuben. It is the energy that surrounds you. The way you walk, like the ground below you would swallow all that remains. I saw the dunes undulate in the distance when you looked away. As if you exist, and the world responds."

I stopped. "Is it...terrifying?"

"I find it fascinating," Nasus nodded. "But that is for you to decide."

I should've been intimidated, but I wasn't. Sand particles swept by my feet as the glow in his eyes flickered like a fire that I couldn't take my eyes away from. A chill ran down my spine...what for? I turned around and gasped shortly, seeing a row of about seven buildings made from some kind of wood in the distance. Their windows were dark and their positions were slanted, and the thought of one suddenly slipping gave me chills.

I said, "Do you know who else lives here?"

"I'm afraid not," Nasus assured me. "Perhaps nobody does. That is to assume that anybody occupies this sanctuary. When all the lights are out in every house, the lines between vacancy and solitude become ever blurred in the passage of time."

His words alone made me shiver. I tilted my head. "What do you mean, Nasus?"

"They are both empty and habited," he assured me. "It is whatever you may make of it."

His vagueness was frustrating as hell, but something in my chest made me hold it all back. "May I ask a question?" He nodded. "Why are you giving me so many options without telling me how to use them? Is it because we're lost out here? I'm sorry, I just don't understand if there's a test. there a test?"

"I never said there was a test_,_" Nasus interrupted, his tone now a low growl. "But your interest in one intrigues me. Do you remember the moment before you entered this realm?"

" mean this one?" I asked. "You saved me from drowning, don't you remember?"

He shook his head. "Previously."

I paused for a while. How the hell was I blanking on this? My head was in pain from how hard I thought about it.

"I...don't know," I finally resigned.

"And yet, it matters not," he replied. "Because now, you are here, and there is nothing to do but walk. All that remains is the bond that brought us together."

"Well, if you don't know, maybe somebody does," I said, wading towards the houses. "Come on, honey, let's check the houses."

Then he put a huge hand on my shoulder, his digits reaching past my collar bone as my eyes widened with confusion and warmth.

"I told you, Reuben," he mustered. "They are but only an interpretation."

Something in me clicked the moment he said that.

"Nasus...," I asked, turning slowly to him. "Where are we?"

He turned his head away and said with the most pillowy voice, "It doesn't matter, Reuben."

I felt taken aback, but not broken. I wasn't even offended. In a way, he was right. But it was something more than that that made me trust him. The feeling of his hand on my shoulder was still an image in my mind that jump started my heart, and I had thought about it so deeply, I hadn't realized I was once again walking with him. I don't even know how it started, I just took his advice. Sure enough, step by step, I felt the stress stray from me. And that's when I actually saw this place for what it was.

...My head turned up. A dream...oh my god, it's all a dream! I dug my nails into my skin and shook my head, beginning to hyperventilate. God did it take so long to occur to me? I turned to tell him the news, but right when I did, Nasus's ears flicked upward and gave an erratic look.

"The pulse in the sands," he spoke aloud. "You understand the truth."

"I don't want to leave this place anymore...," I said frantically, looking away. "I want to find out why we're here. I want to...." I stopped. "Wait a're not real, either. None of this was. So then...what have we been talking about?"

He straightened, looking much taller than before. "Your prophecy."

Suddenly, I felt a quake beneath my feet. The world around me seemed to tumult. I paused and stifled a terrified gasp. I could see the sand in the distance oddly updraft towards the sky and fade into a strange mist, the sky beyond it losing its saturation. Nasus was quick to kneel down, throwing his arms around me.

"Don't think of that!" he commanded.

Though, it wasn't a command. It was more of a boom of the same calmness I had been hearing. But underneath it made me shiver. I had blocked it out because I thought I was hearing things, but now, I was hearing it in full...the second, much higher and confident tone. It just wasn't clear until I paid enough attention. As it all sank in, I felt his heavy hand on the top of my head, stroking it. It felt good. No...that didn't begin to describe it.

