Dragon Storm: Chapter 40: The Moment of Collision, Falx Vs. Samiake in Fur Dreams City!

Story by DS-Rio on SoFurry

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#40 of Dragon Storm

Author's Note:

Hey, it's been awhile, huh? Sorry about all the delay, I've had other things to tend to, but now I am back ( I don't know how long ) and I have also worked on this next chapter. This is the 40th chapter of Dragon Storm so pat yourselves on the back for making it this far, I know I am amazed I've wrote this much.

SoFurry Cast

DS-Rio: http://ds-rio.sofurry.com/

A Soviet Dragon: http://a-soviet-dragon.sofurry.com/

Yun95: http://yun95.sofurry.com/

Eveser: http://eveser.sofurry.com/

Naraku: http://naraku.sofurry.com/

Aresues: http://aresues.sofurry.com/

J_ocelot: [http://j\_ocelot.sofurry.com/](/)

Briswolf: http://briswolf.sofurry.com/

Kai wolfheart: http://kai-wolfheart.sofurry.com/

Serpente: http://serpente.sofurry.com/

Blood-Tail: http://Blood-Tail.sofurry.com/

Steb: http://Steb.sofurry.com/

ASCII Artwork:

I do not take credit for this artwork.


"I WIN!!" Blood-Tail yelled and let out a roar.

"AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" Shadow screamed and called back his second dagger.

It was still in the base of the billboard. When Shadow called for it, it slowly nudged out and headed right for Blood-Tail's backside, thus impaling him, but Shadow didn't stop calling it fourth. Blood-Tail then let out a roar of pain and felt himself lift up and get pulled toward Shadow's location. Shadow quickly got up and used his bar like a baseball bat and smacked the hell out of Blood-Tail, it shattered upon impact and the sound of a sickening cracking noise was heard as it sent him skidding across the ground, but not before long; as he got back up and dashed at Shadow. Shadow then dashed at Blood-Tail and they both punched each other in the face. They both took a step back and waved to side from side and fell on top of each other in so much pain and blood, that they just couldn't go on anymore.

"You... stupid... phantom dragon..." Shadow muttered.

" What's... a... phantom dragon, ...anyway?" Blood-Tail asked, now completely exhausted.

"WHAT!? YOU MEAN YOU'RE NOT A PHANTOM DRAGON!?!" Shadow yelled at the top of his lungs before passing out from complete exhaustion.

"So... you attacked... me because... you thought... I was one!?" Blood-Tail said before passing out himself.

" Another misunderstanding... this doesn't surprise me... in fact, I've seen worse..." Kerri said and walked back into the store.

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" Hmph. That wasn't even-" Falx said before being interrupted by a black arrow. He quickly avoided it and watched as the giant war-mech dissolved. He then turned to see who fired said arrow.

" Tsk. I missed..." Samiake muttered as he walked toward Falx with a frown.

"Hm? Who the hell are you?" Falx asked in a non-caring fashion.

" If you just destroyed Jazz's war-mech so easily, then you must be the phantom dragon that has caused all this chaos. You are too dangerous to everyone both in Fur dreams city and out!" Samiake said firmly.

" Perhaps you didn't hear what I asked you, I asked who you were." Falx stated in a firm voice as well.

Just then, Tucker and Ant slowly emerged from behind a building and stopped behind Samiake. They both were trying to catch their breath because Samiake had left them behind. It wasn't his fault that the two of them began to goof off and play fight with each other while on the job. Samiake rather had not dealt with such childish things and wished to get the mission over with as fast as possible. Tucker and Ant looked up to see why Samiake had stopped and pulled out his long bow.

"This sure is a big smoke, mate. I was wondering when we'd run into someone other then this ankle biter." Tucker said.

" Did you just call me a ankle biter?" Ant asked in disgust.

" Bloody oath, mate!" Tucker said and let out a small chuckle.

"No really... I can't understand you half of the time..." Ant said.

"Oh look, mate. A blue! Beauty, I was bored shitless, you know." Tucker said and pointed at Samiake.

