Heated Waters: Part 2

Story by Nicolas223 on SoFurry

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:The following short story is among the very few that I have written, so please take kindly to any grammer or spelling mistakes that I might have made. I havn't done a lot of stories like this before so please understand my writing might not be satisfactory. Thank you for your consideration and without further delay, enjoy the story!Here's a link to the previous part. You don't have to read it but if you want to better understand the story you can skim just to get the basics.https://www.sofurry.com/view/1574304

-Trent can hardly take it anymore. Withholding the truth for so long, he struggles to admit how he really feels about the young gray wolf by the name of Tye. After some encouragment he manages to almost tell the truth before he is stopped by a shocking interruption.

Heated Waters: Part 2


_ One day earlier ... _

The black fured yukon wolf twisted his fork in his food not willing to eat, his normally playful energy gone. Trent was the only one sitting at his dining room table. His only sibling. who an older sister, was finishing her final touches on the salad, sprinkling on the cheese and dressing. She bobbed her head to her earphones as she continued her work. As his parents bustled around the house, Trent couldn't help but be somewhat aggrivated. The flight for their trip was leaving only in a couple of hours. He was already in a mood, this didn't make it any better.

"Trent, be nice to your sister." His mom commanded, hauling the last of their luggage out the door.

After another moment the dad's muzzle poked out past the door.

"Valory,". The female wolf's ears pricked up through her music and she pulled out an ear bud, swiveling her head to the noise.

"Take care of your brother, okay?" Valory smiled and turned back to the salad.

_It's not like I'm a little kid. _

"Will do, you guys have a nice trip!"

"We will, you guys have fun." His dad finished as he swung the door closed.

Trent watched through the dining room window as his parents drove away.

_I guess that's it. _

He sighed and looked back at his food, still looking as undilectable as ever. His sister finally set the bowl down and joined him across from where he sat, which wasn't far because of the size of their circular table. After pulling her earbuds out and serving herself she looked to her brother's plate with a raised brow.

"Not hungry?" She asked an edge of concern in her voice.

Trent crossed his arms on the table and buried his muzzle inside them.

"Trent, what's wrong?"

"Its nothing." He said through his sleves.

"Oh, I dont think so. Trent, look at me, seriously look at me." She commanded.

Trent groaned and removed his face from his arms, still not able to look his sister. His jaw rested on the table, turned away from his interrogator. After some seconds passed, her concern was replaced with understanding.

"Oh! It has to do with Tye!" She said with an air of excitement. Trent hated how she could do that. She always, always knew, no matter how hard he tried to hide it. His face was burning now.

"Can you fuck off, I dont want to talk about it." He said as his tail swayed, betraying him at the mention of the name.

"Did you tell him?" She asked, ignoring him.

Trent remained silent. After many moments, the black furred female finally sat back in her chair, crossing her arms.

"You gotta tell him eventually you know."

Trent tried to look even further away from his sister, if that was possible.

"... I- I know that."

"You guys have known each other for years, right?"

"Well, yeah but-" he started.

"and you've liked him since like, what? Like ... middle school? I mean, it's not like he-" She stopped as the expression on her brother's face began to change.

She sighed.

"Look, Trent... I understand. I get it. I really do. No one wants to loose a best friend but ..."

There was a pause and Trent slowly lifted his head to finallly look into his sisters eyes. Her expression was a mix of concern and encouragement.

"No one wants to be lied to either. ...You care about him, don't you?"

He looked down at his cold food and nodded glumly, not really trusting himself to speak. His sister got up from her chair and kneeled at his side and placed her loving paw on his shoulder.

"You can do this ... do you trust me?"

Trent nodded again, his anguished expression relaxing slightly.

"Yeah." He whispered.

His sister pulled him into a warm hug.

"Don't worry about it ... and who knows," She said as she broke away from his embrace, a small smirk on her face.

"Maybe he likes you too."

Trent rolled his eyes.

_Doubtful. _

But he couldn't help but feel the least bit hopeful. He rubbed his arm, slightly embarrassed.

"Thanks sis." He managed.

She smiled, "Anytime."

As the she began to walk away, she halted, as if remembering something. She turned her body ever so slightly.

"Also, all those dirty dishes ... yeah ... I'm not doing those, so ... good luck?"

Trent let out a snort, a small playful smile returned to his lips. He felt a little bit more like himself again.

"Bastard!" He shouted.

"Love you too bro." She yelled from down the hall.

He was just about to clear the table when his phone buzzed. He removed his phone from his plant's pocket and opened the message. Trent's heart skipped a beat when he saw that it was Tye. He read the message, his heart rate increasing as he did. He thought for a moment and quickly texted a message and hit send. Trent got to work, but all throughout the night he couldn't help but think about the young gray wolf and the upcoming day.

Back to the pool, huh?


"It's okay, it's okay, y- you dont have to do anything, just calm down, relax. I'll take care of you."

What am I doing?!

Trent's body seemed to act on it's own as he pulled his naked friend infront of him on the warm pool steps. His own member slid against the lower back of his wet gray fur.

Oh f- fuck

This was escalating a lot more quickly than he would have liked. Tye seemed to be in some extreme heat, and he was willing to bet it wasn't because of the water. Regardless, he seemed to really need attention that only he could give. It took a moment for Trent to realize his paws were still on Tye's upper waist. He had never touched another guy like this before, in fact, he had never touched another fur like he had now. The feeling was completely different than he had ever imagined but he'd be lying if he said his body didn't feel amazing. Everytime Tye took a shaking breath, the way his fur moved around his paws made it excrushiatingly hard to keep head straight. But as Trent's paw pierced the clear water to alleviate his friend, his sister's voice replayed in his mind.

