The Lust Moon

Story by Falcon3268 on SoFurry

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Life couldn't have gotten any more easier nor harder for Tina who was finding herself trying to find her own sexuality finding herself jumping between wanting to date a man or woman becoming more confuse. Things seem to change when right before she goes to her sisters farm, she meets a young lovely lady that seems as confused as her, hitting it off they find themselves compatible. Yet things take a interesting turn once Tina goes to her sisters farm where she will never be the same if not having a interesting change in everyones lives.

The full moon was starting toward its highest in the evening sky where it was quick to cast what could be described by many as a perfect time for an evening stroll along a lake or river, through the park, etc. where couples could enjoy the time for a romantic time together away from the normal. Throughout the beginnings of the night animals were either starting to settle down for the night or were getting up ready to start hunting or searching for food,

Like mentioned before the streets and sidewalks began to become empty with only a few walking about going to different destinations like home, the store, or work. Of course, there were those stumbling out of the bar as having too much to drink and then kicked out before they got to rowdy not to mention getting into a fight.

That night seemed the perfect to be enjoying it a bit before heading home for bed for most folk, that was not the case for Tina. A woman in her early 30's, a nicely tanned skin tone that went rather nicely with her auburn hair that was wavy enough to reach the middle of her back. While she did not have the most impressive breasts that gained everyone's attention being only C cups, they seemed always be the one thing that men and women whenever she was out.

She looked like a goddess to many men and some women that there was an endless dates that Tina could go on, as she had a healthy looking athletic body that seemed to be sculpted out of stone which made many of those that were chasing after her described as such. Now normally Tina would be more than happy to go out on a date finding that she had enough time in her life to start dating men & women as she found that she had questioned her own sexuality more than once.

While she loved looking at men on the beach whenever she went about laying on the beach maintaining the sweet tan that she loved to have which seemed to go well with her hair. Tina found that whenever she went to the gym first going changing to go lift some weights and some other exercise machines before changing again into her one piece swimsuit that while was form fitting showed off her cleavage a bit in the process.

All of this seemed to get a lot of attention, especially women both young and old in the locker room and the pool. For some reason Tina never wore a top or any other clothing that would get any attention, which was a great thing since it could probably cause an accident.

The attention that she did receive from women just seemed to start off with curious look at first some giving her some rather disgusted looks mumbling that she looked like a whore with clothing at that rate. Others took it as a sign that might be interested in someone to approach her, a few approached her almost immediately asking to get to know her which seemed like the perfect way of starting things off.

Tina was shocked at first because she never thought about dating another woman since she never considered herself as a lesbian or bisexual however as she was thinking it over with images of each women/18+ girls. She found herself becoming aroused yet not only by women but men which gave her the idea that she was bisexual which meant that she could experiment with both and see which she might like the best.

However things weren't as easy as she thought since finding a local bar that was friendly to LGBTQ+ folk was far more difficult not to mention men & women that are willing to date a bisexual woman as the other feared that when Tina revealed that she was interested in both men & women they always feared that she had some kind of STD that came from sex with a unknown man or woman. This left Tina feeling frustrated that she found herself having to use dildos to relieve her very frustrations that at times she found that even that did not bring her release.

Tina decided to get away from everything and go to her sister's farm where she had asked Tina to stay and look after the farm animals for a while, while she and her husband were off on vacation. She found it rather easy since it was only a horse farm where they only had a couple of horses, a male and female, to care for.

Named for Thor for the stallion and Athena for the mare, as the couple loved mythology, but Tina had an idea, after looking at both that they were named for certain reasons. For Thor being that he looked way to powerful for his own good, while Athena's beauty and sleek form came with her name to which in Tina's opinion seemed to fit them both.

Since it was just a beginning of a farm with hopes to build upon that later with maybe more horses, cows, chickens, etc. once they had gotten a plan figured out. All Tina would need to do is feeding & watering the two horses, maintaining the house making sure that everything was taken care of while they were gone. The day that they left Tina's sister warned her to make sure to keep the Stallion and Mare separate since the Mare was in heat and they did not want her getting pregnant when both knew that they couldn't care for three horses at that moment.

With a list of other things that the couple wanted her to take care of and keep an eye on while they were gone all of which was simple and would not take too much instruction on how to do. They would be mainly something that she would do after the morning tasks with the horses which while they were both inside and outside the house, kept Tina within hearing range and sight if something was about to happen that needed her attention.

A rifle and shotgun were kept beside the back door within easy reach if she were ever to need it to frighten off cougars or wolves that might try and attack the horses while they were out in the field gazing. While Tina had little experience with firing a firearm like either never really cared for guns in the first place, she found it rather easy to use them when needed to if protecting someone or herself.

Finding herself all set to take care of everything, Tina promised right off the bat that she would make sure that everything was taken care of and that they should enjoy the vacation away from their normal life. With a smirk all that she asked the pair to do was bright her back as T-shirt or something from the gift shop, which her sister promised her before the couple drove off leaving her standing there taking in deep breaths of relief and excitement about being here since she found that she was already like feeling relaxed.

Since her sister had gone about showing Tina how to properly feed, water and handle the horses already then, they were allowed out of the stalls again keeping them separated and downwind from each other. Tina went about getting the rest of her chores done again trying to enjoy the fresh air and quiet atmosphere and with no time she found herself done with the minor stuff that her sister needed to do that day taking a rest to watch the Stallion as he moved around the pasture seemingly unaware of the fact that there was a mare nearby that was in heat.

Tina had to admire the sleek muscular form of the horse as he moved around with grace the jet-black skin/fur rippling over the muscles that moved under the skin. There was something about the beautiful beast that kept on drawing her attention to him and it sure as heck wasn't the strength now beauty of the creature which left her wondering why that was until she caught sight of another a piece of the Stallion that she never really saw before.

Hanging down below the Stallions belly slipping out of his sheath, was his cock which didn't seem to be that big around maybe about the size of a man's arm but the length had to be a foot and a half and her mind was screaming that this wasn't its full size.

Instantly her mind began to run images of what the Stallions massive cock might look like got Tina's pussy to begin feeling hot and wet finding that her panties were soaked by the time that she got her arousal under control the smell had already caught the stallion's attention. His head had lifted off the ground and pointed in her direction where Tina could see his nostrils were already flaring clearly having caught scent that had drawn his attention.

At first, she had thought that he might have caught the scent of the mare's heat as the wind had somewhat shifted a bit that it could blow the scent toward his direction. However Tina realized that it was impossible since her sister mention that they had taken proper precautions with something that the vet gave them to help conceal the scent not to mention the less likelihood that the stallion would be trying to get her.

She needed to make sure before she brought any of the horses into their stables, that she needed to remove the old hay and manure then spray the same scent concealer in the stall before moving the mare back inside. Again, she was informed that the concealer would last until she brought the horses in so Tina would need to spray on a second concealer before bringing in the stallion.

While a lot to do, Tina did not really mind the extra work if she remembered each step not wanting her sister and husband to come back with the mare pregnant. Nevertheless, now with the stallion staring directly at her, she found herself lost again into his beautiful form that she never noticed that he was coming her way until he was inches away from her.

His nicker drew her out of her trance letting out a gasp when he bent down and nuzzled her, now the massive horse could have nuzzled or nudged her neck or heck but instead the darn thing instead went for her breasts. His soft lips brushed up against her nipples, pushing the material up against her nipples which had already gotten erect when she had become aroused.

With the sudden pressure pushed on her nipples or at least one of them, Tina let out a loud gasp that seemed not to startle him instead he seemed more intrigued by her since his head bent down and continued sniffing at her body. She found that she was stuck in that one spot as her body would not allow her to move one inch.

With Thor's presence so near her not to mention the brush from the stallion had caused Tina's arousal to return tenfold. She let out a gasp when the massive beast once again brushed his lips close to her thighs causing a shudder of something that she had never thought that she would feel around an animal not even one with a cock like Thor's.

"My god what is this horse doing to me?! I have to get away from this horse before I end up doing something that I regret." Tina told herself finding some self-control enough to get away from Thor who did not seemed to be bothered with her leaving him. She could've swore that she saw a grin on the horse's face not to mention that she noticed that while the stallions cock was still out, it was fully erect and it was a lot bigger than what she had one seen.


Coming back to the corral after getting herself calmed down and when Thor had moved away from the fence enough so it would not affect her that much. The sun was already starting to set and it was time to get the two horses back in their stalls for the night making sure that she took the time and care to get the first ready to go for the mare, thankfully having cleaned beforehand all she had to really do was spray the masking scent around before bringing Athena into the barn gentle to direct her through the area.

Everything seemed to be going okay at first with Athena with an occasional jerk in movement causing Tina to try and give her enough room to move. Again it only took her about 10 minutes maybe to get the mare into the stall then things began to go downhill as Athena jerked again where her rear end faced Tina seconds before Athena lifted her tail and a trail of urine sprayed out of her swollen pussy.

While the stream wasn't continuous or a massive amount of it when it shot out of the mare, it still had the intended effect as it struck Tina on the body in several areas just thankfully not once landing on her face. It took an instant for he to realize what was going on, and when the realization of what just happened caused her to feel sick as she turned to the side ready to throw up at that moment.

She felt her stomach wretch throwing up anything that she had eaten that day off to the side away from the barn and stables, Tina turned her attention which had become rather angry turning her attention back to the mare ready to say something only to find the mare not even paying attention to her more interested in the hay and water that was filled while she was out in the field.

"Damn mare!" Tina grumbled wanting to go into the house and get into clean clothing, however she knew that getting Thor into his stall would not take long while Tina prayed that he did not do something disgusting like what Athena did to her. Exiting the barn again on the other side where the padlock was that entered the pasture, surprised to find Thor there waiting for her with that stupid grin on his face not to mention that his cock was still hanging out almost beckoning to her to do something with it.

Worse was the fact that upon seeing the cock, Tina started to feel her pussy growing wet with arousal that she had a hard time getting her eyes away from the cock as it seemed to be growing bigger. Something else seemed to happened when she got closer to Thor that he seemed to grow agitated when she was drawing near him, at first she thought something had spooked him so she started to back away from the horse fearing that he might hurt when she moved away he instead tried getting close to her with his throbbing cock flexing over and over again in what seemed like a pumping motion as if he was thrusting his cock into something.

