Suddenly Sumo

Story by blue_mystery_wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of 2020 Stories

Weight Loss pills will change your life. Just...not the way you want.

A commission for a Patreon.

This was available for early access on my Patreon. Join now for discounts, voting on stuff, and skipping the commission queue line!

Luna could barely describe what it felt like to be in a mall in Japan. Malls where he lived were dying, but the malls in Japan seemed to be going through the exact opposite. Luna the dark furred cat anthro was a tourist in Japan, living the dream exploring everything Japan had to offer.

The mall was clean with white floors and a clear glass ceiling. The sun from above was the entire mall needed for light, though small circular lights and lamps were also scattered across the mall unlit.

Luna noticed, like the malls he had visited in his country, this mall had small kiosks set up along the large path in the center. Most of the shops often sold worthless trinkets, but in this case he found even the smallest and simplest shop incredibly exciting and worth investigating.

One of these shops advertised a new dietary pill. There was one screen on each side of the open kiosk with bright blue flashing backgrounds. On the screen, a chubby man in a business suit took the pill. There was then a flash of white with smoke over the man before it revealed him as a 'very' muscular shirtless man surrounded by many giggling women.

Luna heard Japanese words with the obvious advertisement, but he didn't understand what they said, nor did he understand the closed captioning beneath. He found it entertaining enough to stop and watch though.

A short brown furred cat anthro approached Luna with a smile on his face. It looked as if he kept his eyes closed, but he knew where he was going. "Hello there American." The man spoke in a thick accent. "Are you interested in trying our life changing dietary pills?"

"I'm from London, actually." Luna corrected the man. "And no thanks." Luna didn't realize that weight was a problem in Japan. He assumed weight wasn't a 'terrible' thing, especially since there were sumo wrestlers in Japan. Either way, he never believed in any of the weight loss pills.

"We actually pay you. We're doing an open trial with random people and calculating the effects. You don't have to do anything differently from your normal life. You just give us your contact information, you take one pill now, and then one every night and report the results back to us every now and then."

"You pay me?" Luna wasn't interested in buying weight loss, but if they were paying him, he wouldn't mind it.

"We pay ten thousand yen." The man held out a small white bottle with an orange top. "You just have to sign some papers, take a pill, take the rest every night, and you'll be on your way!"

"Open trial studies huh..." Luna grabbed the white bottle and looked over the name. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't read Japanese to even look up any of the information. He was a little suspicious, but at the same time, he was short on money. "Okay, I'll give it a shot what the heck." He set the bottle down and signed the papers the man instructed him to sign. Along with his contact information, he also had to acknowledge the studies were not yet conclusive that the pill helped with weight loss at all. "What about side effects?" He knew many medications had them.

"Besides weight loss? No significant side effects have yet to be reported." The man stated. "And we have tried this pill with many others before you. Believe me." The man pulled out the money and handed it over to Luna. "We have gone through many, many clinical trials. While we cannot say for sure how effective the pill is, we guarantee it is 100% safe."

"The safer you say it is, the less sure I am about it." Luna took the money and opened up the bottle. He pulled out one small white button pill, and with a small swig of his water, he took the pill. "Okay, there you go."

"Excellent! The idea is to take the remaining nine in the bottle once per night. We will give you a call once per day asking for the results of your weight." The man smiled at Luna. "We very much appreciate this and cannot thank you enough."

"Of course." With a light bow, Luna took the pill bottle and his drink. He walked away from the man with a slight swish of his tail. 'Even in Japan you have people selling weight loss.' He thought it was bizarre, but he didn't put any thought into it.

Luna went about his day in the mall just as he planned to do so. With help of the extra money, he was able to buy more souvenirs, and he spent time in almost every shop. He didn't even pay the pills any attention. He just stuffed them into a bag he brought with him and went about his business.

Luna found himself in what felt like the twentieth clothing store. The mall may have been in Japan, but like most malls, it had many clothing stores. Luna heard his stomach grumble with hunger and gave his mostly flat stomach a pat. He wasn't thin, but he also wasn't fat. He lost track of time when it came to eating, so he just passed it off as that.

