A (bitter) cup of coffee with the therapist

Story by Xyln on SoFurry

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#7 of A cup of coffee with the therapist

Next installment in this series! I think the title says it all if you've been following the story.

Thanks for reading, as usual!

"One last cup of coffee with the therapist" will be posted on May 24th.

Kenneth woke up late the next morning. He turned to look at Fosk, who he assumed was still sleeping by his side, but he found out the wolf had already left the bed. There was no way of telling how long ago. He yawned and stretched like the cat he was, then he rubbed his eyes and tried to remember everything that had happened the previous day.

There was still a weird feeling of dissatisfaction whenever he looked back, but he wasn't entirely sure where it was coming from. At first, he'd thought he would have liked Fosk to do something more with him the previous night, something of a more sexual nature - and yes, he would have enjoyed that, but he had the feeling that it wasn't that simple. Besdes, he already knew that doing something beyond masturbation with the black wolf was completely out of the question.

He yawned again. No matter how much he thought about it, he wasn't going to find the answer right when he had opened his eyes. He got up and walked drowsily through Fosk's house. The tiger hadn't been entirely sure the last night, but now he could tell that, apparently, the wolf lived alone.

The apartment had two bedrooms but, from what Kenneth could see, it seemed Fosk was using one as an office. Both rooms were in one end of a corridor, while the bathroom was in the opposite. It wasn't amazingly big but there was a bathtub in it, something that Kenneth really missed in his apartment. Another door, midway down the corridor, led to a medium-sized living room that looked more like a library. The walls were covered with shelves full of books, videogames and different kinds of merchandising. The tiger recognized some characters from certain videogames, but he'd never seen most of them. It seemed Fosk enjoyed quite a few things that Kenneth wasn't familiar with and that, for some reason, surprised the tiger.

All in all, it looked like a pretty nice apartment, even if it was clearly made for one person, or two at most. Kenneth knew that Fosk wasn't making much money at the time - the wolf wrote some articles for a local newspaper, but other than that he was still studying and he didn't have time for a full-time job - so he was actually surprised he could afford something so cozy. Maybe I can tell him to move with me someday, he thought.

That idea filled him with a lot of contradictory feelings.

"Good morning, sleepy cat," Fosk greeted him once he got to the kitchen. He was washing the dishes, and Kenneth guessed that the wolf hadn't cleaned his house in a while. Now that he thought about it, his room hadn't been particularly tidied either - although, of course, the tiger hadn't noticed that the night before. "I was beginning to think you'd never wake up! At least you gave me some time to make my house a bit more decent."

"You didn't have to do that," the white tiger said, yawning again. "I mean, I've slept in worse places."

Fosk turned to him and raised an eyebrow, as if daring him to clarify where. However, the wolf seemed to remember something at that very moment and his expression changed.

"Oh! I left some cake from yesterday's restaurant for you," he said. "I had it for breakfast. It's pretty good, so I thought you'd like it."

"Oh, nice. Thank you."

"Yeah! I'm afraid there's no coffee, though. I know, it's embarrassing," the wolf said, chuckling a bit nervously.

Kenneth smiled. He was still a bit groggy, but he could tell Fosk was making a huge effort to make him feel welcome. He appreciated that.

"No worries," he answered back. "We can have our customary cup of coffee next time. Or maybe I could invite you later, if you want."

"I'd love that, but you know, it's Tuesday," the wolf reminded him. "Don't you have sessions to do?"

It wasn't until then that the tiger reminded he had a job.

"Oh, shit. You're right. What time is it?" he asked, trying to glance at the wolf's phone. It was already eleven forty-five. Had he really slept that much? What time was it when they had gone to sleep the previous day? "Hmm. I guess I can stay here for a few hours, then. My next session is at three."

"You should be glad I'm here to remind you," the wolf said, winking an eye at him.

"I am," the tiger said, walking closer and hugging him from behind. Fosk closed his eyes and smiled, leaning on the feline. "You're a cute, handy little wolf."

But even though Kenneth wouldn't have changed that moment for anything, there was still something worrying him, and the worst thing about it was that he wasn't even sure what it was.

* * *

Both Fosk and Kenneth returned quickly to their routines. It wasn't long before they began looking for another time to meet together and have an improvised date, but it turned out to be way more difficult than they had anticipated.

