The History of Product59-Chapter 1

Story by Umami Stale on SoFurry

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The noontide sun beat down on the bustling streets of Pittsburgh PA. The Friday looked the same as any other, in the bustling city. People crowded the stores along the strip, a popular area boasting restaurants, specialty stores, and clubs. However, most people outside the stores weren't thinking about what they wanted for lunch, or what club they were going to later. They were wondering why so many police officers were chasing, what appeared to be a young man in a wolf fursuit, down the street. What they didn't know, is that he wasn't wearing a suit.

The young wolf in question was of above average height, about 6' 4", and built like a Marine. He was currently dressed in a grey hoodie, a pair of belted camo shorts, and was without shoes, with a simple black backpack slung across his back. From what people could see, his fur pattern was mainly light brown, with an off white stripe starting under his muzzle, and continuing down past the collar of his hoodie. His current situation had him leading cops, as well as a few other forces, through the streets and alleys of the strip district, in a chase that would end on the Andy Warhol Bridge.

As the young wolf darted through an alley and approached the next street, his path was suddenly blocked by a lone man. He was dressed in a urban camouflage uniform with a strangely shaped emblem on his right shoulder. The emblem had a blue background with a thin white circle encompassing an inverted and tilted letter V.

"Stop right there 59," he began, his hand resting on an M-9 strapped to his hip, "it's all over."

59, as he is known as for now, calmly took in his surroundings. He raised his hands and began to walk towards the man at the end of the alley.

"I haven't seen you before. Are you a new agent, or one of their 'best', sent to finally capture me?" 59 asked, stopping a short distance from the agent.

"My name, is Lieutenant Kirk Celesto, First Lieutenant of MOSREP. I must admit, you are quite a hard 'man' to track down. Now, please come with me, the higher ups at MOSREP need to ask you some questions."

"I'm guessing that by asking questions, you mean 'forcibly ripping the questions out thought tortuous means'. Sorry Lieutenant Celesto, but that's just not for me."

With that, 59, flipped a nearby milk crate into Celesto's face, than quickly scaled a nearby fire escape ladder, and took off across the roof.

"Damn him!" Celesto swore, pulling out a walkie-talkie, "He's gone to the rooftops, I want choppers tracking him now! I will pursue on foot."

With that, Celesto scaled the ladder and took off after 59.

"Shit, shit, shit," 59 thought as he ran across one roof, and hurdled to another, slightly lower one, "I should've known that it was all to simple. God, I'm going to kill Briggs when I get back"

He than noticed the repetitive sounds of a chopper approaching, and knew he had to make his escape now.

He chanced a look behind him, and saw Celesto leaping onto a low flying helicopter to continue the pursuit.

59 ducked behind an air conditioning unit and pulled out a cell phone. He hit speed dial 1, and continued his escape as the phone on the other end began to ring.

"This is Sigma, talk to me John." The voice on the other end said.

"Sigma, it's gone south, I'm being pursued by police and MOSREP officers, I need extraction now!"

"Got it John, where do you want the extraction point?"

"Two miles downstream of the Andy Warhol Bridge. I also need at least one sentry at one mile, as a safety precaution."

"Precaution? What's to worry about? You've escaped MOSREP personnel before."

"Yeah, but now I got a lieutenant after me, and I don't think he'll hesitate to fire. Seriously, he's chasing me in a helicopter as we speak."

"Damn, he's pretty serious. Okay, I'll have Dante waiting for you a mile down."

"Thanks Sig, John out." With that, John closed the phone and began looking for a path back down to the streets.

John knew he didn't have long before Celesto finally caught up in the chopper. With a pissed off sigh, he make a quick turn and attempted a stunt he had only seen on TV before.

Leaping from the roof of one building, John attempted to ninja jump from the wall of the building across the street, back to the wall of the building he had jumped off of. However, about two stories from the ground, John felt his foot slip.

"Shit..." was all John could say before he flopped two stories into a dumpster.

"Ow...fuck." John said, as he climbed out of the dumpster, "What are the odds of a dumpster not having anything sharp or pointy in it?"

John quickly took off toward the river, with the sound of chopper blades pounding in his ears.

