605 Part 1

Story by Javelin Chimera on SoFurry

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#1 of New Tenant

An outgoing young lady attends a party in her new apartment building.

So I have a thing for bunnies?? They tend to be my go-to species for either gender when writing to have some fun. This tends to happen before I consider how many times I've done it previously. I'm working on upping variety. Regardless, this is one that I started roughly 6 months ago.

Dez shook her head. Try as she might, she couldn't clear away the fuzziness, the dull ache that had been building. She wasn't surprised. After all, it had been over a week now, since she had moved into this new apartment in the city. She couldn't remember the last time she had gone this long without, but after all it was tough, being in a new face in a new place. Tonight was the perfect time to change that.

Dez huffed, tapping her furred foot impatiently as the elevator climbed. It was in that same elevator that handsome brown colt had invited her, a few days prior, to the party that she was heading to now. Just from speaking with him, Dez had barely been able to control herself long enough to exit the lift. Dez's long-time friend, a cat named Becca, had posited that Dez must be either cursed or possessed given how difficult it was for the black-furred bunny to control herself. Dez didn't consider it a curse, but then she figured she might just be used to it after so long.

The elevator doors split with a 'ding', freeing Dez into a hallway that looked just like the one she lived on. "Room 605," the colt had said, inviting the bunny to a small party. Admittedly that sort of thing was not her usual scene, but Dez found herself starting to get desperate. It seemed like a great way to meet others in the apartment, if not friends of the other residents as well. She couldn't help but bite her lip in anticipation.

Pausing in front of the door labeled 605, Dez took a moment rub through her fur and straighten her clothes. She figured keeping it simple and light was best, wearing only short-shorts and a tank-top. Putting on a smile, she knocked loudly. It was only a few seconds before the door swung open.

"New girl! Welcome, welcome! Glad you could make it. Come on in, join the fun!" The familiar colt who had done the inviting swung the door open for her, stepping back.

Dez stepped into apartment, glancing around. The layout was like her own place, which made sense. The scent of a slightly skunky smoke itched at her nostrils, but the place smelled clean beyond that. Bass-filled dance music played just loud enough to fill the place but not disturb any neighbors, mingling with the sound of a handful of people here and there talking and laughing. Dez noticed a mix of many species present, not uncommon in the city, standing around or dancing in multiple spots, not really noticing the newcomer. Even the host, the brown colt, had already moved off to mingle, leaving the bunny alone.

Off to the side of the living room was a couch, occupied by a single canine sitting on one side. Husky by the looks of it, black with white underside fur. He was idly messing with his phone, paying no attention to anyone around him. Dez decided to start there. She padded over to the couch, sitting on the edge next to the dog. She could tell just from being that close that he was high and probably a bit drunk as well. Probably for the best.

"Hiya. My name is Dez. I'm new in the building." Dez arched her back a little to emphasize her chest, even though she wasn't much endowed up there. She found most didn't mind her tiny frame once they were actually touching it.

The husky slowly looked up from his device, eyes bloodshot, giving Dez a slight nod of recognition before looking back to his phone.

Dez gave him a pouty frown. "Not much of a party person? I don't blame you, neither am I."

The husky sighed, shaking his head and putting away his phone. "I'm sorry, not meaning to be rude," he said. "I just... I'm having a rough night, you know? Just went through a bad break-up."

Ears perking, Dez sat just a little straighter, placing her hand gently on his leg. She made her voice go slightly higher with feigned concern. "Oh you poor thing! Do you want to talk about it?"

It took a moment, but finally he started to speak. "I don't really know what happened, you know? Everything seemed to be going so great!"

Dez nodded along as the husky spilled his feelings, pretending to hang on his every word. She'd been in this position many times before. Guys especially were good about opening up, being down for whatever, after showing them some general kindness. It was actually the very easy, even with a fuzzy, aching head. And ache that was growing by the minute, pounding along with the music, drowning out the husky's words as his mouth continued to move. The urge too powerful at this point, feeling the guy's leg beneath her hand, catching traces of his scent through the smell of the room. It was screaming, louder and louder, 'Now. Now! NOW!'

"You poor sweet boy," Dez interrupted, her eyes somewhat glazed over, her hand moving on his leg. "I know what will make you feel all better."

Dez moved fully onto the couch, leaning over the husky's lap. Before he could protest, her soft furred hands had slipped into the front of his shorts and pulled free his sheath and sack. She pressed her lips to the side of his sheath, inhaling deeply of his scent while looking up at him innocently.

"Woah, woah, what are you doing?" The husky looked around quickly, placing a hand on the bunny's head.

Dez placed a finger against her lips briefly before using the same hand to massage the canine's sheath and balls. It wasn't long before his pink member started to poke free from arousal. The bunny's soft tongue lapped at it, coaxing it to further free and grow in front of her face. She softly kissed it and ran her fingers along its length as it continued to grow until the husky was fully erect against her.

The buzzed canine licked his lips, no longer concerned about the rest of the party. His hand on the bunny's head relaxed, scratching at the fur at the base of her ears. She took his free hand and moved it to her ass. He gripped her rump over her shorts, making her moan against his shaft. His fingers continued to firmly trace over her inner thigh and swollen pussy as she worked, making the horny little bunny squirm.