The therapist was having a steady flux of clients lately and, even though he could have simply said that he wasn't accepting more people, he felt bad about letting the chance to improve his income fade away. So far, he'd been earning enough money to pay his rent, buy food and give himself a little treat from time to time, but the promise of being more financially stable was too tempting to resist. Fosk, on the other hand, had been working a lot on his assignments for university, and none of them could see the day when they'd meet again.

In the meantime, Kenneth kept receiving his clients with the same sly grin and suave nonchalance he was used to displaying whenever he was in a session, even though his mind was somewhere else. He could pretend to be thoroughly interested in the sexual problems of his appointment at eleven o' clock, but be thinking about whether Fosk would have already waken up or not. He could play the ideal Master for his appointment at five, carefully tickle-torturing him as requested, and at the same time he was only thinking about hearing the black wolf's laugh. His appointment at six admitted, after their session, that he'd had one of the best times of his life. Kenneth nodded, grinned and gave an appropriate answer - but he was thinking about Fosk saying something similar, not so long ago.

Everyone wore different masks through the day, depending on who they were talking with or what they wanted - the white tiger knew that and he thought he was pretty good at it, even though it wasn't a skill that he found particularly satisfying.

People came into his office and they left feeling better, and the white tiger sat idly by the corner of his desk, barefoot, watching them smile and smiling back and telling them how much they were progressing and pretending to enjoy all those silly sexual games as much as them. And he did, sometimes. He enjoyed the power trip and he loved watching all those people squirm in pleasure at his feet. But it never lasted for long - no, it faded just as quick as it appeared and, before he knew it, the mask fell off and he was again just a disenchanted cat sitting at the corner of a fancy-looking second hand table, too lazy to even put his socks on. Eyes fixed on the window, wondering why he had the feeling that there was something terribly wrong with him.

If the word "control" flashed in his mind, Kenneth just pushed it away and thought about Fosk instead. He wanted to be with him. He wanted to see him again.

He wanted to make him moan, just like the last time.

And whenever he thought of him at night, when he was in bed, the weirdest fantasies came to his mind and sometimes, when he finally came with an exhausted moan, he felt terribly guilty but he wasn't sure why. Although, of course, there was a part of him that knew.

But those thoughts were distracted by the need to see Fosk again, and Kenneth soon found just the perfect thing to do in their second date. At first, he thought that they wouldn't be able to find the time to meet again, but it turned out that the black wolf could afford to spend the next Tuesday away from his computer. Kenneth had a session at five, so he had to call one of his clients and ask him if they wouldn't mind moving their appointment to another hour. He could have just waited for the next time they both had some spare time, but if he wanted that plan to work, it had to happen on next Tuesday. Luckily for him, his client agreed and then everything was set. The only thing he had to do was wait.

And the wait felt long, but Tuesday finally came and the white tiger couldn't help but smile when Fosk walked across the street and hugged him tight, this time without needing to be told. The white tiger pet the wolf's head affectionately, enjoying the hug way more than he thought he would, and then took a quick look at his wristwatch.

"Okay, good," he said, once they pulled away from each other. "I think we're on time."

"On time?" Fosk repeated, with a curious smile. "Are you taking me to the cinema or something?"

"Nah. This is much better," the tiger promised as he winked an eye.

Fosk wanted to keep asking questions, but Kenneth grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the nearest bus stop, arguing that they had to hurry up or else they'd be late. Even though the black wolf didn't know exactly what they'd be late for, he soon understood that the white tiger wasn't going to give him more details. Of course, that was exactly how Kenneth wanted it to be - a surprise. On the other hand, he wasn't sure how Fosk would have reacted if he'd known where he was taking him.

They got off the bus fifteen minutes later and they still had to walk for a short while before they reached their destination. When the black wolf was finally in front of the local theater, which he had only visited a few times in the past, he was puzzled for a few seconds. Then, Kenneth pointed at a poster near the entrance and Fosk's cheeks turned slightly red.

"... no" he muttered, taking a step back. "No way. I'm not doing this."

"Oh, come on! It'll be fun," Kenneth assured him, with a wide smile. "I've always wanted to be in one of these."

"As part of the audience or as the star of the show?" Fosk asked, raising an eyebrow.

