False Moon 1: The Queen's Master

Story by MalCat on SoFurry

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#1 of False Moon

Welcome to the first entry in this new series! This chapter features M/F, Dom/Sub, Knotting, and Magic Use content.

This chapter is heavily lewd, however there will be more plot in the future. And more lewd.

Enjoy, and feel free to give comments and criticism! Thank you for reading

Mallory Gwynn chanted in an ancient tongue, raising her hands above her head to begin the ritual. The orange striped fur on her arms was illuminated brilliantly as the red light of the magic sparked to life before her, complimenting the soft glow of the moonlight above. The young feline witch was entirely in her element here, knowing what to do and feeling good doing it.

The chant was soon echoed by the other members of her coven surrounding the summoning circle. This ritual was one of their most important, the monthly peak of power from the full moon going to renewing the spells that hid their location from the outside world. The very thing that let them live lives of freedom, use magic, and worship as they saw fit.

The other mages followed her lead, but even the half dozen of them combined couldn't match the power that Mallory was channeling on her own. The orange tabby cat really was a magical prodigy and had rocketed up the informal ranks of Se Lalin as a result.

In moments like this it was all worth it. The stress, the frustration, the paperwork that Mallory had to deal with were scant trifles compared to the feeling of this much raw magical power running through her veins. She felt like she could suck the whole infinite power of the moon dry in minutes at this rate, there was no other time when she felt this ALIVE.

Well, with one exception. As their ritual finished and the magic died down from a powerful light to a dull glow Mallory was already turning tail to leave. Someone asked why she was going so soon, but she just chalked it up to being tired. That did make sense, she had put on an impressive display of magic. But she was lying.

Mallory slipped into her own quarters to see a familiar face, someone there waiting for her. Her servant, a wolf just a few years her senior named Alexander. He was sitting on the edge of her bed completely nude, his grey coat on display for all to see.

He wouldn't be alone in his nudity for long. Mallory immediately dropped her cloak to the floor, revealing her white belly fur and an extensive amount of lingerie. Her bra was more lace than anything else, with straps forming a pentagram shape. Matching lacy black panties with that same unholy symbol making a cut-out right over her pussy graced her lower half. Garters, for no other reason than that they looked fancy alongside fishnets tight on her legs. The same fishnet material was wrapped around her arms, the whole ensemble excellently showing off her trim body.

But it was still incomplete.

Mallory picked up a thick black piece of leather and buckled it around her own neck. With the collar now in place she sighed in relief, the familiar weight and pressure of it taking away all of her tension. She was no longer in charge. No longer responsible for anything but being a good girl. She could leave everything up to her canine "servant". Wordlessly she walked over, kneeling at his feet. This felt so much more right. After a long moment she finally looked up at him, greeting him with the standard, "Good evening Master."

Her Master just smiled. Being the 'Queen of Darkness" that she was to everyone else came with an entire universe of headaches, and sometimes she just needed to get away. Her entire life outside this room was forgotten when she escaped to her role in here. Nominally, legally, the wolf that she was kneeling before was her property. Se Lalin didn't practice slavery, but as far as the law was concerned he was her slave to do with as she pleased. In reality their relationship was quite the opposite.

For all the power and respect she wielded outside that door, in here she was HIS. One of his big hands reached down to stroke the side of her face, the powerfully built canine surprisingly delicate in his touch. She leaned into that gentle brush, a little purr of delight running through the cat as he ran his paw through her soft fur, his thumb sliding up to the base of her pointed ear. "Good evening, pet. Have you had a good day today?" His tone was gentle, encouraging. Paternal, without becoming patronizing.

His question hung in her ears, but all she could think about right now was how nice it was to have someone touching her. For so much of the day people were too scared to even get close, much less caress her like this. Even just this touch had her melting into him, every little pet he bestowed upon her just perfect and oh so appreciated.

