Aleu's Perfect Gift

Story by RedFox995 on SoFurry

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Chris and Jenna had been mates for a good while now, their love becoming solidified. However, Jenna noticed her daughter eyes lingering on her mate. instead of being mad, she comes up with a plan to help her as well as give something special for her lover.

previous chapter:

"Ohh fuck!"

A cry of lust and sexual release rang out in Chris's house, as he filled his mate Jenna with another shot of his cum. The milf husky moaned as she felt another shot of his seed overflowing her womb, as her lover leaned in and embraced her. He panted as he spurt out a few more jets of cum into her, his knot keeping him in place as they lay on his bed.

"Okay Jenna, I think I am done for now....ugh, god." The Horse-Wolf hybrid said as he nuzzled his lover.

Jenna returned the affection, burying her face to his shoulder as she held him close. "You were amazing as always, Chris."

"Thanks, Jen. I do what I can for a beautiful woman like you."

The hybrid felt her wrap her hands around him tightly as she kissed his neck. "But I am the only beautiful woman you are doing this for, right?"

"Of course. I would be insane to find another when I have you. Besides, who the hell could more beautiful that you?"

Jenna chuckled as she tightened her vaginal muscles around her lovers cock, making him moan as he shot another jet of his cum in her.

"You know exactly what to say to make me happy, Chris."

Her mate chuckled as he kissed her neck in return, making her look at him as they shared a passionate kiss with one another.

As they did, Jenna heard her phone ring as she reached out for it on the nightstand nearby.

She grabbed the phone and looked at the caller ID, finding it to be Aleu, her daughter.

"Oh dear, don't tell me that it's what I think it is..." she whispered as she answered the phone, Chris going quiet as he looked on.

"Hey sweety...huh, what?....Aleu wait, just calm down....he did what now!?"

While he did not know what they were talking about, Chris was able to tell by the face of his lover that Aleu was either sad or upset, or worse both. He stayed silent as he looked on, Jenna soon hanging up once the conversation was done.

"What happened, Jenna?"

"It's Aleu boyfriend, or rather ex-boyfriend, Dillion. She caught the bastard cheating on her with one of her early high school bullies. That damn snake was always a piece of garbage. Makes me think that he might be a lost son of Steele with how he acts, the bastard."

"Sounds like you hate this guy almost as much as you hate Steele."

"You're not wrong. Every time I see him, he is disrespectful, rude and tries to hit on me whenever Aleu was not around. Sadly, she was head over heels at the time and tried to work with him, make him into a better man. Thing is though that Dillion is just like Steele in that regard; a piece of shit will always be a piece of shit!"

Jenna felt her anger rising as she talked about Dillion, but soon calmed down and placed a hand on her mouth as she looked at her mate.

"Oh I am, sorry for that Chris. I just end up cursing like a sailor when I get really angry."

"No need." Chris said as he gave her a peck on the cheek. "Besides, I think it's hot that you curse or talk dirty. You don't do it that often unless I'm fucking you good. Which is all the time, may I add." He finished, giving her a grin as he boasted.

"Heh heh, well I can't say that your wrong on that part." She kissed him again as they snuggle one another again, enjoying the embrace of their lover's arms.

"So this Dillion guy cheated on Aleu?" Asked Troy as he and Chris sat on a table in Subway, the brown stallion now on his break as he drank a soda in his hand.

"Yeah. From what she told me, the asshole met Aleu when she was a freshmen and got her to be his girl. She wasn't well versed with boys at the time and fell for the whole bad boy crap all the way."

"You don't think that they fucked yet do you?" Troy asked.

Chris nods his head to him with a sigh. "Sadly yeah, she did. Jenna found out when she saw a used condom in the bathrooms trash can when she was going to empty it. She had a field day with Aleu after that, yelling at her about how she gave her first to a sleaze ball like him. Her daughter told her to back off, saying that he's not like the other guys and all that. After that, Jenna decided to back off, but support and help Aleu whenever."