Again, Tina found herself transfixed on the cock, this time it seemed to take complete control of her mind and body holding her there fully as new thoughts began to enter her mind with a seductive like voice. "My little eager and wet I can smell you all the way on the other are more eager than others of my see hard you make me? You want to taste it, don't you? Want to feel how it is when its throbbing with your hands or do you think you want it in your pussy or pretty little mouth as I pump it down your throat."

Tina tried desperately to push away the invading thoughts in her head finding that she was able to move going about opening the gate to allow Thor to come striding into the area. His walk and body posture seemed to suggest that he was being cocky no longer acting like he was full of energy and cause for concern.

Tina tried to keep herself composed still feeling the effect of just seeing the cock even with the fact that it looked so good and delicious glistening almost with precumm from what she was guessing. While she could not pick up anything intoxicating that her normal nose could pick up on yet there seemed to be something there just out of reach.

After a few minutes she did not realize but she now stood outside Thor's stall that was located further down from Athena. Tina half expected to see a reaction from the fine beast possibly catching some kind of trace of the mare's heat scent and that he was trying to get at her, however the stallion just stood there his eyes locked only upon her as Tina continued to stand there looking at him.

Tina again tried to urge herself to run back into the house and try to forget things that had happened that night while burning the clothing that she had on her just to get rid of the terrible smell reeking off her clothing. However, she found herself moving to step inside the stall while Thor stepped back allowing her enough room to step inside closing off the door without a second thought leaving just the two standing there.

Thor didn't move once not even a twitch of his strong muscles, the only thing that seemed to draw Tina's attention was the cock that continued to pump the air with gentle thrusting movements almost like a gentle waving motion trying to get her attention. She wasn't even sure why she was even standing in the stall since she had completed what she needed to do nevertheless here she was standing this close to an animal that could probably kill her if she did something wrong.

However Thor didn't make any indication that he was irritated or not liking her presence the only indication that the horse knew that she was here was the fact that his nostrils were flaring drawing in her scent or was it the scent of the mare that was on her. What was worse was the fact that Thor gave her enough room and an angle to allow her a full sight of his raging cock that seemed to beckon at her to come closer.

For some reason, Tina found herself once more hypnotized into a state where she was unable to move or really think but she was mentally conscious enough that she was aware that this was not a dream. She expected the voice that she had heard before to start calling out to her with weird strange thoughts of encouragement that Tina figured that came from Thor.

Yet nothing came at first all that seemed to come was short spurts of pre that at first dribbled out of the tip striking the ground. Slowly without an indication, Tina started to hear words that seem to echo throughout the enclosed space that began to ring in her ears. "Taste it, you know you want to. Come closer and taste it...what harm can be done with one little taste? It's not anyone but you and I will know..."

For some reason, Tina found herself having to agree as no one would ever know, and it was just a onetime thing and she could stop whenever she wanted as she was a strong-willed woman. No one would ever know, that one sentence was enough to send her forward dropping to her knees enough her hands reaching forward taking a hold of the massive cock not once taking her eyes off it nor finding any thought of regret about what she was about to do.

Time seemed to freeze for what seemed like minutes if not hours, her hand started to massage the massive organ that was becoming slicker with lube that she found that her other hand joined the other rubbing the cock. Thoughts began to enter her mind again this time on their own free will as she started to think of how big a mare's pussy had to be just to accept it not to mention how deep it was not to injure the mare in process.

Tina found herself wondering if a normal female human would be able to take it, which probably was not possible since no human vagina was big enough to take a stallion's cock without killing them. However, that did leave a woman's mouth that was more than likely to take the cock without much trouble, too bad she could not find out if it were true or not.

_"Oh, could you?" _ the nagging voice returned again with no clear indication of where it was coming from however she found a rather musky and intoxicating smell started to clog her nose overriding any self-control that she may have had at that point to stop what she was about to do, from happening.

Stopping her hands from their massage pulling what she could describe as a giant snake toward her face just at the right moment when a shot of pre shot out of Thor's unflared cock head, the stream was a bit bigger than before. Not urine but not cumm either something that Tina found out when the thick strands hit her face, sticking to her face sliding down her face even slipping into her lips which set off a chain of events for the future.

For right now, Tina could not stop herself from launching herself at the large cock her mouth wide open ready to try and take the cock into her mouth. Of course the cock's head even unflared was too big for her to take anything more just an inch or so of the head into her mouth her tongue swirling around the head finding herself wanting to savor any taste that lay on the head.

There was an excessive amount laying there and it seemed to drive up her arousal up even further that her actions began to become automatic with Tina finding her body no longer under her control. Instead she found herself taking a back seat to the action as she allowed the cock to pop out of her mouth and her hands starting to stroke/rub the cock again as if they knew that would bring a sweeter treat quicker combined with licking and sucking on it.

And boy did she start sucking and licking on the cock finding that she was starting to come quicker as the cock continued to flex with the veins pulsating as Tina could feel them vibrate with energy. An energy that she only wished that she could have but for now this was a nice treat. She started to get use to how the telltale signs that the cock was getting ready to shoot allowing her to aim the head of the cock straight into her mouth to receive the jet of precum that erupted from the tip.

Quickly Tina found that each time that the tip shot out precum, the strands were coming quicker and thicker which drew her to keeping the cock in her mouth longer sucking on the head harder and longer. Rather quickly she found that the head was starting to flare out and Tina was starting to find herself trying to shove more of it into her mouth coming to realize that Thor was close and she was eager to accept it.

Yet with that knowledge coming into her mind, Tina found common sense was starting to come back into her mind that she found that she was feeling disgusted. Trying to draw herself off the cock before it was too late, she was stun when she found that it was already too late as the cock's head had flared out to its fullness making a stronger suction on the tip which seemed to drive Thor over the edge thrusting his cock deep as he could in the same instant that his balls firmed up against his hide before releasing his seed into Tina's mouth.

Rather quickly and with little warning, Tina found what she could describe as a fire hose going off in her mouth clogging all of her senses and with the pressure she instantly thought that all of the semen that Thor was shooting into her system it would be coming out of her nose and ears. Thankfully, the cock popped out of her mouth before her head could explode from the build-up of pressure.

Tina found herself collapsing on to the ground gasping for air to fill her lungs even after Thor's cock continued to spew out landing on top of her head; which ran down her face some of which landing in her mouth while the rest of the semen landed elsewhere.

It took several minutes before Tina found herself able to breath on her own not to mention getting her heart rate down again, in the time she was able to figure out what she had just done not to mention that how she reacted to it all. Even after she regained control she found that the salty taste that was flowing down her throat finding that she was becoming addicted to it finding a need to seek out more however Tina was able to stop herself from seeking anymore.

Getting to her feet unsteadily feeling queasy about what she had done, Tina rushed out of the stall slamming the door rushing into the house. For some reason she fears that someone might have seen her even though there was not a neighbor for miles nor any farm hands there to care for the horses, which probably would have eliminated Tina's reason for being there.

For Thor as the rather sexy human ran out letting out a chuckle turning his attention back to the trough to eat what was in there, his cock already retreating into his sheath still dripping semen. The woman would be back, they always come back for more, yet this woman was in for a treat in more ways than one later that night.


The night came sooner than Tina had thought, of course she didn't notice it as she tried desperately to throw up whatever that damn horse had sent down her throat not to mention taking several different showers wanting to get rid the awful smell from the mare not to mention the evidence of what she had actually done. She was so convinced that the damn stallion had done something to get her down on her knees feeding the cock into her mouth.

However, she could not ever remember hearing the words even if she did hear the words there was no possible way that Thor was talking to her. Tina's sister would have told her about them if they had something similar happening to them since it was clear that someone had been pleasuring him that Thor expected it from a human.

Or was it that he had done it on his own, knowing that he could temp any human into doing whatever he wanted them to do. So many thoughts continued to race through her head even when she tried to push away the thoughts, it took some time but Tina was able to settle down enough to allow her to slip in getting a bit of dinner then finding that her mind clear enough to fall asleep without any kind of second thoughts, slipped into her bed falling into an endless sleep....or so she thought.

That was the night of the full moon, high in the night sky casting a rather eerie glow over the landscape bringing along with it something even stranger than what had started that day. Like a wind sweeping across the fertile landscape, something came out of the forest and raced like a group of wild horses charging toward a single destination...the single farm that sat out in the middle of nowhere.

Inside the main house, Tina found the sleep that she had been hoping for never came instead the arousal that she kept on denying that she had originally felt that day quickly returned ten times as worse than before. It felt like he entire body was on fire, feeling like molten lava that continued to crash through her body almost feeling like her period coming with cramps and bloating however that couldn't be since it wasn't the day of the month yet. So, as she lay there tossing and turning it became worse when images of that day's events started to return to her head forcing to relive each moment of the terrible day.

At some point Tina found herself finally falling back to sleep however that did not stop her from dreaming and things were getting strange if not terrifying.

Tina found herself standing in the stable once more still dressed in her night gown that she had thrown on before slipping into bed for that evening. Her body while still burning with a feverish feeling that made her to scream out in frustration yet she found herself unable to say one word nor move on her own accord forcing her to stand there and wait to see what happened next.

Tina didn't have long to wait when Thor suddenly appeared before her from the mist like with a light blue moon lighting like before just standing there unmoving allowing her to take in his full glory not to mention Thor's cock was already dropping out of his sheath clearly ready to be pleasured again. Like before she found that her arousal was starting up again, but this time the fire burning within drove the need for sex or some relief skyrocketing that she found that she could barely control herself.

The next set of events that came forward rather quick and far different that she had experienced in real life. She moved forward toward the Stallion again her body was moving on its own so in a blink of an eye, Tina found herself back on her needs pulling the cock toward her lips where she went about sucking it into her mouth, which had become more flexible for it so she was able to take more of it in the first go.

Like before Tina found that once the pre started to flow into her mouth, she had become addicted to it that she redoubled her efforts with her body and mind knowing full well what was going to happen if she continued with her efforts. With that thought in mind, Tina found while one hand was still holding the cock still so she could continue licking and sucking on it yet her other hand went about reaching up pushing underneath her nightgown, to squeeze and grope one of her breasts since her arousal and the strange molten lava that she had no idea what was causing it.

At first, she must have thought by playing with her breasts would've relieve the building stress and burning sensation inside her body however it just seemed to make it worse. After a few minutes it felt like she was getting ready to explode and what followed made things even worse for her.

