The Merchant's Slave pt6

Story by Isiat Squire Carcer on SoFurry

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#12 of The Dancing Slave

Hey all! Here it is at last, the conclusion the Book 2 of the Dancing Slave Saga, The Merchant's slave!

This one picks up exactly where the last chapter ended, and there are some big reveals and story in this one, not just smut... But there's plenty of that as well! :P

So remember, Vote if you enjoyed it,

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And comment to let me know your thoughts!

Thanks again to all my Patreon's and supporters who's help and contributions make it possible for me to continue my passion of writing!

Scion had come in late today. He'd overslept, quite simply, not that it was of any consequence. The next week or longer, weather depending was nothing but travel before they reached their first major port of calling and could begin to shift some consequential amounts of goods. So he'd stayed in his bed, stretched his wings out, and enjoyed the sunlight for a change.

It wasn't a common occurrence for a dragon to be so off schedule. Their species and his clan especially had a reputation to uphold for perfection and punctuality, one that he personally had never had much interest in upholding. He did so because it was expected of him, and he did it for Isiat because despite all the vulpine was, crafty, sly, and a brilliant speaker who could resell snake oil to its original seller for a profit, he was a good man. That, and he compensated Scion for his very, very valuable time with a very, very good retaining salary. Not to mention the other obvious perks that came with working for a travelling merchant of course.

He'd seen far more of the world than he'd ever expected to in his lifetime and traversed the continent in its totality no less than a dozen times now. He'd seen most of the natural wonders than the realm had to offer, been acclimated to new cultures, learned a dozen more languages, and slept with at least a score more exotic species than that.

His own hoard was accumulating nicely. All dragons coveted wealth. It was in their nature. In turn, it made them the most excellent bankers, lenders and artisans of the land. The squabbling wars were below their kind. Let the canines and felines bicker over which species was superior. At the end of it all, it would be the Dragon's who they would repay for the generous loans they had provided.

That, or face down a legion of very upset dragons wanting their money back. The airships were a fearsome weapon when it came to trade. Repurposed, they spelled certain doom for a foe when they were reforged for war.

Still, working for Isiat had at least given him distance from such matters. Out here, he needn't concern himself with politics nearly as much. Isiat had his views on tipping the scales of the conflict, but they were all geared for his benefit first and foremost, and through him, the benefit of those on his ship. He was connected to the wider world at large, but on an entirely different level to the rabbles in their towers.

His golden eyes ran across the sheets of paper before him, one scaled paw making quick, corrective strokes with a long feathered quill as he updated the figures of their stocks, their worth, the status of the ship. Most people would have found such work tedious and repetitive, but Scion's mind revelled in the challenge it possessed. Numbers were what made up the world, be they people, heads of cattle, gold in the coffers, the volume of water, or casualties on a battlefield.

Scion's mind crunched them like a feral hyena through bones.

He'd already ran through the majority of payments and incomes due, and processed them, filing them for delivery to the workers who would organize payment letters. He'd sent a formal reply by messenger hawk to the Dragon clans on their inquiry regarding repayment of a previous years loan that it would be forthcoming soon. The inventory and stock numbers? Those were merely entertainment for him.

He'd kept things in such tight check that there hadn't been any attempts by slaves or salaried workers to scam Isiat in years. Any discrepancies in the figures would be quickly noticed and those cases, Scion had taken a particular delight to hunt down.

The dragon leaned back, letting his wings stretch out as his back arched in the seat, his neck popping. He could hear someone approaching, and figured it best to make himself presentable, redoing the top button on his undershirt. When it was Shadi, and not Isiat however, who walked through the door to the ship master's cabin, he quickly undid it once more. No sense wasting formalities where they weren't required.

She glanced about for a moment as if expecting nobody to be in Isiat's quarters.

*"Were you expecting someone different, perchance?" * Scion asked after a long moment. She shut the door behind herself and gave him a look that surprisingly, was impossible for him to read.

"Not quite... Isiat had some things to do and wanted to dance. He mentioned that the chaise would be in the sunlight, which..." She gestured to the green fabric of the couch and its small mounds of pillows, sitting by the dancing pole in a distinctly shaded corner of the room.

"It isn't..."

*"Your power of perception does you credit." * The dragon made a sarcastic quip, earning a flat, unimpressed stare in return from the feline. She looked around, her eyes following the windows along the wall, when they fell upon Isiat's bed, sitting in a perfectly lit section of the room, motes of dust in the air making the beams of sunlight landing upon the sheets glow like liquid gold.

Without waiting for him to make another smart comment, she padded across to the invitingly warm spot, before bending at the waist beside his bed. She tugged her dress up over her head, letting the fancy clothes her owners had provided her slip across her fur like oil over water, before depositing them in a pile on the foot of the bed. As naked as the day she'd been born, save for her collar which shone brilliantly in the sunlight, she lay down face first across the warm comforter, her tail swishing almost too enticingly above her upturned rump. She had completely ignored him, and gone right to sunning herself!

"Isiat is spoiling you, you know? You're not meek, you're hardly obedient. One would scarcely call you a slave with that behaviour if it weren't for that collar around your neck. He's taking a perfectly good pleasure slave and turning you into a brat before his eyes, and he doesn't even realise it." Scion chuckled, pulling his shirt off lazily, setting it over top of the stack of papers on Isiat's desk. They would still be there an hour from now, but such an opportunity as this might not be.

"I used to be the most spoiled cat in our clan. I-"

"Chief Stryker's daughter. Yes, I know."_ _ Scion interrupted her, the talons on his feet clicking as he walked across the room towards her, peeling back the curtains by Isiat's bed fully. He spent a few long moments simply appreciating the view. With the windows fully exposed and the desert sunlights pouring in, Shadi's naked form was cast in brilliant relief to the darker bedding.