A little later, John made it to the bridge, only to find a police barricade half way across.

With a quick turn, John saw that his retreat was now blocked by Celesto, two helicopters, and three police cars.

"Give it up 59, you have no escape. Come quietly, and we will take it easy on you." Celesto called over the choppers speakers. "Now remove the backpack, and lay with your hands above your head."

"What, this backpack?" John slowly removed the pack and discreetly dug his hand into a side pocket. "Sorry, but this is my favorite pack. However, I'll meet you half way and give you something out of it...SHAZAM!!" John yelled, as he activated the M-18 Black Smoke Grenade in his hand, and disappeared into a cloud of inky black smoke.

"Shit! Get in there and find him!" Celesto yelled, belaboring those around him with slaps around their heads.

"Sir, I see him!" The chopper pilot said, pointing toward the bridges railing.

"Mr. Celesto!" John began, while balancing on the railing, "You are a good opponent, and I look foreword to the day when we get to take our fight to a one on one level, but until then, find solace in the fact that you did have the infamous John Waz trapped, if but for a second. I will now take my leave, but here's a little parting gift, from a far off place. It's called the EMP grenade!" And with that, John lobbed the small blinking object at the helicopters, and dove over the side of the bridge, as the EMP shut down all electronics in the helicopters.

In the ensuing panic, brought about by the crashing of two helicopters, albeit from only ten or fifteen feet, John hit the surface of the Allegheny River, and silently slipped beneath the rolling waters.

One mile downstream, a rather short anthropomorphic panther sat in a set of bushes near the edge of the river, his emerald eyes slowly scanning the waters for any sign of life.

"What are we looking for?" A voice whispered in his right ear, causing him to leap from the bushes, only to see John rolling on the ground and laughing where he had once been sitting.

"John you ass! I've been watching this goddamn river for any sign of you, and you decide to sneak up and startle me? That's just a dick move."

"Meh, I thought it was pretty funny." John replied, standing up and brushing dust off his pants.

"Well I find it funny that you look like a bad imitation of a bad anime character."

"Hey! Make fun of me all you want, but you leave Komamura out of this!" John replied, with a jokingly serious look on his face.

"Eh, an eye for an eye, now lets go. Sigma said we gotta book it outa here and pick up a newbie from the homeworld." With that, Dante turned and stalked off down the bank of the river.

"Hey wait!" John yelled, hurrying after the panthers retreating form, "Also, two things, one, you mean your homeworld right? Two, please tell me I'm not going to have to repeat my origin story to someone else again."

"Yes, and odds are, yes."


A little later, John and Dante arrived at a nondescript VW Microbus, who's only outstanding feature was that all the windows were tinted out. The van currently sat in the empty parking lot of a closed restaurant.

As john and Dante approached, a window rolled down slightly and a gruff voice asked, "How is a raven like a writing desk?"

"Poe wrote on both." John answered.

With that the side door swung open, revealing a grinning fox in the doorway, and a young human woman in the drivers seat. The fox was an odd affair, his fur was blood red, and his gloves and socks were pitch black, and a navy blue stripe ran down his front, at least as far as anyone could see to the neck of the wife beater he was wearing.

The young woman couldn't have been more than 22 years old, and was, simply put, a beauty. Her auburn hair spilled out from under the beanie she wore, and fell to her shoulder blades. Her face showed signs of a lineage that could be traced back to her Scandinavian roots, and her eyes shone with kindness. She was dressed simply in a straight black tee, jeans that looked like someone had taken a sander to them, and a black beanie featuring the puma logo.

John and Dante boarded the microbus, but not before John gave the fox a punch in the shoulder.

"Ow John, what was that for?" The fox whined.

"That's for getting bad info Briggs, and your lucky you didn't get a tipper."

"A what?"

"Oh, one of these." John said, than deftly smacked Briggs in the nuts.

"Hmph...Why?" Briggs asked, holding his slightly damaged junk.

"You asked." John replied with a smile.

As John helped Briggs to a seat, Dante made his way to the front of the vehicle and plopped down next to the young woman.

"Hey Sig, bored without me?" He asked, leaning over to give Sigma a quick smooch.

"You know I always miss you, it's why I wear the hat." She said, pointing to the puma logo.

