Old Nag (full story)

Story by Dirty Little Secret on SoFurry

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#16 of Complete Stories

How dare that deadbeat husband of mine call me an 'old nag'? He's just jealous that the last twenty years didn't do him any favors. Yiff him. I'll show him that I'm still a mare worth taking to bed -- and that new pup in the office is just the guy to help me with that!

M (Golden Retriever) x F (mare), infidelity, MILF, big boobs, workplace romance, alcohol -- 14982 words in 1 chapter.

(Artwork used by permission from Freckles)

I rolled my lukewarm coffee around in my mouth and stared down at the lipstick stains on my cup. I could barely taste the gin. There wasn't nearly enough in it for a workday like today. But the little bottle in my desk drawer was empty now.

Buy more gin, I wrote in a quick email to myself. The phone dinged. Email received. Great - now I might remember to pick some up on the way home. More likely, I'd check my phone when I got home, see the email, and have to go back out again. Still, it was the most productive and useful thing I'd done all day, and it was nearly five.

Goddess, what was I thinking back when I'd accepted the position as Marketing Director, all those years ago? It was the most respected, most lucrative job title I'd ever held, and it was the worst yiffing decision I'd ever made. All I did was sign off on this project or that to sell useless crap to people who didn't need it. I paused, then sent another email to myself on the subject of gin. The phone dinged. If I had to sit through another goddess-damned board meeting with nothing but caffeine in my coffee, I'd end up strangling the first person who said the word 'quantitative'. Take that, glass ceiling!

Something caught my eye in my office window, something moving ... and then it was gone. I hadn't really registered it, just a little flash of gold, but even that was enough to brighten my mood a little, somehow.

I rose from my too-modern desk chair and came up closer to the window, pulling a string to tilt the blinds open. The window looked inside, toward the main marketing office, rather than outside. This depressing heap of a building had been built in the fifties or sixties or something, and apparently outside windows hadn't been in fashion. And even though everything on the inside was sleek and modern now, still the only window I had was there so I could watch over all the poor saps unlucky enough to work in my department.

Ah, there was what had caught my eye. I leaned against the edge of the window, coffee in one hand and idly twirling a lock of my mane with the other. It was Daniel Jones - or Danny, as he insisted everyone call him - the new Sales Director who'd replaced the previous guy when that dinosaur of a lion had retired. Danny was a golden retriever, and the youngest man to hold a directorship in the company's history, or so I was told.

Goddess damn it, just look at him go.

I took a bitter sip of my coffee and watched him flirt with one of the clerks outside - a pretty little parakeet probably even younger than him. Sally? Sue? Sarah? It was definitely something with an 'S'. Whatever her name was, she was definitely taken with Danny. The way her crest feathers fluffed up made it painfully obvious. Yiff, at least half the women in the department were making goo-goo eyes at him, even as he chatted up that twitty little good-for-nothing.

But who could blame them? Every time Danny stopped by - on an almost daily basis - he was always dressed in a sharp, tailor-fitted suit that made him look like a billion bucks in untraceable bills, and the way he was so quick and easy with that tail-wagging smile of his always put everyone at ease. Everything about him was just so infuriatingly, adorably perfect. If you talked to him for even a minute, you'd end up sure that he wasn't keeping a single secret from you. He'd give you that cute smile of his, a genuinely good handshake, and wish you the best ... and you'd actually believe that he wanted the best for you.

He made his way through the marketing office, chatting with employees like he was a long-lost friend. Every motion was perfect and warm, but with just a hint of pirate-like swagger ... like he knew the whole world was his to take, and he'd never felt the pain of someone ripping it all away from him.

Goddess, I envied him for that. I remembered how I'd felt like that once. Not enough gin in this yiffing coffee.

Still, I couldn't bring myself to hate that pup, as much as I wanted to. That's what was so infuriating about him. You couldn't help but wish him well, too. He was a real go-getter, that one. A real retriever. I smirked at my own joke and swigged down the last of my coffee, almost choking on it. But Danny just had a way of making everything seem better and brighter, and just a bit more colorful. He had that puppy-like innocence that made you know you'd feel like shit for the rest of the day if you said something that took away his stupid smile.

I'd been told - by damn near everyone - that since I was the Marketing Director and he was the Sales Director, we'd be working together all the time. Lucky me, right? That was one of the most moronic lies I'd heard in years. What it actually meant was that his people would be working with my people. The closest I usually got to him was having his signature next to mine on some approval form or other. Not that I'd mind working with him. Hell, maybe then I wouldn't need my coffee laced with so much--

My phone rang, and I tore myself away from the window to fish it out from the purse under my desk and answer it.

"Hi, Mom," the voice on the other end said.

"Samuel!" I tried to put a note of cheer into my voice, but I wasn't sure if I'd really managed to pull it off. "It's good to hear from you. How's Stacy doing? Are you two still together?"

"Yeah, yeah. It's going great. She decided to be an art major, too."

I rolled my eyes, being careful not to make a sigh that could be heard over the phone. "Oh dear." Oh dear? Who says 'Oh dear'? Yiff! I'm going to end up acting like a grandma even if my son can never make it true! I try to shrug that off and recover. "I had... Well, I had hoped that at least one of you would be choosing a major that was more ... practical."

A wordless, heavy groan came from the other end of the line.

"Look," I told him. "I know. I've heard it all before, but you have to think seriously about--"

"Mom, I told you, I'm not changing majors! I have to try this first, okay. Because if you don't try..."

"Then you've already failed," I completed the saying for him. "Like I said, I've heard it all before. I'm just a little disappointed that at least one of you didn't go into something a bit more financially secure. I mean, if you're ever thinking of..." I stopped myself before saying 'starting a family'. Samuel was a mule, thanks to his donkey father, and all mules are infertile. The impossibility of grandchildren was a sore spot I did not need to be prodding right now.

"If we're thinking of what, Mom?"

The 'we' in that sentence didn't escape my notice. Apparently the Stacy thing was getting pretty serious. "Nothing," I told him. "I just don't want to see my son and my possible daughter-in-law both being starving artists. One of you has to be able to support the other, right? Just as a safety net?"

"How's Dad doing?"

The question caught me off-guard. I'd expected another tirade about how the only people who achieve their dreams are the ones who chase them ... but this? How much did Samuel already know? "He's, um..."

"You don't have to hide it. I know he moved out. I just want to know, do you have like a good phone number for him or anything?"

Oh. Was it a month already, since I'd stopped paying that deadbeat's phone bill? "I don't know, sweetie. But he's staying with your Gammy, helping to take care of her." 'Gammy' was Samuel's childhood name for my mother-in-law, which had stuck for some reason. And I knew full-well that she was taking care of my estranged husband, not the other way around. I should know. I'd acted like I was that man's mother for years. It was a shame that he was taking advantage of such a lovely old lady like that, but it beat having him sticking around the house. He'd tried to kick me out of my own house - the house I'd paid the mortgage for fifteen years - but that hadn't gone well...

I still remembered that night more vividly than I remembered my breakfast this morning. I'd come home to catch my husband, Franklin, in the act of googling 'how to buy a prostitute'. What had followed was a lot_of yelling and biting insults. He said I didn't have time for him anymore, that I didn't take care of his needs anymore. I said that if he hadn't been in the papers for groping secretaries, he wouldn't be a drunken, unemployable slob and maybe then I'd _want to 'take care of his needs'.

He'd wiped the gooey, beer-ridden spit from his lips and stumbled toward me, his shirt stained and his fly open, and he threw his mostly-empty bottle. There were tears in his eyes, along with all the hate and pain. "Fine! Go then, you bitch! As if anybody would want a tired old nag like you!" Only, I wasn't the one who left. Oh no. Surprising myself with the ice in my voice, I'd informed him that if he wasn't out of the house by morning, I wouldn't be making the mortgage payments anymore, and he'd be on the street. He stormed off, jumped in his car, and sped away. He hadn't been home since.

I'd called the cops on him, in a fit of pique, and reported him as a drunk driver ... but they must not have caught him, because the next I heard, he was calling from his mother's number and begging me to take him back. I'd hung up the phone in the middle of his sobbing confession and--

"Mom? Mom! Are you still there?"