Tina found her hand dropping away from the cock while she drew herself off the stallions cock allowing it to pop out with a loud 'pop' her tongue licking at the very tip of the cock savoring the taste one last time before she stood up. Tina found herself standing there for a second or so before she was startled when she found herself removing her night gown...well more like tearing it off since her body was on fire and she needed relief that she was desperate to remove everything she wore to allow the cool air figuring that it would at least drop the heat she was feeling.

However, that did not happen instead it seemed to cause the fire to flare out and her arousal seem to spill over that she let out a scream of need for relief. Thor seemed to smirk as he pressed his flank up against her body getting her attention and she instantly knew what would give her some relief and she found herself willing to do it even though she tried to stop herself Tina found herself stepping in front of Thor bringing his head to her chest like a mother would to a new born child to their chest.

Even when it was a dream, Tina could've swore that she truly felt his hot breath on her breasts yet she shook his head in denial still denying that any of this was real especially with the next thing that came from her mouth. "Are you ready to mount me, you stud? My body is ready for you...take me now."

Tina could not believe that the words seem to come out of her mouth so easy and quickly however she continued to think this as a dream knowing that she would never do this in real life. She also knew that a part of her mind genuinely enjoyed the experience while the real serious part of her mind was not enjoying it one bit.

"Present yourself to me, little mare! Show me your cunt!" _A thunderous voice called into her head causing her to shudder, whimpering out drawing back lowering her eyes in a submissive nature. "GET TO IT BITCH OR ELSE!" _

In the dream, Tina's eyes snapped up in shock when she heard the demand half expecting to see the kind gentle eyes of Thor looking into hers nevertheless she only found the same dominating fire filled eyes glaring back at her in a demanding what that caused her to back away bowing her head in submission.

Turning around to face away from Thor taking in a deep breath before bending down and touching her toes allowing her pussy to get somewhat exposed between her legs which seemed to leak in excitement and from the arousal. Rather quickly she felt a series of hot puffs of air/breath on her ass then began to move downward stopping at Tina's pussy and when the first puffs hit her overheated pussy she let out a gasp one that was full of desire and lust feeling herself pushing her ass back toward the stallions nose.

_Tina could hear Thor snorting behind her followed by the sound of his hoof stamping followed further by a whiney sound and the only thing that she could do was wait uncertain of what she was supposed to do at that moment. The answer came quickly with an angry snort followed by a stomp on the ground to get her attention. "Get under me, whore! And make sure you aim it unless you want your ass to be torn apart!" _

Tina jumped in startlement taking a second to compose herself before she slid up under the massive beast positioning her rear up toward the cock which had started losing the erection. She let out a gasp when the tip sprung forward brushing up against her ass cheeks causing her to remember what Thor had demanded.

The very thought of that mighty pole jamming its way deep into her ass caused Tina to act quickly, her hand reaching back trying to grab ahold of the jabbering cock, missing several times before finally catching it pulling it back toward her ass but aiming lower praying that that it was aimed low enough that it would not hit her ass but go into her pussy.

Ready or not her pussy was hit with the next thrust, when the next thrust came from Thor the cock hit home splitting wide open her pussy. The pain that shot up through her pussy caused pain to shoot up through her body, causing Tina to panic and try to get away from the cock however she found herself stuck on the cock as her pussy walls seem to bear down trying desperately to hold the cock inside of her body.

Not to mention the fact that her body seemed to be frozen in place as Thor continued to shove the cock into her, finding that the tight opening was not allowing the mighty stallion to drill the cock home. Thor began to snort in anger and frustration causing him to redouble his effort jamming his cock harder into her pussy.

Tina began shaking her head finding the pain unbearable not to mention the fact that with how hard Thor was drilling himself into her seem impossible that this couldn't be a dream as all of the pleasure, pain, not to mention the sensations that she had felt throughout that entire thing. However, horses cannot talk like this one or whoever was pressing the thought of giving herself to the handsome beast.

Wait what was she saying?! Thor was not a handsome beast; he was disgusting beast. Tina loved animals and all, but never once in her mind did, she ever think or desire to have sexual interaction with an animal like that. Yet here she was underneath the large animal getting fucked like a mare in heat, she had to get herself off that cock or the stallion was going to be tearing her into two.

It would not be long before the stallion would be shooting his cumm deep into her pussy while it was a good sign that he was close bad sign since it meant that she had less time than she thought. She began to struggle to get off the cock which seemed to excite the horse even more who was throwing his head back heeing with delight that she seemed to be getting into this.

"That is right, my little mare. Ride my cock all you want as a special gift is on its way!" the voice started calling out in her mind egging her secretive mind on to stop struggling and starts pushing her pussy back into the thrusts. Tina started finding herself enjoying this more feeling the cock head start to push outward which made her stomach start to look like a baby bump which was bound to grow bigger when he came. Thor seemed to sense all of this as he bunched up his muscles and gave a final shove with his cock seconds before it exploded sending a torrent of cumm into her belly.

Tina's head exploded with fireworks her eyes rolling up into her head as she felt what could be described as a firehose going off into her pussy. Like expected, her stomach began to bulge like she was several months pregnant seconds before Thor's cock popped out of her again with a loud pop followed by a torrent of cumm spilling out in the process.

Tina's legs had become weak as she collapsed to the ground and fell into unconscious,

Tina jerked up in bed sweat pooling down over her face from the sheer experience of the dream that she just had her mind still thinking that it was real because of how real it was yet here she was in bed, still wearing her night gown and not in some stable which caused her to laugh in delight again thinking it was all a dream. "It was just a dream." She muttered to herself falling back asleep feeling a bit more relief at that moment.

She would never notice the fact that the bedsheets and her panties were pretty much soaked in what appeared to be cumm which would've left her wondering did she really go out into the barn that night or did she have a wet dream thanks to a fantasy that dealt with getting fucked by a horse.


The rest of the vacation turned out to be rather normal, finding that Tina's overheated body returned to normal which she chalked up to her being sexually frustrated. What is more, Thor began to ignore her no longer presenting his large cock to tempt her into pleasuring him. There were occasions where Tina would catch the sight of the cock bobbing up and down, but it never seemed to affect her as before, so it made it easier for her to work around him.

There was a plus side, Athena was no longer in heat, so Tina was able to handle both without either of them although she had to keep them apart just in case. By the time her sister and her husband came home after their vacation, Tina felt more relaxed and carefree at that moment a lot better than what she had been when she first arrived which seemed to surprise her sister as she thought that Tina wouldn't be that filled with energy.

Tina spent half the afternoon talking with the couple about their vacation when they promised to send a collection of pictures on an email when they got them sorted out. They could understand that while Tina had enough time to come out and visit with them it was the cost of gas that caused some problems at times so she would not be able to come over often.

Tina bid the pair a good-bye before leaving the farm hopefully with the bad memories of the past week behind her which seemed to have ended with the mare's heat. During the trip back home, she found that the memories of her experience began to fade, and she started to look forward to being back home and picking up dating again.

Before she had gone on the trip, Tina had taken an interest in a girl that was around 25 years old that was named Tiffany, a blonde hair that only reached down to her shoulders, a lovely tan figure that showed that she hadn't gone about smoking or drinking at all at that point. What really seemed to draw Tina to her was the fact that her body just screamed sexy with perky C cup breasts and a shapely ass that just finished off her figured and Tina knew that the girl could have anyone that she would want yet she remained single.

Tina had run into Tiffany at one of the local LGBT bars that catered to the respects and wishes to those that did not want the rest of the world to know who they were. So, the bar was mainly set up like one that did not stand out being discreet to everyone is wishes of course there were booths that allowed a lot of privacy to anyone that would like some. The owner a transwoman that had already transitioned completely, had only rule for anyone to come into the bar which was that they respect each other's privacies and those that sought to seek trouble were thrown out and banned forever from the bar.

The owner went about making sure that no one harassed or bothered anyone, herself as she was once a bodybuilder but decided to settle down for a normal paying job. Tina had been sitting there at the bar sipping at a beer when Tiffany came into the bar looking unsure of herself wearing a rather short crop top and black mini dress that was sure to catch anyone's attention.

She got a lot of looks her way yet she didn't seem to notice or care an indication that she was nervous even though she never showed it once something a lot of people there in the bar could understand as many of them had the same thing about them. While many of them looked toward her with a hungry look, they respected the girls wishes and left her alone most of the night and by the time that the bar was nearing closing time and the only people in the bar was Tina, Tiffany and the owner who was already finishing up the last steps for the closing.

Tina knew that the new sexy girl would not make a move probably was only there just for a drink or just to test out the waters there. Standing up and moving over to the girl, she did not rush it uncertain of how the girl would react to Tina's sudden appearance, she stepped up to the girl giving her a brief second before speaking. "Your first time here?"

Tiffany looked up in surprise which was apparent on her face having not been approached by anyone the entire night she was about to give up on finding someone. So many people had seemed interested in her, yet no one approached her the entire night which left her feeling depressed so when someone came out of nowhere it startled Tiffany looking up to find what she would describe later to Tina when they talked again, as a goddess in her eyes.

It took the girl a few minutes to say something before when she did it came out as a stutter. "Y-yeah..."

This caused Tina to giggle as she went about taking a seat beside the startled girl putting her drink down on the countertop. She noticed that the girl was looking depressed causing her to become concern. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to cause you any kind of discomfort."

Tiffany seemed to become a bit relaxed the depression starting to drop a bit with this new stranger around her. While she still wasn't sure if she was gay or straight having several sexual thoughts about both men and women that she knew of, Tiffany finally decided to go to one of the local bars that she knew that catered to the LGBT community just to see what might happen.

Nothing seemed to happen for a while even though she wore something that she thought was appropriate for the occasion, she could feel the eyes of several people around her locking upon her while she moved into the bar never once looking around to see who may be showing interest in her. Tiffany sat there the entire night just waiting and half expecting for someone to make a move on her, something that she would welcome at that moment however none came until now and when she turned to see who was talking with her, her jaw dropped when she found a rather startling beauty standing before her.

Tina went about taking the time to talk with Tiffany explaining how the bar was setup and why no one approached her throughout the night as it wasn't meant to be mean or anything just wanted to give her some space so she could adjust since most people that came in were uncertain about what they truly were doing here. Tiffany seemed to get the idea and was starting to relax around Tina as the two seemed to hit it off that they didn't notice that it was nearly 3am in the morning when the owner told them it was time to close up for the night.

