A Sudden Summer Rain

Story by Torakuma on SoFurry

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#2 of Akihiro & Hideki

Not understanding the Japanese in this story will not really hinder your ability to enjoy this story. If you are dying to know what a certain sentence said, then ask in a comment, I WILL reply :P

A Sudden Summer Rain

By: ToraKuma

The dream was still fresh in his mind, a replay of last week again; a day dream. The familiar smell of paper and leather bindings, incense and cougar musk masked only by the stronger scent of pre and sweat. Evening light was flooding in through the closed shutters in long horizontal lines that seemed to lash upon the rows of bookshelves. Dust hung in the air, stirred up by swishing tails and panting breaths as the dominant tiger worked the usually submissive cougar over the checkout counter.

Tawny paws, slick with sweat, pressed into sale reports and crumpling documents that were probably important but not as much so in comparison to the amount of passion in the heavy, humid air. Summer had come early, and the rains had stayed late, creating an uncomfortable heat wave that seemed to soak any fur who steeped out into the warm Kanagawa air. The two felines however, taking advantage of the early closing hours seemed unaffected by the weather as they pulsed and moaned in their upright love making.

Orange paws felt their way over tan fur, caressing muscles and maleness as he thrust, in and out of the bent over cougar before him. Love bites and sharp claws marking places with affection, not with anger however. The tiger was only giving the cougar the tough, strong, aggressive front that he always put on for the rest of the world, but not to him. Because, to tell the truth, after an entire month, the feeling he had felt towards the cougar hadn't disappeared, only strengthened.

How many times has it been, forty, fifty? The moments of zeal were too numerous and too close together to remember each tantalizing trip into ecstasy, but they only seemed to grow stronger every time they joined together. He stood up on his tip toes, pressing in as he topped the russet form below, his muzzle pressed against the counter top in orgasmic pleasure, his eyes clenched shut; dark brown cheek markings twitching every time the entire length would seamlessly slip inside him.

He stared at the large cat below him, watched him lurch with such elation. He grinned as he drew a deep, moist breath, damp air filling his lungs like smoke, only to be exhaled in the form of a deep rumbling moan. He wasn't sure what the cougar felt as he came, but knew for sure how he did. His foot-paws dug into the thin, scratchboard carpet as he released his DNA inside him with a rush and shiver of ecstasy.

He felt his paw become wet with the cougars own emissions, having stroked the cat into orgasm himself. He only smiled softly as he collapsed on top of his broad back, warm, soft fur pillowing his own furry cheeks and muzzle. He smelled so good, felt so soft, and when he chuckled, it was all the tiger could do to prevent himself from falling off him in giggles.

"Ai shite, Hideki." The cougar said as the giddiness began to wear off. The tiger simply wrapped his arms under the other feline and hugged him from behind as they kissed, stroking the white fur on his chest. Being feline had its advantages, and one was being able to kiss your mate even if they were behind you. It was an awkward position for Aki but it felt right.

"Ai shite iru zo, Akihiro!" Hideki spoke, his deep voice resonating with the ups and downs in his chest from his labored breaths. He could stay like this forever, together with their 'I love yous', but the calmer they became, the shorter their breaths took in the thick air, the longer their kisses, the more uncomfortable the heat was becoming. A shower sounded good and he knew Akihiro wouldn't object.


"Earth to Hideki." Aki spoke in his favorite English phrase.

"Huh?" The tiger shook his head for a moment, chopsticks held aloft, halfway between his bowl of rice and his slightly open muzzle. He was drooling, but not with savor, with memories. The bookstore had been the best yet, the most orgasmic, the most, loving. The scrambled eggs and rice in his bowl was only a mild interest in the back of his head against the sweaty memories.

He looked across the low wooden table at the cougar sitting cross-legged at the other end. His own sticks sat in his bowl that rested in his paws at his lap but his eyes rested on him; a slight look or worry in those wonderfully golden eyes of his. They were both wearing the same style undershirts, only differing in color. The black of Aki's stretched over his broad chest, while Hideki's seemed ready to burst out of his white one; he made a mental note to buy some the next size up.

"Are you gonna eat your breakfast, or just drool into it?" Aki said and revealed the smile that had the powers to make Hideki smile back no matter what mood he was in. Not that he had been in any foul moods lately. He was just still getting used to a different lifestyle, new feelings, new emotions; it was still very strange, though quite nice at the same time.

