World of Two: Love Me, Please

[This is a collection of short stories; there won't be continuations of individual stories, but there will be other...

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Cold-Hearted: Part 10

**Part 10** I raced back home, not hitting a single red light or meeting another car on the empty side streets, and as I parked the car, I saw the living room was still alive with a flickering light. Mrs. Webb's television was on just as...

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Cold-Hearted: Part 9

**Part 9** I waited at the table until I was sure that she had finally gotten into her car and left, which was thankfully enough time to calm me enough so I didn't throw my chair across the room. Walking through the restaurant doors...

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Cold-Hearted: Part 8

**Part 8** Pulling up to the front of the store, I saw Brian jogging down the steps, his eyes on his feet to make sure he didn't slip on the creeping layers of ice. Rolling down the window slowly, I looked out at him and our eyes caught...

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Cold-Hearted: Part 7

**Part 7** The night passed a lot quicker than I was used to, and I woke to the earsplitting chirp of the alarm clock. Looking around groggily, I swatted at it and stopped the painfully loud shriek before it gave me a headache. The...

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Cold-Hearted: Part 6

**Part 6** As I walked with a determined pace across the snow covered sidewalks, I thought of what I'd say to Brian, just so I could ignore the mind numbing cold. I didn't know what I was going to say to him, because none of the words...

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Cold-Hearted: Part 5

**Part 5** Pulling the door open, he stood there quietly with his hands laced in front of his stomach, a small plastic bag dangling from them. It looked liked it held some clothes. I didn't know why he hadn't moved all his clothes...

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Cold-Hearted: Part 4

**Part 4** I'd never even been the least bit unfaithful. I didn't look at other guys as they passed, I didn't window shop, I didn't think about other guys, and I didn't even dream about other guys. I was happy when I had him, and...

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Cold-Hearted: Part 1

[This story is dedicated to Peanut Monkey, because he bought me a Christmas present to try to make me feel guilty... Hah, who's laughing...

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Cold-Hearted: Part 2

**Part 2** Closing the fridge, I turned and looked out the window, getting lost in the slate gray evening sky and the way the snow flakes went sailing through the air in an almost perfect synchronicity, clogging up the streets and making it...

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Cold-Hearted: Part 3

**Part 3** For a few moments after I woke up the next morning, I was dazed and confused because I couldn't see Brian in the dark room. The sky was still the same abiding gray, but it was a little brighter and it at least looked like the...

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Broken Words: Chapter 16

**Chapter 16** "Hey, start packing up. We're landing soon." "Already?" Jayden asked with a yawn, shaking his head vigorously to try and recollect his wits, "It hasn't been two hours, has it?" "They just told us over the intercom that we'd be...

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