The pair left the bar taking a leisure stroll along the darkened sideway when they found out that they lived near each other, both taking the opportunity to get to know each other. By the time that they had arrived at Tiffany's apartment they had already setup a date/get together tomorrow as friends since neither of them worked the next day which gave them both a chance to meet up and chat.

Both turned up early at a local diner that a lot of people would use to enjoy a coffee and Danish or lunch depending on the time of day. Starting things out slow with finding out about each other and soon they each admitted that they were attracted to each other that they started to see each other more.

It was when Tina went to the farm that she asked Tiffany to go with her figuring that it would be a nice thing to do together allowing them to get to know each other. Unfortunately for Tina, Tiffany could not get away from work for that long although she stated that she would have loved to go along having grown up on a farm and it would bring back memories.

Not happy that they could not be together which might have been easier for Tina with having two people doing the work on the farm, the pair agreed to meet up with each other once Tina come home. As soon as she was on the road, Tina instantly called Tiffany hoping to catch her before she went off to work that morning.

She was in luck when she found that Tiffany was just finishing up work getting close to going home and had a lot of time to talk to Tina before she had to catch the bus home. Something seemed to spark within Tina taking the opportunity to offer to come and pick her up finding herself growing aroused by seeing Tiffany again.

This did not seem to be off with this as she always found the young vixen very intoxicating that whenever she was around, but it seemed to rise now after all weird stuff that had happened. Yet Tina did not seem to care or mind since her mind was filled with hunger for some special attention toward a certain young lady that she found her body craving at that moment.

Tiffany was surprised by the offer but after missing the woman that she was falling for not to mention avoiding having to take the local bus to her apartment, so she jumped at the chance. Tina was happy with the acceptance saying that she had just gotten into town and she would be there in about 20 minutes which would be way sooner than the bus since it normal runs every two to three hours depending on the route which meant that it could take people about three hours just to get home or to work depending on the day.

Plus, it was not any cheaper to have your own personal car, somehow Tina had managed to get enough on funds for one managing to keep it from being towed or other problems in the city. To save on money going around the city on the bus, they would take Tina's vehicle which gave them the more enjoyable time together.

Picking her way through traffic while taking it nice and slow to get to Tiffany's location, Tina tried to be careful with her driving finding herself growing eager and even more horny just thinking about the beauty. The images of the young and fertile beauty that had come into her life which seemed to egg her arousal on to the point that she found her free hand moving down into the waistband of her jeans that she had yet to remove with her fingers pushing themselves down her panties immediately seeking her pussy.

It wasn't hard considering the heat that it was radiating off of her pussy was showing off a hunger for what she thought was some serious loving yet Tina wasn't about to do something to scare the poor girl that she had gotten so close to. Again, she had never felt like this before sure she had been horny, but it had never reached this level before.

Tina was lost by the feelings again it had never been that strong before but since her stay at the farm which left her wondering if the experience had opened her mind up to a lot more options. Her mind went back to when she had more than one type of sex with Thor pushing her body into a feverish high causing her fingers to push hard on to her clit.

The small bump seemed harder than normal and it seemed to be growing not only in hardness but length as it began pushing up against her fingers causing her to groan her hips shoving upward into her palm. Tina could have sworn that she was close to coming that was until she caught sight of Tiffany standing there with an upset look as she looked like she was ready to punch something or someone.

Pulling to a stop in front of the beauty, Tina felt an anger stirring inside her gut feeling like she wanted to tear someone apart. Tiffany quickly got into the car without saying a word to Tina even after she had given the young woman a questioning looks only to get a 'let us just go' for her questioning look.

Tina put the car into drive pulling away from the area and started heading toward their destination taking it nice and slow figuring that it will take enough time for Tiffany to come forward and tell her what was bothering her. Yet she never said a word that was until they pulled up to her apartment and Tiffany had yet to pull out that Tina found out what was wrong and it showed why she was not happy and it was not making Tina any happier at that moment replacing the horny feeling she had with anger and hunger for revenge.

It turns out that right before Tiffany had clocked out for the day, her main manager a real bitch that used to do nothing while throwing all the work to those that work under her. If someone was to complain about what the woman was doing to some of the higher ups, the bitch would threaten to fire them claiming that she knew the owners and they would believe her over anything that they might say to them.

The bitch had come on by and commented that she needed Tiffany to do this huge sale/inventory report; that would normally be part of the bitches responsibilities but she claimed that she had something very important that she needed to do. Tiffany would go about telling Tina that the woman walked away without allowing her enough time to explain that she had plans so she was forced do the work if she wanted to keep her job.

That meant that they would not be able to spend the next couple of days, that Tina had planned on spending with Tiffany after the stay at the farm. At first the job sounded like something that could get done in one day, however Tiffany told her that the job required more than one site meaning that it could take days.

Hearing all of this started to piss Tina off as it was clear that the manager was getting away with so much crap leaving her employees to do her work. "The bitch deserves to be punished." The voice suggested something that she did not think twice about it as she agreed with so Tina intended on taking care of the bitch with a special lesson.

"Don't worry, love. That bitch will have karma coming her way real soon...she would see to it.


Tina spent the night with Tiffany making dinner for the pair which allowed Tiffany to calm down and prepare for what she would need to do the next day. She was grateful for Tina taking care of her as she went about taking a seat in the kitchen telling her love about the kinds of things that the bitch seem to do to not only her but to the rest of her co-workers.

Tina tried to remain calm, but her anger was growing as she genuinely wanted to get revenge on the bitch that her crotch began to throb again, mainly her clit which had gone back to normal. However, it was not throbbing like it would when she was super aroused, even though it felt like that the clit began to grow outward slightly pushing up against her panties.

Further changes seemed to happen unknown to any of them as the pubic hairs began to thin out becoming more like a fine silk fur that would only be found on a horse. The changes continued to be subtle and continued not to be noticed the entire time as the anger began to dissipate enough that the changes disappeared again before anything was known by the pair.

They went about enjoying the dinner with a much more pleasant chat as Tiffany inquired on how the vacation was at the farm to which Tina went about telling about what happened, leaving out the part about the horses and their actions toward her but she did tell her about the horses admitting that she admire their beauty and strength.

Tiffany went about telling Tina how she had always loved horses when she was a kid, her family had owned a horse farm when she was a little girl so she grew up around them so she knew how to work around them especially when the mares were in heat. "God, I wished I had you back there, Thor and Athena were a handful I could've used your help."

Tiffany giggled scoping up some of the food with her fork. "So, you must've gotten an eye full of Thor's equipment, eh?"

Tina found herself blushing images began to jump back to what she had encountered again not sure of how to handle the response even though Tiffany could already pick up on the fact that Tina had indeed noticed the stallions fine equipment. "No need to be ashamed, I was even amazed by the cock whenever I first saw them. Truth be told I would even get a bit horny whenever mating/breeding season came around."

That sounded like music to Tina's ears starting to show that there were so many possibilities for them however she was not sure how she would react to the sudden news of the events that happened. Tiffany laughed seeing the blush on Tina's face giving a clear indication that she had seen something that truly got her arousal up. She can smell Tina's arousal even began to turn Tiffany on even more that her own pussy began to grow wet causing her to lick her lips.

God how much did she wanted to just go to town on the beauty but again she felt like it would be pushing it. For Tina, it did not matter as she moved closer to where Tiffany sat startling her at first before she reached forward drawing a hand across the young vixen's cheek causing Tiffany to look up in shock.

They looked into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity before Tina leaned forward and kissed Tiffany for the very first time since they met. As soon as their lips touched, fireworks seemed to explode between them and the two found each other becoming more intoxicating that they both leaned in further allowing more of the kiss to happen.

The rest of the dinner was quickly forgotten as the pair went about leaving the kitchen after finally breaking apart panting from the passion. Tiffany lead the way into the bedroom her own mind full of lust, her panties soaked through and running down her legs by the time that they entered the bedroom and the door was closed did they turn their full attention to each other.

Tina was the first to draw the young beauty into her arms where they shared a passionate yet hungry kiss both of their hands moving up and down all over each other pulling clothing off in a frenzies flurry of clothing being flung into the air. Within minutes they were almost naked except for wearing bras and panties, their arousal becoming more evident with each passing second with the last remains were the slowest thing that they attempted to pull off.

Their hands began roaming over each other's bodies, Tiffany's hands finding their way up to Tina's breasts her thumbs pinching at her nipples causing her to moan shoving her breasts toward the vixen's skillful hands. Tiffany was quick to put the fabric off to the side allowing the nipples to pop out allowing her full access to the erect buds calling for attention.

Tiffany smiled down at the buds playing with them once more before taking the time to lean down and begin sucking on one getting it nice and wet before switching off to another after a few minutes she took the nipple between her teeth and pulled on it causing Tina to moan. Her hands gripped Tiffany's head holding her there as she continued to suck on the nipple.

While her attention was still on the nipple in her mouth, Tiffany went about sliding her hands down to Tina's panties pushing them down letting out a heavy aroma of arousal fill the room. Tina did not seem to mind as she allowed them to be pushed down and then stepped out of them kicking them off, never once allowing her hands to leave Tiffany's head.

Tina's body was overwhelming heat that when the last of her clothing was dropped off, she started her own assault on her love shoving her backward on to the bed causing Tiffany to gasp out in shock seconds before she found Tina already in action. Crouching down in front of Tiffany's panty covered pussy reaching forward with her teeth pulling them down while her hands were resting on the vixen's thighs rubbing and massaging them inching closer to her pussy.

Tiffany let out a mew like moan while she rubbed her breasts pushing them together loving the feeling that she continued to get at that moment and Tina didn't stop there after dropping the panties to the ground before launching herself at the young fertile pussy before her.

The young woman never knew what hit her, within seconds Tiffany was withering on the bed moaning louder each time Tina's tongue hit her pussy lips. Her hands clawed at Tina's head feeling weak as her orgasm continued to build almost like a volcano, her body began to spasm shoving her hips upward into her lover's tongue.

Tiffany's moaning continued to drive Tina on with lust as she went about giving a final lick to Tiffany's clit sending her over the edge. Tiffany threw her head back shoving her hips upwards into Tina's face as her juices began erupting from her pussy covering her Tina's face.