"Yes, yes of course, sweetie." I blinked and shook my head a little, almost surprised to find myself still in my office. Had I really zoned out that much? Maybe the coffee actually had too much gin. "What were you saying? I, um... I think the signal broke up for a minute there."

"I said, can you text me Gammy's number? I don't think I have it anymore, ever since I got my new phone."

"Oh, right. Of course I will." I leaned my hips against the desk. "Now could you promise me that you'll at least talk to Stacy about--"

"Ugh! Mom! I told you, that's not going to happen!"

I held my tongue. I should count myself lucky that I was one of the few moms of college-age kids whose child actually called from time to time, even if his stubbornness did constantly remind me of his father. "I know, I know," I said. "And I respect your decision. I'm just worried about you and--"

The door to my office opened, and Danny strode in like he owned the place, already beaming his cocky grin. But the moment he saw me, he stopped, crouching down a little and holding his hands up as if that would make him invisible. "Oh, I'm sorry," he whispered. "I didn't mean to interrupt. I'll just..." He began sliding his way out through the door.

Maybe it was just the gin in me, but I made a split-second decision then. "Sweetie, I'll have to call you back," I said. "Work stuff. You know." I hit the button on the phone without waiting for Samuel's reply.

Danny paused in the doorway, as if frozen in time on his way slinking through it.

I slipped the phone next to my keyboard and sat down on the edge of the desk, facing him. "Come on in, Danny. It was nothing important."

He stood there in the doorway, still, rubbing the back of his neck in a delightfully transparent show of awkwardness, even as he tried to give me one of his trademark winning grins. "Oh no, I shouldn't interrupt. I was just checking in, you know, seeing how everyone is doing."

"Come on." I waved him toward one of the chairs in front of my desk - nice, comfy leather ones that I wished I could get away with using as my own office chairs. "What's on your mind?"

He shook, seeming to shed the awkwardness as easily as he'd shake off a bit of rain water. And then he was back to his fluid, confident self, plopping himself down in the chair like it was his own recliner back home and crossing his legs as he propped them up on the other chair. "Seriously, seriously, just checking in. How've you been, Missus Morrow?"

"Please, call me Janet." I leaned closer, pressing a hand against the hem of my skirt-suit to make sure it didn't ride up too much. "And come on. I know you can't be smiling that much for no reason at all..."

His grin grew even wider, and he held his arms to his chest, trembling a little with the effort of holding it in.

I waited patiently, watching him closely.

And soon enough, he blew - he leapt up from the chair and bounced up and down in front of me, his tail wagging like crazy. "We did it, Janet! Sales are up thirty percent since the new ads came out! I'll have to hire more staff just to keep up with all the new accounts!"

I smiled, too, leaning back slightly and crossing my arms under my ample chest. It was right out of a book of 'power poses' I'd read a few months back, and I knew it would make it look like I was the mastermind of the successful new ad campaign ... when, of course, it was something put together by the people under me, and all I'd done was sign off on it and give them a budget to work with.

Still, it felt good. Danny's elation was contagious. I halfway expected him to come up and hug me as he danced for joy.

"I don't care what anybody else says about you! You're the best, Janet!" He'd calmed down a little now, but he was still staring at me with stars in his eyes.

What anybody else says about me? Just what _were_people saying about me, anyway? And who was saying it? Oh, I'd be getting to the bottom of this one... But not now. That wasn't the kind of thing to ask another director about. I'd drop a few carefully-worded inquiries among the more trustworthy people in my department, and then I'd find out what kind of grist the rumor mill had been grinding lately...

Finally, Danny flopped back into the comfortable chair, panting as if he'd tired himself out already, even though I was sure he had far more energy than that. He rolled his head to the side and looked at me, grinning wide. "We make a hell of a team, don't we?"

I held down the front of my skirt again. It wasn't that_short, but Danny had a pretty low vantage point as he slumped in the chair. I didn't want him to see anything ... unprofessional. "It's always a team effort when things work," I said, the second-nature corporatespeak leaving a bad taste in my mouth. But that's how I'd gotten myself into this _illustrious zenith in my career - by having more pithy lines at the ready than a warehouse full of motivational posters. It sure beat fucking my way to the top, which is what a lot of my department probably thought I'd done.

"Alright." Danny popped up out of the chair, making it look effortless as always ... and how was his suit still so crisp after all that dancing and slouching? "I know you're a busy mare, so I'll stay out of your mane and let you get things done. Just wanted to stop by and give you the good news before the next board meeting!" He started toward the door.

Maybe it was still the gin, maybe it was a little fire inside me kindled by the sight of his tight little ass squeezed into the perfectly-tailored slacks ... but something very unreasonable came over me. "Hey," I said.

He stopped and looked back over his shoulder, his hand on the doorknob. His ears perked up and his head cocked slightly to the side.

Oh Goddess ... was I really about to do this? Yiff it. Why not? "Do you have time to stop by tomorrow? I'd really like to hear how the new customers are responding to those ads. Maybe we can tailor them even better."

"Ooh!" He pointed a finger at me and grinned. "I like your style! Success is never enough!" Instead of answering me right away, though, he whipped his phone out of his pocket and hit a speed dial button on it. "Nancy, do I have time for a meeting or two with marketing tomorrow? ... Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Sure - he can handle that without me. He's older than I am, even in dog years. ... Great! Thanks - you're the best, girl! See you then!" He slipped the phone back into his pocket.

I quirked an eyebrow at him. He seemed awfully familiar with his personal assistant. Then again, I wouldn't expect anything less from him.

"Looks like I've got time!" he said. "Nancy's already calling your office to set something up." He opened the door and was about to leave.

"Just one-on-one, please."

He stopped and looked back at me when I said that, a hint of earnest confusion crossing his face.

I smiled. "I wouldn't want to waste anyone else's time. I'm sure the two of us can handle it together."

He smiled back and nodded vigorously, then slipped out, the door shutting just a bit too forcefully behind him. The window rattled.

What was I getting myself into now? I sure didn't have any real plans to look at his sales reports. There was something else of his I wanted to get my hands on...

I blinked in shock. Wait... Was I actually planning on ... that? With _Danny?_If he'd even have me... I slowly rounded my desk and fell back into my uncomfortable future-mesh office chair. It squeaked, making my ear twitch. Yiff it. Why not? Why shouldn't I? It wasn't like my husband still had any claim on me, and I was a big girl - I knew what I was doing.

The only question was, did Danny know what I was doing?

Well, we would find out tomorrow. For now, it was almost time to head home ... and maybe I didn't need that gin after all. Better play it safe, though.

After my morning shower, I stood in front of the full-length mirror in the master bathroom, completely nude except for the towels wrapped around my mane and tail. My still-damp palomino fur clung tightly to my skin, showing every last detail.

Even though I tried to stand up straight and suck in my bit of a tummy, the sight in the mirror made me sigh a little. Franklin had stolen my best years from me, that was for sure. And getting pregnant hadn't helped, not that I blamed Samuel for it - he hadn't been the one who did it to me.

I reminded myself to stay positive. I wasn't ugly, not by any means.

My breasts might not be as perky as they used to be - gravity is a bitch - but they were still yiffing enormous, and they had a way of drawing in guys' attention by the sheer brute force of their size, each one nearly as big as my head. I held one in my hand, pushing it upward as my palm pressed into the softness. They still looked pretty good like that. All I needed was the right bra - by the time the bra came off, it would be too late to back out just because the boobs sagged a bit.

My belly was another matter... It seemed like no amount of crunches or time on the elliptical could do anything about the slight paunch I had there. I slid my hand from my tit down my belly, just stopping myself before going all the way down. No time for that now, not if I was going to get ready. But even when I really tried sucking it in, my belly felt soft and a little squishy ... nothing like the firm, smooth sleekness I'd been so proud of before Samuel happened. And there was nothing I could realistically do about it, either. I'd just have to hope that Danny didn't mind ... or hope that he'd be too distracted with a pair of ginormous boobs to pay any attention to what was below them.

