Broken Words: Chapter 4

Story by Kit Shickers on SoFurry

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#4 of Broken Words

Chapter 4

Francis collapsed onto the bed, his breathing labored as Jayden walked in with a half frozen water bottle in his hand. Presenting it to the bear like a present, Francis accepted it gratefully unable to say anything in between his short, ragged breaths.

His fur was matted from sweat, and Jayden perked an eyebrow at him questioningly, not exactly sure what had brought on the events that left Francis gasping for air in his bed. He wasn't even sure what the bear was doing here or how he got here. All he knew was that he had gotten a call from Francis when he was already downstairs.

Jayden had went down to the foyer and practically dragged him into the elevator, trying to hold him up as they ascended. And now, here they were.

Open notebooks and binders were strewn across Jayden's desk and a stale cup of coffee rest beside them, as he'd been interrupted during his writing. He wasn't concerned about that at the moment, however. Right now, he was curious as to why Francis looked like he'd just competed in a triathlon.

Jayden grabbed a towel out of the hamper and handed it to Francis, who dried himself off as his breathing started to calm.

The wolf leaned on the fan and pointed it at Francis who groaned happily. Sitting back in his chair distractedly, Jayden wrangled up his papers so they wouldn't blow away in the breeze. As he placed his notebook back on the shelf, Francis pulled off his soaked shirt and threw it on top of Jayden's clothes in the hamper. A look of concern was etched across Jayden's face as he looked at the bear.

"Care to explain to me why you're half dead on my bed?"

"I - I ran here," Francis gasped, gulping down half the bottle of water as he paused, "needed to clear my head."

"Ran here?" Jayden reprimanded, "Ran here from where? It's over a hundred degrees outside."

"My house, I -"

"Your house? That's like three miles away," Jayden interrupted, "Are you a freakin' moron?"

Francis waved his hand aggressively at Jayden who only looked at him worriedly; was he trying to get himself killed? Sprawling out on the mattress behind him, Francis forced himself to breathe slowly and Jayden watched his stomach pulse with the rushing flows of blood.

Standing, Jayden grabbed the soaked towel from him and replaced it into the pile with a grimace as he leaned down to look at the bear resting beneath him. He smiled at him weakly, trying to reassure him that whatever had convinced him to commit his seemingly inane act was now over.

Francis' hands ran over eyes, covering his face as he groaned loudly into them. Jayden just raised an eyebrow as his eyes connected with Francis', a look of quiet desperation in the bear's eyes as he tried to explain wordlessly.

"What happened?" Jayden pressed, sitting himself right beside Francis' head with determination. It took a lot to make a normal person run three miles in the overbearing sun, and it took a lot more to make someone as lazy as Francis do it. Jayden had had to dedicate half an hour to Francis, just to convince him that he needed to go home to get clothes.

"I -"

"You?" Jayden repeated after Francis paused, looking like he had no intention of continuing his sentence. The bear was actually starting to worry him, because he was acting like he'd just committed a felony.

"I found out why Tammy's been so cranky lately," Francis managed with a forced laugh. Jayden's shoulders fell exhaustedly, the weight lifted off him; at least he wouldn't be an accomplice to anything.

"No offense, but she doesn't seem like a fun person in general."

"It's not that," Francis grumbled loudly, hiding his face in his forearms, pronouncing his mental anguish. It bothered Jayden that he had no idea what to do, or what to say, "It's... something else."

"What is it?" Jayden pressed, growing slightly agitated by the bear's avoidance, even though what he had to say probably didn't involve Jayden in the slightest. He almost felt like he deserved to know, especially after all the trust he was investing in Francis, with no tangible return in sight.

"I - I don't know how to say it," Francis mumbled, his voice trailing off as he sat up, staring at the bookcase broodingly, his gray eyes flicking from binder to binder, not taking in any of the words. It almost looked like his soul hid from the very words floating around in his head.

"You could just say what you're thinking," Jayden said softly, his aggression dying away as he began to feel guilty. Did Tammy somehow find out about the two of them? It wouldn't take a lot of decipher the not-so-subtle cues, but Francis probably wouldn't be here if that was the case.

"She's pregnant," Francis sputtered. Jayden placed his hand on the side of his muzzle and looked between Francis and his bookcase blankly. His fingers slid up and under the brim of his hat as his gaze finally came to rest on Francis, who was looking at him, expecting some kind of emotional support. He scratched his head tentatively, his eyes growing wide, unable to make any sense of the two words.