"I'm, uh, sorry." He spoke turning a little red in the white in his cheeks. The memories of their bookstore romp still fresh in his mind, he only wished he could burn it to DVD and watch it in real life. It gave him the sudden idea to make a movie one of these days with the other feline, they had the technology, or, Aki did anyways. He was a technological moron, not knowing how to even make an e-mail account. It's not like he would ever use one anyways. "I was just thinking about last week."

A grin split the cougars muzzle even wider than the smile had, his teeth gleaming an ivory white in the early morning light. It was only seven thirty, but already it was a good ninety degrees outside. It explained their attire though, the sleeveless shirts, short white boxer shorts, freshly showered, but already feeling like another. Hideki chuckled and brought a piece of egg to his mouth, taking the bite as cutely as his tiger face would allow.

"It was wonderful wasn't it?" Aki said and set his empty bowl on the polished table. Hideki nodded and couldn't help but purr deep in his chest. There was a sudden thump from above their heads that could only be Ms. Miyashi, Aki's landlady. Hideki only nodded and quickly tried to finish his food before the old kitsune came down from upstairs. She was more than happy to let the tiger stay on the weekends, but the large tiger couldn't help but feel too humble. He usually refused meals unless the old lady insisted, which she often did.

"And in our, or, your favorite place." Hideki said placing his own ceramic bowl in front of him where he rested his arms on either side of it. Aki smiled before giving his new mate a curious look; Hideki new the words before they left his mouth.

"Honya wa suki nai no?" Aki asked with a puzzled expression, the cougars head turning to the side a bit. Hideki didn't have anything to hide from the other cat but he didn't want to disappoint him or anything. "You read as much as I do. Not necessarily the same genre, but manga are books too."

Hideki thought of all the douhinshi comics he had back at his apartment above the bookstore; the naughty girl ones, the sexy school ones, the dark violent ones, even the few made for males with a taste for other males. He kept those last ones hidden behind his futon, not that anyone ever came into his room, but he almost had hid them from himself. Before Aki, he figured he was cursed, doomed to walk the earth stuck in a constant state of frustration. He was a male, and males were only supposed to find females attractive, not other males. When he had kissed Akihiro a month ago in the bookstore, it was the first kiss he had ever truly enjoyed. It had frightened him, it had freed him.

"I do, but after working there for three years," He said and tried to choose his words carefully. He didn't want to seem like he didn't like what the cougar liked. In truth, he did, just never really gave it a chance before he met the handsome cat. "It's just the last place I would want go on the weekends, you know."

Akihiro seemed to think to himself, paw under his chin as he stared at his empty bowl. The tiger could still hear Miyashi somewhere above them and tried to put the thought of her generosity out of his mind. It would be one thing if he was living here with Aki, but he wasn't, and he didn't want to jump the gun and ask to move in, the cougar's bed was barely big enough for both of them. It wasn't a bad thing though, it just meant that they had to sleep closer together, something Hideki loved very much; The soft warm fur against his, the gentle breath as this neck, the beating of his heart next to his, the presence of another male so close to him.

"Then what do you want to do this week?" The cougar looked up and showed his keen smile after the words had left his tongue. The tiger could remember how sweet it tasted and almost drifted off into another day dream when he registered what the other hulking feline had asked.

"You mean," Hideki spoke, still not entirely sure what he had meant by the question. His smile remained wide so he took it as clearance to vocalize his thoughts. "We could go anywhere?"

"Within reason," He said and shrugged, his paws fumbling something in his lap. Hideki couldn't see what, but he had a pretty good idea what it was. "As long as we stay within Sagamihara, Isazaki is packed on the weekends."

Hideki laughed and nodded. He remembered the trip they had taken after the first week; they had taken the train to Yokohama, Aki had wanted to show the tiger the large outdoor mall, never having been there. There were so many furs about; you could hardly breathe the thick muggy air. It was a fun trip none the less, but Hideki had something much simpler in mind. He knew the kind of things the cougar liked, and as long as he could be there, in his presence, sharing his happiness, that was all the tiger needed.

"Eiga wo mi ni ikimasen ka?" Hideki spit out suddenly, it was horribly cliché, but it would be cooler than a trip to Yokohama and a great way to kill a few hours of heat. The cougar's ears twitched with delight; his tail wiping through the air subconsciously.

"What kinda of movie should we see? Not a romance, I hate those." Aki spoke and almost instantly the tiger felt relief rush over him, he knew he decided on the right thing then. He knew for a fact that the cougar was a big reader and never watched television, but a movie was different, and he thought he knew the perfect one.

