meeting my mate pt.1

Story by bobstin on SoFurry

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"Here I am, sitting in my bed, Wondering about the things that will happen tonight. Will he like me? will he think that I'm not worth his time? Will he... OH CRAP!!!!! Its 9:36! He said he would be here at 10:00 I've got to get ready.

Throwing the bed sheets on the ground the slender fox reveals his naked body to the morning light shining through his small apartment window. His strange shade of dark red fur seems to suck in the morning rays while the white chest fur and the black fur on his hands and feet seem to illuminate the room with its shining glare.As he stands, he falls down almost as quick in a dizzy stupor. "eeppp! Can nothing go right for once!?!" as he stands, he remembers the task at hand and sprints for the bathroom, his manhood flopping in the cool morning air.

now in the shower, he opens a bottle of off brand shampoo and squeezes the last bit out. "just barely enough to make do." He says in a half enthusiastic, half sarcastic tone and starts lathering it through his thick brown hair. While his muscle memory takes over he thinks of the online chat he had with Justin (the guy that will be over in fifteen minutes) last night.

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"Couchsleeper247" is logged on

Couchsleeper247/ hey

rly_redfox/ hey sweetie

rly_redfox/ are u still Cumming to my place tomorrow?

Couchsleeper247/ yeah but that's not the only place ill be "Cumming"

rly_redfox/ o rly now. ^///^

Couchsleeper247/ I will probably be there by 10 am. So don't sleep in. hee hee

rly_redfox/ I can't wait to see you. I've never had someone care to visit me, let alone fly across the country just to see me.

Couchsleeper247/ stop it. Really, it's nothing. Your making me blush. ; 3

rly_redfox/ well it's getting late here so I will wait for you.

Couchsleeper247/ good night red boy. I love you. <3

rly_redfox/ goodnight. Luvs you two. ; 3

reality starts to set back in and he realizes the water is ice cold and yelps yet again.he jumps out and towels off right as the doorbell rings.he practically jumps out of his skin.he wraps the towel around himself and runs to answer the door. the few seconds it took to turn the handle seemed to stretch into eternity and almost freeze until he opend the door and saw the cute husky on the other side.

to be....... yes continued