Plushie Form: Hands-on Training (Sirius' Story Part 1)

Story by reihanfeoru on SoFurry

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#1 of Plushie Form Training

Plushie Form: Hands-on Training (Part 1)

By: TeraDyne Altair Ezeri

Warning: The following story contains scenes of transformation and male on male sexual activity.

Note: This is but the first of an unknown amount of parts to the story, and is made to be in a first person view for a reason.

As you open your eyes, you find yourself standing on a long, tropical beach. Many beautiful crystals dot the sand, causing the entire area to be rainbow-colored. Behind you, a lush jungle shimmers with the same colorful aura, large palm trees and mossy rocks creating a very surreal scene. Even more surreal is the anthro Dragonite who sits on the beach next to you, looking out at the ocean.

"Welcome." he says, his voice melodic and soothing. He stands and turns to you. "My name is TeraDyne Altair Ezeri, though please, call me Altair. You've become interested in the Living Plush power, haven't you? It's why you were brought here. Well, as someone who uses it quite often, I'll gladly give you a... tutorial. Let's get somewhere a little nicer."

He taps a small hologram that appears underneath his hand, and the world around you suddenly changes in a wave of light. You find yourself in a large cave, with crystals like those on the beach lighting the area. In the middle of the cave, a giant palm tree soared into the sky, it's great leaves covering a hole in the ceiling. Along the walls are other caverns, though it's impossible to see where they lead.

"Like it?" Altair asked, smiling as he approaches you. "It's my home, and the home of two others... well, many more, actually. They're in another part of the world, though, so we're alone."

He examines you for a moment, then pulls out a small wristband, identical to ones that adorn his own wrists. "Here. Take this. It's an Omnivice. This will allow you to use some of the powers me and my friends use."

As you take the device and put it on your wrist, it clicks into place. "Standing by." it says in a digital female voice. You examine it, noticing the shiny bar along the bottom of your wrist, opposite of an expandable band.

You look back at the Dragonite, only to see him pull out a small deck of cards in a crystal holder. He taps it against your device, thought it disappears in a flash of light. "And that is your Command Deck. It holds all of your Command Cards, which contain the powers we use. Yours isn't made for combat, though each of our kind have both a Combat Deck and Recreational Deck."

Altair backs away before pulling a card out of the air, appearing with a flash. "These cards range from minor effects, to adding entire limbs, to completely changing your species and gender. Go ahead and pull a Form card out of your deck. Perhaps..." he gives a soft grin, "Arbok? Just call on the deck in your head, focusing on that card. It'll appear."

Your mind forms a grid-like image with a listing of your cards. As you think of the Arbok card, it suddenly appears in your hand with a dim flash. Amazed, you to stare at the naga-like anthro Arbok on the front. There's a barcode along the side, and the words "Form Change: Arbok" along the bottom. As you examine it, the card slips from your hands and falls over the bar of your Omnivice.

Suddenly, your body starts to glow, feeling warm and soothing. You stare in awe as your hands change, your fingers merging so that you only have three muscular digits on each hand, clawed and covered with scales. The scales then begin covering your arms, moving up both in a wave that ends at your shoulders.

You feel a slight heat coming from your mouth and nose as they extend into a flat, scaly, serpentine snout with slit-like nostrils. Inside of it, you can feel your tongue retracting into a newly formed slit, becoming thin, small, and forked. Small fangs form in your mouth, folding back into their nooks. The heat continues to move back towards you as you feel the rest of your face flattening and becoming snake-like, your vision changing to that of heat-sensitivity.

The wave of heat then combines with those from your arms, extending your neck a bit as making it much more flexible. You also feel it flatten and fan out into a hood, bearing the markings of an Arbok's hood.

Hissing and smiling, you look down as your body become round and flexible, elongating into that of a very long Arbok. Your feet have already disappeared as the scaly coils continue forming, ending at last in a pointed tail. As the glow fades, you feel warmth in your genital area, but see nothing besides a long slit, far down your long tail.

After it's over, you examine your new body, rubbing your clawed fingers across the scales before unwinding yourself. You would guess that you've become at least fifteen feet in length, but feeling every bit of it as if it were natural. You even touch your flattened neck and face, impressed at how nice it is.

"To think, I was once human." Altair said suddenly, smiling and rubbing along the back of your hood. It felt good, almost like he was petting you. "I threw that away to become a Pokémon, or PokéMorph, depending on who you ask."

"Now then... There are two versions of this card, a general version and an adult version. Tell me, are you willing to get on the dirty side?"

You nod your head yes, nuzzling his hand lovingly. The very thought of a sexual encounter had already started to arouse you, which is when you notice a pair of penises beginning to peek out of the slit on your tail. You blush, but make no attempt to hide it.