"You know," John said, poking his head between the front seats, "I don't think pumas and panthers are the same thing."

"I don't care," Dante stated, "it's just great to know my girl is always thinking of me."

"Awww, honey." Sigma said before leaning over and locking Dante into a passionate kiss.

"Awww goddamn it, could you save it until we're in separate hotel rooms? God I'd rather still be running from MOSREP than watching you two trying to suck each others faces off."

"Man, you're just jealous that I got a nice girl and all you got is your right paw."

"Eh shut up, don't we have to go pick someone up?" John asked, walking to the back seat of the vehicle, "And I told you, I'm a switch hitter, so it's like two girls at once!"

"Wow John, I did not need to know that," Sigma said, with a look of bemused disgust, "now lets get going, the new guy needs picked up in a couple hours."

With that, John buckled himself in next to Briggs, who still had a slightly pained look on his face, Dante dug a map of the area out of the glove box, and Sigma keyed the starter, and gunned the engine, and with that, the rag tag group was off.

An hour later, the group arrived on the outskirts of Conneaut Lake. Most of the team piled out of the car, aching to stretch limbs and find bathrooms, however, John stayed in the van. He sat, more or less motionlessly and simply stared out the window at a nearby sign that showed the distance to nearby attractions. The sign displayed four destinations.

-Boating Ramp-2 Miles South

-Aunt Betty's Bed and Breakfast-1 Mile South West

-Placid Lake Cemetery-1 Mile East

-Lost Woods Country Club-2 Miles West

After reading the sign for the fifth time, John heaved a sigh and exited the van, and, without a word to anyone, started off east.

As John walked, he pulled his hood up and made sure his tail was hidden down one of his pant legs, to avoid any suspicion.

Fifteen minutes of walking brought John to the gates of Placid Lake Cemetery. The burial grounds covered a large space of rolling hills covered in meticulously manicured grass, and shining marble monuments, overlooking the lake, which now shone with the reflection of the setting sun.

John continued through the open gates, and began searching the grave markers for a certain name.

-Back at the car-

"Hey Sig, you seen John anywhere?" Dante asked, returning from the nearby outhouse.

"No clue, last I saw, he was looking at that sign from the van." Sigma replied, pointing at the sign behind her.

Dante walked over and examined the sign, and knew instantly where John had gone.

"Sig, I think I know where he went. Lets find Briggs, get back in the van, and go find him."

"Why, isn't john perfectly able to take care of himself?"

"Sigma, I really think he is going to need us pretty soon."

With that, Sigma and Dante hailed Briggs, the three got into the van, and they set off east after John.

A short ride later brought them to the same gates John had passed through not half an hour earlier. They parked the van in the designated area, and entered the sacred grounds to find their friend.

After five minutes of searching, Dante pointed about fifty yards away, where John knelt in front of a small marble head stone.

The group silently made their way over and read the inscription on the stone, which read.

"Claire Turner Waz; October 31 1990-December 19 2010; Sister, Daughter, Wife, Friend; May your soul rest peacefully and your spirit soar; Gone but never forgotten."

Dante gently laid his paw on John's shoulder.

"So this is where she was laid to rest? It truly is beautiful, undoubtedly as she was. John, I am really sorry for what happened."

Sigma laid her hand on John's other shoulder and gave her sentiments, before Briggs knelt down next to John and placed a paw on his bicep.

"Damn man, I had no idea we would be close enough to visit her."

"How did you all know I would be here?" John asked, his voice thick with grief.

"Dante figured it out from the sign back where we parked." Sigma explained, "He figured you could probably use a little support."

"Need one of these?" Dante asked, producing a small travel pack of tissues from his pocket.

"Thanks." Sigma said, snagging one and blowing her nose into it.

"I met John"

"Thanks," John said, taking a tissue to dry his tearful eyes. "I just figured I should get to see where they laid her to rest. What really got me was that her parents kept her post marriage, name. They always did believe I was innocent."

"They sound like great people." Briggs commented.

"They were like the parents I always wanted, I grew up in a broken home, and was raised primarily by my older brother until he joined the army to help support us. Last I heard, he was being recruited for some special force, I dunno SEALS or Rangers or something. Her parents treated me like their own son, and when we broke the news to them, they were more than happy to help pay for the wedding. Hell, they even helped me start up my business."