Kenneth's grin widened, but he didn't answer the question. The poster showed the picture of a mysterious-looking crocodile dressed in a fancy, purple suit. A golden pocketwatch hanged from his hand as he stared intently at the viewer with a cocky smile. Someone had edited the picture and blurred the edges of the pocketwatch so that it looked like it was swinging and a yellow, cheesy spiral filled the background. The words "Master Xavier's Hypnosis Show" could be read at the bottom, right under the swinging pocketwatch - they had chosen an unnecessarily curly font, probably because it reminded of spirals, the white tiger thought.

"If I go in there, I'm going to feel too embarrassed," Fosk said then, quietly. In fact, he looked quite embarrassed already.

Kenneth had seen that coming since he had made his choice, so he softened his expression and stepped closer to the wolf, hugging him softly.

"Listen," he said. "There's no need to do this if you don't want to, but I thought you might like it. Besides, I'm pretty sure you're not going to be chosen as a volunteer, if that's what worries you."

"I hope not, I'd die on the spot," Fosk mumbled, as he hugged the tiger back.

"And I'll be with you all the time, so you don't need to feel nervous," Kenneth continued. "I just thought it'd be nice to... you know, see how other people do our jobs. My hypnotist job, your subject job. Just for fun."

It didn't look as if those words were helping the wolf feel calmer.

"Of course, if you feel too uncomfortable, we can always leave," the white tiger added then. "But I think you should at least give it a try. Plus," he gave Fosk an apologetic look, "I already paid for the tickets."

"Hmph, okay. Let's do this," the wolf groaned, giving in finally. "But if that Xavier chooses me, I'll kill you."

"Don't worry, silly wolf. We'll sit in the last rows."

That might not make much difference. Once they both got into the room, they found out it wasn't as big or full of people as they had imagined. Maybe Master Xavier isn't as popular as I thought, after all, Kenneth thought, feeling a bit disappointed. He'd never heard of that name, either, but when one of his clients had casually mentioned that there was a hypnosis show in town, he had definitely known he had to take Fosk with him.

They sat down in the last row, just like Kenneth had said, and then waited patiently. Someone had placed brochures on the seats in which they explained how the show was going to work and asked the audience not to make fun of whoever was on stage or disrupt the whole process.

"That's nice," Kenneth said, as he finished reading the succinct text. "I probably wouldn't have thought of that."

"See, that's why you're a therapist and not a showman," Fosk joked.

The room begin to feel with people as the time in which the show would start drew near, and Kenneth guessed that, even though that didn't precisely look like the most popular event he'd ever been to, many were curious and just wanted to see how hypnosis worked... if it worked at all.

A few minutes before the stage show began, the lights in the theater dimmed.

"Uuuuh, spooky," Kenneth whispered into the wolf's ear. Fosk giggled nervously and the tiger guessed he was still feeling a bit anxious, so he searched for the wolf's paw in the half-light and squeezed it softly, trying to help him calm down.

He'd known that would probably happen, but he wanted to make sure Fosk enjoyed that show as much as he probably was going to.

When Master Xavier appeared on stage, with quite an anticlimactic entrance, he received a polite round of applause and the wolf took a sharp breath in. The hypnotist didn't look as handsome, imposing or overall fantastic as he did in the poster outside - in fact, he looked just like a regular crocodile in a purple suit, moving back and forth on stage as he talked to his audience. He sounded quite confident, though, as he cracked some jokes about how empty the hall was and his audience laughed with him, including Fosk and Kenneth. He spent a few minutes just doing that, and for a short while, it almost looked as if the show wasn't even going to start.

The black wolf was still a bit on edge, and Kenneth could tell that he felt slightly uncomfortable, although not as much as the tiger had thought he'd be. He glanced at the crocodile and wondered if Fosk liked him - he knew the black wolf had a thing for pocketwatches, stage shows and that particular showman attitude, so the answer was probably yes.

Finally, the time when the hypnotist asked for volunteers came. The black wolf looked a bit agitated, but it soon became apparent that Master Xavier hadn't even considered him, as he picked all of his volunteers in just a few seconds and most of them came from the first rows.

"That was quick," Fosk noted, slightly more relaxed now that he knew he wouldn't need to come on stage. "Do you think they're plants?"

Kenneth thought about it for a few seconds.

"No," he answered, finally. "He probably knew who he was going to choose before he even asked. I think he might have been analyzing them for a while now, that's why he only picked people from the first rows - because he needed to see them. If they were plants, he would have probably tried to scatter them across the room a bit more in order to make it seem believable, don't you think?"