Troy shook his head to hearing this. "Well that's sad. I remember ass-hats like that back in highscool. Remember that dick head Cole? The one that would taunt us with all the ass he was getting?"

Hearing the name Cole made Chris laugh a bit. "You mean that jack ass Coyote that claimed he fucked all the freshmen girls? Yeah, I remember him. Hell, I was there when he used his old pick up lines, telling them that he had to be bad to protect his mom when they were poor. Fucker forgot to mention that his family hit the lottery and became millionaires and that he spent the money to make his dick bigger through surgery."

"Haha, yeah I remember that. But boy, did that come back to bite his ass. When some of the girls realized they were played, they came by and got that monster Bruce to take care of him."

"Wait Bruce? You mean Bruce 'the mountain' Maxim? The big ass elephant that build up muscle and joined the wrestling club?"

Troy nodded his head as he smiled. "Yeah, that one. Bruce was like me in a way, small, fat and anti-social. Then he joined the wrestling team and started excelling in the Gym. Man, he was so fucking big that he had to buy his own jeep to get to school and not ride the bus. But yeah, when he was told about Cole, he cornered him in the showers and whooped his ass so bad that Cole was pissing blood for a week."

The two laughed a bit as they continue to reminisce and talk.

Elsewhere, at Jenna's home, the mother husky was hugging her daughter as Aleu was crying into her shoulder, holding on to her on the couch.

"I can't believe the asshole. I gave him everything and he just go off and fucks that whore, Patricia!" Aleu cried.

Jenna rubbed her back as she tried to console her daughter. "It's okay Aleu. That bastard was never good enough for you anyway. You need someone that really love you."

"And where will I find that. Dillion is a shit boyfriend, but he made sure that everyone knew that I was his. The minute I find someone he would try to terrorize them to back off. I would have to date someone that he does not even know."

"Well, do you have any idea who? Anyone that you know wouldn't take any of Dillion's crap?"

Taking a moment to stop crying and think, Aleu soon blushed as she looks away. Jenna saw this and pressed on.

"I saw that young lady. I know that when you blush your hiding something. Come on, tell me what it is." Jenna said, almost teasingly.

"Well...there is one person that I like. But I don't think it would really work."

"Oh. Well come one then, Aleu. Tell me."

Her daughter looks at her with an embarrassed look as she blushed more.

"It's....Its Chris..." she answered hesitantly.

Jenna looked at her daughter and instead of being angry like she thought her mother would, Jenna smiled.

"Oh Aleu, you have no idea how happy I am to hear that."

"Huh? You're...You're not mad?"

Jenna shook her head. "Absolutely not. If anything, I am happy. You see Aleu, I have an idea on how help you. Now listen closely..."

Her daughter leaned in as Jenna began to explain her idea to her.

Later that day, Chris entered the mothers house. He was called to come here by her, asking him to come over and spend the night. He was not going to say no, he would be a fool and idiot to deny a woman like Jenna. However, he did feel something odd about that call. He just could not figure out what it was.

As he walked in the house, he was greeted with a darkened room.

"Jenna? Hey, did you lose power or something? Why is it so dark?"

He made his way throughout the house until he saw a light source behind a door leading to Jenna's room. Figuring she must be there, he made his way to the door and opened it, only to stare in surprise.

Before him, on the bed, laid Jenna. She was in a frilly pink see-through lingerie that gave him a good view of all her naughty bits. There was also a smell in the air, something that seemed to make him feel hornier as he looks at her.

Jenna fluttered her eyes as she swooshes her tail around. "Hello, Chris."

"Hi Jenna..." Chris responded as he walked in the room. As soon as he was in arms reached, Jenna stopped his with a raised hand.

"Not so fast. Clothes. Off. Now." She said as she pointed to her lover's clothes.

Chris moved quickly to remove them, taking all of his clothes off as he stood before her in his birthday suit.

"Good boy. Now then..." She patted an empty spot on her bed. "Come sit, tonight I ride you and that dick."

