High school through my eyes: Pt. 11

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#11 of His Bright Blue Eyes

~Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. If you read this and your not old enough. try not to get caught. if you aren't held back by any of those silly laws then your good too. Enjoy!

"Did you guys hear that?" David said as the pack came out of the equipment room. "...It sounded like a howl?"

"Yeah!" Jesse said. "It sounded like Marc!"

"Ok guys..." Tom said. "I didn't hear anything?"

"Well we did," David said. "And it sounded like someone was in trouble."

"Do you guys think..." Jason said. "...Spackle?"

"Impossible..." David said, worry finally set in, and could be noticed in his voice. "He wouldn't come here... would he?"

"I dunno," Jesse said as he pointed. "But it came from that way. Let's check it out."

"Ugh..." Tom said. "...K-9's and their extra hearing."

They took off in a sprint with David leading them and Jesse not far behind.. They took each hallway and searched for their friend.

"You smell that..." David said as he sniffed. "

"Smells like..." Jesse said as he sniffed as well. "Blood..."


"Wake up, pup!" Marc heard. Then he heard a horrid cracking noise as he felt his shins explode in pain.

He howled out as he woke up in, what seemed to be, a church. His howl bounced off the decrepit, rotten walls. Vines ran up the broken stained glass that showed people bowing down.

"Welcome home!" The skunk gave him a big hug.

Marc took a look at his kidnapper's face now that the light shown.

"...Spackle..." Marc growled. "Get off me!"

Marc kicked Spackle out of the hug and sat up. He was sore from lying down on the bench for so long. Spackle flew out onto the middle laneway and dug from something in

his pocket.

He got up from the pew and ran for the door that was closest to him. His bruised shins gave him hell from the previous abuse.

"Here it is!" Spackle said as he pulled out a glowing blue remote and pressed the button.

Suddenly, Marc's body tensed up as an electric shock froze his muscles. He stopped in mid run and fell flat on his muzzle.

"Bad dog!" Spackle said as he got up and pulled out a whip. "You mustn't bite the hand that feeds you or it'll slap you right back.

Spackle took the whip and lashed it across Marc's rump.

"Now get up," Spackle said as he walked away and pressed the button again.. "We have a lot of tests to do before your untimely..." He paused and grinned. "...End!"

Tears welled up in Marc's eyes as he regained control of his muscles.

"What the..." Marc said as he felt around his neck. There was a tight dog collar wrapped around it. "Bastard..."

"Come on, pup!" Spackle said waving around his whip. "We don't have all day. Now quit being a pansy and get off your ass!"


"David! Are you ok?!" Tom said as he ran over to David.

"Yeah..." David said groggily. "I just slipped on something."

"...Let's rest." Misty said as she panted. "What did you slip on, anyway?"

David looked at his foot and fell silent. There was red mixed in with his white fur.

"Blood..." Jason said as he pulled a cloth. "Did you cut yourself?"

David just stared at his foot-paw. His eyes filled with tears.

"It's..." David croaked out. "It's..."

"It's what?" Misty said.

"It's Marc's..." David sobbed.

"He's not here..." Tom said as he crouched down beside him. "Is he...?"

"The bastard!" Jason screamed. "We'd promised we'd be there for him!"

"Calm down." Justin stepped in and put his hand on his shoulder. "We need to find out where he took him."

"How..." David said. The tears were flooding his fur now. "That bastard! I'll kill him!"

"Wait!" Jesse said as he cocked his ears. "I hear something..."

Everyone held their breath as they focused on a slight beeping noise.

"It's coming from that room?" David said as he regained control.

They all walked into the room he pointed to. There was a lone laptop laying in the desk inside.

Jesse, being the only one besides Marc who fooled around with computers, took a seat in front of the screen.

"...We just caught a break." Jesse grinned. "That fool!"

"What?" David said wiping away the moisture that collected under his eyes. "What is that?"

The screen showed a schematic of the city and 2 different dots on it. A beeping red dot that was located in a box outside the cities boundaries, and a beeping blue dot that was inside a big circle.

"What is this, Jesse!" Jason burst out. "Explain it!"

"The blue dot is us." Jesse said as he tapped on the keyboard. "Well the laptop anyway..."

Suddenly a battery appeared on the screen and it broke in half. The computer gave a low hum as it powered down.

"Fuck..." Jesse said. "There goes the battery, but did everyone see that red dot?"

"Yeah?" David said. "I did anyway..."

