A Dragon's Brother: Renewal 2

Story by ChakraDragon on SoFurry

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Cecil_88's Original Story:

Part 1) http://www.sofurry.com/?pid=1134

Part 2) http://www.sofurry.com/?pid=1186

Part 3) http://www.sofurry.com/?pid=1222

Part 4) http://www.sofurry.com/?pid=1290

Part 5) http://www.sofurry.com/?pid=2330

The Renewal Series:

Part 1) http://www.sofurry.com/page/158033/user

Part 2) You're reading it!

Part 3) http://www.sofurry.com/page/181771/user

Hello again, and welcome to the second chapter of A Dragon's Brother: Renewal. Immediately after posting the first chapter, I received enough positive feedback to prove not only that people really enjoyed this series, but they like what I've done with it as well. So I'm happy about that. Thanks everyone! I really liked writing the first chapter, in fact I found it hard to stop writing, and I hope to continue writing for a while, working to bring back old series that ended long before they should have. But that's a story for the future. For now, enjoy chapter two!

WARNING! The following story contains adult material not suitable for anyone under the age of 18. If you are not 18, or you do not enjoy yiff, please exit this page, though I'm not sure why you would have clicked on it in the first place if that was the case. Please continue at your own discretion. I'm sure I could say more, but everyone that should have left would already be gone by now so... enjoy the story, I suppose.

Lance awoke to the gentle hum of the TV. Sypher was awake first, as he often was, and had decided to stay in bed until his brother woke up so that Lance could sleep as long as he wanted. Sypher's chest was his pillow, after all. Lance lifted his head from his brother's red chest and planted a kiss on his right cheek. "Well good morning, sleepy head," said Sypher in reply. "You sure do like to sleep in, huh? It's nearly 11 o'clock in the morning." Lance propped himself up into a sitting position on the edge of the bed. "Well we didn't get home until after 3 AM last night, not to mention everything else that happened last night." Lance cast a sideways look over his shoulder and saw his brother blush and smile. "Besides," Lance continued, "it's still summer."

"Yeah, but not for much longer. Not for me, at least," said Sypher. "I'm going off to college in, what, six days?" Lance's heart sank. Sypher was going to leave him again. Well, not like he had left their relationship, but he was still leaving in some way. "Yeah... right," Lance said, casting his gaze towards the floor. "But whatever happened to going to Jake's house?" asked Lance. Sypher sat on the edge of the bed next to his brother, laying his head on his brother's bluish-green shoulder scales. "I called him right before we went into the hospital. They wouldn't let me take my phone in so I just called him up real quick and told him I couldn't make it that night. It wasn't a very good excuse but it was like 1 AM at that point and I had woken him up with my call so he really didn't care."

"Well, when will you be leaving then?" Lance asked. Contrary to his thoughts from before the crash last night, Lance now wanted to spend as much time as possible with Sypher before he would have to leave for college. Sypher hesitated with his answer. He actually took so long to think out his response that Lance became bored and started picking the frayed strings off of his abdominal bandages. After about a full minute and a half, Sypher had made up his mind. "You know what, forget it. I'm just going to stay here with you until it's time for me to leave. Sure it'll be a pain in the ass to move on my own, but who cares? It's your ass I care about, not mine." Lance laughed. "Yeah, you proved that quite well last night." Sypher added, "Besides, I have no car right now. I barely managed to get you to the hospital with it; it died as soon i pulled into a parking spot. They towed it to a repair shop and are working on it now."

Sypher got up off the bed and got dressed. "I'm going to go call Jake and give him an update on this situation and then make us some breakfast. Dad had to go off to work in some random-ass country again, and he has no idea when he'll be back." He chuckled to himself. "He had to wake up at 6:30 in the morning today to head out. He couldn't have gotten more than two hours of sleep. That's gotta suck." Lance nodded his head in agreement and got back into bed as he waited for his brother to call him in for breakfast.