Tiffany lay there panting feeling relaxed her heart racing and she began to forget about things that happened that day and while she would still need to do the work the next day she had a feeling Tina would be more than happy to help give her some relief. Her heart rate began dropping back to normal while Tina climbed up on to the bed sliding up beside Tiffany drawing the sheets up around them as they went about snuggling up to each other.

"Thank you, I needed that..." Tiffany whispered to Tina nuzzling her face into her neck her eyes closed feeling relaxed and started to fall asleep. For Tina, she lay there still awake although she was starting to feel tired herself however she was planning the next day's events knowing that the bitch of a manager in charge of Tiffany was going to get a rude awakening soon and she was going to make sure of that the next few days.


The next morning came rather quickly for the sleeping pair with Tiffany the first to rise wanting to get started on the day's tasks ahead of her hoping that it would not take that long to finish them. Nevertheless she knew that the job that lazy bitch wanted her to do would have her doing it would take her several days and the damn woman would probably be sitting at a bar or something getting drunk and hooking up with some random dude probably getting knocked up.

Tiffany went about taking a shower and getting ready, trying to avoid from waking Tina up that by the time she had come out of the bathroom she found that Tina wasn't there which confused her that was until she heard movement in the kitchen. Walking into the kitchen, she found Tina dressed in an extra set of clothing that Tiffany allowed her to borrow from time to time, working at the stove cooking something which was a surprise and delight for Tiffany who was already dreading that day.

Smiling as she went up and wrapped her arms around Tina hugging her in delight resting herself against her lovers back. Tina smiled with delight putting the food that she was cooking aside turning around wrapping her own arms around her drawing her into a kiss enjoying the closeness between the pair.

They pull away since if they were to continue with what they were doing both would need a shower and that was something that Tiffany could not do as she needed to get back to work. "Best thing to wake up to. I am just sorry that we can't spend our time together like this before you have to go back to work."

"Maybe we should look into getting a place together so we can wake up like this all the time." Tina offered with a gentle smile one that surprised Tiffany, but the look was quick to change to one that suggested that she will considering probably the entire day and would agree to it by that night. The very thought would get her through the next several days of hell as her heart thundered in her chest while she pulled away.

"I would love that, although that is a bit sudden as you don't strike me as one to move that fast." Tiffany teased moving over to the coffee pot, already finding a pot of fresh coffee waiting her. "You work quick."

"And you take your time in the shower," Tina teased back with a laugh before plating up the food that she went about making which turned out to be the most delicious smelling omlette that Tiffany had ever smelled enough for two. "As for moving too fast, I didn't hear you complaining last night."

Tiffany blushed as she brought over two cups of coffee while Tina brought over their breakfast taking a seat next to each other. "If we were to move in together, what kind of place would you like to have?"

Tina sat there deep in thought shrugging her shoulders before answering. "Maybe a horse farm, since we both love the country and being raised on a farm its sounds like the perfect place. It will also get use both away from the city and a certain bitch boss that likes to take advantage of employees...what do you think?"

Tiffany sat there thinking over everything knowing the fact that Tina was right about loving the country plus knowing a lot about horses it would be a nice change than living in the city. Not to mention no longer having to work with the bitch any longer sounded so tempting and she wanted to be with Tina for longer...maybe that would be the correct move.

Before she could answer, Tiffany noticed what time it was coming to realize that she would be late for at least getting started with the stupid inventory. "Shit I didn't realize what time it was. I need to get to work, but I definitely love the idea of leaving the city and starting up a farm of our own..."

"I didn't mean to be straightforward on moving in together I would love have you with me, but I don't want you to be uncomfortable also." Tina said feeling like she had just jumped the gun of wanting to be with her.

"It's okay, you have a brilliant idea and I want to talk with you tonight about it tonight after work if you want to meet up after I get done with work." Tiffany said finishing off the coffee in the mug taking the dishes to the dishwasher while Tina did the same as the pair went to the door after Tina had gathered up her dirty clothing planning on taking it to her own place to get cleaned. "What do you have planned for today?"

"Well I need some clean clothing especially if we continue on like we did last night." Tina answered with a giggle causing Tiffany to blush a deep red shade. "Then check on what my schedule is going to be, so I don't get written up. Then I am going to see about the farm requirements, costs, etc. just in case. But come on I will take you to work and when you are with work, I will pick you up."

"Are you sure that it's not an inconvenience to you? I mean that is a lot of hassle that you have to deal with." Tiffany asked following Tina out making sure to lock the door.

"It's no trouble, as long as I am not bothering you. I mean we haven't been seeing each other long..." Tina said feeling embarrassed that she seemed to be jumping the gun at that moment. Tiffany saw the uneasiness about her lover, and she did feel something for her however it did seem like it was going too far.

"Nonsense, it's a good idea just let me think about it. As for meeting up after work, I don't know it will be definitely late before I get off." Tiffany said being truthful since she knew that the inventory took a long time especially with how much she had to do. Thankfully for Tiffany, Tina seemed to understand giving her a sigh of relief unknown to her a dark influence was formulating a plan in her mind on how to deal with her boss.

"But I would love for a ride to work as it will save me on time on racing to the bus station." Tiffany answered as they got into Tina's car before Tina went about talking again.

"Too bad I couldn't give you a hand with that inventory then we would get done ten times as fast." Tina suggested putting the car into drive after allowing it to warm up. Thankfully, the traffic was light so it would not take them that long to get to the first site that she would have to start with.

"I don't think you would like the idea of having to do the work that comes with the job." Tina answered with a laugh. "Being in charge of a farm is easier than inventory and more relaxing. Don't worry it shouldn't take me that long."

"That's good to know just give me a call when you want some 'release' after a long day at work." Tina teased with a laugh causing Tiffany to blush knowing full well that she would jump at the chance. But she also knew that if they spent too much time together, neither would be getting any kind of sleep, for Tiffany all she wanted to do was to get the inventory done and start thinking about what Tina had suggested.

The rest of the car trip went on without any kind of trouble or problems, the only problem came when as they were approaching the front entrance to the site, they spotted a woman that had an appearance that screamed slut. Standing about 5' 6", 120 lbs. of little fat but nor was it muscle with a bleach white blonde hair that reached to the middle of her back wearing clothing that screamed that she was more of a slut than a boss.

The way that the woman swaggered as she seemed to be pleased with herself without a real care in the world started walking down the sidewalk with a leisurely pace clearly not a care in the world. The two continued to watch the nutcase as she went into a coffee shop not too far away. Tiffany let out a sigh of relief although Tina could tell that she still never cared for the crazy bitch and she was clearly happy that she did not have to deal with her as soon as she went into the site.

That farm idea was starting to sound even better every second as she unbuckled and stepped out of the car leaning back in to kiss Tina which was returned with happiness. Pulling away from Tina, Tiffany smiled feeling better already. "I will call you later when I get a chance."

"Don't go crazy in there." Tina told her which caused Tiffany to giggle before heading in the office building that the lazy supervisor left. After she was sure that Tiffany had entered the building, Tina turned her attention toward the lazy woman who at that moment had decided to just sit outside and enjoy her coffee.

Before Tina went ahead with her plan, she went about sending Tiffany a message letting her know that whatever she might hear or see, just to trust her as she had something in mind for her lazy boss. Tiffany replied with a confused text but when she read about Tina getting even with the lazy bitch, she said to fill her in on the details later.

Knowing that she wouldn't give Tiffany the full details about what she had planned, Tina definitely was going to give her some of the juicy details but promised that she wouldn't kill the bitch if things went out of hand but she did demand to know what Tina had in mind before she found out the hard way.

Tina went about promising everything as her actions were going step by step with no real idea of what to do but she needed to get things rolling and right now a coffee sounded rather nice right now.

Karen, the lazy sleezy boss, let out a laugh that was louder than most of the conversation happening around her about the fact that lesbian slut Tiffany was too gutless and stupid to do anything as she knew that her supervisor was just being lazy. Throw in a threat to fire anyone that complained, and no one had the actual guts to do anything, sure Karen had something planned for that evening, but it had nothing to do with the family.

No all she planned on doing was going to one of her favorite bars, which none of her loser employees could afford nor would ever be accepted into. While the bar wouldn't open up til later that night, Karen planned on enjoying the day knowing full well that she would have to stay out of sight maybe she could go to the bar and see if she could get that play boy owner interested in some back room inventory of their own.

The man never cared for her advances claiming to be gay which she knew was nothing more than BS since no man can resist her and to Karen, she suspected maybe even so woman if she wanted. The thought went back to that lesbian loser of a co-worker Tiffany remembering what she had seen the woman that she had seen drive up with the slut and an evil plan began to form in her mind. Maybe she could steal the lesbian's lover and break both of their hearts in one go.

A evil grin broke across her face as a plan began to formulate in her head and things seemed to go a bit over board especially when she came to notice the woman that had driven the lesbian to work, had parked her car and was walking into the coffee shop without even giving Karen a glance her way. For Karen she took the opportunity to study the older woman and she had to admit that she was a prime subject no wonder why Tiffany had an eye on her.

Now Karen had her eye on her, and she was determined to ruin their relationship for the hell of it and now that she saw her chance standing up and moving into the shop.

Tina became aware of the fact that the bitch seemed to continue to watch her as she walked on by completely ignoring her as she went up and got her drink. It did not take that long before Tina felt a presence behind her, and it did not take much to give her a hint that it was Karen. Tina allowed a hand to slip into her pocket hitting a record button on her phone knowing that it was near enough that it would pick up Karen's voice and now all she had to do was wait.

She did not have to wait long since the coffee shop attendant who told her to have a good day before turning back to his own job. Again, Tina did not even pay attention to her environment as she went about walking over to a table that was in a quiet part of the café and waited to know that the woman would not take long. She did not have to wait long before Karen appeared within her sight although Tina tried to ignore her paying more attention to her phone.

"Excuse me..." Karen spoke out causing Tina to look up slightly to get a real good look at the Karen. "Is this seat taken?"

"Maybe do I know you?" Tina asked showing a disinterest toward the woman making sure that she spoke loud and clear so her phone would pick it all up. Karen offered a seductive smile making a move toward the empty chair seated next to her.

