Broadening Ken's Horizons - Chapter 5 - Knot Right Now

Story by ErickTheClyde on SoFurry

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The continuing saga of our hero, Ken, as he finds out more about the furry world.

Remember, you should be old enough to be reading this stuff.

I woke up and at first couldn't figure out where I was. I propped myself up on one elbow and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I blinked a few times until a figure in the distance came into focus.

Sitting at a table at the other end of the room, Tank was busily shoveling breakfast into his mouth. A huge bowl sat on the table in front of him. He was sitting there naked, his huge ballsack dangling over the edge of his chair, his cock nowhere in sight, drawn back into his sheath. He saw me stirring and smiled.

"Good morning, sunshine," he said in a cheery voice. "How are you feeling?"

My asshole was aching and tender, my bladder was full, my guts were still wrenching, I was laying in a cold, damp puddle of what I hoped was only horse spunk, and to top it off, I had an extreme case of "morning wood" - my stiff cock throbbing against my abs.

"Never better," I lied.

"No, really," Tank replied in a more serious tone. "I was really worried when you passed out on us last night."

He pushed his chair back from the table, got up and walked over to the hide-a-bed. He reached down and placed the back of his hand against my forehead.

"No fever," he announced. "That's good. Bathroom is the first door on the right down the hall. You should go take a long shower."

"Thanks," I replied as I sat up on the side of the bed. I was relieved to see the puddle behind me was clear. I pushed myself up on shaky legs and wobbled to the bathroom. I looked back to see Tank stripping off the bed covers and looked up to meet my gaze.

"I'll clean this up, you go on," he urged. He still had a worried look on his face.

I went on in the bathroom and sat on the toilet for a while. Horse spunk had finally stopped leaking from me. After I took a long piss, I pulled off some toilet paper and gingerly dabbed my tender asshole. I was surprised it had pretty much returned to its normal size.

I turned on the shower, adjusted the temperature and climbed in. I could feel my body start to feel better almost immediately. I stayed under the water for almost a half hour until I felt the water starting to cool off, then shut off the faucet.

Reaching around the shower curtain, I tried to locate the towel I had remembered seeing when I climbed in. Instead, I felt a towel being placed into my hand. I slid the curtain open and saw Tom standing in front of the toilet, taking a piss.

"Thought you might want a clean towel," he said as he smiled. He finished up his piss and his cock slowly retracted back into his sheath. "Feeling better?"

"Much," I replied. "Amazing what a long, hot shower can do for you."

"True. Let me check you over, if you don't mind," he said. "Turn around and bend over."

"Can I trust you?" I asked, smiling.

"Hey, I am a medical professional," he chuckled. "Seriously, though, let me check."

I turned around and bent over. He carefully prodded around my tender ass ring, then retrieved something from the medicine cabinet and gently smeared it around my hole, bringing instant relief.

He turned me back around and prodded around my abs and chest, seeming satisfied with the results.

"The human body is amazing in its ability to recover quickly," he said. "You're in great shape, all things considered. Hey, sorry about that thing with Tank last night. I always forget the big lug cums like a fire hose."

"No problem," I replied. "Actually, all things considered, it was a pretty big turn-on."

"Hey, come on," said Tom. "Let's get some breakfast."

"Great," I replied and followed him to the kitchen.

I sat at the table with the two stallions, all three of us naked, crunching on our respective breakfasts. Tom had found some corn flakes for me, the alternative being oats or barley. At least they had some milk and sugar around.

"Hey," Tank finally piped up, breaking the silence. "What are your plans today, Ken?"

"I'm open," I replied. "Nothing really until work on Monday. Why?"

"I just remembered we had invited a bunch of friends over this evening to watch the game on TV," he explained.

"That's right," Tom added. "You're more than welcome to stick around."

"Sure," I replied. "Sounds like fun. I'll have to run home sometime and get some clean clothes, though."

"Sure thing, Ken," said Tom. "Just walk on in when you get back. The door's unlocked."

After breakfast, the two horses set about cleaning up the apartment, so I jogged down to the office parking lot, grabbed my car and drove home to get some clean clothes.

To be safe, I went ahead and packed some extra in case I ended up staying overnight again. I drove back to the apartment and, just like Tom said, the door was unlocked.

I strolled on in, knocking on the door to make sure they knew I was back. The main living area was empty and I didn't hear any movement around, so I figured they had gone out to get some things for the party. I dropped down on the couch, found the TV remote and started flipping through the channels.

After about an hour, the door burst open with a loud thud. I nearly fell off the couch.

"Honey, I'm hooooome!" Tank bellowed as he pushed through the door.

"Damn, Tank, can you hold it down a bit? You're gonna get us kicked out of here one of these days," Tom sighed. "Hi Ken. I see you made it back OK."

I turned around and saw the two equines carrying several grocery sacks. Tank had a beer keg balanced on one shoulder.