"That red dot was the tracker Spackle planted in Marc's leg." Jesse crossed his arms and waited for his praise.

"How are you sure?" Tom asked.

"Hey man..." Jesse said as he glared. "I'm workin' with what I got. Now, we have two options. We can either get to that box outside the city, save Marc, then come back and play the bet concert that this cities ever seen, or we can just sit here with our paws up our asses and lose Marc forever..."

"I vote for the first one!" Tom and Justin saluted and stood in line. Everyone else fell in, including Misty.

"First..." Jesse said. "...To the mall!"

"What?" David said. "We don't have time!"

"Yeah we do?" Jesse laughed and rustled his headfur. "We need to pick up a charger and plot our route."

"Question!" Misty said a she raised her hand.

"Yes..." Jesse said looking around. "Misty..."

"You guys are gonna think I'm a retard..." Misty said. "But who's Spackle? And what's going on with Marc?"

Everyone gathered around as they filled her in.


"...Oh come one now..." Spackle said playfully as he slapped Marc in the muzzle. He could taste blood. "It can't hurt that much?"

"Your putting a metal pole in my leg!?" Marc howled as he felt the steel penetrate his flesh. "What the fuck are you doing, you psycho?!"

Spackle delivered another blow to his face. "None of the back talk, young man." He said as he chuckled. "And to answer your question..." He began as he brought out an oddly neat chalkboard. "You see, pup... I've got big plans for you."

Marc felt sweat start to creep down his neck.

"You see..." He took out a laser pointer and pressed the button. "I've decided not to kill you! Can I get a "Hooray!!"

Marc was just silent. His eyes were wide with fear at what he saw on the board.

"Fine then..." The smile faded away on his face. "I've decided to turn you into my pet!"

Marc started laughing hysterically.

"And how are you expecting to do that?!" Marc said as he felt his sanity slowly fade.

"See?" Spackle said as he pointed the laser right in Marc's eye. "The serum is already working..."

"What..." Marc started to panic. He began to feel his mind start to close and his self-awareness start to fade. "What's happening..."

"Oh!" Spackle screamed in enjoyment. "I'd better make this quick! What I injected you with was what I like to call the "Werewolf Serum"! It attacks the nerves in your brain that allows you to think on your own, causing you to become bloodthirsty. I guess you could call it being reborn..."

Marc's eyes began to glaze over. He felt his skull being broken in half and his limbs separating from the rest of his body. He howled in agony, but could do nothing to stop it.

"You see how your eyes are beginning to lose their ability to see?" Spackle chuckled. "When you regain sight, you will first lay eyes on me, and forever be under my control."

Suddenly Marc's eyes began to regenerate and the pain started to defuse.

"What?!" Spackle screamed. "Damnit..."

Marc felt everything coming back to him. Even the drenched feeling on his fur from his sweating. He had conquered his first hurdle to get out of this hell hole.

"Is... that... all ya got..." Marc croaked out before he passed out and lay his head back.

"Oh, little wolf..." Spackle smiled as wide as he could. "We have barely begun. I WILL have control. And I will make you kill your precious friends... Even... David."

He laughed so loud in rang within the rotten church walls as he began planning his next experiment.


"What a sicko!" Misty said as they finished telling her the story of how Spackle had ruined Marc's life.

"Yeah..." David said as he hugged his legs. "We have to go now."

"Calm down, bud," Tom said as he put his paw on David's head. "We're gonna get him back to ya..."

"...And kill that bastard in the process!" Justin said with a smile.

"Ok group!" Jesse said, putting the laptop in his bag. "Head to the mall, then to the room, then to the box!"

"...The box?" Everyone said in unison with confused expressions on their muzzles.

"Well I don't exactly know WHAT he's in." Jesse said as he brushed the hair out of his eyes. "It was a box... That's it? Gimme some slack."

Everyone was content with this and followed him out into the maze of hallways. Jesse seemed to have taken over the leadership as he led them all out to the mini-van.

"To that godforsaken mall..." Jason said as he got into the drivers seat.

The engine revved and they were off to the place they never wanted to go again. They didn't want to get swarmed again, so they had to pick up some disguises along the way.

"Hey look!" Justin said as he pointed out the window. "A second hand store. I'm sure we'll find something?"

"That'll do it," Jason said as he turned on the signal.

Just then a truck honked its horn and ran right into the back end of the mini-van. The truck pushed it right onto a brick wall, still honking it horn.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion as the first impact flowed right into the second. Then the lurching of the van as it separated from the truck. Then the humming of the truck as it drove away.

