Dead Space Red and Blue chapter 1

Story by Ultrazeta120 on SoFurry

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#1 of Dead space Red and Blue

First chapter of the story, while I feel like it's a bit short but it's the first chapter so introduction and small combat should be acceptable for now.


I do not own Dead space, pokemon or any other elements from other games! Rated Mature for dark themes, sexual content, busty voluptuous Vaporeon and Flareon girls protagonist and random shenanigans. If you're either offended or don't enjoy the story then please, simply leave and don't cause unnecessary drama in the comment section and ruin this for people who enjoy the story.

This is simply pure fiction and the work of a mad robot and has nothing to do with the canon story or anything official.

Dead Space: Red and Blue

Chapter 1: Space zombies


"Oh god, oh god, oh god! why is this happening?!" Was all Crystal could say to herself as she ran as if her life depended on it...Which it did.

What started out as another normal day for her, wake up, eat breakfast and plan ahead to play video games then finding out she ran out of milk for cereal so she put on a simple pink top and dull blue shorts and white sneakers with white socks, then left for the convenient store not too far away from her apartment. By the time she bought a carton of milk and left the store, it was then everything went straight to hell.At first; Crystal saw several people seemingly running in panic from something and then next a nightmarish creature suddenly leaped out of nowhere and skewered a poor human with its scythe like arms in a violent bloody fashion.

Whatever the thing was, it looked like a human... A broken human with its torso split open with pair of extra arms coming out of it, missing the lower jaw and has scythe like blades coming out of its hands, which the limbs of its arms and legs were so bent and broken it's a miracle it can even walk or move at all.

Oh and did I also mention it was naked too?

When that thing saw her, the first thing she did in sheer fright and panic was to chuck the milk she bought right at its face and booked it right away as the creature was stunned for few seconds before chasing after her in a blood curdling screech.

The blue scaled Vaporeon pokemorph glances back to see the thing still chasing her, swinging its bladed broken arms around while gurgling and roaring at her with the intent to end her life. Crystal panted and nearly cried out of sheer terror of what is happening, it's bad enough that she hardly exercise and gained some weight but the fact naked space zombies were now tearing the whole Titan station apart!

She glances around while kept on running and sees the chaos all around her, the civilian central area where all the smaller shopping marts and arcade games were located were either set on fire, torned down by the various mosnters and civilians screaming and running for their lives as the Sprawl security guards doing their best to try save as many people as possible and pushing the creatures back with no apparent success.

Crystal shrieked as the vent few meters ahead of her suddenly exploded as another monster like the one chasing her emerge from and blocking her path. It was an unfortunate female raichu who seems to have also blades coming out of her hands, her jaw was split into mandibles with sharp teeth and her stomach torn open to reveal pair of three fingered arms sticking out.

The bladed female monster looked at her direction with its glossy white eyes and roared, Crystal looked around quickly for anything to escape the two monsters flanking her. She noticed that she was on the upper levels of where the deep water pool was located. She remembered they built the deep pool as more of decoration for one of those fancy shops for rich assholes who like to flaunt their wealth to people, which she thinks is a waste of good swimmable pool for and tax money.

Either way, it's her salvation as she turned right just in time as the human monster behind her leaped forward and sunk its blade into the steel floor, missing her by few inches.

She sprinted toward the railing and used the momentum to leap with her hands stretched out and plunged right down into the pool of water, creating a large splash that splashed against anything around the pool wet. Crystal quickly swam upward and breached the surface with a gasp as she quickly looked around.

She now wondered if it was better to stay in the pool as there were seven more of those scythe monsters too busy mauling innocent people to death to notice her.

Eyed widen in horror and fear she quickly pulled herself up from the pool and looked for an exit out of the central plaza and notice the steel gate to the residence area is slowly lowering down. She quickly sprinted toward the closing gate and used her wet body to slide underneath in time as it closes. Locking the monsters out from the first floor to the residental area.

She panted and kept her fearful eyes everywhere for any more of those things. So far none other than those locked outside as they finished killing the civilians and took notice of her now. With another deep breath Crystal sprinted toward the end of the corridor as she saw several other people were running toward through a door with soldiers screaming orders at them toward a direction.

She honestly hopes where ever they're going it would lead her to the escape shuttles and escape this nightmare!

Before she could take another step the door to someone's apartment right next to her suddenly exploded outward, sending her crashing agains the opposite wall with a pained yelp.

She coughed and looked up, only to scream in terror as another of those scythe monsters stood in front of her. It was a human male with whatever article of clothing he has that wasn't shredded to pieces clung to it, covering its modesty whatever good that was for it.

She noticed also that instead of jagged blades coming out of its hands, two fleshy muscles was attached to its back shoulders with the same jagged blade like scythes. It's face seemingly frozen in a snarl with razor sharp teeth jutting out of its mouth. The creature eyed her with those empty white eyes with primal rage as it roars and lunge toward right at her.