I turned a little to the side and smiled at the mirror. That's_how I'd get him. After all these years, I still had the bodacious equine ass and legs of the teenage knockout I'd once been. At least the elliptical was good enough for _that. A certain skirt in my closet came to mind. I'd hardly ever worn the thing - it had ended up being a good deal too short, and I'd never returned it because the store was too far away, and who cared anyhow? But today... Today, it would be_perfect_. If I wore that and some nice panties underneath, all I'd have to do would be to bend over in front of him, and he probably wouldn't be able to stop himself from pouncing...

I blinked at the mirror. Was I really going to do this?

Fantasizing about it last night had been fun. _Really_fun, once I'd gotten my old friend, Mister Vibrator involved. It was even kind of enjoyable to check myself out in the mirror as if I was him, judging the mare I saw and deciding if she was fuckable or not...

But now... Making plans was one thing, but putting them into action was another thing entirely. And I was still technically a married mare. I'd never once been unfaithful in the past.

Yiff it. I slid my fingers down the rest of the way, past the little bit of fluffy fur between my legs and straight down to my pussy lips. Yep, I was wet. Yiffing soaked down there. And it felt so good to be touched. I could just imagine Danny's big floppy tongue going to town down there, with all the enthusiasm of a puppy who'd been given a new toy... Maybe he'd let me sit on his face and ride him like a--

I snapped out of it, yanking my fingers out of my pussy.

No - no time for that, especially since I'd probably end up needing another shower. I turned back toward the mirror, and as I wiped myself clean again with the towel from around my tail, I saw my tits wagging back and forth with every motion of my arm. And now that I wasn't sucking it in anymore, that little belly of mine was plain to see.

'As if anybody would want a tired old nag like you, anyway!'

I gasped and jumped back slightly. It had sounded so real, as if Franklin was back in the room again. I halfway expected to see his reflection in the mirror. But of course I was alone in here. And I'd had the locks changed since he left. He wouldn't be back. He was gone for good.

But his words were here to stay. I covered my breasts with the towel and held the other hand in front of my crotch. Then, when I saw myself in the mirror, I wondered who I was hiding myself from.

Yiff that loser. He didn't know what he was talking about. He didn't know what he was missing out on. Was I going to let some loser hiding in his mother's guest bedroom tell me whether I was desirable or not? That wasn't the kind of mare I'd ever been, and I wasn't going to start now.

I let the towel drop, then stared at myself again, my hand cocked on my wide hip and a sexy fire in my eye.

As if anybody would want a tired old nag like me... I'd show him. I'd show him exactly who wanted a mare like me - absolutely anybody.

Without looking at the mirror again, I strutted out of the bathroom like I was on a fashion runway, heading straight for the dresser next to our - no, my - bed.

Inside the top drawer, I had to dig and dig before I found the old sexy underwear. Goddess, when was the last time I'd worn these? They were all lying forgotten at the very bottom, despite costing a prince's ransom when I'd first gotten them, back before my promotion when I didn't have much to spare anyway.

And to think, I'd gotten them to impress that ass, Franklin. I rolled my eyes. Yiff him. He was the reason I hadn't worn any of these in years. Why the hell would I have gone out of my way to impress him, when he did nothing but watch sports and drain bottles all day? The last thing I wanted was to give him a boner and have his gross-smelling beer belly rubbing up on me for the next three minutes before he blew his pathetic load.

Now, though... Now I did have someone to impress. Goddess, it had been so long ... I was out of practice.

But as I held up a pair of red, lacy, and scandalously tiny panties in front of me, along with a bright red bra to match, I felt a smile creep up on my face. Oh yes. I could do this. Danny would never know what hit him.

The bra had to be readjusted a bit in order to fit me now, and even with the straps as loose as they would go, it still bit tightly into my soft fur and skin. Still, it worked. My breasts perked right up, held perfectly in place by the broad cups of red lace. And the panties were even tighter - had I really put on that much weight in my hips? - but they were stretchy enough to work. A shudder ran through me as I felt the thin triangle of fabric squeeze and cling against the softness of my pussy lips, even pressing between them. Ooh... Wearing these all day was going to be interesting. If I wasn't careful, I might end up leaving little wet spots on any chair I sat in.

Then it was just a matter of digging that too-short skirt out of the back of my closet. It was easier said than done, and I had a pile of rumpled clothing on the floor by the time I finally yanked it out, but I got it.

As I wiggled my way into it, I realized that short_was going to be an understatement. In order to get the zipper closed, I had to pull the skirt up even higher around my waist, leaving me barely covered at all... _Perfect. I grinned to myself as I ran my hands down it to smooth out any wrinkles. The more eye-catching, the better.

Of course, with a skirt this risqué, I was going to have to abandon my idea of showing generous cleavage with my top ... after all, I _might_have to do some actual work today, and if the other executives caught me looking like a prostitute's impression of a businessmare, it might not bode well for my continued career ... such as it was.

I settled for a plain white blouse with one of my nice, business-like vests on top of it. The deeply cut V-shaped neckline of the vest would show a nice wedge of the blouse underneath, giving the impression of cleavage, even though I wasn't showing any ... yet.

I smiled, unbuttoning one extra button on the blouse. I'd have a lot of flexibility about just how much I wanted to show...

Finally, a pair of stockings that came high up on my thighs - but not nearly high enough to reach the hem of my skirt - completed the outfit. Honestly, for one of very few times in my life, I felt like I ought to have some heels to go along with it... Other species might be able to pull off heels pretty well, but I'd never found a pair made for hooves that didn't look absolutely ridiculous. I didn't even own any shoes other than the rubberized horseshoes clipped to my hooves. It didn't matter; I shrugged it off. I'd just have to let my legs speak for themselves.

The moment I came up to my office, my sow secretary flagged me down. "Missus Morrow, your morning meeting with Danny-- I mean Mister Jones ... is, um... It's all set up, Ma'am, and he's already been on the phone. He said to let him know as soon as you're ready, and he'd be over." Peggy plastered the best smile she could manage on her round piggy face, with a tinge of nervousness to it ... probably because of her insignificant little gaff with Danny's name.

"Of course, dear." I smiled back. "Let him know he's welcome in my office as soon as he'd like, and thank you." As I walked by, I caught the self-satisfied - almost giddy - grin on Peggy's face when she thought I couldn't see. Horses have a wide field of vision, after all. But I let her have her little moment of happiness at 'getting away with it'. Honestly, she tried too hard and put in far more work than her job position and salary warranted. Where would I have been without her help all these years? Honestly, she made me seem far more professional than I usually managed to be.

Shutting myself in my office and plopping down on that same damn mesh chair felt anticlimactic after all the expectations I'd built up along the way to work. At the moment, it felt like ... just another day in the office.

And that was strange after the way I'd been working myself up with fantasies on the drive over. Not to mention all the looks I'd caught on my way in the building. The security guard at the door, the receptionists at their big curving desk, random passers-by, and even quite a few people in my own staff ... they were all checking me out, I could feel it. And it felt good. I wasn't even dressed that differently than normal, and I was wearing basically the same makeup I always did. But I knew what was really making them stare. There was something new in my stride, in the way I carried myself. I knew I was sexy. I knew that all the men wanted me and that all the women wanted to be me ... and it showed.

Goddess, I should have done this years ago! It felt amazing to finally cut loose for a moment and let things jiggle. Oh, and all those eyes on me ... 'old nag' indeed! I'd hoped to keep myself somewhat fresh, but between everyone's envious or lustful looks and the tight panties rubbing between my thighs, I knew I was soaking through my--

The desk phone buzzed. "Missus Morrow? Mister Jones is here to see you."

I pressed the red button on it. "Thank you, Peggy. Please show him in."

I rose from my chair and headed around to the front of the desk. Danny had come faster than I'd thought he would. Did that mean he was eager to see me, or was he just being his usual enthusiastic self and couldn't wait to pore over the focus group results with me?

A moment later, he burst in through my door, a huge briefcase in one hand and a huge smile on his face. "Janet! My favorite mare! Long time no see, am I right?" He closed the door behind him. "Nah! I'm not right - we saw each other just yesterday! How's it going?"

I allowed myself a private hint of a smile at his words 'my favorite mare'... If things went as I'd planned today, I'd more than live up to that name.

