Mommy and me Pt 1

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Mommy and Me Pt 1

I love you Mommy

WARNING-This story is rated M. It may cause boners or wet pussies. The creator is me Mark James FoXx. (C) this is mine and only mine. Steal it and I will kill you. Only can be barrowed for masturbation purposes only. This is a Son Vs Mother romance stories. If you need a slave I'm for sale. ENJOY


I jumped off the bus and headed to the house. I just got from elementary school. I'm in the 3th grade. I walked into the house which once gave me love but only brings me and my mother tears. I walked into another argument.

"Why are you such a *****!?"

"Please, don't be mad." She tried to hug him, but was greeted with a hard slap across her muzzle which made her fall to the ground."

It was my mother against her boyfriend. He always took his anger out on her and sometime me but he couldn't touch me with my mother around. He was stressed out about his job or the fact that my mother loved me more than him.

I walked quickly to my room, but her already spotted me with his dark green eyes. "Hey! Were do you think your going." I said nothing. I started to walk faster. "Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you, Boy!" He yelled. I heard his footsteps increase after mine. I ran but I was stopped when he grabbed my bag and gripped my shirt. My bag fell off my shoulders and he lifted me up, by the neck, to his face. I was small for my age. He was a dark brown fox with piercing dark green eyes. "What did I tell you!" he yelled. He lifted his hand to slap me when I saw my mother swoop in and push him. She made him fall and made me fall out of his grip. She picked me up and shoved me in my room.

"Hide, Mark, Hide." She yelled. I run in my closet and crawled backwards in a crawl space that only my mother and I knew about. Next thing I heard was something I'll never forget. I heard her cry out loud and then it was followed by a big sock, then a thud.

"Why do you test my patient, woman." he said. I heard my door slam open and heard him come in. I stayed silent as my mother's boyfriend search my room for me. Then he left my room and I heard him say. "I don't know why you protect him."

I heard my mother said sweetly but weakly. "I love my son." I heard a blow that sounded like a swift kick.

"I got to go to work. Be ready when I get home." He said. I heard his footsteps fade into the distance then the front door open then slam. I crawled out slowly looking around then ran to my mother. She was on the floor curled up on the floor. My heart broke into a million pieces. I got on the floor and went up to her. "Mommy? Mommy?!" tears ran down my face as I saw her black eye. My ears folded back and I licked her face. I saw her eyes open slowly, showing her sapphire eyes . She focused on me and smile. "Hi baby."

"You ok, Mommy?" I was scared

"Ya, I'm ok." she caressed my cheek. "Hey, Hun. Why don't you go into the living room and watch TV, ok?"

"Ok, mommy." I got on my feet and walked to the living room, but as I turned the corner, I hid behind it. I watch my mother try to get up on her feet by using the wall then fall. it made my heart cry for I loved my mother more than anything in my life. she tried again and got to her feet and tuck away strand of her hair that was in her face. I saw her pick up my bag and put it in my room. As she came out of my room and shut the door I ran to the couch and turn on the TV to my cartoons. she went into the kitchen and cooked me up something to eat. I look back in the kitchen and I caught a glimpse of her tear filled face.

After watching 3 hr. of cartoon all I could think about is her. I remembered in school I heard high school kids talk about having sex with the one they love. I heard about sex but I never seen it done so I asked a friend of mine, that was in the 6th grade to show me how sex was done. He pulled out his Ipod and he had a movie of 2 cat having intimate sex. I was amazed. I looked like it hurt, but they seem to enjoy it. I asked him if he ever had sex. He said no but he told me it was the most fun I'll ever have. He told me it makes every thing go right and have sex with someone I loved. Her also showed me so nude vixens that had huge breast that looked like the size of my mothers. My dick grow hard and I grow more curios. I heard my mother call my name. "Mark! Dinner!"

I got up and went in the kitchen and sat down. She placed a plate of ravioli in front of me, my favorite. I grabbed my fork and started to eat. As I was eating my mother started to pet me, looking at me with her loving eyes but she covered her black eye with her hair. I looked up at her time to time seeing that amazing smile flashing at me.

When I got done eating my food I heard her. "Did you have enough to eat?"

"Yes, Mommy." I smiled. She kissed my forehead and took my plate but as she turned to the sink she flashed her black eye which made me sad. She began to wash the plate and I heard her soft cries. I walked up to her as she turned off the water and pulled on her shirt. She looked down at me.

"What is it, babe." She wiped her tears.

"I need help with my homework."

"Well." She took my hand. " We better get it done." I walked with her in my room and I unzipped my book bag. I took out my math home work that had one problem left on it. She looked at it and set it on my desk. I sat down and look at the problem. "Ok." she got on her knee and started to teach me. "If Alex has 3 cookies and his mommy gave him 25 more to give to his class. How many dose he have." She looked at me. "What's 3 plus 25, Mark." I started to finger count.