Over two plates of toast and hashbrowns, the brothers talked about various topics, ranging from school to favorite foods to old childhood memories. "You remember that time when we were really young and we hid in the back of dad's car between the seats when he was leaving for work," Lance began, "and he drove all the way to the airport without noticing? And then we jumped out of the back seats and scared the crap out of him?" Lance started laughing so hard that Sypher had to finish the story. "Haha, and he had to drive us ALL the way back home and then get back to the airport in like 5 minutes!" Now Sypher was laughing hysterically. "Dude he was SOOOO pissed!" Lance lost control of his laughter and fell off his chair, landing directly on his right arm. "GOD DAMN, that hurt!" he yelled. Sypher, still chuckling a bit to himself, went over and helped his brother up. "Way to go, knucklehead," Sypher said sarcastically. Lance, now upright, landed a good punch with his left hand on Sypher's shoulder. Lance left hand was not his dominant hand but it was still a pretty good hit, and Sypher rubbed the spot with his hand. "Yeah, I suppose I deserved that." They both say back down.

Lance became very serious very quickly. "Sypher... I don't want you to leave." Sypher was a bit puzzled. "Well, like I said, I've still got six days here befo-" Lance cut him off. "Ever." Now Sypher's expression went from that of confusion to shock. "What?" Sypher said, still in awe. "Lance, I have to go to college. That's why I've been going to school my entire life. That's why you're going to school now. You can't expect me to just throw that all away. I'm supposed to become an Engineer. I WANT to be an Engineer." Lance's expression saddened. "I know, it's just that... well, you're leaving in six days, and then a week after that school kicks in again for me. I've insulted and beat up one of the toughest jocks in the school out of pure rage and he's the kind of guy that holds a grudge. And not only that, but I'm crippled now. I'm even more of a target than before, if that's possible. I can't live without you. And that's more literal than you think."

Sypher looked into his brother's eyes. In them he saw fear, anticipation, and most of all, passion. "What do you say?" asked Lance. Sypher didn't know what to say. He bought himself some time by shoveling some food into his mouth, but Lance only grew more anxious, so much so that he was leaning his head only a few mere inches in front of Sypher's face, awaiting his response. "I just don't know," Said Sypher. What a climactic answer. Then Sypher got up, scraped the last bit of food off of his plate and put it in the sink, and was about to leave the kitchen when he said, "Give me tonight to think about it. I'll have an answer for you tomorrow." Lance was at least slightly relieved to be given that courtesy.


(That night)

Blood on the floor and walls. A strangled choking sound coming from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. Lance's body on the ground, scratched and mangled. His casts are torn to pieces. Sypher tries to move, but he can't. He can't even speak. There is a strange taste in his mouth. The taste of iron. Blood. Rain is falling outside, but it cannot be heard. All that can be heard is the gasping, choking, wheezing. He looks at Lance. He sees his brother being dragged outside by an invisible force. Into the rain. Out of his home. Jason appears in the doorway. He stares as Sypher. Sypher can do nothing but stare back. Jason slams the door shut with an angry scowl on his face.

Sypher woke up breathing heavily and in a cold sweat. That was the first nightmare he had ever had involving Lance. He had always worried for him, but he was not aware that such fears could lead to... that. It closely resembled the nightmares Lance had had, though Sypher knew nothing of them. He lay on his back in his bed, cupping one hand over his eyes, trying to regain his composure. He still had nothing to tell Lance in the morning about leaving for college. He was laying in bed trying to come up with a solution when sleep took over. He wasn't sure what to do. But he knew he had to do something.

Lance was just as restless that night, though for a totally different reason. When he fell on his arm during breakfast, it had actually caused more damage than he thought, and he now found it difficult to move his right arm at certain angles, as if his right arm wasn't already messed up enough. That night, he found out the hard way that getting dressed was not as easy as getting undressed without the use of two arms. He pulled his shirt and pants off with one hand with relative ease. He also took off his boxers, as he had been wearing them for two days. When he tried to put a new pair on, he found that doing so would require him to bend or move in a way that his body wouldn't let him. So he slept in the nude.

As he got into bed and began to toss and turn, the feeling of his sheath against the soft, warm comforters was enough to get him aroused. He attempted to ignore it because he just wanted tomorrow to come so he could get an answer from Sypher, but that plan failed. Overcome by arousal, he threw the sheets off his body and tended to his erect member. At first he stroked it slowly, rubbing his open palm along its full length. Pre-cum came out, and he took it on his thumb and licked it. He savored his own familiar taste. He took his penis in his hand again, stroking it up and down at a steady pace with a light grip. His cock was slightly moist and warm and gave off a musky smell, both of which were caused by the internal dragon "juices" inside of his body and sheath. He enjoyed every bit of it. The reptilian juices acted as a sort of natural lubricant, making self-play that much more pleasurable. Because of his recent increase in sexual activity, he began producing more of these juices. He was both pleased and proud.

