Digestion Quest

Story by Mahiri Morahan on SoFurry

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#171 of Commissions

A commission for Gwen_Greenears!

When her goddess-mistress sends her small but determined mouse familiar on a dangerous interdimensional journey, Gwen pledges to do her best! Even if it means getting eaten by the people and creatures she encounters out there. Again and again and again.

A different kind of rapid-fire vore story featuring multiple quick, sudden fates for our reforming hero. Includes oral vore, hard vore, cooking, coiling, digestion, electricity play, foot play, and much more!

If her goddess gave her a quest, then Gwen had to do everything she could to complete it. There was no question about that. And it sounded simple enough when she set out on that interdimensional ingredient hunt. Of course, it was anything but. But then, it wouldn't have been a proper test if it was easy. Bae wouldn't have sent her on a mundane errand with such gravitas. The mouse familiar had her list and she knew exactly where to find everything. The only trouble was actually managing to gather everything without something bad happening to her in the process. She came back every time, but as her many misadventures proved, there was something about the adventurous rodent that numerous predators simply couldn't resist, no matter what world she jumped to, no matter how nice they might have been under ordinary circumstances.

That was precisely what brought Gwen to the rainy woods that evening. There was no sign of civilization as far as she could see. The damp grass swished against her fur as she ran, fleeing from an unseen predator, the looming presence sending all kinds of chills through the frightened mouse. She still hadn't seen the one who was hunting her, but she knew they were there. Whatever they were. Of course a small mouse like her had no chance against an actual threat, especially when she had no idea which direction she was going. All she'd needed was a single mushroom from that seemingly empty forest, one that was already safely tucked away in her pocket storage, contained in that jewel around her neck. Yet even with her tiny size and simple task she'd somehow aroused the ire of the huntress of the woods. Her alarmed state got even worse when she heard the hissing.

A lurking serpent struck from the shadows, brushing rain-slick leaves aside with the haste of her lunging strike. Such ferocity was entirely unnecessary when her prey was so small, but she treated Gwen like any other prey. A flash of crimson scales blurred before the mouse's eyes, leaving her squeaking as she was enveloped by the elegant kingsnake. Though perhaps she was more a queen, clad in a crown of leaves, her violet eyes twinkling brightly in the setting sun. She was as aggressive as she was careful, precisely plucking Gwen from her feet to trap her tightly in the embrace of those long, powerful coils. They flexed all around the mouse, pressing inwards but never crushing, their owner even kind enough to allow Gwen to breathe for the moment. Not that it was easy, especially not with a topless naga looming over her with an expression both ferocious and contemplative. That must have been Alice, precisely the forest dweller Bae had warned her about.

The sultry snake spoke only in hisses as she lightly squeezed about the captive mouse. Gwen, in turn, could only squeak her response, squirming against those potent muscles as they ever so slowly worked the air from her lungs. Alice wasn't crushing her, but she certainly coiled her up tight, working around her tiny form with the smallest stretch of scales, near the thinnest part of her extended body. She glistened in the rain, catching raindrops on her flicking tongue, taking in the scent of her fearful prey. They both knew how such a thing was ending. Gwen had done her no wrong, certainly, but it hardly mattered when she was an intruder not just upon that world, but upon that domain, that forest where the snake made her home, hunting whatever and whoever she pleased if they dared step a foot into her territory. Even tiny paws like Gwen's.

At least she'd managed to secure the ingredient. Once it was stashed away in dimensional storage, she'd completed her task. The rest was just finding the time to jump to the uncertain safety of whatever her next destination might have been. But that took time, something she didn't have when she was being chased by a sultry serpentess. Now it was too late. She wasn't getting away. Gwen was trapped there, getting less and less air as those muscular coils worked around her body, leaving just her head visible between them as they tightened and kneaded her fragile body. Alice surely could have crushed her at any moment, whether intentionally or not, but there was something gentle beneath her feral stare, even as she brought the helpless mouse slowly to her lips. A flick of forked tongue across her face made Gwen flinch, shaking her head, trying to get out at least a few words. There probably wasn't anything she could have said to quickly change Alice's mind, but she didn't even manage to try, rasping out as she slipped from one embrace to the next, slipping past those parted, scaly lips until those hisses echoed around the humid cavern she was delving into one slick slurp at a time.

It was at least worth the effort to attempt to squirm free from such a situation, kicking her little legs as Alice slowly took her into that open serpent maw. She slipped upon the slobbery surface of the snake's mouth, her body gliding along the glottis just beneath her, soon finding herself diving head-first into the flaps of Alice's throat. Once the naga's gullet had her, there was no saving Gwen. It would have taken divine intervention to rescue her from her impending fate, and no such thing came. If Bae was somehow watching, she turned a blind eye to her familiar being devoured. Alice slipped sweetly into a sultry swallow with a satisfied hissssss, pushing Gwen into the grip of her peristaltic muscles with the tip of her tail. They clamped down tight around the mouse's body, feeling much like the serpent's coils, but warmer, wetter, and so much darker for every inch she descended into Alice's body.

She could still faintly hear the rain falling outside as she vanished, barely making for a bulge beneath those ivory throat-scales as she got smoothly swallowed down to oblivion, eaten by a great big naga. Or perhaps a normal-sized one, but not to her. The tight grip of each gulp ensured she was never free-falling, but nonetheless she plummeted quickly until she popped into a hot, gurgling chamber. Plapping down to the bottom of Alice's first gut wasn't even the end of Gwen's journey into the darkness. That first stomach seemed surprisingly tame, barely showing any signs of gastric intent but for a few idle rumbles. It wasn't until the mouse got sucked deeper, pulled through a fleshy seal and into another tube that she reached her true destination. A long, hot slide through the serpent's internals eventually deposited her within that second stomach, somewhere deep inside those extended coils, so far from any escape. Yet even as she splashed down into the juices there, they remained mostly dormant, stirring slightly on her arrival, but coming to life gradually, even lazily. Gwen was going to be down there for a long, long time.

Time was difficult to track in a resting serpent's coils. It wasn't like Gwen was counting. She drifted between sleepy and highly alert, pushing out at the walls around her as if a slight disturbance in the process might have convinced Alice to reconsider the whole thing. Of course it didn't. Gwen was trapped down there for precisely as long as it took for her to digest. She hardly felt a thing as the seconds, hours, or maybe days ticked by, slipping deeper and deeper into a coma-like state as her body numbed, rocked to sleep by those slow, but firm sloshes and churns working all around her form. She couldn't say for certain if she was being digested, but she was definitely weakening, fading, coming close to drifting off but not quite making it there, as if too weak to pass out.