"There's that sci-fi movie playing across town." Hideki said remembering the preview on television the night before. It was an American made movie, but he knew it was originally a book that Aki had once read. He knew that the cougar had to be at least half interested in something like that, being the cute geek he was.

"Mae kara mitai to omotte imashita." Aki said with a contemplative look, his eyes glancing up in thought. Hideki felt a wonderful feeling flutter through his stomach at the words and he thanked himself for sitting down and watching T.V. with the old fox last night while Aki went to pick up some pizza.

"If you think you want to see the movie then let's go, how bad can it be?" They both laughed and Aki agreed it would be much better than spending the afternoon in a non-air-conditioned bookstore.

"Okay, and if it's worse than the book, and I know it will be, then it'll just give us things to talk about afterwards." Aki laughed as he stood to take his bowl to the kitchen. Hideki followed him, half staring at his own bowl and half at the butt below the swinging tail, covered in white cotton.

They cleaned out their bowls, being courteous to Ms. Miyashi, and set them to dry. Before the bulky cougar could slip away Hideki instinctually grabbed him by the waist and spun him around. He was still getting use to his own emotions and feelings, so this even surprised him when he found his mouth on his, tongues mingling like long lost brothers, reunited and sharing stories and reconnecting with that brotherly love; only with a kiss involved.

Silence fell around them as they became one, paws interlaced and tails tied in their own small hug. It was like their first time all over again, blissful, wonderful, only without the sudden guilt and fear. He could smell him, better than in the dream, his musk, his natural male scent sending his senses into overdrive. He would have taken the cougar then and there, but a third noise from upstairs brought him back to reality and ended the kiss with a beautiful smile from Aki.

"Omae wa ore no oishii tora da ka?" He spoke like the words were drool from an intoxicated cat, but they were saturated with passion. He loved how he affected the cougar, but wasn't ashamed to admit that Aki had the same affect on him.

"I'll be your delicious tiger or whatever you want in between." He replied and their noses touched just as the door to the dining room opened. They didn't pull away right away, they couldn't, not the way their paws were together. Their tails were nearly in a knot now and it would have been obvious anyways. Though Hideki did make to pull back slightly, Aki just held him. He understood him, understood how all his life he had thought there had been something wrong with him. He wasn't afraid of anyone, but the tiger was still programmed to hide the fact that males interested him.

Ms. Miyashi smiled at the couple, dressed in a simple green summer kimono with her hair done up; it was clear she was doing some cleaning. Her eyes sparkled in the light from the kitchen window, her outfit seeming to illuminate the emerald eyes as if on fire; a calm and wise fire, but a fire none the less.

"Ohayou gozaimashita, Akihiro-kun, Hideki-san," She spoke and padded over to the sink where she placed a large pot on the counter beside it. It was a small palm tree her son had sent over from America. She watered it and treated it like it was her own child. Normally it sat in the T.V. room beside the couch, but Hideki figured she was watering it. "It's going to be another hot one today, I could barely sleep and I even had the fan on all night long."

"Ohayou." Aki spoke giving the tiger in his arms a wink. She had barely paid any attention to them. The cougar had explained to him that the kitsune had a son in America who was 'like them' and that she didn't mind their 'attraction' so before they broke apart it didn't make him shiver when the tan feline grabbed at his crotch before helping the kitsune with her palm tree.

He watched them, standing there in his underwear, scratching behind his ears, not in confusion but in amazement at how wonderful the cat could make him feel. He decided then that he would treat the cougar. He had some saved up money, for nothing other than a rainy day, or in this case, a hot day. He knew it was only a movie, nothing spectacular, but a movie wasn't complete without snacks and Hideki just so happened to know that the cat was fond of snacks.


"I'm so sorry, this was a horrible idea." The tiger groaned as they exited the theater. His head hung low, ears plastered to his head as they stepped out into the pouring rain. It was warm and sticky, not cool, and if anything added to the misery inside his chest. He didn't even want to look at the cougar to see the disappointment in his eyes. It had all gone wrong, his big plan to do something for the cougar, but being late to the premiere, losing his wallet, and now the rain; what more could happen to make this day any worse?

"I wasn't horrible." The deep soothing voice replied. It was enough to fill the orange feline's soul with a sweet tingling that faded all too soon as his clothes became heavier with the weight of the rain water. They took a few more steps before Hideki could safely say that he was soaked through to the fur. He shivered even in the warm muggy weather, but it took all of his courage to finally look up into those beautiful, handsome, loving eyes. "I didn't mind paying for the movie, and it sucked anyways so I didn't mind being late. I got to sit next to you and hold your paw. We confused those nerds when they saw us kissing. And now we get a nice walk home through a sudden summer shower."

