The Witch's Apprentice, chapter 2: the Ritual

Story by Narcixus on SoFurry

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#3 of The Witch's Knife

This is the second chapter of "the Witch's Apprentice," in which Kitt the vulpin slave assists his new master in a springtime cleaning ritual. Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions! I hope y'all are enjoying my dumb fantasy smut fiction. I think it might turn out to be more than just erotica. :3

The Ritual

Kitt had dozed off while waiting and now woke up from what he felt was the strangest dream. He was so horny and reached for his rock-hard penis, only to curse himself when he realized it hadn't only been a dream.

He was actually the property of the witch Clementine, and she had actually commanded him to remove his cock with the enchanted Witch's Knife. He could still feel it now, permanently erect (at least until the witch deemed he had earned it back and reattached it to his body), and it felt like it was submerged in a lukewarm liquid, probably suspended in a jar on a shelf somewhere. His testicles also felt the same. Well, at least he felt his genitals would be safe there. It was just really frustrating to feel constantly aroused and not be able to touch himself.

The vulpin absentmindedly rubbed his empty sheath. At least that still felt kind of good, but not in the same way. He looked down at his scrotum and stretched it with his fingers. His master had said he could use it to store things now, but the idea was so odd to him, he wasn't sure if he could get used to it. He stretched the opening she had left near the top of his sack and peeked inside. It was so dark. Experimentally, the vulpin inserted a finger. It didn't hurt, or really feel like anything at all. He tried the rest of his hand and was surprised that it fit quite easily, and then proceeded to go in deeper and deeper.

"What the fuck? Oh!" He pulled his hand back out and exclaimed with recognition. He hadn't realized it at the time, but the enchantment the witch had used on his sack had transformed it into a bag of holding! - or at least a lesser version of one. He retrieved his satchel from the floor where he'd left it with his pants and was relieved to find his belongings still in it, including the roll of money he had hoped would be enough to survive on for at least his first month here. Of course, now that he was Clementine's slave, he figured he wouldn't need money to survive anymore. She didn't seem like the type of cruel master who would deny him necessities like food and shelter. This room and the nice meal she'd allowed him to prepare for them earlier were proof of that.

In fact, as Kitt looked around his room now, he realized some familiar items had been placed inside it while he'd slept. All of his personal belongings that he'd left in his cart were here, and he assumed the supplies for his horse were with Ben in their master's stable.

He stuffed the money roll into his enchanted sack and walked over to where his trunk had been placed. Inside were his extra clothes, and his books and journals, just as he'd left them. He pulled on a clean shirt - his favourite red one, which he'd had since he left home as a teenager, the hand-stitched protection runes, lovingly sewn on by his mother, were still visible but faded. He started to reach for a pair of pants but realized that as a eunuch, he had nothing to hide and was no longer obligated, per the customs of the land, to wear clothing. It was warm enough now that the sun was up, he decided to go pantsless. His master had told him she would need him at noon, but that was still a few hours away, and he was growing bored of this room. He wanted to see what was out in the rest of the castle. Hesitantly, he grasped the door knob. Would he even be able to get out, or would the witch have locked him in? Only one way to find out.

Kitt was actually slightly surprised when he turned the knob and the door opened. He guessed if his master had intended to keep him in here she wouldn't have made it easy to get out, so he saw no harm in taking a little stroll down the corridor. He stepped out and took a look around. A dark grey rat was stationed outside his door, and for a moment the vulpin was afraid it might report to the witch and he'd be punished for disobeying, but the rat just scratched its ear and looked up at him curiously.

"Hey there, little friend," Kitt said, kneeling down to pet it. The rat seemed to like that and rubbed its head against his hand. Kitt smiled. "You're not going to get me in trouble, are you?" The rat shook its head. "Thanks," he said and continued to scritch its little ears. "Hey, can you show me where the stable is? I want to check on my horse friend. Have you seen him?"

