Broadening Ken's Horizons - Chapter 6 - Role Reversals

Story by ErickTheClyde on SoFurry

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Usual adult warnings apply. There's sex in here, ya know.

This one's a bit shorter, but I'm working up some character and plot development.

I was watching over my shoulder as the other bull, presumably the one with the "great idea", pushed his way into the room past the others. He was already unzipping his jeans as he entered. I could see a huge bulge running down his pant leg.

He pulled off the jeans and tossed them on the floor, allowing his stiffening cock to spring out in front of him. Bulls certainly didn't have anything on the equines in the thickness department, but, damn, that thing had to be close to three feet long!

"I'm gonna get me some doggie ass," the bull proclaimed as he approached the foot of the bed. He was stroking his long cock to a full erection as his buddies cheered him on. Where the hell was Tom?

I felt Roger's body tense up on top of me. He had his front paws on the bed on either side of me. They were spread out, claws at the ready. All of the fur on his back was standing on end, and he was uttering a low growl and baring his teeth.

The bull was starting to move towards the bed. Roger growled louder and started snarling. I also noticed that his knot had shrunk even though his cock was still in me. I was feeling it shrink as well, eventually slipping out of my hole.

The bull hoisted up a huge leg onto the bed. At the same instant, Roger sprang from over top of me. I ducked down and rolled onto my side. When I dared to open my eyes, I saw Roger hanging on the bull's back, teeth bared and hovering just millimeters away from his neck.

"Damn, someone get this mutt off my back!" the bull was yelling, swinging his beefy arms around, trying to get hold of Roger. Nobody else had the balls to try - they all just stood and watched.

"What the hell?" I heard Tom say as he pushed his way past the retreating crowd. "Roger! Get down off him."

Roger slowly loosened his grip then gracefully jumped down onto the bed, stalking warily over to my side and sitting down, still softly growling. His fur slowly started laying back down.

"Party's over, man," Tom said to the bull, his hand resting on the bull's shoulder. "You OK?"

"Yeah, I'm OK," he replied. He was pulling on his jeans while casting a wary eye towards Roger. "Sorry about all the commotion. I guess we all had a few too many beers."

The bull clapped his hand on Tom's shoulder as he walked out of the room. Shortly after that, we heard the front door shut. The whole apartment was quiet.

"You two OK?" Tom asked. We both nodded our heads in confirmation.

"It's late. You two want to camp out here tonight?" Tom asked.

"Sure," we both replied.

"OK," said Tom. "The hide-a-bed is available..." He glanced at both of us looking somewhat comfortable on his bed, then shrugged. "Or here is fine. Plenty of room."

Roger had curled up next to me. Tom walked over to his closet and shed his clothes. Roger watched him the whole time, his ears perking up a bit when Tom turned around to face us, now fully naked. I wondered what, if anything, they had done together.

Tom crawled into the bed. It was big enough that all three of us had plenty of room. I quickly drifted off to sleep, warmed by Roger's soft fur.

I woke up the next morning to find my warm, furry blanket was gone. I was somewhat surprised to find him laying on his stomach on the other side of the bed with Tom's massive frame positioned over top of him. A little less than half of Tom's slickened cock was impaling his tailhole, slowly gliding in and out of it. Tom smiled over at me and winked.

I winked back and carefully edged myself off the bed and slipped out the door, but not before contemplating watching the show and maybe jacking off my already throbbing erection. Instead, I went to the bathroom and pissed out all the beer I had drunk the night before.

I walked into the empty living room and found my backpack laying where I had left it. I decided to grab some fresh clothes and take a shower.

While I was digging around in the backpack, I found the box that Tank had tried to give me the day before. It had a note attached to it. I flipped open the sheet of paper. All it said on it was "Shhh."

I opened the box and found a bottle with small pills in it. The very small instruction sheet primarily just said "Take one pill daily, as needed" in about twelve different languages.

I looked around the room nervously, then remembered Tom's warnings. I rolled the bottle around in my hand a few times and even took off the cap a couple of times only to quickly replace it.

Finally, I walked over to the kitchen trash can, fully intending to throw it away. The next thing I knew, I was washing down one of the pills with a cup of water and hurriedly hiding the bottle in my backpack. I sure hoped Tom was over-reacting.

I headed on into the bathroom, turned on the shower and climbed in. After a few minutes, I heard hooves clomp into the bathroom, followed by the sound of a heavy stream of piss. As soon as that stopped, my guest spoke.

"Tom?" It was Tank.

"No, it's Ken," I replied through the shower curtain. Not exactly my favorite fur at the moment.

"Look, I'm..." he started.