All she could hope was that her mistress, her goddess would have mercy on her, and revive her before she could drift away entirely. She hadn't yet completed her task. Her journey was just beginning. And she couldn't let it end there, gurgling in the coils of a lovely naga, a slow-melting snack for the serpent of the woods who slept beneath the moonlight, pattered by the heavy raindrops on her coils, dreaming of the next creature she might coil and consume. A morsel like Gwen was merely an afterthought to a gifted huntress like herself, something the mouse couldn't push from her mind even as her thoughts blanked as she fell to silence and stillness after a long, acidic stay in the prison of those crimson coils.

From darkness, to light, she splashed beneath the surface of a vast ocean until she struggled up to glimpse the sun as it glared down upon the rolling waves. She couldn't see shore from where she swam, drifting on the surface of a seemingly infinite ocean after dropping there as if from nowhere. One ingredient down, but how on earth was she supposed to find the next when she couldn't even locate dry land? Her legs struggled against the current, feeling herself getting dragged out to sea, farther and farther, helpless against the force of nature that had overcome her. Worse than the possibility of drowning was the thought that she might fail. Getting eaten was one thing - at least she'd brought a valuable ingredient from those woods beforehand! But there she was, liable to need reviving before she'd even managed to explore that new world much at all. Her legs were already starting to get tired, and there was still nothing resembling solid ground in sight.

She sensed the presence by the odd tingles passing through her body. They were strangely pleasant, though they quickly proved overwhelming, crackling along her fur as she swam for her life. The thing beneath the waves dramatically revealed itself with a flash like lightning, leaving afterimages on Gwen's eyes as she stared at the golden figure who emerged. The sleek and slimy fish grinned broadly at the sight of the struggling mouse, rescuing her from that watery fate by scooping her up in the palm of her hand. So that was where that tingly feeling came from. The eel's body seemingly emitted a constant stream of electric energy, lightly zapping the mouse, making her jump and wiggle atop that outstretched palm to the point of nearly tumbling back into the ocean. Only the clasp of those slippery fingers kept her in place, subjected to that stimulating but bearable shock with every moment. In truth, it was a curiously arousing sensation.

"Ah, you must be Gwen! Your mistress told you of her friend Elysia, ja? Seems we are having a little trade."

In her other hand, the eel held what looked like purple seaweed, extending it towards the mouse carefully balanced on her hand.

"That should be what you're looking for. Difficult to find, unless you dive deep! Happy to help, of course," Elysia assured her.

Without thinking, Gwen reached out and took it, swiftly adding it to her stash, somewhere far beyond. It vanished from sight and left her regarding Elysia, watching the eel bobbing up and down in the water with an effortless swish of her thick tail. Only then did it occur to Gwen to speak.

"Oh, um, thank you very much. That's a lot easier than the last time. What do I owe you in return?"

Again there came that toothy grin. Gwen couldn't help but admire how well Elysia's teeth interlocked, as frightful as they might have been. When the eel opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out, a jolt of energy sparked at the very tip, audibly crackling through the air.

"A bit of fun, ja. Do not worry. I will ensure it is entirely pleasant for you."

At such a size difference, it was hardly more than tossing a piece of popcorn into her mouth. Maybe a particularly big one. But Elysia threw Gwen into the embrace of her jaws with a single motion, sending her briefly soaring only to splat back down on that tingly tongue. It wrapped around her body tightly, constricting her. The voltage travelled from that tongue and into the mouse's body, leaving her jolted and jittering there inside Elysia's mouth as she got her whole body sucked on at once. All she could hear was the heavy schluck schlucks of the eel passing her back and forth, pushing her from cheek to cheek while she sucked out all that flavour, lightly zapping her in the process. At least it wasn't just an indiscriminate shocking. It hit her in all the right places, tingling her belly, her toes, and beneath her tail too. It was a strange thing, but even as she got filled with electricity, she was getting more and more turned on. It was enough to make her hardly notice where she was, slipping and sliding around within the eel's steaming maw.

The gulp came so suddenly it wasn't even immediately apparent to Gwen she was being swallowed. Much of her body was numb to overstimulation by then, pleasure building up until she was squeaking out. The sound ended up muffled in the eels' gullet as she slipped down, soaking wet and squirming, her body still making all kinds of odd spasms in response to the constant flood of energy passing through her. Elysia's throat wasn't quite as tight or powerful as Alice's, Gwen found herself realizing, a flashback of that faded memory of her own demise suddenly appearing in her mind's eye while she slipped into the darkness. It only got warmer for her, the touch of the cool ocean fading in favour of hot inner juices coating her fur. She splashed down hard to the bottom of the eel's gut, swallowed in a single go, left to slosh around in the slippery chamber while the walls thrummed with energy and hunger from every side.

The firm plap plap of the eel patting her belly echoed into Gwen's new prison. She had some room to move, but everything was so slippery, so sleek and wet that she couldn't do much to attempt escape. Pushing out on the nearby walls of course didn't do anything to stop the process. Though it was hard to tell if she was being digested or simply being used as a living battery for all that energy inside the eel. Elysia charged her up, outright illuminating the gastric chamber around the mouse as violet streaks of lightning struck her, zapping her to paralysis, leaving her to tingle and writhe there as her voice fell silent in her throat. There was nothing she could do but conduct, thrashing about entirely involuntarily, left out of control of her own body while she got jostled and zapped, the tingles feeling as if they were running directly through her veins. They accumulated in her nethers, making her feel warmer even than her heated surroundings, left bucking, shaking, crying out as she went into a state of pleasure unlike anything that could have been called an orgasm. It was something more, something better than merely getting off, making her wish that she could scream if only so she could express how good Elysia was making her feel with those precise applications of her inner charge.

Release came devastatingly, making the mouse cum herself silly, squirting in the eel's belly as sparks shot off her in all directions. Whether she was fried to ash or simply melted to mush, she really didn't know. But her body couldn't hold up to that much pleasure concentrated into her all at once. That blinding flash of a peak held on, keeping her in that orgasmic state for second after second, breaking down her inner thoughts, her sense of self. She was nothing more than a battery for the eel, holding all that energy at once, experiencing true, brain-breaking bliss until she finally slumped down softly in the bottom of Elysia's stomach. The eel sighed as she felt that flop, the crackling energy emanating from her slowing for a time. That was all the fun she was going to get out of her little snack, it seemed. But it was enjoyable while it lasted.