Luna looked up at the various signs placed throughout the store. Most of the signs were in Japanese, which made it hard for him to tell which way to go. He went down one way he thought it was for men, and luckily, for the cat anthro, he went to the right section. Luna noticed all sorts of anime shirts, most of which he couldn't understand the words on them either. "I really do wish I knew how to read Japanese." He knew enough to get him by in Japan. He even carried a small pocketbook that helped translate speech, but reading Japanese words would take forever.

Luna let out a small belch. He felt his shirt shift and he tried to adjust it. He put his furry hand on his chest, and he swore he felt something expanding underneath. He held his breath and raised a brow. "Hm...This feels so weird." He mumbled. He decided not to think too much about it and just grabbed a few shirts in his size, as well as a few figures he could display back at home.

Luna walked out of the clothing store with a small white bag, and felt his stomach rumble again. "Okay, okay. Let's get you something to eat." Luna rolled his eyes. He turned around and walked to the center of the mall where the food court was located. The mall was small, but it still had a variety of foods to pick.

Luna had extra money thanks to the study he took place in, but he still didn't have enough to eat fancy food. He settled on a fast food place in the mall that sold cheap burgers. As he pulled out his wallet to pay though, he noticed he had more money than he remembered. His wealth wasn't significant, but it was better than he knew. 'Huh, did I really take this much money with me?' He thought to himself. He didn't question it too much though. All it meant was he could splurge a bit more on food, and that's exactly what he did.

Luna walked with a tray with three burgers, fries, ice cream, and a large soda. He sat down at one of the many tables in the food court, and helped himself to the food. He figured he should check his bank account later and double check how much money he withdrew, but for now, he had to satisfy his hunger. He ate and ate until he stuffed his belly. He patted his stomach and let out a soft belch. He chuckled lightly and patted his belly. He felt a little guilty pigging out as much as he did, but he figured he was on vacation. He could afford to eat a bit more. He ate so much that his belly exposed slightly from underneath his shirt, and he had to move his belt another notch.

"Hah, maybe I overdid it." He felt different in other ways, but too minor to be concerned over. He opened up his phone and checked his bank account. As he opened up the username and password information, he noticed the text opened up in Japanese. Luna rolled his eyes and changed the text to English. 'Must be detecting the region I'm in.' He thought to himself. He thought it strange that only the keyboard was in Japanese, but not the website itself. He logged in, and raised a brow.

Luna noticed his bank account was quite healthy. Healthier than he remembered when he first started his journey. He knew the last thing he should do was complain about more money. He also knew that the amount, while definitely greater than before, wasn't anywhere near tremendously high and abnormal.

As Luna looked down at his phone, he kept pulling down his shirt. He assumed it was due to overeating, but now it felt as if the shirt was too small for his body. "Ugh, this is irritating." He mumbled. He stood up and felt a breeze from behind as his back exposed itself too. He tossed his trash and walked over to the men's bathroom. He walked into a stall, put the bag on a hook, and changed into one of the shirts he just purchased. As he took his top off, he noticed his furry belly was bigger than he remembered. He didn't think he was that chubby, but now he looked the part. "What the heck?"

Luna wanted to dismiss it as an oddity. He thought maybe the shirts he purchased were just too small and he wasn't as fat as he remembered. As he put his old shirt back on though, he noticed there were problems covering himself. In fact, there were more problems than before as the shirt just reached underneath his belly button. "Okay, plan B." He walked out the stall, cleaned up his furry paws, and left the bathroom. He figured if his shirt wasn't going to fit him, and if the shirts he purchased didn't fit, he'd just buy some shirts in a bigger size, and possibly return the shirts he just purchased for a size bigger. He swore he was a medium, but he didn't feel like it. As it was, he had to adjust another notch in his belt as it felt as if his pants felt too tight.

Luna walked into a different clothing store and picked out a large black shirt of an XL size as well as a black robe with a blue and white striped bottom. He didn't think twice about the kind of clothes he got. He just wanted to get clothes that fit him better.

"Hello there, did you find everything okay?" The cashier asked. While the cashier was a Japanese cat anthro with short brown fur, he spoke in English.

"Hai, arigatogozaimasu." (Yes, thank you) Luna replied with a bow. "I found everything just fine."

