06 Jake and Mitch: Alone Together

Story by Kittymeow on SoFurry

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Authors Notes: So... I was rifleing through some old folders when i found this unfinished piece of... work. So after debating whether to delete or complete it i finally decided to go for it. Also, a little easier to read with the differant format i hope. Hope you enjoy, also beware gay three-way sex O.O


The crowded household awoke gradually. Ryan was up with the sun and took control of the shower before anyone else was awake. The sound of water echoing throughout the house was like an orchestra to the wolves sleeping adjacent to the washroom, Kevin and Jenny.

Jenny awoke with a groan and, out of reflex, stretched her paws into Kevin's face. Jenny looked at her waking mate, his eyes still closed but his mind now active. She noticed the bags under his eyes, most likely from the exhaustive night they shared together in his brother's bed. She fell over her mate so that her head was next to his ear.

"Wake up, baby. It's morning." Jenny whispered. Kevin responded with a dissatisfied moan and opened his eyes. As the engaged couple awoke Jake and Mitch, who were sharing couch down the hall, began to stir in their sleep. Jake, who was at the back of the couch eventually moved enough to knock the much smaller Mitch from his perch on the edge of the couch.

He fell to the floor with a loud thud and awoke instantly. He moaned slightly and cracked his eyes open. As he stood up, he looked at his mate sleeping on the couch. Jake was curling himself into a ball when Mitch thought it necessary to awaken him. He tapped Jake on the shoulder and was replied with a dull moan from the wolf. Mitch reached into his partners pants and squeezed the wolf's organ enough to turn his dull moan into a far more lively yelp.

"That got you awake." The fox said through his own laughter.

"What was that for?" Jake snapped.

"For pushing me off the couch. Let's get dressed, I think your brother is awake and you probably don't want him to see you naked."

"It wouldn't be the first time," Jake said groggily, "but I think I'll take you up on your offer."

The fox and wolf separated their clothes from their collective pile on the floor. Jake found his jeans and tee-shirt, Mitch found his much smaller shorts and tight shirt that showed his well defined abs. They both managed to be fully clothed as Jake's brother took his first few drowsy steps out of the room he borrowed for the night. Upon seeing that Jake was awake, Kevin began to speak, but when he opened his mouth instead of words all he could muster was a rather loud and impressive yawn. After closing his mouth and snapping his jaw a few times he made a second attempt at communication.

"Me and Jenny were planning on spending the day together, you know, alone. It's nothing wrong with you guys, it's just a little celebration between us, you know?" Jake and Mitch caught on to what he was saying and decided not to pressure him further. "Anyway, we won't be in your way for the day, but we'll be back after dark." Jenny exited their recently shared room and hugged her mate from behind.

"We should get ready," she said lustfully, "I plan to make this a day neither of us will forget." She pulled her mate back to the room and they closed the doors to make 'preparations' among other things. The shower water stopped, though it went unnoticed to the others, and Ryan exited the washroom with his clothes bundled in his arms. Jake and Mitch took notice of Ryan's nude body before them.

"Try not to get excited guys," Ryan said as he glared at his spectators, "you were out of towels and these clothes are wet from the dew." Ryan walked past his friends and Mitch went to smack Ryan's ass as he walked by but Jake caught his eye with a look that merely said "Don't". When Ryan came out of the laundry room he had a towel wrapped around his waist and his wet clothing was no longer in his arms.

Jake started to talk. "So, Ryan. Got any plans for the day? My brother and Jenny are going on an adventure so..."

"I'm going to go check out the apartment I was talking about. I need to get away from this town, to stretch my scales and live my life. Anyway, it's a few hours away so I'll probably be gone all day too. In fact I'm just waiting for my clothes to clean up so I can go."

"It's going to be different." Mitch said "Without you around to make things interesting."

"You two will be fine without me, but I really feel I need to do this."

"If you ever need a place to crash, just ask me," Jake offered.

The three of them sat in the room in silence, all thinking of the times they had together, the love they all shared for each other. Kevin and Jenny finally exited the bedroom, done 'preparing' for their little trip. They said their goodbyes and left the house together, Jenny's giggling the only sound as they left. After a few minutes Ryan went and retrieved his clean clothing and said he would be back later in the day, leaving just Jake and Mitch, alone in their house. After some quiet cuddling Mitch spoke up.

"We should go on a little adventure too." he said.

"Where would we go, though?" Jake asked.