"My name is Karen...I saw you pull up in your car and Tiffy...stiffy..." Karen went about trying to figure out what Tina's name was showing that she did not care about her co-worker.

"Tiffany." Tina stated with a stern tone with a harsh glare yet Karen seemed not to notice slipping into the chair beside her leaning forward to show off her cleavage a clear sign that she was trying she was trying to seduce her. Thus, started what seemed like a normal conversation in which Tina went about showing the bitch that she was not interested in the woman however that did stop Karen from trying.

She went about trying to say that Tiffany was nothing more than a loser that probably had more STD's than any man alive which Tina knew was a lie but never let on that she knew any of it. When Tina said that she wasn't interested and getting up to leave, she knew that the woman wouldn't give up so she planned on her next move where something deep within that she was going to really teach this woman a lesson.


Leaving the coffee shop without another word to the Karen, Tina went about disappearing around the corner making sure that Karen wouldn't see her before taking out her cell phone saving the recording and sending it to Tiffany via a text message. She only had to wait a few minutes before Tiffany texted her back with a question mark asking what she had sent her to which Tina answered that she should listen to it and then take it to her supervisors, not Karen and see how they like hearing the bitch talk about her employees.

Tiffany came back asking of how Tina had gotten the recording to which she answered that Karen had tried approaching her saying that she was way better than Tiffany. Instantly Tina could tell that Tiffany was upset by the fact that Karen was pulling this crap and she so wanted to punish her if not beat the crap out of her. This pleased Tina as she knew that Tiffany meant every word that she was saying were true to the point that Tina once again asked her to be patient and not to worry.

No message came for a while and Tina was starting to worry that Tiffany had gone and done something already thankfully it came not to long after with Tiffany saying that she could not wait to see what Tina had in mind. Tina smiled before promising to tell Tiffany all of the details when she had completed what she had in mind for Karen but it wouldn't be until later although she did suggest that Tiffany might want to take that recording to her boss when she got a chance before tomorrow.

Slipping her cell back into her pocket and stepping back on to the sidewalk looking around noticing that Karen was not in sight, which was a good sign for now, yet Tina knew that the woman would not give up that easy. Moving back to where she had parked her car, Tina became aware that she was once more being watched giving her the indication that it was Karen which caused her to smile with pleasure just as she wanted it.

Keeping her eyes forward showing no sign that she knew that she was being watched, Tina pulled out of the parking lot and headed for downtown where she knew there was a special bar that sold some pretty heavy alcoholic drinks not to mention not that many knew that much about it. On occasion while she was driving through the city, Tina would look up and spot a bright red Porsche that stood out among the regular dull vehicles that drove the streets sticking close to her the entire way.

It did not take her long to get to the bar parking in a spot that was nearby and in full view of anyone that might be following her. Just as she got out of the car and making sure that the doors were locked because of the bad neighborhood, Tina saw the Porsche drive on by her not slow but slow enough that she got a good look at the driver and Tina's suspicions were correct when she saw Karen's looking at her with a knowing smirk before continued on by.

Not giving the woman a hint of knowing who she was, Tina continued on into the bar across the street stepping into the bar seeing Nathan the bar owner who knew her even though she only came in when she wanted to get really drunk or wanted to forget something. "Tina! Long time no see, what brings you into my neighborhood as I figured that you would be at work right now."

"Hey Nate, nah I got the next few days off and I got a bit of a problem that I thought you might be able to help me with." Tina explained noticing that Karen had yet to follow her in likely to suggest she was not as stupid as she seemed which also gave Tina to talk with Nate about what she wanted to do. While Nate was one to stay out of things, he liked Tina as she had was never a brown nosier and she could handle herself when the time came.

Tina smiled before she went about telling Nate what was going on and what she had in mind.

Karen came into the bar 10 minutes later making sure that her target did not try to leave or sneak away again like she had at the café shop. That gave her an indication that Tina was dedicated yet was playing hard to get which made it more funnier for her while getting an indication that she might be interested in her advances...whoever Karen set her eyes on they always come back for more.

It was even better with the fact that her target went to a bar seemed to make it easier for her and now that she was inside, she was happy to see that there were not that many people in the bar not to mention that Tina was seated at the bar drinking a tall glass of what she thought was beer yet she couldn't tell what it was. A rather nice-looking bartender stood in the back-cleaning glasses by the looks of it is looking up when she came into the bar.

"Welcome! What can I get you, miss?" the bartender asked stepping up to the bar while Karen went about taking a seat at the end of the bar again not looking toward her target, looking down a menu that listed the drinks there becoming surprised when she saw that there were indeed drinks there that she had never heard of which made it even better.

"Don't know what can you recommend? I always loved new things." Karen answered which seemed to cause the bartender to smile reaching down and take out a specialized bottle that looked like a normal beer putting in on top. She never once thought of something wrong about the beer so she began drinking it finding herself ordering another not to long after again never noticing that her target had gone about moving over to a booth in a dark portion of the bar.

Karen had just finished the beer in her had feeling a bit tipsy when the bartender came forward with a new drink something that she never asked for. She looked up at him with a questioning look until the bartender pointed behind her saying that the drink came from the person in the booth behind her.

With a quirked eyebrow filled with confusion until she turned around and spotted her target sitting there looking at her with a seductive inviting smile a clear indication that she was more than willing to have Karen join her. She did not need a second offer getting up out of her seat and moving over to the booth stumbling into the seat spilling some of her new drink.

As soon as she got herself composed and all, Karen looked up into what she would describe as a hungry look that she held herself although she never thought she would see it coming from a woman that had been rejecting her advances all day. Maybe it was just the beer that they had been drinking which probably left her more open to suggestions and influence.

When they began talking, both found themselves enjoying each other's company, even more so with Karen who found what seemed like the most intoxicating scent, not noticed by human noses yet no matter what it seemed to started Karen's arousal rather quickly not to mention her juices flowing from her pussy. At some point, Karen actually leaned forward and kissed the woman that she had been stalking having lost all desire to ruin this woman's life only her co-worker now and what better what to do that was to have her lover.

She was startled when she found that not only was the woman returning the kiss, but she seemed more than willing before leaving to wonder how far she might be willing to go. Pulling back after a long and heated kiss leaving both panting both looking into each other's eyes, Karen's full of lust and hunger while Tina's held something else a mischievous and something else Karen could not really tell but she did not care. Then Tina went about asking the one question that she never thought that she would hear from her.

"Do you want to get out of here and go back somewhere more private where we can get to know each other 'better'?" Tina asked in a husky voice that was a clear indication that she was just as horny as Karen was. Karen smiled with glee nodding her head in eagerness not even thinking as they both stood up and headed for the exit with Karen leading the way.

Tina offered a smirk to the bartender who returned it knowing that Tina had something planned for the bitch.

Since neither one of them were sober enough to drive safely, they caught a taxi where Karen gave the address for her own place that seemed further away than Tina's house. Which was perfect for Tina finding that meant more privacy and less people to hear what she was going to do to her.

Karen seemed to pass out her head settling on to Tina's shoulder briefly sliding slightly against her breasts again not minding it once since she held the drunk beauty there stroking her hair as a new set of thoughts began pushing its way into Tina's mind seemingly meddling with her normal thoughts as new ideas seemed to come into her mind for what she was going to do to her and it all seemed to be centered around the moon and at night.

Looking out the window Tina noticed that it was far more later than she originally thought as the daylight was already disappearing in the distance and the moon was coming out. Her arousal began to rise with every second that the moon approached its high point and she began to feel a familiar arousal that she hadn't felt since that time at the farm and this time she was feeling frightened...more arousal began to filter through her mind as new things began to fill her head on a punishment.

It took about 30 minutes to get to Karen's home and by that time the moon had reached its peak, Tina's arousal had maxed out and she was ready to take her revenge on Karen, and a new series of changes began to happen. Inside her soaked panties, her stiff clit began to throb then start to grow pushing outward pushing against the thin wet material trying to hold it back growing larger and thicker pulling everything outward joined by her ovaries being smushed up against her growing girth making it rather painful especially when Tina and Karen got out the cab.

However Tina didn't seem to notice nor care at that moment following after stumbling Karen as she lead her up the steps to the front door allowing Tina's new lust and hunger filled mind a chance to really look at the whore she was about to ruin her life. With roaming hungry eyes roaming over Karen's body images of Tina standing behind her both of them buck naked seconds before she would grab Karen by the waist not giving the whore a chance to react before slamming her massive cock deep into her tight body not caring if she hurt her the bitch was going to get ruined.

The ideas and images continued to push Tina forward to take her there however she waited until Karen was finally able to open the door after stumbling with the keys. By this time Tina's clit had already grown to its limit and had grown tired of waiting to be release so it finally started ripping through her panties allowing a full blown cock, the size of a horse's semi erect to become release only to be confined by her shorts which weren't going to last long with the cock growing with arousal.

That was not the only that continued to change as a pair of soft ball sized balls plopped out sealing Tina's once virgin opening being replaced by a full-blown horse cock. The pubic hair over her once pussy began thinning out replaced by a fine silk like brown colored fur fine fur that continued to hug her body spreading outward over her lower regions creeping over her body again hidden by her clothing.

Like her arousal and lust, the changes seemed to be fueled by it but also seemed to be fueled by her thirst for revenge against the bitch. Her muscles throughout her body began to pulsate and twitch becoming more toner and stronger as her form began to firm up like an athlete with wash board abs that anyone would die to have.

Karen stumbled into the house allowing her keys and purse to fall to the floor as she felt up against the wall trying to get her balance ending up being bent over as she felt like she was going to throw up exposing her ass from underneath a short skirt. Tina's eyes widen in shock and arousal when she noticed that the bitch was truly never going to do any kind of work since she was only wearing a tight thong with the string curving up between her ass cheeks and right down the middle of her thick fertile pussy which currently showed off the fact that she was just as horny as Tina was.

However, Karen was not going through any changes like Tina was since the fine like hair continued its journey over all over her body. While her lower regions appeared male, Tina's breasts never deflated in fact it seemed like they were growing with each breath of air she took leaving her with D cup breasts that bounced unrestrained all of which she didn't care as it was time to breed.

Shooting forward grabbing Karen's hips in her hands, she pulled the bitch closer to her ever straining cock that was starting to drip precum as it was clear that it ached to get to it. There came an audible gasp from Karen beneath her obviously having felt something brush up against her rear end. A normal woman probably would start to ask questions however the only thing that came out of her mouth was a moan pushing herself back into her coating Tina's shorts with the bitch's juices encouraging Tina to continue.

