For Every Door that Closes -- Twelve

Story by Reserved Rodent on SoFurry

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#12 of For Every Door That Closes

The characters, locations, and events in this story are fictional creations of Reserved Rodent. Any resemblances found within this work to other works, including real life, are freak accidents, so don't blame the author. In whole and part, original characters in this work belong to Reserved Rodent, so please make your own characters. This work was written with the intention of posting it and surrounding chapters on If you must take it and post it elsewhere, at least leave it fully intact, including these warnings, and give credit (or blame) where it is due. Linking back to this site would also be wonderful, as would alerting the author: me.

A male humanoid rat and a male humanoid hyena will be having oral sex with a side of some hugging and kissing and talking and petting. If you don't want to be exposed to any of this, go elsewhere. If it is not legal for you to be exposed to any of this, go elsewhere. Otherwise, enjoy.

Future chapters are going to range from spotlessly clean to various levels of naughtiness. I do not foresee delving into extremes, but there will be various adult level activities, including M/F and M/M. I will make sure to tag such adult segments correctly, so make sure you pay attention, because they will also have similar warnings to the above. All this is mentioned here so you don't get surprised (not that I expect you will be if you're browsing this site.)

For Every Door that Closes

by Reserved Rodent


Several inches of Hyipgr's cock was poking out of his sheath. More appeared to still be hiding, but from where I crouched down before him, lightly fondling his balls to get the last of the cleanser washed from them, the visible pulse of his heartbeat suggested it was only a matter of time before my friend was fully exposed. His reaction both pleased and terrified me. I had given him an enjoyable scrubbing, but now I had to decide if I could give another male a blow job.

"If you aren't comfortable with this yet, Randy," The golden furred hyena said softly, running his fingers lightly down the side of my face, "then don't feel this is something you have to do. I think it is very generous of you, planning to please me as much as I hope to please you, but don't feel like this is something required. Wait until you fully want to show such intimacy."

Leaning forward slightly, bowing my muzzle down to breathe in his natural scent from the wet, freshly cleaned balls in my hand, I could feel the desire to give them a lick. It pounded at the base of my brain in a steady beat, matching his pulse.

"The only problem I'm having with want, right now is..." I whispered softly, breathing across his fur covered orbs. His moan of pleasure almost made me forget what I was saying. I was beginning to shake from how easily I felt everything slipping from my control. "I am worried that this want is not from me, but is from your scent; those pheromones. This desire feels too strong, too fast, and I worry it will fall apart and ruin our budding friendship. I don't want you to just walk off after you get what you want Mira..."

The twin orbs before my nose backed off a step and then my friend was kneeling down in the shallow water with me, giving me a tight hug. My own arms actually beat my tail in wrapping around Hyipgr's soaked torso to return the gesture. It felt so good to hold him as tightly as he held me.

Neither of us said anything as we remained in each other's firm grasp for several minutes. Warm water still fell over us, both enhancing the natural scent of our fur, but also kept it from growing too strong. Eventually, I felt my emotions calming again.

I rubbed the side of my muzzle lightly against Hyipgr's cheek. "I'm sorry I'm not dealing with this better," I admitted softly.

"Randy, you're doing better than most would. When I think of everything that has suddenly changed for you, I am amazed you're handling them as well as you are. If it feels too fast, then take your time. No one is going to rush you if you aren't ready."

My shoulders slumped as I let out a sigh, "I rushed myself with Mira."

Patting me lightly on the back, Hyipgr leaned his head against my neck, "A female starting up in her heat who chooses you to father her next batch of cubs doesn't count as your fault. I know she was willing. You were too, weren't you?"

"The body sure was. Though crazy with lust might be more accurate than just saying I was willing."

"But you want more." His soft words were not a question, but I nodded anyway. "Randy, I don't know what all you expect, but I can tell you that I am attracted to your body, mind, and spirit."

"There's my problem, I think... What should I expect if we do this. Not as in I suck you off, you do the same to me, but what comes next. And I don't mean more sex, I mean us. What does that make us? What does it do to the friendship we're building?"