At that, the rodent's ears perked up, and it jumped up and started to run down the hall, stopping to look behind it, as if waiting for Kitt to follow. "Oh, okay," chimed the vulpin as he stood and walked along behind it.

The rat was much faster than Kitt expected such a tiny thing to be, and he kept worrying that he'd lose it as it led him through dark corridors and around corners, but every time the creature got out of his sight, it would scurry back to him and wait for him to catch up. They passed several closed doors that he barely had time to wonder what was behind, but a few of the rooms they passed were open, and the vulpin caught a few quick glimpses as he hurried by. One was full of books, and another appeared to be a second, smaller kitchen. Why anyone would need two kitchens was beyond him, but he knew witches were mysterious beings. A couple of rooms appeared to be empty. Just as he was starting to wonder if this rat really knew where they were going, it led him around a corner and through an open door to an outside courtyard. There were fruit trees and flowers growing everywhere, and the air smelled sweet and fresh. Kitt closed his eyes and breathed in. Spring had always been his favourite season. He wandered over to a small bush and absentmindedly plucked something that resembled a plum from its branch. He brought the fruit to his lips and took a bite, savoring the juicy flavour. Delicious.

The grey rat nudged his foot to get his attention and then scurried across the courtyard to a gate leading beyond its wall. Kitt followed. Outside was an area surrounded by a wooden fence, clearly put up long after the castle had originally been built, and on the right side was a wooden barn. A brown gelding grazed happily on the green grass, and Kitt was delighted to see him.

"Ben!" The horse's ears perked up at the sound of his name being called. He whinnied excitedly and galloped over to greet his master. Kitt lovingly patted the horse's neck and gave his ears a good rub. "Are you having a good time here, buddy? This is our new home. Aww, who's a good boy?" The horse playfully nibbled at the vulpin's hair.

"He looks happy to see you!" called out a female voice. It was Clementine. Kitt froze in fear as the witch emerged from the barn and walked across the yard toward him. She was still wearing the same dress as before, but instead of the fur cape, a loosely knitted, colourful shawl was draped around her, and her hair was now braided. "I hope you're making yourself at home as well. Relax, Kitt. I'm not going to hurt you." He let out the breath he'd been holding.

"My apologies, master. I got bored of waiting and asked one of your rats to show me the way."

"It's quite alright. I didn't really expect you to stay in that room all day anyway. I figured you'd explore the castle when you were ready." She walked over and petted Ben's flank. "This is a lovely horse, by the way. I've just been out here getting to know him. You were right about him being very polite." Ben knickered at her and gave her a little horse kiss on her chin. "Now, since you're already out and about, I require your assistance with some ritual preparations."

"Yes, master," he said, quickly bowing his head. "What do you need me to do?"

"The courtyard where the ritual is to be held needs to be cleaned. Fabian will show you the way. Be sure that it is spotless before noon, when I will meet you there to begin."

With a dismissive wave of her hand, the witch turned and walked away before her inquisitive slave had a chance to ask any more questions. He stood in place for a moment, looking around, wondering where to go from here. He looked down and noticed the same rat from before, looking up at him.

"Are... you Fabian?" The rat nodded his head. "Could you take me to the courtyard?" Again, Fabian nodded and scurried back toward the castle, pausing for Kitt to catch up.

When they finally reached the open cobblestone yard at the heart of the castle, Kitt's spirit sank at the sight of it. This place was a mess. The floor was covered in dirt, straw, and junk leftover from previous rituals. Thick cobwebs hung in every corner, and weeds and dead vines had pushed their way through the cracks in the floor. He only had an hour and a half to make this area presentable for his master, and he was determined not to fail so soon in his career.

"Well, Fabian," he said, rolling up his sleeves, "looks like I've got my work cut out for me. Where's a broom?" The rat led him across the yard to a small tool shed on the other side, where he found several brooms and mops, a dust pan, a bucket, and some gardening tools, including a pair of hedge trimmers. He might need those later, to cut the dead vines. He grabbed a broom and got started.