But for now, I had a golden retriever to seduce. I came up to him, offering a handshake. And when he took it, pumping up and down energetically, I oh-so-casually wrapped an arm around his shoulder, patting him slightly on the back. It was more of a paternal gesture, not really appropriate to this context ... but then again, I was planning on doing a _lot_of inappropriate things by the end of the day. The important thing was that I'd already managed to break the touch barrier between the two of us. And it didn't hurt that it meant I had to get close to him, either. Hell, my boobs were mere inches away from his shoulder. I could smell him from here - a nice clean smell like fresh laundry ... but I'd see if I could get him smelling like wet dog by the end of the day!

"Good to see you, too, Danny." After spending just a touch too long with my arm around him, I let go of his hand and separated. "I'm glad you've come. Here, have a seat."

As I guided him into one of the chairs in front of my desk, I again oh-so-casually touched my hand in between his shoulder blades, almost caressing him as I let my hand slide away and he sank down into the chair. Instead of going to my normal desk chair, I took the other padded leather chair next to him, in front of my own desk instead of behind it. That book on power gestures would have called this symbolic of camaraderie and cooperation rather than antagonism ... but I had quite a bit more than mere camaraderie on my mind.

For his own part, Danny didn't seem to notice anything out of the ordinary yet. Or if he did, he sure didn't show it ... and he wasn't the type to be able to hide things like that. Grinning over at me, he slapped his big briefcase down on my desk without asking and popped it open.

Inside it, depressingly enough, was a bunch of papers and charts.

I sighed slightly - being quite sure that it was too slight for Danny to pick up on. It looked like this work meeting might involve actual _work_after all. But what else did I expect? Was I dumb enough to think that he'd jump on me the moment the door closed behind him? No, of course not. Well, not right now, anyway. In my fantasies last night, though... No - I had to keep focused. He was already saying something.

"... with the new orders from the east coast. But on the west, we're not seeing--"

"I'm sorry," I said, laying my hand on his forearm - wow, the feel of his nice, tight muscles even there! "I'm afraid I haven't had my coffee yet this morning. What was that first part?"

Danny jumped right back into his spiel, seemingly not perturbed at all that I'd completely missed what he'd said at first. That was just part of the magic with him. He had that charming way of taking things at face value, and I couldn't for the life of me think of anything that would actually offend him. He always seemed ready to roll along with whatever happened ... hopefully that very trait would be to my advantage later today.

Unfortunately, it was the case that this meeting would end up creating actual _work_for me to do. As it went on, it became clear that the new marketing campaign was resonating better on the east coast - especially in the northeast - than the west coast. Thankfully, I could make that somebody else's problem simply by assigning some of my least incompetent staff to it.

I followed along just enough to keep from seeming like an idiot, even throwing in a suggestion of my own here and there ... but what I was really focused on was entirely nonverbal. Did he glance down at my chest when I leaned in closer to him? For how long? Did he stop himself because he didn't want to be doing that, or because he didn't want me to see him doing that? Did it mean anything that his hand touched mine when he handed me a chart of survey results, or was that just an accident?

As the meeting went on, I definitely got the impression that Danny was warming up to me ... but I couldn't quite tell whether that was a friends-and-coworkers kind of warming up or an 'I want to bend you over this desk right now' kind of warming up. Only one way to find out...

When Danny leaned over the desk to point something out on a far-away paper in front of me, I saw my opportunity and made my move to ramp things up a bit. I leaned forward with him, as if that questionnaire fascinated me, and I just _happened_to do it in a way that planted my left tit squarely on the back of his arm. And not lightly, either, no little brush-up that he could ignore. My boob smushed up against his forearm, halfway enveloping it in plush softness.

I felt the slight jerk of his arm as he tensed, heard the little gasping intake of breath when he noticed. He glanced directly at my breast on his arm ... and then resolutely looked away, back to the paper he was showing me. Still all business, but he didn't pull his hand away. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he made it all to easy for me to keep going on about that one stupid sheet of paper.

And oh, did I go on about it. We must have stayed like that for a solid ten minutes as I asked him to point out every single oh-so-interesting line. I could feel his arm moving against my breast whenever he pointed his finger at something new, and it was making me tingle, making my tail lift up a bit in the seat behind me. How long had it been since I'd been touched by a man I actually felt attracted to? Too damn long!

Of course, that lovely moment had to end eventually. There were only so many things to look at on that piece of paper, after all. But I caught the way he gingerly rubbed his forearm with his other hand when he brought it back ... and now when he glanced at me, there was something else in his glance, something he was trying to keep hidden, bless him. I _also_didn't miss the quick little adjustment he made in his trousers, shifting his legs and just happening to brush his hand over his crotch, as if smoothing out a wrinkle ... but his pants were perfect and wrinkle-free, as they always were.

Getting a boner already, Danny? I had to stop myself from licking my lips at the thought. You dirty dog, you. Did you think you were copping a feel there without me noticing?

For the rest of the meeting, Danny was noticeably a little off his game. He'd have a moment's hesitation before answering a question, he bumbled through a stack of papers like an intern, and for someone who was normally so totally at ease with every person he met, he was actually showing a few hints of ... nervousness? He could barely look me in the eyes, and he always looked people in the eyes!

My goodness, was I getting to him that much already? Me: one - my deadbeat husband: zero! It looked like I'd already found somebody who'd want an 'old nag' like me!

The coup de grace of our adventurous little meeting, though, was begun by something entirely unplanned, though in hindsight I wished that I'd come up with it: My phone rang.

Not the desk phone, but my cell phone, still in my purse on the floor next to my usual office chair. I hopped up, intending at first to hurry around the side of my desk to grab the phone and find out who it was ... but then another idea occurred to me. A devious idea, and one that would take advantage of the short skirt I'd come prepared with.

Instead of going around the desk, I went _over_it, pressing my hips right up to the edge of it and then bending over, laying my body right on top of the papers Danny and I had been shuffling through.

Reaching my purse wasn't easy - my breasts mashed up against the edge of the desk as I pushed myself down, struggling to reach down to the bottom of the purse where my phone was ... but that only gave me more excuse to wiggle my hips back and forth playfully.

And out of the corner of my eye, I watched him. Even when I'd already gotten my hands on the phone, I stayed right where I was, pretending to look for it and seeing how he'd react.

At first, it wasn't much. He glanced straight at my ass, then covered the side of his face and looked away, his eyes looking almost shell-shocked. But then, as I leaned just a little farther, I caught him looking again. And this time, he didn't look away.

Now that he was looking at me, I moved my hips back and forth even more, as if really_struggling to get my hands on that phone as it hit its fourth ring. I couldn't keep my tail from rising up and to the side through its hole in the back of my skirt, but hopefully Danny wouldn't think anything of that. I wanted him interested, but I didn't want him to know I was aiming to get his doggy cock inside me - not _yet, anyway.

I smiled to myself when I saw him slouching down in his chair. I'd _never_seen Danny slouching before, but now he sank down into the cushions like the laziest dog there ever was. Only, he wasn't doing that to be lazy... Could he see my bright red panties from down there at that angle? I hoped he could ... maybe he'd even see the darker red wet spot beginning to spread...

But nothing good lasts forever. Before things could escalate any further, the phone stopped ringing. With a sigh, I got back up, holding my phone in front of me to see who it was.

My mother-in-law's number! It had to be Franklin. What did that ass want now?

Danny must have seen the face I made at the phone. "Bad news?" he asked, already back up into his usual perfectly-postured sitting position as if he hadn't been peeking under my skirt.

"Nothing important," I said, slapping the phone back on my desk. The last thing I needed was to be discussing my estranged husband with Danny. The phone call alone had already ruined the mood more than enough.

Trying to rekindle things, I sat down next to Danny, leaning close and giving him my very best bedroom eyes as I brushed a few hairs away from my face. "Now... where were we?"

Danny perked right up. "Oh! I was just saying, I think the word 'metropolitan' doesn't really resonate with west-coasters because no matter how urban they are, they don't tend to consider themselves..."

And then we were right back to work. Again. As if I hadn't just been showing off for him and as if he hadn't just been staring up my skirt.

It was my fault, really. 'Where were we'? What did I _think_he was going to respond to that with? 'Oh, right. Well, I was just staring up your skirt, so why don't you sit up on your desk and spread your legs so I can get a better view?' Even if he wanted me so badly he couldn't help himself, I hadn't done anything yet that was _explicitly_an invitation - and his career would instantly be over if he just made blatant advances toward female colleagues who happened to accidentally show him a little skin.

