A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 5 - Union -

Story by Murry on SoFurry

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#5 of A Dragon Slayer's Heart

Thank you everyone for your support! This being my first story on SF and it being such a success means quite a lot to me! I would love to hear some feedback from you all! Behold, Chapter 5!


Chapter 5: Union

James slowly opened his eyes... his deep emerald eyes clearing slowly as he awoke from his deep slumber. As he attempted to sit up, his bones gave no protest! It felt as if he were reborn anew with great vigor and strength... He looked down at his hand, flexing his claws as he looked at his new dragon-like arm. His black talons shone with great luster in the colorful light within the cave.

He looked around, looking for Alex, unable to have spotted her as he awoke.

James stood to his feet, looking around the cave for any sign of his mate, slowly walking towards the entrance of the cave in hopes that he would find her there, but instead found nothing but the gaping maw of the cave.

The sky was once again colored with the magnificent hues of the sun bidding its final farewells to the world, the beautiful oranges and gentle shades of red and pinks kissing the sky with their wonderous hues.

A gentle breeze caught his senses, bringing him to the scent of the bountiful nature that surrounded him. He wished that he would be able to live amongst such beauty for the rest of his life. The gentle breeze, yet subtle, brushed gently against his new body, allowing him to absorb the wonderful feeling of the embrace of nature. He had already communed with it before on the surface of the lake... and now he wondered if the same was happening to him once again.

He slowly reached his arms out to the sides, closing his eyes as he felt the breeze slowly start to push him, as if pleading him to trust it. He gently fell from the edge of the cave towards the ground below, but instead of crashing to the ground, he thrust open his new wings, catching the breeze and gliding around the beautiful landscape.

He spied several small animals that resembled horses, but instead had two large horns attached to their heads, that curled outward. As he flew, he passed over several ponds and lakes, getting a bird's-eye-view of the landscape in which he lived.

"I is so beautiful..." James said, his blue wings beginning to flutter helplessly as he lost the aid of the breeze.

"I'm such an idiot! I dont even barely know how to use these things!!!!" James cried as be began to plummet to the ground.

He tried flapping his wings with all of his might but it was to no avail, he couldnt overpower the strength of gravity with his new wings.

The ground rapidly approached him until he was smacked from the side, which surprised him.

For a brief moment he thought he had fallen to the ground on his side, but instead when he opened his eyes, he saw Alex carefully holding him in her talons, flying swiftly towards the ground.

She landed with a loud thud on a low grassy hill, setting him down carefully. As he looked up at her, she flopped a fish down next to him, her eyes filled with both love and care. "I thought I might bring you a little something back for all the trouble you have been put through," she said.

James chuckled, "Thanks."

"You know, you really shouldnt begin to start flying until you have gotten your strength back, or without me to help you learn!" Alex said scoldingly.

James smiled, "I have all of my strength back... and I feel actually very invigorated for some reason... I do not know why, but I think it had to deal with my transformation!"

"How do you...feel?" Alex said, a look of concern spreading over her face as she placed a paw on him.

"I feel fine, and I feel as if Aegis himself lies within my soul, helping to guide me in my times of need... like last night... I felt as if I were being torn apart by intense powers, but I think I know why... it was him... Aegis... Protecting me and you..."

Alex looked at him with a sincere look in her eyes, "I wouldn't have any other protector other than you, James... I love you."

James smiled, "And he also...triggered a latent power within me... and turned me into what you see now... a dragon-like creature... that is what he must have been referring to when he used the term 'our' kind... I still have so many questions... but I will no longer be able to get answers...He is gone..."

"He is never gone, love... Because he is a part of you now... and you must allow yourself to accept the gift that he has given you! Fight for what you believe in!" Alex smiled, "We are going to make things right!"

James smiled, patting her nose softly with his new scaly hand.

"I still cannot believe that you just turned into a dragon... Well...almost a dragon... you still have that crazy little way humans walk!" Alex grinned.

"Hehe... Yeah I suppose I do..." James said smilling.

"I am...sorry that I could not help you last night... he wouldnt let me move a muscle..." Alex said, bowing her head solemnly.

"That was not in your control... and besides... I am your guardian," James said, grinning.

"Hmph! That doesnt mean anything! I can still ... protect you..." Alex said, biting her lip.

James grinned and looked at her once again, an idea springing into his mind, "You're just mad because I am supposed to protect you like you are a fragile little hatchling~"

Alex pushed him down with her paw and laid over him, her muzzle inches away from his.

"I am not a weakling and you know it!" Alex said, growling.

"Prove it~" James said, his plan falling into effect as soon as his tail was right...there....

His tail suddenly snaked its way into her exposed slit, eliciting a strong moan from her as her tail began to twitch in pleasure. She closed her eyes in sheer ecstasy as she felt the tail slowly moving in and out of her vaginal canal, causing her to moan and rest her head on his chest.

James grinned, his tail was doing his dirty work until he smelled something that drove his new dragon senses wild, his slitted eyes growing narrower as he began to smell a glorious scent coming from her body, something that had never stimulated him that greatly before.

He began to feel an immense amount of arousal as he looked down at his pants, a large bulge beginning to form as he was forced to remove them in fear of tearing them. He looked down and saw a very large blue dragon penis, its tip slightly barbed and the sides ridged, more than likely used to stimulate the female during their mating.