"You're Blake...," I said. "The voice beneath your voice...that's him, too...." I shuddered, my voice now a whisper. "I never saw his face...."

I turned my head up and watched the dunes forge back to their towering forms, crack by crack sealing as my big jackal wrapped an arm around me. The flame that was boiling in my heart seemed to expand as I felt him kneel down to my eye level.

"So I am a vessel for your memories," he responded bluntly, in an accepting sort of way. "I'm...not sure how to take this, but surely you must know. I sensed another tumult in the sands as you spoke your last words. Was that attraction, Reuben?"

"It's more than that, Nasus," I said immediately. "I don't think you could understand."

"Why not?"

"This is all so confusing," I whined, pacing around randomly. "You're not him, you're...some kind of...fuckin'...weird representation of him, like he's some kind of pornstar that copies the last guy I felt lusty for-"

Nasus stiffened. "You mean to disrespect me?"

"NO! I...." I slapped my face and groaned, fuck my stupid brain, frantically saying, "I'm sorry, I look at you, and you make me feel what I feel for Blake...and I just can't deny that in some weird, twisted way, you're exactly like him, but you're not, and I...UGH!"

I clasped my hands over my head and groaned loudly through my teeth. Then I collapsed to my knees.

"Reuben...." Nasus asked softly. "Is it me that you desire? Or is it the vessel within me?"

I breathed out. "Why are you so understanding of me? I'm a mess, Blake, I don't fucking deserve you...."

"Pitied am I to witness you make this statement before the imitation rather than the vessel in the real world," Nasus said. "You are smarter than this, Reuben. I know this."

"I can't," I whispered. "I just don't know...."

I paused. Then, I started to cry, and I felt his arms wrap around me in a hug.

"There's so much I don't understand...." I said, looking up at him pleadingly. "Will you help me understand?"

Nasus nodded, seemingly lost in thought. "Consider this, Reuben. Your heart desires what your words cannot bring themselves to admit. And that led me straight to you."

As I stared blankly into the sand, letting his words soak through my brain, I realized what he actually meant. Whatever all this was, it was testing me. But there wasn't an ending made for me. The goal was to find out what the goal was. The waves of calm shook under the goosebumps. It dawned on me that I was doing one long inhale. I turned my head, and we were eye to eye, losing myself within his gaze.

"Now then," Nasus cooed, "while there's still time. Tell me your desires."

The world felt like a complete standstill. I drew a hand across his cheek.

"I'll_show_ you."

Our lips locked like magnets, and instantly, I was rubber. As I sank into his kiss, we pressed into each other deeper, my hands on his armor as his arms wrapped around me once more. Like an addiction, we drew for less than a second before our heads met together again, my heart pounding through every second. I never felt a kiss in real life, but if this is how it feels, I would give it all away to stay like this forever.

The brush of his breath against my fur was intoxicating, and my hands shakily traced him, itching to touch the skin beneath it. But then he pulled away, and I whimpered aloud, my hands moving up to his head to pull him back in....

And that's when the wind changed. It was at my it was at my side. That's when I looked towards its direction, and instantly lost my breath. The platform of stone extended about three arms lengths away from me before it dropped into a pit of wispy, stranded clouds, floating gracefully above an orange glow beneath it. I stood up, whirling myself around, seeing that fog and sunset-orange ambience was all this place was.

Nasus smiled, standing up, moving aside. The image ahead left me completely speechless. A single, winding bridge made up of rocks that seemed to form somewhere miles below the ground through the clouds led up to a series of fifteen giant steps, and those giant steps led up to the most beautiful infrastructure I had ever laid my eyes upon. Silver pillars held it all up, sigils resting in circles etched into the gold leaf roof, those images of angels, sculpted beside sigils of wind and flames. I looked to Nasus, stunned as I was, though he remained stoic, nodding to me in the most calming way I've ever seen.