Even worse, we were actually making good headway on the supposed purpose of the meeting. We'd _already_come up with a few ways to tweak the ad campaign for different markets, and forcing the discussion to drag on any longer was beginning to seem more and more ridiculous. We'd already been over everything at this point, and no amount of eyelash fluttering or incidental hand touches was going to change that.

So I'd just have to finish my little side project of seducing him later. "I think we have a lot to work with now," I told him. "Why don't you let me give this to my people, and we'll see what we can do."

"Great! I can't wait to see what kind of results this is going to bring in - we'll be hitting market share records in no time!" Danny offered me a high-five - an actual yiffing high-five. Who even does that, outside of sports drink commercials and old sitcoms?

Well, there was no graceful way to turn down a high-five, so I raised my hand as well. At least when our hands clapped together, that was one more bit of physical contact between us ... not that it would accomplish much.

As Danny turned to leave, my husband's words echoed in my head again, as if I was listening to them on my phone's voicemail. Only this time, he sounded more smug than desperate.

Yiff that! Just because I hadn't gotten this dog's bone in the first couple hours didn't mean that I was out of the game, not by a long shot!

"Danny," I said, just before he opened the door. It _had_to be before he opened the door. I didn't want Peggy hearing this and spreading it through the rumor mill. She was an excellent secretary ... but also a chronic gossiper.

His hand on the doorknob, he turned and looked back at me. "Hm?"

I rested my hand on my hip, curving my body just so, in a way I knew drove men crazy. "Do you think you could come back around at, say, five thirty? I have a ... _special project_I'd like to show you." A little flick of my eyebrows over my half-lidded eyes should have been enough to get across to him just what kind of 'special project' I had in mind.

His eyes widened a little, and his ears perked up for a moment. But then he was all business again. "After closing time? Why don't we just go over it right now? I'm already here, and there's no time like when the iron is hot."

"I need just a little while to put on the finishing touches. And besides, I'm sure you have things to do, a whole department to run. I can't take all your time today..." I glanced at the window facing into the rest of the office. Too many eyes out there, and someone could see in the window as easily as I could see out. It would be better if everyone had already gone home. Especially Peggy.

Danny glanced back and forth, transparently wavering between yes and no.

I came toward him, slowly, rolling my hips as I walked, until I was right up next to him, just a _little_closer than social norms about personal space dictated. "Believe me," I said in a heated almost-whisper, "you're going to like what I have to show you."

It was only for a brief moment, but I caught him glancing down at my tits and biting his lip slightly.

Smiling and pleased with myself, I backed away a little and lounged against the wall next to the door like a tipsy supermodel. I already knew what he was going to say.

"Uh... Sure. I'll stop by." He rubbed the back of his neck, his feet shuffling back and forth. "But, um, yeah... I've got to go."

"See you soon," I said with a wink.

He rushed out of the door fast. Had I come on too strong and scared him off? No ... or at least not enough to scare him off permanently. I'd seen the looks he'd been sneaking at me. He'd be here at five thirty - I could feel it.

When I sat back down at my desk, the sight of my cell phone and its unread message beckoned me ... but I slipped it into my purse instead and opened up my work email on the computer.

Yiff Franklin. I'd check my voicemail and see what he wanted _after_I let Danny have his way with me. The sound of Franklin's voice would be so much easier to listen to if I still had another man's cum inside me. Then his lies about me being past my prime would be powerless.

Eventually, I was left alone in my office, continually checking the clock.

Five twenty-three... Ugh, why hadn't I told him to meet me at five fifteen? I'd told Peggy to go home to her kids _ages_ago, before it was even five, and everybody else was long gone. There was no reason to have kept myself waiting like this, except sheer stupidity.

And ugh - this waiting! Making it far worse was the little nagging voice in the back of my head telling me that Danny wasn't going to show up. He had better options. I'd have trouble thinking of more than three women in the company who'd turn him down if he asked... So why would he care about an invitation from a mare damn near twice his age? Okay, not literally twice his age, but it sure felt like it. Goddess, he wasn't even ten years older than my own son!

Five twenty-four.

For yiff's sake. Maybe I should just pack my things up, leave right now and save myself the misery of waiting. What was I thinking, trying to seduce a coworker? Didn't I have better options? Didn't I have a life outside of work?

No, of course I didn't. Yiff me! When did my whole life become about work? I didn't even like working here!

Maybe I should start a knitting club and hang out with the other grandmas ... or would-be grandmas, that is, since Samuel wouldn't be giving me any grandchildren. And I'd stop calling myself Janet and use the name my mother gave me: Janice. That was better. Sounded more grandmotherly.

Five twenty-five.

But still, there I sat. A tired old nag that nobody would want, sitting lonely behind her big ugly desk ... and with the top four buttons of her blouse hanging open like some kind of idiotic has-been whore.

What? Did I think Danny had never seen a decent pair of tits before? Was that really the best I could do?

I almost buttoned my blouse back up ... almost. Honestly, I couldn't even manage the energy for that. Who cared if I looked like an office slut on a bad hair day? At least office sluts got laid, didn't they? Unlike me.

When was the last time I'd had a decent cock inside me? It felt like years_ago at this point, and all I had to look back on since my hazily-remembered college days was that disgusting limp-dick of a husband, Franklin. That hardly counted as _decent. I couldn't even think of his wrinkly cock without feeling a little bit sick inside ... which wasn't good, because I'd seen far too much of it over the years, and the memories were vivid.

Five twenty-six.

If Danny didn't show up, I'd get myself _three_bottles of gin, I promised myself. Yiff it, maybe four. And the good stuff, too, since I planned on drinking it straight. After all this waiting, I deserved a--

The outer door of the marketing department office opened and closed, something I would only be able to hear in this quiet, abandoned office.

Still, I didn't let myself get my hopes up. Probably just one idiotically dedicated underling putting in extra time to get the last finishing touches on his project done before he left. There was no way I was going to set myself up for disappointment and think that it might actually be--

Danny opened my office door and slipped inside, letting it fall shut behind him.

Instantly, I sat up straighter, thrusting my chest out and trying to look at least somewhat attractive. Looking up at him with a smile, I ran my fingers through my mane and gave him what I hoped passed for a sultry look.

He glanced around himself as if he was a kid sneaking around in the school hallways and afraid that the principal would catch him. "Hi, Janet," he said with an uncharacteristic quiver in his voice. "I, um... What was it you wanted to show me?"

Hm ... how should I do this? Maybe I should have been thinking about _that_while I waited for him to show up, instead of spending the whole time mentally shitting on myself. Oh well, why not just go for the simplest route? If I couldn't sell sex to a young male dog, I wasn't much of a marketing director, was I?

I rose from behind my desk, planting my hands on the surface of it and leaning forward toward him. Of course, that just happened_to squeeze my massive tits in between my arms, making them bulge out from between the unbuttoned sides of my blouse. "Yes, thank you for coming," I said, holding that pose so he could get a nice, long look. "There _is something I'd like you to see."

Danny's eyes had gone wide, and they were locked onto my cleavage, never glancing away for even a moment as he stumbled toward my desk. He visibly gulped. "Um, yeah... What exactly is it?"

"You'll see." I walked slowly around my desk, keeping eye contact the whole time ... or what passed for eye contact when his gaze never went above my shoulders. "It's a little bit of a surprise."

"Oh, are you hiding it somewhere?" For the first time since I rose up, he glanced away - around the office as if looking for a display board or print mock-ups. "Because if it's as good as the last ad campaign, it's sure to be..."

He trailed off to nothing as I sat down on the edge of the desk right in front of him, allowing my skirt to ride up on my legs a little. I had him right where I wanted him. "I think you'll like it even more than that."

Danny took a half step backward, beginning to breathe heavily ... I could almost believe I'd gotten him sweating.

But I wasn't done yet. Looking him straight in the eye with unambiguous purpose, I spread my legs open, the skirt riding even higher up my thighs.

His jaw dropped as he stared - I could swear that I saw the little triangle of red reflected in his eyes. "Miss ... Missus Morrow! I..."