Almost as perfect as being called 'pet'. There was such a wide gulf between that and every other name and title she held, but she needed it more than anyone knew. He was the only one who got to call her that of course. "It was busy Master. Too many people that couldn't find their own heads if I didn't tell them to look on their shoulders. And of course getting everything ready for the full moon rituals...", she sighed, smiling softly as all that was left behind for now. "Let's just say I'm glad to not be in charge any more Sir."

The wolf's fingers continued with their delicate petting, his other hand reaching down to cradle her head entirely within his soft grasp. Despite their size his massive hands had a soft touch, slowly kneading and stroking through her fur. He tilted her head up a bit, bending down at the waist and planting a small kiss on her forehead. "It sounds like you need to take your mind off everything, then. Master has just the thing in mind to take your thoughts away."

This promise was followed by the lightest shift of his fingers. His left hand relaxed its grip, leaving just a single digit on her chin. He lifted her head a little further, enough to plant a kiss on her lips that was every bit as gentle to start things off. Soon though it rapidly grew in both passion and power. What was a light brush of the lips turning into a full-on kiss!

Mallory absolutely melted into him. She could empty minds with magic, but her Master's way of doing it was much more pleasurable. And reversible. She let out a small purr while muttering a soft "Uh-huh" in agreement right before her lips were consumed in her Master's kiss. Gods and Spirits this felt good. Not just physically either, but mentally too. She knew that good pets got kisses. And she loved being a good pet.

That big flexible canine tongue slid into her mouth at the slightest invitation while the wolf's hands slowly slid further down. Crawling along her neck, giving the gentlest of tugs on her collar. Just to remind her it was there. She was his. Mallory's fur bristled as he looped a single digit into that snug band of leather, pulling it taught around her neck with just the slightest bit of extra tension.

He used that tension to pull her up, "encouraging" her to move to her feet while his tongue slid further into her mouth. He growled gently in approval as the cat dove headlong into that heady makeout session. He had quite a few plans for her tonight. To use his magic of soft tugs, firm yanks, and controlling bites to have the most dangerous woman he could think of eagerly whimpering for his touch.

His feline slave did her best to follow his physical prompting, getting to her feet and still feeling short compared to him. There was no magic for that. She wouldn't have used it anyways. His physical size just added to his control over her, how he could so deliciously tease and move her with just that collar.

The slow swirl of his tongue in her mouth seemed to carry on forever, teasing back and forth. He continued to kiss her as she got fully on her feet, one finger lingering on her collar. That other hand was sliding down along the curve of her back, pulling her tiny frame against his far broader one. He finally broke the kiss with a soft grunt! The wolf's bare knotted cock was starting to show and press along her hip, making Mallory glance down. That was a sight to smile over, thoughts and fantasies about it running through her mind before she looked back up into her Master's eyes.

He was looking back down at her with those deep green eyes like no one else did. Certainly no servant. But he didn't quite look at her like a predator would either. No, he looked at the witch with the steady confidence of someone secure in their control, their ownership. There were no doubts she was his pet.

"You're dirty my kitten", he said in that low growl of his, "I'll have to clean you up." Calling the Moon's Princess dirty? Such disrespect for her would never be allowed outside these doors!

With him though it was cause for Mallory to giggle. "Usually I come to you to get dirty, not to get clean Master." She joked, leaning up to press her nose against his or just a moment. It was so hard not to just pounce him when that lovely cock of his was poking and tempting her, but she stayed in place like he expected. She knew she would get it soon enough, if she behaved.

He pulled on her collar again, moving her towards the bed. His head was by the side of her face now and he lightly pressed a kiss into her cheek before speaking. "Well then this will be a bit different", he said simply, softly into her ear. His tip was already dripping precum on to her leg, marking her in his scent. But this wasn't going to be over quickly. There were other things to do first.

Alex used a firmer yank this time, pulling her so she was bending over the bed, ass high in the air. Knowing what he wanted Mallory spread her legs and lifted her tail up high, presenting herself as a very tempting target for him. From this angle he could see that her lower lips were already glistening with excitement, as well as every little wiggle of anticipation that ran through her hips.