All that remained once Gwen fell silent was to dive back down beneath the surface and digest her. She got what she came for, and Elysia got a nice little between-meal snack to tide her over until she could have a proper dinner. There wasn't much left of the poor mouse by then, after such an excessive application of electricity, but that meant Elysia was feeling calmer, feeling relaxed, sinking beneath the waves with an extended sigh as she curled her juicy tail around herself, threading it like a bright yellow needle, letting herself drift and savour in the feeling of that brief but enjoyable satisfaction. She would have to send her kudos to Gwen's mistress. Such a trade was one she'd be glad to make more often. And off went Gwen to elsewhere, reformed as if she'd never been eaten by an eel, or a snake, the only memory of the encounter being a faint flash in her mind of the feelings she'd experienced there in Elysia's tummy before expiring. Onto the next ingredient.

This one wasn't going to be easy. Being a mouse, Gwen could logically be as quiet as one, but that didn't make her feel any better about the prospect of crawling over a sleeping t-rex. There was nowhere else to go. That massive female tyrannosaurus was sprawled out in a flowerbed, using it for a napping spot in the middle of that swampy region. As far as Gwen knew, there wasn't a single other place to harvest those precious pink petals. She was going to have to get close to that great green monster. Her harsh jade scales were bumping, abrasive, looking like they could have harmed the mouse just by crawling over them. Just because she was an anthro rex didn't mean she was any friendlier than a feral one, either. Those biceps alone were bigger than the entirety of Gwen's body, and a single toe probably outweighed her.

Worse still, she knew her. By reputation anyway. Her goddess had mentioned her by name while describing her quest. Kazgoran - a very grumpy example of her species, and that was saying something. From the sound of her, she was someone who would take particular offense at being interrupted in the middle of a nap. But Gwen only needed a single petal - maybe she could grab one of the ones near Kaz's feet, without even having to touch her. That huge reptile's bulk was pretty much all-encompassing, and she's thoroughly squashed many of those precious flowers by splaying herself out there. Why did she choose such a spot, anyway? Well, it did look pretty comfy, but it was definitely going to dye her scales if she lied there for long enough. Gwen crept closer, tiptoeing just to be absolutely certain she didn't make a single sound, feeling the resonance of the rex's throaty snores rumbling through the damp soil beneath them both.

A little closer, a little closer. Gwen held her breath, worrying that even a little puff of air against those naked scales might have awakened the sleeping giant reptile. But after slowly creeping forward far enough, she managed to secure the little petal, finding a particularly lush one and tucking it into her bag, where it was promptly transferred somewhere it could never be lost. She'd done it, and without getting stepped on! It was enough to make her breathe an extended sigh of relief. One that got cut short by the feeling of utter dread. Her breath caught in her throat as she slowly turned her gaze upwards to confirm what she already knew. Kaz was looking directly at her, glaring with those deep green eyes, her jaw clenched and a look of fury rising over her scaly features. Or maybe that was just her natural state - resting pissed off face. Either way, she knew she was due for another misadventure before she moved on to the next ingredient. She only hoped it would be quick.

After that initial furious glare faded to something more apathetic, Kaz gave a grunt down at the mouse. Gwen remained frozen in place, knowing she probably could have used the opportunity to run, but she couldn't find the willpower.

"Rgh. Couldn't wait for me to wake up, could you?"

Before Gwen could squeak out some sort of apology, she found herself plucked up into the air between two huge fingers. Kaz moved so much faster than seemed possible for someone of her world-shaking size. But at least she was being gentle. She sat up as she clamped Gwen just tightly enough to make sure she wouldn't drop her. Wiggling would have been a bad idea around then anyway. Falling from Kaz's sitting height was already dangerous enough.

"Ah well. Guess I can make use of you. Here's a deal - give my mouth a good enough rub and I won't crunch you to pulp."

Gwen was already frightened enough, but hearing that threat, casually spoken or not, made her picture all kinds of terrible things. She had a good look at the rex's massive teeth while Kaz spoke. There really was no doubt that one bite would have been enough to utterly pulverize the poor mouse. She had no choice but to vigorously nod.

"I'll do my best!"

"You'd better."

After that, it was just a matter of sticking out that great, broad tongue. It was dark black, as were the insides of her the rex's mawflesh. Such a tone seemed to swallow all the light, leaving it looking like a void was opening before Gwen's eyes as that maw expanded and gaped. Such a stretch was hardly necessary. She probably could have fit the mouse between her sealed lips with a simple suck, but it did allow her to show off the cavernous depths of that slobbery maw, all shiny and sleek, practically overflowing with saliva. Of all the maws Gwen had been in so far, Kaz's was definitely the wettest, and her breath was the hottest too. It hit her like someone had just opened a sauna door in her face, hitting her with a richly humid blast of air. It didn't smell bad, but it was certainly potent, blowing her fur back with a single exhalation as Kaz brought her closer and closer to that outstretched tongue. Soon she was dangling above oblivion, swaying back and forth like a pendulum, getting one last look at those darkly glistening features before she found herself introduced to their drooly embrace.

The fall was short but it was long enough for a squeak of fright before she plapped down on that tongue with a slick slap and scrambled in place to keep from sliding to the very back and straight down Kaz's gullet all at once. Finding purchase on the slippery surface beneath her was next to impossible, but she at least managed to keep from getting swallowed just yet. Clinging to that sloppy muscle, she soon felt herself pushed into one of the rex's cheeks, laid against that dark, stretched skin that stretched between her jaws. It had a surprisingly pleasant, smooth texture that was well worth admiring. She had to start somewhere, and even turned upside down and dunked in dinosaur spit, she still knew she had a job to do. A mouse of her size was perfect for kneading all the little details of the rex's huge, impressive jaws from the insides.