"Yes mam!"

The young hybrid did as she said and sat on the spot, his eyes on his mate as she got on her knees before him. Her slender hands went to his cock, stroking it as it soon got erect.

"Let's get you ready, okay?"

The husky milf stroke his cock a few more times, each one making Chris get harder and harder, until she began to lick the tip of his dick. She could already taste the pre-cum that was leaking out, and soon licked his cock again and again, lapping it up while her hands fondled his balls.

"God Jenna, you're a bit more aggressive today." Chris muttered, his voice struggling to leave him as she continued to pleasure him.

Jenna said nothing as she soon took a good deal of his cock in hist mouth. She licked the underside of his cock as she bobbed on it, her hands still pleasing his testicles.

"Oh fuck..." said the hybrid.

He began to lean his head back as his mate continued her sucking, the sounds of her mouth taking his cock in and the feel of her hands on his balls making him moan in bliss. Soon however he felt it all stop as he looked back at her, only to have her push him on the bed as she straddled him, placing a hand on one of her tits, the texture of the lingerie making it feel as if it wasn't there at all.

"Let us get started on the real thing. I want to feel your cock inside me so badly."

Using a free hand, she removed her panties as she lowered herself on his cock. Both of them moaned as the male's cock returned to the female's vaginal passage once again. Only this time he felt her squeezing hard on his cock through her vaginal muscles.

"Oh shit! Jenna, your tight!"

In response, Jenna locked lips with Chris, their tails wagging a bit as she locked hands with one another. They broke the kiss as she looked at him.

"All the better to bring you pleasure~"

She soon began to move her hips as Chris began to moan softly as she kept moving on his cock. His hands went toe hold her as she did the same to him.

"Fuck me Chris. Show your mate how much you lover her~"

Her words, combined with the smell of the room, got to him. It made him feel more horny, more primal in a way as he began to lift her and fuck her harder. A bulge began to form in Jenna's abdomen, a clear indication that her lover was indeed inside her.

His lover began to move faster, he tongue out of her mouth as she rode him like crazy, a face of ahagoa adorned on her face. The sight of this cause Chris to grin as he moved her faster, his balls ending up slapping hie lovers ass as she leaned to him, her now having the full control of her movements as she locked lips with him once more.

The husky milf bounced on his cock with all her she worth, her bed almost jumping as it squeaked with each bounce. Her hybrid mate placed his hands on her ass and helped her as he slammed it on his dick with more force. This cause her to moan in the kiss as she breaks it again, strings of saliva between them.

"I can feel you twitching. Inside me, Chris! Finish inside me!"

"You got it, Jenna!"

He held on to her tightly as she felt his balls churn, coick ready to blow. Jenna increased he speed, and was basically on the verge of breaking her bed until, with one last bouce, she felt her lover knot her and release his cock milk inside her.

"Yess!!" She screamed as her womb was filled with his seed again, his cum dripping out of her as he pumped out more and more. The orgasm felt as if it lasted forever until, at long last, it soon ended as Chris panted, his cock going limp as Jenna laid on top of him.

"Holy fuck, that was....shit...." Chris panted as he felt his body sweat from the experience. Jenna smiled as she kissed his cheek.

"You like it? I bought some special candles that enhance people sex drive with it's sense. Figured it would be a good idea to blow them out or it would have fallen on the carpet during out love making."

"Heh heh, that was a good call. You rode me so hard, I thought we were making an earthquake."

The husky then looked at him with half-lidded eyes. "What make you think we still can't make one?"

The male smiled at that comment. "You saying you up for a round two?"

"And three, four, five. Hell, let's try for ten~"

"Well then. By all means, lets continue."

His lover smiled at that as she reinserted his dick back in and continued their love making. All the while though, Chris failed to notice a pair of eyes watching them through the closet, one that looked on with desire and lust as they tend to themselves in their own arousal.