It was a tempting sight, and any man would have been forgiven for just thrusting into her immediately. But he was a patient owner. Alexander positioned himself behind the cat, rubbing his tip up and down her slit. He moved the hand from her collar to her tail, taking a firm hold of that soft bushy appendage. Mallory shivered at the feeling of him physically taking control like that, but couldn't help but be a bit disappointed when he pulled his hips away. When that was replaced by his hot breath washing over her and the cool touch of his wet nose though all was forgiven.

Mallory wiggled in excitement again, whimpering slightly in need. He held her there, the firm grip on her tail making sure she didn't get any ideas. The suspense was building and building as another hot wolf breath rolled over her folds. Then he struck! A soft kiss was placed directly on the cat's pussy, eliciting a quiet little moan from her. "Thank you Master", she said as soon as she was able.

He was quick to follow it up, the time for building suspense was over. Another kiss was planted, then another in quick succession. He moved down with each one, getting closer and closer to her clit with every peck. He knew better than to go for it right away though, returning a little higher to kiss more deeply over her entrance. This time he got his tongue involved as well, sticking it out a bit to tease its way slightly inside of her.

That was too much for Mallory to take quietly. She arched her back, moaning aloud as she tried to push herself deeper onto him. Alexander wasn't going to allow that. He tightened his grip on her tail, giving it a little yank to keep her in place. A growl complimented the display of physical control, its non-verbal message more clear than any words. He was in charge here.

Mallory recognized his authority and backed down, forcing herself to relax. Her body language showed him her message of acquiescence, and with that he went right back to work. Deeper this time, harder. Letting that long canine tongue get in deep and hit those special spots that her own fingers couldn't reach. Again she moaned, making Alexander smile. He liked hearing that.

He liked it so much he decided to reward her. Speed up his plans. He pulled his tongue out of her slowly, agonizing over every inch of it. Making sure she felt it. Before she could even miss that tongue inside of her he moved down and licked right over her clit. The proud feline was forced to groan in pleasure, her claws gripping into the bed sheets tightly.

Mallory couldn't take much more. But she knew better than to cum without permission. "F-fuck I'm... I'm getting close Master", she gasped out between ragged breaths. The tension in her body was increasing, the absolute need to explode with the pleasure she felt rising by the moment.

He licked again over her clit, and again. Mallory was practically panting by now, squirming even as she tried not to. And just when it seemed like she couldn't take another second he... stopped? No, that wasn't right. She whined in need, but he didn't relent! "Not yet." He growled out, just kissing along her inner thighs instead. A slow, methodical trail of affection away from her most sensitive parts. "How good of a Pet are you going to be tonight?"

Mallory wanted to cum, no she NEEDED it. Her body squirmed, she whined pathetically and she just wanted to cum so badly! But she was a good kitty. A well trained kitty. A pet who could keep her own desires in check for her Master. "I'll be good Sir. I'll be so good! Just please, please let me cu-u-u-m!"

Maybe she got a bit out of line there. But if that meant he'd get to watch his pet beg and squirm so cutely he'd allow it. Again Alex dragged his tongue right over her most sensitive button, drawing another lewd moan from the cat. "Not yet", he intoned sweetly. Then another lick, this time so potent that he needed to give her tail a little tug to keep her in line.

A mewl of pure need filled the room. Alexander just loved hearing that. "You're awfully noisy tonight, Pet. You must really need this, huh?" Another small little lick. Not enough to let her cum, just little touches to keep her constantly on edge.

Mallory wanted to cum, but she knew that the only way to get that was through him. "Using all that magical power makes me horny, OK? Just please let me cum Master, I'll be good for you! I'll be so good, just please!" Well that was an interesting fact. She always did seem extra amorous on ritual nights, maybe this explained it.

Her Master smiled toothily at that revelation. "So what I'm hearing is that the more magic you deal with, the harder you get off?" He gave another lick, another tortuous lick. And a growled warning, "Not. Yet. Tell me more."