Her paws slipped along the surface of that mouth, but she didn't let that deter her. Kaz kept her maw open wide as she let Gwen do her job. Now and then she gave a little grunt that sounded like approval, maybe even pleasure. The mouse certainly didn't spare a single detail. She worked those cheeks, then slowly glossed her way down to carefully rub along and between the t-rex's many teeth. She could feel how sharp they were, and how sturdy, but as long as she was careful she wouldn't cut herself. Working down to those dark gums, she massages there, practically flossing the dinosaur. She had to admit she was impressed at how clean everything was - for being such a big brute, Kaz took good care of her mouth. There wasn't a single scrap of anyone left between her many chompers, leaving Gwen to work pleasantly along, slicking and slopping along on those drool-coated confines. She just hoped she was doing a good job.

After that, she moved onto that long, powerful tongue. She could feel how strong it was, just from the way it flexed beneath her. It probably could have crushed her. But Kaz was content to let her rub it, starting from the thicker base and working her way along with all four feet, massaging her way to the very tip as she backed her rear into the inside of Kaz's teeth. The rex was closing her mouth little by little, making it darker and darker for Gwen, making it harder to see what she was rubbing, but that hardly mattered. All she had to do was press in with all her tiny strength and attend to that squishy slurper with the utmost of care, even adoration. She had to admit she was getting a little hot and bothered just to work and worship like that. There probably weren't many mice out there who could say they got to give an actual dinosaur a mouth massage. Though of course it wasn't going to last forever.

Kaz couldn't help but move her tongue after soaking in that attention for a while. Gwen gasped as she found herself pressed up against the roof of the rex's maw, squished between tongue and mawflesh, wiggling helplessly. The dino licked her a few times, slathering back and forth along her underside, soaking every single detail of Gwen's body in a double-layer of dinosaur saliva. She was slathered, sputtering, left drenched to the point of nearly drowning, but she still did her best to recover and keep up the admiration. A little knead to that working tongue, or pressing her back against the rex's mouth, sliding to and fro, using herself like a little toy to massage and knead away. Kaz wasn't much for outright compliments, especially with her mouth full, but the little snort and rumble she gave was good enough for Gwen. It meant she approved of all her efforts, even if it was a little exhausting to keep up. Kaz's voice was a puff of hot air over Gwen's body when she finally spoke around her occupant.

"Hm. Pretty good. Alright then."

It sounded like it was almost a strain for the rex to say something nice like that. Gwen felt a shift in weight that might have been the great big reptile shrugging, but she didn't have much time to think anymore about that. It was as simple as breathing to eat her whole. Kaz curled her tongue beneath the mouse in her mouth, and shoved her straight towards the back of her throat. An effortless, casual swallow rushed Gwen into the tight grip of peristalsis that awaited her there. It was almost crushing, squeezing the air right out of her, ensuring she couldn't even squeak her surprise. She thought ... she thought she did a good job! But then, she couldn't really complain. Kaz had kept her word, and hadn't chewed her up before gulping her down. She never said she wouldn't eat Gwen either way. All the mouse could do was wriggle her way down the rex's throat like good prey, swiftly vanishing into the heat of the dino's body. She thought reptiles were supposed to be cold-blooded, but apparently that didn't apply to Kazgoran. She was like a furnace, sweltering and overwhelming Gwen the deeper she went, until she splashed down into that broad stomach and gasped out at the richly humid air that awaited her.

It felt a little like she was cooking, boiling in there. But part of it was strangely relaxing, too. Maybe it was more just like a hot tub. She settled into the soothing embrace of the sweltering inner heat of Kaz's digestive system, hearing it roar and grumble all around her like some ancient beast rising from the depths. Gravity reversed several times all around her, leaving her to flop and splash through the juices, but eventually the dino got settled. Gwen could hear Kaz's breathing slowing, along with her heartbeat as she settled back to sleep without a second thought. There was no ceremony, no second thoughts to eating someone. Down Gwen went to digest, and that was that. All she could do was slowly squirm in the rising juices, feeling herself lulled to a surprisingly pleasant sleep that spared her the acidic digestive process to come, passing out deep inside the queen of beasts before she found herself whisked off to her next destination.

At least the next dinosaur looked a little nicer. Gwen watched her from beneath a step, admiring the shapely raptoress as she trotted about what looked like a back yard, her toe-claws tapping against the dirt, a watering can sloshing along in her left hand. She was singing to herself as she hydrated an assortment of flowers and herbs, all neatly organized in a little garden. Her thick tail swished back and forth as she worked, the sun reflecting down on her scales, making her shine brightly. She was like a beacon of friendliness. Gwen could just tell somehow. So she thought nothing of dashing out and making her little introductions, calling up to the towering dinosaur with all the might her little voice could muster.

"Um ... ahem! Excuse me, miss!"

The raptoress perked up at the sound and turned to see who was talking to her. Despite Gwen's diminutive frame, she quickly locked her eyes on the mouse at her feet, breaking into a broad, toothy smile that showed off her protruding, snake-like fangs.

"Oh! A mouse! Hiya!" she chirped, bending down to take a closer look.

"Hello." Gwen paused, not sure how to introduce herself. "I'm Gwen. Were you expecting me?"

"Nope! But you're welcome anyway! I'm Sara! Anything I can do for you?"

She was so bright and bubbly, bobbing about above her that Gwen felt entirely relaxed, staring up at the raptoress. Though asking a favour was a whole other matter.

"Well, um. I was hoping I could borrow something. It's for a recipe. I just need one of the herbs. On the left there."

Sara didn't even hesitate. She turned her booty around, reached for the plant Gwen had indicated, and plucked a fresh sprig of something fragrant, handing it right over. The mouse took it from the raptor's hands tentatively, expecting some sort of retribution, some sort of unexpected twist in their encounter, but it never came. Sara just grinned at her, slowly swishing her tail, and let her deposit the fourth of her ingredients without so much as asking what she needed it for. Or what she might do to earn it. That was enough to leave Gwen slightly confused.

"Oh! You don't ... I mean. Thank you! I thought you might want something in return."

Sara shook her head. "Nah! I'm just happy to help a little cutie like you! Is there anything else you need?"

Gwen thought about it. She could have just gone on her way right then and moved on to the rest of the ingredient hunt, but that didn't seem right somehow. For one, she wasn't sure exactly how she was going to get to the next world without being digested. So she looked up at the bright-faced raptoress and tipped her head to the side.

"I mean .. I was thinking you'd want to eat me. All the other ones did."

"The other ones?" Sara squinted at her. "I'm not sure if I know whatcha mean! But um, if you're offering ... I'd probably love eating such an adorable little thing like you. But only if you're okay with that."