Lance jerked his cock more rapidly now, squeezing his thumb and index finger together as he approached the tip. Unfortunately, as Sypher had said, Lance was better at this kind of thing with his right hand. But Lance had an idea. Releasing his member, he took his tail from between his legs - he was lying on his back with his tail between them - and wrapped it around his now pre-cum lubricated dick and resumed his up and down motions. The texture of his tail resembled that of his hand; scaly. Its odd shape, however, just felt so different, so... right. Lance lay flat on his back with his head tilted back, his eyes closed, panting softly, completely motionless except for the tender motions of his tail. Up and down it went, coaxing more pre-cum from his clenched member.

Lance heard his door open. He didn't panic though. He knew his dad wasn't home, and he knew Sypher wouldn't care about what he was doing, if he wasn't simply aroused by it. Sypher walked in and shut the door. "Well, look at you, getting all creative with the tail," he said, coming over to the bed. Lance noticed he was naked. He must have had something planned. "What's up?" Lance asked, releasing the grip of his tail. Sypher got into the bed and snuggled next to his erect brother. "I haven't exactly made up my mind about leaving yet, but I have decided that if I do, you deserve a little parting gift." Lance grinned. "I like where this is going." Sypher put a hand behind his brother's head and pulled him into a kiss. They locked muzzles and their tongues explored each other's mouths, their bodies wriggling as they breathed heat into one another. After a short while, Sypher broke the kiss. "Judging by the look of your 'little friend,'" he said, pointing to Lance's hardened cock, I'd say you already started. And if you don't mind, I'd like to try something." Lance said nothing, but simply watched as his brother, still unerect, positioned himself over the top of Lance's own member.

Sypher took his sheath in one hand and Lance's cock in the other. He guided them towards one another, until the tip of Lance's penis was inside of Sypher's sheath. "Go," said Sypher. And Lance went, bucking his hips upward and pushing himself into his brother's sheath. They both let out long, articulated moans, happy that the lack of their father's presence meant they could make as much noise as they pleased. The inside of Sypher's sheath was soft, warm, tight, and slightly moist. It was like a tailhole, but more flexible, almost stretchy. Lance, overwhelmed by the pure awesomeness of the sensation, continued to push into the sheath until it made contact with Sypher's member, now becoming erect. It pushed back against Lance's cock until it was forced out of the sheath. Sypher became fully erect within seconds and a small trail of fluids stretched between the heads of their two cocks.

"Well," Sypher began, panting, "Definitely put that in the future To Do list." Lance nodded in agreement, gasping as well with his tongue out of his mouth. "And now for your gift," said Sypher. "Just let me do all the work." Lance agreed and laid back in the bed, his arms crossed behind his head to the extent that his right arm would allow. Sypher sat in front of his brother and leaned towards him. He licked his member from top to bottom, lapping up all of the juices that had accumulated on it by that point. He then took the tip into his mouth, bobbing his head gently up and down on it and swirling his tongue around the sensitive areas. Lance moaned deeply and a soft purr emanated from the back of his throat.

Sypher took his brother's full length into his mouth, breathing heat along its entire length and moistening it with his saliva. He bobbed his head up and down on it at a good pace, turning his head at a different angle every 10 seconds or so. The feeling was so sensational that within the first 2 minutes, Lance was nearly at his climax. "Keep going..." he told Sypher, "I'm almost there." Once he said that, Sypher removed his brother's cock from his muzzle, wiping his mouth on his arm. "Why'd you stop?" breathed Lance, though not in an angry tone. Sypher moved over and sat on the edge of the bed. "Let me show you a little something I learned about myself recently," the red dragon said. He leaned forward and placed his hands on the underside of the mattress, gripping tightly. He then opened his mouth and pulled his body forward, engulfing his own 12-inch erect member in his muzzle. He got it in almost all the way to the hilt.