"God damn it all, this sucks!" yelled an enraged Chris as he slammed his head on the table at Subway. Troy looked over his phone to see his friend as he raised a brow.

"What is it? Jenna still cock blocking you?"

The horse/timber wolf hybrid nodded as he sighed. "It's been 3 goddamn months since we last fucked. After we were done, she looked at me and said to not have sex or touch myself till we meet up again, and that she'll give me a good surprise if I do. I thought she meant like a week or two, but not months!"

"Why don't you just wank off? I mean she won't know."

"And break my word with Jenna? I can't do that! Besides, I am curious to see what this surprise is going to be."

"Meh, I don't know man. I mean, how you sure it's going to be good anyway?"

"It's Jenna. She always knows how to give me some good surprises. Besides, if it was anything like out last romp, I will gladly wait."

Troy shrugged his shoulders. "Alright then, man. Just don't go overboard with it. Be a bad thing if you die by holding in all that spunk." He said jokingly.

"Yeah, I mean, you would know that right, virgin boy?" Chris responded.

Troy stopped what he was doing as he gave his friend a serious look. Chris got the hint and stood up. "Yeah, low blow. I got you. Later, man."

The hybrid left the door as Troy looked on at the door. He sighed shortly after as he grabbed the bridge of his nose. "God, I need to get laid..."

"Mom, this is too embarrassing." Spoke Aleu as she blushed, hiding behind a door as her now pregnant mother giggled.

"No, it's not, Aleu. Besides, he is going to love it, and you would of worn it when you saw how we mated that day, right?"

"Yeah, but that was because I was horny. I'm not now!"

"Even if I say I am going to call him?"

There was a moment of silence as Aleu opened the door a bit, her face peaking out. "You will?"

Jenna nods to her daughter as she grabbed a phone and called her mate. Soon she got an answer as he picked up.

"Hello Chris...yes it has been a while hasn't it...well I am calling to tell you that it's time...for your surprise, silly..."

She then giggled as she hanged up her phone. Aleu looked at her mother with a raised brow. "What did he say?"

"Heh heh, he said he will be here soon and got into his car before he hanged up."

"So, he is coming?" Aleu asked as her tail began to wag.

"Yep. Now then, let us get ready..."

Chris parked out of his mate's house as he ran to the door. It was left unlocked as he walked through it. The lights were on this time, but like before, there was no one in the room. This meant nothing to him though as he knew exactly where Jenna would be.

He made his way to her room and opened it, expecting to see a naked Jenna on the bed, waiting for him to take her. However, he was surprised to see her standing by the bed, fully clothed in her normal attire, belly plump with his baby.

"Chris, it's good to see you again." She said as she hugged and kissed him. He returned it,but was surprised to see that she ended it quickly.

"Likewise, Jenna. But um, why are-"

"Why I'm clothed? Oh well that because I am going to give you your surprise, silly. But first, you have done what I asked, right?"

To show her, Chris stripped his clothes fast as she saw his cock hard and erect, pre already leaking out of the tip. She smiled at the sight as she pecked him on his cheek

"You did well, Chris. Now, it is time for your surprise, or gift to be specific."

"Gift?" he asked as Jenna began to move to the closet.


Jenna grabbed the handle on the closet and opened it, reveling something that made Chris's cock get harder.

In the closet was Aleu, Jenna own daughter, standing naked as she had a large purple ribbon wrapped around her. Her face was blushing as she looked at him, her eyes focusing on the large cock that was before her.

"Chris, I believe you know my daughter, Aleu. As you can she, she is your gift, your perfect gift."

Chris looked at the mother and daughter for a bit before staring back at Aleu. " serious?"

"Oh yes, I am very serious. And so is she, isn't that right, Aleu?"

The wolfdog hybrid walks forward and nodded as she looks at Chris. "I am. I...I like you Chris. And I know you are with my mother and all, but I want to be apart of that. So please, accept my gift!"