Leaning back, to look me in the eye, Hyipgr touched his nose to mine. "I imagine we would become closer friends as the bond between us grew stronger. That's what sex between males does to relationships."

"What about your ranking?"

"Even if you were a member of the tribe, there's no duel. Sex isn't always about pups or rank, silly. Sometimes, it's just to share yourself with someone important to you."

Gently rubbing my nose against my friend's, I mumbled, "No strings attached sex between friends? Sounds too good to be true."

"I'm sorry you feel that way. Within the tribe, sex between males is not like currency. It is a shared bonding experience. I don't know how to say it any clearer than that."

Feeling bad about my inability to accept what I was being told, my gaze dropped between us. Hypgr's tan cock was still halfway out of his sheath. I could also see the pink tip of my own tool peeking out of it's furry home. We both still wanted this.

Keeping my nose pointed down, I brought my gaze up to look in Hyipgr's eyes. "Lie back," I whispered, just over the sound of the falls.


"Or stand up again. However you'll be more comfortable while I suck the nectar out of your stalk." Shit, that sounded damn corny.

"Oh Randy, don't do that." Hyipgr giggled. "The cleansing reed nect-erp!"

I had moved my paw to tightly grip my friend's family jewels as soon as I realized he was going to tease me about my pathetic line. "Please, just get these where I can easily lick on them and suck their friend off before I am forced to try an even worse line." I whispered, softly pulsing a little pressure to his balls every second or so.

The soaking, golden furred hyena moaned as he leaned forwards slightly. "You are a cruel male to threaten me with such unspeakable horror, Randy. That was already the worse metaphor I've heard used to describe worshiping my favorite body parts."

Before I could respond, he kissed me between my eyes and stood up, bringing his growing, furless rod within reach of my tongue. My first lap was interesting. With us still in the waterfall and having just cleaned, only a bare hint of his musk tingled on my tastebuds.

While my right hand relaxed it's grip on the twin orbs it had been squeezing, my left reached out to cup my friends ass and gently pull him closer. My second taste ran up Hyipgr's cock from the furry rim of his sheath to the moist tip. He was beginning to leak pre, so the last of my lick brought a salty, strangely masculine, completely new experience to my tongue.

I didn't like the taste. It wasn't that I hated it, for I could tolerate it, but it was not something that I really savored. So my third and fourth slurps were not quite as eager as the first two. My hands were still happily playing with my friend's ass and balls, but I was beginning to feel concern about being able to carry through with giving a blow job any hyena male.

A change in my approach seemed called for. Leaning forward and down slightly, I began exploring his furry ballsack with my tongue. The light musk there was much more prominent on my taste buds than it had been to my nose, but I knew I enjoyed that flavor, so I began working my way over every curve and into every nook of his scrotum. At the same time, I brought my right paw up to begin lightly stroking his now fully exposed, throbbing member.

I went slow and light at first, sliding my pads gently over his heated pillar. With only water and whatever moisture had coated it within his sheath to lubricate my movement, I did not want to make it painful for my friend. While I was finding rooting my nose around in his privates while my tongue wrestled with his balls to be enjoyable, my goal here was pleasing this wet hyena, not causing him discomfort.

The drop of pre that landed on my muzzle surprised me, but also pleased me. It was a sign that I was doing something right for Hyipgr. Before I could even think to prevent it, my tongue lashed out around my muzzle to slurp up the trace of natural lubricant. It didn't seem as bad as I remembered. It still wasn't fantastic, but it seemed to taste better.

Hyipgr's tip was leaking steadily now, covering my fingers with his slick liquid as I continued to paw him off. I was now able to apply a little more pressure, which from his groans, seemed well appreciated.

His balls were warm and beginning to sweat from his excitement, which stimulated my tongue as I drew one of the orbs into my muzzle to suckle it.

"Oh, Randy..." Hyipgr moaned, "so... good." Both of his hands pet my ears and head. His soft strokes over my fur urged me to continue to please him, his groans like music to my ears.