"If our time here is finite," Nasus assured me, "then I want to give into your every desire. No matter the test, this body is completely insatiable. We must not hesitate."

My excitement boiled like a phoenix would burst out of my chest. Wrists to the ground, I was eye level with the vortices of dust under his giant footsteps as they graced the ground like nothing. He was headed for the bridge. I seemed to rise to my feet on my own. That tight path's width was enough to fit two of my feet, one of his at a time. He went first, I followed. Strange that with the slim path that I had, I never felt like I was falling off. Just arms out to the side as I tightroped the squiggles, left and the right, looking down at the clouds that blanketed the nothingness below and thought nothing. Nothing at all.

Then my foot hit the other side; swear I'd only walked ten steps. I grabbed his hand when he acknowledged me. We took our gentle time, still silent as we walked about a quarter of a mile before the next giant steps. Then, like instant, we were there.

The size of this place felt like taking out every building in a city except the furthest skyscrapers to the edges. Eight silver, cylindrical pillars in a square formation held a single roof up, their shadows obscuring the colorful details behind it. The floors of this sanctuary displayed some kind of story in hieroglyphs, spiraling in a square towards the center of the platform. Deadset in that spot was one hammock, tied to two of the opposing pillars, courtrooms apart in a square. I know that's just for him,and it's exactly how I want it.

I followed closely behind the big jackal as he approached the white hammock, perfectly fitting its size as he lay his back into it. A twinkle in his seductive glare, he offered a beckoning finger to me. So, I followed, my heart rampant with each step, intensifying, then peaking when I stood above him. My hands floated down to his big, bulky armor, cold touch, my fingers graced the blocky metal. Already getting dumb...wide open room's lookin' closed already. Clocks ticked in the back of my mind as I tried to find the courage....

"I, uh...don't know how to get this off of you...." I admitted.

He chuckled lowly beneath his close-lipped grin before he slowly brought his right hand up and snapped his fingers. In an instant, the remnants of his armor, blue stones and all, dissipated to bubbles glowing shades of amber and yellow. I stood deadpan and motionless as they floated gently up to the sky, up thirty feet or more, until they flattened, curved, and floated away as brass colored feathers.

Eyes full of intent, he buffed out the fit pecs of his incredibly toned body, showing himself off even further. His shoulders were like small boulders, abs like a washboard; all his astounding muscle definition was sculpted to perfection. Naked as he should be, for all but a loincloth, white as the hammock, draping down to his kneecaps.

My heart pounded, but I tried my best to hide it. I wanted to, but I couldn't; not yet. I'm still nervous. So I glided my hands over his rock hard torso instead, feeling every tough muscle on his front. I looked at him exhale softly, somehow gently rocking the hammock just by bowing his head back. He closed his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm just really nervous about this...." I uttered quickly.

Nasus smiled. "I feel no need to rush you. Touch me wherever you want."

All right...he's telling me to get a feel for it. Okay...I started at his chest, poking at the muscles, breathless as I experienced his bulkiness. Then, I felt his arms, which were like pressing balloons of sand for the fun of it. Fascinating. Took me a second to realize he's not even flexing. I wondered what it was like to have this kind of strength. I spent a few minutes on that before I traveled to his abs, and I think I spent the most time just feeling him there.

I blew out air through pursed lips, too loud, and Nasus hummed a tiny laugh; confident, like he knows he's sexy. Still nauseous from stress, I brought myself to take it further. I lowered my head to his navel, inch by inch. Until my cheek was pressed against it. Fuck...just hearing his heartbeat made me aroused. Absolutely magical. The same kind of magic that made me take another step forward, planting a kiss onto his beautiful six pack. Then again. Then again. Oh wow. Guess I've gotta keep travelling down....

A twitch of cloth to the right made my heart skip a beat. Poking under the folds of his last cloth, I could see it growing out: the oval-shaped tip impressively prodding the fabric a good length from his pelvis. I instantly smiled, teeth showing and all. Thank god he liked it. Thank god he likes me.