Lance stared in amazement at his brother's dexterity. Lance would have tried right then and there, but he was in no condition to do so. He simply watched as Sypher tended to his own member with his muzzle, using the same technique on himself as he had on Lance, in terms of sucking. Lance heard Sypher gulp every time he produced a good amount of pre-cum, which he did often. After about 3 minutes, during which time Lance resumed stroking himself lightly to maintain his orgasm but not unleash it, Sypher stopped his self treatment. "Come here," he told his brother. "Put your body like this." They approached each other in sitting positions in the middle of the bed, legs outstretched. Lance put his right leg over Lance's left, while Lance put his left over Lance's right. In this position, they were able to pull themselves close to each other until the bases of their members were touching. "Ready?" Sypher asked. "I'm always ready to get a gift," Lance replied.

Sypher embraced his brother, using him as a counter-balance. "Lean back a little," Sypher said, and Lance did. Sypher bent forward and took both of their cocks into his mouth, pressing his head into his brother's abdomen to hold it in place, being careful to avoid his injured area. His head was immobile in this position, so he began bucking with his hips to move his member up and down in his mouth. Lance quickly did the same. Lance was astonished Sypher had such sexual skills and knew so many positions, especially when they required another male to do them. His thoughts were interrupted as he felt his climax approach. "Sypher..." Lance panted. "I'm... I'm..." At that moment Sypher began to hump his own face faster and with more force, making climax inevitable. This triggered a similar reaction from Lance, and he too began to buck faster, feeling the warmth of his brother's mouth and the slimy friction of his brother's lubricated member. Both he and his brother erupted at the same time, spewing dragon cum upward and into the muzzle and throat of Sypher. He did not swallow, but simply kept his mouth shut throughout the entire orgasm. Lance moaned during his entire climax, and almost fell backwards, as he was only propped up by his hands in that position.

As their orgasms came to a close, Lance's actually lasting longer than his brother's, Sypher removed his muzzle from their two softening privates and brought it upright. He took one big gulp, swallowing all of the semen his mouth contained. It caused a warm sensation to flow through his throat and stomach. He licked his lips, got off the bed and stood up. "Hope you enjoyed that," he panted, "but I promise, I will have an answer for you tomorrow morning." Lance simply nodded, completely spent from the greatness he had just experienced. Sypher left the room, silently shutting the door behind him. Neither of them would have any trouble sleeping now.


Lance woke up first the next morning, which was surprising to him. He was still naked, as he had no way to get dressed on his own, but that didn't matter since he was home alone with Sypher anyway. He made his way into the kitchen, where he had a quick breakfast before moving into the living room to watch television. He played around with his casts, scratching at them, knocking on them, doing anything to pass the time. Within a half hour, Sypher emerged from his bedroom, wiping the sleep out of his eyes. He took a seat next to Lance, but said nothing, not even acknowledging that Lance had no clothes on. They sat in silence for another 10 minutes, the endless drone of the TV numbing their senses.

Then Sypher spoke. "I'm going to college, Lance. I know you don't want me to, and you should know I don't want to leave you either, but abandoning my education was not something I had prepared for. Dad works hard enough for us and I couldn't live with myself if I had to just mooch off of him my entire life. I'm sorry... I love you, but that's the way it is." Lance had expected nothing different. His heart felt heavy, but he understood where Sypher was coming from. He hugged his brother, gently petting his back with his good hand. "It's okay, I understand. Just... come home whenever you can okay?" Sypher smiled and kissed Lance on the lips. "I promise I will," he said.

Sypher was just about to get up when Lance said "And don't 'fool around' with TOO many people, okay? I still exist when you're in college, you know." Sypher laughed a little. "Trust me," he said, "I've done my fair share of that. No one is as good as you anyway." Lance blushed. "But remember what I said, while I'm gone, you can have a little fun with whoever you want. I know you're growing and your junk needs attention every once in a while. Just don't go too crazy because you have to remember that I still exist when you're at home, okay?" Lance nodded in agreement, though he was going to miss the protection his brother offered more than the sex. "And if things get bad," Sypher added, seemingly hearing Lance's thoughts, "stick with that Vince kid. He seems like a nice guy." Lance nodded again. Sypher stood and gestured towards Lance with his hand. "Come on, let's get some clothes on you," he said.


