Holy Crusade

Story by HolyCrusader on SoFurry

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Holy Crusader


The Great Crusade part one.


warning contains exetreme awsomeness

The wolf cryed out in pain as it's right eye was scooped out of its socket it produced

such a high pitched squeel that it was almost not aduiable. "WERE IS THE HIDING

LOCATION?" screamed the holy knight as he crushed the eye in his hand. " I dont know

what your talking about!" screamed the wolf. the holy knight grabbed the wolfs arm

and ripped it out of its place. The wolf was in so much shock he couldnt speek as blood

spewed out of the socket of his arm. After the wolfs arm was bandaged to stop the

bleeding the wolf pitifully squeeled out the words the Great Oaktree . The hold knight

turned his attention to a gaurd standing near by and nodded his head, the gaurd

nodded back and ran out of the room....

The red warning light of the drop pod cast a small glare on the

holy crusaders armour, out in the open he stood seven feet tall clad in armour

and weighed about 300 pounds of solid muscel. In full gear bearing his bolt gun and

chain sword he was anyones worst nightmare. The drop pod was only one of hundreds as they

screamed twords the Great Oaktree many tents soon became visible and soon hundreds

of small campsites all over the area around the massive tree were soon visible as

were there ocupants many of them were busy fornacating in groups or tending to young

some were looking up at the sky wondering what was about to rain down on them.

The pods hit with lightings force and every small creature around them was

insinerated. The pod doors fell opend and Holy warriors spilled out of the openings

firing at the groups of helpless individuals who were fornucating. There heads exploded

like watermellons and there chests erupted into blood as there organs spilled out.

As some of the warriors of the animal kingdom ran to atempt to stop the Holy crusaders

they only caried spears and clubs which were no match for the mighty chain sword

which cut through them like a warm knife through butter. Soon the animals were pushed

back to there mighty tree as many had aready been wiped out or fled the rest were back to

back with there great tree. The holy warriors held there ground slightly out of range of the massive

tree but in a way that prevented the animals from escaping there fate. Over the

ridge of the valley tanks apeared each one bearing a large cannon. They all fired at

the base of the tree burning the trunk to nothing but ash. The rest of the flaming tree

fell onto its animal allies as they both shared the same fate, burning alive...

As the raid came to an end a group of holy knights came apon a tent that was not

scourched to the ground they ripped it open to find nothing more then twenty cubs all of diferent

breeds and spiecies. One warrior who was head and shoulders above his holy bretheren

did not wear a helmet and his hunger raged from with in him. "I have this fight brothers." said the large

warrior. He then took up one of the small cubs and squeezed the body untill blood flowed out of its face,

then he tossed the dead body into his mouth and swallowed it whole. He began to rip

and tear through all of the cubs as he consumed all twenty...

As the glorious day came to an end the holy warriors sat down to a feast and a show of all of the

surviors being exicuted.


hope you liked my story I will write more as I have more time on my hands I am sorry about all of

the grammer mistakes and spelling errors but I am to lazy to fix them all so Im sure it wont bother you that much.

Holy Crusader =============== The Great Crusade part one. =========================== warning contains exetreme awesomeness and gore and if you have a weak heart stop here ------------------------------------------------- The wolf cryed out...

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