Hyouun's and Lazarus's Special Night

Story by Natsuru on SoFurry

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My third story . This story is about sex between the two male dragons , Hyouun and Lazarus from Shining Tears X Wind . I don't own the characters , Sega does . If any of you don't like this stuff , then don't read . Now , time to begin .

Hyouun was just now waking up from his long slumber . As he got up , he realised that he wasn't in his home country , but rather in a dark and dreary place . "Where am I ?" , he asked himself . "You're in the monster realm " , said another voice ."Huh , who's there ?" - "Don't be alarm , it's just me ." - "Oh , Lazarus , it's you . How did we get here ?"

Lazarus explained to Hyouun how theyended up in the monster realm . They were fighting off monsters that were attacking a village . While they were fighting , a monster portal had appeared behind Hyouun , and he got sucked in . When Lazarus saw that happen , he grabbed the dragon's hand and tried to pull him out , but he too got sucked in , along with Hyouun , and ended up in the monster realm . Hyouun remembered everything after Lazarus explained all that had happened .

"Oh , so that's what happened " , Hyouun said . "So , how do you suppose we get back to our home ?" - "We may have to wait for another portal to appear , and then we couled jump through back to our home , but that could take a while ." After Lazarus was finished speaking , some monsters had appeared around them . The two dragons pulled out there weapons and fighting off the monsters . After a few minutes had passed , the dragons had defeated all the monsters and had set up camp . Not only that , they also cooked some of the monsters for them to eat . To the humans back in their home , they would have found it disgusting , but to Hyouun and Lazarus , it wasn't that bad and they did it to survive . "Man , I sure hope a portal appears soon , so we can go back home " , Hyouun said iritated . Lazarus just nodded his head in thought and then got up and began walking away ."I'll be right back" , Lazarus said and he walked away as Hyouun just stared .

Whiile walking , Lazarus came upon lake . He stick one of his claws in the lake and tasted it to see if it was safe , and it was . Lazarus had then stripped out of his armor andwalked into the lake and began to wash himself . While he was washing himself , he began to think about Ryuna ; the human priestest he was sworn to protect . "I must protect Ryuna , we have to get back home quickly " , he thought . In a bush across from where Lazarus was washing himself , Hyouun was watching Lazarus bathe . Hyouun was being turned on at watching Lazarus bathe and thought he was a site to see . Watch Lazarus wash his green scales , getting his sexy abs wet , and his muscles ripple .

Hyouun decided to join Lazarus in lake to both wash himself and have some fun . He quietly got out from the bushes and quietly stripped his clothes off . Hyouun then walked into the lake and began washing himself . When Lazarus turned around , he was shocked to see hyouun naked in the same lake as he was . "Hyouun , what are doing ?" , he asked . "I'm doing exactly what you're doing , I'm washing myself ."

Lazarus watched as Hyouun splashed water down his blue scales . His abs getting and his blue shining from the water . Lazarus could do nothing but blush at the site and turned back around . Hyouun , however ,caught site this and walked over to Lazarus and began washing him . "W-what are you doing ?" - "I'm helping you bathe ." Hyouun was washing all over Lazarus's body and when he got to his slit , Lazarus reacted .

"Wait Hyouun , maybe you should let me wash myself " , Lazarus said . "Just relax , Lazarus" , Hyouun said as he grabbed the green dragon's muzzle , and locked his with Lazarus . Lazarus was shocked that Hyouun was kissing him , but he was more shocked when he realised that he was being turned on from it . He broke away from the kiss and started to speak . "Let's not do this , Hyouun , I love Ryuna " . Hyouun seemed to take it easy and just smiled ."It's ok , she doesn't have to know , and this can be just our little secret " . Hyouun took Lazarus's muzzle and began kissing him again , but this time , Lazarus kissed back . Hyouun then locked his tongue with Lazarus , and to began french kissing each other . While they were the two dragon continued to french kiss , their cocks began to slide out of their slits , sporting erections . Lazarus's cock was thick and 9 inches long , and Hyouun's cock was thin and 7 inches . After a while , the two dragons stopped french kissing each other , and by that time , Hyouun noticed Lazarus's erection . "Well , it looks like someone's enjoying himself" . Lazarus blushed when eh realised what Hyouun was talking about , and speaking of the blue dragon , Hyouun got on his knees and engulfed Lazarus's cock . Hyouun licked and sucked hard the dragonhood ; eliciting a moan from Lazarus . Hearing that his friend was enjoying the pleasure he was giving him , Hyouun started bobbing his head and sucking harder the the dragon flesh . Lazarus was in bliss as he moaned and moaned louder . He even grabbed the back of the blue dragon's head and made him bob his head at a much quicker pace . Soon , with a roar of pleasure , Lazarus came inside Hyouun's muzzle and the blue dragon managed to every single drop .

After licking his lips , Hyouun got on all fours in front of Lazarus . The green dragon knew what he had to do next and nodded his head as a sign that he was about to begin . Once the tip of Lazarus's cock was Hyouun's tailhole , Hyouun told the green dragon to go easy and Lazarus nodded his head . Lazarus thenbegan to slowly push his cock into Hyouun's tailhole ; stopping a few times as to not hurt his friend and so the both of them could adjust . Once Lazarus was all the way in , he slowly pulled his cock out of Hyouun's tailhole ; leaving only the head inside . Lazarus then pushed back in , and then pushed back out again , and then thrust back in again , repeating the process over and over . Lazarus and Hyouun were in pure bliss ; releasing loun moans into the air . Lazarus started increasing his pace and he even motioned his tail to Hyouun's muzzle and slid his into Hyouun's mouth . Hyouun sucked passionately on Lazarus's tail , while at the same time getting his tailhole pounded from behind . Lazarus then slid his tail out of Hyouun's muzzle , and slid it into his own tailhole ; thrusting it in and out at the same rhythm he was thrustting into Hyouun . Soon , with a loud roar of pleasure from both dragons , Lazarus came into Hyouun's tailhole , which in turn made Hyouun shoot a long stream of dragon seed into the lake . Both dragons were panting and breathing hard , and Hyouun grabbed Lazarus's muzzle again , and locked them in another kiss .

After cleaning themselves and putting their clothes and armor back on , a portal had appeared . "That must be the portal back to our home " , Hyouun said . "Then , I guess it's time for us to go back " , Lazarus . The two dragons jumped through the portal and they ended up back home . The two were relieved to be back home again , and to make sure no monsters would come out of the portal , the two dragons pulled out their weapons and slashed the monster portal , destroying it and keeping monsters from coming out . "Ahhh , it's good to back home . Y'know , Lazarus , maybe we should do what we did in the monster realm again sometime " . "Yeah , maybe again sometime" . With that , the two dragons went back to regroup with their friends ; never forgetting their special night together .

The End

Well that's the end of my third story , and you all enjoyed it . Rate it if ya want . Oh , as a sort of info , the scene where Lazarus and Hyouun destroyed the portal , that what the heroes had to do to keep more monsters from responding in both the games and anime , for those who never played or seen Shining Tears . Well , that's it and r I really hope for those who read the story anjoyed it .