Hideki stared incredulously at his companion; watched as water ran down the bridge of his nose and dripped off his muzzle, casually walking as if he didn't even notice the drops pelting his head. He looked cute when his fur was wet; taking his even steps beside him and even Hideki couldn't deny the truthful expression he wore.

"You mean," he spoke with nervous hesitation, still not sure if he had heard the other cat correctly. "You actually enjoyed it all? It just seemed like a disaster to me. I thought that one kid was gonna go tell on us."

"You were trying too hard." Hideki spoke as he stared on ahead as if he was looking for something. Hideko hardly paid attention to what because he was hanging on every word as they were spoken. "I liked the fact that you wanted to do something for me, that's all that counts. And that panda was only mad because he couldn't even get a 'guy' if he tried."

"But," Hideki went to protest but before he could get the words out he was suddenly pulled by the paw, spun around and planted right between two muscular arms. The hug was warm but the kiss what shocking. It was raining, but there were still furs about under umbrellas. He tried to look this way and that, but all he could see was that dark, wet, face fur, and before he knew it, he was giving in. His powers drained and resolve fleeing ever faster he brought his arms up, paws searching over soaked back, and up to broad shoulders that he clung to as he kissed back. 'There aren't that many furs down this street.' He thought as their tongues explored familiar territory. It was him, Akihiro, the cougar who had saved him from his doom, and was saving him yet again.

"I have a present for you." Aki barely spoke as they broke apart, still clinging together with muzzles only an inch or so apart. Hideki felt dizzy, drunk almost, but he knew he was sober, knew that what he was feeling was love not fright. What was anyone going to do? Yell at them? Beat them up. 'Not even possible.'

"But I wasn't even able to give you anything," He spoke suddenly feeling guilty that things still went the way they did. He wanted to prove to the cougar that he was more than just a lonely tiger who worked in a use bookstore, with no friends, no life, and a boyfriend who seemed to do everything for him. "And now you're gonna give me something?"

"You gave me a wonderful afternoon." He replied eyes mirroring the genuine look of love. "Now that we have a moment, I want to take you somewhere to relax. I've noticed you lately, you seem so stiff. It's not a bad thing, but I just want to prove that it's okay to be lax and carefree."

"Carefree?" Hideki replied continuing to watch the rain fall like rivets into brown fur. He could feel his own fur making way for the rivers of wetness as it rolled down his shoulders and underneath his shirt. He knew he was talking about how he felt so uptight in public when they were together. He didn't want to be, he just was, he couldn't help it.

"Don't worry about it." Akihiro spoke and kissed him on the nose, causing his ears to guiltily perk up in excitement. He gave himself away sometimes, he hated to admit it, but his nervousness was mostly his own fault. He could only return the cougars smile and hold on to his paw as he was led further down the water slick streets. He eyed the passerby with worried glances but strangely none of them seemed to look twice as the two bulky felines made their way towards where ever Hideki's present awaited him.

The building they ended up at had an old feel to it; faded wood walls atop a stacked stone plateau with steps up the front leading to a door. The sign overhead read, in Kanji: Ooyake Sentou; Public bath house. Hideki immediately felt his insides drop. He had never been to a bath house before, forbade himself from going to one; not wanting to give himself the opportunity to see other naked males. He could possibly get an erection and cause a panic, get kicked out, and labeled a pervert and shamed for life. When he was about to protest the idea he felt that familiar paw in his. Akihiro grinned and chuckled, unaware of his inner plight, but something made his legs follow the cougar inside the building without a word of objection.

A very pretty hyena greeted them. She wore a pink and blue kimono and had her long mane done up with chopsticks. Hideki could tell she was a foreigner but when she spoke he would never have guessed over the phone or something of the like. She spoke perfect Japanese and even her accent suggested that she was originally from somewhere down south; Okinawa perhaps.

They paid their fees, or Akihiro did, and together they were let towards the otokoyu; the male's half of the bath. In the changing room they stripped down in silence and stored their belongings into a designated locker before entering the bath house. To Hideki's surprise it was mostly empty. A few older furs soaked in a square pool while a few younger boys splashed about in the larger one farther back. The walls were tile but displayed a picture of an old painting from the Edo period. The layer of steam in the air gave the painting an almost surreal feel to the whole place. Even though he was naked and in front of other furs, he felt safe in the warm fog. Akihiro had let his paw go but still kept close to the cat as they made their way past the public eyes of other males and boys; it was reassuring in the least.