"Ah," The cashier smiled at Luna. "Anata ga nihongo o hanasu no o shirimasendeshita." (I didn't know you speak Japanese.) The man ran up Luna's clothing.

"Huh? What did you say?" Luna tilted his head.

"I ah...I'm sorry. I thought you spoke fluent in Japanese. You sounded very good with it. How much do you know?"

Luna was confused. He knew some Japanese, but not very much. He swore he didn't speak any Japanese to this man either. "Nihongo ga wakaranai." (I don't understand Japanese) Luna paid the money and walked away with a shrug. He tried not to think about the cashier too much.

Luna walked back into the bathroom and wasted no time in going into a stall once more and putting on the new clothes. He made sure to buy clothes a few sizes larger, and as he slipped them on, he felt not only much better covered, but much more comfortable in them overall, as if he wore clothing that was 'made' for him. He still felt his belly jut out more than he thought it should though.

Just as Luna walked out the bathroom, he noticed there was a weight machine that also gave someone his or her fortune for a cheap price. Luna stepped on the scale, set his clothes aside, and inserted a coin. The machine was small enough for one person with two side handles and a front display with a green background and black text. Luna ignored the fortune, but he noticed it measured his weight at 91 kilograms, roughly 200 pounds.

Luna knew he didn't weigh that much. He figured the machine must have been broken, yet as he looked at the mirror placed in front of the weight machine, he looked like a person that weighed that much. His belly stuck out, and he even noticed slight fat on his arms and legs. "What is happening to me?" Luna got off the machine and walked through the mall. Part of him thought he was getting tired. It was still early in Japan, but time zones were a thing in vacations, and even if it was a very busy time of day, he could have still been very tired.

Luna walked outside with his bag of clothes and made his way back to his hotel. As he walked outside on the busy streets, he turned his head to the left and right. He swore he remembered the way to his hotel earlier. He checked his phone and typed down the address he swore he remembered his hotel was. He relied more on his phone to get him back to his destination rather than the street signs. 'It's just a short walk. I don't remember it being in this direction though.' He thought to himself.

Luna walked to the address he marked on his phone, and froze when he realized where the address took him. The address wasn't a hotel, but an apartment complex. Luna walked inside slowly and noticed the empty desk and elevator behind it, along with a small snack stand over to the side. 'Why am I even walking in here?' He thought to himself. He wanted to go back to his hotel, and while he could remember what his hotel looked like, he couldn't remember the address. The only address he could think of was the apartment complex.

The complex was average looking. While he still wasn't sure what he was doing in there, he was curious where this was going. He walked up to the elevator, stepped inside, and pressed a button to take him up to one of the floors higher up. He just let his natural instincts take control of him when it came to deciding a floor. He wasn't sure 'what' floor he would have picked if he had to give it any thought.

A short ride later, Luna walked out of the elevator and turned to the right. He walked up to an apartment door and reached into his pocket. It was then he realized that, while he changed clothes, he didn't put his wallet, phone, or keys into his new outfit. Before he pulled his furry hand out, he paused as he felt a set of keys in his pocket. "I know I didn't put them in here though." He said to himself. He pulled out the keys and put a silver colored key into the lock. With a turn, he opened up the door to the apartment that was both alien and familiar at the same time.

Luna knew apartments in Japan were generally small, but this was bigger than small. Something didn't feel right about the apartment, but he couldn't quite tell what it was. He walked inside and noticed there were photos of sumo wrestlers around the room, and not just drawings, but photos as if he were in the stands watching the sumo wrestlers. While Luna did hear about sumo wrestling, he wasn't big on it, no pun intended. The more he looked at the photos around the apartment however, the more curious he was about them.

Luna tried not to think too much about what was going on, but he knew it was bizarre. Not only was he no longer back in his hotel, but a house that he swore wasn't his, but he had the keys to the place, and the house looked 'very' familiar, even if he didn't know much about it. Worse yet, he felt his stomach continue to grow and shift, and he felt other small shifts all around his body, as if he were going through more minor changes. "Rirakkusu." He told himself. "Relax." He spoke as if he repeated himself. "Just calm down and think. This can't be where I live; this is just far too small." He paused as he spoke. He swore he had an accent, but he just tried to ignore it. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he figured a good nap was in order. He locked the door to the apartment, and looked around for the bed. He had to climb a small set of stairs to find a large bed with a very small television placed not far from the pillow. Luna swore he didn't feel tired, but he was definitely confused.