Crystal screams once more as one of the normal hands grabbed her by the shoulder and pushed her against the steel wall while the other grabbed her front top and pulled, teared the pink top off from her exposing her huge breasts out in the open.

She gasped and cried in horror as she tried to push the creature off from her as it growles and was about to go for her shorts-


-A loud thundering sound echoed through the corridor as the creature literally lost its head and flew to the side from the force of the bullet as one of the soldiers noticed her predicament, aimed and shot the creature off from her.

"C'mon! Get over here!" The man shouted as he aimed the rifle at the creature who, shockingly, pushed itself up from the floor despite the fact it didn't have a head anymore.

Crystal only eyed widen in shock and horror, how the hell can that thing still going without a bloody head?! Shaking her head she scrambles up and sprinted toward the soldier who was opening fire at the creature while covering her huge bust with her arms. As she passed the soldier he exclaimed "go left and continue forward until you see the others, follow them and don't stop whatever you do!" Crystal nodded and thanked the soldier as he and two other armed officers came to give their comrade aid against the other monsters who manage to break inside from the central plaza.

She continue to run as she could see up ahead few other soldiers gesturing other fleeing civilians toward somewhere else, with renew energy she sprinted faster while still covering her breasts and prayed that she makes it.

By some miracle she manage to reach the soldiers who simply pointed his hand toward a direction where the shuttle bay was located. Relieved and thankful she nodded to them and followed the path, passing by other stores and either avoiding or jumping over briefcases and other items that she didn't have time to identify.

Up ahead she could see a large crowd of people seemingly blocking the airlock to the escape shuttle. As she closes in she could hear the security officer trying to ordering the civilians to wait for another shuttle to park as the current one was too overcrowded.

Unfortunately the people doesn't seems to either care or too frightnened of what is happening to care or listen to the soldier.

Before Crystal could think of finding another airlock with an awaiting escape shuttle, she heard a loud crash behind her and turn around to see the soldiers who remained behind, desperately trying firing at the mass horde of those monsters who were soon upon them in seconds, teared them apart.

She eyed widen in horror and realized there was simply no time to wait for another shuttle, as evidence the people noticed the horde as well and began to scream in terror and trying to push themself inside the overcrowed escape shuttle, despite the soldier trying to stop them.

This was it... There was no way out of this, Crystal almost gave up hope until she noticed something near the far corner of the hallway, away from the crowd and the incoming horde of monsters. An elevator access with the sign to the side that says The Concourse, meaning there is a chance she could escape through there and salvage anything to use as a weapon!

With determination she sprinted toward the open elevator while ignoring the screaming people as they were soon slaughtered by the monsters, her heart raced as she could hear few roars behind her which likely means there were some who noticed her running away and follow after her.

Once she reach inside the elevator she hit the button several time as she looked out to see four of those scythe monsters roaring and running, waving their wicked blades around as they hurried toward her to tear her apart. To her relief the door closes and soon ascend upward, leaving the lower levels and far, far away from those things. Crystal let go of her breasts as they flopped down to her slightly chubby stomach while she leaned against the cold steel wall, sighing deeply as she couldn't believe she survive that or the fact alien zombies exist.

Granted she has no idea what's in store for her once she reaches the supermarket place, especially since it's likely where a lot of people are going to be at and a very high chance there will be more of those monsters looking for more prey.

On one hand; she can use this opportunity to salvage anything to use as a weapon, considering she works as an engineer and knows how to repurpose a bloody flashlight into a plasma cutter then it should be easy... If not then at least finding a new shirt.

On the other hand... There are likely hundreds of those things and she's pretty much screwed anyway.

Crystal jolted as the elevator shudder for a bit, indicating that she's reaching the upper level of the Concourse. Covering her breasts again with her arms she braced herself from whatever form of hell she's about to enter.

Once the doors opens the first thing she sees are bunch of work benches, tools scattered around and it was quiet. No people screaming nor monsters roaring, just the humming sound of the equipment, music and random advertisement playing in the other shops.

Realizing to her extreme luck, she's in Worch! A shop that sells working work benches and has tools to make something!

Frowning as she realize something strange, like why is there a random elevator that leads into a random shop? Shaking her head, she didn't question it nor care enough as she steps into the shop itself and inspect the interior of the room.

So far so good, there are spare parts for plasma cutters, line guns and ripper saws. Crystal remembers that this shops also serve services of fixing equipment than just selling work bench so to see so many good parts of what to make lying about, is simply good fortune for her.

Taking her eyes away from the scattered parts she eyed the outside of the shop to see the plaza completely empty, no people screaming in fear and no monsters running around, just nothing.

Weird, usually this place is almost packed full of people so it's weird that there is nobody here. Before she could ponder more on what to do and how to get out of the station alive and well, she heard the elevator door behind her closes.