"What was that?" Jayden asked vacuously, already knowing exactly what Francis' had said. He was just certain that Francis had misspoken something, or made a slip of the tongue, or something. Anything.

"God," Francis whispered to himself, "Please don't make me say it again, Jayden."

"But - but... how?" Jayden mumbled, the words rattling around in his parched mouth. Even his own words seemed frivolous as he sat with a slouched back, hand perched hazardously on the bill of his hat. What was that curse he kept reminding himself about?

"How do you think?" Francis said, "We are engaged."

"No, I know that," Jayden bumbled, "I mean... How did you... Err, didn't you use protection?

"Every time... I think," Francis said, burying his face into Jayden's thigh with a loud moan. He pat him on the back lightly, completely lost in his own thoughts. Jayden couldn't even think of anything even remotely comforting to say. Francis' life had just changed, completely.

But, something just wasn't making sense in his mind. If they'd been fighting as much as Francis had let on, then they probably weren't... Were they?

"Does she know how far along she is?" Jayden asked curiously, knowing he was making Francis think about it a lot more than he wanted to right now. There was a distinct pause and a painfully long silence, filled only with Francis' deep breaths as he tried to keep himself calm.

The wolf could feel Francis' body quiver slightly as he rubbed his back consolingly. He couldn't even begin to comprehend the hell Francis was going through in his head. Not to mention how he probably felt now about Jayden.

Francis probably hated himself right now, because Jayden knew he hated himself more than ever at this moment. What the hell had he been thinking, getting into a relationship with someone who was engaged? Tammy wouldn't have stayed with Francis if there wasn't something important holding them together. Which made Jayden wonder, why had Tammy stayed with Francis, if they were just finding out about the pregnancy now?

"She said she's six months along," Francis said, his hot breath soaking through Jayden's thick pants. His voice rumbled up the wolf's thigh as they both sat there, unsure how to do decipher the words being said.

"What?" Jayden blurted thoughtlessly. There was no way she was just finding out she was pregnant at six months along. Jayden had only seen a glimpse of her, but there was no way she was big enough to mask six months of pregnancy, let alone all the... other signs. Someone wasn't saying something, "That's not possible. Well, it's highly improbable, but still."

"She said she just found out," Francis said emotionlessly as he flopped back on his bed, making the old mattress creak and the even older frame rattle.

"How long have you two been engaged?" Jayden asked, the words stinging a little more than they should have. After all, he went in knowing all the quirks of his messed up relationship. He just hadn't foreseen a roadblock of this magnitude.

"About four months."

"Do you think it's possible that she knew at two months, and that's the reason she asked why you wanted to be engaged? Because she knew she was pregnant back then?"

"What're you trying to say?"

Twiddling his thumbs nervously, Jayden looked at his laced fingers as they rest in his lap. He knew what he was trying to say, but he really didn't want to risk hurting Francis, or risk hurting his chances with him. Jayden had never been one to keep a quiet tongue, but there was something about the way that Francis lay crumpled that made the wolf hold his words. He wasn't really sure he could bear to hear the sounds of Francis' heart breaking, even though it already seemed to be in pieces.

Was it possible that Tammy had known she was pregnant, but was scared by the idea that Francis was the father? Jayden knew Francis well enough to know that he wasn't always in one place, emotionally. It was only when the moon was a pale shade of blue that his true feelings came around, much like right now. The other three-hundred and sixty four days of the year, he kept his feelings locked away, behind the gate of his specious smile.

Jayden would admit it, sometimes he doubted that Francis even cared when he held him at night. Sometimes, it felt like all Jayden was to him was what Jayden had wanted Francis to be to him; someone to keep the bed warm beside him, and make him feel like someone else cared.

The wolf cared about him, but he had to wonder what he was to Francis, since he was the other man, so to speak. And, perhaps, Tammy wasn't the only one who tried to keep their relationship going, even if Jayden had so ignorantly pronounced it dead weeks ago. He just wanted to go back to the first night when they were cuddling in the bed, because at least then it felt like they had something beneath them.

Now, it just felt like all the humor faded along with the blissful naivety and now they were stuck wondering who was in the wrong. Jayden knew it was best to give up, because even a broken clock was right twice a day. Just live in the good and ignore the bad; just like he'd always done. God, there was a platitude for everything.