Luna crawled into bed and put his hands behind his furry head. He looked up at the ceiling, and then down at his belly curiously. He knew his gut didn't extend as much as it was now in front of him. He told himself he just ate too much, but there felt something more to it. With a sigh, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Luna wasn't sure how long he was asleep. He lost track of time ever since he left the mall, and he didn't keep looking at his cell phone to track time either. He slowly opened his eyes, and then rapidly blinked awake. He jumped up and realized he did 'not' wake up in the same place he fell asleep. He looked around and noticed there were various beds placed on floors scattered neatly around him. Some of the beds had televisions in front of them while others had radios or other forms of entertainment. "What?" He swore he fell asleep in an apartment, but he also knew he first arrived in Japan and had a hotel. Luna scratched his head with confusion, and then stared down at his gut.

Luna's furry gut pushed out of his Japanese attire, and it had a brown hue to it. Without any light source on him, he had dark fur, but when one shined light, they could see the brown in his fur. "Where am I?" He pulled himself up, and paused. He had an even thicker accent than before.

He walked around the room and saw nobody. He noticed a wall made of paper with doors made of the same material, as well as wood. The entire room had a strong Japanese theme, but with a side of modern with the technology scattered about. There was also a scent in the room, however faint. Luna smelled the scent of men. The scent wasn't 'bad', but it reminded him of the scent of a men's locker room, except nobody showered. With a tilt of his head, he put his much larger belly on the back burner until he could figure out where he was. He slid open the paper door to see what was on the other end.

The next room reminded Luna of a gym class at school. He saw a large padded center with a white ring painted around it. He saw the walls had wood on the lower half, but concrete on the upper, as well as various workout equipment scattered around the room. "The ring almost looks like a sumo wrestlers ring." He said to himself. He imagined the large mostly naked cat men wrestling to push each other out of the ring in the center. He looked down at his furry fat stomach, and he imagined himself even participating. He wasn't quite as big as a sumo wrestler would have been, but he was much larger than he remembered. "Is this place one of those...what do they call it, sumo stables?"

Luna noticed there was a station to drink water from, but instead of paper cups, he saw there was a single utensil that almost resembled a measuring cup, but wooden. Luna completely forgot the name of those cups, but he knew how it worked. The room he was currently inside was quite hot after all. "But, if this is a sumo stable, where are all the wrestlers?"

Luna walked back to the large room that worked as a bedroom, and then he walked down to another room that looked like a large mess hall. The table was almost on the ground and there were a variety of places to sit, all cushions but no chairs. There was no food set up, but there was a doorway to a small kitchen nearby. Luna also noticed one doorway led to a bathroom. Curiously, he peeked inside and noticed a weight scale. He knew his weight was off before, and now he was even more curious. He stepped on the scale and watched as the kilograms rose up to 100, or 220 pounds. Luna knew he wasn't that fat, and just as he thought that, the scale ticked upwards to 101. "Watashi ni nani ga okita no?" (What happened to me?)

Luna then heard himself talk, and scratched his head. He swore he talked in his native tongue, but it came out as Japanese. "I'm not..." he looked at himself in the mirror, and he froze. He looked as if he were half-Japanese. The changes were subtle, but he saw his eyes looked narrower, his fur browner, and other minor changes. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his driver's license. "No, I'm not Japanese. Even my..."