"Please, call me Janet."

But he didn't. He just stood there, trembling and staring. Apparently, this was going to need an even more direct approach.

I stood up from the desk and smoothed out my skirt. "Why don't we get started? It's time I showed you what I asked you here for."

"Oh, good!" Danny deflated, breathing an audible sigh of relieved tension. "I was worried we were going to, um ... get sidetracked."

"We wouldn't want that," I said, walking up to stand right in front of him.

"Yeah, um... I'm really excited to see the new ad campaign you've come up with. That is what you have for me, right?"

I glanced down at the growing bulge in his pants. Oh yes, I could _see_that he was getting excited. And I was pretty sure that new ad campaigns weren't what he was excited about, whether he wanted to admit it yet or not.

"It's still a surprise," I told him. "So close your eyes, and no peeking..."

He stared at me for a moment longer, his gaze flicking between my cleavage and my face, before he finally did as I asked, squinting his eyes tightly shut.

That's when I took both of his hands in my own, lifted them up, and planted them firmly on each of my breasts. His eyes opened instantly, staring down at where his hands were. "Missus Mor-- Janet!" he yelped, backing jerking his body back... But despite him jumping back, his hands stayed right where they were, his arms now outstretched and straining to reach.

"Yes?" I glanced down at where his hands still were, deliberately pressing my chest out toward him as I looked back up and smiled oh-so-sweetly.

Danny yanked his hands away. "I was just... I, um..."

Taking a step closer, I reached out and grabbed his tie, pulling him to myself until our faces were almost touching. Either one of us could have made it a kiss with only the slightest motion, but neither did ... yet. "Danny," I said ... and the way his eyes lit up when he heard his name told me I didn't need to say anything more. He'd understand what I wanted without me even asking.

He did understand, but he pulled back anyway, his tie slowly slipping through my fingers. "I'm sorry, Janet. I can't, not with a..." He looked away, rubbing the back of his neck again.

'Not with a tired old nag like you,' my husband's voice rang in my head. It was like falling off the side of a tall building. I could see the pit opening up beneath me, and I knew there was nothing that could stop me on the way down. Yiff me. I _was_a tired old nag. Time to join Franklin on the couch all day for weak drinks and disappointing sex. I should probably quit my job, too ... before I'm fired for sexual harassment. Then me and my husband could be miserable failures together. Rock bottom, like we were always meant to be.

But then something incredible happened. Danny took me by the shoulders, and when I looked up at him, he looked me in the eyes. The depth of understanding I found there was something I'd _never_seen in any man ... certainly not in my husband. And the way Danny held me was just... How did it feel so secure? "Janet," he said, "you are an absolutely gorgeous woman, truly beautiful."

I looked back at him. Don't cry, damn it. Don't yiffing cry! "So ... you'll have me?" Wait ... was that even what I meant to say? It sounded so desperate. It was so strange to hear that little quiver in my own voice, but it was just my yiffing throat getting all sore and choked up for some damn reason.

For the longest time, he didn't answer. It was probably just a brief moment, but I'd somehow reverted to teenage levels of angst, and that made it seem to stretch on forever.

When his answer finally came, it wasn't in words. He came closer, brushed a bit of my mane out of the way with his fingers, and kissed me full on the lips.

I melted into that kiss with the kind of passion I hadn't felt since my first love as a filly. Our bodies pressed together, and when I felt his arms wrap around my back, it made my whole body feel warm like the first day of summer after a cold, rainy spring. My hands danced over his whole body - everywhere I could reach - because I just couldn't settle for just one part of him. I wanted all of him. And when I felt his doggy tongue against my lips, I let him inside eagerly. I'd never kissed a dog before ... his tongue was thinner than I was used to, and more flexible. And there wasn't even a hint of the infamous 'dog breath'. Of course there wasn't; this was Danny after all.

And still we kept on, neither of us taking even the slightest break. I didn't dare let him go, for fear that this blissful moment might actually end.

Eventually, though, we did have to breathe ... which we did heavily, each of us gasping for air as we stared into each other's eyes. That deep understanding was still in Danny's brown eyes, but now there was a spark of something else in there, too - a kind of smoldering fire that could burst to life at any moment.

"Janet," he said, his arms still around my waist. "We shouldn't."

I reached up behind his head and pulled him in for another kiss - this one didn't last as long, but this time I gave him my tongue as well, tracing the smooth, warm surface of his as if trying to pleasure it. When I pulled back this time, I brazenly reached down and grabbed his hard, thick cock through his trousers. "You want it." I gave him a little squeeze to emphasize the point. "And I want it. Nobody is here to see."

"But what if--"

I stroked his cock up and down through his pants, which shut him up instantly, and I nuzzled the base of his neck. "I need this," I said softly, surprising myself with the honesty. My lips brushed his fur as I whispered, "Please, just this once."

The hand that slipped around from my back to squeeze my left tit was all the answer I needed. Yes! I had him! And now, I'd finally do what I was good at - something I hadn't done in far too long a time. I'd drive this sexy hunk right to the edge, make him crazy for me, and then give him exactly what he wanted so badly. Exactly what I wanted to badly.

Still stroking him through his pants with one hand, I slipped my other hand between us and began unbuttoning my vest ... and then the rest of my blouse. He held my head against his neck as I licked and kissed him there, and he moaned into my mane. "Janet... I - I don't know what we're going to even..."

"Ssh..." I pulled back a little held a finger over his lips. Then, looking into his eyes the whole time, I undid the last button and pulled my blouse open.

That did it for him. That so obviously_did it for him! I could watch a movie of his eyes widening as he looked down on repeat all day ... while doing a certain something that would give me soggy fingers. His hand, brushed away by the fabric of my blouse, zipped back to where it was before, caressing over the lacy red surface of my bra and onto the bare fur of my breast. His other hand joined in a scant moment later. I smiled knowingly at him - though he was far too distracted to notice that - as he began rolling hands up and down my breasts, moving them and squeezing them. It felt good to be touched again ... had I forgotten how it felt, or were my tits more sensitive than before? But what _really felt good was the child-like glee on Danny's face as he explored just a little taste of what my body had to offer him.

He'd begun humping into my hand around his cock in a way so reflexive and animalistic that I wondered if he even realized he was doing it. The poor guy just wanted some stimulation, didn't he? Didn't we all...

Well, I'd be happy to give it to him.

At first, when I took my hand away, he humped all the harder, even letting out an almost puppy-like whimper. But that turned into a gasp of anticipation when he felt my hand fumbling at his belt buckle.

It took longer than I'd have liked - and definitely_longer than Danny would have liked. Honestly, I was out of practice. Yiffing belt buckle... Why did it have to be so complicated? And even after I managed to unhook it, I wasn't done. The button of his fly was easy enough, but the zipper kept getting stuck on the way down. In the end, I wasn't able to get it all the way down until I used _both hands to do it.

But once I finally got it, I was richly rewarded. I reached my hand inside Danny's briefs and got my first handful of warm, hard doggy cock. His mouth opened and his tongue lolled out as I slid my hand down his length, exploring the way it broadened from its pointy tip all the way down to a bit of a proto-knot that was already beginning to expand at his base.

"Mmm," I moaned, coming in for another quick kiss as I felt his fingers slipping beneath the edges of my bra, searching for my nipples. But before he could find them, I began slipping downward, bending my knees and slipping my body against him until I had to look higher and higher just to see his face. My mouth traced down the line of his tie, pressing against his body the whole time...

Until I was on my knees in front of him, my muzzle against the bulge in his underwear. I couldn't get my hands inside his pants from this angle, but the warmth of my lips seemed to make up for it, if the adoring way he looked down at me was anything to go by.

"It's so warm," I said, my voice soft and sensual. "Can I have it?"

He eagerly hooked his hands into his waistband and yanked his pants and briefs down. The veined red shaft of his cock flopped out against the side of my muzzle, right next to my nose, and I took a deep whiff of his impossibly clean scent.

But wasn't I supposed to be teasing him a little, making him want it? Oh yes. That could be fun.

I nuzzled against the side of his shaft, feeling the hot skin against my nose, and I slid up until I could just barely kiss his tip. Holding it right there, the surprisingly tiny pointed tip of his cock not quite between my lips, I looked up at him past a few errant strands of my mane.