"Nothing," Jayden said quickly as he fell through the clouds in his head and realized that Francis was still looking up at him, expectantly. The bear ignored his obvious deflection and smiled at him weakly, even though it looked painful.

"Do you think I could stay here a couple days? I told Tammy I'd stay with her, but she - err, she really didn't want to see me."

"Yea, of course," Jayden mumbled, smiling back at Francis. He practically lived here already, "You should probably take a shower though. I put your clothes in the closet, next to mine."

Francis pushed himself from the bed, and Jayden used his annoyingly noisy mattress to mask a sigh. He knew that by the end of the night Francis would be happy again, and Jayden would have completely forgotten about this mood. Everything was fine, so long as Francis was fine, because that would mean Jayden would have the chance that someone would be in his bed tonight.


"You know," Jayden started, sitting on the edge of his bed as he watched his television contently, staring at the corpse resting before him with a childish grin, "you look so cute when you're all dead and corpsified like that."

"Yea, yea," Francis grumbled, rocking in the desk chair impatiently as he stared at the text in the chat box that was telling him he had died. Jayden had let him use his computer because he felt slightly bad that his tower was so much better. It was quite the experience to have to wait more than two seconds at a loading screen, and the wolf wasn't sure he approved of this pointless waste of time.

"I'm serious, Francis," Jayden said as the bear reached towards him, trying to grab the mouse from his hand. The cursor was hovering over the 'resurrect' button, but Jayden refused to click it, "I have never been more attracted to you. That pungent scent of death and decay is a real turn on."

"Oh, hah hah," Francis grumbled playfully as the timer on his corpse counter slowly began to dwindle away, "just click the damn button."

"Oh no, I don't think so. If I'm going to res you, I want something in return. This shit ain't free."

"Yes, it is," Francis said, jumping onto the bed, reaching for Jayden's hand as he extended just out of the bear's reach. Shuffling further up to the bed towards the headboard, Jayden rolled onto the floor with a painful thud as Francis followed after him. The wolf jumped up quickly, looking around frantically as he fixed his hat.

"Well, still," Jayden stammered as he pushed himself against the wall, dodging the bear's flailing hand as he scrambled to get off the bed, "It's part of my new marketing plan. You see, it's good because I get an instant one-hundred percent profit."

"I don't have any money, so you're out of luck," Francis grunted as he grabbed ahold of Jayden and tossed him roughly onto the bed. Disoriented for a split second, the mouse flew out of his hand as the bed bounced him a few inches in the air. Francis leaned over Jayden, pinning him to the bed with his hands behind his head.

"You don't need money, honeynips," Jayden said with a wink and a quick kiss to the air, "Come on, show me some of that sexy, sexy fur, you naughty boy."

"Res me first and then I'll think about it," Francis said with a flirtatious smirk, his gray eyes locking with Jayden's, making his insides squirm.

"It's all or nothing, big boy. I don't take payment plans."

"Alright, if you insist," Francis said and let one of Jayden's hand free as it slowly moved down to the bottom of his shirt. The wolf looked down with a grin and Francis seized the moment as he dove off of Jayden, darting towards the mouse.

"Dammit," Jayden grumbled as Francis magically rose from the dead on the computer screen.

Two days had turned into two weeks, and Francis was still there. He'd continually tried to make contact with Tammy, but still she was ignoring him. Jayden felt somewhat guilty that he wasn't trying to do more to get Francis to spend more time with the mother of his unborn child, but there really wasn't much he could do. It was in the bear's hands, and if Jayden kept pushing it, Francis would just end up getting frustrated with him and no good would come of that.

Sitting on the edge of his bed again, his rest his hands on his thighs and looked up Francis, whose face was cast in sharp shadow as the sun set outside the window. The wolf smiled stupidly as Francis sat down and turned to him, drawing Jayden's attention up to his eyes.

"You going to play, or do I have to kill everything myself?" Francis asked, handing Jayden the mouse. Taking it quietly, his eyes fell to the bookcase beside his television.

"I was actually thinking maybe we could take a break to watch a movie?" Jayden asked, his mind a little scattered.

"A break from gaming?" Francis sputtered, sounding as if the words were a personal attack against his honor, "Have you gone mad?"

"Nah," Jayden laughed, getting on his knees to look at his movies and his hand almost instantly stopped at a particular one, "but Paige once told me that I spend way too much time playing games, so I thought I'd be daring and try something new for once."

