Cloudy Waters Mansion - Part 2

Story by dd_ff_dd on SoFurry

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#2 of Cloudy Waters Mansion

Roya, a young fox, begins his new life at the college campus of Cloudy Waters. He is an aspiring theatre student, but soon starts to notice that the inner workings of the mansion aren't as blissful as they seem. When Roya wakes up at night, he notices his chameleon roommate is missing. So, as the good friend he is, he sets out to find his lost friend. However, things don't go as smoothly as he'd hoped - and the fox may just pay with his own mind.

Part 2! pretty proud of this one, hope you guys like it :)


| Chapter four - metronome |

The rest of the day went pretty fast for the fox, who kept thinking back to the blissful feeling of laying on that mattress. Eventually, he met up with Roc again at dinner, as the chameleon'd been missing from the lunch break. Roc spotted the fox and waved at him.

"Hey bud, where were you at lunch?" The fox asked. Immediately the chameleon raised an eyebrow.

"I was.. at the main hall, just like everybody else. You're the one who was missing." Roc replied. The fox tilted his head in confusion. "regardless," the chameleon continued, "what was that unlocking thing about?" the chameleon asked.

"ohh, let me tell ya. It was amazing!" the fox began excitedly. The fox proceeded to explain how he'd been hypnotized by the teacher, and how he'd never felt as blissful in his life before. The fox described it as if his brain was drunk on relaxedness. Roc appeared very interested, listening to what the fox was telling whilst stuffing his mouth with an assortment of vegetables. Eventually the fox finished his story, still somewhat dreaming back of the session. The fox emptied his plate, after which the two roommates returned to their chamber.

"How was your meeting with the rector?" Roya asked, searching for the room key in his pocket. The chameleon remained quiet. The fox got the key and put it in the lock, looking over his shoulder at the chameleon who was staring into nothingness. "hey Roc, you there?" the fox asked. The chameleon blinked and looked at his roommate. "Sorry, what?" he replied.

"I asked you how your appointment with the rector was." Roya repeated himself. The chameleon shrugged and mumbled "oh, nothing special I guess." Before walking into the room. Their beds had been cleaned, but on Roya's bed there was a small brown box with a letter directed to him. Meanwhile Oliver was laying on his bed playing video games on his phone. He waved at the two freshmen entering the room without looking away from his game.

"Has this package been here the entire time you've been here?" Roya asked the goat. The goat shook his head. "Lunch." Roc walked to the bed of Roya, picked up the wooden box, and threw it towards the fox. "Do you know what it is?" the chameleon asked. The fox shook his head. Before Roya opened up the package he picked up the note and scanned through it.

"To Roya (room 263),

In this package you will find your own personal metronome to practice our session for yourself.

See you next week,


The chameleon peeked over the shoulder of Roya. "A metronome? What for?" he asked.

"For the self-hypnosis thingy, remember?" the fox replied.

"ah, yeah duh."

| Chapter five - nightly routine |

As the night fell, the sleeping quarter slowly grew more silent as the students fell asleep one by one. After a few hours of sleep, Roya woke up again. The fox moaned and helped himself out of his bed, sneaking through the dark halls. As the sound of claws ticking on the floor filled the halls, the fox groggily daydreamed about the forest. Thinking about the metronome's slow ticking almost made him see the scenery again, but he got snapped out of it by the sound of the bathroom being flushed. The door opened and a leopard he hadn't seen before walked through the door. The leopard nodded at the fox as a greeting and disappeared into the night, leaving the fox alone to finish business.

Roya returned to his room shortly after, only to realize that Roc was missing. The fox looked at the sheets of the chameleon, which had been meticulously folded in half. The fox shrugged, got back in his bed, and tried to go back to sleep. However, despite his best efforts, the fox couldn't manage to fall asleep. Roya yawned, grabbing the small metronome from his bedside. He put the thing to 30bpm and let it tick from side to side. The fox shut his eyes and concentrated on the slow, monotone ticking of the metronome. Eventually the fox could feel his mind get foggy and his body start to slip away, however he couldn't get into a complete trance. Something kept the young fox awake. After a while of listening to the droning ticks, the fox turned off the metronome and sat back up again. The chameleon had now been missing for, at least, half an hour. He for sure wasn't at the bathroom since Roya came from there himself before noticing Roc was missing. So, the fox put on his shoes and started roaming the sleeping quarters.