"I guess that makes sense," Fosk agreed. "But... what does he need to analyze, exactly?"

Kenneth opened his mouth to answer, but then he noticed something happening on stage and he closed it. Xavier had made his four volunteers sit in chairs that stagehands had conveniently placed there mere seconds before, when the people the hypnotist had picked were walking towards the stage. The crocodile was now talking directly to the first of them, a young Labrador who looked just slightly nervous to be there as he listened to Xavier talk about how he was about to be hypnotized and how easy and nice it was going to be. And then, suddenly, he tapped his forehead and asked him to sleep.

At first, Fosk thought it wouldn't work, but the dog's head fell on his chest, eyes closed, body limp like a rag doll. Kenneth grinned.

"How did he do that?" the wolf asked, surprised. "I mean, that was such a short induction... I'm not even sure there was any!"

"Maybe he didn't need one," the white tiger suggested.


After spending a few seconds telling the Labrador how relaxed he was and how wonderful he was feeling, the crocodile moved to another volunteer, this time a young mare that had giggled a bit after watching the person next to her falling into trance so easily. This time, Xavier wiggled his claws in front of the mare's face for just an instant, as he held her hoof with the other hand and then pulled gently. And then, just like that, she was out.

The other two volunteers were put into trance similarly and, when they all were asleep, Fosk turned to Kenneth, as if demanding an explanation.

"He was looking for suggestible people," the tiger whispered. "And apparently there was one who was more suggestible than the others so he hypnotized him first. Once the others saw how easily it was for Xavier to hypnotize them... they were much more suggestible, which made things easier for him."

"So he could hypnotize them because he made them think so?" Fosk asked.

"Of course. I mean, I can hypnotize you because you know I can hypnotize you, right?" the white tiger asked, with a sly grin.

The wolf blushed and looked away.

"But..." he insisted, in a thin voice "how could he put them down so quickly?"

Kenneth smiled.

"He surprised the first one with a fast, authoritative command after letting him know how he was going to hypnotize him, which probably put him in the right mindset if he was suggestible enough. And for the second one, the girl, she gave her so many things to focus on that when the time came his mind simply shut off. I think our friend Xavier's good, actually!"

"You sound surprised," Fosk noted, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, as I told you, I'd never been in one of these, so I didn't know what to expect." The hypnotist made the Labrador on stage say something funny and the audience laughed. "But I think this was very interesting."

"I'm just glad I wasn't picked," Fosk admitted, smiling as he turned his attention to the show again.

Kenneth gave him a long look. He felt a sudden urge to say something, and he fought it for an instant, but the words ended up leaving his muzzle anyway.

"I can always pick you later if you want, cute wolf."

Even though Fosk didn't turn to look at him, the white tiger could know he'd heard him because of the blush on his cheeks, almost unnoticeable under the dim lights. He felt his own grin widening and caressed the wolf's wrist slowly as the show progressed. But his mind, just like during all those other sessions he'd have with his other clients, was somewhere else. While he laughed at Xavier's jokes and tried to analyze his technique, his thoughts were being consumed by the need he had so recklessly waken up. It was like watching a cooking show at night, only to realize how hungry he was.

He hadn't noticed, not until that very moment, how much he missed hypnotizing the black wolf and making him follow his every command.

When they both got out of the theater, almost an hour later, it had already gotten dark and rain was falling heavily. It looked as if it had been raining for a long time, too, since deep puddles could be seen all over the street.

"It's been a bad idea not to take the umbrella," Fosk said, smiling. "Very bad idea, indeed."

"Then why are you smiling?" the white tiger asked, puzzled.

Fosk chuckled softly and then looked down. His reflection stared back at him from a puddle nearby. He was quiet for a few seconds and only the raindrops filled the silence between them.

"That was what I was thinking that day. The day we met for the first time," he explained, softly.

Kenneth understood, as the memories of a completely soaked black wolf waiting at the doorstep came back to his mind.

"You should have taken an umbrella," he agreed. "We should have taken an umbrella. The sky was cloudy. It looked like it was going to rain from the beginning."

"No, it didn't," Fosk objected. But he smiled and looked up. "I think we'll have to run to the bus stop then. Your house is closer than mine, so that means you're morally forced to invite me over this time."