It was so hard to keep herself from cumming right now, much less answer questions! This was just unfair! But she had to try. "It just... opens my senses Sir. Like fresh air for my whole body." It wasn't a detailed answer. But it was all she could manage right now.

It was good enough to earn her a reward. But not what she thought it would be. He pulled back completely, standing up behind her. He might have been hiding it, but he was feeling just as needy as her. That red shaft of his was at full extension, the smell and taste of her pussy turning him on immensely. He leaned over her, grabbing one of her wrists in each of his big hands. Holding her in place easily, pinning her... no, pinning his pet to the bed.

Right into her ear he growled, "Then cast something. Easy. Simple. Open up that pretty little mind to Master." He was playing with dangerous powers right now. Her spells could easily level this room, this whole building, but he was poking her with his cock instead of giving her time to concentrate. Luckily she wasn't called a prodigy for nothing.

"Marem putatis dona, patientiam!" Mallory spoke the words and instantly they both felt it. A rush of power opened the cat's mind and body to greater sensation while the wolf instantly felt a strong twinge of need in his own cock. Like he needed to empty it inside of her even more than usual. Oh she felt so clever in that moment.

Alexander smiled a truly savage smile when he felt that magic touch him. He hadn't toyed with her power before, hadn't used that immense and natural wellspring of arcane potential, but something in the back of his mind awoke at the thought. How he might help use her powers against her, Mallory's own abilities used to sink his claws deeper into her. Luckily it was to claw away the stress and annoyance of her life and to let that submissive streak flourish.

He already knew some ways to accomplish that all naturally. With a growl he yanked her hands above her head, adjusting her just a bit before he thrust inside! That big canine dick sunk easily into the kitten's tight wet folds, the way she stretched around him making them both cry out in pleasure. But even when they both made noises one of them was still in charge.

He pushed himself in deeper while he nibbled at her ear, one more command given in a snarl. "Now! Cum for Master."

That was just what she wanted to hear. Knowing she had his permission, that he wanted her to do this combined with her magic and his teasing was just too much. She bit down on the pillow hard while her whole body tensed up in anticipation. Then it exploded out of her, the pillow doing little to muffle her moan as her hips rocked back on his cock. Her inner walls gripped on his shaft, like her whole body wanted him to cum inside of her. "Fuck YES!", she called out to him, followed shortly by a sincere, "Thank you Master!"

Alexander could feel more power from that spell rushing out of her, like she had been holding back some power that the orgasm released. It made him feel good, not just horny but powerful! Like he had been given a second wind, like he could just rail this kitten all night. "Good girl", he half-growled, half-groaned, bringing with those words a slow buck of his hips. He was really starting to properly drill that tiny, submissive little hellion of a witch into the bedding now!

Mallory was glad her little spell had worked. He was fucking her hard by even his standards, his big wolf cock really putting her through her paces. That spell was improvised, but it should give him both endurance and "virility" as best she knew the translation. Hopefully magical viagra. Hopefully not a fertility aid. Wait a minute...

Her train of thought was thoroughly interrupted by a healthy squirt of his pre. Fuck that felt so good inside of her. She'd worry about other things later. And he had called her a good girl, that felt so nice! She moaned again, her body still twitching around him from the aftershocks of her orgasm. "Thank you Sir", she somehow managed to say.

Of course Alex was all too happy to praise her when she was being good like this. "Are you going to be Master's slutty little kitten for the night?" That hard edge in his voice bordering on the feral. He continued to fuck her as he asked it, moving both her wrists to one of his hands so the other could tug on her collar again.

That was almost too much. His cock, the beginnings of his knot and her magic alone would have been enough to get her close to cumming again, but tugging on her collar AND using those sexy words too? It was almost too much. "For tonight and every night Master", she said, meaning every word of it.