Whipping around she sees that the door to the elevator is closed and descending, at first she was confused until a terrifying realization came to her!

What if... The monsters learn how to operate an elevator?

Fear began to creep up as she rapidly looking around, trying to see if there is something she could use as a weapon... Or make one.

Seeing the scattered parts she quickly let go of her breasts and kneels down to pick up the pieces and brought them over to one of the Work Benches. She quickly began setting the parts together and fixing any error of the weapon she's making.

Once she's done she steps away from the bench and inspects the weapon in her hand.

A Plasma cutter, used to mine minerals with plasma charge blasts... Now used as a weapon to defend herself from the monsters.

She whipped around and aimed her new Plasma cutter toward the elevator door, checked to make sure the mining tool has ammo and nodded to herself as it indeed has some. She breathed deeply and tried to calm her nerves as she aimed the plasma cutter at the door. Her hands shook from fear and anxiety, cold sweat began running down from her forehead and back while never taking her eyes off the door.

Once she heard the elevator finally reached the room she's in, it dinged and soon enough opened up to reveal...

A living person!

It was another Pokemorph! A fellow evee from the fire evolution Flareon, she has the same trademark look of a Flareon, large breasts and hint of muscles to show off that this woman works off. Wears a white tank top plastered with blood, blue jeans with a brown belt that held what looks like a pickaxe of some kind and brown boots and she's holding a P-sec pistol in her hand that she uses to aim at the door and now at Crystal when they opened.

The Flareon woman blue eyes eyed widen in surprise and some bit of relief, likely glad to see another live person.

Crystal gasped as she realized she was aiming a weapon at the Flareon's face and quicly lowered the tool down and apologizes.

"Oh my Arceus, i'm so sorry! I thought you were one of th-those things!"

The Flareon had her aim at Crystal for a small moment then slowly lowered it as she sighed "No worries, just... Surprised and glad to see another living soul." She then steps out and looks around the shop, couldn't help but whistle "Neat, didn't know the elevator took me to Worch~"

"Y-yeah, I was surprised as well." Crystal said "B-But anyway my name is Crystal a-and I work at the Engineering department near the Apartment complex, who are you?"

"Blaze, I work as a private security officer to one of those rich assholes that also happens to be a bloody marker-head." The now identified Blaze respond as she holstered her gun. The Flareon notice Crystal lack of shirt and couldn't help but stare for a bit.

Crystal notice this and covers her breasts as she blushes "S-Sorry! O-One of those monster surprised me and tore my top off... I don't know why it didn't kill me there instead of using its scythe like arms."

"Yeah I noticed that as well, you're not the first gal that had their clothes torn off from those freaks." Blaze sighed as she shakes her head from what she seen "Dunno why they do that, most folk they caught up to they slaughter them without mercy but I noticed some girls, no matter if they're human or pokemorph, they literally tear their clothes or RIG suits off from them and then knocks them out, taking them away to who knows where."

"I-I see..." Crystal was silent for a moment until she realize an important detail, what happened bellow where the escape shuttle was? "Um Blaze, were you down in the Apartment complex near the shuttle with the people trying to get in?"

"Aye, I was..." Blaze nodded solemnly in sadness "Although I was late for the...massacre as I came from the engineering station, most of the civilians and soldiers were torn apart or turned into those freaks by the time I came and most of them seemingly have disappeared."

"Don't know why nor care as I was safe from them, then noticed the elevator and decided to take my chance here in Concourse to salvage some supplies and gear before trying to find my way out of the station."

"I see..." Crystal mutters to herself, saddened that so many people didn't make it and even if she tried to save them from the horde, there wouldn't be enough space in the elevator as it only had space for one person for some reason.

"Anyway, enough about that!" Blaze exclaimed as she walk past Crystal while inspecting the interior of the shop "How about you and me team up and try to survive this mess?" Crystal blinked, not expecting for her to ask that but smiled and nodded happily "Yes! I-I'm not much of a fighter but I am an Engineer so I know how to fix doors and equipment."

"Sweet! Just leave most of the fighting to me since I am trained merc~" Blaze said while winked cheekily.

Crystal smiles, relieved and happy to know she won't be alone in this hell that now became part of her life. Blaze smiling expression suddenly turn from surprise to harden gaze as she brough her pistol up, aiming something behind Crystal.

Realizing quickly as the Vaporeon whipped around, held up her plasma cutter in time to see one of those Scythe monsters swung both of its bladed arms down at the shopping window.

The sound of glass breaking echoed through the empty shopping mart as the creature roared and growled at the girls with primal rage and hunger. Blaze already began firing at the creature in the chest, making it stagger few steps back until it sprinted forward while ignoring the pistol blast.