The floor where the fox, the goat and the chameleon shared their room was completely silent and empty. All the doors had been locked and there wasn't a single noise coming from the doors, except for the occasional snore. The fox reached the stairwell and made his way down to the floor below their own. Again, complete emptiness. The same thing again at the bottom floor - absolutely nobody was awake. The large grandfather's clock dinged twice indicating it barely turned 2AM. The sound startled the fox, who started feeling worried for his chameleon friend. He was about to give up and go back to his room when he noticed the front door of the sleeping quarters was unlocked. The fox made his way to the door and noticed paw prints in the hay, going towards the teacher's building. The fox immediately noticed the lights had been turned on in the building. He took a deep breath, swallowed, and made his way to the building.

| Chapter six - missing in action |

The fox pushed open the door of the building. The old wood creaked under the pressure, clearly having been used often in the past. The building was silent, although all the lights had been turned on. Roya stepped inside and wiped his shoes on the doormat. Immediately, he noticed something odd. On the floor beneath an old-school clothes hanger was a box, with in it a bunch of the school's uniforms and a pair of pajamas. The fox looked at it confusedly, and grabbed the pajamas out of the box. The fox sniffed the pajamas, recognizing the scent of Roc. "Why would he.." the fox muttered to himself, before walking deeper into the building.

The fox sneaked through the first floor, occasionally trying to push open doors. Most of the doors were locked, and those that weren't locked were completely empty. Knocking on the locked door didn't lead to any replies either. Eventually, the fox reached the end of the first floor, without having found anything. So he walked back to the entrance and walked up the stairs. The second floor was already a bit less empty as the first floor. There was a small school desk with a slightly withered plant, as well as one of the school metronomes and an unplugged wired mouse. Roya looked at the mouse and shrugged it off. He looked over his shoulder and noticed a couple of cameras hanging on the ceiling, all of them pointing in different directions, occasionally bleeping red indicating they were turned on. The fox straightened his back and began looking for Roc on the second floor. Most of the rooms were locked again, but as he got further along the hall he noticed a figure standing at the end of the hall. The fox sped up and recognized his chameleon friend pretty quickly. The chameleon was standing completely still, in his underwear, staring at a grandfathers clock - similar to the one in the school's dining hall and sleeping quarters.

"Roc!" The fox shouted. No reply. The fox got closer to his roommate, grabbed his shoulder, and softly shook it. This prompted a reply from the chameleon, who blinked, softly shook his head, and groggily looked at the fox.

"Roya..? what are you doing here?" he asked. The fox looked at the chameleon, taken aback by the question.

"what am I doing here? I was looking for you. I could better ask you the same question. And why are you practically naked?" The fox replied

"nothing wrong with that" Roc replied, rubbing his eyes, yawning.

The fox nudged his head in the general direction of the sleeping quarters.

"Let's head back out, okay? It's almost..." the fox peeked at the clock "3 AM." Right as the fox finished his sentence, the clock started ringing. The chameleon immediately relaxed at the sound of the bells. His eyes rolled slightly backwards, closed, and almost immediately fell over. The fox reacted quickly and caught the chameleon mid-fall, concernedly looking at his collapsed half-naked roommate. Through the hallway, the sound of the metronome started ticking. Confused, the fox looked to see where the sound was coming from, but couldn't pin-point a location. Roya groaned as he tried to pick up the chameleon, throwing Roc's arm over his left shoulder and stumbling back through the hall. The ticking kept droning through the building, seemingly coming from both everywhere and nowhere. Feeling slightly unnerved by the weird occurrences, the fox scurried through the empty hallway, trying to get back to the sleeping quarters as soon as he could. With the chameleon still knocked out, the two reached the stairwell. Immediately the fox noticed that the metronome on the table was turned on - probably the source of the slow ticking. Roya sighed in confusion, way too tired to think about how or why. He stared at the stairwell, not wanting to carry the chameleon down. He lay down the sleeping chameleon, looked at the stairs, and sighed. He gently slapped Roc on his cheek in a last effort to wake up the chameleon, but he didn't budge. The metronome was ticking ever so loudly, and as the fox stood staring at the stairs thinking of how to get the chameleon down, when suddenly Roc got up again. Roya yawned. "You good? Let's walk back to our chambers" The fox said.