It was Alexander's turn to moan in pleasure this time. He could feel his knot starting to swell. Mallory's spell had given him more stamina, but it wasn't infinite. Soon he'd knot his kitten. But not before he had gotten what he wanted out of her. "What was that? I couldn't hear you, Pet. I like my slut loud!"

It was good he wanted her loud. With how amazing it felt she couldn't have kept quiet either way. She was barely able to make words, but what she could say was devoted to her pleasure, to her Master. "Your... your pet... forever", she gasped out, straining to hold herself back. Making her say those things, there was only one place it could lead. "Going to... gonna cum Master", she managed to say, trying so hard to hold back her imminent second orgasm.

His constant, rough hammering brought another hefty burst of warm pre! It felt like there was as much of that alone as there usually was cum total, enough for it to start leaking out of her and pool between them on the bed. He didn't stop to find out why, just kept fucking her squarely into the bed. Drawing more and more of that arcane spark from her, forcing her to keep that heightened awareness as he snarled a simple word. "Forever."

She couldn't hold back. That may not have been explicit permission, but the thought of eternally being his pet was too good to hold back from. Mallory cried out as she came for the second time in short succession, another flow of power coming from her body while she clamped around that knot. Fuck she loved that potent piece of his body, the mere thought of it locking her to him like a bitch was enough to get her going some days. And with how rock hard it was now there would be no pulling out.

Alexander wouldn't have planned on it anyways. Not with the need in his own body. Every drop of magic he received just made his already pressing desire to breed his pet stronger, more urgent. He felt like turning that incredibly fearsome woman into a broken, drooling kitten was his sole purpose in life right now. He felt his orgasm coming too, his final act before he exploded being to move his grip from her wrists to her hair.

That more primal grip was perfect for him knotting her. The ultimate animalistic way to secure her as he sunk that knot in as deep as it could go, absolutely flooding her with his seed. The steaming flood of cum would have been enough to overflow from the witch if not for the knot holding it in, forcing it ever deeper inside. With Mallory's orgasm still unfinished that thick filling only made her moan again, another shiver of pleasure travelling through her whole body.

While that deluge inside the kitten was the only thing on either of their minds, the spell just stopped. Very suddenly. It wasn't Mallory's work, she was too lust-drunk to think. But something had happened that the spell thought itself done.

Neither of them paid it much mind. Alexander did feel a bit different, but merely chalked it up to post-coital bliss. He collapsed atop Mallory, pulling her in nice and close. "Good girl", he whispered into her ear. Just content to hold that purring pile of kitten as tight as he could.

Mallory didn't think she had put that much energy into the spell, but still felt oddly tapped out when it was done. Maybe it was just from the fucking. Either way she was still purring loudly, an undoubtable sound of pure pleasure. "Thank you Master. Thank you so much."

Her Master moved his lips from near her ear to her cheek, planting a kiss there before moving further around to kiss her lips too. "Mnn. Master is just glad his Pet is enjoying herself." He meant it too. "You earned every drop, dear."

She had done that. With those happy thoughts in mind and those lovely feelings inside Mallory quickly drifted off to sleep. Concerns about her spell and her coven and everything else could wait for another day. In her Master's arms she was collared and free.

While Mallory was coming to a gentle rest, others were not so quiet. Far away in the halls of the Church of the Mother of Creation another feline worked out her frustrations on a servant of her own. But this servant wasn't so willing. And he wasn't in charge.

In the eyes of Head Inquisitor Catherine Pardinus she was doing the Mother Goddess' work. She was punishing sinners. She was making sure that they repented and that they would never make the same mistakes again. And if she happened to enjoy it very much then that was just a bonus. Justice was still being served.

Unusually though as she washed her lynx paws of the blood, sweat and cum soaked into her fur, the torture she had just given out wasn't on her mind. Instead she was thinking about what she had learned from him. That little snippet of knowledge was the final piece in a puzzle she had been assembling for a long time. She smiled viciously, the look of a predator with cornered prey.

Se Lalin would know her wrath soon.