"Hm? A blue?" Ant said and rolled his eyes then looked over to see whom Samiake was facing. Ant's eyes widened and his blood boiled. He was now looking at the one who killed his mother.

I have been told that providing you guys with a link to the song would be better, so...

Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtAFkGoT1iE


I realize the screaming pain

Hearing it loud in my brain

But I'm going straight ahead with the scar

Can you hear me?

Can you hear me?

Can you hear me? (So am I)

It's fine if you forget, it's fine if you can't feel it

I've patched up the scrapes in my heart

It's okay if I'm hurt, because I no longer feel the pain

Even as I drag my feet along

I can no longer see

The self

That made a sound

and then collapsed

If you just notice the sound of the wind...

It told me to follow these scars

Before I'd be crushed by the weight of the world

Can you remember it? The sky of tears...

That pain has given you protection

Because this pain will always protect you

More than the strength of being unhurt, the kindness that cannot hurt

Its voice in some ways, seems sad

Can you hear me?

Can you hear me?

Can you hear me? (So am I)

I do not own Sign.

Dragon Storm

CHAPTER 40: The Moment of Collision, Falx Vs. Samiake in Fur Dreams City!

It was now nightfall in the destroyed Fur Dreams city; the darkness blanketed the whole city in an almost endless shadow, save for the few lights from some of the still-functional buildings and moonlight. Falx had dodged just in time to avoid being hit by Samiake's dark arrow. The arrow had completely dissolved the Lv 2 war-mech that confronted Falx, now Falx was facing Samiake, Tucker and Ant. While Tucker gazed in awe at Samiake bravely approaching the dangerous dragon Falx, Ant's blood boiled with an intense hatred.

" Way to go mate! You almost had that bloke, don't stop now. I want to see a good smoke, mate!" Tucker shouted as he let a soft chuckle escape his muzzle.

" Damn it, Tucker! How many times do I have to tell you not to cheer for me while I am in battle!" Samiake said as he blushed lightly and turned around with an upset face.

"Crikey, Apples, mate!" Tucker said as he smiled, the Tasmanian tiger now stepping back some.

" NO IT WON'T BE ALRIGHT! How am I supposed to focus in battle if you're over here rooting like a little girl, Tucker?" The otter said now upset and taking another step closer.

" Fine, Sammy. Then let me handle him. He will need an ambo when I am through with him. Besides you're the one who sounds like a girl right now, you ear basher!" Tucker said and glared at Samiake.

" WHAT!? I am more of a alpha male then you'll ever be you brat and didn't I tell you to address me by my full name!" Samiake said, now becoming annoyed.

" I'm just a Battler, mate! And you started it by calling me a girl! Wait a second; I am to a good enough non-girl to make an ace-alpha male, you figjam! At least my ass isn't so big that it would appear-" Tucker began to say, but was quickly interrupted.

"OH!! IF I WERE YOU I WOULDN'T FINISH THAT STATEMENT, TUCKER!!!" Samiake said, now strangling Tucker and shaking him violently.

"ughn... giant...monkey... butt!" Tucker said while being choked.


" Fat... ass... otter! Child abuse!!" Tucker said, now gasping for air.

Seemingly from out of nowhere, Falx was now about to land a finishing blow to both Samiake and Tucker from the air with his scythe-gun. However, Samiake jumped back, dodging Falx's attack just in time. Falx's strength was amazing, his attack left behind a giant crater in the ground and sent ruble and debri flying everywhere. Samiake landed safely and released Tucker, and then frowned once more.

" Hmph. Come to think of it, I've never seen you in a battle before, Tucker." Samiake said firmly, letting the wind rush by him, his shaggy fur dancing along its breeze.

" What are you saying? I am the one that has to go at it with him, right mate?" Tucker would say now standing up slowly and reaching for his boomerang, unfolding it, and letting the wind rush by him as well.

Falx was now walking toward them both with an annoyed expression on his face. He quickly tossed his large scythe into the air and removed his black jacket, then finally caught his scythe again as it fell back down. Now picking up his running speed and making a mad dash at them both, his dark brown eyes locked on to them.