I slowly withdrew from the testicle I had been sucking and licked my way over my friend's sweaty sack to wrap my tongue around his other orb. In addition to his spicy, masculine musk, pre had dripped onto the fur covering my target. The mixed flavor that assaulted my senses drove my heart rate higher. I was falling in love with the taste of Hyipgr's sex.

The glittering, slimy red pillar captivated my gaze as my precum slickened fingers wrapped rhythmically around him, squeezing firmly from bottom to top. It was like I was milking the clear liquid from him, and I was ready to try tasting from the source.

Releasing his balls and cock, I ran my tongue up from Hyipgr's scrotum, over his sheath and then shaft. The hyena cooed and shuddered while I grinned and lapped up more of his tasty lubricant. Each swipe tasted better than the last.

While my left hand was happily rubbing his right ass cheek, running fingers up and down his crack, my other hand slipped down to fondle his wet pair of golden, hyena balls. He was still rubbing my ears and, occasionally, the back of my head. As I wrapped my tongue around the hot, tasty shaft, a feeling of contented happiness filled my chest. I was able to get as much enjoyment from giving pleasure to my friend as he seemed to feel receiving said satisfaction.

Smiling, I leaned back enough to look up at Hyipgr.

"You're performing amazingly, Randy." he said, looking down with a grin in his eyes. "Are you feeling alright doing this?"

Nodding, I licked the salty-sweet pre from my muzzle and nose. "I feel great. Just wanted to let you know I'm going to start sucking on you now. Feel free to inform me if I'm doing something wrong."

Sliding fingers under my jaw and muzzle, Hyipgr leaned down to place a soft kiss on the top of my head, between my ears. "Take it slow and steady. Rushing your first time rarely works as well as one hopes. And do only as much as you feel comfortable with."

Letting out a short chuckle, he shiik his head slightly, "It seems weird to be giving you the lessons of a young adult. You're performing so much better than any newly matured pup. They are never such attentive companions."

Tilting my head so I could give the side of his muzzle a swift lick, I chuckled, "What was that? I wasn't paying attention."

A short burst of full hyena laughter escaped from my friend. "Silly..." he started, but interrupted himself with a loud moan as I had placed the top inch of his cock into my muzzle and twirled my tongue around that tasty, hot shaft. "Uhn... tricky, dear friend, tricky," he corrected during my first pause for breath.

I gave a lot of attention to his tip, exploring it with my tongue, but also getting used to how my rat muzzle differed from how my human mouth had been. It took me a few gentle errors to figure out how to generate an airtight seal. It was simple to tell when my teeth, especially the long front incisors, scrapped a little too hard against a tender spot. I quickly learned to recognize the slight shift of a moan towards a growl that signaled my partner's discomfort. From there, the adjustments to keep that miraculously precious organ from being hurt by my teeth, through careful placement of lips and tongue, came naturally.

I lost track of everything but my friend's shaft, his moans guiding me towards greater pleasure for us both. I echoed his enjoyment of my every movement, treasuring the taste and feeling of him were we touched. Slowly, I drew him deeper within me before releasing all but his tip, time after time. My tongue played his hard, throbbing organ like an instrument, generating the music of Hyipgr's rising, primal feelings; his approaching climax.

And yet, I almost missed the forest for the trees. My fingers spinning around his anus barely noticed the increase in tension there. My hand unconsciously followed his balls as they rose up tight to him. And my attention focused on the fact that I had just swallowed the tip of his cock into my throat.

Pride washed over me as I felt him grip my ears hard with pleasure, practically roaring a moan. Then his molten cum fired down my throat. Three strong pulses before he stumbled back and slipped far enough out of my maw to coat my tongue with two full, though less forceful blasts. Then he slid the rest of the way out splattering my nose and muzzle with a few dribbling shots.

My hands fell to my sides as I tilted my head back, rolling my mouthful of hyena cum back and forth. The taste was amazing and complex. Just as my sense of smell was much more precise, able to catagorize entirely new kinds of scents, Hyipgr's seed was chock-full of information to my tongue.