Short and curvy wouldn't have normally been his type, but then again, after so long in Isiat's company, he couldn't rightly say if he actually had a type aside from 'Willing and eager'. Species and to a lesser extent, gender, had ceased to matter for the dragon. Like the bill sheets he spent so long pouring over, as long as the effort was a good return for the energy invested, he couldn't even honestly say he was picky about it.

She had curves now that gave her a rounded figure like the goddess idols of the far tribes across the oceans, where one curve simply melded into the next in an unbroken line his sharp eyes could spend all day following. Her figure now was far more appealing to his trained eyes, and he studied her with the practised scrutiny of a jeweller searching for forgeries. Her health had improved quickly, but most of the decently healthy slaves they 'rescued' made a good recovery in short order, and Shadi was no exception.

The scars upon her back from her floggings were barely visible unless one was looking for them, and her fur simply shone in the sunlight, highlighting her rich, tan pelt and darker mahogany patterning. He let an appreciative growl pass his lips before he sat on the end of the bed.

One other thing Scion loved about mammals. They were a source of easy warmth for a cool-blooded reptile such as himself. The small and fluffy variety especially. He had kept a little pomeranian girl on retainer when they had travelled far into the snow-capped mountains in search of new trade routes. Having someone both warm and tight was a great boon to his mornings.

*"Just how long were you a slave, Shadi?" * He asked after a few moments of silence. Shadi hadn't reacted at all to him being so close to her. Perhaps she hadn't noticed, or she simply didn't care.

"Longer than I care to remember. I was nearly a full adult in our culture when they took me. It's hard to tell how long it has been when you can't even tell if it's night or day. Three, maybe four summers, I think... less than a lot of the older slaves who were in that place." She confessed after a few moments, laying her tail down across her back. The thick, fluffy tip twitched back and forth on the comforter beside her.

*"Hmmm. I see. Would you believe me if I told you Isiat was once a slave?" * The question took her off guard, and her tail suddenly fell still. After a moment, she snorted, and then barked out a laugh, before rolling onto her back so she could look at him. Scion just gave her a grin in response.

"I thought not."

"He keeps slaves himself. Anyone who had been a slave wouldn't do that! As soon as I earn my freedom, I'm going back home, if there's much of a home left... You mentioned my father was the reason I had value? What exactly has he been doing?" She fixed her gaze on the dragon with a steely determination, not willing to accept a cryptic answer. He did not attempt to sidestep or deflect though. Besides, if he could keep her like she was, he had a great view of her breasts.

*"He's been making himself a thorn in their side. He regularly has been leading raids and attacks to sabotage, poison, or destroy the canine's supplies behind their lines, where they think they are safe. Thanks to his efforts, the war between canines and felines went from looking like a quick and sure thing to a drawn-out slug match." * The dragon gave a deep, amused rumble at the almost surprised look on Shadi's face as if the news of her father's notoriety among his foes was entirely unexpected.

"Do you know anything about my home? The last I saw of it when I was being dragged away, it was burning..." She asked quietly, her voice having lost much of its sharp edge, returning to the quiet waver of a frightened kitten.

Scion shook his head sadly.

*"I do not, no, however, I can find out for you, if it would make you feel better." * The naked feline had leapt up and embraced him tightly before he could utter another word. The dragon laughed a moment, before allowing himself to stroke along her back with his rough fingertips. She was every bit as soft as he pictured, and every bit as plump. His paws traced her ribs, before going a little lower, finding their way instinctively to her hips.

*"You are most welcome... But, you understand, nothing is free, least of all information." * His subtle shift and implications weren't missed by Shadi, and she gave him a cheeky grin as she stepped back. For news about her home, it was more than worth it.

"Well... I assume you'll be subtracting anything I do from my debt, right?" She teased. Oh, Isiat and his contracts were going to ruin this poor girl.

*"Of course. Was there anything else you would like to sweeten the deal?" * He replied to her with his best sarcastic drawl, one ridge above his eyes raised as if mocking the little feline.

Shadi evidently didn't read his sarcasm.

"Hmmm... something shiny as well if you're offering?" She suggested, arching her back in a very feline stretch, exposing her ample chest to the dragon's gaze. Her areolae were patches of bright pink surrounding those stiff nubs, and with a roll of his eyes, he didn't even attempt to restrain himself any longer.

Besides, they were another thing Scion loved about mammals! He pushed the feline down to the bed with a low growl that established his dominance, his long, serpentine tongue flickering out to taste her need upon the air. He curled the long muscle around one of her nipples and drew his muzzle down at the same time until his moist lips sealed around the firm nub of flesh.

Her moan echoed around the chamber as the dragon crawled over her, one arm propping him up by her side. His free hand traced her figure with lavish attention to detail as his claws tickled against her soft and supple flesh. He gave her breast he wasn't currently attacking with his tongue a firm squeeze and stole another soft gasp from her as he rolled the nipple between his fingers.

Last time he'd had her to himself, it was she who had done all the work, but Scion loved to hear his partners moan. That simple desire simultaneously brought out the best and the wickedest in him.

*"It'll depend on how good you are. I'm not opposed to leaving a tip, for the right service." * Before he even finished saying it, one of her paws had closed around the bulge in his pants, squeezing his girthy sheath beneath the fabric.

"Get rid of these and I'll show you the right service..." She didn't even hesitate in the words, and he didn't hesitate in his response. His slender muzzle met her own short, feline one and promptly locked lips with her. His fingers found her sex and parted it, spreading her moist nether lips around his fat digits while he explored her maw with his tongue. Her moan was muffled by the kiss, and he ate up the pleasured noises like an addict getting his fix.

Her body was like a velvet glove around his fingers, wet and eager like a queen in heat. He fingered her with quick, shifting strokes, curling his long digits as he twisted his entire wrist to get a better angle. He knew as soon as he found her special spot, and rubbed his fingertips across the sensitive and wet flesh, growling out his possession of her as he did.