"26, 27... Umm." I was playing dumb. I was to busy looking at her breasts. "28?"

"Yep Now, write it down and then its time for bed." I wrote it down and gave it to her. She took it and stood up. I had to make my move before I really had to go to bed. I stood up and waited for my move. She bent over and my opportunity just opened I walked up behind her and my lowers began to harden. I was excited. I grabbed the rim of her skirt and pulled haft way before she realized what was happening. She spun around and looked at me with big eyes. "What are you doing."

"Umm..." It was time to tell her. I grabbed her legs and started to cry. "Mommy, I love you so much and I want to have sex with you because I love you." I felt her hands pull me away from her allowing her to kneel. She looked into my eyes.

"Mark, only grown up can do that." She took off my shirt and pants

"I don't care. I want to have sex with you." I pleaded

She picked me up and I wrapped my legs around her. "It's time for bed." she set me in the bed.

"Mommy, Please."

"No, its time for bed now, hush." she sat on the side of the bed. I jump up. I quick sat in her lap and stuffed my head is her bosoms. She chuckled.

"So, you want to have sex with me?"

I looked up at her. "Yes, Mommy."

"Ok." She got up with me in her arms and headed to the couch in the living room. She sat down and kissed me. She took off her top along with her bra exposing her breasts and threw them on the ground.. They were so big. She took off my underwear and threw them behind her. She put her paws on my rump and gentle caress my cheeks. My eyes were glued to her huge breasts. "Go ahead. Play with them." I lifted a paw and seat them on one of them. It felt soft. I put my other paw on her other breast and began to rub them. I looked up at her and I saw her blushing. I squeezed them gently and I heard her moan.. She leaned forward and kissed me, but this was weird. She put her tongue in my muzzle and I felt it play with mine. My dick poked her in the stomach and it made me blush. She leaned back and looked at me. "I love you."

I love you, too." I said. She made me stand up and to stood up as well she pulled her skirt and panties down. She sat on the edge of the couch. Her body was a work of art perfect in every way with her blue fur, Which made my tail wag. She spread her legs out and grabbed my cock. She rubbed it softly. It felt strange yet good. "Mommy, what are you doing."

"Making your dick harder." she grabbed my chin. "Now, Put your dick in mommy." She spread her pussy lips open.

"Umm... I'm scared." I said uneasy. She grabbed my hips and pulled me closer. She aimed my cock to her pussy and inserted it in. A wake of pleasure went over me and I went in more and more. She moaned softly as my hardness filled her empty space. It felt wet. For some reason my body went back and forth exiting and entering over and over. I look up at her to seek council. " Good boy. Keep going." I felt wet juices form under my cock and drip off. She grabbed me from behind and increase the pace of my humps. I began to moan as she gripped my rump tight and the pleasure of her walls squeezing and milking me to heaven. I gripped her breasts for support and it made her moan even louder. She made me hump her even faster and we both moaned in tune. My dick felt weird as a while of this. I felt like peeing but I never felt this way before. "Mommy. I got to go to the bathroom." she keep thrusting me in her. "Mommy, I can't hold in anymore. Ahh!" I let my lowers loose and I felt my cock pump something out. My mother pulled my hips tight with hers, making her throw her head back and yell. With the pumping, my energy went with it. I collapsed on top of her, laying my head on her. I felt her hands caress my cheeks and lifted my muzzle.

"You are amazing my son." she smiled. She kissed me sticking her tongue in my muzzle again. She moaned softly as she licked my tongue. I took out my dick and I saw it covered with juices and oozes. "Lay on the couch on the couch, baby." I got on the couch and laid down. I saw her dig in her pussy, getting a hand full of juices, and lick her paw. She turned her attention to me and lead over her body. She took my cock in her paw and licked it clean. Her tongue was warm and it felt wonderful. She licked up my body and gave me a kiss.

"How did I do, Mommy?"

She smiled and kiss my neck. "Wonderfully." she scooped. Me in her arms and took me to my room. She put me in the bed and tucked me in. "Baby, you can't tell anyone about this, ok." She kissed my nose and whispered. "It's our little secret."

"Ok." I smiled. "Can we do it again tomorrow?" I asked

"When Tory not home and your homework is done." She went out the door.


"Yes, baby?"

"Will you sleep with me."

She walk to the side of the bed "Yes." I slid over, allowing her to get in the bed. I cuddled in to her arms, up against her chest. I loved the feeling of our body warmed each other. She kissed my forehead and whispered. "I love you, Mark." With my last breath, before I when to sleep, I said back. " I love you, mommy."