" Sorry, but if I let you two live, then word will spread that a dragon is freely walking about! I don't have time to fight the world, so I'll settle for just you two!" Falx said as he ran at them and swung his large scythe at them both from a distance, sending a wave a lightning out at them.

"A lightning user? We're dead if we let even one of his attacks hit." Samiake said and jumped out of the way of the lightning wave.

" I see that, mate. It's abit cramped here for fighting at a distance, but we'll have to make do with what we got." Tucker said as he dodged the wave of lightning as well and then proceeded to say " Try not using your gauntlets, they are made of metal and metal acts as a conductor to electricity, Samiake." Tucker said as he kept his eyes on Falx.

"Hmph. I am already ahead of you Tucker, but what about your metal boomerang?" Samiake asked, taking off his gauntlets.

" I don't know... it's all I have... without it I will not be able to provide you with any support." Tucker said as he sighed, knowing Falx could take advantage of this fact.

" ..." Samiake remained silent and waited for Falx.

As Falx was walking closer to Samiake and Tucker, Ant was left behind, seemingly forgotten about and now all alone, save for the ruble and debri that surrounded him from Falx's earlier attack. His blood still boiling with rage as his thoughts flew wildly in his mind.

  • - - - - - - - - - - - (Flashback: An earlier event) - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Falx stopped by her side and smiled back, but not one second after he did the ground crumbled up from under them both. They both fell for a few seconds and then Flax stuck his scythe into the side of a half-sunken building and skidded to a stop. He saw Julie falling and grabbed her by the arm with his free hand.

"FALX! JULIE!" Bris yelled while holding the passed out kai.

"Falx... get him home... please..." Julie whispered out of strength.

"Hold on!" Falx said while holding on tight.

" He... wants... to... see... Rio..." Julie whispered one last time before she died.

"No!" Falx said as he let go of Julie and let her fall into the bottomless pit.

======================= (Meanwhile) ============================

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" MOM!!!!" The small dragon yelled at the top of his lungs while taking off his cloak to reveal his silver scales and emerald green eyes.

He then ran as fast as he could away from that area. He found himself going down a street that was already destroyed and ran around a few corners. He didn't care anymore where or even how. He cried non-stop and ran as fast as his legs would take him. He couldn't bare the loss of his mother. He couldn't believe that she just died and that the dragon holding her couldn't hold onto her and let her die. Very unpleasant thoughts raced through his mind as he cried and ran, not looking where he was going. He quickly found himself on the ground and in pain. He cleared his eyes of some of the tears and opened them to see what he had just bumped into.

"Great. I hope this means I don't have to baby-sit." Samiake said sarcastically and frowned.

"G'day, mate... I'm god smacked! What's wrong?" Tucker asked in a concerning manner.

  • - - (Flash forward: Fur Dreams City: 1792) - - - - -

" It was you... you're the dragon that killed my mother..." Ant whispered to himself as he watched Falx approach Samiake and Tucker.

Suddenly, a giant crash was heard followed by a massive electrical explosion. Smoke quickly filled the area and Samiake and Tucker jumped out of the smoke cloud to face Falx, now walking toward them from inside the smoke. Tucker winced in pain; he took a quick glance at his arm to find his fur had been charred and a small wound opened, leaving a blood trail down his arm.

" Tucker, use your boomerang to buff yourself up." Samiake said, now standing in front of him to take on Falx.

" Yes, those of us from Tayuna carry special items that are imbued with supernatural powers. Unlike the Anthros from Fur Dreams city who carry the supernatural powers in their own body. My boomerang grants me the ability to increase anything or anyone's status. I can stack this effect up to three different times, however..." Tucker explained as he recalled something.