"Who's Paige?" Francis asked curiously and Jayden ruffled his nose inconspicuously as he looked at the floor, frowning to himself. He hadn't talked to her in over two weeks, since Francis had come back. He brushed it off as he grabbed the DVD and straightened himself out, hiding it behind his back; she hadn't tried to contact him either, so it wasn't entirely his fault.

"She's a friend," Jayden said, grabbing Francis' forearm, dragging him out of the chair as he kept the case out of view, "she always used to be an advocate for people skills, or something like that."

"How does sitting on a couch watching a movie train your people skills?"

"No clue. How does swimming around in a circle bring up your swimming skill?"


They walked towards the living room, the dying sun clawing it's way up the hall. Jayden pushed Francis roughly against the couch and he grunted in surprise as the wolf brushed right by him to close the curtain and stem the flood of light. The dim light opened the room just enough so Jayden could see the polite welcome printed across the DVD players screen as he ejected the tray.

Francis got comfortable on the couch, spreading himself across all three cushions as the DVD disappeared from view and opening credits filled the screen after a few moments pause.

Jayden's mother was out of town for the weekend, leaving the house in his care on the condition that he didn't throw any wild parties. He had assured her that if he did end up throwing a party or hiring any hookers, the house would, at the very least, be clean by the time she got home.

Laying across the couch beside Francis, he felt the bear drape his arm over his side, making Jayden smile. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but it didn't make what was happening feel any less right. He knew he should be kicking Francis out of his house and sending him straight to Tammy's, but the warm breath that ran down his neck helped him lose himself in ignorance.

The opening song played and Francis chuckled, leaving Jayden to smile to himself, a void forming in his stomach as he tried to clear his head. Closing his eyes, he pressed the back of his head further into Francis' chest and tried to save himself from the abyss with the bear's heartbeat. Jayden's shirt shifted and the bear's warm hand came to rest on his side, evoking a genuine chuckle. Francis did want him, he just didn't know what to do about their complicated relationship.

"So, you think, might as well dance the tango to hell," the television sang loudly after the living had descended into a shifting darkness, the shadows of the moving picture dancing across the floor. Jayden looked at Francis shyly, whose head was resting in his hand, the movie reflecting in his glassy stare. He was thinking just as much as Jayden was, "At least we'll have tangoed at all."

There was only two ways this could all end; he got Francis, and someone got hurt, or he didn't get Francis, and someone got hurt. But, that didn't mean that he couldn't make the best of it for the time being, right?

"Forget regret, or life is yours to miss," the television spoke to him.

Jayden shifted his arm from beneath him to place his fingers between the bear's, making Francis squeeze back lightly. Laying comfortably on the crowded couch, Jayden bit the inside of his lip as he fumbled around with what he wanted to say. Filled with trepidation as the words flitted around his empty skull, Jayden breathed out slowly.

"Francis," Jayden mumbled, his voice getting lost in the once embracing darkness, "I need to know what this is."

"It's a movie," Francis replied automatically, his words heavy.

"I mean -"

"I know," the bear admitted softly, "and I don't know."

"I need you to know, because I need to know what I should be doing."

There was a crushing silence as Francis continued to hold him, despite the competing feelings in both their heads. Once again they turned to the movie, only to have it fill the dead air with rich sound, which they completely ignored. Francis seemed happy to ignore everything that was wrong with their relationship, why did Jayden have to go and ruin it?

"I'm not really in love with Tammy anymore," Francis whispered to Jayden, sounding more like a personal confirmation than a statement, "I mean, I love her, but I don't think I want to be with her anymore. Right now, I'm only staying with her for the baby."

Staying with her for the baby? He'd barely even seen her the last few weeks. Jayden's parents had been divorced for years and he knew that, personally, he liked it better now that his parents weren't together.

Jayden reached up and pulled off his hat with his free hand, ruffling his head fur contemplatively before looking up at Francis. His heart fluttered in his chest as the bear's fur was cast in a halo by the movie; even after everything that had happened already, he still got that sickening feeling of butterflies in his stomach. He didn't quite get why, and he doubted he ever would.

Dropping his hat to the ground, Francis looked back down at him curiously and Jayden knew this wasn't the moment was waiting for, but it was the closest he'd get. Sitting up without word, Francis' eyes followed him. Jayden could still feel his back pressing into the bear's stomach as he was crammed into the back of the couch.

"I love you," Jayden said, not caring about the pain in his chest, not caring about his shaking, and definitely not caring about the fact that this context was all wrong. Leaning in to kiss the bear, he heard Francis repeat the words right before their lips touched.

