horror story ver. 1

Story by Cuffee on SoFurry

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Two boys were waiting outside of a abandoned house on Red Rum street waiting for the boy they had dared to go in to come back out. Sudden a loud scream filled the air but then was suddenly cut short and all was quiet again. The two boys looked at each other and then ran scared out of their wits all the way home.

It was a sunny Monday morning on Red Rum street as Violet walked up to the abandoned house with her house safety inspection team.

"so this is the place huh?," Victor asked

"yep," Violet said in response

"looks like a in and out.," Vince said, "the thing is so old it'll probably......," his sentence was cut off by a young boy

"I wouldn't go in there if I was you!," the boy said, "a kid got killed in there last week."

"Really!?," Victor said, "a kid got killed in that house!"

"yea they got him out and the last thing he said was beware of the spiders!," the kid said as he ran off

"beware of the spiders!," Violet said shivering a little bit, "I hate spiders there so icky

"well we have to go in there so get over it Violet," Victor said sarcastically

"stop messing around you two!," Vince said angrily, "I want to go in and get out ok so lets get this over with!"

The three humans walked into the beat up house unknowingly sealing their fates.

The large being inside of the house heard the door open and knew he would eat again today. His mouth drooled at the anticipation of human flesh and blood. His last victum and screamed so loud it had stunned him long enough for it to hide but that would not happen this time.

Victor entered the house first and started to examine the buildings structural integrity.

"well it seems it up to snuff.," he said

"well we still have to examine the up stairs rooms.," Vince said as he went up the stairs.

Up in the master bedroom on the second floor Vince was examining a wall when suddenly something moved behind him. He turned quickly trying to see what it was.

"h..hey guys this isn't funny.," Vince said his body shaking

A loud gruff voice sounded in his mind, "BOO!!," it yelled

Suddenly a large black shape launched out of the shadows at Vince biting down on his arm then releasing him and disappearing. Vince didn't even have to gasp or scream.

"Fuck, what the hell was that thing," he said rubbing his arm where two large puncture holes were.

He started to walk to the door but suddenly the room started to spin, he felt light headed, and his whole body felt numb. He then fell to the floor and the large being started to drag him off to dinner.

Victor was getting impatient, "what the fuck could he be doing up there?," he asked Violet

"I don't know maybe its too dark to......," her sentence was cut off by loud thud from upstairs

Victor and Violet looked at each other and run upstairs to see what happened. When they got upstairs there was no sign of Vince at all. Only a small trail of blood.

"this cant be good!," Violet said kneeling down to look at the trail of blood

Suddenly there was a small fast clicking sound like tiny legs on wood.

"what the fuck was that!?," Victor said getting a little scared

"I don't know!," Violet said looking around the room

Suddenly a large black shape shot out from the shadows and tackled Victor biting into his neck and ripping his throat out in a bloody shower. Violet was rooted to the spot where she was in fear as she finally realized what the creature was, it was giant spider a black widow to be precise. The spider turned and looked at Violet with his golden yellow eyes and suddenly a voice sounded in Violets mind.

"don't worry ill get to you in a second.," it said in a gruff voice

"who, what are you?," Violet asked in a shaky voice

"I'm what I look like," the voice said, "I'm a giant spider." it said as it walked toward her slowly

"please don't hurt me!," Violet said still rooted to the spot in fear

"well since your so cute first tell me your name," the spider said commandingly

"I.....its Violet.," she said her body shaking, "d....do you have a name?"

"I am Gresnov," the spider said, "in my species language it means corpse maker."

Violet gulps and falls backward onto her butt as the spider crawled toward her.

"don't be afraid it'll only hurt for about a few seconds my dear Violet."

"please don't hurt me.," Violet said her body trembling

"well there is one other thing I can use you for.," the spider said as a large tube like protrusion came out of the back end of the spiders thorax.

Violet blushed and tried to crawl backward but Gresnov shot a web out of his mouth and trapped her feet so she couldn't get away.

"now now don't go leaving just yet.," Gresnov chuckled and got over her.

"wi.....will it hurt?," Violet asked as she trembled

"of course it will.," Gresnov said as her bit down on her pants and tore them off her revealing her pink silk panties.

"please I don't want it to hurt!," Violet said as she watched the spider rip off her panties

"well I'm sorry but its going to.," he said as her rammed his tube like cock deep inside of her.

Violet started to scream but it was cut short by a web over her mouth.

Blood leaked out of Violets pussy as Gresnov thrusted deeply into her.

"mmmm your so warm Violet!," Gresnov said with a happy tone

Violet felt so weak and helpless as the spider fucked her. She knew it was useless to struggle so she just let it happen and a loud moan escaped her lips.

Gresnov thrusted deeper and deeper feeling himself getting close to his climax and soon let his large loud of cum loose inside of Violets pussy, the cum leaking out mixed into the small pool of blood on the floor.

"there see now we're done and now I think I'll eat you!," Gresnov said

Violet laid there on the floor as the spiders fangs grew closer to her neck, then she spotted a jagged piece of broken glass on the floor neck to her and she reached out and grabbed it and rammed it deep into Gresnov's head. Greenish blue blood gushed out of the wound as the spider let out a loud shrill death cry.

"you Bitch, you've killed me!," Gresnov said as his body hit the floor and went limp

Violet tore the web from her mouth and feet and stood up, it was over, it was dead.

She grabbed a sheet off a bed and wrapped it around her waist to cover up, then walked down stairs and went to open the door to leave. When suddenly a soft voice sounded her mind.

"where do you think your going?," it said

Violet turned around and saw six glowing red eyes staring at her from out the darkness, and Violet could only think of one thing to say.


The End!