Tales of Cascadia:Chapter One~Tears of Heaven

Story by Grym on SoFurry

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Ahoy all, first off to give you an idea of what this was really about, my mate and I were rping the creation of our own little world in the warhammer 40k, and adding our own little furry twist onto a very great series. This is a gift for the greatest mate, pet, and babygirl any dom or mate could ever ask for, love you Ruby, forevers.

Hope you all enjoy the tale, first of many I hope,


and without further a'do, I give you

~Tales of Cascadia~

*Fall of an Empire*

Chapter One~ Tears of Heaven

1720 AC *after creation, referring to the believed birth of the first Pae'Pae*

The ship Sunchaser sailed quietly through the dark yet calm waters, the night sky was clear as glass allowing all to see the bright and shining gems of the gods twinkle merrily in the black void between their world in the next. Silver of a full and pregnant moon bathed the worn hull and weathered sails of the old galley turned cargo ship, an unassuming night to even the most addled and wide eyed of sailors if there was one. A match strikes in work calloused hands, illuminating rugged and weary features of a solemn man in his early thirties, stray locks of coarse black hair swaying in the westward breeze, most held in check by a simple piece of leather tied pony tail that poured down the spine of his faded navy blue jacket from under a beaten tri-corner hat that lengthened the shadows of his face as he strode passed the low burning lanterns swaying with the rhythm of the mother sea.

Puffs of smoke from the pipe held between his lips made formless phantoms

That seemed to follow just behind him as he made his final round over the recently

washed deck, letting out a slow dragon's breath of large circles and with one more

glance turn and make his way back up the small case of stairs and up to the wheel,

the wood of the hand carved instrument of control comforting to the veteran

captain. He gave the leather thong keeping the ship heading in one direction a sure tug then closed his eyes as he savored each mouthful from his favorite ivory pipe, such a

small pleasure he took greatly in on such calm nights, but he looked forward to

reaching the all too familiar harbor more then all the sweet root in the world.

The thought of the sight of his beloved Sha'eia, his hand instinctively touching one of the twin bronze necklaces that housed her picture, imagining her standing on the dock as the townsfolk awoken the spirit of the community as they brought in the nets, barrels and boxes of goods from so many countries and cultures, but his attention would be on his Angel, the thought of the look of love and joy on her lupine features when his sails were on the horizon and the ocean city of Dawnview was in his sight, or how her Peppered fur would feel against his 3 week growth of beard, how it would tickle her nose and her laughter ring in his heart like heaven's bells, been almost 4 since he last saw port on a stop of drop off and pick up of silks and spices. He thought of the large bolts of material that laid secure below his very feet, how lovely his wife will look in the soft blue material he found and picked up just for them, a fine dress it will make for his mate, and how enchanting she will look draped over her shoulders, his fingers already itched to rub the expensive material over her 6 month swollen belly, his heart swelling at her glow of motherhood in his mind's eye.

After a few more very oddly quiet moments he glanced around the ship from his

position, the thought finally occurring to him that time was slipping faster then he

at first realized, but to be sure he pulled out his lunar compass and time dial, and

with a scowl he shook his head in annoyance. Er'k was late......again. The wolf

like Pae'Pae were good, well actually great working at night, seeing further in the

dim or lack of light far better and much further then any human could, but that

didn't mean they couldn't be lazy, or oversleep between shifts. As he went to put

the device away, his eyes lingering on the time as it began act strangely, the time shifting from one way then the next, and as he pulled his whistle up to his lips to signal for his crew he felt the hairs on his neck rise as the air around him began to lighten to an almost day like parody, finally his eyes turned upward over the still eerily quiet waters and he blew the whistle harder, what he saw he only heard of as passing tales in taverns and on docks.

All throughout the night sky there were streaks of silver, red, and fire hot blue like fading ribbons from the heavens to the ocean. He could feel the water tilt the ship slightly with each loud and thunderous boom as the stars themselves seem to be falling one by one, and as he watched one seem to be growing and growing, realizing it was heading down right for them as it plummeted with a strange sound of cutting wind. The man could make out strange rune like symbols on the surface of the piece of space ether, and just looking at it made him sickened, like there was a taint from the otherworldly object that left a bitter taste in his throat and mouth.

The crew members scrambled frantically in their varies degrees of awaken states, running, shouting, doing all they can to open the sails fully and outrun the alien devil at their heels, or heads, but it was too late. Their world turned upside down around them during the last moments and yet everything seemed to fade away for the brave captain as he closed his eyes, tears running down his cheeks at the image of his love, his life, his everything and not since he reported for his nightly shift Captain Edwards spoke to no one, facing westward, only his ears could barely hear his voice as he said "I love you" and everything turned black as chaos came to Cascadia.