It was now clear to him, Alex was in heat and his senses were being pushed over the edge as his tail slowly began to thrust in and out of her faster, creating a sloppy mess near her slit as she began to excrete her juices all over his tail, her deep vaginal canal massaging his tail as he pleased her.

James closed his eyes as the scent overwhelmed him, he would make love to this dragon, even if it was the last thing he did!

Alex began to moan very loudly, roaring in pleasure as she began to near her climax, her body beginning to twitch violently as she began to slowly call out his name in his mind sexually.

With a loud roar, she climaxed on his tail, her juices spurting violently out of her body and all over his tail, which he proceeded to pull out of her.

His tail fell to the ground with a small splash as it hit a small pool of her juices.

James started to stand again, but when he opened his eyes, he almost flatlined.

Alex was laying very low to the ground, her rear in the air towards james. Her vagina was gaping wide and open invitingly to him as she looked over her shoulder, still panting and purring deeply.

"James...love me...mate with me... show me that you love me!!!" Alex shouted in his mind.

It didnt take James much more than that to quickly mount her, aligning his new dragon penis along with her wet, juicy vagina, slowly entering her as he was overcome with amazing pleasure. He had never felt anything so pleasurable in his life! It was even better than his first time with her!!!! The warmth of her body was overwhelming, and the scent of her heat drove him even wilder.

"Fuck me James... I dont want you to hold back! Mate with me!" Alex roared over her shoulder.

James began to thrust into her quickly and violently, turned on by her dirty talk as his tongue hung out of his mouth in pleasure. He closed his eyes for a few brief moments as he sucked in all of the pleasure. He was mating with a dragon in heat... he never knew how good it would feel until now. It felt multiple times better than before when they had first mated in the cave, her body stimulated so easily for sex.

As he thrust deeply into her, her vaginal walls slowly clamped down on his long penis, which surprisingly was able to reach deeply into her, massaging him intensely as if it were trying to milk him of his fertile seed.

"Ohhhh~" Alex cried out to him, moaning loudly. "Yes...Yes!!!!"

James quickly thrust his hips into her, fucking her without mercy, his body being overcome with pleasure as he began to feel a rising warmth within his body, but thats when he noticed it, he didnt have any balls like a human would, instead... they were deep within his body somewhere, because he felt the same pleasure building as if he were human, but nearly twice as better!

"Ohhhh!" James shouted, "Alex... I'm going to..." James began to say closing his eyes as he began to feel his seed quickly rising through his nearly two foot long shaft, quickly penetrating her deep vagina as he brutally fucked her.

"Yes!!! Fill me with your seed! I want you in me!!!" Alex cried, her body beginning to convulse and twitch as she, too began to reach her climax.

With a loud roar, James came inside of her. His penis began to spurt long jets of warm dragon seed deeply into her fertile womb, filling it with his seed for several long moments.

Then she came, roaring as her body gave in to the immense amount of pleasure that was being given to her, her vagina spewing out large amounts of her cum as she laid down against the ground.

She closed her eyes, but began to feel her body moving once again, being thrust into once more. "Ohhhh~"

Alex quickly resumed her sexual position as she allowed James to quickly thrust into her again. She began to purr loudly as she felt the pleasure of his long cock inside of her, her slit making wet messy sounds as he rammed and pounded against her vagina.

James was no longer in his right state of mind, he was no longer in control of himself, he was a mating machine. His body was in overdrive at the smell of his mate's heat and he couldnt grab hold of the control of his body, but he didnt want to either! It felt so damn good!

James roared and moaned in pleasure as he continued to thrust deeply into his mate, his blue scales grinding against her green ones as he mated with her intensely, her tail twitching and wrapping around his slippery blue one as he continued to mate with her.

His eyes were tiny slits as his new feral instincts drove him over the edge, gently biting down on her in a sign of dominance as he brutally mated with her.

"Ohhh~" Alex roared, her vagina clamping down on his penis as she began to feel the pleasure rising once more, but this time she felt an even larger amount of pleasure rising within her body.

Deep inside of her vaginal canal, James' ridged cock sank deeply into her warm, slippery womb, the head quickly entering and exiting it as he mated with her, it was only a matter of time before he would come again, and that time was quickly drawing near as he felt a large wave of pleasure rising in his abused genitals, signaling that he was almost out of juice.

"Ohh~ Yes~" Alex roared softly. "Fill me with your seed! I want it all!"

James' eyes closed in pleasure one last time as he hilted himself within her, his hips wrapping around hers as he came violently. His penis erupted, sending more long ropes of his fertile dragon seed deeply into her womb, filling her for a long minute as his penis continually pumped more and more of his cum until he was spent, breathing deeply as he laid his head on her , still hilted within her.

Exhausted, Alex's legs gave in, causing her to lay flat on the ground, purring deeply as she enjoyed the pure ecstasy.

James breathed deeply, until falling off of her rear end to the ground below, visibly spent.

"Heh...see? I'm not weak at all..." Alex said, grinning.

"Oh really?" James asked, "You look exhausted to me!"

"Oh you~" Alex said, getting up and quickly embracing him in a kiss, their long tongues wrapping around each other's as they felt the love between them grow even stronger...

After they finally broke the kiss, Alex looked around at the ground, "What a mess..."

Alex looked at him cutely and giggled to herself.


Wohoo! Another chapter in! Hope you all enjoy! Btw please post any questions that you might have! And <3's to all of you dragon lovers out there!!! Chapter 6 will be here soon! Stay tuned!