She then moved fast as she landed her lips on his, her hands wrapping around the man. Chris was caught off guard by the act, but soon began to return the affection as he kissed her back, his hands holding on to her as he grabbed hold of the ribbon. The two broke the kiss as he began to 'unwrap' her, revealing her full sexy form.

While she was not fully matured like her mother, Aleu was indeed well developed despite being a teen. Her body was in fine shape, and her figure was coming in nicely. He tits was big, not as much as her mothers, but they were around a C cup. Her hips and ass was a nice size, complementing her bottom half just fine.

All in all, Chris found Aleu to be a very sexy female, only behind her mother due to her being younger than her.

"Aleu, you look beautiful..." Chris complemented.

"Thank you." Aleu said as she kissed him again before getting on the bed, her legs spread.

"Please Chris, take me and make me yours. I want you so badly~"

The male hybrid stared at the gilrs pussy as she reveled her wet fold. Jenna chuckled as she rears back her hand.


Chris grabbed his ass as he looked at Jenna, who smiled at him. "Go get her, tiger."

He nods his head as he moved towards Aleu, getting on top of her as he looked at her, eye to eye.

"You ready for this, Aleu. I am pent up and once I cum, you might-"

"I know. And I want it. I am in heat Chris, and there is no way I am going to let Dillion be the one that do it. I want you to be the one."

The male hybrid was silent for a second before he kissed her and spoke. "Then let's get started."

With that said, Chris began to move his cock until he felt it next to her wet folds. With a push forward, he shoved his cock inside the wolfdog's pussy.

"Ahh~" Aleu shouted as she held on to Chris, her pussy clinging on to him as he put in more of his big dick into her. "It's so big. does mom take something to big?!"

"Heh heh, through many nights of fucking~" Jenna commented.

Chris was still putting more of his cock inside the daughters cunt, watching her stomach beginning to form a bulge. Aleu saw this too, and in her lust filled mind, began to smile at it.

"Dillion's could never do that."

"Then Dillion is not a man but a bitch." Chris responded.

Soon, he hilted himself in the girl, his knot already formed as it begged to go in. It took all of his concentration not to put it in her, to knot her and impregnate her then and there. No, he wanted to make this last. And that was what he was going to do.

He began to move slowly, his mouth going to one of Aleu tits as he sucked on it as he moved a hand to message the other. He heard the girl moan as he kept his slow pace, the sound of his knot bumping into her folds reminding him that he could knot her at any time.

"So good~" Aleu said as she clings on his cock, her tits bveing suckled and fondled as she stare at Chris with delight. "Don't stop. Please don't stop."

Chris smirked to himself a bit as he had no plan on stopping, his hips moving a bit faster as he feel his knot almost going into her. He stopped sucking on her breast and kissed her lips again, hunger and passion in it as their tongues met and played with one another. Aleu moved her hands to his back and returned the act with vigor. The sounds of their kissing begin to flood the room.

Seeing her daughter and her mate having sex, Jenna began to strip as she grabbed a chair that she used for her computer and began to play with herself, her fingers going in and out of her cunt as she sucked on her own tit. She found the sight arousing, seeing how she must have acted when Chris first fucked her. Though she was sure it was far different, she like to think that she was just like her daughter when Chris first fucked her all those months ago.

Returning back to the bed, Chris hips was now going faster as his knot couldn't wait any longer. He broke the kiss with Aleu and spoke to her, his breath panting.

"I-I am close! I'm going to knot you!"

"Do it! Knot me! Knock me up!"

The male nods to her demands as he moved in harder until, at long last...


"AHHH!" Aleu screamed as she felt the mans knot enter her, his hips still moving as he began to knot-fuck her. She wrapped her legs around him as she held on, her face in pure ecstasy as he moved faster, pre filling her.

"SO GOOD! SO FUCKING GOOD! OH GOD!" The Wolfdog was shouting her lungs out, tongue flinging around as her eyes was clouded with arousal. Chris kept fucking her harder, until he reached the inevitable conclusion.