Gripping firmly at the base of the dog's cock, Dez licked along the full length, savoring the taste and scent of his pre as she reached the tip. Drawing from years of experience, she took his length into her mouth, moving her head up and down. She had learned a long time ago the best way to make her mouth feel like the tightest of cunts as she sucked someone off. She could taste the husky's excitement coating her tongue and throat as she bobbed. Combined with blessed feel of someone else rubbing her pussy, she was starting to soak through her shorts.

His knot grew quickly just above her grip. He grunted, gripping her ears and pressing down on Dez's head. She happily took him as deep into her maw as she could, her brush of a tail twitching happily. The canine cock throbbed as it began pulsing strings of thick cum into her throat. Dez groaned around her mouthful as she swallowed down every drop that the husky could give her. She could feel the warmth sliding down and radiating out from her chest. Immediately the fuzziness and ache that had begun to plague Dez lessened, almost disappearing. The relief alone was very nearly enough to make her orgasm.

Once she was certain that the canine was fully drained, Dez stood up in front of him, using her hand to wipe her lips. Now it was the dog's eyes which were slightly glazed over, looking distant as he slowly pull his shorts back over his sensitive manhood. Dez pat him lightly on the head.

"Thank you sweetie," she said. "I'm in 319 by the way. Come find me after you've recharged, we can play some more."

Dez didn't see him nod in response as she turned away, heading back towards the restroom of the apartment. She saw a couple of people watching her, smiling, no doubt having witnessed what she had done very much in public. She was counting on that. Already she felt a million times better, as if her batteries had been recharged. She was resolved to never go that long again without indulging, no matter what. The side effects just weren't worth it.

The colt's restroom was thankfully unoccupied. Dez stepped in, swinging the door closed behind her. Just as it was about to shut, a furred hand slipped through, blocking it and forcing it back open. A tall male cheetah stepped through, closing and locking the door behind himself. Dez spun, putting her back to the sink cabinet and facing the newcomer. She had seen this guy out in the party, mingling with some other girls. He was more muscular that most cheetahs that Dez had ever known, with black spots covering his yellow and cream fur. She could smell the alcohol radiating from him.

"Damn girl, you've been here all of ten minutes and you've already put on a show." He grinned, showing of teeth as his tail flicked behind him. "You got any more in you?"

On the inside, Dez practically squealed with delight. Outwardly, she tried her best to look meek, pushing out her chest once more. "What do you mean?"

"I think you know exactly what I mean," he said, stepping forward and pressing against Dez, her back pushed against the sink. He gripped her waist with both hands, his paws large enough to almost wrap around her midsection completely. He spun her, pushing her forward so that she was leaning over the sink cabinet, her hands pressed to the wall. Dez didn't even pretend to resist, practically giddy to experience what the cheetah had in mind.

Dez could see the hunger in the cheetah's eyes from his reflection in the mirror. He moved down behind her, claws pulling down her tight short-shorts and pulling her legs free. She gasped as he firmly gripped her ass, spreading her cheeks and teasing her tailhole and soaked pussy. She felt his hot breath before his feline tongue slid along her sensitive flesh and probed into her. Dez shivered as the lewd slurping noises he made as suckled on her pussy, his tongue teasing her clit.

He stood back up. A growl escaped his chest as his gaze locked with hers in the mirror, his body pressing against her. He must have freed himself as some point, as Dez very clearly felt the tip of his hot cock slide along the length of her slit. With a firm thrust, he pushed the entire thick length of his barbed feline dick into her pussy, spreading her legs and lifting her off of the ground.

Dez groaned, her pelvic muscles spasming as she came powerfully. Nothing in her life over the past long week or so compared to that very moment. This was exactly where she desired to be, at all times if she could. She could practically feel the cheetah's quickened pulse through his swollen member that filled her.

His hands grasping her hips, the cheetah started to pull back and thrust powerfully into Dez, driving her against the counter. He seemed desperate to push his entire length into the smaller bunny's body before filling her with his seed. Each thrust was stronger and faster, squelching into Dez's increasingly wet pussy.

"Oh gods yes! Harder! Use me!" Dez gasped, squeezing desperately around his cock.

"Shut your fucking mouth, bitch." The cheetah leaned forward, one of his large hands wrapping around Dez's throat. His grip wasn't firm enough to cut off her breathing completely, but she could feel her pulse against his fingers.

Dez's whole body quivered. A brief flash of fear shot through her. She had never had someone choke her before, and certainly never during sex. She wanted to gasp from the pleasure and the pain, but the air wouldn't come. All she could do was look into the cheetah's eyes in the mirror and he roughly thrust into her one last time before his throbbing cock erupted. The warmth of the feline's cum pouring into her womb pushed Dez over the edge once more, giving her one of the strongest orgasms she had ever experienced.

The cheetah released his grip, panting as he leaned over Dez's body. She gulped air as her body tried to catch up on supplying oxygen everywhere it was needed. He legs trembled heavily trying to hold up her weight as her feet touched the floor once again, the cheetah sluggishly pulling out of her. She could see in his reflection that is eyes were somewhat glassy, something that always tended to happen with Dez's partners.

Dez gingerly retrieved her shorts and slipped them back on. She could already feel the cheetah's seed starting to ooze from between her lips just as she pulled the bottoms up. She reached up, hand brushing the cheetah's cheek and smiling.

"That was something else. 319, if you feel like playing again sometime, hun."

The cheetah seemed to nod before pulling up his pants and slowly turning to leave. Dez sighed happily, taking a moment to feel the warmth now flowing throughout her body, both from the husky and the cheetah that had filled her. After a few moments, she straightened her fur and headed back out into the party.