  • - - - - - - - - - - - (Flashback: An earlier event) - - - - - - - - - - - - -

During Tucker's decent, he lifted up his leg with his roller-skate on it and smashed into the ground with an extremely powerful axe kick. It not only destroyed the remaining robots, but it also caused a huge tremor and even made two skyscrapers fall down right beside where the two furs had landed dramatically back-to-back. A heavy gust of wind blowing past them both as Samiake crossed his arms and closed his eyes and Tucker lowered his head while on one knee and smiled. The wind made their respective fur and cloths flow along its current.

"Hmph, not bad, Tucker." Samiake complemented.

"I reckon I could have taken them all on, mate." Tucker bragged.

  • - - (Flash forward: Fur Dreams City: 1792) - - - - -

" I have already buffed us up once before." Tucker explained.

"So? You still have two more buffs right?" Samiake asked, his eyes still locked on Falx, just now exiting the smoke screen.

"No, Just now when Falx attacked us, I instinctively buffed us up again. I only have one more buff power up left, but for the time being you should be at twice the level of power, even without your gauntlets, mate." Tucker said and roller-skated back some, giving Samiake room to fight Falx.

" I see, be sure to-" Samiake said before once again being interrupted.

"You're finished!" Falx shouted and pointed his scythe-gun at Samiake, and from the top of the scythe shot out an explosive.

"That's the second time you've done that. Try not to strike me while I am talking with my teammate." Samiake warned and then quickly and effortlessly formed a wall made of shadows to block the explosive and frowned yet again.

"A shadow user, huh? How interesting... shadows only exist in the absence of light." Falx said as he charged his metal scythe-gun up with extremely and seemingly endless amount of electricity and then stabbed it into the ground.

" Wrong! Light and shadows coexist! They can be at the same place at the same time. Shadows are still there even if there's light, unless it's a really large amount of light." Samiake said as he gathered the surrounding shadows from the buildings and other objects to further increase his power.

Just then, Falx pressed a button on his large metal gun-scythe and the scythe shot out the three blades at the top in different directions by using metal cables for each one. This sent electricity not only in those three directions, but now Falx's electricity surged through the ground as well. However, Falx didn't stop there, he then charged himself up with an endlessly amount of electricity and altogether, his attacks formed an enormous electric field, one that covered the whole battlefield and then some. Samiake noticed the five different sources of electricity and formed a shadow arrow and launched it at Falx just like before.

"That won't work, otter." Falx said as he dodged it just like earlier and looked back to see it dissolve, only this time it did not dissolve at all, but it instead oozed on the ground and conducted the nearby electricity." That's new." Falx said expressly.

" My shadows can take on the forms of either solid, liquid, or gas. I wouldn't take me so lightly if I were you." Samiake said firmly and grinned knowing any liquid would weaken Falx, if not kill him.

Suddenly, the liquid puddle of shadow rose up and took on a solid form, still electrified from Falx's electricity. It then took on Samiake's form and dash at Falx. It would try to tackle him down with the intent on wetting Falx and destroying him or at the very least, stop him from using his Lightning G.O.N. Meanwhile, the real Samiake shot off another arrow and this time watched as it split into three, all of which connected with a thin line of shadow. Falx now found himself under pressure and a bead of electrified sweat trickled down his face.

" Hmph." Falx said as he jumped up.

Not only had he gained height from his jump, but it also allowed him to dodge the Shadow Samiake, who in turn got impaled by the three shadow arrows. This caused his form to poof into a gas form a spread slowly. Upon landing, Falx fired a bolt of electricity right at Samiake. Samaike then threw a small sphere at the bolt of lightning and watched as it quickly absorbed the attack and then grew larger and larger before finally exploding, leaving only a heavy thick gassy mist.

"It's over." Samiake said.

Unexpectedly, Samaike then put his metal gauntlets back on to further increase his shadow powers and reached into the air. The shadowy mist at his every command. Samiake then forced the shadowy mist to create hundreds, if not, thousands of different forms of Shadow Samiake otters. Each one already in position to launch hundreds upon hundreds of shadow arrows. The whole battlefield was covered in clones of Samiake and all with gleaming bright red eyes. As soon as Falx took a step back in horror, half of the clones jumped up and shot from the air above Falx, as the other half on the ground fired their shadow arrows right at him. There was no safe place to dodge and knowing Samiake, he most likely shot nothing, but liquid type shadow arrows. Falx stood there and watched as thousands upon thousands of arrows flew toward him in almost a blink of an eye.

