House Guest

Story by Husky657 on SoFurry

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Part I: [Rainy Day](%5C)

Part II: House Guest

House Guest

Artist Commentary: Part II from the [Rainy Day](%5C)Story. This story contains sexual acts between male and female, thus it is written with the intent for viewership by those of ages 18 or older.

Twitching an ear to the sound of a chirping bird that perched itself upon the sill of a small open window in the hay loft, Husky turned his head towards the sound and squinted his eyes open. His blurred vision was met with an intense flood of light. He winced and shut his eyes just as he stretched out, breathing in deeply the warm moist air, and let out a whining yawn upon the blanket.

Husky turned his head back up towards the ceiling and began to cross his arms over his chest. He was soon met with an obstruction, something soft and rather heavier than a normal bed sheet. He lifted his large head and peered down his muzzle and gazed upon his mate, who looked so beautiful in the glinting morning light. She lay atop him in the same position from which they had last been embracing.

A small warm smile grew across his maw, her radiant looks and light purple fur made a stunning spectacle of colors as her body bobbed up and down in a slow rhythmic fashion from her breathing. Oh and her breath was so delicate on his chest-fur, it was like a soft warm breeze that tickled the tips, it caused his body to shiver with chills.

Continuing from his original plan, he wrapped his arms around Skye's body, feeling her soft fur against his. He felt her body moving in his arms, so peaceful and surreal was the scene; he never wanted it to end. But alas, Skye awoke not a moment later after he had laid his paws on her. She breathed in one large gulp of air and rotated her head over his soft fluffy chest, and gazed into his eyes with such love. His eyes met hers and it was almost like the world stood still.

Lifting his head a little more, he pressed his lips against hers. He closed his eyes and held her closer in his arms, feeling her body once more against him. Skye did the same while placing one of her paws on the back of his neck, pulling him into her slightly. They held there for a few moments as the bird continued its heart-warming song in the window. The warmth of the sun in the hay loft, and their furry bodies embracing together again felt so perfect.

Skye slowly finished and pulled away and gazed back into his eyes once more. Once their eyes met yet again, she smiled and gave him a soft lick on the nose. "I love you Husky" she spoke softly as if she were telling him a secret.

"And I love you Skye" he mustered to speak before going back for another kiss. However Skye soon rolled off and sat up next to him before he even got the chance.

A bit disheartened from her unexpected departure, Husky sat up on his elbows and looked at Skye. Her body was still naked from last evenings little 'escapade.' The fur seemed to lie perfectly along her body, even after having been rained upon. Husky could not say the same for him. After all, he was but a mere dog, and her a wolf, but that mattered not to him. His gaze moved further down her body, making note and commenting to himself of her beauty. There seemed to be nothing out of place, even her tummy fur was still soft and... 'Wait a minute, is that what I think it is?' he thought. His eyes gazed upon her crotch just then, where the fur was in fact not perfect. It was matted together, apparently stuck that way from their intense love-making from last night. 'At least I know I wasn't dreaming' he reassured himself.

Skye stood up and began to gather her clothes from the straw covered floor, dusting off bits of hay from them where she saw needed. Husky watched her intently, a fire of passion and heat for her still boiling within him. His fascination was quickly exonerated when the thought echoed in his mind again '... I know I wasn't dreaming.' His expression had thus changed to almost shear panic when the thought echoed yet again '... I wasn't dreaming!'

"Then that means..." He mumbled to himself out loud, trailing off into his own thoughts again.

Skye turned an ear just as he spoke and looked back at him with a look of curiosity. "Then what does what mean Hun?" she asked, tilting her head to one side a bit to emphasize her confusion while finally draping her last article of clothing over her arm.

Shaking his head and blinking a bit, jolting himself out of his deep thoughts, he folded his ears and looked into Skye's eyes with anxiety and spoke roughly, "Then that means you... you may be..." he swallows his fear hard before continuing, "pregnant." He nearly choked on that word, pregnant.

Skye could see the wheels of insecurity turning through his eyes. It was rather apparent to her that Husky was not enjoying the idea of having to care for pups. She knelt down once more and laid a paw against his muzzle and caressed it with a soft touch. "shhhh, it's okay love. I've been wanting this from you for a long time now." Her voice flowed from her lips almost as smooth as silk. It was definitely soothing, and very reassuring among other things. Husky however just couldn't keep that nagging voice inside his head from disappearing, 'You screwed up, you're going to be a dad, you're sooo not ready.'