There, right in front of the secondhand store, a crumple van sit filled with furs inside who's only wish was to save their best friend...


"Wake up, puppy." Spackle said he sat in front him. Marc heard him sipping a small cup of what he figured was tea. "You've slept long enough."

Marc opened his eyes. They were in a vast stadium. The dirt from the ground stuck to Marc's bloody face.

"Where are..." Marc croaked out as he looked around.

"We're below the church. I've put a lot of work into this shit-hole and I figured a stadium of death was the best option to fill the basement." Spackle said as he basked in his glory.

"Why..." Marc said as he sat up.

"Because!" Spackle laughed. "I wouldn't get to test your strength and stamina without it!" He sat up and pointed. "That clock will show how long you have to go."

"What..." Marc said. The clock had 10 hours on it.

"If you last the whole 10 hours without dying, you get to move on to being my best slave!" Spackle said. "The clock will take us to 5:00 p.m. By then I should have my serum perfected. I really don't know why it didn't work on you... Your free will must be extra strong?"

"Ugh..." Marc said as the feeling of hopelessness shrouded him.

"Don't look so down!" Spackle laughed again. "You start in 5. Take this time to meditate."

"What if I lunge at him right now?" Marc thought to himself. "He has that stupid button. It's hopeless... Where's David..."

"Well you'd better get up, pup." Spackle said as he patted him on the head. "Your wasting your meditation time. I'm heading up to the V.I.P. box."

"Don't I get a weapon at least..." Marc said as he picked his hurting body up off of the dirt. If he was going to do this he'd better at least be prepared

"Oh silly me!" Spackle said as his paw brushed his headfur back. "Of coarse you do! We don't want you dieing right off the bat."

He flipped a switch and a pillar rose from the ground. It had the stupidest, dysfunctional "weapons" anyone had ever seen.

"Pick one!" Spackle said. "You only have 4 minutes now!"

Marc looked amongst the pieces and picked the most useful looking one. A dagger.

"You now have 3 minutes." Spackle said as he ascended the stairs. "Prepare yourself."

"Fuck..." Marc said under his breath. "David... If your planning on a dramitic entry, then you might wanna take your cue..."


"...Is everyone... ok?" Jason's voice came from the wreckage.

"I am..." Jesse said as he breathed a sigh of relief. "...Same with the laptop!"

"Justin and I are fine..." Tom's distorted voice rang through. His tongue was still swollen.

"...It's a good thing you got a van..." David's voice finally responded. "There's room between the seats..."

"Hey there he is!" Tom said. "Now... How are we getting out of here..."

"Hello!" came a voice from outside the van. "Is there anyone alive in there?!"

"Hey!!!" they all shouted. "Get us out!"

They heard a loud humming and saw the Jaws of Life ripping away the bent metal that was once a van.

One by one everyone was pulled from the van. Then they found the only one who hadn't survived... Misty. A piece of metal had impaled through her stomach, killing her instantly.

"Misty..." Jesse said behind watering eyes.

Everyone was speechless as they zipper her up in a body bag and hoisted her into an ambulance.

"I'm sorry..." Jason said as he put his paw on Jesse's shoulder.

"That bastard has taken to many things from us..." Jesse said as he watched the ambulance drive away. "We need to kill him... Make him feel the pain he's made us feel this whole time..."

Tom walked over to one of the cops that was on the scene and taped him on the shoulder.

"We need a ride to the mall," Tom said through bloodshot eyes. "We need to buy a charger for this computer and save our friend."

"Excuse me?" The cop said to them.

"We were heading to the mall, Sir. " Justin broke in. "And my friend, here, has been up playing to many video games.

"Yeah get in." The cop said as he eyed the both of them.

They all crammed into that one vehicle and were back on their way to get Marc out of Spackles paws forever. Now they had a new reason to claim his dying breath. Misty wasn't going to end like that...


Marc stood there, dagger in hand, as a gate opened on the other side of the ring.

"Ready, pup?" Spackle said over the P.A.

Marc stood there as fear gripped him. What was he doing? This was like a boss level out of a video game. A couple months ago he led a normal life, with a boyfriend, a band, and a mother who never was home and never cared about him. Now he was in a another city. In a ring below a church, blood covered his fur, a weapon in his hand, and was just a puppet for a revenge-crazy skunk.

"How the hell did I get here..." Marc said as he saw three other wolves came into view. "What did I do to deserve this... Why am I the main character in this video game of life... Well, the hero at least... I can't..."