In the center of the courtyard was a shrine, slightly less dusty than the surrounding area, with a statue of the goddess Acamosia, whom Kitt recognized from his books. She had the body of a human woman with large breasts and a large erect phallus, and the head of a deer, with elegantly curling antlers and long braided hair that hung over each shoulder and down her back. She was said to govern the cycle of death and rebirth in the universe and was often worshipped by druids and witches. In front of the statue was an altar, upon which Kitt assumed the witch would offer sacrifices. There were a few scraps of spoiled food and some feathers left there, along with a layer of dust and some dead leaves that had fallen onto the shrine. Kitt checked the shed for a rag or duster but didn't find any, so with a reluctant sigh, he peeled off his shirt and used it to clear the altar and wipe the dust from the stone deity's face. It was probably just his imagination, but she seemed to smile at him then. Looking up at the sun, he could tell he only had about forty-five minutes left, and he knew he had to hurry to get these vines and weeds out of the way in time.

Now totally naked and dripping with sweat, the vulpin crawled on his hands and knees plucking weeds from between the stones in the yard. Fabian helped out a little by chewing through the roots of some of the vines and dragging them and the plucked weeds into a pile. Every now and then when they'd stop a moment to catch their breath, Kitt would pat his head and thank him. Once that tedious task was complete, Kitt swept the pile up and tossed it, along with the rest of the trash and dirt, into a bucket until he could find a better place to dump it. With only a few minutes left, he got to work once again using his shirt to wipe away all the cobwebs. Fabian's squeaking got his attention finally, and the rat gestured toward the shed.

"Is there something we need from the shed?" The rat nodded. Kitt opened the door again and looked inside. "What is it, buddy?" Fabian squeezed through a gap between several rakes and brooms and climbed up onto something that was partially hidden behind them. The vulpin moved some things out of the way and saw that it was a large wooden tub. "Is this it?" he asked. Fabian nodded again. "Why do I need a tub? Is it for the ritual?" Another nod. "Okay." He started to move the rest of the tools out of the way, and the rat hopped down into the tub to avoid getting knocked over.

It was now noon, and the sun shone directly down onto the altar in the courtyard. Clementine emerged into the light, riding on the back of a large reptilian creature and carrying a basket in both hands. Her hair looked a bit disheveled now, and she was barefoot. Kitt was just in the midst of dragging the tub to the center of the courtyard when the witch dismounted her animal and stepped into the center of the courtyard. She looked around to inspect his work.

"Good job, boys," she said, acknowledging both Kitt and Fabian. "I see you trimmed those vines as well. I'm impressed." Kitt finished pushing the tub into place and stopped to wipe the sweat from his brow.

"Thank you, master," the vulpin painted. "Is tha... is that a crocodile?"

Clementine looked behind her at the creature she had ridden. "Yes," she said. "This is Alyss. He's my familiar." Alyss looked Kitt in the eye and bowed his head slightly. "Now, I need you to fill the tub. There's a water pump behind the shed, and there should be an extra bucket beside it."

"Yes, master."

While Kitt was busy with that, Clementine started to prepare her shrine. First, she lit a cone of incense and placed it in one of the statue's outstretched hands. She then began removing things from her basket and setting them on the altar: a fresh loaf of bread, a handful of berries, a cup, and finally, a silk drawstring pouch. She pulled a bottle of wine from the basket, uncorked it, and poured some into the cup. By this time, her vulpin slave had the tub halfway filled with cold water. She called him over to her with a gesture of her hand.

"Come kneel beside me," she instructed. The vulpin, the witch, and her crocodile familiar all knelt before the altar together, and Clementine spoke to him now not as her slave but as her apprentice. "When you are your own witch, you may freely worship any gods or deities you choose, but for now, as long as you are my apprentice, you will make offerings to Acamosia, the goddess of the cycle."

"Yes, master."