The way he looked down at me, panting with his tongue hanging out, made it all worth it. But I _still_kept him there, holding him back from thrusting into me with my hands on his firm thighs and teasing him until I could feel the muscles in his legs begin to tremble. The poor guy could barely hold himself back.

So I let his narrow tip prod just inside my lips, then pulled back again.

He whimpered, looking down at me with those needy puppy-dog eyes.

Oh, alright. Who could resist a look like that?

Still holding his gaze with my own, I plunged down on his doggy cock, sliding my tongue along the underside of his shaft as it widened and widened and widened toward the base. By the time I got all of him inside - a long muzzle is handy to have sometimes - I could barely stretch my lips around his girth.

Danny brushed a bit of my mane back with his hand. I could feel him lingering on the back of my head for a moment, as if he wasn't sure if his hands were welcome there.

Instead of inviting him to push me, I'd show him he didn't need to. Goddess, I didn't think I'd _ever_had a cock this delicious in my mouth before, and I wasn't going to need any encouragement. I reached around him and grabbed two big handfuls of his firm, furry ass, and I began pushing myself up and down his cock, slurping with lips and tongue the whole way.

Against my hands, I felt his tail wagging like crazy, and even though I had my eyes closed now, I knew I was doing a good job just from the strained moans he tried to hold back. "Janet, you're... Oh! Oh yiff! Oh yiff!"

It was the first time I'd ever heard him say a swear word. A good boy like him deserved a reward for that, didn't he? Rolling my tongue halfway around his shaft, I pressed myself as far down as I could. And I took one hand away from his ass to cradle his balls - tight, fuzzy balls, not the ponderously hanging bald equine ones I was used to. They were actually really nice to touch, and I caressed them in my hand as I drooled over the entire length of his cock in my mouth, my lips pressed tightly against the rim of his sheath.

"I'm ... I can't--!"

Warmth seeped into the back of my throat, along with the taste of overwhelming musk - the kind of taste and scent that no amount of impeccable grooming could counteract. Danny had just leaked a bunch of pre-cum right into my mouth. Was he really getting close already? I was doing even better than I thought!

But I couldn't have him blowing his load just yet - we hadn't even made it to the main event. So I pulled his cock almost all the way out of my mouth and deliberately let his trickle of pre-cum dribble out onto my exposed cleavage before taking him out of my mouth completely so I could theatrically lick all the way up from his base to his tip, still holding his balls in my hand the whole time.

He stared down at me, trembling, and with a joyful kind of disbelief in his eyes. "Missus Morrow, I... You're just so... Wow. Oh Goddess, you're amazing!"

Slowly, I stood up in front of him. His hands found my breasts as soon as they were within reach; my hands stayed exactly where they were - cupping his balls and grabbing his ass. Once we were face to face again, I kissed him.

He kissed me back without the slightest hesitation. Good - I couldn't stand the kind of guy who'd want a blowjob but then pretend that my lips were tainted from then on. Like a certain somebody I used to live with for too many damn years.

When our lips parted again, trailing a thin clear strand of something liquid - who knew what - I leaned in even closer and whispered into his ear: "Sit down, puppy. I want you inside me."

He did it instantly, moving with a surprising quick grace for a man with his pants around his ankles. A moment later, he was sitting in the comfortable leather chair in front of my desk, looking up at me expectantly, his bright red cock sticking up toward me even more expectantly.

And I was happy to oblige. Standing in front of him, I brazenly pulled up my skirt, showing him my bright red panties. Only now did I realize how well the color matched that cute doggy cock of his. And that was kind of a shame, because the very next thing I did was to pull them down, the elastic band straining over my thick thighs, and let them drop to the ground. Danny stared between my legs and licked his lips as I kicked the tiny pair of panties off of my hooves.

It was like sitting myself down into a warm and bubbly hot tub as I straddled him, holding onto his shoulders for balance, and began lowering my dripping, needy pussy toward the tip of his cock.

Danny busied himself with burying his muzzle between my breasts and kneading them with both hands as I handled the business side of the job: taking hold of his cock with one hand and guiding his pointed tip to the slippery little pink gap between my pussy lips. It began to slide into me, before I even realized that it was already happening.

But I stopped, holding myself with what felt like someone's fingertip inside my pussy ... though it was a lot warmer and felt somehow more real and present. "Are you ready?" I asked him.

I felt the tip of his cock twitch inside me. His hands paused, though they stayed right where they were on my boobs. "Did you want a condom?"

Pulling his head up from between my tits, I kissed him wetly and passionately as I let my legs relax, sinking myself down on his cock and feeling the warmth of it slipping up into just where I needed to feel it. My soft round ass settled down onto his thighs, and his whole length was inside me.

When our lips separated, he looked down, grinning in utterly transparent elation as he watched my pussy lips leak juices down around the edges of his sheath.

I'd never had a dog cock inside me before... It wasn't as long as an equine's, and most of the shaft wasn't as thick ... except at the base. But that suited me just fine - his thick base gave me firm pressure and just enough friction to have fun around my most sensitive parts, and there was no almost-painful strain like when fucking a horse cock. Not bad. Maybe I'd try it again sometime.

I began moving, just rocking my hips a little, and it felt wonderful_I could feel his narrow tip moving around inside of me, swiping back and forth across my inner walls while his thick base rolled back and forth between my pussy lips. Oh yes - I'd try it again sometime _very soon. That was a promise I'd make to myself!

Though he obviously had second thoughts about it, Danny gradually lowered his hands from my tits down to my hips, grabbing hold and helping me move with nice, strong pushes and pulls of his muscular arms.

The poor guy deserved something to make up for the loss of his hands on my tits, didn't he? Even as our pace increased and the pleasure started splashing up through me with every crashing wave, I managed to slough off my unbuttoned - and now wrinkled - blouse, and I reached behind my back ... which just happened to thrust my huge, bouncing tits right up into Danny's face.

He seemed to appreciate it, and even more, there was a light in his eyes that said he knew what I was doing with my hands back there.

Not like I was keeping it a secret or anything, anyway. With a pop, I snapped off the strained clasp of my bra, letting my breasts jiggle freely inside the now-loose cups. And even though they hung lower and lower as I pulled the bra away, Danny didn't seem to mind. I felt his grip tightening against my hips - almost to the point of being painful - and he was already licking his lips in anticipation of finally having my nipples to play with. Why should I worry about my boobs sagging a little, anyway? It was only natural, and we'd already gone way too far with each other for Danny to back out now ... hadn't we?

When I flung my bra to the side, Danny ducked his head down and went straight for my nipples. If how low he had to lean down to get to them bothered him, he didn't show any sign of it ... and he wasn't the type to hide things well.

As he took my nipple between his lips, he slammed me down against his lap as hard as he could, plunging his cock that precious extra little bit inside me, making me cry out a little from the sheer sensation of it. Or maybe that was from the tingle that ran up and down my back when his sharp teeth pinched my nipple slightly. Who the yiff cared? All I wanted was more.

And Danny gave me more. His cock was a hot rod, writhing back and forth inside of me and fueling fires between my legs that had been cold for far too long. Every time he switched back and forth from one bouncing breast to the other, he planted long, sensuous licks from one nipple, through the deep valley between, and all the way up to the other. I held the back of his head with one hand, making sure he stayed nice and close to my long-neglected boobs, even as I used the other to grip the back of the chair and give me the leverage I needed to rock my hips in more and more frenzied speed.

Oh yes, I could feel the pent-up sexual energy inside me building up, and there was a _lot_of it. The pressure inside my lower belly swelled and swirled around Danny's cock. I could use my vibrator at home all I wanted, but there were certain needs, certain hungers that it just didn't satisfy. Namely, having a hot, throbbing cock deep inside me.

And Danny must have been able to feel it, because he started pushing me down with both hands, holding me against himself even as both of us kept things moving. My clit slid against his fur just above his sheath, shooting tingling fireworks up through my whole body.

And that was it. With a sharp cry, I froze, slamming myself down as hard as I could on his cock, getting it as deep as it could go inside me. My pussy seemed to freeze, too, for a tiny, eternal moment, quivering on the cusp of release and gripping his shaft like it never wanted to let go ... but then it did let go, and did it ever!