Shadi's moans increased in pitch and volume, and Scion had to use his bulk to keep her from squirming away from the overstimulation, pinning the wriggling cat against the bed with one of his massive wings. She was panting and whining into his kiss now, and her eyes were clenched shut. He could tell how much she was focusing, and how quickly he was bringing her mind towards a climax, and he had barely even started!

For her part, Shadi was trying to push her hips downwards onto his questing paws, the two thick digits spreading her out like Isiat's cock would have. The Dragon was bigger and bulkier, and it showed, yet he still had the same fineness and skill that Isiat showed when it came to bedding a woman. Already, she could feel her muscles twitching and trembling around him, squeezing and clenching reflexively about the invading flesh in her cunt.

Scion was... almost a stranger to her, and yet she found herself holding a higher degree of trust in him than nearly everyone else aside from Isiat just by what she knew of him, and what she'd seen and felt of him. He was a male, and a male dragon at that. From the first time she had met him, she'd been able to tell his intentions and desires. Like any other red-blooded stud, he wanted someone to please him and wanted to feel like the top-dog on the block. He was greedy, even if he did only hold a five percent ownership of Shadi.

Isiat had been very clear in just what her role was, and she thought of this as good practice... after all, what male didn't want to be a king in the sac? Shadi could put on all the show in the world for them to make sure they felt it.

It just helped that Scion knew what he was doing, and knew it well at that~

She pulled back from the kiss he'd forced upon her and gasped, sucking in the air she'd been meanly deprived of by the greedy dragon. She found herself moaning like a whore to the ceiling while the dragon's thumb abused her clit by rolling the stiff nub underneath the softer scales of his fingers. It was nothing like the smooth leathery pads that Isiat had, but at the same time, the rougher sensation was more than pleasurable enough for her liking.

His fingers were soaked, each shove of them into her dripping honeypot resulting with a wet squelch that seemed to fill the room along with her own pleasured sounds.

If she was to be stuck a pleasure slave until she earned her freedom, then she would make the most of it. She tried to control herself enough to adjust her grip on the dragon's tight trousers, and quickly grew frustrated with the uneven lump that his restrained twin shafts made, her fingers too small to fit around it!

Whining in frustration, she pushed against the dragon's toned chest firmly, and he stopped in a rush, lifting himself off her on all fours. He gave her a puzzled frown, making a curious rumble.

*"Something wrong little cat?" * Even the way he spoke barely hid his arousal and desire, the words flowing from his lips on the tail end of a low growl that had nothing to do with any threat.

"Yes!" She huffed with a scrunched up little frown of displeasure on her tan furred face. Her big ears twitched and flickered as she, shuffled about beneath him, adjusting and scooting downwards. Her fingers fumbling with his belt. After a few moments, the leather ends slipped apart, and she tossed it aside, shuffling her rump around until her muzzle was level with his crotch, and his head was between her thighs. She split his trousers open and got a face full of obsidian dragon meat, the twin shafts curling and jumping as her warm breath washed across them.

Leaning up at the same time as she tilted her head back, she kissed the narrow, tapering tip of first one, then the other, taking in the rich, musky scent of the dragon, and the sweet metallic tang of his precum as it smeared against her lips.

In the few weeks she'd been aboard, she'd come a long way... The simple fact that she was willing and actually pleased to do this would have been unthinkable while she was still in the castle. Sex had been something cruel and mocking to her, something that felt good being twisted and turned upon itself for her master's cruel intentions. It had been a tool in their vast array of implements to humiliate, degrade, and make them feel like less than a real person.

There was none of that here. Perhaps, it was still a little self-serving of them, but as Scion's lips kissed the short fuzz of her pubic mound, she knew there wasn't a single cruel intent in the dragon's mind. He was interested in something far, far better.

She spread her thighs willingly for him as she took his first length into her muzzle, letting the other run lewdly along her jaw and throat, following the path of its twin as she used her tongue to coax him deeper into her esophagus. She was careful to go slowly this time, easing herself along his smooth, sleek length. Scion's thigh muscles twitched as he fought the instinctive desire to thrust himself forward and muzzle fuck the feline under him. She stroked a paw across his leg soothingly, a quiet moan passing her lips around the girth of his breeder.

And oh, for poor Scion was the urge to thrust strong! It was like holding iron to a magnet and not expecting them to smack together. A cock in a muzzle deserved, nay should have had his thick sheath kissing her warm, heavenly mouth. He growled, giving her throat a thick pulse of precum to coat the little dancing slave's tastebuds with his flavour, his second cock leaving a wet ribbon between her breasts as both shafts positively throbbed. She was only halfway done swallowing his full length, and already his tip felt like it was mashing against the back of her throat.

God's he loved having smaller partners, which was a boon for his sex life, given his height. Something about pleasing a partner who was so much more diminutive than himself was intensely arousing, the sheer act of forcing it to fit and having them moan as he did so simply drove him feral.

Her wet suckling and the grip of her free paw on his external shaft as it throbbed was making his internal testes churn with a fresh load of dragon spunk for the eager little kitten. But not yet, he told himself. He was a gentleman, after all, or at least he tried to be. He grinned as he pressed his muzzle flush against her cunt, the flesh of her slit already puffy and pink with arousal, and dripping with need.

Ladies should always come first, though he doubted whoever had conned the phrase had been considering this context.

Her ears folded flat against her head when he took his first lick of her, that sweet, sinful flavour clinging to his tongue like a syrup. It was less that he saw it, too busy ogling the work his tongue was doing, and more that he felt the movement of the overlarge, fennec like listeners, the silky fur rimming her ears ticking against his thighs.

He dragged his tongue from base to clit in a single, sleek swipe, curling its forked tip around the little nub. The moan he forced from her vibrated along his twin shafts and earned a pleased grunt from the busy male. He lapped her again and felt her throat take his shaft a little deeper as if she were intent to keep up with him, a friendly competition to make the other climax first.

