Ioborne: Chapter Two

Story by lykanthrope on SoFurry

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#2 of Ioborne

Ioborne Chapter Two

They were already hurdling through the vast emptiness of space, when Bridge came back online.

"Welcome back," Gunner spoke softly to Bridge, "You missed our gravity slingshot around Luna."

"I am glad to have been missed."

"I didn't say I missed you."

"It was all in the subtext," Bridge quipped, "Would you like me to fill you in more on the mission?"

Europa had been the prime target for a terraforming project within the last three decades. All out war and terrorism over the rightful ownership of Europa had put a stop to that. The terraforming machinary had been reconstituted into massive doomsday devices. Most of the icey surface was blown into Jupiter's massive gravity influence, but large quantities were spread outward, taking to the other moons.

Io suddenly became the most desirable of the moons, the heat generated by the moon's constant flux kept the Jupiter-side oceans a fair seventy-two degrees farhenheit.

Most of the commercial settlers had put all their eggs in one basket, betting on Europa's development. This meant the military would had the most resources to devote to the sudden shift of priorities. Gunner's platoon would be the first to start colonization by at least a year.

Bridge brought up the estimated time until they arrive at Io, taking into calculation the slow down period. Six months. Gunner could count his blessing that his platoon of twenty-three could get along for the time, though they had the propensity to splinter into their cliques. In the end, his men would get the job done, that's why the captain picked his platoon.


Gunner awoke in the middle of the night, rather, what should have been night had they still been on Terra. It had been a solid month that he would wake up in the dead cold of night. He knew it had nothing to do with the psychological terror of being in a plastasteel box hurdling though the void.

Gunner walked out of his room and down to the shower bay. Surprisingly, there were other people there. Beyond the veil of steam, he could make out two figures in the back of the showers. Their bodies a slow motion grind against each other, they were unaware of their platoon's leader presence. It was still another two weeks until they'd hit Io's atmo, but it had been less than a week in before his men adopted the old navy adage that it's not gay while underway.

The two pressed against a shower column, leisurely fucking. Gunner couldn't take his eyes away. He felt slightly betrayed as his organ swelled as the two guys came to a peak with a groan. It had been long while since he had his own release. The strain in his pants became a painful evidence of that.

Gunner stripped and found a quiet corner away from the other two, who had finally disconnected themselves from each other. They basked in the hot water and afterglow. Gunner managed to combat his erection with a dose of cold water.

"You're going to put your body into shock," Bridge warned.

Gunner changed the temperature controls on the shower column. "Since when were you able to tell me my bios without the suit?" Gunner growled almost silently.

"Since my upgrade. I can also tell you that your elevated hormones suggest you're aroused by the display of affection you witnessed. You may want to take care of that."

The other two left through the exit on the opposite side of the bay. Gunner was alone. Bridge's suggestion lingered in the air between them. Despite the awkwardness of Bridge's medical assessment, his wanton lust demanded his attenion. His paw went down, gently brushing his half hard cock, slowly rubbing it between his digits. He tried to remember Maggie, her curves, her scent, but the long seperation paid a toll on those memories.

His mind snapped back to the two soldiers compromised just forty-five feet from where he stood. The ache of his groin crept back as quickly as the image of the bodies arched against each other in carnal climax. The smell of their sex still lingered. Gunner's other paw slowly toyed with his nipples, which as of late has become entirely too sensitive.

He stroked his cock, the veins bulged as his grip moved up and down the shaft. The hot soapy water running down the length of his prick and along the sensitive crown changed desire to desparation. Streams of white spunk washed down the drain, along with what little energy Gunner had left. The post orgasm lull was cut short by Bridge.

"Sergeant Wrey, your hormones haven't changed, in fact--"

"Later," Gunner interrupted the VI as two more guys walked in behind him. He instantly recognized the malamute and newfoundland as he turned around, Harrison and Rockstead.

"Ugh, hey sarge," Harrison was first to speak as usual.

"Boys, my eyes are up here."

"Sorry," the two managed to tear their eyes away from Gunner's semi-stiff prick. "Nobody was supposed to be in here."

"It's an open shower bay, how are you supposed to know nobody's in here?"

They both looked suspicious. "Well, there's a schedule," James started, but trailed off. Gunner was the only one who was afforded his own room, aside from their medic who slept in the impromptu sick bay. Being platoon leader had its advantages. The rest slept in a converted cargo bay. There were very little places for privacy, and it only made sense that the men would set up some rotations for their romantic interludes in the shower bay.

Silence filled the bay.

"I--they say you haven't had any, ugh--" Gunner could tell the malamute was hard pressed for words. "You could always join us," he looked down, caught himself, then looked away, "We wouldn't tell your wife or anything."

Rockstead placed both paws around the shoulders of Harrison and lead him into the shower with an almost inaudible, "We only have twenty minutes."

Gunner walked back to his room, confounded by the awkwardness of the whole night. He lay awake in bed. Bridge interrupted his thoughts. "Can we talk?"

"We? You usually just talk to me."

"Noted. I have concerns about your medical condition."

"What medical condition? The medic checked on me two days ago. He said everything was just fine."

"I told him everything was just fine," the VI told him, "I calculated the odds of him taking you off the mission."

"We are halfway to Io--"

"But as the medic he can keep you from the performance of your duties. The sucess of this mission very much hinges on you. His VI would not be able to assess platoon strength."

"Let me get this straight, you told lied to the medic to ensure the integrity of the mission? When have you been able to make calls like that? That sounds dangerously like AI territory."

For once, Bridge didn't say a thing.