Everything was perfect and everything was wrong as Jayden pulled himself away a few inches to look into Francis' eyes, trying to see what he was thinking, the warmth of the kiss still lingering between them. Did he feel the same way?

Francis' hand found it's way to the back of Jayden's head as the bear rolled onto his back and pulled Jayden back in. Now it felt right, Jayden thought as Francis' lips brushed against his. Placing himself on top of Francis, Jayden used to the armrest behind Francis' head to hold himself up as they continued to kiss slowly and deliberately.

Swallowed by the cold, conditioned room, Francis' hands found their way into Jayden's shirt, seeking warmth. They ran up his sides indiscriminately, his fingers running through the white fur as Jayden arched his back, letting the lazy air make it's way up his back.

The heat rose in his face as the blood pulsed through it, his chest aching under the repeating hammering underneath his ribs. Francis' voracity increased as he kissed the wolf, almost hungrily, making his skin crawl under his clothes.

His shirt rode further up his back, his sides tingling excitedly as Francis' hands continually ran along his flesh, his claws teasing him almost cruelly. Breaking away from the bear's questing tongue, Jayden pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it away, not caring where it landed. Grabbing Francis' hands in his own, Jayden pressed them behind the bear's head, kissing him tauntingly on the neck.

Francis squirmed beneath him, exhaling loudly into his ear as he bucked his hips in motion to Jayden's incessant teasing. The wolf released his hands, sliding them down Francis' chest and into his shirt. Francis' heart raced beneath Jayden's hand as the wolf's lips made their way back to the bear's.

Grabbing onto his lower lip gingerly with his teeth, Jayden ground his pelvis into Francis' slowly, making him groan softly, his hot breath hitting Jayden's face. Kissing him deeply, his hands massaged the bear's chest and stomach, running his fingers through his fur, clawing at it needfully.

Jayden was hugged around his chest and forced onto his back until Francis was looming over him, ensconcing him in shadow. The bear pulled off his shirt hastily, shuddering slightly as the cold air washed over his uncovered fur. Jayden wrapped his legs around Francis' waist as he pulled him back into the kiss.

The bulge in Francis' jeans pressed harshly against Jayden's backside and he groaned, the pit of his stomach stirring expectantly. The bear grabbed Jayden's rump with one hand as he kissed his neck, the wolf's hand running down Francis' arm. Oh God, this is just the moment he'd wanted, he didn't know why he had thought otherwise.

Biting his own lip harshly, Jayden fought bliss as he sneaked his hand in between their sweaty bodies, unfastening Francis' belt as smoothly as he could with his shaking fingers. After a slight struggle, the button came undone and a smile flit across Francis' lips as they were pressed against Jayden's.

The bear pried himself away and Jayden's eyes traveled down Francis' tousled chest fur, stopping on his signature black silk boxers as his jeans fell to floor with a gentle ruffling of denim against carpet, making the wolf painfully aware of just how cramped his pants were. His heart dropped in his chest as Francis pulled him off the couch, and they stood in the cascade of light and sound, kissing each other lightly as the bear's claw pried the his belt out of the loop. Jayden's pants fell to the floor unnoticed and he wrapped his arms around the bear's neck as he kicked them out of the way.

All of Francis' fingers glided down Jayden's back slowly before lifting the wolf off his feet entirely, like he weighed nothing. Wrapping his legs around the bear's waist once again, Jayden looked into Francis' genial eyes deeply before kissing lips affectionately. He felt so safe and pleasantly warm in the bear's arms as he was carried back to the couch.

Kneeling on the cushion, Francis placed Jayden on the back of the low couch gently, pushing the wolf against the wall as their tongues danced together. Jayden's hands slipped into the waistband of Francis' boxers as their fur rubbed together, creating a friction that made them both quiver.

Jayden grabbed Francis' rump, groaning into his mouth forcefully as he felt the bear pressing against the inside of his thigh eagerly. Using one hand, Francis slid his boxers off before turning to Jayden, as his own fell onto the couch, leaving them both comfortably vulnerable.

The bear's attention shifted downwards as he began to kiss Jayden's chest, holding his sides as his sharp teeth scraped against his skin painlessly. Jayden's hand massaged the unkempt fur between the bear's ears and he closed his eyes, pressing the back of his head against the wall when Francis' hand grasped him, stroking leisurely. Arching his back against the sudden sensation of the bear's tongue on his exposed flesh, Jayden moaned loudly, grasping the fur on Francis' head unintentionally.