It made Hideki nervous though he couldn't decide what was worse; being in a bath house with other naked furs, or being in a public bath house with his new boyfriend. 'Could they tell? Are they looking at me? Those are...they're the two kids I threw out of the book store a month ago. Will they say something about me being with Aki?'

Through all this pondering he hadn't noticed that they had arrived at the far end of the long rectangular pool; the kids being on the other end and nearly out of earshot except for their loud playful shrieks. Aki had one leg into the steaming bath, his towel laid aside where it could stay dry; Hideki couldn't help but stare at the swinging bits between his legs before he met the cougar's wide smile with a weaker one. He took the tawny paw and let his mate help him into the soothingly hot water; even though he didn't need the help in the first place.

With the rising steam, the air in the large room became thicker and more opaque. The chuckles of older males and the laughs of adolescents became disembodied voices in the air; cutting Hideki and Akihiro off in their own little world. They sat at a right angle from one another, their arms up on the dark tile edge, feeling the lap of the warm water against their furry chests; caused by the rambunctious children at the other end. It was peaceful, at least until the cougar suddenly unleashed his childish side and splashed a wave of hot water in the tigers face.

"Bachiatari..." He growled, water droplets dripping from his face-fur and whiskers. He held onto his scowl as long as he could before an unstoppable grin beamed toward the innocent looking feline face. His only response was to splash him back twice as much in which he received a second barrage. They were fools, acting like the kids at the other end, but in all seriousness, it was sort of nice. Hideki hadn't acted like a kid since he was, well, a kid. It actually didn't even surprise him when the broad cougar leaned in and kissed him so suddenly; his wet fur pressing against his. Panic only briefly stung him but the heavy steam about them was reassuring. "Bakamono, Aki."

Akihiro smiled as he pulled back, staring into the tigers eyes like he had never truly seem him before; paws on the marble tile on either side of the tiger's bulky frame, noses nearly touching to where they breathed in each other's breath. It was curious, but Hideki could only stare back. Gaze into those deep golden eyes. He knew he could get lost in them if he wasn't careful, but he wanted to stay, to get lost in flesh, fur, in Aki.

"I think I really do love you." He spoke, his words hanging heavy in the atmosphere. It was a welcoming weight however, and Hideki knew what it meant, to him, and to both of them as a couple. It was a commitment at least to be with him, to live with him, to Love him as he did. When Akihiro's paw moved, dipping into the steaming water, and placed itself anew upon the furry sheath deep in the pool, Hideki made no protest to stop him. He knew it was inevitable, that he would get hard at some point during this experience, and what a better way than from this new love's touch.

Aki just smiled softly as he ran his paw down the underside of the tigers sheath and down to his jewels that he cupped gingerly and rolled about in his grip. It was enough to get him harder that a rock. Slipping out of his sheath, he sent copious amounts of pre to drift though the murky waters as his shaft came to full standing all too quickly. It was kind of a silly thing to think. But it solidified the fact that he was attracted to males, to Aki. No female was ever able to do that to him before, and a gay, book smart, geeky, male cougar with a love for tigers could do it in a matter of seconds. Hideki just figured he was officially a gay, computer illiterate, hulk of a tiger that now had a thing for, polite, handsome, and sweet cougars. He smiled at his own revelation as his mate got him hard.

"Do you like that?" Aki asked gripping the pink shaft in his paw as he shifted his legs to where he was nearly sitting on the tigers knees.

"What do you think, stupid?" Hideki replied knowing the cougar loved his gruffness.

"I think you're ready to try something new?" Akihiro grinned taking his other paw from the ledge and submersing it in with the other; using his knees on either side of Hideki's legs to steady himself with the natural buoyancy of the water.

"Like what?" He asked and all too soon the other paw slipped passed his shaft, his balls and down to the spot that he himself had never touched before. Immediately he convulsed, sending him out from under Aki's legs and up onto the dark marble ledge in one fluid movement; Erection sticking straight up into the hazy air. "C-chotto m-matte, nani wo shite iru n da ka?" He gasped in a raspy voice.