"Heh... Looks like someone's ready to start the lesson." He jokes, taking out a card and scanning it on one of his own omnivices. The Dragonite begins to glow, and before long, he becomes a smooth, beautiful, Naga-like Dragonair.

Instead of the rough scales of your snake body, his were sky blue, smooth and moist, made for living underwater. The blue and white body stretched was seemed like eighteen feet, and was much rounder and thicker than yours. His hands had three webbed, clawed fingers, and his face was much more rounded and sleek than yours. On his throat was a blue orb, with two more, one small and one large, as part of his tail. He also had a slit at about the same spot as yours.

Altair slithers around you, rubbing his body against yours. He even nuzzles your face, giving you a quick kiss on the lips. "Let's test that. This will be a long process, so I need your full attention."

He gives you a much longer, deeper kiss, wrapping his arms around your shoulders, just below your hood. Then, you feel his tail tip rub against your slit before penetrating it, going into the anal opening. The orbs on his tail enter your body shortly after, sending a wave of pleasure though you.

You break the kiss and let of a deep moan, causing Altair to stop. He looks at you, smiling. "That'll do nicely. Seems your not afraid to have fun. I like that."

He pulls his tail out of you before giving you another short kiss, letting his thicker tongue enter your mouth for a moment. You smile as he slithers backwards a bit, wishing he would have taken it a bit further.

"Now, you want to know about Plushie Form, right? The Living Plush card... My favorite little project."

You see him take out a card with a picture of plush toys on it. Underneath it, the words "Form Change: Living Plush R" are written in a strange language. You can read it, but you've never seen the script before.

"This was created a while back, then upgraded for some special features. I'm certain you're wondering what the 'R' stands for, though." He gives a soft giggle, then throws the card towards you. It rushes by your Omnivice like a boomerang, returning to his hand very quickly.

Suddenly, you feel a strange warmth as your body gives off a faint glow. As you look down, you notice that your long body is beginning to change. Starting at the tip of your tail, the scales change into microfleece, with each large plate-like section being separated by stitching. It moves fast, like a wave, and in it's wake, you feel your insides change, though you're not sure how.

As it gets closer, it passes over your slit, which becomes silk-like. Then, it reaches your arms and hands, and you realize that you've felt your bones and muscles disappearing, replaced by stuffing. Your limbs still move, though, as the wave finishes changing your claws to a soft rubber. Your neck and hood become the same fleece as your body, as it approaches your head.

In an instant, you're overcome with a strange surge of energy that makes you drop to the ground. The insides of your head are replaced with stuffing as well, though you feel your mouth and throat stay. You can also feel your eyes changing into some sort of glass orbs. The energy finally dissipates as you feel the warmth pass back through your body and disappear.

Altair lays down next to you, smiling. "Intense, isn't it? I felt the same way when I first went through it, as did my mates. Rest for a few minutes, and I'll explain a few things for you."

He reached at you and pet your snout, causing you to smile. It felt good, like a warm massage. "Your scales have turned into a warm, soft microfleece. Very soft to the touch, and easy to clean. Your eyes are made of an indestructible, light glass material that I made specifically for this form. They don't physically blink or close, but you can black out your vision as you would your normal eyes. Also, even though you can still smell and sniff the air, it's only an effect. You don't have to breathe in this form, and your nostrils are nothing but two stitches on your nose."

He stops petting you and caresses your large lips with a finger before opening your mouth. Then, with his other hand, he starts running a clawed digit over each part as he mentioned them. "Your fangs are made of a firm felt, but couldn't bite anything. You don't even have poison anymore. Your tongue is a nice rubber latex. Silky and smooth, but just as sensitive as your real tongue. Silk makes up the rest of your mouth, as well as the throat."

The Dragonair giggles, sticking his hand deep into your mouth and neck. You feel every bit of it, a pleasuring tingle coming with each touch. "Yes, you have a throat. You have a sort of digestive tract, though it's nothing but silk. You could swallow someone and keep them inside of you, but nothing more. The thing is, they can't cut their way out, and you can't revert to your normal self while they're inside of you."

He withdraws his hand and lets your mouth close, petting you again. "Your... insides... are made of normal cotton stuffing. Soft, squishy, and very nice to lay against. You don't have any real strength, but it's not meant for that. The upside is that there are no bones to break, and minor tears repair themselves easily. In the rare event that your life is in danger... Well... let me show you."

Altair reaches behind him and pulls a bladed gun out of seemingly thin air. Strangely, you're not afraid. You feel completely safe. As the weapon transforms into a sword, he slashes directly into your body.