"Now, let's go get cleaned up babe" she said a bit more firmly, standing up and lightly dragging a claw down the side of his muzzle as her paw departed. Husky sat up more to follow her lead, but held fast to his location a bit longer, watching his love stride toward the ladder. Her gait was rather smooth and relaxed. Her tail swayed from side to side, almost in a fluid-like dance with her body. 'Damn, why didn't I try this earlier?' he criticized himself before finally standing up and locating his pants. The pants were still a bit damp from the rain yesterday, but he cared not, especially with the thought of children still looming in his mind.

The pair descended the ladder from the loft and made for Skye's house. Skye paused at the patio screen door and slowly depressed the handle. Husky, standing close behind her, placed his paws around her waist, leaning into her a bit to taunt his new found lover as she cautiously examined the entrance for her parents. Skye pulled back abruptly and slapped one of his paws, giggling to him under her breath. She resumed her exploring with a peek of her muzzle into the partially open doorway. She sniffed the air a little and was soon convinced the coast was clear. She opened the door and tugged Husky along to follow.

They made their way back into Skye's room where she had closed the door no sooner than when they had entered. Her room was barely what one would think as a girl's room. It was somewhat drab; the walls were painted in a neutral earth-tone green and brown, her bed a mess with the sheets tossed on it in random fashion, and the floor littered with her cloths. On the shelves, which had been tacked up with a few nails, held a few horse trophies, several of them sporting a few blue and red ribbons Skye had won from the horse shows she frequented in the summer time.

In her usual fashion, Skye threw her cloths to the floor and made for her closet located on the other side of her room. She took awkward steps, as if she were walking through a land-mine, to avoid the clutter on her floor. Husky shook his head a bit in disbelief, 'How can anyone live this way' he thought.

It wasn't long before she returned from her closet with a couple of towels draped over her arm. She motioned for Husky to follow again as she poked her head out of her room and down the hall. The coast was still clear and they made a quick dash for their bathroom. Husky shut the door behind them and set the lock.

Husky turned back around from the door and had planned to make his way for the shower. However, Skye apparently had other plans. She had placed her paw over his chest, depressing it firmly as she took a few tender steps towards him, effectively backing him up against the bathroom door with a thud. He stood there, looking into Skye's eyes, rather surprised by her sudden action. Skye however was looking him back into his eyes with a solid glare that anyone could read as pure lust.

Skye smiled at him and closed her eyes, depressing her muzzle against his. Her lips parted both of theirs as her long wolf tongue was forced into his muzzle, playing games with his as it danced around inside their kiss filled with desire. A wave of shivers down his back set the fur on his neck to stand up. The pleasures from his mate were enough to make Husky nearly melt before her. His shoulders relaxed and his legs became a tad weaker. His arms naturally came up and around Skye's soft body, pulling her against him as he fell deeper into their lustful embrace.

Knowing she had him all to herself, Skye went on with her plan, wrapping her own furry arms around her mate's body. Her paws met Husky's rump where she firmly planted her claws, pulling his hips and hardening sheath closer to her own body. She began to fumble her way backwards, pulling Husky away from the door and over to the shower doors.

The soft sounds of muffled moaning emanated from the locked lips of Husky. Completely under her control, he really had no option but to bend to her will. His large tail slowly began to sway, brushing Skye's paws as they still gripped his ass tightly. He felt her remove one paw and the sound of the shower doors sliding open caught his attention. It wasn't long before a rush of hot wind overcame the uncovered parts of his body and the sound of water splashing against linoleum covered floor and walls.

The feelings of Skye's tongue, the tender taste of her lips and her soft, warm body soon vanished before him. He opened his eyes and gazed out into a small room that slowly filled with steam. He watched Skye take a few tender steps into the shower, the water falling off of her and running down her smooth curves, slowly drenching her fur with warm liquid. She reached out and took a hold of Husky's paw and gave a tug, leading him into the watery environment.