He almost felt bad about nearly shouting. His fear of being caught had kept his voice down to a panicked whisper however. He expected Aki to look hurt or sad, but he just grinned more devilishly as he edged closer to the pink prick before him. Hideki was all but blown away when the tan paws placed themselves on his black striped thighs as cougar muzzle devoured the throbbing member right there in plain sight. He looked around quickly to find that the warm fog held up. He could only barely make out two faint shapes at the other end; the high voices of pre-teens splashing about. But it still wasn't quite enough to take the edge away. His heart beat faster as his eyes darted about, all while warm cougar lips and wet tongue worked him over like a masseuse works a sore back.

Despite the immediate likelihood of detection, Hideki's dick was harder than ever. If it wasn't the exhibition that fuelled it, maybe it was the cougar's fingers on his forbidden spot. He sat in such a way that foolishly allowed the cougar to gain better access to his back door; his whole 'get away' scheme having failed utterly. However, this time he didn't make to stop him. After all, all he was doing was massaging the muscle around the hole, surely he would never...

He gasped as the finger sunk in. Aki let the member flop from his maw and smiled as he licked his lips hungrily. This was definitely a new Akihiro; the somewhat passive and submissive cougar was now acting as the dominant one. It was a role reversal that Hideki wasn't used to.

Through squinted eyes and gritted teeth the tiger took the single digit with great stride. It was a sharp feeling, but he realized it wasn't quite painful. In his opinion, shots from the doctor's office were more painful, but when the second finger broke through he quickly changed his mind. His toes curled as claws scrapped tile. Even with his bottom half on the tiled edge, he couldn't deny Akihiro the passage he demanded. Those beautiful eyes shone with a new resolve Hideki never thought he would see in the cougar, but according to his serious smile, Aki wanted something that he was going to get.

The two padded fingers slowly stretched him out, sliding in and out with increasing ease and with every wince and grunt Hideki found himself almost enjoying the struggle he was putting up. He even found that when Aki's free paw took hold of the ruby red tiger dick that it felt even better and much more enjoyable. He still couldn't help himself from sucking in sharp breaths of heavy air in reaction to each finger thrust. It was such a new and unusual sensation he couldn't help but let his body react to it in the way it wanted to.

"I think the tiger likes it." Aki teased quietly as he continued to break the big guy in. "Do you like it when I push my fingers in like that, Hideki-kun? Tell me you like it."

"I..." He fought with the idea of being below someone else; being someone else's sexual exploitation. He didn't want to admit that he was being, is some ways, shamed. Men aren't supposed to be submissive, or he wasn't at least. But this was Akihiro that asked this of him. His mate. He loved him, and found that for him, he would lower his standards, his expectations of what a male should be, and truthfully say he enjoyed being 'finger fucked'. "I love it, Aki." His whispered and swallowed hard. "I want you inside me."

That actually made the cougar raise his brow a bit, that new fire in his eyes blazed brighter for that instant too. Hideki could tell that Aki would have taken him here and now even if he hadn't asked. It made the request a bit more necessary. He could at least flaw his resolve, that he would be 'fucked' because he wanted to be 'fucked' and not just because Aki demanded it of him.

The cougar leaned in and licked a bead of pre off the tiger's tip before slapping him on the side of his hips. He waited a moment, staring at the cougar's expecting stare, unsure of what to do. When Aki chuckled and shook his head he remembered the first day they had slept together in Akihiro's apartment. His eyes went a little wide but his cheeks went hot and red as well. He nodded and stood up in the water as carefully as he could; not wanting to splash about to much least they be discovered in the midst of their sexual scheme.

He placed both paws firmly on the tiled edge, placing his rear in full view of Aki's explorative paw-pads. With his striped tail held aloft the tan cat took a firm grip on the tiger cheeks after running through his furry orange backside. Hideki felt venerable then. His male-hood hung in the balance, in the paws of a horny cougar. He knew how big Aki was, he wasn't the biggest he had ever seen, but it was far from small and it would eventually be filling him to the breaking point and to tell the truth, that scared him a bit.

With a steady breath he awaited another finger, but what he felt was much softer and much warmer than the padded digit. The semi-rough feline tongue penetrated him as Aki buried his face between the fuzzy cheeks he had so firmly grasped. If the fingers had felt, 'good' then this was 'breathtaking'. He couldn't help but shiver at the feeling. Despite the sluggish feeling that the hot foggy air brought on, he suddenly felt more alert and aware of his own body then he ever had before. In and out it went, not as rough and filling as a cock should be, so he thought, and not as lifeless as a finger or two and it seemed that every time Aki would pull out and lick up his entire crack another shiver would serge throughout his body, sending his whole being into bliss.

"Aki, it...It feels too good." He sighed behind teeth gritted in pleasure.