However, once Scion's tongue began to split her lips, and slip inside her clenching passage, it became an uphill battle for Shadi, who desperately tried everything she knew to keep her body under control while the dragon sought to make her lose every ounce of it she had.

One two-Ngghh! He's as terrible as Isiat. Focus girl! Just-

"Ahh~ " Shadi pulled back from the dragon's black hemipenes for a moment, the gasped sound of carnal bliss escaping her lips before she even consciously realised it, and her cheeks burned red as she caught a glance of Scion between her thighs. Her hips rolled upwards to meet the dragon's slender snout, his scales quickly becoming slick with her arousal.

At the slightest sign of her faltering willpower to hold back, the dragon dove into the attack, his paws grabbing her thighs to pull her juicy snatch to his lips. Shadi found out quickly just how long and dexterous a reptile's flickering tongue could be. A moan tore itself from her lips as he went down on her with ravenous hunger, but the sound was short-lived. Scion, hearing the opening of her maw, thrust his hips forward, giving in to temptation as making her squeak in surprise as he bottomed out in the feline's throat, his sheath and the base of his lower shaft mashed against her warm, soft lips.

She sucked in what air she could through her nostrils as the dragon's sudden motion trampled her gag reflex like a herd of charging prey beasts, leaving her without the luxury of a choice or pacing herself. Her throat rippled as she swallowed around him, his free cock coming level almost between her breasts, precum coating her fur and her throat as the horny dragon's tongue tickled the oversensitive spaces at the very end of her passage.

God's above, he's- he's...

Shadi's eyes rolled back into her head as she certainly lost their unspoken contest. It crashed upon her so suddenly and forcefully that she barely had the time of mouth-space to cry out. Stars exploded across her vision and sent her body slumping and twitching onto the mattress below, any hope of maintaining her composure utterly and completely obliterated by the Dragon's skilful oral ministrations. She could feel the jolts of pleasure like lightning running along her spine, and vaguely felt one of the dragon's hands clamp down on her tail to stop the overlong appendage from thrashing about.

She let herself gasp as Scion extracted what felt like a foot of dragon cock from her mouth, and remained laying there atop the comforters while panting breathlessly. Her head swam, and foggily, she licked along her lips to clean up the drops of salty precum that had splattered onto her face.

If this is what earning my freedom takes...

Once, she would have recoiled at the idea, but of course, the canines had no plans of freeing her or keeping her well fed and checked with contraceptive herbs, or even clothing her. This role was so much different from her last. All they had wanted to do was to use her to breed her species out of existence.

All her greedy pair of new owners wanted to do was fuck her until she'd satisfied her debt to them...

And rightly, she could live with that, if the sex was going to be this good.

She rolled slightly to make room for Scion as he shifted around, the large red drake shuffling about with a soft beat of his wings. As he crawled over her, his pricks left a string of precum attached to her lips, trailing down over her chest before he rotated, and helped shift the lazy feline to the edge of the bed.

She couldn't help but get a good eyeful of the dragon, now rid of his clothing, and even she had to admit as males went, he cut quite the figure. It was easy to see why his species was held in such high regard as they were. His almost maroon red scales glistened like a well-polished suit of armour in the bright sunlight pouring in through the windows, the twin shafts of nearly onyx black flesh standing proudly from his sheath. He caught her looking and merely smirked in response to her awed, slack-jawed expression.

*"It's good to know what you want. Decisiveness is a skill everyone working with merchants should possess, you know." * The dragon stated it as a fact, rather than a question, before he did pose one to her.

"What is it you want Shadi?" He rumbled like an avalanche, and Shadi couldn't help but snicker. Well, she knew what he wanted to hear from her as plain as day... She could have taken a cheap shot and made an easy blow to his pride by telling him she wanted to sunbathe and nap, but he was already giving her a strange look from her amused noises.

"Well, when you put it like that..." She purred, her tail flickering up along her spine as she rolled onto her knees, laying her shoulders and breasts against the soft fabric of the bed while she shamelessly presented her puffy feline honeypot and rear to the dragon.

_Well, if they expect me to be a pretty and well-paid whore for them, I might as well get something out of the arrangement... _

She gave her tail tip and enticing twitch as if to lure the dragon in. Like he needed any real encouragement!

By the time she had managed to turn her head to give him her best bedroom eyes over her shoulder, the dragon's large claws were already grabbing her hips tightly, his rough fingers sliding around her broad waist in a feral mating grip she couldn't have hoped to escape if she'd wanted to. The male aligned his upper shaft against her dripping snatch, and she let out a purr as his dexterous tip twisted as rubbed against her clit.

Unable to resist, she pushed herself back, only to feel the dragon pull away, leaving his cock just teasing her outer folds, his narrow tip caressing them in a taunt that was infuriatingly close to bliss. His teeth grazed against her, a deep, bass rumble filling her ears, close enough to feel the vibrations as he growled.

*"Ah-ah. You're still the slave, Shadi. You have to ask nicely." * He provokingly prodded her with his demands, letting the flesh of his shafts grind against her belly as he lazily rolled his hips forward, the twinned lengths flexing and tensing against her soft fur, leaving streaks of precum matting it as he drew back.

She whined and bit her lip, torn between giving in and teasing him right back, just to prove a point. She knew he wouldn't strike her to discipline her sharp cattiness, but what else he might do to her... A dark, naughty part of her almost wanted to find out as she shifted and swayed, rolling her soft fur back against his cocks.

"Mhmm, and if I don't?" She asked in her best oh-so-innocent voice, pressing and wriggling her rump tantalizingly against his uppermost shaft, smearing his tip with her arousal. She knew she was pushing her luck with the dragon, but-

"Ahhh~ Mmmh~" Shadi's cry of surprise quickly shifted to a low moan as Scion spread her out around himself for the first time, the first exotic male she'd ever felt inside of her. Exotic was an excellent word for it. His shaft had length, longer than Isiat by at least half again, and went from a narrow tip as broad as her finger to a base that was as thick as her clenched fist. Her body was deliciously forced to adjust to the stretching taper as quickly as he shoved it into her willing and ready body, making no efforts to slow or let her adjust.