"Wasn't I already?" the tiger asked, raising an eyebrow. "I slept in your house last time."

"Yeah. Well, I guess you're right. But that only makes my argument stronger, doesn't it?"

They ran under the rain, feeling the cold water drenching their fur and making them shiver. Kenneth had hoped that the storm would subside once they left their shelter by the theater entrance, but it only seemed to get worse the longer they spent under the furious skies. The water fell heavily and it kept getting into his eyes, but he could see Fosk ahead, running like he assumed he'd ran that first day.

When they finally got to the white tiger's house, they were completely soaked and small puddles formed on the ground with every step they took. Kenneth let out a long, exhausted sigh once he closed the door at his back and then looked for some clean towels they could use to dry their wet fur. For some reason, Fosk looked happy when he handed him one of the white towels, even though water was dripping from the fur above his eyes.

"Can I please have a cup of coffee with the therapist?" he asked, with a playful smile. "Honestly, I think this is the time I need it the most."

"You look happy, though," Kenneth noted, as he took off his clothes and carried them to the dryer. He then turned to the wolf, who hesitated a bit. "We slept together, silly wolf. And I had already seen you naked before that, remember?"

"Yeah, I know. It's just that I'm still trying to get used to this," Fosk admitted, as he removed his own clothes and then handed them to the tiger.

"Ten months is still not enough time?" the tiger asked. He took one of the towels and began drying his fur thoroughly as he walked towards the kitchen. The last thing he wanted was to catch a cold and be forced to have his sessions while feeling sick. Tickling someone while sneezing all the time was definitely not the best combination he could think of.

"You made me forget seven of them, remember?" Fosk replied, sticking his tongue out at the tiger as he followed him to the kitchen. "It's not my fault that this felt shorter than it was."

"Last time I checked, I had already made you remember," Kenneth said. He found the coffee pot after looking for a few seconds. It had been a while since the last time he'd made coffee, so he made sure to rinse it with water. "In fact, we wouldn't be having this conversation if I hadn't, right?"

"My point still stands," the wolf said, grinning.

He was blushing, Kenneth realized - Fosk simply couldn't help himself, even when he was trying to play it cool and joke about it. Hypnosis was just such a big turn-on for the poor wolf.

And fortunately, it was for him, too.

"I bet there are lots of things I could make you forget," he suggested. "And I bet you'd love it."

"Hmmm. Who knows, who knows," the wolf said, sitting on a chair and watching the tiger as he placed the coffee pot on the stove. "It's been a while since the last time you put me down. Maybe I've forgotten what it feels like. Or maybe I don't like it anymore."

The white tiger turned to Fosk, giving him a sardonic look. Wrapped in that white blanket, the wolf almost looked like a very wet sheep, sitting down right in front of him. But if Fosk was the sheep, then who was the wolf? Kenneth grinned, claws tapping on the counter.

"I highly doubt that's the case," he said, using his best hypnotist voice. Measuring the rhythm, the tone, the ups and downs - teasing him with that hidden growl in his throat. He could see the immediate impact it had on the black wolf and he immediately felt that hunger inside him getting more intense. "I've been watching you in the show. You were fascinated. You still love hypnosis and you can't hide it from me. You know I'm right."

He held Fosk's gaze, giving him one of those grins that he knew the wolf liked so much. He could tell that his words had caused the desired effect because of those small, almost unnoticeable changes in the wolf's body. The shallow breaths as his chest rose and sank sharply. The fur on his neck, standing on end as he kept looking into the tiger's eyes. That gentle shade of red beginning to show on his cheeks. Kenneth had been working with Fosk long enough to know that the wolf was loving each and every second of that interaction.

And the hunger inside him wouldn't have accepted any other possibility, anyway.

"I guess you're right," Fosk answered, quietly. It sounded almost like a sigh. "I still love it too much."

"That's right. And it feels so good to admit it, doesn't it?" Kenneth took a step closer, towering over the sitting wolf. He looked so docile from that position as he looked up, slightly intimidated and embarrassed. And the tiger just loved the feeling of power rushing through his veins. "It feels good to just do as I tell you to do."

"Are you..." Fosk stopped and gulped. For a second, it almost looked as if the spell had been broken. Then, he continued speaking again with a thin voice. "Are you hypnotizing me now...?"