Luna felt his fur stand on ends as he saw his driver's license. His license looked exactly like the kind one would get in Japan. "But I..." He tried to remember how he even took the test, though as he thought back, he remembered taking the test on a track in Japan in a small car. He remembered how big of a fan he was over sumo wrestling, but he also remembered 'knowing' about sumo wrestling, but never being a huge fan, at least as big as he was now. He wasn't sure if he was just getting a tour of the sumo stables, but something told him there was something much more behind it. "No." he told himself in English, though with a heavy Japanese accent. "This can't be Tadashi." (Right)

Luna didn't want to see the rest of the stable. He felt accustomed to it, yet also very alien about it. He ran to a door he instinctively knew was the exit and rushed out. He noticed it was dark outside, but not so dark as to be very late. He guessed it was probably a bit after dinnertime. He grabbed the side of his head as he tried to think about what to do and where to go. ' Kore wa subete sono jozai kara hajimarimashita.' (This all started with that pill.) He thought to himself. He remembered the mall where he got the pill, but he wasn't sure where he was in Japan right now. "If I can figure out where I am now, then I can get back to that mall." He said to himself in a heavy Japanese accent. It felt difficult to talk in English, but not impossible. It just felt so much easier to talk and think in Japanese, but he had to resist.

Luna decided the best course of action was to find his way back to that mall from wherever he currently was. He looked down at his clothes and noticed his gut bulged out, though the long robe kept it concealed for the time being. He was thankful the robe didn't have any pants; otherwise, they would be digging into his growing rear. He walked out the door back outside and examined his surroundings.

The exterior of the sumo stable looked almost like a training grounds in and of itself. A wooden fence blocked anyone from seeing the inside. There were a small set of sumo wrestling rings aligned outside with more spots to get water. Luna also noticed a wooden building, and while he couldn't see inside of it, he immediately identified it as a public bath, though since it was in a private area, he figured sumo wrestlers used the bath, along with perhaps servants and that was it. He saw other wooden buildings, but he knew he didn't have the time to pay attention to all the surroundings. He had to get back to the mall before it closed.

Luna noticed an open gate that led outside. The gate was big enough for a car, and he noticed the gate even led to an open road, but there was no traffic coming in. Luna walked outside and found himself in what felt like the heart of Japan. There were people, crowds, buses, it was amazing to be in a quiet sumo stable one moment, and then out in a city the next. He glanced around at the various signs on the streets and noticed they were in Japanese, yet he could read them perfectly.

'Watashi wa korera no tori o shrimasen.' (I don't know these streets.) He thought to himself. He felt so strange walking around. Nobody gave him the time of day though. He wore traditional Japanese clothing, and while he didn't look at himself, he felt more Japanese than English. He walked along the streets and felt his belly sway with every step. He felt humiliated and unquestionably fatter than everyone around him did, yet nobody seemed to notice. 'I have to find a subway.' He thought to himself in English.

Luna wasn't sure if he should have considered himself lucky or not that he could now read Japanese signs very fluently. He noticed one sign indicated there was a subway not far from where he was, and he made his way down the streets of Japan. He raised his head at the various shops and signs that weren't street signs and noticed many signs had both Japanese and English letters. Subconsciously his eyes read the Japanese letters. He tried to read the English letters of the shops, but while his eyes glanced over the letters, his brain couldn't decipher the words nearly as easily as the Japanese ones.

Luna walked down into the subway. He was afraid about the lack of money, but he reached into his pocket and found a card he could use. He didn't remember it as his original card. The new card he carried was undoubtedly a money card, but for a Japanese bank. Luna swore he didn't have that bank. Regardless, he used the card to get a ticket and go to an address he remembered from before. He never remembered travelling down the subway in Japan, but at the same time, he also 'did' remember it. He recalled many things about Japan he knew he shouldn't have known.

Luna got into the subway train as it arrived directly on time. One thing Luna knew about Japan was how it was punctual. The train also looked as packed as a package of sardines, but he squeezed his way in. His gut almost stuck out of the train door as he pushed his way in, though he sucked it in a bit just as the train closed. He hated having his gut. He wasn't sure how much he weighed exactly, but he didn't want to know. All he knew was that he weighed far more than he should have.

Luna didn't pay much attention to detail about the subway, the train, or any of the passengers. He kept his eyes on the closed doors in front of him while his ears flickered at the occasional noise from a passenger or two. He heard only Japanese words, but his brain translated all of the words perfectly. He feared how much English he was losing, and how much his life was different. He couldn't even remember where he was originally from. He knew he wasn't from Japan and he was from somewhere English, but he wasn't sure what English country. 'Watashi wa Rondon kara kimashita.' (I am from London.) Luna thought to himself, though he had to make sure his thoughts were right more than once.