"I didn't think I would have to use my clan trait so soon..." Falx said as he closed his eyes and then opened them again, only now they were all black, save for the light blue pupil in the middle and the ripple that would emit from the middle of his eyes and ripple outward slowly.

Falx then stabbed the ground with his scythe-gun again so that the blades were in the air. He would crouch down and reach his hand out. His whole body quickly becoming electrified and soon after a swirling black sand could be seen encircling him. The sand would rise up from under the cracks in the pavement from the streets of the city and completely protect Falx from Samiake's divesting attack. After his attack had gone through, Falx effortlessly hurled a giant vortex of black sand and electricity at Samiake. Samiake used his shadow wall, just like before, only this time the vortex went through and sent Samiake skidding across the street, skipping a few times before finally crashing into Tucker.

"SAMMY!!" Tucker cried.

"Ughn... he... he... got through... my shadows...?" Samiake asked, still dumbfounded by this.

" It seems we misunderstood his powers, mate." Tucker said, now helping Samiake up.

"So it seems... hey dragon. What's your name?" Samiake frowned and with Tucker's aid got up and took his gauntlets back off, as another hit like that would surely kill him.

" The name is Falx Kurotsuchi. And you must be Samiake, the famous mercenary that the D.E.O. has called in as their back up. I hear your well known in Tayuna." Falx said and smirked.

" That's right. Well Falx, am I correct in saying that you used the moonlight against me?" Samiake asked and frowned once again.

" Moonlight?" Tucker asked confusedly.

"You are half right. I didn't expect the moon's light to be blocked by a passing cloud as soon as my attack was lunched. The moon then blocked, made all your shadows fade away and my attack went through, when normally it would have been blocked." Falx explained as he stood up and smirked.

" I thought you had timed it, but it seems only I was paying attention to that detail." Samiake said.

"However... I was paying attention to other things, like the ground." Falx said.

"What do you mean?" Samiake asked.

" We are fighting on a street. I looked for the older parts of the street and stroked at it with my scythe-gun earlier. You guys were not my real targets. I wanted to damage the ground." Falx explained.

" What are you talking about, bloke." Tucker said.

"If you recall, I have a Lightning G.O.N. and there are allot of things that can act as a conductor for lightning. The three main ones are Silver, copper and gold; however, I knew I wouldn't be able to find any here so I thought about some of the other conductors other then those three. Although they are not as good of a conductor, its still better then nothing. In this case, I found steel and iron. Steel from the buildings that surround us and Iron from the earth." Falx explained while pointed with his scythe-gun at what he was talking about.

"So that's why you were trying to damage the ground. If the Iron is in the earth, then you needed to destroy the concrete that was blocking you from reaching it." Tucker said.

"Yes, that's what that black sand-like material was in my last attack. Iron and steel. However, I needed a way to pull those materials from their respective sources. My clan trait, it allows my eyes to have a new form when in use, but that's not all. When active, in exchange for the Quintessence it rapidly drains from me slowly, I am then allowed to see Electrical waves and Magnetic waves in two different colors. My eyes also constantly emit magnetic waves everywhere, but I can't see those waves. Therefore I am not confused by all the waves in different color being picked up by my eyes. They allowed me to spot the Steel and Iron and also complemented my Lightning G.O.N. I then merely used my powers to pull the Iron and Steel around us and make a strong barrier of Iron-steel to protect me from your attack, then I hurled it at you hoping to at least get some of the Iron-steel on your fur." Falx explained as he smiled evilly.

" Damn you..." Samiake said and noticed he was now covered in Iron-steel and thanks to the lack of light, had no powers right now.

"Sammy, I'll cover you until the moonlight comes back!" Tucker said as he skated toward Falx.