The chameleon's eyes were barely opened, seemingly staring into nothingness.

"Go to the forest, Roya." The chameleon said.

For a second the fox tilt his head in confusion. He tried to reply what do you mean?, but instead the fox felt all his muscles go limp. The fox dropped to the floor, letting his eyes flutter closed, drifting deeper down as the entire world went dark.

| Chapter seven - On Stage |

Stage one now

Roya opened his eyes, stretched his muscles, and looked around. Immediately he noticed he was in the same forest he was in when the arctic fox hypnotized him. The sun left the fox feeling toasty, shining through the foliage. As he sank into a deeper state of comfort, the fox sat back down and relaxed. He appeared to be completely alone, aside from the occasional summer song of birds. In privacy Roya was completely comfortable and started stripping down his clothes. First his shirt, followed by his pants. With nothing on except his briefs, the fox leaned back against a tree. He'd never really been alone in nature, but now that he had time alone it felt completely natural. Feeling amazing, he shut his eyes and listened to the wind, whispering sweet words to the fox, blissfully unaware of the metronome.


Stage two now.

The fox woke up after a short nap, still laying down under the same tree. The sun had set slightly, throwing a yellowish shade through the forest. He took a moment to enjoy the environment, staring through the endless trees and the blades of grass, seemingly undisturbed through the years. Roya looked down, staring at the grass between his feet. He breathed in the scent of the green, and grinned. "Fuck it, why not." The fox thought to himself, before moving his hands to the elastic edges of his underwear, and pulling it down revealing his white-furred sheath. The fox smiled at the sight of his own dick, feeling slightly naughty at the thought of being completely naked at a random public forest. However, the fox felt himself get more and more comfortable, relaxing at the thought of being one with nature.


Good. Stage three now.

The fox listened to his subconscious mind, sending waves of endorphin and adrenalin through his body. He had never felt this good before, being completely natural and naked. Having gone all the way, the fox made sure he was completely alone, and softly felt how his penis grew out of his sheath. Getting more and more horny, the fox wrapped his hand around his shaft and began softly stroking. His mind grew more and more blank, as the fox slowly sped up his hand movement. He softly moaned, feeling the bliss flowing through his body in waves. Roya stopped for a second, opening his eyes and breathing in, making sure he was still alone, leaned back against the tree and brushed his tail against his own dick. Another wave of bliss as the fox grabbed his penis again and began stroking. His thoughts turned more into fog, and the pleasure built up more and more.


Good boy. Feeling so good. Stage four.

Roya was completely empty now. No more thoughts, just complete empty bliss. His mind was no longer being polluted with thoughts, it was just the complete obedience to his subconscious thoughts as the fox sank into the last stage. The fox had long let go of his own dick, which was twitching in anticipation of the next wave of bliss. The fox was just sinking deeper into the state of hypnotic sleep, almost as deep as he could go, as the fox just laid on the ground in absolute bliss. Without even touching his cock, the fox breathed and moaned at the pleasure building up with every tick. Roya had given in complete control to the pleasure, linking it to the four stages that his subconscious mind was giving him. Stage one, stage two, stage three, stage four. The pleasure was almost as the max now, feeling amazing as he gave in deeper to the hypnotic bliss, feeling another wave flowing through his body. The concentrated grin of the pleasure softly faded into a more relaxed grin, as the pleasure exploded into a final mindblowing wave of pleasure through his body - orgasming, and sending the fox into a deeper state of sleep - his mind completely emptied, given in to the bliss. Empty, obedient, relaxed.

Good boy. Sleep now.


Cloudy Waters Mansion - Part 3

## | Chapter eight - awakening | The fox woke up, gasping for air. He bewilderedly looked around, and noticed he was in his own bed in room 263. Immediately after that, he looked at the chameleon, who was soundly asleep in his own bed. Confused about...

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Cloudy Waters Mansion - Part 1

## | Introduction | The old building was almost entirely silent, except for the distinct sound of claws tapping on the linoleum floor. The moonlight shining through the curtains threw a barely visible shadow across the dimly lit hallways, as Roya...

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