As the subway train stopped and opened, Luna eagerly got out and made his way to the mall. His steps felt heavy, but despite all of the weight going to his body, he felt in shape enough to keep on walking to the mall. He got out of the subway to a more familiar road, and walked along. He knew it was getting late too. He just hoped he got back to the mall.

Luna looked around as he got closer and closer to the mall. The buildings around him looked vaguely familiar, but as it was later and the sun began to set, things looked unfamiliar. 'Things arways rook different at night.' He thought to himself in English, but with a heavy deep Japanese accent that took him a moment to realize the voice in his mind sounded deeper.

Luna soon found the entrance to the mall. His legs ached, his stomach growled hungrily, and he swore he squinted more than usual, but his body filled with renewed energy now that his goal was in sight.

Luna picked up the pace and made it into the mall. The mall was much quieter, but he didn't care. He walked through the mall until he found the same kiosk he found what felt like a lifetime ago. His belly felt heavy and his body felt tired, but he didn't care. He walked up to the kiosk just as it looked like it was closing. "Matsu!" (Wait) Luna cried out.

The same man that helped Luna just closed a box filled with supplies. The kiosk and advertisements were still up, but he just packed the last of the products away. "Nani?" (What?) The man asked in a light tone. He turned his head to see Luna arrive. "Shimatte iru." (Closed.)

The old Luna knew what 'Nani' meant, but now Luna would have had problems if the Japanese man spoke that same word in English. Luna huffed and puffed heavily as he tried to recover. He felt so hot in his outfit, but he was glad it kept him covered regardless of the weight he continuously put on. "Anata wa watashi o naosanakereba naranai." (You have to fix me.) He said with a deep breath. "Watashi wa kesa tachiyotta otokodeshita." (I was the man who stopped by this morning.)

"Dono otoko?" (Which man?) The man at the kiosk asked. "Rikishi o tasuketa oboeganai." (I do not remember helping a wrestler.)

Luna wondered what the man meant by wrestler. He remembered waking up in a sumo stable, and he knew how fat he was getting. 'Resura ni naremasu ka?' (Will I be a wrestler?) He thought to himself. He wanted to think in English, but it just came out as Japanese so much easier. "Watashi wa resurade wa arimasen. Watashi wa Rondon shusshindeshita." (I am not a wrestler. I was a man from London.) Luna tried to explain. Just as he said it, he knew how ridiculous he sounded. He had no proof. His driver's license was Japanese, he couldn't find his passport on his person, and he had nothing from London anymore, even though he knew he used to have a credit card from London.

"Honkidesu ka?"(Are you sure?) The man pulled out a notebook and flipped through the pages. "Onamaehanandesuka?" (What is your name?)

"Runa." Luna replied, and cleared his throat. He wanted to say 'Luna', but he found it difficult to pronounce his 'L's. "R...Ru...Rrruluna."

The man flipped through the pages. "Watashitachiha Runa o tasukemashitaga, karera wa nihonjinde wa arimasendeshita." (We helped Luna, but they were not Japanese.) He explained.

"Anata wa watashi o nihonjin ni shita!" (You made me Japanese!) Luna didn't even try to process how he spoke and understood Japanese so easily. He just accepted the language. He tried to remember the English translation for what he spoke, but as even his thoughts were in Japanese, it made it too hard to think about, especially when his mind was in a panic.

"Sore wa fukanodesu." The man shook his head. "Watashitachi no kusuri wa nihonjinde wa naku, taiju o herasu no ni yakudachimasu." (Our medicine will help you lose weight, not become Japanese.)

Luna had a strong feeling he wasn't going to get anywhere with this man. He let out a deep frustrated shout. He turned around and walked away in frustration. He walked back out of the mall and decided to go back to the hotel, at least where he thought the hotel was. He walked down the streets, now emptier as it was later in the day. He went back into the subway without a second thought and took a train. Once off the train, he walked back up, and he soon found himself right back in front of the sumo stables.