"I heard there was a nice club outside of town, only a thirty minute drive out."

"Sure, let's do it." Jake went to the bedroom to get some more club appropriate clothing, and Mitch followed.

"Have you ever been to a club? Like a gay club?"

"Can't say I have. What should I wear?" Jake asked.

"Wear what you normally wear, but wear something clean."

"You sound like you've done this before." Jake asserted. Mitch responded with a sly smile and grabbed some tight jeans from his side of the closet as well a tight white tee-shirt with a fire graphic on it. He also grabbed a thin blue jacket.

Jake decided to wear another pair of loose jeans and a loose grey tee-shirt. They decided it was best to not worry how they look any further and went out to their car. Jake drove and Mitch sat in the passenger seat until they had arrived at the club. The name, Inverse, shown in neon lights above the building. They entered the door and a wave of cold air and loud music came over them. Jake stood at the door for a moment, looking at all the others around him. He took in the sound of the music pulsing, and the club goers dancing to the beat, the lights flashing a rainbow of colors, all one at a time and allowing his mind to adjust to the change in scenery.

"I've never seen so many guys so wild at the same place." Jake said to the fox next to him, but when he looked he saw it wasn't Mitch but another patron of the club. "Sorry, thought you were a friend of mine."

"Don't worry about it big boy." the fox replied. "You're new here then. Let me show you the place." the fox said as he grabbed for Jake's arm. The fox pulled on his arm, leading him through the crowds of people to a large lion dressed in uniform standing at the left wall.

"Hey Jerry, take over for a bit, I'm giving the new guy a run through." the fox said to the lion. The lion nodded and the fox lead him off through the crowd to a door in the back. As the music became less audible through the door the fox spoke to Jake again. "What's your name, wolf? I'm Trent."

"Jake, and I'm looking for a friend of mine-"

"That fox? He's an old friend of mine. Don't worry, I'll get him up here, but first, follow me." Trent lead Jake up a flight of stairs and into a large windowed room that overlooked the dance floor.

Jake spoke up, "If it's all the same, I'd like to be with Mitch sooner than later." Trent pulled on a walkie-talkie on his waist and told Jerry to bring a fox matching Mitch's description up to Trent. After a few minutes Mitch came through the door and his eyes widened as he saw the fox called Trent. Mitch ran over to Trent, his face beaming, as he leapt across the room to hug him.

"Trent, I haven't seen you in ages. Last I heard you were running a small time club out of state. How did you end up here."

"Opportunity knocked. I've actually only been here for a week or so. I saw you come in with this big wolf, you're doing good for yourself." When Jake saw Trent and Mitch side by side he really noticed just how big Mitch was for a fox, standing at least 6 inches taller than Trent. Trent also had a redder fur color, and had dyed his headfur a marvelous white that only truly shone brightly in the light. Mitch broke from his embrace with Trent and turned to Jake.

"Jake this is Trent, and he's my... Well he was my first boyfriend."

"I wouldn't say boyfriend." Trent said with a chuckle. "Fuck-buddies is a more accurate description." With that comment Mitch and Trent burst into a fit of laughter, Jake just stood and observed the two. At least I know where Mitch learned to be so sexually open.

"So, you two need anything? It's my club . I can get you drinks, or if you want a specific song..." the fox trailed off.

"Actually I'd like to catch up with you a bit. What's it been like three years? If you don't mind Jake?" Mitch asked. Jake could see there was some real history behind these two and saw it as a chance to learn more about his lover.

"Sure, and I'd love to get to know an old friend of Mitch's." Jake said. The three sat down and the foxes talked about their lives. Trent told about how he left the small club Mitch had mentioned earlier shortly after Mitch did and moved up the management chain slowly. Mitch told about how Jake had helped him get through the days in one piece, and Mitch returned the favor whenever he could get the chance.

Trent had a waiter bring up some drinks for the trio, champagne for the classy club-owning fox, a club soda for Mitch, and white wine for Jake, and they carried on with their conversation. Now the foxes talked of old times they had spent together, old parties and the time they spent not seen at them, not even a little nervous about Jake's presence in the room. After a short while, Mitch excused himself for the restroom and Jake decided to speak with Trent.

"So you're the one who got Mitch to be gay?" Jake asked.

"Mitch was always gay, I was just the first person he got to be gay with. That actually brings me to another topic, I have a private room I occasionally rent out to people who meet up on the dance floor. Semen stains are a pain to clean up on the floor, and public sex is somewhat frowned upon, ya' know? I could lend it to you if you want." Trent said casually. Jake thought about it and was hit with a spark of imagination.