My friend was virile, healthy, and happy. I could separate out his personal taste as well as the salt natural to his cum. And if I had a better idea of the local food, I figured that I could probably know what all he had eaten recently. To me, the bouquet of flavors also acted like an aphrodisiac. My already excited member now ached with need.

My wet, satisfied friend dropped to his knees in front of me. "Sorry I didn't warn you," he whispered, leaning forwards to softly lick at my cum covered nose. "You were incredibly distracting."

I worked over half of the cum filling my mouth down my throat and leaned in to stick the tip of my tongue out to lick lightly at his mouth. He took it as the request it was meant to be and opened his to let me inside, sharing the tasty treasure he had given me.

Our tongues wrestled back and forth between our mouths, spreading his seed throughout. My tail wrapped tightly around his waist, pulling my lover closer. His fingers danced across the fur on my back while my hands stroked through the thicker hair that ran from the back of his head to right between his shoulder blades.

My lesser experience probably held the blame for having to pull away for air before Hyipgr. "Thank you," I gasped before licking the cum from my lips.

Chuckling, he ran his tongue from my nose up between my eyes, cleaning the fur there. "Silly, silly male; that is what I should tell you."

I carefully scooted backwards back from my friend. "So you would not have thanked me if I had let you suck me off when you first asked?" His smile was all the answer I needed, so I continued. "I am so close to release without having anything touch my penis that I feel I have to thank you for being understanding and helping me realize how wonderful this experience could be."

Giving me a firm pat on my shoulders, the hyena smiled, "My pleasure, Randy. You did very well for your first time. Though I suppose having seen you in action with Mira, I should have guessed you would be very attentive to your partner during sexual intercourse."

"Very easy to do when giving a friend a blow job."

"Yet so many of the first timers I help learn the skill manage to mess it up," Hyipgr wined, though his smile didn't falter. "You were worshiping me with respect. I've been treated like a juicy chew toy more times than I like to remember."

"My poor, poor jarlgra. But I know my teeth, especially these top, front monsters," I replied, tapping my top incisors, "scraped you more than once. Sorry."

"Every scrape," he said, reaching out and sticking a finger behind my front teeth. "Was brief, gentle, and never repeated. You were so conscious of what you were doing to me, and continually making the next second better than the last."

"Uh, huh... Yu gunna let go a i teef?" I mumbled as best as I could.

"In a little bit. I want to get you a little bit further from climax before I ask you to stand up for me." Hyipgr's chuckle turned into a full blown hyena cackle when I blew a raspberry around his fingers in my mouth.

When he finally got his laughter under control, he slipped his hand out of my mouth and motioned with his head for me to stand up.

As I rose up before him, I scratched the fur behind his ears. "You know, if you don't want to do this, you don't have to," I joked with him.

He gave my ass a quick swat with one hand as the other reached under my balls to tickle the back side of my sack. I groaned my appreciation of the latter as he leaned close and began licking between my balls. The volume of my moan doubled from that stimulation.

His tongue moved slowly, while his fingers moved rapidly. I was getting harder again, but it was a much calmer advance. My fingers began playing with his furry ears, rubbing them as if giving a massage.

We were both being vocal about our enjoyment by this time. My tail was whipping back and forth through the falling water and runoff. The hyena's soaked tail also wagged furiously, spreading almost as much water despite being much shorter than mine because of the long, thick fur that covered it.

I threw my head back, teeth clenched as a moan tore from me. My lover had just moved his muzzle up to the base of my throbbing meat and wrapped his tongue around the inch just above my sheath. The suction as he closed his lips around the with of my member there felt hot and solid, where the rest of my length above his attention still felt free as the warm waterfall fell over it.

Forcing myself to stop squeezing his ears so hard, my hands flew up to start playing with my nipples, pinching them sharply. As my own hands started playing there, I felt Hyipgr's free hand move back to my ass, running fingers up and down my crack.