A fleeting warmth enveloped him before the cold air overtook him again, causing Jayden to tremble despite his profuse panting. Looking down over his quick breaths and lolling tongue, he watched as Francis took him into his mouth again, his hands dancing across his thigh. His stomach was aching forebodingly and when he saw Francis' length throbbing, he almost lost himself. The pleasure was driving him insane.

Pulling the bear up abruptly by the shoulder, he looked into his eyes lovingly, studying him intently before he kissed him and backed him away from couch. He held Francis close as he pushed him to the center of the living room floor, dragging him to the ground. The bear laid his back on the open rug, looking into the wolf's eyes with a smile. Jayden's gaze broke away with a quick kiss before his lips traveled down Francis' belly.

His hands ran up his stomach, feeling the faint reverberation of his heart below his finger tips. Francis slid into his mouth painfully slow and the bear looked down at him approvingly while he reached for the wolf's hands, lacing their fingers to his sides. The room was silent aside from Francis' loud and perfectly timed sighs of satisfaction that made Jayden's insides flutter. He wanted to go further this time, he wanted this time to be different.

Francis looked down as Jayden stopped and began to crawl slowly upwards, his ears twitching excitedly as the bear pushed himself up off the floor slightly, held up with one weak arm. The wolf sat across Francis' waist, feeling the bear pressing against his backside. Jayden was pressed closely against the bear as Francis learned forward further to kiss the side of his muzzle affectionately. Francis' sweaty fur was hugged tightly against Jayden's as one of the bear's arm held him around the waist.

There wasn't any pain when the feeling of fullness overcame him, like Jayden had come expect. Francis' hips moved slowly at first, as the wolf's head fell back and moved in time with the gentle grinding motion. Jayden looked into Francis' gray eyes as they shone brightly in the television's strobing light and he listened to him pant exhaustedly as the wolf wrapped his arms around his neck.

This time was different than all the rest because, for once, Jayden wasn't afraid. What would come, would come but that didn't change the fact that he had Francis right where he wanted him, at least for now. Time passed slowly as long as he had the bear in his arms, and that's all mattered as they spent their borrowed time together.

Jayden let out a euphoric moan as his heart beat quickly in his chest, his hands clutching the fur on Francis' neck as the bear leaned all the way back. Holding himself up with his extended arms on either side of Francis, Jayden's elbows wobbled dangerously as the bear continued to thrust slowly. Francis' eyes lingered momentarily on Jayden's lips and the wolf smiled blissfully.

"I love you," Jayden whispered quietly, running his thumb across the bear's forehead.

"I love you, too," Francis whispered back, leaning forward to kiss Jayden, willfully ignoring the strain it placed on his back. Holding the sides of his face gently, he kissed him again as the bear stopped moving, "your turn."

Jayden looked him in the eyes, a little confused, but smiled back warmly, kissing him on the forehead. Sliding down, he felt Francis' legs press against his sides strongly, telling him he was ready. Francis fidgeted beneath him as held him around the neck with one arm, holding him against his shoulder.

The wolf slowed down; this was the first time he'd ever cared about someone this much. Jayden huffed loudly as he held up Francis, who was heavy in his arms. The wolf finally let go when he went as far as he could, smiling as the bear grinned cutely.

In turn, the bear pulled him down and wrapped one big arm around Jayden's neck, kissing him as the wolf moved just as tenderly as Francis had. Jayden held Francis' length in his hand, following the same motion of his hips as he stroked it.

He could feel himself reaching the edge while Francis' low moans filled his ears, but Jayden wanted the bear to finish first. The aching desire in his stomach began to overwhelm him, but he fought it off as best he could, focusing his attention on Francis as his breathing became erratic, his heartbeat pulsing throughout his body.

Jayden's already taxed body was pushed even harder as he felt Francis climax. The bear let out one final moan as Jayden did the same, icy fingers running down his spine. Panting profusely, Jayden collected himself just enough to lean in and kiss Francis one final time before collapsing to his side.

Putting his arm behind the bear's head, he massaged his head fur slowly. Together, they watched the silent lights dance across the ceiling unable to move anymore. Jayden didn't have to move, because he was completely content with where he was. After Francis drifted off to sleep, Jayden closed his eyes, happy he hadn't waited for the right moment, because if he had, he would've missed it.