"Kore wa hoterude wa arimasen." (This is not a hotel) Luna said aloud. He remembered he came here in a hotel. He scratched his head with confusion. He squinted his eyes at the streets, and then he looked back at the stables. He couldn't think of the actual address for the hotel for the life of him. He let out a sigh, and walked back into the sumo stables. He figured if he couldn't figure it out, then maybe someone in the sumo stables might be able to help. Unlike earlier, Luna noticed there was light in the dining room, as well as the sound of life.

Luna walked to the door and knocked on the wooden entrance. He could tell the door was unlocked, but he knew it would have been rude to walk right in.

A large brown Japanese cat anthro opened up the door. This cat wore a very large t-shirt that covered his massively fat chest. It was clear this cat was a sumo wrestler. His legs were furry, but lacking pants. It made one wonder if he even wore them. "Runa! Yokoso."(Luna! Welcome.) He stepped aside.

Luna wondered how this big huge cat knew his name. Still, once the door opened, he smelled all kinds of lovely foods. He stepped inside and turned his head to the dining room where he saw many other large cats eating. Most of the cat anthros wore large shirts, but they had no signs of pants. "Domo arigatogozaimashita."(Thank you very much) Luna replied to the first cat anthro.

"Suwatte taberu."(Sit and eat) the cat pointed to the dining room.

Luna noticed an empty spot in the dining room. He also saw the table had all sorts of food, and while he wasn't familiar with the food on the table, he felt his mouth water and his stomach grumble. He walked over to one of the seats and kneeled down. He turned his head to the various other cat anthro sumo wrestlers and watched them eat, and then he looked down at himself.

While Luna wore clothing unlike the other cat wrestlers, he looked almost as if he fit in perfectly. He wasn't sure how much he weighed now, but he knew he was large. Not quite as large as most sumo wrestlers, but more than the average person in any country. He almost felt as if he fit in with these sumo wrestlers.

Luna helped himself to a plate after watching the sumo wrestlers eat. He was a bit nervous, so he grabbed only a small helping of the food. He couldn't identify what he could call most of the food, just that it was food. Some of the food was soup, while others looked like bread. He tried one of the plain bread rolls first.

Luna tasted a sweetness to the bread rolls. The taste also felt familiar, even though he knew he barely had a lot of Japanese food before. He tried his hand at the soup with chopsticks, and he found himself able to hold the chopsticks well enough to eat the noodles. The noodles were salty, but they tasted delicious, and they also had a familiar taste. He glanced around for drinks and noticed most of the wrestlers had either milk or water. 'Subete no kenko shokuhin.' (All healthy food.) He thought to himself. He expected sumo wrestlers to want to eat fattening foods, not good ones, although much of the food had high salt content.

While Luna ate, he kept his eyes on the various sumo wrestlers. He heard some of them talk to one another in Japanese, and he understood the conversations flawlessly. He tried to think to himself in English, but he couldn't think of English words at all. He looked around the room to try to find something English, but there was nothing. 'Watashi wa eigo o hanashimasu yo ne?' (I speak English, right?) He thought to himself. He remembered his cell phone, and after he ate a bit more, he took out his phone and looked at it. He noticed that everything in his phone was now in Japanese. The websites he favorited, any website he could think of, all of it was in Japanese, and he understood it perfectly. He tried to think about an English website, yet every site he went to was automatically in Japanese. He decided to try to go to the language options on one of the websites that had that option and he selected the 'English' option, but as he did, he couldn't read any of the text that appeared. Luna felt like a child as he tried to read the words, but he couldn't understand them.

One of the sumo wrestlers tilted his head to Luna's direction to glance at his phone. "Anata wa sore o eigo ni settei shimashita." (You have it set to English.) The sumo wrestler explained.

"Shitte iru."(know/I know) Luna explained. He didn't feel any discomfort with the sumo wrestler as close as he was. He wasn't sure if he should feel worried over the fact that he didn't feel worried at all. "Naze rikai dekinai no ka wakarimasen." (I don't know why I can't understand.)

"Sate, anata wa nihonjindesu." (Well, you are Japanese.) The sumo wrestler responded casually.

Luna didn't want to believe it. He was about to excuse himself, but he realized how rude it would be to leave without cleaning up after himself, and he was still a bit hungry. He put his phone away and ate away. He figured maybe that he could think better on a full stomach, though his stomach was big, and that required a lot more filling now. He made a mental note to check his weight once he finished eating.