His forked tongue flickered out as he leaned over her, the male mounting her like a feral dog would a bitch, grinding his sheath against her sex as he bottomed out within the tight little feline. He licked the sensitive rim of her ear.

*"Well, then... I'll just have to find some other way to make sure you listen next time, and I think I know just the thing." * While Shadi was loving the feeling of his prick as he made the flexible shaft wriggle and twist inside of her, she had a sudden realisation that the dragon had a second prick twitching against her belly, and looked beneath her belly just as he slipped free from her completely with a wet squelch.

She tried to bring her tail down, but he'd seen it coming, grabbing the base of her last line of any possible defence with his hand, his teeth closing on the nape of her neck and pulling backwards. The reflex was as instinctive as they came, and she instantly went loose, her mouth hanging ajar in a soft pant that was a mix of desperation and need.

"Ah-... If I ask nicely?" She attempted to dissuade him from what she knew he had planned, but the dragon had already made up his mind long since.

"Simply, no. If you plan on being a brat, I'm going to treat you like one, and the only thing better than a tight feline wrapped around one cock..." He paused, and adjusted his aim, bringing his uppermost shaft in line with her ass, and the lower cock flush against her pussy, her body reflexively clenching around nothing. It only contributed to her needy, yet dismayed whine as she gently pushed himself back into her, both shafts finding a warm hole to nestle themselves in.

She was no stranger to anal of course. The canines hadn't cared much which hole they used, only that they used it, and that it shamed her in doing it. They had used her as a whore, fucking her purely for their enjoyment, and she had never found any particular enjoyment in that act in particular.

That alone might have explained why it surprised her as much as it did when the dragon did, in fact, take his time entering her, as if he were savouring the experience of having a single body engulfing both of his twitching shafts in her warmth. She felt pleasure from her sex as she was stretched to accommodate the male's impressive girth, and that in turn made her entire body hum, including her clenching sphincter. But there was most certainly pleasure in the act, and it caught her off guard.

*"Relax kitten, unless you're planning on cutting off the blood flow and hurting yourself as well... Relax." * He nipped her throat, and gave the scruff of her neck another firm tug, the rush of endorphins drawing a moan from her lips. He went slowly at first, working his lengths into her bit by bit, only a few thin millimetres of muscle separating them, yet it was enough to feel the twitching of one of his members against the other.

She gave a series of pleasured chuffs and mewls against the blankets beneath her, biting the silky fabric as he gave a shove and buried himself completely, happily hilted as much as he was going to get within her ass and cunt at once. He sighed in rapture, and she could feel him throbbing inside of her, preseed splashing hotly against her insides.

*"There you go... We'll call this a double rate, hmmm?" *

Shadi chuffed again, not as amused as the male clearly was.

"Mrhmm, call it whatever you want, just make it worth my time..." She rumbled in a mixed purr and a growl. Well, she was certainly getting what she wanted, if not perhaps in the way she had wanted from her teasing. Still, it certainly didn't feel bad, so...

Adjusting to the utter fullness that she felt, and moving carefully at first, she began to roll her hips, working back against Scion's gentle thrusts as he drew back and pushed into her at a smooth, steady pace, stretching her out and letting her clench just long enough to miss the stretch before he forced it upon her again. It was pleasure and pain in a whole new experience to the feline, and she thought she had been fucked just about every way a female could have been.

At least, as much as the canines anatomy and limited imaginations had been able to conceive, anyway...

Another moan left her unbidden while Scion used his unique prehensility to full effect, rubbing and sliding his tips across all sorts of pleasure centres within her that he seemed well practised in finding and manipulating. Of course, there were always fanciful tails of dragon lovers coming into villages and stealing away women with promises of pleasure untold, but she'd always dismissed them as silly stories that rowdy women gossiped about in their circles over luncheons.

Perhaps there was a little grain of truth to them though. The sounds and vocalisations he drew from her lungs with each thrust were a whole different kind of pleasure than what she was accustomed to, being filled twice by a single male in two different places setting her head spinning. Even her attempts at keeping tempo with his fucking failed quickly, and it wasn't long before she was tripping over her count, and moaning throatily to the room, the dragon giving her a rutting that she had set herself up for.

Perhaps if she'd just been able to keep her mouth shut like a good slave, he might have settled for just fucking her snatch, but she doubted it. The dragon, much like her, knew exactly what he wanted, and how to go about making sure he got it and when what he wanted to have her body wrapped around both of his draconic spires at once, then she doubted much she could do short of outright telling him no would convince him otherwise. Honestly, if she hadn't wanted it, she would have told him so.

Now, as she was teetering on the edge of a rapidly building climax, she didn't regret teasing him at all, and just gasped and whined and moaned her encouragement as he grabbed her hips tighter and fucked her harder. The messy sounding slaps as his hips collided with her own filled the captain's cabin, and the lustful pulses as his cocks prepared to fill her to the brim were getting stronger with each firm thrust. Meanwhile, her cries were only rising in pitch as she was pulled higher and higher.

Scion's wings spread out as he approached his peak, rutting her at an almost frantic pace as if desperately trying to keep tempo with her own rising bliss, but she could feel the static thrum of energy as she neared her climax, each twitch and twist of his twin cocks sending lightning along her spine, and endorphins straight to her pleasure receptors. She wasn't going to last, and he wasn't going to let her even try to.

"Ahhh~ S-Sci-fuck! Nghhh!" She squealed and writhed as her entire front half collapsed under the barrage of ecstasy. Her sex spasmed and her rump clenched tight around the invading obsidian lengths. Scion's roar joined her a moment later as she felt a blossom of warmth hotter than any she had experienced filling her core and rump with the dragon's copious load.