I hadn't had an orgasm like that in years ... decades!_The throbbing pulses of my pussy spread like waves up through every part of me, making me throw my head back and squeeze Danny's face against my chest so tightly he probably couldn't even breathe. Not that I had the wherewithal to worry about that at the moment. Every bit of my being was centered around hot geysers of pleasure inside ... which leaked a bit _outside as well, as I squirted a little bit of my juices onto his crotch.

When it was over, I collapsed against him, laying my head against his shoulder as I gasped for breath and rode out the last few wet twitches.

And thankfully, Danny was a gentleman about it. He contented himself to sitting still and riding it out, just holding me tightly down on his cock until I'd regained control of my body.

After I finally leaned back again and looked down at him, he looked down as well ... at the wet mess where our bodies joined as one. "Oh my gosh, Janet..." He gradually let go of my hips, his hands falling down against the sides of the chair as if they were now exhausted.

I pulled myself up off of him, letting his cock fall out with a wet plop. But I didn't waste any time - I turned around, bent myself over on the desk just like I had earlier when I was searching for my phone, and raised my tail high above my rumpled skirt. "You're not done yet, are you, Danny?" I looked back at him over the roundness of my ass and hips, hoping that my now-sweaty mane looked more alluring than bedraggled.

Maybe that worked, maybe it didn't ... either way Danny seemed much more focused on what he saw between my ass cheeks. Moving as if in a daze - but still with an efficient quickness to him, he got up from his chair and kicked his pants off from his ankles.

I rested my head on my arms in front of me, enjoying the brief respite. Soon, I'd feel his cock inside me again, and I'd need every bit of energy I could muster.

But it wasn't his cock I felt next. His hands grasped my cheeks and spread them a little, but just as I expected to feel his hot cock plunge into me, I felt his warm, wet tongue instead. And oh what a tongue! His flat, flexible doggy tongue was able cup my entire pussy mound, wrapping around and enveloping me in a series of slow, sensual licks that made both my eyes and my mouth open wide. I'd never felt anything like this before.

And he wasn't even done yet. Just as I began to adjust to the feeling of having literally every bit of my vulva licked at once, he instead began slipping his tongue deep inside, slurping it along my already-sensitive inner walls.

I moaned deeply, my eyes rolling back into my head. Yiff that felt good! And the way he curled it around inside! My arms and legs twitched slightly, and I almost felt like a pleasure puppet, as if with just a little more dexterity, he could completely control my body just from his tongue inside me.

It only lasted for a moment, though, and then it was gone.

"Sorry, but I just _have_to have you again," he said ... and then I knew what was coming next. I blushed and smiled, arching my back and sticking my ass out, ready to take everything he had to give.

A moment later, it came - the small, hot tip of his cock prodding its way between my soaked pussy lips.

He didn't slam his cock into me, though. He went even more gradually than when I'd first gotten on top of him, his thickening shaft slowly_spreading my lips apart as it slid inside. I felt every bit of it as it passed through my entrance - every vein and contour, and _all its delicious warmth.

Only once he'd bottomed out inside me did he start thrusting again, and even then he was gentle, only making me rock back and forth a little bit.

If before had just been frenzied fucking, this was more like passionate lovemaking, despite the decidedly unromantic position of having me bent over the desk and him standing behind. I knew it was just sex. As sensual as it was, it was only physical. Of course it was - what else could it possibly have been? But even knowing that, I couldn't help but feel that every time his cock slid into me, it meant he actually cared about me, cared about me as a mare, as a woman with needs. And that fantasy felt good. It felt really yiffing good.

As he went on, though, his thrusts became a bit more frantic, yanking out quickly and then slowly pushing deep, deep inside me, where he'd hold - trembling and grunting softly - as if trying to fuck me even deeper than that. When I felt his knot growing and spreading my entrance wide, I knew he was getting close.

And what would happen when he hit his climax? I should have thought that far ahead - I was the kind of mare who planned these things out - but somehow, I hadn't had the slightest idea what I expected him to do when I slipped him inside me, and I hadn't come up with any brilliant ideas since then.

Well, one had occurred to me ... but that was crazy. Completely crazy.

Danny's hands caressed up and down my bare back, then slid up underneath me to grab my tits. He thrust in especially deep and stayed there, his knot flaring up even more. "Gonna... Gonna cum soon," he said in a strained voice. "If I don't pull out now, I'm not sure I--"

"I want to see you when you cum inside me," I said, looking at him over my shoulder. His eyes went wide, and I felt his legs almost give out.

It took a bit of creative gymnastics - especially since he was already so knotted he could hardly pull out if he wanted to - but together we were able to manage it. I rolled onto my back, lifting my stocking-clad legs momentarily in front of Danny's face, until he could reach behind the small of my back and lift me up.

I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck and my legs around his ass, and he nudged his hips forward, letting me feel just how deep he could get in this position. Since he was in no danger of bottoming out completely, even his very deepest push felt incredible.

Giving him a sultry smile through bits of my mussed mane, I squeezed his hips between my thighs. "Give it to me," I said. "All of it, as deep inside as you can go."

From the way he suddenly pushed his cock into me again, it felt like he was about to do exactly that, right then and there.

But no, changing positions had backed him away from his peak just a little, and he started his slow, sensual fucking all over again.

This time, though, he had the benefit of my legs pulling him in every time, holding him deeply in for extra long with every thrust and making sure he felt my hot, wet pussy milking his cock for all it was worth.

He gave me everything he had, pushing in so hard it made my tits bounce every time. His hands scraped along my back, desperate for purchase that would help him thrust inside me just a little harder.

It wasn't without its effects - even as his knot grew to its full, bulging size again, my pussy tightened around him, desperately trying to hold him in as my second orgasm snuck up on me. That knot of his felt _amazing_as it stretched my inner walls just inside my entrance, making it difficult for either of us to move but also rubbing oh-so-perfectly against the most sensitive parts of my pussy. I knew I'd cum soon ... I just hoped I could hold out as long as he did.

I didn't have to wait long. "Oh Goddess," Danny said through clenched teeth, his fur matting with sweat. "I'm gonna... I'm-- Unh!"

Somehow, my pussy knew just what that first powerful throb of his cock meant, bursting into its own orgasm just as Danny's first gush of cum shot up inside me.

This was no explosive orgasm, though. Neither was it the kind of sharp release I could give myself at home. As I looked into his adoring lost puppy eyes, I felt the slow, sure warmth blooming inside me, spreading out as if it was the actual heat of his cum flowing up through my womb and into my veins.

But it wasn't cum - even though there was plenty of that, stream after stream of it splashing into my innermost depths. It was something about the way Danny felt for me: his desire, his lust, or maybe even...? No! Even with my head flooded with orgasmic bliss, I wasn't ready to use that four-letter word. The L-word was not going to be part of my vocabulary.

So I just let the sweet sensation flow through me like hot honey, basking in the warmth of knowing - beyond any possible doubt - that I was a desirable mare. Every drop Danny's balls emptied inside of me was tangible proof that I was not some 'old nag'. I was wanted. I was needed. I was lo--

No, not that L-word again. Instead of even _thinking_about that, I clutched Danny close to me as his cock seeped out its last pulses inside my pussy. And despite both of us gasping for breath, I locked lips with him, savoring every bit of physical contact I could get.

Finally, though, we did have to pull apart and finally breathe.

Danny looked down at my mostly-naked body, his cock still firmly knotted inside me, even though he'd long since stopped pumping his cum inside. "Damn," he said, biting his lip slightly. "You are just so yiffing sexy like that. It's not fair."

A girl could get used to hearing words like that. And to having that still-warm cock inside. "Want to come over for dinner?" I asked impulsively.

It was a stupid thing to say. I didn't have anything planned for dinner at home except an old package of 'Plan B' pills I'd been keeping in case of emergencies.

"I'd love to."

That damn L-word... Somehow, I already knew I'd end up spending the night with Danny in my bed - and probably in my pussy more often than not. If I wasn't careful with him, I'd end up using that forbidden word myself before long. I'd have to keep my emotions under tight control ... but even so, mistakes do happen.

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