"Am I?" Kenneth asked, getting closer. He placed one of his paws on Fosk's cheek and some of the tension in his face seemed to dissipate immediately. "I don't think that's important. What's important is that, if I were to do that, you'd simply respond by sinking deeper and deeper, right? There's no reason to fight back. And you remember what that feels like."

Fosk held his gaze for a few, critical seconds. The tiger took a second to analyze his own words and came to the conclusion that he didn't have any plans, that he didn't even know where he wanted to go with all that. He was playing by ear now, giving into his own instincts and hoping that those would lead him to a satisfactory result. He'd never improvised an induction with a client before, but Fosk was no longer a client.

"I do," he muttered, finally.

"Good. See, you're such a compliant little wolf. I'm pretty sure I could make you do anything if I wanted to."

Those words brought some tension to Fosk's face, for some reason, but it quickly faded away once Kenneth gave him another charming smile and stroked his cheek.

"Y-yeah..." the wolf whispered, before taking in a deep breath. He didn't look hypnotized just yet, but he was definitely fascinated. His eyes were lost in Kenneth's and the tiger stroked that cute cheek with his thumb yet again, watching him as he drifted further.

"Yes, you love being back here. You love listening to my voice as your body relaxes and you can simply forget about those thoughts of yours for a second. You love being hypnotized, Fosk, and that's exactly why it is so easy for you to just follow along. You never forgot how that feels like."

The wolf's face was beginning to soften now as his mind probably did exactly what Kenneth had implied and brought back the memories of being in trance for the white tiger. It had been a long time, but Fosk's memories and his ex-therapist's words were guiding him to the right place.

Meanwhile, Kenneth couldn't look away from the face of the wolf, enjoying - no, devouring every single detail, every single proof of Fosk's submission to him. The wild need inside him was consuming everything and he had waited too long for that feeling. It had been difficult to know what he wanted in the past, but now that he had the wolf in front of him, lowering all of his defenses so that he could take control, he couldn't believe he hadn't realized before.

He wanted that. That specific moment, when he took over and he could command Fosk to do anything. That very second in which the wolf simply fell down and he became the puppet master behind the curtain. The delicious power trip drowning all of his senses and numbing everything and proving once again that he was in control, that there wasn't anything he couldn't ask Fosk to do. He would speak and the wolf, bound to his will, would obey.

And who cares if he doesn't want to do that? He will enjoy it anyway.

A sudden fear, shyly trying to get heard. It was washed away once he noticed Fosk's gaze was a bit glassy already.

But just look at him.Just look at him.

Yes. That was all he wanted, after all. And that was what the wolf wanted too, wasn't it? He knew that, now. Nothing wrong was going to happen. He loved that, he'd just admitted it. He loved that.

A rational part of his mind, long forgotten, insisted that this wasn't entirely right, that he was feeling way too horny for his own good and that if he didn't want to regret what he was about to do, he should just st-

"Go ahead, cute wolf. Sink deeper." He gave that fluffy cheek another stroke. "Remember how easy it is to obey. Remember how good it feels to just do as I say. You feel so comfortable following my commands, like a good pet. Yes. That's right. You remember how nice it felt to be your Master's adoring, submissive pet, right? And obey without thoughts, or preferences, or worries, or resistance. Even if it's something you don't like, you just obey."

There it was again - an almost invisible pulse of tension, a shy sparkle of worry in those beautiful eyes. But the wolf was already fascinated enough, Kenneth thought, and he didn't want him to come back up. Maybe now was the right time to...


And those eyes closed as if they had always been meant for that. The tiger's grin widened as he felt the weight of Fosk's head resting on his open paw, the wolf's body relaxing just as easily as if someone had simply cut the strings that kept it upright. He even let out one of those adorable sighs as every single remnant of tension evaporated and he sank into the deep abyss of mindlessness. It felt like watching a skyscraper collapse with a mere snap of his fingers. Kenneth even had to adjust his underwear because of how much that whole thing was turning him on - then, noticing that it wasn't needed anymore, he simply removed it carefully with the paw that wasn't stroking Fosk's face, standing now naked in front of the entranced wolf.

"I want you to get naked now," he said, thinking that he didn't want to be the only one without clothes in that room. "You'll feel just as relaxed and deep as you take your underwear off for me."