For Scion, it was several weeks of pent up relief brought all at once, the dragon letting out a blissful groan as his cocks throbbed in rhythm, pulsing and filling Shadi's over-tight body to the brim. She felt warm and tingly all over now, her tail tip swishing lazily over the bed. Excess mess dripped down her thighs in warm trickles, but she was still trembling, stars and flashes of light dancing before her vision like she danced before Isiat.

Each throb drew another moan from her lips as the warmth settled in her belly, and quietly, she tried counting the passing seconds while the dragon seemed to cum on and on.

One...uh... two...three...five-six...

She sighed and gave up after she reached forty, content to just lay there while Scion ground and rolled his hips lazily into her, prolonging both of their pleasures as long as he could.

"Did you really have to fuck her senseless on my bed?"

Shadi tilted her head slowly, groggily letting the rest of the world come back into focus, interrupting an almost post-coital nap that wasn't to be. At some point Isiat had returned, the promised lunch sitting on his desk, but... how long had he been there?

She felt embarrassment burn at her cheeks as she managed an awkward smile, but Scion didn't share any of her reaction, just going another thrust. Shadi moaned and bit her lip to silence herself as the sound escaped her.

"Well, I was here, she was here, and you were not. I invoked my five percent. I'd have done the same were she in my quarters."

"But she wasn't in your quarters, was she?"

*"As it so happens, by sheer coincidence, neither was I, and neither was she, and neither were you. Clearly, this wouldn't have happened if we had all just been in my quarters instead, so my timing worked out well, wouldn't you say? Now are you going to stand there with your cock hard like a cuck, or at you going to join me and put her mouth to use?" * The dragon's smooth response didn't miss a beat, and neither did her vulpine owner.

Shadi would have groaned and voiced her protest, already sore and stretched around the dragon who's warmth was filling her, but Isiat was already pressing his dappled shaft against her lips. She parted them and moaned obediently around her owner's cock, savouring his salty preseed as it trickled onto her tongue.

"You know damn well two of her holes is more than five percent."

Scion had just finished within her, and yet to say that the dragon gave anything less than an enthusiastic effort to show up his employer would have been a lie. Stuck between the two randy males, Shadi had little choice in the matter. She craned her neck back and swallowed around Isiat's stuff Vulpine prick while Scion's wet slaps against her ass filled the room along with her moans and various pants and groans.


She couldn't have rightly said just how long the pair took her like that. Her world became a blissful haze of orgasm after orgasm, stopping only long enough to switch to a new position. They took only brief respite a from what amounted to a complete expenditure of their combined pent up lusts, stopping briefly to eat, drink, and catch their breaths.

Her entire muzzle tasted of the two males competing seed, bitter and salty as she licked her lips. The sun was well into its afternoon descent by this point and had long since moved on from the bed where she originally had planned to rest.

Well, fat chance of that happening now... she thought to herself with a quiet laugh and nuzzled her cheek against Scion's sheath as he lay stretched out on the bed, Isiat on his opposite side looking equally luxurious and well fucked. Both of their manhoods were still hard and twitching in the cool breeze that came through the cabin, and both of them were still glistening and held a foamy, off white coating from just how much they had been going at it.

Lazily, tiredly, she leaned over, and let her raspy tongue drag across Scion's dark lower spear, watching the way his prehensile lengths curled and twitched as the textured oral muscle was run along its surface. It reminded her of the way her paws had curled and dug into the blankets when his tongue had been inside of her.

Scion rumbled, reaching one paw down to rest atop her head, his claws scratching around the base of her ears, fingering her hair.

*"Perhaps... you're not ruining her entirely Isiat. There might be hope for her yet." * His dark chuckle was like boulders clashing, and even in her near exhaustion, it still sent an oddly arousing tingle along her spine. Before, she would have whimpered and cowered at such a male in so close a proximity to her, but the fear had long since gone.

Compared to just a month ago, she felt like a renewed person. Despite still being a slave, she didn't feel as much like one. The collar around her neck felt lighter than it ever had. She didn't feel dirty or shameful doing the things she did to these males. She didn't feel like a well-paid whore, despite everything... Somehow, in the dark and twisted confines of her mind, she enjoyed doing it. She took enjoyment in doing it.

She wasn't afraid of anyone whipping her, or beating her, or raping her if she didn't do everything perfect. She didn't feel the pangs of hunger pains that she had felt when her guards had forced her to her knees when she'd complained. She didn't feel the sting of being fucked too roughly, too many times and having to clean her shame and the evidence of her torture afterwards.

Isiat and Scion left her sore, yes, but it was in an entirely different way from her canine captors. They had stolen her virginity and only ever shown her that sex was a painful and shameful thing, used as a tool to humiliate and degrade their prisoners and slaves into compliance. She had been worthless, a thing to use and despise, to breed out of existence.

Here, and now, as she almost casually licked across the dragon's shaft, it was a tool of pleasure, of enjoyment. It was comfort and safety. She couldn't imagine Isiat getting rid of her when she pleased him as she did, so much so that ending up spending the night in his quarters was becoming an almost regular thing. She was something... someone, valued, enjoyed, cherished, and cared for.

It truly did show. She was by no means ungrateful for her rescue, and if this was how she could express it to them without having to stumble over finding the right words to convey just how she felt, well... There was nothing wrong with that, right?

Her eyes darted up, looking at the underside of the dragon's jaw as he tilted his head back, crooning and enjoying her gentle licks, but more than that was the pair of icy blue eyes watching her intently. Isiat was almost grinning as he watched her work, and feeling a little bolder and mischievous, she reached a paw up, guiding Scion's tip down to her lips while she kept her eyes on her owner the whole while. She knew she was showing off now, but that was why he had paid so much for her after all. He'd said as much himself.