After John finished, the team sat in silence, each reflecting on their own pasts, as the setting sun finally sank below the tree line across the lake.

A little later, John stood, his dry, but bloodshot eyes roaming over his three companions. Realizing how lucky he was to be traveling with them.

"Shit!" Sigma exclaimed, checking her watch, "We forgot about the new guy!"

"No problem," John replied, "He followed the scent of the van, and is waiting by it in the parking lot."

"How do you know?" Sigma asked.

"Well, I smelled a new scent by the van that wasn't human, so I assumed he had followed the van here. Besides, I bet Dante and Briggs smelled him to."

"Well, I did, but I don't know about Briggs, he's probably still a little stuffed up from hearing about your past."

"Shut up man, I smelled him...*sniffle*"

"Anyway, shall we go great our new member? I think I've just about finished saying my farewells." John stated, slowly walking towards the gates, leaving behind a small bouquet of Stella Dora Lilies, as well as a few wild flowers, resting against the side of the gravestone, with a small note, simply labeled, "for Mr. and Mrs. Turner".

The group exited the cemetery a little later, and walked to the parking lot, where a shadowy figure sat cross legged against the van. As the group slowly got closer, they were able to make out characteristics of their new companion. A long lithe body stretched away from the crossed legs, topped by a somewhat short muzzled head. Behind him, a thick rudder like tail curled around his knees. In laments terms, he was an anthropomorphic American River Otter.

As the group got closer, the otter stood up, to reveal an impressive height of at least seven feet tall. Upon noticing his height, all the group members, except John, stopped and simply stared. John, however, walked foreword, and extended his paw to warmly shake the paw of their new guest.

"Greetings, I am John Waz, and I would like to both welcome you to earth, and apologize for our tardiness, which will be explained in just a bit. I hope your arrival was smooth?"

"Very nice to meet you John, I am Fane, of the Strongrudder clan, and my arrival was quite nice, abet landing in that lake over there. But hey, we otters don't mind a spot of water now and than."

"Ah, well next time we can contact the higher ups, I'll let them know of that little navigation mishap." John was then interrupted by Briggs clearing his throat, "Ah, and these are my, as well as your, companions, Briggs, Sigma, and Dante." John finished, pointing to each member as he named them.

"Well, now that introductions are done," Briggs began, starching his arms above his head, "How 'bout we find a place for the night? Personally, I'm bushed."

"From what, sitting on your tail all day?" John asked, "I spent part of my day running for my life, and the other part swimming in some cold ass water, yet I'm still as lively as-as-as something really lively."

Dante just shook his head at John's inability to form an adequate metaphor in his current state.

"Don't judger me kitty." John replied, shooting Dante the bird.

"Either way," Sigma began, "We've all had a long day. So why don't we pile back in the van, and head back to that bed and breakfast that the sign advertised earlier?"

"Aunt Betty's? Aw man, I love that place, you know, I lost my virginity there." John stated.

"T.M.I." Briggs replied, hoping in the van, "Now lets get going before John recounts that entire night."

Some time later, the group arrived outside the fairly large house that played host to the bed and breakfast. Sigma went in to purchase the rooms, mostly to avoid the awkwardness of having four anthros in the lobby. While they were waiting, Fane began digging into the pocked of the pants he was wearing.

"I almost forgot, command told me to give this to you guys, apparently they don't think this is the best mode of transportation for so many people, especially with our sizes John." With that, he pulled a transaction slip out. "Apparently, they had another group wire the money to your account earlier today."

John took the slip and almost fainted. Their transportation and lodging account had been increased to almost thirty thousand dollars.

"My god," Briggs said, looking aver John's shoulder at the check, "We're rich! Let's buy a bunch of lottery tickets and be super rich!"

Dante reached over and smacked Briggs for his comment before adding his thoughts.

"I'm pretty sure I saw an R.V. place a while back. We could probably get a small camper that would accommodate three, and the other two could stay in the cab. Though if we want one worthy of sleeping in, it's probably gonna be over our budget."