"Then just wait till I stick it in." Aki whispered viciously from behind; having pulled his tongue from the wet hole it had graciously filled. Hideki twisted his neck to look back at Aki only to see that red tongue licking his lips before he rose to reveal a hard and pulsing cougar cock. 'That's going in me?' Hideki thought. He had had that impressive member in his mouth before but it was almost like he had forgotten just how significant the size really was. "Take a breath and try not to scream."

"Scream?" He thought to himself more than actually asking a question. The proposition almost made him want to laugh. He never screamed about or from anything, but the tip that pressed against the same tender area as the tongue sent a sudden chill of worry down the tiger's broad back and to the tip of his tail. His immediate response was to protest such a thing but it reminded him of the dozen or so times he had taken the cougar regardless of what he had said. And because Aki had never objected to such actions, how would it make him look if he did. A part of him deep down knew that Akihiro would understand, but the pride that Hideki wore like a badge wouldn't let himself be lowered to such a level. He wasn't afraid of many things, and a dick in the ass was one of those things he would have to take like the male he was.

The cougar must not have heard his single-word question because he simply took hold of his dick with one paw while the other held firmly to the small of the tiger's back. Hideki clenched his paws and tried his hardest to relax the rest of his body for the abuse ahead.

"Mmm, that's nice." Aki spoke as he smeared the pre from his cock around the tightly closed hole that it was about to puncture. Hideki found that he agreed. It felt good as the tender muscles were lubricated. He could remember briefly the time he had almost taken a female this way; back in his high school days. He was the one to back out, not because he didn't want to, but because he hadn't wanted to hurt the frail girl he had been with. Aki was a tough guy. He took dick like a champ, and if he could, then Hideki realized he could too.

"Fuck me Aki." He whispered taking a glance in the direction of where the teenagers must still be. It was almost like the rest of the bath house was fading away and it had become just the two of them. For both their safety and privacy, Hideki forced himself to remain aware of the other furs but when that slippery red tip pressed into him, all things were forcefully flushed from his skull. The whole place seemed to spin and tilt. All the air was expelled from his lungs and he nearly forgot to take another breath. When new, wet, warm air did find him again his vision seemed to blur in unusual ways.

He felt full, whole, complete, and when that fullness fled him and longing slipped in, it was only a few seconds before it was replaced by Aki's god given cock. He couldn't begin to describe such a paramount sensation as it seemed to be set on repeat. It didn't lessen either, in and out, pain and pleasure becoming pleasure and ecstasy as both of Aki's paws positioned themselves gingerly upon Hideki's hips. With each plunge they would trace along the contours of his black and orange muscles, claws gently combing with the flow of his fur.

"I want to give myself to you, Hideki." The cougar whispered into his ear as his hips humped into him. Hideki felt warm and loved then, but disappointed. He was the one who wanted to show Aki a good time today. But he lost his wallet, then it rained, and now he was being the submissive one, enjoying a hot moment at Aki's expense.

He wanted to take Aki's offer too. He loved him, and wanted only to kiss the cougar's lips for the rest of his life. If it wasn't for the cute geeky cougar, he would still be cooped up in a humid bookstore with only a tiny room to call his own. For that he was thankful, and regardless of his inability to pay for things, the cougar seemed to love him.

"And don't worry about the movie, or anything else." Aki grunted as he pushed in particularly hard; Hideki felt his own stiff cock throb as he did and somehow connected the pleasure with the slight pain in his insides. How the cougar seemed to have read his mind was suddenly not important as a second identical thrust resulted in the same swell of pleasure. "Without you, I'd be just another lonely guy wondering and hoping for a chance at love. And now that I have found it, the last thing I would do it let it go because my mate lost his wallet."

Hideki felt silly, but they both seemed to have gained something by being with the other. Love was just the icing on top of the cake. Aki's sudden increase in speed and force however, was like a sudden shock. His insides seemed to swim, the cock in his ass like the rudder to a loaded battleship. He wasn't even stroking himself; his paws to busy keeping him steady on his knees. Regardless, his tender balls were ready to explode as his dick bounced from the back and forth of the thrusts. 'He's a wrecking ball. He's gonna tear me apart.'

It was an arousing thought. The more passive Aki and his hidden dominate side seemed like an old eastern story Hideki had read when he was younger. Dr. Jeckel and Mr. Hyde were the same person and not at the same time. Hideki figured he could learn to like this side, as long as it didn't involve an exhibition every time.