Not having to persuade Sara to devour her was actually a relief. She saw a little something in those orange dino eyes, a little spark. As kind as the raptor might have been, she was still a raptor, and that meant she would absolutely love to devour something small and cute. Gwen gave a few quick nods, and soon found herself scooped up in one of Sara's hands, clutched gently all around, brought up to that massive, towering height. The raptoress wasn't as big as Kazgoran, but it hardly mattered to Gwen. Both of them were gigantic compared to the little mouse. She watched as Sara flicked her worked tongue towards her, wriggling it, hissing a bit. The dino was getting a little squirmy, her tail swinging more broadly, her shoulders wiggling as she looked at the mouse she held.

"Gosh, you look so tasty ... you're so cute I almost feel bad for wanting to eat you as soon as I saw you, but ... I'm glad you're okay with it."

Gwen wasn't sure if she was okay with it exactly, but the more she watched that cute dino get all excited about snacking on her, the more agreeable she found the whole thing. It was enough to make her want to be even more generous.

"You can swallow, or ... bite, if you want."

"Oooooh ..." Sara's voice fell to a sultry hiss, much softer and more seductive than her chipper tone of before. "I'd like that a looooot ... "

Gwen just nodded. Part of her wanted to bite her tongue for offering such a thing, but that would have been redundant. It seemed there would be plenty of teeth on her in a few moments, judging by the look Sara was giving her, licking across her lips, her teeth, baring her fangs in an increasingly intimidating expression. But in an instant, she brightened up, and gave a sweet smile, even with all those teeth.

"Oh! Don't worry. I'll make sure it doesn't hurt. One little nip and you'll be good and numb. If you're okay with a little venom."

Gwen didn't know raptors could be venomous, but then, Sara did seem to have a snakish way about her in addition to her dinosaur genes. She eyed those long, curved fangs amid the rest of the raptor's teeth. They were nearly as long as Gwen's whole body, probably could have easily impaled her. But Sara was being so gentle that she just nodded. That made the dino lean in close, breathing sweetly over her prey, her breath like candy or bubble gum. The tiniest prick of those deadly, venomous fangs on her back injected something into the mouse, making her twitch and shiver as she felt it working through her veins. Her muscles felt so strange, soothed to the point of uselessness, and she couldn't even move her legs anymore after a few seconds of venomous intoxication. She could still feel Sara's fingers around her, but it was so much different then.

"Okay! Here we go! Thanks for dropping by, cutie!" Sara gleefully said, opening up wide, letting those fangs gleam towards the envenomed mouse, plenty wet, drool dripping from their pointed tips as she pulled her snack closer.

Gwen barely even felt the first bite aside from a little pressure. She certainly heard it though. There was an intense, messy CRUNCH as Sara bit into her body, puncturing into her middle, snapping right through her spine. Somehow, that didn't just kill Gwen instantly. A curl of that forked tongue beneath her, and Sara scooped her meal inside, pressing her between those many fangs and wasting no time biting down again. She effortlessly sliced through flesh and sinew, crushed bones to splinters, mashing Gwen down nearly flat with the frightful force of her jaws. But it was just as she said. Even as her body got messily chewed, Gwen didn't feel even a hint of pain. She endured for as long as she could, feeling oddly happy to be a warm, fresh morsel for the friendly raptor to enjoy, especially when she heard those happy trills and churrs emanating from the dino as she had her meal. She probably didn't get to do this kind of thing often.

Sara didn't savour her meal. She couldn't resist. One bite blended into another, keeping the juices flowing, splattering the inside of her jaws in hot, red fluid. Gwen was like a piece of gum for the ravenous raptoress once Sara settled into a satisfying rhythm of pulping her to paste, jaws going up and down on her soft body to mash her into mush a little more with every single bite. Gwen became like a crushed grape, squirting blood to dribble down Sara's chin, a few droplets making it as far as her cleavage and top before she slurped her lips to keep the mess inside her mouth. Somehow, the mouse was still alive, most of the damage just to her exterior, but Sara wasn't relenting or pausing for breath. She huffed hotly over her prey, even moaned a little as she felt those bones snapping, splitting the mouse open with a particularly hard bite, clenching her teeth around Gwen from every side until they punched through to the other, impaling her as her insides became her outsides. The SPLURCH that came let Gwen know she was almost done, and she felt herself fading, but not before she got to listen to those sloppy gulps. Sara could have easily downed her in one go, but she instead took her time, swallowing a little mouse meat at a time, enjoying every single piece of her.

Maybe that venom slowed her vitals, because Gwen ought to have bled out in seconds. Instead, she got to feel that tongue working her, taking another piece of chewed-up meat and directing it to the back of Sara's throat to be taken down in another luxuriant ulp. Sara's whole body rolled with the process of swallowing those little pieces. Then she chewed again, further crushing through the mouse's mangled body, crushing those tiny organs, subjecting what remained of Gwen's senses to the sound of her body being turned into little more than a juicy paste between Sara's teeth. That was when she finally faded, going black to the satisfied sound of the raptor swallowing her, listening to those resonating 'mmmms' as she vanished down that hungry gullet, sure to feed the dino nicely. After that it was just a matter of getting cleaned from those bloodied fangs with a nimbly working serpent tongue, the little bits of fur stuck between them coming loose with a little kneading. For as sweet as the dino might have been, she was even happier with bloodstained jaws, forming a reddened grin as she finished her little snack, even lightly giggling to herself in satisfaction.

"Hehe, thanks mousie ..." she murmured to herself, knowing her prey couldn't hear her. Gwen was already long gone to her next adventure, hoping the next ingredient guardian would be as nice and accommodating.

Well, there were certainly plenty of ingredients to choose from. Gwen wasn't sure if she was looking at a spice rack in an alchemist's laboratory, for all the variety of dried and pickled things lined up in jars before her. She stood atop a countertop in the middle of an expansive kitchen, the extent of the room staggering to her as she looked out over the many surfaces and appliances laid out there. It was going to take her a while to find what she actually needed. Everything was labelled at least, though the sharp, elegant handwriting was difficult to parse at first glance. Some of the labels were stained with blots of ink as if they'd been written with a quill, which made a lot more sense when the feathery occupant of the kitchen made her presence known.

"Ah, you are right on time it seems. Welcome, Gwen," came he vulture's voice, elegantly accented, commanding from the first syllable.