"I'm actually only here because of Mitch, I want to make him happy you know. And he would never ask, but I know he wants to-"

"Spit it out Jake." Trent said, cutting Jake off.

"I know Mitch wants to do a threesome and would you like to join us?" Jake said.

"Jake, don't be so nervous. You're in a gay club, surrounded by horny gays, and I am their leader." Trent walked to the door and then added over his shoulder, "Of course I'll join you two."

He opened the door and saw Mitch walking down the hall towards them. Jake was behind Trent and the walked to Mitch, who was now jogging to them. Trent told Mitch to follow them. Mitch took a spot next to Jake, who leaned in as whispered to Mitch "I got you something special."

When Trent arrived a door towards the end of the hallway he stopped and unlocked it with a key from his belt. Jake could see a smile creep across his face as the doors bright lighting hit him. He could still faintly hear the music from the club, though it sounded farther than it was.

"Well, boys." Trent said as he opened the door. "This is where we can do whatever we want without worrying about any pesky interruptions."

"We?" Mitch asked as he glanced at Jake.

"I thought you would enjoy something different, and you already trust this guy so it's perfect." Mitch hugged Jake's neck while saying his thanks before pulling Jake into the room Trent had opened for them.

Mitch let go of Jake, and Jake took the time to survey the room. The light came from many hanging lights, all with multiple color options and levels of dimness. The room itself wasn't overly large, there was a bed in the center, large enough for five wolves Jake's size to sleep together though he doubted the bed had been slept on any time recently. There were many shelves on the right side wall, housing an assortment of lubes and toys. The carpet held the likeness of a bull, and felt like softened sand between the toes. The left side wall was bare except for some handles that Jake could only imagine their use was.

"You just gonna' stand there looking around or would you like to join me." Mitch said to the wolf. Jake took a step foreword but Trent held him back.

"Jake did this for you, Mitch." Trent said from behind Jake. "Give us a chance to make it stage worthy." Trent pulled down on Jake's jacket and let it fall to the floor. He circled around the wolf and pulled the shirt up, but he couldn't take it off due to the size difference. Jake helped pull the shirt off as Trent moved onto Jake's pants. When Jake pulled the shirt off his head he saw Mitch in the bed, a smile on his face, his body almost bouncing with joy.

When Jake's pants fell to his ankles Trent reached up to his tight underwear and slipped his fingers beneath the bands. Jake caught his arm and pulled him to his feet before reaching his other hand up Trent's shirt. He pulled up on the shirt and tossed it to the ground before getting down on his knees and biting the zipper on Trent's pants and pulling down. He used his paws to remove the rest of Trent's pants and saw Trent's own underwear, dark blue with a golden star on his bulging member. If Jake had to guess he would bet there was another star on the ass end as well.

"I think Mitch should have the honors." Jake said as he looked into the star on the fox's crotch. Jake heard Mitch squeal with excitement as he crawled to the end of the bed and jumped to the fox and wolf before him. Jake stood almost a head taller, and Trent almost a head shorter than Mitch. Mitch reached a paw to each males' bulge and felt their pulsing organs.

Mitch crept his hand upwards and into the waistband of each male and slipped a paw inside each, feeling their crotch without cloth in the way. Mitch noticed the twitching of Trent's member as his tip poked from the sheath, and the much smaller reaction of Jake's who seemed to be more accustom to Mitch's touch. At the same time Mitch pulled down on the pair's final piece of clothing revealing their prize for all to see. Mitch began coaxing Jake and Trent's members from their respective sheaths. Trent's bright pink member was eager to show itself to the kneeling fox and Mitch took the opportunity to get a little taste of an old friend, licking the tip as it revealed itself.

Jake's poked out moments later and Mitch pulled the wolf's penis to his lips, tasting both the old and new men in Mitch's life. Mitch cleared his head and pulled away from the two organs so he could catch his breath.

"It's my gift, so you two can do the rest of the work." Mitch said while gasping for breath. Trent stepped aside as Jake lifted Mitch and placed him on the bed.

"Get on the bed with Mitch." Jake said to the shorter fox. Trent climbed his way onto the bed and lied down beside Mitch. The two foxes looked eagerly at the wolf, who crawled on the bed to his mate. He bent down and took Mitch's pecker into his maw, sliding his tongue around the shaft.

