The Jock and the Fat Cat ch. 3

Story by FurryFurryRabbit on SoFurry

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#3 of The Jock and the Fat Cat

The final chapter, complete with a happily ever after ending. I really like these two. Kyle grows...slightly...and eventually does succeed in becoming an NFL player. Abby has a pretty nice career ahead of her as well. I'd say that's a nice way to wrap things up! Thank you guys for the warm reception these two got. I was a little nervous at first, what with the fat shaming and all, but I'm glad nobody had an issue with it. Not sure when my next story will be done, but thank you all very much for reading this one. Stay safe!

A few weeks passed by as Kyle and Abby grew closer. His grades in math class soared, and she even started to help with some of his other academic problems. His friends teased him occasionally, but he was easily able to downplay anything suspicious. All he had to do was act grossed out, and they'd laugh along with him. Nobody noticed how hard he got every time she was brought up.

Most of their study sessions ended in sex now. Kyle had started to pay a little more attention to the movies she wanted to watch, but still didn't enjoy them. That was okay. As long as he was able to hold her and kiss her, he didn't mind putting up with weeb shit. Porn was another very frequent favorite of hers. Abby had an _enormous_collection of hentai, which Kyle had to admit was a lot more fun than anime. Often times she'd bring snacks, and he'd watch with fascination as she put away more sweets than any living creature ought to be capable of.

Every now and then Kyle thought about trying to help Abby lose weight. It was tempting to suggest it, but he knew it would make her sad. Besides, what would he do if she succeeded? Did he actually want her ass to get smaller, or her belly to become less soft? If her tits lost any mass, she wouldn't give such amazing titfucks. He certainly didn't want that!

Rather than pushing her to slim down, he ended up doing the opposite. On nights when he felt indulgent Kyle started to feed her in bed. They'd lie together, watching anime or porn, and he'd slowly push fruit or candy into her mouth. Listening to her savor the food gave him chills for reasons he didn't fully understand. It was another nail in the coffin for him, ensuring that he was well and truly doomed to never lust after another thin girl again, but what could he do? Resistance was futile. Leaning into it was the only way he'd ever be happy.

One day in early February Abby was getting changed in the girl's locker room. She'd just finished gym class, and as a result was feeling pretty miserable about herself. She wasn't doing great in the class, but showing up and putting her best foot forward was enough to gain her a passing grade. Her ears perked up as she heard some of the other girls talking in the next row of lockers, and she slid down the bench to listen.

Stacy Lane was chatting with one of her friends about Kyle. Abby gasped as she heard the dalmatian's name, but covered her mouth before the sound could give her away. "He's way better looking than Andrew," Stacy's friend said. "I still think it's stupid to bet on him going all the way, though. Boys like him crack under pressure when things don't go right. He'll blow it during a big game or something, and then you'll be stuck with a man-child with a shattered ego. I bet he spends the rest of his life talking about how he could've gone pro."

The mink wasn't convinced. "He's got what it takes," she said confidently. "We're going to take prom by storm. He's going to ask me any day now, I just know it. Pretty soon he'll be in the NCAA and on a fast track to going pro."

"You're going to make a really over-qualified stay-at-home mom," Stacy's friend said, and they both laughed. "Better hope he's not as boring as he looks, girl. I hear meatheads like that are usually pathetic in bed. Two-pump chumps if you're lucky, and way too demanding if you aren't."

Stacy whispered something, and her friend gasped. "Don't tell anyone," she said a little louder. "If my parents find out, I'm totally dead."

"How was it?" her friend asked.

"He was a fucking animal," Stacy murmured. Her voice had a dreamy quality to it. "Like, holy fucking shit, y'know? I fucked Andrew last year and thought he was pretty good, but after Kyle was done I could barely remember my own name. Pretty sure I bit his shoulder and scratched his back a little. Like, wildcat kinda stuff, y'know? I've never felt that way before."

Her friend was clearly impressed. "Damn, girl! Right the fuck on! So are you two serious now and keeping it quiet?"