"...You care about him, don't you?"

Damn it.

Trent couldn't bring himself to commit the act. Not until he had told him the truth. Tye seemed to have calmed down somehow despite the opposite happening to himself. He got a hold over his quivering limbs and placed his paws around his friend once more. He used all his remaining strength to lift his friend over his thigh and on the step next to him. Tye seemed taken off guard by the action, still huffing from his previous arrousment as he regained his balance in the water. Trent turned and paused, figuratively floundering to formulate a coherent string of words to describe what he wanted to say.

"Umm ... Tye, I ... I've been wanting to tell you something-"

As soon as he spoke, Tye's previous state seemingly evaporating in an instant as his whole body began to stiffen.

"fuck, I'm sorry, I sh- shouldn't have forced you into-"

Trent waived his hands quickly.

"Nunununo, that's not it at all, I had wanted to do that..."

Trent forced his mouth shut a second too late. Tye tilted his head, slightly baffled. He tried again.

"I mean... shit ... Its like, I haven't been honest about some stuff in the past and ... I've known you for so long and ..." he sighed, looking down at the water.

"I just think you deserve the truth, is all. So ... I've never actually had a girlfriend," he put out a claw, as if counting. Tye's head was now rotated at a 90° angle, his eyes wide ovals.

"That time in eighth grade when you lost your swimsuit at the gym, hehe, yeah, that- that was me. Umm ... ugh, also the fact that..."

Trent was beggining to twiddle his thumbs, a behaviour that had never manifested itself in the presence of his friend. He continued, refraining from looking away from his own rippling reflection, his heart pounding in his chest.

"the fact that, I- I think you're really a cool guy and um, and I think you look very umm, very att-" Trent never finished his embarrassing monologue. He felt wet paws turn his face away from the water and the last thing he expected happened as he came lip to lip with his crush. Well, mouth to mouth would have been more accurate in this case. It was Trent's turn to have his eyes widen.

Holy shit!

His suprise was short lived as he closed his eyes and let Tye pin his wrists against the pool edge behind his ears. He allowed Tye to position himself ontop of him, so that the fronts of their naked bodies were pressed togethor. As Tye's tongue played in his open mouth, he began to grind his cock against Trent's wet slick fur, ultimately rubbing the two members against themselves and both their bodies. There was virtually no friction between their lengths and the drenched fur, so the oozing pre-cum from the two males hardly served a purpose.

As they kissed, Tye's saliva still dripped from his maw, and so did Trent's, not only making it easier for their tongues to mingle but also for their chests to slide against each other. Tye finally broke away from his mouth's embrace, unable to continue as he began huffing recessively, his eyes half open in a dazed ecstasy. As Tye became more fatigued, Trent heaved his legs over the back of the gray wolf, crossing them, forcing Tye's body to press into his.

Tye continued to hump on their wet stomachs, their dicks sliding effortlessly across them. At this point Trent only had one desire, his mind focusing in on the pressure mounting in his loins. The loud sighing moans of Tye only seemed to quicken the inevitable, their bodies sliding togethor faster and faster. Trent wasn't sure when he started to moan and whine but not too long after he found himself acting the same way, humping uncontrollably and gasping every thrust.

" pant oh ffuck T-Trent ... Ughh, I think, huff I think I'm gana ... cum."

Trent could hardly register the words as more followed.

"Oh- Oh god, f-fuck!"

Tye let out own final thrust, letting his forskin stretch, and let out high whining moan as he lost himself in complete orgasmic pleasure. His muscles tightened and his feet pads clenched.


He could feel as his huge cock began to convulse and not moments later, ejaculate. Large ropes of cum shot and squelched against the closed space between the two wolves. Each time he squirted a strand of cum, he humped against Trent. Cum spattered onto the black wolf and into his huffing and gaping mouth. The feeling of the sticky semen on his thrusting cock and the warmness that he tasted as he closed is maw sent him over the edge. He gasped. All Trent could do was wait eagerly and moan along side Tye who was still pumping out load after load onto his pulsating dick.

Oh-Oh shit.

Trent began to convulse into a throughs of an orgasm, long strands shooting from his desperate cock, mixing with Tyes already outrageous amounts of semen. And so the two wolves came continously, pumping out cum and able to stop the constant yet steady flow. Trent wasn't sure how long he stayed in the orgasmed state but after what felt like an hour, his cock began to ebb. His panting breathes that echoed around the pool yard began to slow. Tye was resting his luling head on his sore shoulders, his cum covered body still pressed against his own. Even though they had came at about the same time, Tye had got off a much greater amount than he had, resulting in Tye finishing much faster than he did. Trent tried arousing the young wolf by shaking him awake.

"Tye. Tye get up." He whispered.

No response.

"Tye?" He shook him again a little harder, trying to merit any kind of reaction. Trent rested his aching neck back against the hard pool edge, moaning in defeat.

He must be exhausted from all the exertion of playing in the water and ... and this.

He paused for a moment thinking about the full implications of his situation. Tye had just passed out on him, probably wasn't going to wake up anytime soon and it was almost midnight.

"Well, shit."


Part 2 (Finished)