The mouse turned over to get a better look at the big bird looming above. She was a heavyset figure, older, motherly perhaps, or at least matronly. She had her hands on her broad hips and an apron over her bust, regarding Gwen with a sharp-eyed expression. Surrounded by such glamour, and presented with an intense, older bird, Gwen did her best to be polite.

"Oh, um. Hi there. I guess you know why I'm here, then. I hope I'm not inconveniencing you."

"Not at all, darling. I am Vivian LaFlamme, but do not worry about learning it. I suspect our business will be concluded quickly."

"Ohhh, well ... okay." Gwen nervously watched that looming bird. She was all smooth and shiny, her feathers looking like they were dusted with gold, truly gorgeous all around, but there was a certain intensity and precision to her every movement, her every word that left the mouse deeply intimidated. "What, um, what would you like in return?"

"I should think you might have guessed by now, given our choice of venue," Vivian said as she tapped a pointed finger-talon along on those glass containers. When she found the one she was looking for, she twisted it open and tilted the contents towards Gwen's face. "Take a deep breath."

She wasn't about to refuse. A long, deep sniff of that exotic something left her feeling a little tingly, a little numb once more. It was enough to make her half wonder if some of that venom from her previous encounter was still in her system. But at least that meant she was going to be numb for whatever happened next. Vivian jiggled the jar in her face.

"Now go on. Take what you need. Let's not keep your mistress waiting."

That urging snapped Gwen out of that brief trance, making her shake her head and reach for one of those candy-like things there in the jar. Candy, or maybe wax, either way it hardly resembled something that might be used for cooking. It stuck to her toes as she grasped it, tucking it away in her little pack before shrugging it off. Another one off the list. Only one more. Whatever came next, she could relax knowing she'd almost completed her task, she'd almost succeeded. Surely her goddess would be impressed - but before she could dwell on such positive thoughts for long, she found herself grasped in Vivian's scaly fingers, picked up and then set back down again on what seemed ominously like a big, broad cutting board.

She eyed some of those knives nearby. Everything Vivian did was so exact - surely she knew how to use one of those blades with deadly precision. But rather than retrieve one of those, Vivian instead fetched a bottle of something faintly yellow, sloshing it lightly as she approached once more. With one hand, she held Gwen in place, and with the other, she poured a generous dose of that fragrant oil over the mouse's fur, nudging her, turning her over, making sure to be thorough. It stuck to Gwen's skin and coated her in a shiny layer, especially once Vivian set to kneading it deeper with her fingers. That was oddly pleasant, getting massaged by those firm digits, feeling talons pressing into her but doing no harm as she got worked like a piece of squeaking dough. She partly wondered where such a thing was leading, at least until she heard a distinct beep that indicated the oven was properly reheated.

The dread must have been visible on her face, because Vivian promptly held an oiled finger to her beak to shush her before she could cry out.

"Do not fear. You will not feel a thing. For the most part."

That little addition at the end did little to comfort Gwen, but she was going to have to do whatever the hungry vulture desired. At least she wasn't being butchered. No, it seemed very likely that the bird intended to cook her whole and alive, judging by the way she prepped her with a blanket of herbs and sliced fruit. Some careful work bound a bundle of delicious-smelling leaves and slices of blood oranges to her body, tying a little knot at the top to keep those flavourings close to her body. It was enough to make even Gwen slightly hungry at the thought of how good she was going to taste. A few sprinkles of coarse salt atop her and she was ready, laid into a tray with seasoned vegetables. The scent of sage rose high in her senses, and she simply held still, bound or not. There was no sense resisting or panicking. She was just going to have to trust the hungry old vulture that this wouldn't be too unpleasant.

Once she was snug at the centre of the meal, it was time for her to be roasted. Vivian opened the oven and slowly slid the tray inside, leaving Gwen basking in the sudden dry heat that overcame her, gasping out and barely getting her breath back in response. Only seconds later, she heard the crackling, the sizzling of oil and her own skin. It should have been torment, but she felt only the warmth. And then there were the aromas- was drooling a bit at the smell of her own body being cooked a little strange? Well, this whole journey was pretty strange. She felt herself cooking, at least on the outside, getting crispy, juicy. The heat penetrated all the way to her core, but didn't fully cook her. She was still a little pink on the inside after a while spent in the vulture's oven, still alive once she got pulled out and basted in her own juices. It wasn't easy to think when she was partly cooked, but her heart beat on while those vegetables acquired a firm layer of golden brown all around her.

Another ten minutes in that stifling heat, and somehow she was still conscious. Just barely. Everything was numb. She couldn't move a single muscle. Her tail was dry and crackled, cooked completely, and the rest of her was pretty close. There was just enough blood left moving inside her to keep her from passing out entirely. Cooling on the stovetop left her bathing in the delicious aroma of her own prepared self, surrounded by luscious vegetables, soaking in that fragrant oil. The herbs and oranges seemed as if part of her skin by then, cooked into her, part of her crispy exterior.

Gwen barely knew what was going on anymore. She couldn't feel, or see, but she could hear. And what she heard was the clinking of a plate, the pouring of wine or perhaps champagne, and soon after, that of scraping silverware. That, and the slight crackle of crispy skin being sliced into, the splash of juices flowing over the plate, only to be mopped up by a piece of her own form. Vivian delicately cut into the steaming morsel of the mouse, eating her bite by bite, nibble by nibble. She never felt the knife and fork, but she knew she was serving as the vulture's dinner, a juicy, perfectly cooked roast mouse - well, perfectly cooked for a vulture anyway, given she was not only pink in the middle but still alive. That certainly didn't bother Vivian.

She was half gone from that plate by the time she fainted, her bones picked clean by the vulture's delicate scraping. Though that of course wasn't nearly good enough. Not for such a delicacy. Once the only thing left on Vivian's plate was some meaty bones, she picked them up one by one and crunched right into them, crushing them in her beak to swallow down with the rest of Gwen. Such a meal was hardly a feast for a thick old bird like her, but that didn't mean she was unsatisfied. Once she'd completely cleaned her plate, wiping up the very last trace of the leftover sauce with one of her fingers and licking it clean. Whether that was blood orange juice or just blood that stained her beak red wasn't clear, but she wiped it away with a napkin and then set to cleaning up her kitchen, pleased at the exchange, and already hard at work adding that mouse to her impressive heft and curves.