"Well check out the dealership in the morning. Looks like Sig got the rooms." John said, motioning to the returning shadow in the dark.

Sigma hoped back into the van and handed out cards to their rooms.

"Breakfast is served from 7 to eleven, checkout is at noon, we should enter and exit through the outside staircase and porch. Our room is a conjoined double and four person suite. Naturally, Dante and I will take the double, and you three can spread out among the two beds."

"Wait, our room only has two beds?" Briggs asked.

"Yeah, it's a four person, two bed room. Also, our rooms are joined at a shared living room."

"Sounds good Sig, I'll start unloading with Briggs and Fane, Dante will fill you in on some nice news we just got." John said, before picking a suitcase out from behind the back seat and handing it to Briggs.

A short time later, the group sat in the shared living room, chatting and, in John and Briggs' case, enjoying the benefits of a mini-bar. However, the chit chat was ended when Fane finally asked the question John had been expecting.

"So John, I kept hearing command talk about how interesting your past is. However, they never really told me any details. Just what exactly makes your past so interesting?"

"And there's the question." John began, "That damn question that can only be answered in the form of a story, and quite an epic story as I've been told."

"So, may I hear it?"

"Only if you don't plan on sleeping any time soon," John said, setting his now empty beer bottle down, "and snag me another beer."

Fane wordlessly went to the mini-bar and grabbed another beer for John, who promptly twisted the top off and took a long swig.

"Well, I suppose the best place to start is with a little back history on me, before I get to the main part of the story. I was born in a small town about two hours east of here. As a kid, and into my college years, I was always a rather reclusive person. I attribute this to my home life. Divorced parents, deadbeat dad and a mom that couldn't take care of herself, let alone three kids, so I was raised by my brother. He left for the military, and I became the head of the house. More by necessity than choice, I found a job at a local country club slash resort as a cook. Oddly enough, I was well liked by both the staff and customers, despite my never actually talking to them much. I guess I was a pretty good cook by their standards. One day, the manager comes to me and says.

'John, you've been here two years, and we really want to promote you to sous chef or higher, but club policy forbids it because you never graduated from college."

"Now, my family didn't exactly have money. We got a little from my brother each month, but still, combined with my earnings, we still just scraped by. I explained this to my manager and that's when he dropped a surprise that I thought only happened in movies.

'Well John,' he said, 'a bunch of the people here all chipped in, and as you know, we have some very wealthy members. So you have about three quarters of the necessary tuition to attend a culinary school. Now, I talked with the board of directors, and they agreed to pay the rest, on one condition.'

"I asked what that condition was, and he explained that, while I was in college, the club would be adding a new kitchen for catering to the local members homes and parties, and I had to promise to come back and run it.

"Needless to say, I agreed instantly, on the condition that some money be wired to my family as I went through college, to help my sister, who was just a year younger than me.

"So I started my education in October of 2009, and was scheduled to begin my externship, at the country club of course, in October of 2010. However, I wouldn't come home alone.

"The only person I really got to know was a young girl named Claire Turner. I wasn't the best looking guy around, so at first I thought she was just tricking me on a friends dare. Amazingly, she actually liked me for me.

"We both graduated at the same time, and she agreed to help me run the catering kitchen, even though it meant leaving her family in Conneaut Lake. We were finally wed on December 9, 2010, the last day of Chanukah. Her family had Jewish roots, and she said our marriage was the best Chanukah present she had ever received."

"Now," John began, I think it's about time to start the actual story, starting on the day my life reset, December 19, 2010."

End Chapter 1

Well furs, there it is. The first chapter in the story of my fursona. I'd had this idea stuck in my head for a while now, and I had to type it out before I could continue Top of the Food Chain, or begin a secretish story called "Rare Collector" As you may have noticed, I ended the story on a cliffhanger. That's because the next chapter will be a flashback style, where the story will be told as a third person view, rather than John retelling it. Mostly because I hate long monologueish stories that are badly written, as mine would be...As usual, feel free to comment, fave, or tear apart my fragile ego. Imma go play some Modern Warfare 2 now...Peace, Product59...

PS. Feel free to use these characters, as if you would...Just alert me, credit me, and please, no-yiff...don't ask...