"Are you enjoying this, my little minx?" Tina asked, leaning down whispering it into Karen's ear pressing her cock up against her needy lips even more not yet ready to reveal her big surprise. About this time the fur had pretty much covered her entire body from head to her toes and her new muscles showed her ready to run a mile or more and with a set of balls that were truly ready to breed the changes began shifting elsewhere through her body.

Tina's ears began to lengthen and push skyward showing the ability to catch any sound near, her spine began to lengthen also adding at least another foot or so to her height, the end of her spine began to twitch and push downward in a thin strip of flesh that tried to break out of the confines of her pants only to meet resistance forcing it to curl in the seat of her pants and remnants of her panties. The finishing touch was to her face and vocal cords which became gruffer more masculine compared to her normal feminine voice while her mouth & nose started to push out in the beginnings of a muzzle.

Tina didn't wait for everything to finish not knowing nor caring at that point as her need to fuck the fertile bitch before her came to a boiling point that she went about yanking off her shorts allowing the remains of her panties to fall to the ground and her massive cock to spring up to life nearly fully erect leaking precum and clearly ready to breed her new bitch.

At that moment Karen tried to straighten up and turn toward Tina however Tina or whoever she had become had different ideas then and there. She reached forward gripping the back of Karen's neck holding her there bent over while the other hand reaching tearing away the thong away from her crotch leaving her pussy fully exposed to the snake of a cock that was determined to claim her. As the cock came in alignment with the hungry aching hole, Karen seemed to get her thoughts together realizing that something was wrong at that moment and started to say something.

"What in the world-" she started to say mere seconds before the massive cock was forced into her tight opening the snake not caring if the hole resisted, the creature that was once was Tina no longer cared if she hurt the bitch it was time to teach her a lesson. If the bitch wanted to have sex with Tina, she was going to get the roughest fucking that she could ever ask for.

Karen's eyes bulged out when she felt something massive get shoved into her pussy, while pleasurable at first, the fact that it was getting shoved harder into her was causing her arousal to drop. Even with a fogged over mind, she tried desperately to get herself away from the intruding cock that was starting to be drilled into her, however she found herself being held down in place by a strong hand.

She found herself trying to struggle in the persons arms wiggling her ass against the throbbing monster invading her, at first she thought that her initial target had gone about bringing in a wearable dildo yet whatever was invading her body felt like the real thing which left her wondering what was going on so she was left pleading. "Please stop! Take it out!"

There came a dark chuckle while another hand went about petting her long hair almost like a gentle manner even though it was anything but that. "Now now, you wanted to seduce me yet here I am giving you want you want and you want me to stop after the effort that you went to seduce me? I don't think so, you are going to be a good little bitch and enjoy this as you will never get to experience it again."

Without another word the hands that were both petting her hair and holding her head down in place left their places and reached around grabbing Karen's breasts in a hard-rough way that caused the woman to scream out. The screams seemed to be music to Tina's ears who threw her head letting out an evil laugh, pulling more of her cock out of the bitch, the head was starting to flare out causing a suction to happen making it even more painful for Karen yet more pleasure for Tina.

"Come on, whore. Admit it, you love the feeling of my cock, don't ya?" Tina again demanded to know already feeling the pussy walls squeezing vibrating around her cock causing her to chuckle shoving more harder than ever into the tight opening feeling the woman's vain attempt to keep her out not to mention stopping her from pulling the cock out as it felt like the cock was trying to pull her insides out.

Karen shook her head in disbelief from the feeling coming from the fucking, sure she had felt nothing more than pain at the start of it all, now after several minutes of getting hammered did she start to feel pleasure starting to shoot upward through her entire body. Even worse was the fact that she felt like her body was starting to crave more of the rough fuckings that caused a moan to shove its way up pass her lips.

That very sound seemed to encourage Tina increasing her pace already feeling the oncoming release, her new balls began to churn if not swell in size, the blood began to surge upward into the massive horse cock causing it to grow larger and thicker. The sudden increase in size seemed to really turn Karen on as she started to shove her hips back into the oncoming thrusts her moans were coming along louder and more encouraging which turned the horse like anthro creature that Tina had become on even further.

"That is right, bitch! Ride me like the whore you are!" Tina growled out throwing back her head her eyes closed in pure delight, her hair flowing out behind her head while her face continued pushing out into a thick muzzle. Karen's pussy seemed to do a final suction on Tina's cock seconds before the sluts juices shot out all over her groin and balls the walls clamping down on to the cock trying desperately to hold her in place wanting to make sure that she didn't lose any drop that she knew was coming.

Tina never let her down as she gave one final thrust shoving the cock deep into the bitch's body one last time before the massive head unleashed a torrent of sperm like a fire hose, into the woman underneath him. Karen's eyes jerked open in shock as a renewed feeling of pain returned to her lower regions as she felt her stomach begin to bloat trying desperately to hold everything in. Instead Karen felt like the cumm spilling out inside of her would come shooting out of her mouth at any moment, finding herself desperate to get off the cock at that moment.

Thankfully the cock finally popped out of the over abused opening that she had just taken forcibly and as soon as the cock head popped out of the pussy, it was followed by a large amount of cumm that flew out of the opening spilling out on to the floor underneath heard. Karen collapsed on to the floor where the cumm had stained the carpet while Tina stood there trying to regain her breathing just starting to realize on what she had done not to mention what she had just become.

In front of her lay a medium sized mirror that showed the strange and weird changes that she had gone through as it became clear when her eyes focused on her image. Tina let out a gasp, her arousal no longer there as her new limp dick quickly disappeared into what appeared as an animal sheath that were found only on male animals and this one looked like a stallions.

_"My god what did I just do? What have I become?"_Tina's minded demanded starting to feel the normal control she once had start to return as her lust died down and her heart rate returned to normal. She looked around half expecting to wake up at any moment to have been all a nightmare however she found that this was all true that she needed to get out of there however she couldn't go out like this she would be seen.

There was only one last person that she could call at that moment. Reaching down and retrieving her cell phone from her shorts pocket, Tina went about calling Tiffany praying that the girl was still at work that she might be able to come get her in Tina's car so she didn't have to explain it to a taxi driver in the process.

The phone rang a couple of times before Tiffany finally picked up sounding a bit tired not to mention sounds of traffic driving by gave her an indication that she was out in front of her workplace. "Hey love, I was just thinking about you...did you get everything that you were planning on sorted?"

Tina did not answer at first unable to find the words to say at that moment since she still was in shock from what she had just done. Finally, she let out a sob tears starting to fall down her cheeks again finding no words to say. "Tina? Are you okay?"

"Tiffany...can you come get me?" Tina finally asked, her voice sounding terrible combined with her sobbing made her sound terrible.

"Sure of course, let me get a taxi first where are you?" Tiffany asked disregarding the fact that Tina sounded strange at that moment.

"No, not a taxi..." Tina said fear raising up in her voice as she went about telling Tiffany where she had left her car and ask for her to pick and where. Tiffany seemed a bit confused why Tina might be up there, but she promised to explain everything as soon as she got there before hanging up leaving Tiffany standing there a bit confused and really concern about her.


It took Tiffany nearly a full hour thanks to trying to get a taxi in the middle of a busy city not to mention trying to pick their way through the endless traffic. It was a lot more easier when she picked up Tina's car cause she could set her own pace again taking a bit of time before she got to the neighbor it was indeed late where no one was on the sidewalks at all with no sign at all of Tina.

Putting the car into park with the engine still running, Tiffany was about to pick up her phone to give Tina a phone call when a figure with what appeared to be a blanket covering it from head to toe appeared out of the dark in front of her. Tiffany cocked a eyebrow as the figure moved quickly if not awkwardly to the cars passenger side opening the door before Tiffany could move to lock the door leaving her to stare in confusion while the figure slipped into the passenger seat closing the door seconds later.

Tiffany continued staring at the figure trying to figure out who it was that was until Tina's voice out. "Its me, Tiffany. Please just drive and I will tell you everything along the way..."

Feeling relief fill her mind joining the confusion that she had been feeling, Tiffany pulled away and started on the long journey back home. She gave Tina a few minutes to start telling her what had happened, yet when nothing was said did Tiffany finally inquire on what had happened. A sob came from the blanket before Tina began telling her everything that had been going on that day from when she entered the café to get a drink then having Karen approach her and try to seduce her.

Then going on to explain the events in the bar and what she had just done to the slut just not too long ago although Tiffany felt like Tina was leaving something out. She tried to pry further into why Tina was wearing a blanket figuring that she feared that Tiffany might be angry for her actions against her supervisor, yet Tiffany had her own surprise for Tina that she wouldn't reveal until later on for right now her main concern was attending to Tina so she just waited until they got back to Tiffany's home and into the safety of the house.

Tina's figure lead Tiffany into the house, still holding the blanket tightly wrapped around her form unwilling to let it fall away as if hiding something from her. "Okay, Tina. So now that we are here, why are you still acting like you are hiding something?"

There came no response at all except for a whimper from the form followed by a sob that clearly showed that Tina was still afraid of something and Tiffany hadn't been giving a indication that she wasn't unhappy about what she was told so she let out a sigh stepping toward wrapping her arms around the strange form before her drawing Tina into a hug.

Tiffany felt the form stiffen up under her arms taking note that Tina seemed to be a bit taller not to mention more muscular with a tone body way different than what she had that morning. "Tina, I am not upset with you. You had a lot more courage to do what a lot of us could not do. Not to mention how hot it all sound, truth be told it has gotten me a bit horny if you know what I mean..."

Tina became shocked by the statement feeling a bit more relieved however she still wasn't sure about revealing her new appearance to her however the smell of Tiffany's arousal was becoming ever evident causing her cock to start pushing up out of her sheath. She started to fear that she would feel the need to take Tiffany violently caused the arousal to drop her cock dropping back into her sheath.

At this time with Tina being distracted that Tiffany went about acting her hands grabbing at the blankets and with a swift jerk pulled the blanket off Tina revealing her new form to the suspicious and confused Tiffany. Tina let out a shriek in shock as she tried desperately to hide her body from Tiffany seeing what she had become however with nothing near her she was forced to stand there with her hands covering or trying to cover both her breasts and sheath.