"Need a paw there?" Isiat asked cheekily, giving his tails a flicker as he scooted down beside her. His paw reached over the dragon, caressing her arm running down over his hip. She cocked one knee and spread herself for his questing fingers while gently suckling on one of Scion's tips, letting the first few inches be engulfed by the warmth of her mouth.

She let out a quiet moan as Isiat's finger's spread her lips apart, delicately running his finger pads across the sensitive petals of her womanhood. He leaned across, kissing her softly on the lips as she pulled back, her paw working the bases of the dragon's stiff rods. The look her gave her was at once as devious and as naughty as one would have expected from hearing the stories and reputations of vulpines. Shadi frowned.

"What are you-" She began but was quickly interrupted by her grinning owner.

"I did tell you, I'll never make a slave do something I wasn't willing to myself." He simply said, and with a mischievous wink, gripped the base of Scion's upper shaft, and guided the tip towards his mouth. Without any sort of hesitation, he took the dragon between his lips, arching his neck as he went down on the reptile's hemipenes, huffing quietly through his nostrils as he did.

On the bed, Scion simply groaned, the red dragon rolling his hips slightly up into the delightful sensation that was having both of his cocks nursed on at once.

Isiat was laughing internally at Shadi's surprised expression as Scion's large paw found the back of her head and encouragingly pushed her down on his lower penis, a deep-set rumble echoing from within the drake's chest. Of course she was surprised! What slave expected her owner to do this sort of thing alongside her? Still, the look of just sheer incomprehension was worth it to him. It paid to keep people on their toes, and what better and more unexpected way than this?

After all, it wasn't as if this was the first time Isiat had another's males cock in his muzzle or any other orifice for that matter... Certainly, not just Scion's, though he tended to be the only one with any sort of regularity... It had been a while since last Isiat had actually entertained another male, but, well, in his profession, it never hurt to be a jack of all trades.

Some cultures might have seen it as taboo, or at least, the canines would have. To Isiat and Scion both, well... They'd been around enough people and places to know that pleasure was pleasure, regardless of who it came from. Isiat gulped as he went down further, relaxing his throat as the dragon's prick slipped along the back of his tongue, coating it with Scion's musky and salty precum.

"Well? Were you going to help him out, or just let your owner take all the credit?" Scion interrupted Shadi's momentary pause as she watched the Vulpine work with clearly practised skill, bobbing his head up and down on the dragon's rod with a low, appreciative murmur of enjoyment. His fingers at Shadi's sex hadn't slacked off either, curling and pushing into her with a pair of digits up to the second knuckle.

She let out a quiet moan, and Scion took full advantage of the momentary opening, pushing down on her head to encourage the feline not to let her master show her up. Of course, he didn't spare Isiat that treatment either, and smoothly shoved the vulpine's muzzle down until the male was practically kissing his sheath alongside Shadi.

A chorus of soft moans and huff's filled the cabin as together, Isiat and Shadi worked to satisfy the dragon, using their mouths and tongues to lick and suck along the bigger male's obsidian flesh.

With both of them gratifying him at once, it didn't take long at all for Scion to start twitching, his broad, scaled tail making a loud rasping as it flicked across the bedding and floor. His wings stretched, giving a few futile beats before he gripped the backs of the pair's heads tightly, forcing them down until their cheeks were pressed against one another as his internal balls started churning up a fresh, hot load of dragon cum as their reward.

Shadi tried to match her master's pace but gagged after a handful of throbs. The thick, off white seed spilled from her muzzle as she pulled back with a gasp, choking and coughing while Isiat's fingers in her cunt working overtime to push her over the edge as well. She gave a soft cry of release as she joined Scion in his peak, ribbons of dragon cum streaking over her belly from his now free prick. She caught a glimpse of Isiat, his throat diligently rippling as Scion continued to hold the other male down, panting until his climax finally wore off. The dragon slumped back into the pillows with a blissful sigh of release, utterly spent.

Isiat for his part merely pulled back, licking his chops clean with a cheeky smack of his lips. Shadi couldn't help the look of utter surprise on her face as her owner grinned at her.

"You'll get the hang of it. You just have to keep your throat relaxed is all..." he smirked and pulled his feline cum soaked fingers up to his muzzle to lick those clean as well.

"So... how many times has he..." She addressed the question to Scion, waving a finger in Isiat's direction with a wavering point.

*"It's a rare treat... enough to count on my fingers and toes, at least." * The Dragon rumbled, tilting his head back with his eyes closed as his chest thrummed like a struck chord. She couldn't help but look at Isiat strangely, still trying to figure the confusing male out. He took a pleasure slave, yet clearly knew what he was doing himself with another partner... He kept slaves, yet seemed to despise the typical treatment of them. It felt as if the more time she spent in Isiat's company, the more intricate the webs of obscuration around him grew.

"I did say he used to be a slave after all. What? Did you think I was lying?"

Shadi's world seemed to slow down for a moment as the pieces of the puzzle slotted themselves together in her head. She felt lightheaded like her blood pressure had dropped suddenly. She could hear her pulse beating between her ears and clung to the rhythm of it like a life raft in the ocean.

One-two, three-four, one-two, three-four...

One particular thought struck her from nowhere, the first proper meeting she had with Isiat before he had admitted to being her owner. The scene replayed itself in her mind, but suddenly, the vulpine's side of the conversation took on a whole new meaning.

"I was a... Uh... A pleasure slave. They gave me to visiting nobles and dignitaries as entertainment... I would dance, and they would fuck me, and then I'd be returned and cleaned for the next guest they asked me to dance for..."

"So like me then?" Isiat had replied, his eyes wide with a chipper sort of grin.

He hadn't been referring to being like one of her guests at all.

"H... How long..." Shadi began, still trying to wrap her head around it. Just how long had she missed the signs for??

