Going for the “A”

Story by JazzFox on SoFurry

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#1 of Outside the Curriculum

_Author's Notes:

This is my first story of an erotic nature, so be gentle please : ) I had a sudden urge to type up this idea, so let the constructive criticism flow so I know where to go from here with my style, and with the series. Should you so desire, I can be reached by email at JazzmanSA80(at)gmail(dot)com. Thanks!

Legal blah blah's: If you are under 18 (21, in some areas) this material is probably not for you, so shoo. All characters are © myself, JazzFox._

Outside the Curriculum 1: Going for the "A"


"Ugh," Nick groaned. The clock above Ms. Brown's desk had to be stuck. Please move! he thought. It was Friday, so the day was moving at a snails pace anyway, but Nick's plans today made time seem to grind to a halt.

Since it was the end of the week, everyone would be bolting when the bell rings at 3:45, and the entire building would probably clear of students and most staff by 4:00. Naturally, all kids in high school love Fridays, but few kids love them as much as Nick.

Ms. Brown was going on about something, and most of the furs in the class were taking notes, but Nick couldn't concentrate. His eyes were drawn to her beautiful brown hair- soft and flowing, ending just past her shoulders, with her cute rabbit ears poking out from underneath it, hanging with her hair behind her head. Her deep blue eyes, while threatening to drown him in their endless depth, were loving and soft, but not nearly to soft as her pure white fur, which glowed beneath the horribly overpowering florescent lighting of the public school.

Nick shifted uncomfortably, his pants beginning to become slightly more crowded quarters.

His eyes drifted downwards slowly, catching just a hint of brown fur at the top of her blouse, just above the second button from the top, visible because she left the top two buttons open, revealing a hint of cleavage from her C-sized breasts. Nick wasn't a fan of enormous knockers, believing them to be less pleasant to look at, and to handle, although he wasn't particularly experienced with either.

Tick-tock, the clock took its jolly-sweet time, driving the teenage fox mad, and making him desperate to relieve the pressure on his nearly fully erect member. His tail waved back and forth slowly though the hole in the back of the chair, attracting attention from a few girls who sat behind him, who admired his well-formed rear end. Nick was an athletic fur, but not too large. He was slightly taller than average, with not huge, but well-toned muscles, which he acquired purely from working out to stay in shape to march in his school's marching band, and in a drum and bugle corps he toured with over the summer. Despite his participation in band, Nick was never really labeled as a band geek, although he did get tired of explaining what a drum corps was.

"Simply put, it's like a marching band on crack, and with no woodwind players," was his usual response, even though it pained him so much to reduce the activity to that.

All in all, Nick was an attractive fur, but he was generally quiet outside of his group of friends, and so he didn't do as well with the ladies as one might assume. Nonetheless, he didn't complain, since he at least attracted attention.

The bell rang.

"Alright, everyone have a great weekend. Be safe," Ms. Brown hollered to the class over the talking and shuffling of papers, feet, and backpacks. Nick, however, remained seated, but quietly put his things in his bag as a tall, grey wolf approached him.

"Dude, are you staying after school for tutoring again?" His best friend Luke asked. "You must have an incredible grade in this class."

"Obviously not good enough," Nick commented jokingly, and rolled his eyes. He didn't like lying to his friend, but he couldn't tell him the truth.

"Alright man, well give me a call later on if you want to hang out tonight, and try to keep your hands off of Ms. Brown," he gave Nick a wink, and laughed, walking out the door. Nick's heart jumped for a moment, before he told himself that Luke was only joking, and that he didn't know anything. After all, what red-blooded teenage fur wouldn't toy with such ideas about a young, attractive teacher?

Ms. Brown was busy going through some things on her desk, and told Nick to get out his study materials as the last couple stragglers meandered out of the classroom. Nick pulled out some notes and began reading over them, keeping up the guise of a tutoring session until they had the room to themselves.

The last student finally left at 3:54, and several minutes went by in silence. Nick had begun to daydream again, staring at, or rather, through, his notes, when he looked up to see his teacher leaning over his desk, staring at him, but not saying a word.