Before I could focus on that sensation, my lover began slowly sliding his sucking muzzle up from the bottom of my shaft. My back arched uncontrollably as I growled trying to hold back suddenly climaxing. It felt so damn great, like he was urging my balls to fly up and out the top of my cock. I could feel my precum gushing out, stronger than I usually produced the stuff.

"Oh fuck! Stop it! Don't you dare stop doing that!" I screamed before only managing to grunt and moan uncontrollably. My arms went wild, shaking while I clenched and unclenched my hands into fists. I managed to not stomp my feet, but it was a struggle as the band of high pressure suction and tongue stimulation crept up to the halfway point of my dick. I could feel my balls draw up tight, but I wasn't firing yet for some reason.

The fingers in my crack moved forward to tickle my taint while the hand that had been playing with the back of my balls moved to pay attention to all sides of my aching orbs.

I let out a pathetic whining moan as he reached just under the crown of my head. After a long, hard suck and squeeze there, my golden hyena released me and looked up with a smile. My whole body was shaking with the tension of sitting what felt like just past the edge of ejaculation without the prize.

"I normally wouldn't be able to get away with torturing you this much," he grinned up at me, "but, as I had hoped, you're lasting a bit longer since this is time three in less than a few hours."

"You sneaky, amazing, teasing male, you." I panted.

"And don't you forget it."

Before I could respond, he dove down on me, slurping all of my seven inches in one hot, wet gulp. The tight rhythm of his throat muscles contracting around my shaft pushed me fully over the edge.

Leaning over him, I started short humping in an effort fo get deeper into his passage as I fired off three hard shots before a few weaker ones. His paws gripped my ass tightly, holding me deep inside his throat until after I had finished.

I was still barely aware of anything past the fading feeling of my powerful orgasm when my friend slowly pulled back while holding my hips steady. His tongue cleaned every inch of me that left his mouth, keeping my pulse hammering quickly from the stimulation to my incredibly sensitive shaft.

Once I was completely released from his muzzle, Hyipgr slowly rose before me. When he was fully standing, he pulled me into a tight hug, grinding his spent cock and balls against my own. "Thank you so much for allowing me to be your first experience sharing sex with a male, Randy. Your strength now fills me, and I hope you have gained comfort from the strength I shared with you. I feel closer to you than I would to a brother now, and I will sponsor your joining our tribe."

Holding the shorter male tight against me, I ran a hand gently up and down his spine. "I'm so happy you were the one who helped me do this today. I think I needed your caring touch and calm explanations to get through my stubborn worries.

"Will you... if I..." Upon hearing my trouble putting together my question, my friend slowly licked my shoulder as he was hugging me tight. His kind affection was enough to slow my heart and thoughts down enough to ask what I knew needed to be handled someday soon. Just not today.

"When I decide I am ready to start having anal sex with another male, will you be available to help me through that?"

"Even if it weren't part of my job description, I would be honored," he whispered in my ear. "Just ask when you're ready. If you feel you need to learn how to receive from that end as well as give, I probably know the best exercises to get you prepared."

"Thanks," I said, leaning back from our hug to give him a loving lick on his nose. "I am really starting to regret not having made sure and gotten something for breakfast before starting in on all this sex today."

Hyipgr chuckled and rubbed his nose against mine. "Then we had better get a quick soak in one of the conditioning pools and get dried off. You should be able to grab something to take with you when you return to the hut where you left Greg. I'll probably grab something as well before I start my own investigations. Eating before waste pot gathering is a bad idea."

"Really?" I chucked, patting him on the back as he started walking towards where I assumed we would climb to the top of the falls.

"Oh," he called over his shoulder to me, "You might want to grab your garment. I did my best to clean it while washing you, and if you wander around naked at the village, it means your looking for some action."

"Good to know," I grinned turning around to grab my boxer briefs. "Thanks for the heads up. Wouldn't want people to think I was going to have sex with folks my first day here."

He cackled in response which made me continue to laugh all the way up to the soaking pools.