I smiled, though he isn't opening his eyes. Kneeling to his ear, feeling the heat of his skin, I can see the edge of his lip curl into a knowing grin. He knows.

I gripped the fabric at his pelvis, already feeling his stiffness on the backs of my digits. Deep breath...then in one motion, the long part went to the side. I nearly lost my breath the moment I saw it. His dick was a slightly darker brown than his fur, circumsized, his head was a strawberry, the shaft as thick as a stalk of bamboo. My god, he was big...he seemed like a foot long. His balls lay below him like eggs in a nest, and were about the size of them, too. I held them in my hands, gently squeezing and shifting them in my palms like they were two stones. Then my hands slid down to his pelvis, thighs, then the space between his erect penis and his legs. I started massaging that, circling my thumbs around his waist. I heard him moan a little bit, deep in the throat, and somehow, his cock grew even longer. He wanted this.

"God, I...I just," I stammered quietly. "This is so fuckin' much...."

Nasus didn't respond, and I guess he knows I can take it. All right, steps. I slid my hands slowly to his crotch, my heart beating harder every inch that I got. Closer...closer...then I was there, and I latched both of them to the middle of his shaft. I jerked him up and down, my fingers barely fitting around him as I gawked at how much dick there was still left to cover. I giggled a bit as I got the hang of it, trying some techniques; twisted my wrists, a lighter grip, and watched as he shifted a bit in his place. I smiled as I rubbed him up to his tip, and as my palm ran across his bulbous head, he gasped and suppressed a moan. Of course...that's where I've gotta get him.

I opened my mouth wide around his tip. The taste of precum already on my tongue, I put some suction on, caving my cheeks in. It isn't hard to start bouncing a little bit. But I try to make it slow; I want him to enjoy every single minute of this. I make my mouth tighter, and I know that he likes it. I start trying to find his sweet spot; pinching his nipple, touching his abs, fondling his balls while I'm sucking his cock like he deserves it. The more he does this, the more I can hear him whimper out his moans. It's cute the way he suppresses them like that.

"O-oh god, Reuben...," he moaned out, sounding a little more like Blake, and it's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard.

My cheeks suddenly puffed out in surprise, and I recoiled as semen splashed out the sides. His cum tasted salty in my mouth as I swallowed what I caught down, the rest of it either painting my face or rolling down his member.

I watched him pant and stare as the cum rolled down his shaft. His breathing descended to sighs of pleasure. He doesn't go soft, so I laugh, gently stroke my hand up and down his shaft some more. I thought he was just turned on, but god...his cock was as stiff as a board. And that's when I realized: this is what he meant by "insatiable".

That's when I smirked and licked my lips. I'm not done yet. I threw my head back down on him, and he let out a long, high pitched moan. His head was slick, the saliva mixing with the hot semen around it, but I knew that he loved it that way. So I started sucking again, slickening with every inch of him I took inside my mouth,, I could feel his hips slowly easing out, then in again, the hunk soaking in all the pleasure he can from my mouth and my love.

My heart flared as I heard him whimper: the same one that inspired the smile on my face. I took the cock out of my mouth and circled the tip with my tongue, watching him as I did. His eyes were closed, lips pursed as he puffed out his pleasure. His shoulders twitched and shifted as I traced my tongue around and around him...I gave him a wink.

"It's_my_ dream," I told him as I jerked him off with two hands. "And by my rules, you feel more pleasure every time you cum." I took one of my hands further up his cock and squeezed around his head, rotating it back and forth. "I've got a _lot_to work with...." I mused, hearing his moans become higher.

"So cum again for me, baby."

His fangs showed as he moaned out loud, his penis hardening quickly around my hand. A second later, he blew a strand of semen from the tip, rocketing to the sky before it came crashing back down. I moved both hands down to the shaft and let the spurts fly out, over and over, painting both him and the floor while he winced and tensed with pleasure.