The hot water struck his fur, seeping its way through his thick coat and down to his skin. A feeling of warmth overcame him just as Skye pressed herself against him once more, their muzzles interlocking. A soft moan came from her breath into his just he felt her wet body begin to grind against his hardening sheath. His arms came around her body once more, placing his rough paw pads against the dapple coloured fur on her rear, following her every motion of hips.

Side to side, up and down, her soft fur played games over his crotch, forcing his member to poke its way out of its fluffy enclosure. Skye felt this small bit of Husky's flesh poking into her and let out another soft moan of pleasure. Eager to have him again, she pressed her hips into him, trying harder to entice his full length out into the open. Husky was just as ecstatic, mimicking her motions now and digging his claws into her fur.

Breaking from their passionate kiss again, Skye arched her back and looked up slightly, eyes closed as she let out a soft moan. "Ohhh honey, take me now! Please!" she managed to breath out of her eager body.

Obediently, Husky gripped her rear harder, lifting her entire body clean off the floor. He backed her up against the far wall of the shower. Lining himself up, he dropped her down, penetrating and spreading her begging furry lips. They tightened and squeezed against his intruding member. Her body shook as a wave of pleasure rocked her, forcing a moaning howl to escape her muzzle. Her legs wrapped around his waist and her paws came up around his neck, holding onto him tightly as Husky began to fuck her needing pussy.

Suddenly, there came a loud rapping at the bathroom door. Husky's heart jumped and raced from a sudden increase in adrenaline. He could tell Skye was in the same boat, as she too had stopped everything in a flash. They both gazed through the steam covered shower doors towards the interrupting sounds.

It was not long after, a soft feminine voice broke through the sound of the water striking their bodies and slashing onto the floor. "Skye, sweetie?" the voice asked in a rather concerned tone. "Are you ok in there?"

Skye looked back at him with a look of fear in her eyes. She seemed to ask him without saying a word, 'what should I say?' Still holding onto her mate's neck and peering into his eyes, Skye answered with a rather hoarse voice, "Y-yeah, I'm j-just fine mom!"

"Well okay then. I have breakfast ready for you when you're done." Her mother retorted.

"Okay!" Skye answered, clearing her throat. She lowered her voice level to a soft whisper, hoping her mother would not hear her, "well that was a close one."

Husky could see she was not very happy with the interruption, and he gave her a little smile to help reassure her disheartened feelings. "It's okay sweetie, we can try again some other time." He spoke with a little hint of disappointment. His cock was almost retracted at this time, and he slowly lowered her back down onto her feet.

Skye smiled back as she stood before him. She kept her paws around his neck and pulled him down to her level, pressing her lips against his one more time. She paused for a moment and just let out a soft laugh, the short puffs of air tickling the short fur below Husky's nose. "I guess we better go get something to eat." She spoke; still disappointed her mother had to interrupt her plans.

Husky followed close behind his new mate, taking in the sweet smell of her heat as they both walked down the hallway to the stairs. The couple paused for a moment at the top, and Skye turned around with a slight bounce in her step to face Husky. Skye was wearing a short blue tank-top and her usual small blue-jean shorts. Around her neck, she wore a small necklace with a single silver pendant of a horse shoe that hung on the thin silver chain.

"You ready for this honey?" she asked with a bit of cheer, taking a hold of his paw and smiling. The look in her eyes were happy now, almost all trace of their earlier disturbance was gone, and all that remained was a glimmer of light.

"Ready for what?" he asked, a bit concerned and a tad scared for what she had planned. But seeing she was happy and eagerly waiting to execute her plan. He was willing to do whatever she wanted. He followed through by gripping her paw with his as well and developing a small smile upon his maw.

Skye just giggled softly and made her way down the stairs, moving slowly enough so they both could descend the stairs together. Husky watched her as he stepped down with her, taking in her beauty one last time before they came face to face with her parents, who were already sitting at the breakfast table.

Skye's father was sitting on the far side with the Sunday's newspaper lifted over his face. Her mother, sat adjacent to him on the left, watching them as they descended the stairs, sipping her cup of coffee. Skye's mother, whose fur was a rare dark purple, almost black colour, that shimmered nicely in any light setting, set the mug down onto the table and gave the couple a soft smile. In the same soft tone from earlier, "Well isn't this a surprise. I was not expecting another house guest this morning."