"I'm gonna go ice this thing down," Tank said, nodding towards the keg.

"OK," replied Tom. "How you feeling, Ken?"

"Great," I replied. "Just chilling out with the TV and relaxing helped a lot."

"I bet it did. Some of the crowd might get a little rowdy tonight," he said, pausing and looking over at Tank, who was busily icing down the keg on the porch. "Most of them are his friends. I apologize in advance."

We both laughed at the last comment just as Tank came back in from the porch.

"What? Did I miss something?" Tank asked.

"No, just a friendly joke," explained Tom. "Let's get this food put away."

The two got busy putting away groceries in the kitchen. Tank pulled a small box out of one of the bags, stopped, glanced briefly at Tom, then headed into the living room. He held out the box for me to take.

"Hey, Ken, I got something for you while we were out," he said to me in a somewhat hushed tone. "If you're going to be working out with Tom, you should try this stuff. I use it all the time. It packs on the muscles big time."

"Thanks, Tank," I replied as I took the box from him.

"Oh, hell no!" Tom yelled as he trotted into the living room and snatched the box from my hand. Then he turned to Tank. "You know this stuff is specifically made for horses, Tank. Don't be giving this stuff to Ken." Then he turned back to me. "Sorry, Ken, it's just that....well, you don't need to be taking that stuff. It could have really weird side effects on a human."

He slapped the box back into Tank's hand and stalked back into the kitchen, resuming his grocery sorting. Tank stood for a minute and shrugged.

"Sorry, dude, just thought I'd help," he said, apologetically.

"Hey, no problem. I appreciate the thought," I replied.

Tank returned to the kitchen, pocketing the box on the way. The two horses finished sorting out the groceries without saying another word. I turned back to watch the TV.

About 6:30, the guests started arriving, filtering into the apartment over the course of the next hour or so. By the time the game was starting, there were fourteen of us huddled around the living room. I was the only human there, but it didn't seem to matter at all to any of the others.

Among all the guests, there were three other equines, two bulls, two wolves, two huskies, a bear and a fox.

About midway through the game, I had pretty much picked out which of the guests were Tank's friends. The rest of the crowd was pretty civilized. I had retreated to a stool next to the raised kitchen counter and sipped quietly on my beer. One of the huskies approached and sat down on the other stool.

"Hi, I'm Roger," he stuck out a paw and we shook.

"Ken. Nice to meet you," I replied.

Roger was the smaller of the two huskies. He was a little shorter than me and looked fairly young. He was wearing jeans and a t-shirt with the local university's name printed across the chest.

"You old enough to be drinking that?" I asked, looking down at his beer and smiling.

"I already called my Mom and asked if it was OK," he joked back with me. We both laughed. "So how did you end up in this crowd?"

"I'm one of Tom's patients. You?" I asked.

"I've been working at Dr. Tom's office to help pay for school. I mainly do the janitorial work," he explained.

My thoughts suddenly flashed back to the mess we left on the workout room floor. I wondered if the poor kid was going to be left figuring out where that came from.

Roger and I chatted for a while, but with all the guests in the room cheering at the game, it was getting difficult to hear each other. Tom apparently noticed us cupping our ears and leaning towards each other during our conversation and walked over to us.

"If you want a quieter place to chat, feel free to use my room," he offered. "You know which one it is?"

I nodded in confirmation and waved Roger to follow me back. We went on in to Tom's room and pulled the door shut to block most of the noise and confusion. I plopped down on Tom's oversized bed and Roger sat down on the mattress beside me.

After a bit more conversation, Roger stood up.

"Mind if I take off these clothes?" he asked. "I'm burning up."

"No problem," I replied.

"Funny how just because we stand on two legs, we're somewhat expected to wear clothes," Roger mused. "I guess you're more used to it, though, huh Ken?"

"You do have a good point," I mused. I got up and threw off my clothes as well and we both settled back on the bed to continue our last conversation.

I laid down on my back and pulled the pillow up under my head.

"You want a pillow?" I asked Roger.

"No, I'm fine," he replied.

He curled up next to me and laid his head down on my abs, facing away from me. I instinctively reached down and started scratching around the base of his ears, which he apparently liked, pushing his head up against my hand to maximize the contact. Having his warm, furry head laying on my abs was somewhat of a turn-on. I felt my cock stirring, slowly gaining size. The head was crawling up towards my abs.

A few seconds later, I felt a warm tongue start to gently lick my cockhead, working its way around the base of the head, hitting a lot of sensitive spots. My cock grew even harder as I closed my eyes and enjoyed the attention. I felt Roger lift his head from my abs as he sought to lavish the remainder of my cock and my balls with his tongue, giving the entire package a complete and thorough cleaning.

Roger crawled around until he was down between my legs, continuing to lavish my cock and balls with his tongue. Eventually, he started slowly work his way up my abs, lapping up the small puddle of pre gathering around my cockhead.