Almost there, Gwen reassured herself.. Only one person left to satisfy. Then she would be safe once more in her goddess' care. Then she saw who she was dealing with next. Her heart sank at the sight of Aster's treehouse - or the mansion built in a massive, ancient tree, that was. Someone like him, that cruel creature in the guise of a wolf, he could ensure she didn't come back from her journey, could capture her soul, or all manner of other torments. He was a mean dog, that much she knew. But she wasn't going to run away now. Not when she was so close to completing her task. She took a deep breath, strengthened by the faint, faded memories of everything she'd been through to get to that point, and went dashing beneath the door to sneak into his home in search of the ingredient. She hadn't managed to elude anyone so far, but maybe if she was quick ...

Nope. There he was. Right there, waiting for her on the other side, wearing that toothy grin of his, showing off his slavering jaws. The black wolf-beast crouched low as if to pounce, swishing his tail a few times as his red eyes flashed with malice, but instead he just lightly chuckled.

"Ah, there's the little bean-kisser. Come to have a dose of your favourite paws, have we?"

Gwen didn't bother to try to flee. She knew she'd been caught, and she just accepted it. Looking up at him, she held fast to her position, bracing herself for what she knew was inevitable. And soon, she was indeed pinned beneath of his great big front paws, squished down flat to the floor and left immersed in the scent of canine as he squashed her with those pads, tapping his claws on the floor just around her. The weight was enough to make it hard to breathe, but not enough to crush her, leaving her gasping a bit of his musk every time she tried to refill her lungs. He knew that of course, and chuckled at her wiggling, at her senseless struggles for freedom while he toyed with her. Once he got seated on his haunches, he could press both paws around her, sandwiching her between them, pressing her against one and then the other, shifting her weight around and tossing her body limply about until she was squeaking for mercy.

"What's the matter, Gwen? You're usually so quick to start kissing my paws when I tell you. Don't tell me you've lost your taste for them."

Trying to get a word in while she was being roughly handled like that was next to impossible, but she did her best anyway, crying out with her weakened voice between paw-squishes.

"I need ... I need something ... didn't she tell you?"

"Who's she?" he taunted, knocking her back and forth like she was a hockey puck, sending her skidding along the floor.

"You know ..." she squeaked, but that was all she could get out before a strike of a paw knocked the wind out of her.

"Mm. You'll have to spell it out to me, footmouse. Speak more clearly."

He told her that while he pressed one paw down on top of her, forcing it down to squish those pads all around her form, nearly crushing her on the spot. But that would have been unceremonious for someone who loved to toy with his prey. She tried her best to explain her journey to him, but she couldn't get out anything that wasn't muffled by that great big wolf foot pressing down atop her. She could barely breathe. Her head was spinning a bit. But she still fought, still tried to pry herself from underneath him just so she could explain herself. When he finally relented, she gasped for air, wheezing a bit, feeling sore from all the weight on top of her, but nonetheless pointed her face up at him to give him a show of insistence.

"I need to find six special ingredients for my goddess, and you have the last one. She would be very pleased with you if you helped me, I think ..."

"You think, hm? And you think because I might be rewarded, I should help you? Or do you expect me to give something away, for free, out of the goodness of my heart?"

He lunged at her briefly, snapping those jaws. She could see that he was getting drooly. That was all the more obvious when he loudly licked his chops, raining down some spit over her. She held her ground.

"I only need one more ..."

"Well, BK, I'm afraid that's too bad. Your journey ends here. I find myself ravenous for a good soul ... and yours is the purest little thing, isn't it?"

That was enough to convince her to try to flee, turning her naked tail and making a dash for it, but of course it was all in vain. He clamped his jaws down on her tail, making her cry out in pain as she got yanked up into the air by that sensitive appendage, left to dangle there from his teeth. Another toss of his head, and he threw her into the air. That left her spinning and flailing, flopping head over tail again and again as she tried to grab onto something, anything. Time seemed to stand still, right up until the moment gravity set in and she went plunging down into his open jaws.

As soon as she smacked down to his tongue, she could feel it. He was already feeding off of her, already draining her. Or maybe she was just exhausted from her journey. Either way, she felt her limbs weakening, felt herself barely able to struggle, all the lifeforce fading from her as she faintly struggled atop his tongue, sloshing around in his spit, reaching out to try to pry her way back out of his mouth. None of that prevented her from getting sucked on, licked, slapped around with that tongue of his, taking all the fight out of her as she slowly drifted closer to his open throat.

Her strength starting truly leaving her the moment she touched his gullet. It had all been just a sample, just a taste of what he could do to her. She wasn't just nearing unconsciousness, or even death. It was much worse than that. She was getting her entire self drained away, devoured, bit by bit, already starting to have trouble remembering where she was, or why she was there in the first place. But she still remembered her goddess' face, through it all. That bright, gleaming countenance of hers remained distinct in Gwen's mind as she slipped towards the slimy tunnel that led to the wolf-beast's stomach. One more faint scrambled, one more grasp at his wet tongue, and she gave up. The only way she'd get out of this situation was if her goddess willed it, for there was nothing to stop him from gulping her straight down in a single, bulging swallow, sending her sinking down into oblivion as her soul drained from her mortal body.

All those other fates, and she'd been safe, protected, always knowing she'd come back, no matter how thoroughly she was destroyed. But this was different. She splashed down into his sloshing belly, hearing him give a small, satisfied belch as the walls began to glow. Her eyes were watering but in the faint, eerie light illuminated her surroundings just enough to let her see what was really happening to her. That soul, that essence, her very existence and identity was sloughing off her form, absorbing into his stomach walls, bit by bit. She always knew him to be cruel, but it was even worse that he should be the one to devour her for good, to wear her on his fat for all eternity, never to see her goddess again.

It was enough to make her want to despair, to cry out, maybe even to curse him if she felt bold, but none of those emotions came out of her. She was a slumping little mouse deep down in a dog's gut, not just digesting but ceasing to exist entirely as he consumed her utterly. The details of her body faded into nothingness as she died, closing her eyes for good, crumbling into nothing more than ash deep down in the depths of Aster's stomach, eaten and kept simply because he could. Her last thought was to wonder if her goddess would ever know what happened to her.