Tiffany's mouth dropped in shock upon seeing what Tina or what she thought was Tina, had become. He...she...whatever sounded like Tina however it was clear that it was not just a female any longer but a hermaphrodite not to mention that she appeared to be a anthro horse. She could tell that Tina was getting ready to start crying again unable to hide her shame of what she had become not to mention she probably thought that she was a freak.

Tiffany took all her appearance in before her dropping the blanket to the ground, while it was indeed surprising, but she also found herself becoming further aroused. She had mentioned that her family had owned a farm and how she had become aroused whenever the horses would mate, she just never explained that at night Tiffany would go into the barn and have some experimentations with the stallions.

She never went beyond giving a stallion a blowjob in fear that taking the stallions cock within her pussy would end up killing her but she was always afraid that her parents might end up finding her in the process of either sneaking out or taking the cock. Now that she was grown up and out on her own, she was free to do whatever she wanted and while she never had a chance to explore, Tina was providing the perfect opportunity to experiment further in her desires.

Stepping forward with her hands already going about pushing away Tina's hands away from her breasts, which fell away without much problem however the one covering her sheath was a bit harder to remove as Tiffany's hands had to work to move the strong hand away. Her own hand was quick to replace it first running a nail finger up along the full length of the sheath causing a shudder to race up and down Tina's spine as the heavy smell of Tiffany's arousal started to really fill the air.

Her new cock began to push upward out of her sheath not fast enough as Tina was still uncertain if Tiffany was accepting of her. "Tiff...stop I am nothing but a freak..." she tried to state her eyes dropping down despair filling her again that was until Tiffany went about reaching up raising Tina's face back up again, her eyes filled with love that Tina was quick to recognize sadness dropping away left by confusion.

"You aren't a may be in a sexy hand stallion form but you are still female in my mind just with some rather lovely features," Tiffany said leaning forward again her hand roaming over Tina's sheath gently stroking the massive piece of flesh before moving downward to where her balls were gentle to cup and squeeze them which caused Tina to moan not only from her movements but with the fact that not only was accepting of her new form but because her arousal drilling into Tina's mind.

Just as Tina was about to say something in protest however Tiffany did not let her as she quickly went about launching herself at her, the protest being silence once and all the fear with it. Her hands began to roam over Tiffany's body like before but this time with an almost primal need to take beauty this time it was way different than when she did when she fucked Karen. These movements were that of passion and love as the pair once more went about removing all clothing leaving them both naked and Tina's cock becoming erect that she did not need to be teased any further at that point.

However, Tina had to stop Tiffany from continuing at that point with one final question which caused Tiffany to whine that was until she got to see a glint in her eyes. "Before we continue, my little mare...are you sure you are more than willing to ride the wild stallion?"

Tiffany offered a giggle a before pressing herself up against, her pussy dripping with excitement. "Shut up, your beautiful beast and make me as yours."

Tina did not need to have another invite as her hands went about sweeping Tiffany up off her feet moving at a quick pace toward the bedroom.

Early the next morning found the pair waking up snuggled up in each other's arms after spending several hours of nonstop sex leaving both feeling relaxed and fulfilled. While Tiffany lay on her side facing toward the window, Tina was snuggled up behind her with her arms wrapped around her holding her mate tight against her making sure that her little mare could not get away from her.

Tina was first to wake up half expecting to find herself ready to go for another round with Tiffany however she was surprised when she found that during the night at some point her form had returned back to her normal human appearance although her body stayed just as muscular as before but she was female once more.

While she was relieved that she was back to normal again Tina just hoped that Tiffany was not too disappointed with the knowledge that Tina was back to normal. Shrugging as of right now she did not care knowing that there was always a chance that she could always become the anthro stallion again or maybe at will just had to figure what started it.

Letting a sigh of happiness snuggling her face into Tiffany's neck giving it a gentle kiss which seemed to wake her up as she moved around a bit obviously trying to stretch only to find herself entrapped in Tinas arms kept her from moving too much. She smiled with delight pressing herself back into Tina probably expecting to feel the first signs of morning wood pressing up against her rear which would suggest that Tina was up for another make out session.

She let out a whimper of disappointment when she found that there was no sign of a erection nor was there a sheath there when she reached back, yet she didn't care as Tina had gone about satisfying her desire to experiment further not to mention her arousal leaving her feeling a bit bloated but still she couldn't argue with it as it did give her happiness that she could share with Tina if she would have her.

Rolling over to face a smiling human Tina who was just as wide awake as she was, her face showing as much happiness that Tiffany was feeling at that moment. A blush arose to her cheeks as Tina went about leaning forward to kiss her in a loving manner which seemed to become really heated and Tina came to realize that if she continued with it they were not likely to get out of bed.

"We need to stop before neither one of us will ever want to get out of bed this morning. I don't want you to get into trouble with your job..." Tina answered bringing up a mood killing subject however when she looked upon Tiffany's face instead of finding a sour face, she instead found one of a knowing smirk which caused Tina's eyebrow to shoot up in a questioning manner.

"Ooops I kind of had a surprise that I was going to bring up to you this morning if the events hadn't happened like they did. After you sent me that file via the text yesterday with Karen badmouthing me, I finally had enough and called up the owners and told them everything that Karen had been doing behind their backs. Of course, they didn't seem to believe me that is until I sent them the file along with a few other things that I had been collecting to them showing that their prized supervisor was being a complete bitch to all of us. To say that they were shocked if not horrified by Karen's action that they promised to have a long talk with her and I didn't have to come in today especially when I went about telling them that I am now considering on quitting after all of the abuse that not only Karen put her through but the bosses refusal to believe anything that their employees were trying to tell them about what was going on."

Tina felt her jaw dropped in shock as she had never seen Tiffany to have the guts to stand up to anyone like that before a sense of pride filling her as she leaned down and kissed her once more nibbling on her lip a bit causing her to moan in delight pressing her body even more closer to her. Tiffany finally pulled away from Tina as it was clear that the young minx had something else to say at that moment before they got back to their activities. "I was also thinking about your suggestion that we both quit our jobs and buy a farm out in the country having a horse farm of our own..."

Eight months later

It would take the pair eight months to get a farm for themselves as it was a lot more difficult to get than they original suspected since they ran into several different problems. Ranging from trying to locate a wide-open area that was big enough that they could allow horses that they would purchase to run around and graze. They found that while there seemed to be enough land for a farm the difficultly came when they found out that the land belonged to someone else.

Finding nothing in the area, Tina went about contacting her sister and brother in-law asking if they could suggest an area that they might build a horse farm on. They seemed a bit surprised by the inquiry, but they were more than happy to help finding a place about two hours outside of the city in a pace of a clearing that seemed untouched.

Next came to get the funds that were required to purchase the land and getting everything set up which included house, barn, stalls, etc. not to mention supplies, food, and the horses to get everything started. Again, the two went about looking at every avenue even into getting a loan, however it was not as simple as that, so it took longer than they had thought.

Starting to save on money, the pair went about moving into an apartment together which worked well for both since they normally stayed together at one place or another so why not get a place together. Second was when Tiffany got a better paying job working with a company that highly valued their employees and their talents if not efforts to keep the customers happy.

Her old job, well things seemed to go downhill for them when many of their experienced workers left for other better possibilities leaving some lazy ass people which included poor Karen who after waking up the next morning after her strange encounter finding her phone ringing off the hook from her bosses demanding that she get her butt down to the office right there and then.

From what the two heard, Karen claimed that she was supposed to have the next few days off figuring that her bosses were calling her to complain about something that slut Tiffany did. Boy she was wrong cause as soon as she went into work, she found herself getting a royal ass chewing about her being lazy getting others to do her work while Karen went about sitting on his ass on in many cases laying on her back.

Of course, Karen went about denying it that was until she was notified that they had received several written accounts not to mention recording of her berating coworkers either behind their backs. Karen walked out of the office looking ghostly white and started doing the rest of the inventory that Tiffany went about leaving at that point with the managers informing Karen that everything had better be correct or else she would need to start looking for a job at that point.

Tiffany went about quitting her job not too long after finding a new job as mentioned before then the pair moved in together now too long after that. Both were extremely happy when things were starting to go their way, the next surprise came when the next full moon showed up and Tina's Anthro Stallion form returned full of need and desire as ever before. And for the next two to three days, depending on the time of month really, the pair spent the time fucking like wild animals without a care in the world.

Heck even Tiffany said once that at the rate they were going she could end up pregnant to which Tina said that anything could be possible at that rate. No one ever found out about the pairs secret even though Karen tried claiming that she had been raped by Tina however no one was believing her bullshit and that claim finally ended her career, nowadays from what the pair heard she was working at the local Wal-Mart as a cashier.

The day finally came after 5 months of working hard, mating and waiting, when everything seemed to fall together for the pair as they were able to get the needed funds to buy the property and got everything else going. It took another month before the farm seemed ready that the couple went about inviting family and friends to the farm for a BBQ to help celebrate everything.

It was also the day that Tina went about surprising everyone including Tiffany when she went about asking her to be her wife producing a beautiful diamond ring that glittered in the sunlight that Tiffany found herself unable to say anything at first before launching herself at Tina accepting it very loudly. A cheer went up from those around them as the pair shared a kiss that seemed to last forever.

Now as she stood there on the houses own porch looking out across the farm, fours horses running in the nearby pasture as the daylight was already starting to disappear with the full moon of the month had started coming up, Tina could feel the oncoming change starting to approach and she knew that Tiffany always looked forward to this time of the month.

They had yet to get married, however neither of them was in any hurry having enjoyed being engaged every day since they had announced it to their family and friends. With running a farm and dealing with horny stallions that were around mares in heat, they had their hands full so they took to planning their wedding when they could.

Again, Tina's sister was more than happy to help with the farm, even bringing a familiar stallion from her own farm to get started with breeding two mares that two had purchased. Even after being away for so long, Tina could swear she could see there was that hint in the stallion's eye that he was smarter than most people would think of.

Before she could really think about it, Tiffany came outside wrapping her arms around Tina's trim body hugging her close causing her to smile. Once again, Tiffany aka Tina's little mare always looked forward to the oncoming moon that at times she thought that she was going through heat even for being human. Life was profoundly good, and neither of them were complaining at that point.

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