He screamed loudly as gallons upon gallon of his white cum bathed Aleu's womb, filling the wolfdog as it leaked out and dirtied her mothers' bed. Both saw stars as the man kept shooting his thick jizz inside her, ensuring her impregnation.

By the time it was done, Chris looked to see his work. Not only was Aleu belly filled with cum, but he also saw that a good deal sprayed out and hit their upper bodieds with it as well.

Aleu placed a hand on her belly and moaned. "I fill so full. As if I am pregnant already." She stares at her lover, her mate, and smiled. "Thank you for the cum, daddy~"

Chris smiled at the name. "Any time, Aleu. Now I hope you don't mind if we stay her for a bit. My knot will take a while to deflate."

"Oh don't worry. In fact..."

Aleu moved her hand to the nightstand and grabbed her phone as she looked at her new lover

"Smile, Chris."

Dillion sat on his couch, his hand on his balls as he strokes himself. The Malamute Lab was bored and horny, his night filled with nothing of interest. Aleu, his 'girlfriend' was blowing him off ever since he was found out with that other girl, Patricha. No wait, was it Patrisha? Patrina? Ah, he did not care. All he knew was that the girl had a big ass and was she was quick to give it up to anyone that wanted it.

So what else could he do but take it? Who cares if she was his girls bully? That shit builds character. In fact, Dillion fantasied the idea of having both of the girls at once, licking his cock and taking turns riding his dick. Heh heh, yeah, now that is fantasy.

But no, that didn't happen. Instead of being cool with it, Aleu bitched and cried, telling him to go to hell. He wasn't pissed or anything. In fact, he was confident that she would come crawling back to get more of him. Aleu may be a nice girl, but he knows what she is like in the sheets. The only sad thing about the 'break up' is that he can't look at the sexy milf of a mom of hers, Jeana.

No wait, was it Jenny? No it was Joan.

"Ah fuck it. Either way the bitch is hot." He said to himself as he imagined all three girls on his cock. Right when he was ready to finish, he felt his phone vibrate.

"Who the fuck could that be?"

He pulled the phone out and saw that it was a message from Aleu. He smiled at the text, believing that she was calling to apologize and beg him for some sex.

"Heh heh, about time, bitch." He said as he looked at the text and stopped his stroking as he stared at it.

On his phone, was a text and a pic. The text read 'This is how a man fucks, numb nuts!' as a pic of her knot tied to Chris, cum all over them, was shown.

Before he could do anything, he received another text that read 'P.S. We are through, shit head. You're not even a fraction of the man that this big daddy is! Go fuck that whore for all I care. Later loser!'

"THAT BITCH!" Dillion screamed as he crushed his phone, standing up before he tripped and hit his face on the floor.


His nose broke on the fall as he felt blood leaking. He was too angry though, ignoring his pain as he left to his car.

"Oh fuck!" Chris yelled as he looked down at a fantastic sight.

Both mother and daughter, their ass and pussy filled with cum, was giving him a titjob as they kissed and sucked on his cock. He was well on his 9th orgasm, ready to blow as they kept going.

The two move their breasts with synergy and speed, their lover's moans music to their ears as they soon began to suck on the tip, their mouths touching.

This was the last thing that did Chris in as he shot his load, hitting them in their mouths as the swallowed, some hitting their faces as he kept shooting.

Soon he stopped as he panted, the two girls covered in his seed as they locked lips and taste the others share in their mouths. Soon they separated as strings of his cum stood between them

"That's....thats fucking hot..." Chris said as the two lay on the bed with him.

"So, you like your gift?" Jenna asked.

"Yes. Yes I do."

Aleu kissed his cheek. "Well give it some time and soon you will get another gift. One that is the same that mom will give you."

The male hybrid smirked as he held on to the two. Honestly, nothing could be better than this.



The three sat up as they went to the window, seeing an enraged Dillion beating the door.

"Guess that pic pissed him off more than I thought." Said Aleu.