Stacy's voice dropped a little, and she sighed. "I wish. He's been so busy trying to fix his grades that we haven't even seen each other outside of class in months! I hear he's doing better in math, though, so that means he'll be able to take it easier from now on. I'm hoping for a repeat performance sometime soon. God knows he'll be desperate for it after all the tutoring he's getting from that gross land-whale."

Abby frowned and closed her locker, then pulled her heavy backpack onto her shoulders. It was like carrying a car on her back, but she was used to it. She stopped in the next row of lockers and waved to the other girls. "You girls talking about the football team?" she asked.

The mink scowled at her. "Not that it's any of _your_business, Winters. Why would you even care, anyway? You're one tube of hair dye away from going full dyke."

Stacy's friend, a lamb with beautifully-styled wool, was no nicer. "Quit spying on people, lardass. What, are you getting off on picturing someone actually giving a shit about you?"

Abby slunk away as quickly as she could, eyes firmly fixed on the floor. Tears were welling up already and she didn't want them to see. The pudgy cat quickly disappeared into the crowd of students in the hallway, still sniffling as she made her way to the next class on her schedule.

That night's study session didn't involve any studying. She and Kyle had mostly given up on any pretenses for seeing each other, only bothering to keep up the charade when other people became curious.

They met at Kyle's house once more, and the dalmatian could immediately tell that something was wrong. Abby was even quieter than usual, and her tail drooped so low that it practically dragged the floor. Normally she was happy to see him, even if it wasn't outwardly obvious to people that didn't know her well. He watched as she sat at the head of his bed and hugged her knees to her chest. "Want to watch a movie?" he asked.

Abby shook her head. Kyle had never seen her like this, and wasn't sure how to handle the situation. "We have some cake downstairs. Want some?" Another shake of her head. "We...we could watch some porn or something."

"Am I ugly?" Abby asked. Her eyes were brimming with tears. "Tell me for real, okay? Be honest."

Well, shit. Kyle wasn't expecting this when he'd invited her over this morning. Normally she was happy just to be around him. Even a musclebound oaf could tell that she'd fallen in love, though God only knew why. Sometimes he felt bad about how he'd treated her, but Kyle lacked the emotional maturity to apologize.

The dalmatian sat down next to his girlfriend and put his arm around her. "You're not ugly," he assured her. "You're not. I'm pretty much the biggest stud in school, right? If you can keep me on the hook then you're sure as hell not ugly." He looked away, reluctant to appear too invested in her feelings. "I-I won't say that I love you or anything, but you're the only girl that makes me happy now. I'm kind of an asshole sometimes...or all the time...but you're the only person I enjoy being with."

Kyle wasn't sure if that made her feel any better. If there was one thing that six months of near-constant contact with Abby had taught him, it was that he sucked at expressing himself. "You slept with Stacy," she murmured. "It's okay. I know we weren't really together then. Did you enjoy it? She said you were really good."

"That's because I _am_really good," he said, feeling quite proud of himself. "You know who wasn't, though? Stacy fucking Lane." Abby snickered, and Kyle couldn't help but grin. "I'm dead serious. Christ, It was like fucking a mannequin. That scrawny bitch has absolutely nothing soft about her apart from her tail. Like, you know how a pillow feels after it goes flat and isn't soft anymore? That's what her ass is like."

They both laughed at that, and he kissed Abby's cheek. "Don't get all weepy on me, okay? I suck at this. Just be happy, if you can." Abby hugged him, and he hugged back.

They didn't have sex that night, but Abby fell asleep in his arms while watching another of her stupid anime shows. That was a pretty nice feeling.


It wasn't entirely accurate to say that Stacy Lane got what was coming to her. Kyle didn't confront her or embarrass her in front of the whole school. All he needed to do was agree to take her to prom. His libido did the rest. While she made preparations for weeks and told all of her friends about their after-prom plans, he hung out with his bros and secretly spent lots of time with Abby. When the big night finally came, Kyle spent most of the evening balls-deep inside of her. Prom was the farthest thing from his mind. When the time came to go and pick up the most beautiful and popular girl in school, he was tied to his girlfriend and watching cartoons.