I gazed over his panting, burly body, coated in lines of his spunk. They dropped between the notches of his muscles and darkened his fur. The smell of sex was in the air.

And yet, I still wasn't satisfied.

"I know I can make you feel more than this...." I whispered aloud, staring at the cloudy, yet desolate background. "There has to be more to this world than just this...."

Nasus stared at me from his bed, his tilted ears lazy, the drowsy look in his eyes speaking into my soul, and as I stared back at him, I didn't feel satisfaction, but frustration. My head pulsed, like it was in pain, but more of a tightness. Even though he'd cum twice, I knew I hadn't done nearly enough of a good job. A man like this didn't deserve to leave existence without drooling from pleasure. And that erection of his was still straight as a line, cum still rolling down the shaft.

"There_has_ to be," I mumbled confidently.

Out of nowhere, the sky erupted, a flurry of wind buffeting us as the environment changed from orange to blue. The two of us shielded our eyes as the wind and swirling, cyan helixes streaming around where we stayed as a booming sound took us to a flash of brilliant white light.

My heart pumped, but I dared not to close my eyes...the pillars disintegrated to dust in a whirlwind, the hieroglyphs on the floor sparked to life, the human shapes with spears, urns and arrows rushed towards the center of the ground. They flushed together, I felt their tiny smashes, and then, the unexpected: their outlines split on impact, the colors inside spilling together. Red, green, black, they flowed into one, expanding rapidly as I let out a surprised yelp, rumbling as they extended back down the spiral. Stress spread, my mouth fell open, I ducked my head to no avail...and then, nothing. I felt puzzled...then, I looked Nothing but redstone.

The orange light from the sunset beyond the cliff took my breath away, the planks of the gazebo around us fading into existence. Below us glimmered an ocean, softly swaying, though I could hear it crash against the rocks below. The hammock beneath a bewildered Nasus extended, thickened, shifted...silky white pillows sprouted under his back, butt and legs. He leaned his head back onto an upward slant, which now sprouted a pillow as his headrest, Nasus stretched his limbs out and closed his eyes.

"I told you I'd make this special," I muttered softly, massaging his torso. "I'm a man of my word."

I readied myself, then took my sweatpants off, rippling in the wind as my underpants came with them. I could tell he, too, was getting nervous as he gazed at me climbing on top of him.

Wordless, the look of his eyes, hypnotizing, I lowered myself onto his cock. The tip of it, slick, and I held it by the base. A drop or two of semen ran over my fingers; we looked at each other face to face and he grit his teeth. Eyebrows up...time for fun. I sat back on him some more, taking half his inches, biting my lip as it sank deeper and deeper into me. I trembled at its warmth as its girth stretched me apart, but I wasn't going to let that stop me as I bucked my hips, keeping my eye contact just to make sure he was having the time of his life.

I remember my nerves more than the pain: a little spooked, but under all that, excited that we could feel each other like this. Hearing him pant, I could only imagine how much pleasure he must've felt after cumming twice and then being ridden. I remember the look on his face all too well: blushing, his jaw cracked a bit, moans squeaking through it as I smiled back and took another inch, feeling the heat on his fur.

"Oh, Reuben...." he blurted. "It feels so...good...."

I felt his hands reach over to grab my thighs as he thrust into me harder. The sound of his length into me over and over again became clear, as he pulled deeper, deeper still. This time, I was the one moaning, feeling his balls slap as his infinite arousal sank him further into our love. A tear rolled down his eye, and I could've cried myself. That's about when he pulled me in for a kiss.

And as our lips pressed, electrifying, I felt his semen pour outside of me, his manly moans transferring through saliva as he shook with pleasure. I was hard, didn't cum, but I didn't care, 'cause those moans from his mouth to mine was enough to last forever. As we kissed, he felt up my back before moving to my shoulders as I felt his burning chest.

"O-oh god...." the jackal moaned as he pulled away. "This feels amazing...."