Shaking his head, Chris went to put his clothes on as he walked to the door. Jenna saw this and smiled as she knew what was going to happen to next.

Chris opened the door, now face to face to Dillion as the mutt shrink away in size. Despite his anger, he failed to realize that the man in the pic was far bigger than him, his seven foot one beating his six feet height.

"So your Dillion, huh? Got into a fight or something?" Chris asked as he noticed his already broken nose.

The Malamute Lab shook his head, blood spraying around as he looked at him with an angry look. "What of it, fucker. Get out of my way and bring me that whore!"

"Excuse you? Mind telling me who you are calling a whore?"

"That bitch Aleu! I will kick your ass, but I want that bitch first. Now move!"

Chris stood tall as he leans down and grit his teeth.

"Make me...Bitch!"

Dillion nearly growled as he raised a fist and prepared to punch Chris. However, he was too late as Chris landed a clean headbutt on his face, the mutts nose broken more as he fell on the floor unconscious.

Chris frowned as he shut the door and went back to the girls with a smile. "You might want to call the garbage man. He forgot some trash outside."

"After that, we called up the cops and explained the situation, showed the recording that Aleu had.of the fool trying to.punch me, and once they left, I went back and had some more fun with the girls." Chris said as he lean back, a big grin on his face as he was back in Subway with Troy, who was eating himself a steak and cheese sub.

"So let me see if I get this straight: you not only have a milf for a mate, but now you got her own daughter as one too, and you end the night whooping her Exs ass?"

"Yep. Best. Night. Ever!"

The two laughed as they ate their subs.

"So wait, what happened to that Dillion guy?"

"Oh him? Yeah, he was laid off easy. Was given papers to tell him to stay the fuck away from Jennas house though. Still like to know who the hell was the guy that broke his nose before me though. The guy must have hit him like a truck."

"Hahaha, I bet."

Just then the door opened as Troy looked up but widen hie eyes. Chris saw this and turned and gave a face of shock.

Right there was Dillion, face bandaged as he had a wooden bat in his hand.

"It's aint over, fucker! I am going to kick your ass!"

The two got to their feet as Chris glared at him. "You think a bat is going to help you! I'll beat your ass like a drum, bitch!"

The two glared at one another, both not noticing the door opening as Troy smiled.

"Hey Bruce. Nice to see you."

Hearing the name, Chris looked over the mutt to see the man that entered and began to gasp. "Holy shit..."

"What!? What the fuck you pussies gawking at!?"

"They are gawking at me, shithead."

Dillion turned and swung the bat, shocked to see that it broke in half. He stood back as he looked up to see a titan of a man. It was an elephant, his height nearly touching the ceiling as he stood to a height of eight foot eight. His body was a tower of muscle and power as he had to bend his knees a bit in the shop, making them believe that he was bigger. He looked down at the mutt, eyes showing anger as he looked at Troy.

"This guy giving you trouble?"

"Yeah. Came in here threatening to hit us with that thing. Think you can toss him out? Sub on the house if you do."

The elephant smiled at that as he looked back at Dillion, sweat pouring down his face.

A minute later, Dillion was thrown out of the subway building, unconscious and bloodied as his broken bat rolled next to him.

Back inside, Chris smiled as he looked up at the large man. "Damn Bruce, you got big."

"I should be. After high school I went and joined the military. After that, I came home and wound up in UFC."

"No shit?"

Bruce smiled as he went to Troy, who handed him his favorite sub: Tuna. The large man grabbed it and walked out the door, bending down to do so.

Both Troy and Chris watch the man left as they went back to the table.

"Shit, he was huge."

"Told ya." Said Troy as he continues to eat.

Just then though, Chris felt his phone ring as he answered it. "Oh hey Jenna...oh yeah....yeah...I'll be right there!"

He hanged it up as he got up. Troy rolled his eyes as he looked at him. "Do I even have to ask?"

"Heh heh, what can I say? When my mates need me, I never disappoint."