Good Night

Story by Ramea on SoFurry

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Good night.

Chocolate eyes flicked sideways in a moment of distraction, watching as the coffee cup, filled and steaming with the the working man's sacred nectar of life, was set upon the small table top. A quick nod in acknowledgement, and then the eyes returned to their earlier task, scanning the laptop's screen, and searching through a long list of e-mails, siphoning the spam mail from work. Without missing a beat, one black, short furred paw left its position on the laptop, the other paw compensating by using its thumb to click the track pad buttons while the pointer and index fingers continued to use the track pad to scroll. The other paw wrapped its fingers around the coffee cup and brought it to a white and orange muzzle, lips pursing as air was blown onto it in a feeble attempt to cool the scolding liquid in an act that was habit, more than intent.

A bright pink tongue slipped from the muzzle, cautiously testing the coffee's temperature, and upon deciding it was cool enough, the cup was tipped to the lips, and some of it's contents drained into the wanting muzzle. Briefly the eyes closed from the flavor and heat of the coffee, but soon opened again to resume their duty.

Ears twitched as the tinkle of a bell resounded, signaling either the entry or exit of a customer in the café. The head didn't move, still to focused upon the job at hand; trying to finish work, while drinking coffee.

The cup was set down with a light 'thwump' against the table. Now empty of its contents, a brown ring along the inside acting as the only clue to what it had held within itself a few moments ago. A new hand picked up the cup, this one black as well, but lithe and delicate, hoisting the cup off the table, but keeping it hovering over the same spot. A grey arm wrapped around a white chest, concealed beneath a green polo, squeezing gently to complete a partial embrace. Soft black lips kissed the orange furred head, causing brown eyes to waver in their task, and the head to tilt back to look upon the distraction. Brown eyes met soft grey ones, locking in a conversation requiring no words.

One last kiss, and the embrace broke, the empty cup being carried away, and a black ringed, grey bushy tale briefly intertwined with a bushy orange tail, dragging along until it was free. The brown eyes and orange head followed though, watching in rapt fascination as the almost feminine body, wrapped in a black t-shirt, black pants, and a black apron walked away. The ringed tale flicked playfully, then disappeared behind the counter.

The laptop snapped closed, the sound startling a few customers, who moments before had been engaged in deep conversation with politics, life, religion, or some other important topic fitting a café. Topics, that now seemed miniscule to the fox, as there was something even more pressing to attend to.

A smile greeted the fox as he made his way to the counter, his eyes attempting to lock with the owner of the smile. However, the eyes were busy with signing a piece of paper, adn making sure it was correct. There was a click a the pen was capped, and then set down. The apron was removed, and hastily hung upon a rack.

In another flurry of movement, the raccoon flung himself over the counter and next to the fox, grinning broadly at his little antic. A set of paws intertwined, swinging back and forth slowly as the pair walked out, tails swaying happily. As the door closed with a tinkle, the pair kissed and turned down the street.

Brisk, cold air filled their lungs, sending shivers through the bodies, and upon exhaling, it reemerged as cooling steam through the nose. Delighting to watch in a childish way as faces were made and white puffs of warm breath emerged.

A setting sun painted the pollutants in the sky in pinks, oranges, and purples; a sight as beautiful as it was ironic. Buildings loomed about, cars zoomed by, and morphs pushed for space as they passed by. The couple continued on, turning and entereing a small apartment complex.

Up cold stairs, and through a white door labeled '153' the pair went, reaching their final destination. A quick fumbling of keys and the door was open, and two bodies entered the cozy apartment.

With a single movement the raccoon was embraced from behind, two orange and black arms wrapping around a smaller body, and a cold black nose digging into grey fur, searching for something even the owner of the nose was unsure of. A black masked face tilted back, mouth opening in a soundless gasp as black paws work down a black shirt to lift and remove it.

Once freed of the confines of the shirt, the raccoon spun around, seeking to return the favor, but was stopped when a muzzle pressed to his, and a velvet soft tongue wormed it's way into his muzzle. The raccoon latched onto the soft member, suckling it like a child nursing, and nibbling along it in ernest, locking eyes again and grinning. The paws find life again and shoot out towards the green polo, fumbling with the buttons. Eventually they are released and the kiss is broken to lift the shirt up and off.