"Longer than not... I'm not sure of the exact time. It tends to escape you when you've got a collar welded around your neck." Isiat confessed. He was still smiling, but it was... less now. Like a cloud passing in front of the sun.

Now that she looked, it seemed as plain as day. The slight ruffling to the fur around his throat as he lay there topless was plain to see, where his pelt hadn't grown back in quite the same, many of the strands crooked from where they had been rubbed off and regrown time and time again.

Something else distracted the lioness's thoughts at that moment, and quietly, she rolled over Scion's thoughts, reaching for the waistband of Isiat's trousers. Even with all they had done, she could never actually recall seeing the male without them, and suspicion had gripped her.

The vulpine sucked in a hesitant breath, briefly, and flinched away from her touch as her fingers reached his hip.

"You... It's an ugly thing. Not pretty and elegant like a collar." He managed a half-hearted smile and shifted onto his side as she pulled his waistband down.

It was impossible not to notice, and she understood now why he had stopped her on her first day aboard the ship after he'd helped clean her off.

Property. Pleasure. Entertainer. The highest status.

She recognised the symbol that had been burned into the flesh of his thigh quickly enough. After all, it was so very similar to the one that had been hammered into the back of her collar. The flesh beneath the patchy, greyish fur that had grown back over the wound was gnarled and twisted tight, like a knot in the wood of a tree where the flesh had slowly and painstakingly stitched itself back together.

Her fingers delicately traced the branded slave mark, following the desert script's intricate patterns.

"How can you stand yourself?" She pulled her paw back as if she'd been stung, the words and her eyes spitting accusation at him.

"Why do you think I try to buy up as many as I can Shadi? I told you that day in the bath, just after you came aboard. Nobody deserves to live their whole life with a chain around their necks, and an axe above their head."

"Then why not free all of them? Why not use your money and buy the freedom of every-

Scion cleared his throat, interrupting Shadi before she could get further into what was had been a quickly and sharply escalating rant from the feline.

"He did at first. But one cannot simply buy and release all the slaves of the world. More were recaptured, and some even sold themselves back into it after being unable to handle life on their own. It was I who suggested the current system, so if anything, your ire should be directed to me."

Shadi's glare quickly turned on the dragon.

"And let me guess, you were a slave too?!"

*"Dragons are not slaves, pretty cat. Have you ever seen a dragon in slavery before? We have a habit of burning those who would try alive." * The reprimand was enough to silence her, tempering the fire in her down to a low smoulder.

"Isiat tried to free all he could. He went to slave markets and purchased their entire stock at exorbitant rates, but this only encouraged the slavers. They saw Isiat as an assured source of income, buying every slave, not just the healthy or useful or workable ones. It had the opposite effect of what he was wanting to do. I told him as much when he nearly flew the ship into exhaustion. We had a skeleton crew, and could barely cover their pay and the maintenance on the High Fortune."

The dragon's piercing gaze, as he stared her down, silenced her entirely, and she sat cross-legged on the bedding, frowning.

"You cannot save them all, and save yourself as well. There had to be a compromise if he wanted to keep doing good. No trader can turn a profit buying up every slave on the market and immediately giving them their freedom. Some offered to work, but then Isiat had to pay them on top of the cost of freeing them. One cannot give and give and hope to keep giving infinitely."

He paused for a second and adjusted himself on the bed, his wings flexing until the thin membrane was stretched taut before they folded neatly along his back once more. His gaze never left her for a moment, nor did Isiat's.

"I proposed a different method that would allow Isiat to continue doing what he wished to do, while at the same time, taking care of the ship and crew issues, as well as giving the slaves time to adjust and learn useful skills or trades to take with them when they earned their freedom instead. Better to be a slave for a time to a kind master, than a slave for life to a cruel one."

She looked from Scion to Isiat, the thoughts still racing through her mind like a swallow fluttering about in a cage. One question struck her from the flurry of thoughts, however, and she asked it as soon as the words came into her mind.

"How did you get free?" She asked quietly.

"A pretty little jewelled dagger, that slit my master's throat in the night." He gestured over to his desk. By where Scion had discarded his clothes, attached to the dragon's belt, was the same, pretty little dagger she had tried to stab Orez with. She glanced back to Scion. That dagger had been given to her by the Lynx, Marcosi... Just how-

"Lord Ranthor is a personal friend of Scion's..." Isiat filled in the blanks for her, seeming to delight at watching as she pieces together the puzzle in a sting that went deeper than she could have ever imagined.

"One, who owes me a very large personal debt. His manservant cat was more than happy to assist with 'whatever we needed' on his behalf, especially once I mentioned your name... The canines were unwilling to negotiate for your sale, so we needed to create leverage."

Shadi felt dizzy, sore, exhausted, and so much more all at once, and had to support herself with her paws lest she toppled over. The more she asked, the deeper and deeper the rabbit hole went until she was no longer sure just how far-reaching and convoluted a plot she had been swept up in. She wasn't sure she wanted to know.

"I... I need some time to think about all this, it's..."

"A lot to take in... take all the time you need Shadi." Isiat interjected quickly, nodding.

"Alone." She interjected sharply, perhaps a little more so than she had meant. Isiat looked momentarily stung, but nodded empathetically.

"Of course..."

She didn't look at him as she stood up. She didn't want to look at either of them. She could feel Isiat's eyes watching her as she fetched her clothes and quickly dressed, before leaving and heading back to her quarters via the most direct route she could.

Exhausted, she collapsed on her bed, looking up at the ceiling.

She needed rest, and time to consider everything that she had learned. It was a lot to absorb, and Isiat would just have to fucking wait until she was ready to speak to him again. She was tired, angry, sad... The weight of her collar felt like it would drag her down into the mattress and choke her once again. Before she could even begin processing the thoughts, the world spun, and she blacked out, her body opting to shut down rather than overload from the complexity of her confused and adrift feelings.