"Tucker no! You are no match for him! And stop calling me that!" Samiake yelled.

" I never thought I would have to use this..." Tucker said as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a second boomerang. He then unfolded it and held it in his hand.

" A second one?" Falx asked.

"Yes, and unlike my other one it can debuff anything or anyone up to three different times and stack the effect." Tucker said and threw it at Falx.

As the debuffing boomerang was headed right at Falx, Falx simply used his electromagnetic powers to form the remaining Iron-steel around him into a sickle and smacked it away. However, just as Falx hit it back, his newly formed sickle broke down and rusted away. Meanwhile, the boomerang returned to Tucker.

"Oh? That's one hell of a debuff." Falx said.

"Why are you so impressed? That's only the first level of my debuff..." Tucker said.

Tucker then threw his debuff boomerang once again while skating toward Falx, reaching behind him to pull out his last item, a dagger. Falx watched as the debuff boomerang went around him while Tucker came at him head on. Just then, Tucker threw his buffing boomerang at Falx, Falx was shocked by this and smirked, at the last second dodged.

"You think I would fall for that so easily? It's too simple. Why would you throw your buffing boomerang at me? You must be able to switch which boomerangs hold the two different effects." Falx said as he watched Tucker skate toward him.

" Oh? You're good mate, I didn't expect you to catch me on that one." Tucker said.

As Tucker skated up to Falx he ducked knowing that is what Falx might do, and he was right, Falx swung his scythe-gun at Tucker, but Tucker ducked and attempted to trip Falx using his impressive skating moves. Meanwhile, the two boomerangs were both on their return trip back now. Falx ducked and that's when Tucker grabbed his gun-scythe and his two boomerangs and used it to buff him up a third time. As Tucker grabbed Falx's gun-scythe, Tucker got electrocuted, but thanks to his power up, he didn't feel it as much. Suddenly, Tucker jumped up and unleashed a divesting skate-kick to Falx's face. However, Falx used his arm to block the kick from ever reaching his face and found himself skidding backwards and crashing into a Burger king store, which then collapsed on top of him.

"However, what you didn't know is that my weapons aren't the ONLY weapons I can transfer my two different effects to, Falx. I simply transferred my debuffing effect into you're gun-scythe, that in turn debuffed you by one level, which means... we are at a times four difference in power right now." Tucker smiled and then quickly put his weapons away save for one boomerang and grabbed his bloody arm with his free hand and winced in pain from Falx's earlier attack.

As Falx rose from the ruble, now bleeding on his forehead, the now weakened dragon staggered out of the debri and back onto the street. He looked to make sure the cloud was still covering the moon, and it was. He knew that Samiake would be powerless to stop his next attack.

"Interesting trick... now watch mine." Falx said as he reached his hand out and formed two wolfs made out of lightning.

The two wolfs dashed on all-fours toward Tucker as he skated away in terror. The wolfs were jumping left and right and over one another and even on top of each other. They were hungry, and they would stop at nothing to get their meal for the day. As Tucker was out running them, they began to try and flank the Tasmanian tiger and even started to blast out streams of lightning at him. Tucker couldn't keep up; he got hit by one of the streams of lightning and then fell to the ground. He whacked one lightning wolf with his debuffing boomerang and made it dissipate, however, the second wolf jumped on top of him, causing him to drop the boomerang, it landed a few feet away from him, meanwhile, Tucker was now being mauled alive by the lightning wolf. Every time the wolf would bite into his flesh, it would shock Tucker with what seemed like an endless amount of electricity. He screamed in intense agony as he tried to remove the wolf by pushing it off of him, but only found himself electrocuted that much faster.

"AGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Tucker screamed, now covered in a pool of his own blood.

"You should never get to-" Falx said, but was then interrupted by Samiake who had flanked Falx and hit him with a metal pole on the back of the head.

" Got ya!" Samiake said and watched as Falx fell to one knee.

"Damn it... I shut off my eye power to conserve my Quintessence, I would have seen you coming otherwise." Falx said as he quickly got up and ignored his now bloody head and kicked Samiake away, electrocuting him as he skidded away once again. This time he struggled to get up.