Such a sudden end to her existence shouldn't have left room for her to lament over her terrible fate. So it seemed strange that there she was, thinking about it, somehow or other. She was in the dark, with no sense of her own body, until the light shone over her brightly. The beautiful goddess sat upon her floating throne, hovering above her familiar with a smile on her face. That vixen-like Crested illuminated her throne room, casting that warming light upon the mouse. She was whole, apparently living. Unless perhaps this was some sort of afterlife. But then, she didn't think she'd reach one after having her soul devoured like that. For as happy as she was to see her goddess, she couldn't help but feel that crushing grip of guilt to know that she had failed. One of the ingredients had eluded her, and she was just going to have to admit to that.

"Why do you look so sad, Gwen?" she gently asked. There was no anger in her voice.

"Goddess Bae, I couldn't ... I almost got them. Everything you asked for. But I couldn't get the last one ..."

She was about to blame Aster for her failure, but that would have made it sound like Bae had made a mistake to send her there. Instead, she just dipped her head low. Bae clicked her tongue.

"Haven't you? Do check your storage again, dear."

That made Gwen furrow her brow, but she wasn't about to refuse an order, even if it was given calmly. She squeezed that gem around her neck, and sorted through the place she'd stashed her ingredients. One, two ... it wasn't just the five she thought, but all six. Somehow. Looking up at her goddess, she shook her head with confusion.

"I don't ..."

Bae softly smiled. "He is a cruel one, that Aster. I believe he enjoyed making you think you had failed, and that you were gone for good. But neither of those are true. You have done very well. And you will be rewarded"

When Bae's smile grew broader, Gwen couldn't help but break into a proud grin. Part of her was mad at Aster for doing something so mean - but she pushed that thought aside for the moment, instead leaping up onto her hind feet just to see her goddess a little better.

"I did? I will? Oh, I ... I am glad I could serve you well!"

"You have. I have something to show you. Something I think you will greatly appreciate," Bae told her, but gave no further elaboration. Instead, she snapped for her servants, bringing several other figures into the room at once. She gave them a single command. "Prepare the recipe."

Gwen would have been content to continue worshipping at her goddess feet for as long as she liked, but it wasn't to be. Those servants moved on her, scooping her up without a word of explanation. At least they were gentle with her. She couldn't say the same about some of those she'd met on her adventures, even if those encounters had faded into something more like dreams by then, unclear if they'd really happened as she remembered. All she could do was give an uncertain glance to Bae, wondering if after all that, she'd still done something wrong. And then she squealed brightly as she found herself being dunked into a cool bowl full of some kind of frozen dessert, feeling it sticking to her fur, chilling her to the core, at least at first. Once it got a little melty, it was much more comfortable, and she even chanced a little lick of her tasty surroundings. This time she wasn't going to be a meal. She was a dessert.

The servants prepped that treat with every rare ingredient she'd brought with her. A shaving of this, a sprinkle of that - it was all very precise. Such work and effort for a simple snack, but Gwen of course wasn't resentful. This was all part of serving her goddess, and pleasing her was its own reward. She didn't need any more than that to feel content. But once she was all prepped in that sweet and savoury dessert, carried forth on a platter to the seated goddess, she knew things were only going to get better. They presented Bae with a silver spoon, and then she sent them away, lightly glossing over the frozen delight before her with the back of that shiny utensil, brushing along Gwen's back as she spoke.

"For your valued service, I will give you the most divine of gifts. A mouse like you is fit to be eaten, yes. But I have ensured you and I will enjoy this far more than you ever thought possible."

"Yes, my goddess," Gwen said, but she knew she didn't have to. There was nothing left to be done but to feel herself spooned up, coated in that supernaturally delicious mix of ingredients, laid out onto her goddess' outstretched tongue.

Aster had drained her, made her feel weak, helpless the moment she entered his mouth. Bae's touch was like the exact opposite. The moment that warm tongue met Gwen's cooled body, the mouse found herself soothed, pleased, left without a single worry as she slipped sweetly into her goddess' open mouth. The pouring saliva was like a gentle spring rain, relaxing her to the point she sighed and settled down, slipping past Bae's teeth with ease. Not even swallowed yet and she was already lulled into a state of utter contentment, knowing her mistress was enjoying her, was taking pleasure in her taste, imbued with all those hard-won ingredients. Being eaten was the journey and the destination alike, but for the moment she just happily squeaked away, wiggling her little tail as she squirmed in full-body bliss, just waiting patiently for the massaging swallow to encompass her mortal form.

When it did, and Bae began to slurp her down whole, she couldn't help but moan. It was something better than sexual pleasure, even. It was utter ecstasy in her every nerve, her every pore. Her fur stood up on end as if electrified, but this was no harsh shock. It was fulfillment, in every way. Her purpose was to feed her goddess, and if brought her pleasure in every moment as she sank down into those welcoming depths. It hardly felt like a throat working around her. Every knead of muscles was like careful, tender fingers working deep into her muscles, making sure she didn't carry a hint of tension. All her fates, all her many digestive ends that came before this one faded from her mind. This was the only moment that mattered. And her tiny, shrill cry echoed in the chamber of Bae's belly once she landed softly at the bottom, bathed in darkness that felt more cool and comforting than oppressive. She was still coated in cool cream and toppings, the scent filling that gut, leaving her to bask in it as she slowly became part of her goddess.

She wasn't sure what was truly happening to her in there. Perhaps she was being digested. Or maybe just put to sleep, softly taken to a state of utter safety and restfulness that all she needed to do was close her eyes and sink sweetly into that embrace. It didn't matter. She was safe and close to Bae, held there within her divine body, becoming part of her in every way. Body. Mind. Essence. All of it a part of that perfect body, to please her and join her. Perhaps for a time, perhaps forever. It didn't matter to the mouse, who sighed while she still could, sinking down to the deepest snooze she'd ever taken, after taking that cool, sleek descent into Bae's body. The crested one rubbed her belly and gave a subtle smile, nodding her head as she felt her servant fall asleep within her, knowing she couldn't possibly be safer anywhere but in the embrace of the one she served, as reward for a job well done and a quest truly, completely finished. Gwen's journey was at an end, and deeply she slept there beneath the smooth surface of Bae's taut. furless middle, trusting her body and fate alike entirely to the gentle divinity that had enveloped her.

Double Seasoned

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Village of Demons

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Birthday Humps

Oh, and he was _cute_, too. That undid much of her worry. Mahiri had been slightly nervous about the whole private dance thing. Not for any fear of danger or anything, but rather just for feeling awkward, sitting there in one of the private rooms...

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