I smiled at him. His jaw was dropped, stuck like that, breathing through it as the sting of his orgasm lay plainly in the blush through his cheek fur., it still just...hurt. I didn't feel like my mind would wake up any time soon, but then again, I could never be sure...fuck it, no, there's still time!

I curled a finger up to his maw. "I'm still not done." I whispered, caressing his cheek. "I'm...sorry this hasn't been enough."

I looked to the sky, the perfect shade of orange. No more. The sun beyond us cracked, a crevice of blue and purple appearing beneath it. In one motion, it sweeped us, the same blue vortexes from earlier rushing past and taking all the redstone beneath us with it. The wind buffeted our fur, and I felt the sensation of falling, but I wasn't; we were floating, somehow between the violent streaks of white and blue below us.

Then, suddenly it came back, those streaks burrowing into the ground, stretching in all directions outward as it morphed into plains, then spiked into grass. Golden and graceful, they spread, multiplying in the thousands, lit by the clear, cyan sky above us while the birds tweeted from nowhere. That didn't last long; the songbirds in the trees phasing into existence complemented the amazing summer warmth baking our bodies. Beyond them evolved the great, blue-grey mountains, phasing in a flurry of white light from the base to its snow-tipped caps. The mahogany trees sprouted leaves of gold, pink, red, vibrant magentas, as the two of us watched it in equal awe.

"Your creativity is astounding...." he hushed.

"Thanks...." I squeaked, nuzzling him. "I think about this stuff a lot...what I'd do to give someone infinite pleasure, how I'd set it up...I'm just glad it's as good as it is in my head."

We stayed silent until I noticed him peer into a cluster of leaves. Then, suddenly, a butterfly emerged. Shining blue wings, black body. Then another. Then another. It didn't take long for thirty or forty to reach us onto our bed, circling us soundlessly. Nasus was puzzled...I wasn't. I stepped up to my feet and backed away.

"I know it's all a fantasy," I admitted. "It's...probably pretty dumb, now that I'm thinking about it, but...I've always wanted to do this."

As he held still, the insects descended in a circle form to his body. One found a perch onto his bicep, two more on his obliques, then one on his thigh, then another on his other bicep. Nasus stayed patient and kept his mouth closed, but I could tell that all the suspense was driving him nuts. I began to smile as three more landed onto his abs.

"Just wait," I told him.

And suddenly the wings of all the butterflies bloomed into a vibrant glow, which began to envelope the rest of their bodies. Nasus hung his mouth open in perplexity. They shapeshifted in unison in a ball of pearly light, losing all of their form, thickening. It took seconds, but then, explosions, bursting into sparks and stars, and when the residue faded, their true forms were shown: individual hands, wrapped up in white cloth gloves, floating at their own will. Nasus gasped a bit, but relaxed as they began to work their magic on him.

He moaned, shifted, sucking wind through his teeth as his entire body was massaged by fifteen or so of these things. I didn't think a big guy could squirm so much, but god, was he enjoying it. They pinched at his nipples and kneaded his abs, two of them slowly stroking his long penis while they kneaded his thighs and played with his balls. I heard him sigh, shifting to the side, a few drops of cum from earlier sliding off his obliques to the ground as another hand took to behind his ears, scratching them, his thumping leg making me laugh out loud.

I joined in and covered the one spot the hands hadn't: the head. It felt like the sun in my hand as I began to edge him, watching his face turn red with pleasure. It wouldn't be long now.

His body jolted like lightning as his fourth orgasm shot like a bullet in the sky. His head was thrown back, I let some hit my face, some soak the grass, and some of it splash back down onto his body. I smiled at his pleasure, three hands now jerking him off as he fired spurt after spurt, on and on until his whole body was shivering, the fingers tickling over his roiling muscles as piece by piece, he began to calm down. His orgasm ended, but his smile was still curved into exactly the bliss that I wanted. He exhaled deeply as the hands kept feeling him up. His cock, as always, stayed rock hard in my hand, covered in his own cum as it dripped down to his balls. Everything was still, and the warm, summer morning would last for as long as I wanted. I let go of his dick to touch his body, weaving in and out of the space I had, feeling every notch of his manliness.