He found himself lost, once more, in her eyes, like two pools of blue. Neither of them could wait any longer, and their lips met in a soft kiss, his tongue slowly finding its way into her mouth. After a few moments, she pulled away, backing up to her desk, and delicately hopping on top if it, all the while, staring at him with those mysterious eyes, her mouth forming a seductive grin. Her stare beckoned him, and without knowing it, he found himself getting up, and moving to her in a trance.

He reached her desk, and again, they met in a kiss, this time with a fiery passion. She pulled him even closer so that she could wrap her legs around his waist, pulling him even closer still. At this point, his shaft was throbbing, and painfully hard, begging to be liberated. His foxhood pressed against her, causing her to moan into their kiss, but she did nothing to relieve his burden. Finally, she broke the kiss, and began to unbutton her shirt in front of him at an agonizingly slow pace, one button at a time. She barely made it past the first one before he grabbed the shirt, ripping it open. No bra,_he smiled. _Classic. He immediately began kissing her neck, moving down ever so slowly to her exposed breasts with an intimacy of two lovers who have shared such an experience many times before.

She laughed at his enthusiasm, sighing in pleasure at the same time. "If you showed this much interest in your work, you might have an A in my class."

Nick ignored her comment, moving his attention to one of her nipples. This ended her teasing, eliciting another soft moan. He continued this, moving to the other side after a time. Meanwhile, Ms. Brown's hands began to roam, moving to his lower regions, and giving his shaft a soft squeeze. It was all becoming nearly too much for Nick, and with the excitement caused from all the anticipation of the long class, he nearly lost it right there. At that, she stopped, and pulled his head away, much to his dismay.

He wasn't disappointed for long, though. She discarded her blouse, and removed her skirt with expert efficiency. Nick did the same with his own clothes, showing his inexperience when he tried getting out of his jeans without getting his shoes off first. This nearly caused his to stumble backwards, but he regained his balance and corrected his error.

Ms. Brown was giggling at how cute he was, cause him to blush, as he was now suddenly quite aware that he was standing completely naked in full view, his seven inches increasingly harder, although it seems impossible, with a bead of precum perched at the tip. Sensing his embarrassment, she reached out her hand, grasping his shaft so lightly that he could barely detect her touch, but just firm enough to gently guide him towards her. When he was finally before her, they were both panting, their lust breaching their consciousness.

Without further encouragement, Nick plunged his length in his teacher right up to the knot that had formed some time earlier. She yelled at the sudden, but welcome intrusion, and he braced himself against her, overwhelmed by the pleasure of her incredibly tight passage. Still, they tried to remain quiet in case someone was still lingering in the building.

After the two recovered, breathing heavily, from the momentary shock, Nick began to move himself in and out of her in a slow, increasing rhythm, and she moved her hips to meet his with every thrust. Her sex grew hotter and wetter, allowing Nick to get more of himself inside of her, and faster. Soon, they had moved up to a quick pace, and Nick's knot was threatening to invade her time and time again. This was driving her mad with a slight pain, overpowered by incredible pleasure. Her hands roamed once more, squeezing his ass, pulling him even deeper into her. She began to play with the base of his big bushy tail before moving a finger around his tail-hole. He shivered at this, arousing a desire in him which he didn't expect, but it drove him even further, faster, and harder. After a minute or two of teasing, she brought her hand to where their bodies met, gathering their juices, only to return to his tail-hole, and slowly penetrated him with a single finger. This finally drove him over the edge, and in a final thrust, tied with her.

They screamed as they came together, no longer caring about the noise. Her muscles squeezed his cock, milking him for all that he had, which he willingly gave to her, shooting jets of warm fox cum into her womb, enhancing her ecstasy. After coming down from their orgasms, Nick lay on Ms. Brown, the both of them trying to catch their breath, still on the edge of her desk, which was now drenched in a mix of sweat and sex.

After a short while, his knot had shrunken enough to remove himself from her, but he still laid on her, inside of her, in the afterglow. The silence was broken by a cell phone- Nick's ring tone was unmistakable from any other. He decided to ignore it, and made no effort or motion towards it.

Then his heart froze as he heard footsteps approach the door. He looked to his teacher, hoping she would know what to do, but she looked back at him in horror. She was not much older than him, and in this instant, she was reduced to the same level of juvenile fear. The footsteps stopped as they reached the door, and the handle began to turn.

To be continued...