" It's over, Falx!" Tucker screamed and dashed at Falx again, while Falx was trying to get up the covered in blood Tasmanian tiger skate-kicked Falx in the stomach with all his might.

"Damn you... you annoying... flies... can't breathe..." Falx said out of breath.

" At... a four times difference... in our strength... you're lucky... to BE... breathing right now...but... at least you... can't move... anymore...mate..." Tucker said as he doubled over, also out of breathes.

Just then, Falx got up and charged his whole body with electricity and dashed behind Tucker and then smacked the back of his neck, which in turn sent him skidding across the street, skipping like a pebble in water a few times before finally crashing into a street light. Tucker was now on the ground and couldn't find the strength to go on. Falx was now proceeding to breathe heavy and watch if either of his downed foes would get back up.

"Falx... he's amazing... Ordinarily, one wouldn't be able to budge due to difficulty breathing. It looks like I'll have to use my dagger on him next... I really didn't want to have to resort to using it, but he leaves me no choice..." Tucker thought to himself and struggled to get up, however as he did he noticed unusual difficulty doing so. "What? What's going on? Even though I'm trying to move my hand...my leg moves!? Don't tell me!!" Tucker thought to himself, but didn't notice Falx deliver a powerful dropkick to his face. This sent Tucker flying even farther then Falx's last attack. In fact, Tucker didn't stop skidding this time until after he had gone through a building.

"In my present condition... this seems to be the extent of my powers..." Falx thought to himself.

" I see what's going on here..." Samiake said as he struggled to get up.

"Its... its... not the muscles... it's the nerves!" Tucker thought to himself as he flailed around on the ground trying to somehow get up.

" It seems you've realized... That's right! It's the nerves! I changed my Quintessence into electricity, made an electrical field, and poured electricity into your nerves!" Falx said as he recovered.

"Damn him!!" Tucker thought to himself while struggling greatly to get up.

" The communications between the brain and the body is all done with electric signals. Falx jumbled up all of the electric signals that are exchanged at a velocity of 360 kilometers per hour. Falx has literally short circuited Tucker." Samiake thought to himself.

Suddenly, Samiake became enraged and dashed at Falx despite the moonlight still being blocked, Falx saw this and prepared himself, but unexpected to them both, Falx was sent flying into a car. He had gotten punched in the face. Samaike stared in confusion as his eyes widen. Falx struggled to get up, but when he did he looked up. Tucker, still trying to move, glanced at the creature. His tail swaying lazily from side-to-side and with nothing, but a grin on his face, Rio stood innocently.

"RIO!?" Samiake shouted.

" So... this is... Rio?" Tucker asked.

"Rio? I've heard that name somewhere before..." Falx said.

Just then, before anyone could say anything else, a massive and never ending wave of Quintessence darted past them all. They were now completely covered in an ocean of Quintessence, they all looked around, then to Rio thinking it was him, but then they finally saw who or what was emitting such a powerful amount of power. Walking toward them, wearing a black cloak with biohazard signs all over it, was an anthro the likes no one has ever seen before, but closely looked like a dolphin. Everyone was at a loss for words, Rio included.

To be continued...

Author's suspenseful questions:

Who is this new powerful foe?

Why is Rio here? How is Rio here?



Dragon Storm: Chapter 41: An Unrivaled Match: Light Vs. Dark in Fur Dreams City!

Author's Note: Well, here we go again, right? Another source of amusement, another chapter. Sorry it has taken so long to get back around to doing this, but I've been through allot. That...

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 39: Civil War in Fur Dreams City, Blood-Tail Vs. Shadow!

**Author's Note:** Hello there! \*Paces around house \* Hmmm... well, I have been going to the chat rooms as of late and out of the seven or...

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 38: Fur Dreams City Besieged: The Evil Hand Revealed!

**Author's Note:** Hey again. Sorry to keep you waiting... I just needed to think of how to start up this next installment. I hope you...

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