"I beg you...." Nasus groaned, now peeping through his lips, " not...stop...."

I nodded, saying nothing back. Nothing more even needed to be said. I just wrapped my hands around his cock again, feeling it pulse as I slowly began to pump him up and down, watching as everything in the room made him feel amazing. I know that it's wrong, and some may call it sick, but this is what it would be like if Blake and I go to Heaven. I endlessly please him for the things that he does, for the person that he is. And he'd look exactly like this. And I'd stroke him some more.

Then he came again.

And I stroked him some more.

He came again.

And I stroked him some more.

He came again, and again, and again.


I don't know how much time had passed in that wonderful, wonderful blur. Nasus was hot, furry putty, mouth half open as he constantly wriggled and squirmed through orgasm after orgasm. Then the cloth hands would wipe him down before going back to massaging, nipple-stimulating, fingering, leaving all the parts in between to me. Sometimes I jerked him...other times, we made out. Other times, I'd sit back and watch the hands massaging his body bring him to another orgasm, his body so stimulated that it didn't even matter if they hadn't touched his dick. I wondered what he was thinking, if it was even anything at all. Hell, I certainly wouldn't be.

For the first time in I don't know how long, I couldn't take the smile off my face. But after the fifteenth or so orgasm, I thought it was a shame he'd never get to see the real, I showed him. I thought really hard until the scenery was totally different, showing him beautiful, starry nights that glimmered like diamonds, the quiet bedroom of royalty, giant feathers fanning us by the sides, the pyramids, the canyons, the apex of mountains, sucking, jerking and riding him all along the way. In the end he wanted to go back to the fields, so I let him. And if I could, I'd cycle the whole thing again. Maybe one day, I will, and there'll be no distinction at all.

"Baby...." I cooed at him. "I hope you're feeling amazing...." I leaned into him, "Blake."

His head was still turned to the side, eyes narrowed, an arm draping off the bed while his big dick was getting milked by three hands. An eyelid twitched upwards. I suppose that was some sort of response. But it was more than that. His pupil dilated. Somehow, I already knew.

"Not...much...time...." Nasus moaned.

Oh god. Oh my fucking god. A plume of gold steam was rising over the mountains, fading as they plateaued, faded, then they were gone. All in less than a second. I gasped, chills running through my body as I recognized exactly what it was. The world was fading...and it was headed straight for us.

I turned back to Nasus, ready to take his cock again, but gasped as I watched the hand at his shaft start to fade in the same way.

"No...." I muttered. "I...I don't want to wake up...."

As the last hand disappeared, Nasus sighed and pushed himself up, struggling to stay afoot, still fully erect, grit teeth visible in a smile of infinite pleasure as his white fluid rolled down from his abs to his kneecaps. But the sight of it didn't make me happy anymore.

"I-is this goodbye?" I asked him. "I feel like we just got started...."

"You've done plenty, Reuben," he pleaded, "Trust me."

I reeled back, completely unsuspecting of that comment. It sounded so whiny and droning, and...not Nasus. A strange part of me wanted to laugh at it, despite all that was going on. I can see the sky crack in the background of this place, revealing nothing but darkness, and it seemed to blur into the blues the longer I looked at it. So I didn't. Not anymore. I walked to his swaying, impossibly pleasured body, arms splayed out to embrace him in a hug. Why did his face look so funny now? I'm supposed to be terrified. He caught me, held me tight, then we collapsed onto the warm grass and just lay there, baking in each other's heat.

I looked at his eyes, still the cyan embers they were before. And for some reason, I laughed. What's stranger: he laughed back, too. A big, low, godly laugh laid over the voice I knew was behind it. Kinda made him sound cute. I giggled some more at that, and he mimicked me.