He slowly continued up my chest, giving my nipples the attention they deserved, as well. He moved up further, now straddling my upper body with his legs. I looked down and saw his pink, erect cock fully unsheathed and dripping a little pre.

After licking up my neck, Roger stopped, glanced over at the night stand, then looked at me with his steel grey eyes for a second. He reached over to the nightstand and picked up a bottle of lube that was sitting there. I felt him reach down with one paw and start rubbing the lube all over my cock, making the entire thing slick. He positioned his body a bit over mine, pushing his hips down until his furry nutsack was pressed down into my abs, then he slowly slid backwards a bit.

I felt my cockhead pressing against the back of his nutsack. Roger swiveled his hips a bit forward and I felt my cockhead slide up and rest against his tail hole. The entire time, Roger was watching my face intently, I guess to make sure I didn't have any problems with what he was about to do - which I didn't at all. It had been a while since I had topped anyone. It actually was pretty exciting to find myself back in that position with a fur.

Roger slowly pushed back against my cock, his tail hole slowly opening up to let the head start sliding in. Even though my cock is not huge by any stretch of the imagination, it is a bit larger than average with a healthy thickness. Roger seemed to fit on it perfectly.

I grabbed Roger's hips in confirmation that what he was doing was fine with me and also to urge him to slide further down my cock. He slowly slid down the entire length, nestling down against my balls. His tail hairs were tickling my ballsack, which was an awesome feeling.

Roger and I fucked slowly like that for a while. His cock was sliding up and down my abs, leaving a small trail of precum along the way. He eventually leaned down and tentatively stuck his tongue towards my slightly opened mouth. Eventually, we were locked together, tongues lashing furiously at each other. Roger started picking up the pace a bit, sliding up and down the length of my shaft with more fervor.

After a while we stopped, I held Roger close to me and rolled us over as a pair so that I was now on top. He wrapped his legs around me, pulling me into him tightly as well as using them to control the speed. Within a few minutes, I was at the edge and started spewing a heavy load up his hole.

After we wound down, and I pulled my limp cock out of Roger's hole, I rolled over and laid next to him.

"Do you ever bottom?" Roger asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"Any preferences?"

"You mean who I bottom with?"

"Yeah, like do they have to be human or do you bottom for furs, too?" he probed further.

"If you're asking if I'd let you fuck me, then yes," I replied, rolling over onto my stomach and spreading my legs apart.

Roger picked up the lube again, this time drizzling it down my crack, letting it run over my hole. He gently worked it around for a bit, then I felt him move around to line up with me.

"Just one thing, though," he paused.

"What?" I asked, admiring how polite he was about the whole thing.

"Have you ever been mounted by a canine?"

"No, why?"

"Are you familiar with the fact that when we climax, the base of our cock swells up to a pretty good size? It's called a knot," he explained. "Once that happens, assuming it is inside your colon, we'll be tied together for probably 15 to 30 minutes until it shrinks back down. It would be pretty painful to pull out before it shrinks."

"I was more or less aware of that, I think," I replied. "Uhm, how big is a knot?"

"Mine is about the size of a tennis ball," he explained.

"I think we should be OK, then," I replied.

"OK, just checking."

With that, he slowly started pushing the tapered tip of his cock into my asshole. The shape made it rather easy to slip right in and get started. He fucked me slowly for quite some time, first with me laying flat on my stomach, then with me up on my hands and knees. Roger gently caressed me all over with his paws the whole time. Being in my position, I couldn't do much more than just enjoy the new experience.

"I'm getting close," warned Roger as he pushed his cock in as far as he could. I could feel his sheath smashed up against my asshole.

"OK, ready," I replied.

Roger gripped my hips tightly to keep me pulled up against him. I felt the knot start swelling just inside my ring, getting bigger and bigger. At the same time, I felt the first hot spurts of cum shooting up inside me. I pushed back as I felt the knot spreading my colon wider and wider. It finally settled at its final size. It was a little discomforting, but not bad.

"Oh, yeah, that was good," Roger was breathing a little heavy. "Remember, don't try to pull off me."

Just then, the door swung open. Roger and I both swiveled our heads around to see who it was. It was one of the bulls - Max, if I remembered correctly.

"Sorry, wrong room," he mumbled, then swung the door back shut.

"Oops," chuckled Roger.

"Happens to the best of us," I laughed back.

While we were still tied together, Roger caressed my body, then reached under and started rubbing my stiff cock, eventually bringing it to climax, catching my cum in his paw and licking it clean. Just as he was finishing that task, the door swung open again. This time it was Tank.

"Damn, you were right, Max!" he exclaimed over his shoulder. "Check this out, guys, they're tied together." He and several others standing behind him in the hallway were laughing. Of course, Roger's knot prevented us from doing much than just staying there on the bed, locked together.

"Hey, I've got an idea," said one of the others.