Kyle smirked as he gave Stacy a call from bed. One hand held the phone to his ear while the other made slow, lazy circles through the fur on Abby's belly. He cleared his throat and put on his most pathetic voice when his would-be date answered. "Stacy? It's Kyle. Listen, I...I can't go to prom tonight."

Abby with both hands over her mouth. She was shocked that he had the balls to do something like this while he was still inside her, his cum oozing into her pussy while he broke another girl's heart. "Why?" Kyle asked. "Why do you think? I'm stuck in bed. Haven't been up all day. I've got no energy, my throat's hoarse as hell, and my legs are too week to stand on." He winked at the chubby cat. "Yeah, I know it's bad timing. I'm sorry. You can still go and have fun without me, right?"

A moment of silence passed, and Abby could hear the tiny voice complaining on the other end of the call. "Shit, that's right," Kyle muttered. "Guess I can't drive you. Well I'm sure you can hitch a ride with a friend or something. I know it's not my Charger, but...hey, there's no need for that!" The little voice on the other end of the line became angry and apparently said something very harsh. "You think I'm not bummed about this?" Kyle asked. "You think I'd rather stay at home in bed than go to prom?"

For a little while Stacy raged at him, though Abby wasn't able to pick out exactly what she said. "I don't have the energy for this," Kyle said as he ran a hand over his girlfriend's luscious hip. "I'm hanging up now. Spending more time in bed suddenly sounds a lot more appealing. Christ, next time I want to go on a date maybe I'll call up my math tutor. At least she doesn't take it personal when I can't do something right!"

The dalmatian hung up and tossed the phone away, then gave Abby's hip a light smack. "A-Are you sure you don't want to go to your senior prom?" she asked. "You only get one."

"Not on your life," Kyle said. "I was never too excited about it anyway. I'd rather stay in bed with you and listen to you moan. That's another thing that you do better than Stacy, by the way. Your moans are way cuter."

"What if Stacy finds out you were lying?"

"I wasn't lying." Kyle grinned at her, and Abby's heart fluttered in her chest. For all of his excessive pride and bravado, the dalmatian really was incredibly handsome. "I really am stuck in bed. My knot hasn't gone down yet. My legs are weak, my throat's hoarse from moaning, and I'm exhausted. I just didn't see fit to mention that it's because you're way, way better in bed than she is." He kissed her lips, tasting the chocolate she'd eaten before they got down to business. "Let's fuck again. Then we can watch some anime, if you want."


When the school year finally ended, Kyle and Abby had a very awkward meeting up in his room. He'd already been offered spots on football teams at several colleges. His dreams of going pro were looking pretty good, even if nothing was guaranteed quite yet.

Abby, meanwhile, was studying mechanical engineering in the state's most prestigious university. Her feelings were mixed, to put it mildly. She'd never been away from home for so long before, and her few friends were leaving the state. While she was excited by the potential to learn new things, she was also scared that she wouldn't be able to handle it.

Kyle was nervous too, but for entirely different reasons. He had no doubts about his ability to perform, but the idea of being without his girlfriend for any length of time really bothered him. Without Abby, how was he supposed to satisfy his libido? Who was going to bring him delicious snacks and cuddle with him for hours while stupid weeb shit played on the TV?

After a lot of kissing and some very passionate sex, Kyle wrapped his girlfriend in a warm embrace with all four limbs. Nobody-Cares and What's-Her-Tits were bidding each other goodbye on TV when he finally spoke up. "I've got offered a scholarship from Odessa. It's only about twenty minutes away from where you'll be. If...if I went there, I'd be able to visit you all the time." She twisted to look back at him, and he looked away. "If you want to, I mean."

Abby kissed him again, and that was answer enough.