It took the wolf a few seconds to follow that command, probably because of how comfortable he was feeling in that position, but he soon did just as Kenneth had asked him and stood naked right in front of him. The white tiger smiled, seeing him follow his words so easily. The game could begin now that they both were naked in the heat of his kitchen - both bodies exposed and fur still slightly damp because of the rain.

But obviously, that was where the similarities stopped. One of them was following commands. The other was giving them.

"On your knees. Now." His voice sounded so much deeper, authoritative. The sound of it echoing in the silent room filled him with a proud feeling. Of course he was in control of the small wolf, sounding like that.

Fosk... hesitated? No, the tiger told himself. He was probably feeling too sleepy to move - that had to be it. There was no way he could defy the tiger's grip on his mind. Besides, it only took him a few seconds to obey and kneel on the cold floor, swaying a bit and then trying to find his balance. Kenneth chuckled and placed one of his paws between the wolf's ears, keeping him in place. He looked so adorable just like that, completely zonked out and doing what he was told.

He petted that cute head with one paw and enjoyed the rush of dominance as Fosk stayed motionless, eyes closed, right at his feet. His other paw was still toying with his throbbing member. The white tiger licked one of his fangs as he tried to think of anything to do with the entranced wolf, considering all the options, even those that might have been off-limits at some point. They stood like that for two long minutes, in the middle of that silent room. It wouldn't be long until the coffee was hot, but Kenneth couldn't possibly think about that right now.

There was a thing. It was clear. Clear like day, actually, seeing the position the wolf was in and how aroused he was. It was just the thing to do.

But for some reason, there was some resistance. Something at the back of his mind, preventing him to say the words, something still resisting to commit the crime, but he was so, so horny. He deserved that.

And even if he didn't, who was going to stop him? Resistance cracked and finally broke.

"Suck my dick."

It sounded so dirty, even then. So wrong. Kenneth knew just at that moment that he'd done something terrible, but like a child, he hoped that life would carry on and no one would notice. He wished that if he played his part, if he stayed in character, he would be able to ignore the fact that his heart had stopped beating for a second and his paws were sweating and he was feeling... a bit sick. His mind tried to make sense of the situation but, for some reason, he was confused. He wasn't sure what was wrong with him, but something was very, very wrong.

Then he looked down into those open eyes and he faced the judgment. He shivered from head to toe and a single thought went through his mind.

Why are they open.

Kenneth gulped. Suddenly, everything felt very fragile and he wasn't even sure what he'd been doing, or where he'd wanted to go with that. An annoying sound echoed in the room and he guessed it was the coffee pot indicating that the coffee was ready to be served, but he never moved from his position, as if he was frozen. He wanted to go back in time and stop himself from doing what he'd just done, but it was too late. The realization that he'd lost control hit him hard and suddenly he felt really scared.

"I... I'm..." he said, looking down at Fosk as he moved his shaking paw from the wolf's head.

How had that happened? He had no idea. That weird feeling of power rushing through his veins, the hunger guiding every action - all of that had vanished as soon as he'd looked into those open eyes and now everything seemed like a blurry nonsense in retrospective.

Eventually, Fosk stood up and left the room. Somewhere in the apartment, Kenneth could hear the dryer stopping and he guessed that the wolf was getting his clothes. The tiger barely moved a muscle, too shocked to react, until he saw the shadow of the wolf sweeping through the room. He was heading for the door.

"Wait!" he shouted, and his voice suddenly sounded so, so weak, much weaker than that great hypnotist he'd felt so proud about mere seconds ago. "F-Fosk!!"

He turned back and tried to get the wolf, but he was already leaving the apartment and all Kenneth saw was his back, now covered in his still wet clothes, as he walked away towards the door. It reminded him of their race under the rain, except for the fact that he hadn't been feeling so terrible when that had happened, and now there was no way he could catch up with the wolf. He could run, but it wouldn't be enough anymore.

When the door closed at Folk's back it felt like a sentence and Kenneth stood, naked, in the middle of his corridor. Alone.

"Fuck..." he mumbled, when he fully realized the consequences of what he'd done. His legs felt weak and he couldn't breathe for a second, so he squatted down and held his head with his paws. "Fuck! No, no, no, no, no..."

The disgusting, bitter smell of burned coffee was filling the house, but Kenneth didn't move.

Out in the rain, somewhere, someone was crying.