"Sorry about last night?" I finished his thought. "Nothing personal, Tank, but hell, you seem to always get yourself, your buddies or Tom in trouble all the time."

"Yeah, I know," he conceded. "I've been trying to improve. I know it doesn't look like it, though. Guess you caught me on a bad weekend."

"I guess," I replied very doubtfully. Tank stayed quiet for a bit, but I could tell he was still in the room.

"Ken?" he finally spoke up.

"What?" I asked.

"Do you mind if..." he stopped and thought for a second. "I mean, can I climb in with you?"

"Sure," I replied after some careful thought. "But no funny stuff. Promise?"

"Promise," he replied as he climbed in.

I fully expected him to have a raging erection when he got in, or at least be hanging out pretty good. Instead, he was fully sheathed.

Tank quietly grabbed the washcloth from me and studiously washed my back for me. I took the cloth back, soaped it up a bit more and reciprocated, cleaning his entire back from shoulders down to, and including, his ample ass. He seemed to really enjoy the last part, so I continued massaging those massive glutes for a while longer.

Tank turned around after I finished and I saw that magnificent cock about half unsheathed. He reached outside the shower and retrieved a bottle of lube and started to open it.

"Tank, I don't think..." I started, but he held a finger up to my mouth as a gesture not to say anything.

He finished opening the bottle and, instead of spreading the lube on his cock as I expected, he started spreading it on mine. My cock stiffened as he gently rubbed the lube thoroughly over my cock. Then he handed me the bottle, turned around with his back to me and bent over. He raised his cropped tail, giving me a clear view of his hole.

I took the cue, slathering lube all around his hole, gently pushing some in with a couple of fingers and working it around. Then I set the bottle down and lined myself up. He had to squat down some so I could reach him. I grabbed him by his wide hips and lined up the tip of my cock with his hole. I didn't anticipate much problem entering him.

"Slam it in," he explained. "If nothing else, I deserve it. Oh, and..."

"What?" I asked.

"Uhm, just don't let this get out to anyone," he explained. "I've always been a top. The guys would laugh their heads off if they found out I bottomed, especially with a human."

"I'll try to keep it our little secret," I replied.

Tank swung his head around and grinned at me, then back around at the wall. I decided to go slow and easy, though, despite his request to take it rough. I slowly and somewhat easily pushed the head in, then stopped there and started swiveling my hips around, teasing his hole with just a little of my cock. He started groaning a bit and tried to push back on me, but I moved back along with him. I wanted him to want my whole cock, but at my pace.

After slowly inching my way in a little at a time, I finally bottomed out, then slowly started pushing in and out in long, deliberate strokes. Meanwhile, I reached around and found his now erect cock, wrapping my hand around it as far as I could and slowly sliding up and down the thicker part of his shaft. Every once in a while, I'd drop down and gently fondle those two heavy balls, one at a time, rolling them around in the loose sack.

I picked up the pace a bit and was pounding his ass pretty good after a few minutes. The water started getting cold, so I reached back and shut it off, then resumed my assault on his ass. I lifted his cock upright towards his chest and slowly rubbed up and down the entire length. I felt all the veins along the length, imagining them sliding in and out of my own tight ring. All those thoughts were having an effect as I felt my orgasm quickly approaching.

Just as I was about to cum, I reached around with both hands, jacking that huge cock and pulling myself against Tank. Just as my first shot entered his asshole, I felt his cock thicken and the first of his long, hard streams of cum came spraying out, coating the shower wall in front of him. He let go with two more of those long streams as I finished my own orgasm.

I stayed up inside him until my cock started growing limp. His cock was slowly growing more flaccid, as well. Eventually, I pulled out and watched as small dribbles of cum leaked from his hole. As he stood back up, I turned him around and took his limp member up to my mouth, cleaning off the remaining dribbles of his own cum from the head as he watched and smiled.

Tank reached over and turned the water back on and we quickly showered off our messes and washed his massive load down the drain before turning the water back off. He reached out, grabbed me a towel as well as one for himself and we took turns drying each other off. My turn took quite a bit longer, between his fur and his size.

We climbed out without a word. Tank left to go to his room and I quietly pulled on my clothes. Just as I started out the door, I bumped into Roger heading into the bathroom.

"Sorry," I said.

"No problem," he replied. "Have a nice shower?"

"Yes, very relaxing," I replied.

"How about Tank?" he asked, winking at me.

"How about Tom?" I replied, winking back at him and starting on down the hall.

He headed on into the bathroom, looking back over his shoulder at me. I chuckled as I pushed my dirty clothes into my backpack and zipped it up, throwing it on my back and heading out the door towards my car.