A Good Start 3

Story by Blackopsgamer on SoFurry

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#4 of A Good Start to the Day

Third outcome for the story. Right now this is the last outcome I have planned, but if this story gains traction and people ask for it, I may update this story with more outcomes in the future!

Outcome #3: Cum in ass

It didn't take him long to figure out where he wanted to cum. He looked down to his wife and grinned. "You know, I think I've cum in your mouth enough times as of yet. You mind getting back up and raising that tail?"

"Oh~? Changing things up today, are we?" Maria asked with a small smirk as she stood back up, walking up to the kitchen counter and leaning down on it, doing as instructed and raising her tail. "Well then mister, have at it~"

Hendrick assumed position behind his wife, inducing some teasing by hot-dogging her for a little bit as he rubbed his dick against her ass. "You sure you want me to have at it?"

The arctic fox let out a playful huff in response. "Dammit, you tease, yes! Of course!"

"So needy today." Hendrick playfully said before poking his tip at her hole directly. With how many times they've done this, coupled with the fact that Maria was sucking on it just a minute ago, the black furred wolf could thrust right in without needing to worry about using lube to loosen his wife up. "Might want to brace yourself!" He then added as a warning.

Maria braced herself and she soon felt the tip and a little more of her husband's length enter her ass, the arctic fox letting out a shaky moan as she gripped the kitchen counter a little tighter. Hendrick let out his own moan as he started off nice and slow, a content smile on his face as he placed his hands on Maria's hips. Thus began the light thrusting, the two's moans filling the air along with the smell of a delicious breakfast being cooked. The arctic fox could feel her husband's dick thrusting back and forth as slowly but surely more was pushed inside her.

"I'm lucky to have married such a gentleman~" Maria commented softly with a blushing smile as she kept her grip on the kitchen counter.

"And I'm lucky to have married such a beautiful woman~" Hendrick replied with his own smile as he let out another soft moan, increasing the pace of his thrusting half a minute later. More of his length was inserted in-between thrusts as a result of his increased pace, his wife receiving more and more pleasure.

"Come on, big boy, you can do better than that!" Maria said teasingly as she grinned a little, wanting her husband to go even deeper and more rough on her, but also to try to get him to cum before the oven went off.

"Is that a challenge I hear?" The wolf playfully asked.

"Considering you're against the clock, I'd say you're already participating in one, silly~"

"Fair enough." He said with a smirk as his grip on Maria's hips tightened by a little bit. "Ask and you shall receive, my love~"

And receive she did! The wolf was now going at a fairly fast pace as soft slaps now began filling the air as well, Maria's grip on the kitchen counter tightening even further to withstand the increased ferocity and speed of her husband's thrusting, her moans becoming louder and more desperate. Hendrick began letting out low growls as his pleasure was now beginning to take over again. He could feel himself getting closer by the second, pre starting to leak out now! Another minute or so and he would be there!

With there being only another minute or so before he would reach his climax, the black furred wolf then put all his energy and effort into this final moment as he was now going as hard and fast as he could, his growls now much more loud and dominant sounding. Maria was in pure bliss as she could feel her husband's cock being repeatedly thrusted deep inside her, her head moving up and down as a result of the hard thrusting, things becoming a blur with the repeated motions.

"Come on, hun~! Cum for me, please~!" Maria then begged, desperately wanting her husband to burst.

"Oh I will, babe~! Don't you worry!" Hendrick moaned out as his merciless pace continued, his moans starting to become more apparent as well as he was now closer than ever! Another half a minute of thrusting or so and he could feel himself about to burst! "Gonna cum! GONNA FUCKING CUM~!" He moaned out.

Seconds later, Maria let out a low moan as she felt the first powerful rope of cum being shot deep inside her ass, followed by a second shot that was even more powerful. Then a third shot...then a fourth...then a fifth! The arctic fox let out a smile as she could feel her husband's seed filling her up nice and well, Maria letting out a content sigh. "Oohhh fuck...more babe, fill me up...~"

"You got it~" Hendrick moaned out as some additional light thrusts were made which made the following shots even more plentiful and powerful. The wolf let out a sigh of his own as more continued to shoot out, more ropes following afterwards as the warm cum filled the arctic fox up. By the 20th shot however, the load finally slowed down to a stop, leaving the husband and wife to pant softly in the afterglow. That afterglow lasted for a few seconds before the oven interrupted it with a series of beeps, indicating the bacon had finished cooking.

"You alright?" Hendrick asked with a soft chuckle.

"If you're wondering if I can still walk, yes, I'm fine." Maria replied with a soft chuckle. "After taking your dick so many times I don't end up as wobbly as from the first few times."

Hendrick then slowly pulled out until the two were detached, Maria leaning back up to stand up in a normal posture, stretching her back a little after being in the leaned over position for so long. She let out a relieved sigh. "Well, I'm going to go take a quick shower. Don't want to stain the couch and leak cum everywhere."

"Mind if I join you for that quick shower?" Hendrick asked as he slipped the oven mits on to pull the food out.

"So long as we don't get messy in there too. I don't want the food going cold." Maria replied with a soft smile.

"It'll be a quick enough shower, no messing around, I promise." Hendrick said with a smile of his own as he set the cooking tray on the stove and shut the oven off.

"Then in that case, you can join, handsome~" Maria said with a giggle as she gave her husband a quick kiss on the lips, Hendrick giving one of his own in return. The arctic fox then added, "Loving sex, a quick shower, and then a delicious breakfast to follow. A good start to the day if I don't say so myself."