He motioned Trent to come closer and help him. Trent leaned to Mitch's groin and added his tongue to Jake's, tasting the mix of Mitch's penis and Jake's saliva. After Jake felt a few twitches in Mitch's pulsing cock he knew his mate was ready for something more fun. He tapped Trent's shoulder and, together, they backed off. The two of them crawled behind Mitch and stayed on all four paws and tails raised when Jake spoke up.

"Pick one of us to go inside of, and one of us goes inside you." Mitch looked at the presentation of each of the males in front of him. Jake had a good sized cock, but a wonderfully tight ass. Trent, however, had a slight disfigurement on his tip that added a small swell towards the front. Mitch also knew, from experience, that Trent's ass was more used to being fucked.

"Jake, I love your ass too much to pass it up when I get the chance. Trent, you get to be my filling this time." Trent got up and waited for Mitch to position himself behind Jake. Jake had only been penetrated by Mitch a few times, and while it hurt much less than their first time it still would be a rough startup. Mitch got behind Jake and whispered to the wolf "Just try to relax." As he poked the hole with his cock tip. Jake winced in expectation of a sharp pain that never showed. He turned to ask when he was going to start but before words could escape him his ass was stretched by the fox's dick, now buried to it's middle in the wolf. With a strong push, Mitch managed to bury himself up to his knot, and then motioned for Trent to take his place.

Mitch leaned over Jake as much as he could to present his ass to Trent. Trent took his spot behind the other fox and, after lifting Mitch's tail out of the way, began to prod the much more experienced entrance. Trent found his path unhindered as he slid into the larger fox. Mitch could feel Trent's member sliding inside him, the small swell grinding his lower cavity and forcing a small gasp to escape him.

Trent pulled out of the fox before him and Mitch began to pull out of Jake. After a moment of expectations Trent began, plowing into Mitch and forcing the larger fox to push into Jake, a chorus of moans and gasps echoing among them. Mitch pulled out of Jake a second time, and Trent out of Mitch for another push. The repeated the crude motion for a while until a collective tiredness grasped them all.

Mitch was the first to begin the chain reaction of orgasmic pleasure, his member twitching inside his mate. Mitch's cock finally exploded in an orgasmic burst, releasing his seed into the bowels of the wolf before him, allowing Mitch to succumb to exhaustion as he leaned over his mate. Mitch, distracted by his own orgasm, failed to notice Trent's cock slipping out of him and before the fox's member crossed Mitch's mind again, Trent's seed was already being sprayed onto the fur on his back.

Jake pulled himself off the now receding cock, and out from below the tired fox. As he turned to look at his mate Trent saw the wolf had yet to cum. The smaller fox, reached his paw to grasp the wolves throbbing member, and began moving his paw up and down the elongated organ. After pumping the lupine penis a few times, a twitch was sent through Jake's body as his seed erupted from his loins. The first strands landed on Mitch's face, dripping over the fox's cheek and mouth, and the rest drooled lazily over Trent's paw.

Jake collapsed beside the fox, who was now playfully licking at the semen on his cheek. Trent, somehow still upright, was tasting the semen clinging to his fur, though once his tongue had made contact with the fluid it had retreated back inside the fox's maw.

"I never really enjoyed the taste." Trent explained as he fell on the other side of Mitch. "Just not my thing I guess."

"Shhh, Trent." Mitch said weakly. "Let's just rest, we can clean later."

"You have my vote." Jake said, joining the foxes conversation.

Jake was the first to lose consciousness, as the room faded to black around him, the air losing its musky scent, and his body losing all sense of touch. The only thing he was aware of was the sound of the slow and steady breathing of the foxes next to him.

Ryan's Lament - A Jake and Mitch short.

Author's Notes: This is written from the point of view of one of my sub-characters, Ryan, from my Jake and Mitch series. It takes place right after chapter five, located here [[http://www.sofurry.com/page/151682](http://www.sofurry.com/page/151682)],...

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05 Jake and Mitch: Celebration

Author's Notes: So this is the grand segway between a relatively new relationship and a strong thriving old one. No yiff inside, but it's a bit of a turning point for the story and it can be called the beginning of the end. Also this inspired a...

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04 Jake and Mitch: Midday Rain

Author's Notes: So I started this moments after finishing the third chapter and I will say I did want to break this into 2 parts (I prefer many short segments to a long story as I'm very impatiant) but i decided if I broke it niether half would have...

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