The next few days blurred together for Lance. He had very little to do, especially since his body was still recovering and Vince was out on a vacation for a while. His dad was still away, though it made no difference to him. He was just searching for ways to kill time while his body healed and the beginning of school kept approaching. Sypher was often running around the house or out doing errands, which Lance had guessed was all in preparation for college. He still had no idea where Sypher was going, but that didn't matter to him, it still meant he would be gone.

Eventually, the morning of Sypher's departure arrived. Lance was woken up at about 6 AM by a gentle shaking. "Wake up, Lance. I'm heading out," Sypher murmured to his half-asleep brother. Lance sat up in the bed, wearing just his boxers. Having learned the difficulties of getting dressed with a broken body, he had decided to keep them on during nights and change them during the day. Sypher extended a helping hand toward his brother, which Lance took, and Sypher pulled him into a standing position from the bed. They headed through the hallway and made their way to the front door, where Lance saw what remained of Sypher's luggage: three suitcases. Lance figured everything else was already in the car.

"Will you give me a hand with these?" Sypher asked, picking up two of the suitcases. Lance walked over and picked up the third. It felt surprisingly light. As they walked out the front door, Lance felt positive that his suitcase was empty. "Sypher, I think you forgot to pack this one." He placed the suitcase on the ground and unlocked the latches. He opened slowly, and inside he saw...

...Nothing. Absolutely nothing. "What...? Lance said in a surprised tone. He looked up to see Sypher standing in front of him, both suitcases unlatched. They were both empty as well. "Surpriiiiise!" said Sypher. "I'm not going anywhere!" Lance stood up quickly, enraged by Sypher's rash decision to stay, and angry with himself for telling him to do so. "Sypher!" Lance yelled, "I don't need you to throw your life away for me! That's the exact thing we were trying to avoid remember?!" Sypher gave a short laugh. "Don't worry bro, I enrolled in online classes. It'll probably be more difficult since there's no face-to-face instruction and I have to manage my own time, but... I'll tell you the rest inside. Come on, grab the suitcase and come in."

On the living room couch, Sypher continued. "You have to understand, I spent a long time thinking about this. I made this decision for the both of us. Last night, before all that stuff we did, I had a dream... a nightmare. About that night you got beat up." Lance cringed as memories of his own horrific night terrors came creeping back into his head. Sypher beaten and bloody, everything being all his fault, "You did this... You did this..." Lance forcefully pushed the images and thoughts from his head. "Lance," Sypher said, "When you came home all beaten up and scarred was the scariest part of my entire life. Well, that, and the crash... which I still feel awful about. But it's like we both talked about before, Lance, you need to be protected. You need me." Sypher placed a hand on his brother's cheek. "And I need you."

Lance blushed. A single tear rolled out of his left eye. He pulled Sypher into a kiss, holding back sobs as he did so. Lance broke the kiss and hugged his brother as tightly as he could, regardless of the pain in his right arm. An incredible wave of relief washed over him. Sypher was staying. Lance would never have to be alone again. Ever.


And there you have it, chapter 2. I know not much really happened, and that the majority of you probably only read this for the sex part, which I made as detailed as I could, but this chapter solved the whole 'Sypher going to college' problem that Cecil_88 left behind. I really enjoy writing these and already have plans for the next two chapters, and if feedback continues to be good, then the series will continue as well. I personally loved this series, and I hoped to go on with it for a while, and I may even make a series of my own, but I also think it would be cool to go back to abandoned series that everyone loved and, dare I say, "Renew" them XD What a terrible joke. I doubt anyone is reading this anymore anyway >_>

Sooooooo, as before, leave all feedback in the comments section. THANKS MUCH! - ChakraDragon

Original story, titles, and characters (c) Cecil_88

Renewal series (c) ChakraDragon

A Dragon's Brother: Renewal 3

Cecil\_88's Original Story: Part 1) Part 2) Part 3) Part 4) Part 5) The Renewal Series: Part 1) Part 2) Part 3) You're reading it! Hey everyone. So it's been a while since I last posted (3 months, I'm so sorry),...

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A Dragon's Brother: Renewal

Cecil\_88's Original Story: Part 1) [http://www.sofurry.com/?pid=1134](http://www.sofurry.com/?pid=1134) Part 2) [http://www.sofurry.com/?pid=1186](http://www.sofurry.com/?pid=1186) Part 3)...

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