"You feeling what I'm feeling?" I asked. "I hope you are."

"P-perhaps the pleasure is irrelevant," he grinned.

I gave him a seductive grin, rolling to the side of him, grabbing his penis again. Beyond us, I could see the darkness closing down the universe I had just built. But I didn't scream for it to stop. I was too busy giggling at how he came almost the moment I put my hand on him.

"You sure it's not just pleasure?" I beamed, watching his eyebrows perk.

He laughed back, but it faded to a whisper. I could see the blades around the grass disintegrate from the tips down, not even fading into the air. Just becoming nothing. I wondered if this was a metaphor for something.

"God, you're amazing, Reuben...." Nasus spoke, whimpering as pleasure still coursed through his body. "I...feel...sad that I cannot repay you."

"Sad?" I frowned. "You did everything I needed. I feel like I should be the one repaying you."

My stomach dropped when I realized what I said. The void had now turned the world into a browning circle, closing in rapidly.

"That's no duty for you to fulfill," he muttered, the embers of his eyes flickering. "Please...let me ask this...."

And the black void around me closed in even more, the world becoming colder as it did. Nasus was still there. The tears welled up in my eyes as the trees began to fade.

"What is it?" I asked him eagerly.

"Is this in real life?" he asked. "Is it all so...perfect?"

He touched my face, and my stomach dropped as his palm began to lose its warmth. Putting the words together felt impossible:

"I want to say 'Yes', but I can't," I told him. "Where I'm from, sex isn't enough. It ends. So you fill in the gaps with whatever you can...sometimes it's not enough, sometimes you can't get it to begin with, and maybe you don't even know where to start...."

I felt like I was getting colder on the inside. He coughed to the side, frowning, steam coming out.

"What if you could?" he asked. "Would you do it even if you knew it wouldn't be like this? Is that worth it?"

The blades of grass were all gone now. The lump in my throat was itching at my soul. But I think I knew what he was getting after.

"Yes," I quietly vowed. "I'd do it for you. For the both of us. I promise."

Nasus's voice was getting shrill. "Oh, Reuben...I just wish I could see...."

His creaky voice grew thin and weary as a tear trickled from my eye. It landed on his cheek just as a crack ruptured across it, spreading like a spiderweb across his face, steam spilling out of the seams as it, blurred in brilliant light.

"Oh, dear...."

The whites of his eyes fade into wisps, leaving a dark, meaningless shadow. Then, nothing. I couldn't move my muscles at all, but I knew I was still there. Like a beating heart that just hurt, lingered, speaking all the words for me.

And that's when another curtain unfolded. I could tell by the car horns outside that I was surely awake. Stains on my window. I wanted to cry. The thought of forgetting that dream was a fate worse than death to me. But that never happened. I didn't know that at the time. I couldn't've. All that was on my head was Blake.

I looked back at my phone again. The time was noon. Something about me was calmer than I had expected.

Pulled up an address. Nearby grill. Ten minutes away. Twelve for him. I swiped to the "Messages" app and pulled up Blake's number. Deep breath. I texted him the link and said:

_ "Wanna go get lunch?"_

And that's how it started.

Thumbnail:[url=]Nasus March 2020[/url] by Nurinaki

Because She Likes Surprises [18+]

We meet again, fellow audience! For you today, I have a fanfic based on [url=[](]funkybun 's glorious characters,[/url] Emil and Lily! If your eyes have not feasted...

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His Captive [18+]

[h1]TRIGGER WARNING: This story's pretty rapey. I wrote it in a way that I think is interpretive enough as just a master/slave BDSM fantasy, but I still should put this here. Please be advised.[/h1] My utmost thanks to my wonderful proofreaders,...

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How to Find the Last Jiggy [18+] (Bassybird Commission)

Greetings once again, my dear audience! Ah, for you, today, I have quite the delicious treat to share, yes! The story you find here was written alongside a commission I made from...

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