"I think...I'm g-gonna...c-cum, Aki." The tiger was just able to get out before his cock erupted in a sharp spasm onto the dark tiled edge of the bath. Thick streams of clear-ish white juice slashed down as orgasm overtook Hideki by surprise; the wondrous feeling of anal stimulation sending him into a hazy yet powerful afterglow almost immediately.

Akihiro's constant pounding however all but shattered the serine feeling as he rushed towards his own release like a hijacked car on the highway. Hideki clenched his eyes shut as he let himself be dominated by another male, his mate, his boyfriend, his love. He let himself zone out on the experience. The sounds of the water as Aki's legs bent, the faint sounds of voices. The thick air as it slowly entered his lungs, leaving him relaxed and calm despite the cock sliding in and out of his ass. Even in his bent over position he almost thought he could fall asleep despite the increasing slaps of tan fur on orange.

Aki was getting close; it was exciting and alleviating. He looked forward to crawling into bed with the cougar once they got home and settled down. Maybe they would pop in a movie or put on some music and drift off together. His dick was still hard and dripping, but he could already feel the blood beginning to drain as Aki's seemed to become more engorged inside of him. It felt like a battering ram. Like a Tokugawa story and the samurai were storming the castle, only the castle was his ass, and the ramming cock slipping in and out of his spongy walls was forcing him to submit to the exiled lord and his loyal men.

"A-almost...there." The cougar whispered against the repetition of cock entering ass noises. The thought of taking the cougar's seed was more than just erotic, it was nearly unfathomable. He had always been the male, always been on top, now he was the bottom and on the receiving end, and if his memory served him right, he knew just how much the cougar could cum.

The sudden chirps of children and the patter of paws against wet floor brought Hideki's squinted gaze upward then. The haze was still thick but the distinctive shape of two adolescent boys could be seen through the opaque fog; and coming this way. Every muscle in the tiger's doubled over body went tense as the two forms grew darker and more distinct; even the ring around Aki's cock tightened as if trying to push it out on its own. The cougar's face was buried in his back fur and Hideki knew the cat couldn't see the approaching dilemma so his body did the first thing it could do in reaction.

With a final grunting thrust from the newly dominant Aki, Hideki pushed off the bath's edge, straightening out his back as he did. Cougar paws tightened around tiger waist as dick slipped deeper into its wet dark hole. The faint sensation of increased heat within Hideki's bowels was only processed milliseconds before both forms fell slashing into the safe warm water with a thunderous crash. He held his breath as those familiar paws wrapped themselves around his torso. A loving embrace that even water couldn't stop. The cock inside him throbbed, empting out its seed with such power, swiftly and completely. It made him feel full, loved, and whole. It meant that he was now Aki's, and Aki was his. They were complete now, or so it seemed, and for some reason he didn't care who knew.

When the need to breathe became too much to bear his face broke the surface. Warm air rushed into his lungs as the pulsing in his rear began to slow. Aki came up next but didn't show as much trouble with getting air. His arms were still tightly enclosing the tiger's waist and didn't show any signs of letting go. It only bade the tiger grin. At least until he spotted the raccoon and the shiba inu that he had thrown out of the book store over a month ago standing by the edge of the bath holding their belongings in their arms and looking a bit confused. When he had first kissed Aki, it was in a way because of these two, if he hadn't have made a scene, Aki wouldn't have been holding the book and he would never had seen him reading it after. When a tan paw moved a little south though, one of the boys snickered. Hideki frowned and couldn't help the snarl that came up in this throat.

"What's your problem?" Hideki growled. It wiped the expressions right off their faces and went as far as causing the raccoon to drop his wooden sandals. He felt Aki move underneath him and knew that the cougar must have just realized what was going on. It made Hideki grin, a fierce grin indeed, but a grin none the less.

When the boys finally scampered through the exit Hideki couldn't help but chuckle as he shifted his body. There was still a dick in his ass and it didn't seem ready to come out just yet. Akihiro must have misinterpreted this as something else because his paws came up to his chest in a firm hug. It pulled him back down into the water a bit, against the white fur of Aki's chest, and further back onto his cock.

"Koko ni ite kudasai." Whispered the cougar. Hideki could only do just that. He had made up his mind; he loved the cougar and wanted nothing more than to stay with him for as long as they could be together.

"Koko ni imasu." He replied as he turned his head just so. Being feline had its advantages, and one was being able to kiss your mate even if they were behind you. It was an awkward position but the kiss felt right, he felt right, normal, complete, loved, and that's all that mattered.