"You're probably aware that today marks the beginning of Spring. To welcome the new season, we perform this cleansing ritual and thank Acamosia for continuing the cycle." Clementine closed her eyes and spoke in a language Kitt didn't recognize, but he understood that it was a prayer to the goddess, asking her to cleanse them so that they could serve her well in the coming cycle. After her prayer, it was quiet for a moment, until she said "and now, we bathe."

The three of them turned around and faced the tub, which was now miraculously steaming. Apparently the goddess had heard Clementine's prayer and answered by heating their bathwater. Kitt watched as his master unbuttoned her dress and let it fall to the ground. Her skin was perfect and smooth, and her breasts, while not particularly large, looked soft and inviting. She started to undo her braid, then noticed Kitt staring and decided to put him to better use. "Help me into the bath," she said, " and untangle my hair." He bowed and did as he was commanded.

As soon as she was settled into the tub, the vulpin got to work, gently coming his fingers through his master's long, silky hair. "Alyss, bring the soap here." The crocodile stuck his long snout into the basket she had brought and pulled out a new bar of lavender soap. "Thank you," she said as he placed it in her hand. "I made this myself," she explained to Kitt as she started to work it into a lather. Once he was done unbraiding her hair, she leaned forward in the tub and had him rub her back with the sweet-scented, foamy soap, and stood up to let him soap down her whole body. Kitt was shy about it at first, but the warmth of the water and soothing scent of the lavender made him feel relaxed, and the actions of the whole ritual was putting his mind at ease. He ran his hands down over her breasts and up again to wash underneath them. He spread the lather over her belly and down her thighs and then went back over, wiping the soap away. He restrained himself from groping her soft buttocks as he scrubbed her backside and was glad she couldn't see him blushing under his fur.

When she was all clean and rinsed off she turned to him and said, "Now's your turn."


"Yes, of course. As my apprentice, you also need Acamosia's blessing, and besides... you're filthy. Let me bathe you." The witch climbed out of the tub and ushered her apprentice in. Once he was seated she did the same for him as he had for her. She started by untying the locks of his hair that he kept secured at the sides of his head. Then she began to massage his back and shoulders with the soap. Kitt was incredibly embarrassed. He hadn't been bathed by a woman since his mother had washed him as a child, and the fact that Clementine was his master made this feel more awkward. He tried to protest, but the witch just shushed his stammering and continued to work the soapy lather into his fur, and soon he forgot all about modesty and shame and felt that he had never been more relaxed in his life.

Because of his thick vulpin fur, Kitt's bath took quite a bit longer than Clementine's had, but she seemed to enjoy lathering him up and rinsing him off. She repeated the process multiple times. After his second rinse, she turned back to the altar and grabbed the silk pouch she had left there, and Kitt felt a slightly ticklish pressure as she held it. The witch opened the pouch and reached in to pull out his cock.

"Here," she said, handing it to him, "hold onto this for a moment." He took it in his hand, wondering why she had brought it here. "It is still part of you," she explained, "even while it's separated from your body. The goddess requires that all of you be cleaned." Ah, he thought. That made sense. He held it in the warm water and closed his eyes as he stroked it lightly. "Now stop masturbating," she teased him, "and stand up so I can wash your rear."

"Sorry, master!" He blushed again and scrambled to his feet. The witch stifled a giggle and lathered up his rump, then worked some soap into the large fluff of his tail, working her way down its length to the tip. Then she made her way around to the front of his body and gently scrubbed his sheath and sack.

"Good boy. Now sit back down." After rinsing him off for a final time, Clementine helped Kitt out of the bath and laid his cock, now cleansed, back on the stone altar to air dry. "Now help me bathe Alyss." Together, they got the crocodile into the tub and very quickly scrubbed his scaly body clean.

Once all three of them were done bathing, they walked together, still nude, back into the castle to finish drying off and put on clean clothes. Kitt's penis was back in that silk pouch, and Clementine carried it with her to her room, he assumed to put it safely away.