The wolves stood in a straight line. They had frayed shorts covered their waste and had shirts that were ripped to shreds. They growled with foaming mouths which made Marc sweat even more.

"You see?" Spackle said as a delightful song accompanied his voice. "This is what you could have been? That's, what I thought to be, my complete Werewolf Serum!" His voice grew more intense. "...But you broke it! You rejected it and know I have to make it better. Good thing I have a show to watch!"

"How..." Marc began to weep. "HOW!" He screamed in the direction of the box where Spackle sat. His howl bounced off of the walls.

"...Boys?" Spackle said in an evil tone. "Wanna test him?"

The wolves adjacent to Marc's position began to growl.

"...Kill 'im..." Spackle said.

With those words, the wolves moved out in an attack pattern. Marc's stomach filled over inside him as he saw the wolves crouch. Ready for attack.

"No!" Marc was getting hysterical. "Get me out of this dream! Let me be lying in my bed!"

"...Seems our puppy has snapped." Spackle said. "Might as well finish him quickly then... Such a shame."

One of the wolves perked his ears and stood a full 7 feet. He began sprinting over the Marc, who was still waving his "dagger" around, hopelessly thinking that this was another nightmare.

"...AHHH!" Marc screamed as he saw the brute heading right for him. He took his dagger, covered his eyes, and threw it in his general direction.

He heard a yelp and something fall to the ground. He took his paws off of his eyes and saw the wolf, fallen in a heap of fur and flesh. His, what he thought, hopeless dagger stuck our from the wolves chest.

"...How the hell did that work..." Marc thought. "No... He's still alive."

He sniffed the air. The wicked scent of blood filled his nose.

"It appears you are stronger then I thought..." said Spackle. "Two more to go, though. Try not to be so cheap next time, though..." Spackle chuckled.

Marc's focus went back to the other 2 wolves still stalking him. Now he had no weapon.

"This sucks..." Marc said as he went into a fighter stance. His muscles still ached, but adrenaline had pulled though and gave him energy. "...Well if I gotta do it, then I gotta do it..."


"Good evening gents." Said that Garman Shepard with the annoyingly high voice. "Can I take any of your baggage?"

"Sorry, bud." Jesse said. "We're on a mission."

Jesse, Jason, David, Tom, and Justin walked by him in a single-file. Each had bruises to show they had already been though a lot.

They got into the elevator, and finally up to their room. Jesse immediately looked for an outlet and took out his newly bought charger. They had bought the last one from the store they went to, which seemed to show that their karma was getting better.

They plugged it into the computer and booted it up. Jesse sat on the couch, David sitting right beside him. Tom and Justin looked over their shoulder, and Jason was in the kitchen making food.

"Shit..." Jesse said. "There's a password to get into the files..."

"Fuck!" David screamed. "Why does it have to be this hard! He's getting his ass kicked out there and we're sitting here doing nothing!" David kicked the table and doubled over in pain.

"Calm down, hon." Tom said, putting his paw on David's back. "We can't freak out like that. Nothing will get done. Besides, Jesse hacks in his spare time, so we have the nerd we need."

"Got it!" Jesse said. "Let's see Spackle's files, shall we?"

He clicked open the program that showed the transmission from Marc's tracker. Sure enough, there was the town schematic that showed the red and blue dots. The red dot was moving around at a pretty fast speed in a circle.

"What do you think he's doing?" Tom said to Justin, licking his face.

"...Let's go find out." Jesse said as he drew a rough map on a scrap piece of paper.

"We're gonna get him back, David," Jesse said as he helped the husky up. "You can be sure about that."

Jason had the phone up to his ear. "Everyone ready? I just called a cab. He'll be here in 5..."


So yeah, Part 11. I feel like I'm heading into more of an adventure, then a love story. I hope you guys don't mind the sudden change of senery every couple of chapters. I'm tryin' to keep it juicy ya know? lol! anyways, i hope it keeps ya sucked in, and you guys are just as excited for part 12. And i know the absesnce of yiff in it recently, but i will definatly write you guys a hot steamy one if marc gets out alive.

<3- this goes out to you all who read my stories. You guys are just too freakin' kool for me :).

P.S.- If you have any crazy, wacked out suggestions for when they head into grade 12. Like... i dunno? the school blowing up and leaving the city a baren wasteladn, feel free to email them to me. I write this story for you guys, so i'd wanna add something you can all relate to, ya know? Anyways. Ill catch you guys later :).