However, you feel a tingling sensation as you suddenly find yourself in another location, not far from where you once sat. In your place, you see what you can only describe as a duplicate of yourself, it's head cut off just below the hood.

As you look on in awe, the duplicate disappears in a burst of glimmering light. The Dragonair turns to you, grinning as he puts away the weapon. "An energy clone, made from the Substitute attack. It's a safety feature that I designed as a balance for the lack of combat capabilities. I had to. Otherwise, if that happened, the user would be dead."

"Now, where was I?" He asked, slithering over to your still limp and recovering body. "Oh, right. The last few features."

Smiling even more, he reached down and rolls you over. You can't see what he's doing, but you feel his clawed fingers teasing your genital slit. "This little part is why the 'R' is on that card. With the normal Living Plush card, you're like a normal plush toy. With this one, you keep your more private parts, though with a more... artificial feel. Your slit is the same silk as your mouth, throat, and food path. Smooth, slick, and very sensitive."

As he continued teasing, you could feel yourself becoming erect. Your face felt hot, though you knew it was impossible to blush. The Dragonair's hands moved towards the shafts, caressing them.

"You also have a dildo, perfectly modeled after your physical member." He said slyly. "Completely sensitive, and made of a gel that changes in firmness to suit the owner's will. Would you like to see?"

You nod your head, expecting to be lifted up. Instead, you feel him reach into your slit, and with a faint clicking sound, he removes his hand. Curious, you muster enough energy to lift yourself up to see what happened. That's when you notice that the Dragonair is holding the dildo that was apparently in your sheath.

As he brings it to you, he giggles. "It's completely removable, but you can still feel everything done to it as if it were attached of your body. Your tongue and certain other parts are the same way. Just reach behind them, put a bit of pressure on the back, and it'll click when it disconnects. Let me show you"

You nod again, and he reaches a clawed hand into your mouth. He finds the base of the tongue and pushes down. Your entire head gives a click, and the ropey tongue slides out effortlessly. "There's more, but I'll show you those later. Each part is replaceable, too. Let me summon something to replace that tongue of yours."

He slides a card, causing several obviously sexual toys to appear around him. He picks up a dildo modeled after a human cock and puts it base-first into your mouth. You feel a click, and within a moment, you can't feel your normal tongue. Instead, the sensitive shaft of the dildo replaces it.

Altair opens your mouth with one hand, then uses the other to grab the phallus, rubbing it up and down. Your entire body shivers as pleasure begins to take over, causing you to moan. However, he suddenly stops, giggling. "Can't have you going off yet, hon. Still, you see how useful it is. I got the idea for this feature from a very... incredible, bliss-oriented race. Granted, they convert anything they touch, including entire planets, but they're a great species."

You notice him blushing, as if he were hiding something. "I'll leave your new tongue as it is. Might be fun for you. However, as for your shafts..."

The Dragonair picks the double-cock dildo up off the ground, then rubs his own genital slit until his own cocks appear. Moaning and murring, he puts them into what looks like an opening in the base, forcing his rods in so that they're yours, causing you to squirm and moan as your mind feels lighter.

He then slithers his way to you and wraps around your body before opening your slit and sliding the dildo and cocks into it. Your moans become louder as he starts pumping, embracing you with a smile. You look him in the eyes, and he kisses you, muffling your sounds of bliss. His tongue enters your mouth and wraps around the tongue dildo in it like a rope, rubbing along the shaft and causing the pleasure to become almost twice as intense.

It feels like hours, but both of you finally succumb to orgasm. Altair cums into your slit, while you feel cum spurting from your tongue dildo. You taste it, recognizing it as your own, though sweeter. Your partner starts cleaning up the inside of your mouth with his tongue, though never breaking out of the original kiss. Strangely, he seems much more energized that you do, as if orgasm didn't even phase him.

After he's done, he smiles and stare's into your eyes. "Yes, you cum as well in this form. It's a recent upgrade, and only happens if your partner isn't in Plushie Form. Same with the ability for a partner to wear your cock dildo on their own shaft. If you noticed, your slit became a nice, deep vagina without your cock in it. Same if you're a species that has a sheath."

He gives you another kiss while taking your dildo cock off of his shafts, then puts it back into your slit. You feel the click this time, but from your mouth as well. He removes the dildo tongue with his own tongue, and replaces it with your original tongue piece, which you start feeling as soon as you hear it click.

The Dragonair unwraps himself from around you before getting behind you. He grabs your body just underneath the arms and starts cuddling. "Come on. You've had enough for now. We'll continue this after a bid of rest."

When you reach a resting place in the shade of the giant tree, the two of you flip over on your backs, Altair resting his head on your chest. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and lean back, falling asleep very quickly.