The pair had made their way to the couch during their brief and frantic transaction, and with a gentle push, the fox was sitting, spread legged upon the large, brown leather behemoth of a couch, so soft, supple, and perfect for the events to unfold. There's the tinkle of metal on metal as the belt holding the slacks up is undone, then removed and tossed away. Gentle fingers, moving slowly, undo the button, then the zipper.

A single groan escapes the fox as his member is freed, pulled out by little black paws, through his boxers. On both knees, between the fox's legs resides the raccoon, smiling proudly, and moving closer to the red spear of flesh; smooth, warm, gently pulsing, and glistening from the layer of natural lubrication seeping through it. Soft fur runs across the length, sending teasing bits of pleasure through the body, and causing it to tense as well.

Fingers play over the forming knot, squeezing and rubbing in successful attempts at making it grow. Hips thrust into the paw, signaling a need becoming too great to ignore, and in response, warmth encases the flesh, soft and warm lips slide down the length, the raccoon's tongue cradling the hard dick slipping into the muzzle, stopping just before enveloping the fox's forming knot.

The sensation of the head pulling back becomes amplified as the raccoon begins to suck lightly, nursing the dick. The fox's head lawls back, eyes closed, muzzle open, his tongue hanging out. Grey eyes though, watch with pure joy at the face they are creating that speaks of pure extacy.

A paw grabs hold of the raccoon's own head, scrunching the grey headfur up in a fist, then releasing, trying to communicate a feeling of encouragement. The ministrations of the raccoon slow, and then stop completely. Chocolate eyes, caught half-way between confusion and pleasure open to stare at raccoon. The toothy grin the raccoon offers does nothing. Only when he has risen, and removed his pants and briefs does understanding dawn upon the fox.

Lithe legs step to either side of the fox's waist, grey furred starting from the beginning of the calves and up, with black fur below. The fox kisses the raccoon's member, tasting the salty pre of his aroused lover, and after a few greedy licks, the raccoon's hips sink down, bringing his pink star closer to the fox's needy dick.

The pair groan in tandom as the fox pierces the raccoon, his member sliding in until his sheath bumps against the raccoon's ass. Moments pass as they adjust to the sensation. The fox licks and nips along the other's neck, eliciting delicious wimpers from the grey and black body. Their lips meet briefly before they begin again, both pairs of eyes squeezed shut with pleasure. The fox's arms wrap around the raccoon in a warm embrace as he lifts up, stopping the motion just before the hard length completely exits his body. Then, he slides back down, groaning as he is stretched slightly more as the still growing knot enters his body.

The black ringed tail becomes a metronome for the pace, swaying from side to side slowly as their lovemaking had started, and then growing frantic and chaotic as they progressed. The pleasured moans eminating from the fox's muzzle only serving to speed up the raccoon's movements.

The longer claws of the raccoon dig into the shoulders of the fox, as his own imminent orgasm grows closer. The masked head nuzzles into the orange furred shoulder uses it to muffle his scream as his movements are haulted and white seed erupts from his straining member to splash onto his lover's stomach, blending in with the soft, white fur.

The fox kisses along the raccoon's head as much as possible given the awkward position, and patiently waites for the raccoon to regain himself. The head lifts up, and after a quick smile, the raccoon restarts, his pace quickly back to what it had been before. Now the fox joined in, feeling his own climax fastly approaching, thrusting his hips as the raccoon sank down, and pulling back down as he rose. The large bulb that was the fox's knot was nearly fully swollen, and struggled to gain access into the raccoon's depths.

With a shrill yip, the fox forced his knot into the raccoon, then clamped down with his muzzle on the raccoon's clavicle. As the Raccoon rose, the fox's dick didn't slide out, but stayed in the same spot, now locked in to the raccoon's body thanks to the knot. There was a slight jerk as the fox's hips were pulled up again to avoid hurting his length. The motion ended, and the fox's member emptied itself, shooting creamy white strands of the fox's seed into the bowels of the raccoon.

The fox's hips jerked a few times in attempts to get himself buried deeper into his lover as he emptied himself. The raccoon's tail merely twitched, slowly falling to the ground. Finally the fox released his bite on the raccoon, and licked along the grey muzzle comfortingly. Slowly the two resituated so they were on their sides, kissing deeply and tracing patterns lazilly in the other's fur. Eventually sleep overtook them, and they passed out in eachother's arms, until the fox woke with a start, causing the raccoon to do the same.

"Honey... I left my laptop at the café."