Crystal yelped in panic and fired her Cutter into the chest area of the once human being. The beam of concentrated plasma did make it stagger a bit but it didn't do that much damage as she would've liked. Because the creature lunged toward in a crouching position and whipped its tentacle blades at both the girls as it sprung up from the floor.

Fortunately it hit both Crystal and Blaze with the blunt side of the blade, not cutting or slashing them with open wounds... Unfortunately, the creatures blow did send both Crystal and Blaze to the floor with the Latter dropping her P-sec pistol.

"Shit!" Blaze exclaimed as she hit the floor and began to crawl toward her pistol in panic, the monster seems to have either forgotten Crystal was there or it sees Blaze as the bigger threat because it shambles toward her and grabbed her by the back end of her tank top, ripping it off in shreds and exposing her upper body to the open elements.

Crystal who was stunned for a second until she scrambles up in a sitting position and sees the creature tearing Blaze shirt off, letting her large breasts bounce free. Realizing Blaze is in danger of whatever the creature has planned she aimed her plasma cutter at one of the bladed arms and fired.

The shot immediately cut off the arm of the creature as it roared in pain and whipped around to glare at her with hate and was about to step toward her, until Blaze jumped into its back with a yell of anger as she took out a Rock Saw from her belt and began to hack at the creature's other arm off.

Three swipes and the arm came off, the monster roared in pain as it shook around to try shake Blaze off its back.

Crystal saw the chance to blast the leg off the creature and fired a shot, cutting the leg off by the knee and it fell face forward with an audible crack. Blaze decided to finish it off she swung her rock saw at its neck and decapitated the monster for good.

Once the deed is done the body twitched for a moment until it finally laid still, unmoving.

Both Blaze and Crystal panted from the whole battle as they took a moment to catch their breath. Blaze shakily pulled herself off the body, uncaring that her boobs weren't covered up as she laughed from the whole experience.

"Well that... happened...!"

"A-Are you ok?" Crystal ask as she stood up and went over to Blaze to see if she's injured.

The Flareon shakes her head negatively, seeing as only her shirt was the thing that got hurt and now lies uselessly on the floor. She look at her tank top then to the dead creature with a frown "By Arceus, what's exactly do these things want from us? First they're trying to kill us and next they're ripping our clothes off... It makes no bloody sense!"

Crystal didn't have anything add at Blaze Exclamation but did agree that it IS strange how these things behave. One minute they're trying to kill her and then next another is trying to undress her by ripping her clothes off.

These things are undead, arent they?

If so then that means the productive organs shouldn't be working anymore, despite the... Implication of these things might trying to force upon them, these things doesn't strike her as sexually frustrated or lustful creature.

So then what exactly do they want then? Could it be they target specific people like themself for something and needs them alive, if so why and what exactly?

Blaze kicked the body for good measure then went to pick her disgarded weapon from the floor "We need to move on, no idea if more of those things are out there" Crystal nodded and picked up any spare battery for the Plasma cutter and even offered to make one for Blaze but she denied it and said her pistol and rock saw is simply good enough.

However Blaze did notice something.

Whenever she enter combat with these freaks, she literally poured every shot against the creatures and they wouldn't go down no matter what. She only manage to kill at least four before meeting Crystal and it took several magazines of her P-sec pistol to kill one... But Crystal manage to help taking it down by firing its limbs.

Does that mean the limbs are the key to put these things down? Honestly it seems weird that the limbs are their weaknesses but she have shot the heads off those things before and they funtioned perfectly without one so cutting the limbs off wouldn't be the first weird and freaky thing she seen today.

"Hey Crystal, I think i figured out how to fight these things." Crystal paid attention to Blaze as the Flareon explained her theory. Crystal slowly nodded after listening to the Merc's explanation as it did make sense of the creatures weaknesses. Body or head shots doesn't seem to work after witnessing the soldier before shooting the head off the creature that attacked her some time ago, so cutting off their limbs is likely the only option they have.

For all they know, they likely didn't kill the creature on the floor as it just lays there with no way of moving. So incapacitated them is likely the only option they have to fight them, until they either find a flamethrower or something.

"C'mon, let's scavange whatever we can find in the mall then figure out how to get the hell out of here." Blaze said as she reloaded her gun, Crytal nodded and shoved the batteries she found in her shorts pockets.

The two cautiously leaves the Worch shop with their weapons ready, hoping to survive the madness that have befallen on the Titan station.

Unaware they're being watched by security cameras, watching their every move as the masterminds sees potential with the two girls. For good or ill, the girls will have to do everything to survive the madness.

Or risk succumb to the Marker's sinister nature...

Dead Space Red and Blue chapter 2

**Disclaimer! I do not own Dead space, pokemon or any other elements from other games! Rated Mature for dark themes, sexual content, busty voluptuous Vaporeon and Flareon girls protagonist and random shenanigans. If you're either offended or don't...

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