Hearing his wife say this, the white wolf across the table lowered his papers and gazed out across the room with his piercing green eyes. They settled upon the couple's hands, and the look in his eyes began to burn with a fire of extreme distaste. "What is going on here?" he erupted, slamming the papers down on the table.

Husky looked over at Skye, not knowing what to say to her parents. Her father always seemed to have this grudge against him. He never understood why, and so Husky was always careful to try and avoid his presence. But this time, there was really no escape. He was determined to stay by Skye's side, hoping she knew what to do in this situation.

Skye reacted in a rather calm demeanor, making sure her intentions were well known to her parents. She looked at her mother, then to her father, and then back to her mother. She swallowed hard and then spoke with a sense of pride, "Mom. Dad. I..." she paused to look at her father, her eyes piercing back into his, trying to end a confrontation between the two before it begins. "I have found my mate."

Hearing these words, Husky's heart dropped. 'I'm doomed' he thought, worried her father was going to tear him to pieces, especially if he finds out now that he got his only beautiful daughter pregnant.

Skye's father's eyes narrowed on Husky, his green eyes glaring at him with mutual hatred. He opened his jaws and let his words flow quietly from his lips, "I do not approve of your choice." The room filled with tension around Husky. He was not very comfortable in these types of situations and his mind began to look for ways to escape.

"But dad!" Skye snapped at him.

"No buts young lady!" his eyes centered on her, "I do not want you with this mutt!"

Skye's eyes began to water. Husky could see her heart had just been broken, shattered into pieces. She closed her eyes and lowered her head, gripping Husky's paw tighter as she tried to hold back her tears. Doing his best to comfort her, Husky gave her a soft lick on her folded ears and gave her a little nuzzle on the cheek. Skye looked up at her father again, her eyes shimmering from her tears. She replied to her father's hateful words as best she could, "He's not a mutt! Husky is..."

"Husky is not for you." Her father snapped. "I stood by and watched you too as good friends. I should have ended it there, but no! I should have seen this from the start, but I guess I was too nice on you. From now on, I forbid you from seeing him!" he said standing up at the end of the table. His size was impressive and he knew this, and he used this size to make himself clear.

Both Husky and Skye's heart sank after hearing her father's banishment decree. Skye dropped her head and covered her eyes, no longer able to hold back her tears. She cried out in sadness and complete devastation. Husky took a hold of her and held her face into his chest. Trying hard to keep her happy, but it was useless. His heart was broken too by the news, but he tried not to show his sadness. He stroked her back and whispered softly to her.

Skye's mother got up from the table and came over to the couple that stood sobbing at the other end of the table. She places a paw on each of their backs with a loving and soothing touch. She spoke with the same smooth collective tone from before but with a slight notion of sadness as well, "I think you should go, Husky." She looked at him with her crystal blue eyes, showing him how sorry she really felt for him.

Husky dipped his head a little in acknowledgement and began his slow departure from his loving mate. He released his arms from around Skye's body and took a couple careful steps back, watching as her mother stepped in to fill the void. It was a sad sight to see. His loving mate in complete hopeless despair, crying on her mother's shoulder, and he was forced to leave her presence. He could not help her, he could not be there for her, he felt completely useless, and this only destroyed him inside. He looked across the table at the white wolf that stood there glaring at him.

Taking the final hint, Husky lowered his head, flattened his ears and tucked his tail between himself. He departed Skye's house in complete shame. His heart, destroyed by her father, was heavy in his chest as he padded his way home along the dirt covered road that lead to and from Skye's house.

He reached the front door of his house and paused for a moment. Husky tried to collect himself before confronting his own mother, who he knew would be worried about where he was all night long. 'Should I lie or should I tell her what happened? Will she be comforting or will she be hurtful like Skye's father was?' he thought to himself as he stood there. Looking up at the door before him and taking in a deep breath, he made up his mind and placed a paw on the door knob.

Just then, the door flung open and out popped a husky. This unforeseen surprise soon proceeded to tackle him to the ground. "Hey Cuz!" came the cries of excitement from the fellow husky girl. She sat on him with her curly tail wagging like crazy, and looking at him with a smile so big. Looking up from his disposition in complete bewilderment, he could see this stranger girl was in fact his cousin, Sheaf.