As the other sumo wrestlers stood up one at a time and grabbed empty plates, Luna followed them into the kitchen and watched as they washed and dried their fair share of the dishes. Luna was amazed that they were so in uniform when it came to dishes. He imagined servants would be doing such things, but at the same time, he also realized how rude it might be to expect servants to do so much. He cleaned up his share of the dishes before he went to the scale to examine his weight again in the bathroom. He wasn't sure how much time passed, but he imagined quite a bit. He weighed in at 125 kilograms, or 275 pounds. There was no question Luna was heavier. He felt different in other ways too. He was well aware he was in the bathroom, and the bathroom was larger than normal. There were no showers or bathtubs, but he remembered the bathhouse, and he remembered using it, although he knew he should 'not' have remembered using it in his life.

Luna glanced into a mirror and saw a cat anthro that looked different from his normal self. While he was still undeniably a cat anthro, he had the look of a Japanese cat anthro rather than an English one. His eyes and nose were smaller, though his lips were roughly the same. His head looked narrower, but not by much. The differences were slim, but Luna knew there were differences. He tried to picture what he looked like, but he couldn't picture himself as a non-Japanese cat anthro. The more he tried to think about his past, the more he remembered himself in Japan than he did in London, and he knew that when he did travel to Japan recently, it was his first time.

"Kowakunai." (Not afraid.) He said to himself. He thought it bizarre he wasn't afraid over his transformation. He knew he 'should' have been afraid over becoming something completely different. He had thousands of questions over how it happened, and it all started with a weight loss pill that didn't even remember helping him in the first place.

Luna got off the weight scale and looked outside. He then looked back at his phone and then at the time. He was about to think something, but he realized he wanted to try to think in English. However, no matter how hard he tried to think in English, every thought came out as Japanese. He didn't think it was frightening that he could only think in Japanese though. "Kore wa warui jinseide wa arimasen." (This is not a bad life) He said to himself. He walked back to the living area and noticed many sumo wrestlers casually walking about. Some of them wore their long shirts, but others wore their sumo attire. He thought of it as completely normal, even though he knew he didn't sleep here before, though he remembered it.

Luna sat down with a sigh. He knew he wasn't going to get anywhere just thinking about what to do, but he wasn't sure what he even should do in the first place. The mall couldn't help him, and he didn't see many useful things online with his phone either. 'Watashi wa sore o mottemasu!' (I have it!) He thought to himself excitedly. He thought if the internet couldn't help him, then maybe other things in his phone could. He decided to look at the pictures he took with his phone. He knew he took a lot of them of London, and even more of Japan when he vacationed.

As Luna browsed through his pictures, he realized that he hadn't taken many photos of Japan. He had a few videos with sumo wrestling, but he didn't care about them. Though he felt apathetic, he also wondered how he got videos of sumo wrestling to begin with. The videos were of him in a close spot not far from the ring. He knew when he vacationed to Japan that he never went to a sumo wrestling match, let alone so close to the ring. 'Watashinojinsei wa kanzen ni resura no jinsei ni kawaritsutsu arimasu.' (My life is completely turning into a wrestler's life.) He even remembered times when he was actually in the ring sumo wrestling, and yet he didn't mind it. He looked down at his big belly, and then around him at the various other large men, and he felt at ease. The life of a sumo wasn't his life before, but it was his life now, and while he could still imagine his previous life, his new sumo life took over more and more. He knew he was still Luna, he would always be Luna, but now he wasn't from London, but from Japan, and a sumo wrestler.

The lights turned off, and one by one, the sumo wrestlers turned off their electrical devices and went to bed. Luna knew he had to sleep as well. He checked his phone and noticed he had an alarm set for 7:30 in the morning, likely the time when sumo wrestlers got up to train. He wasn't sure what to expect, but he felt a strange sense of excitement. Maybe he could wait on trying to figure out how to get back to normal. He could enjoy the life of a sumo wrestler for now. It didn't seem that bad.

Just before Luna set his phone down, his phone sent him a notification. He noticed it was an email asking him about the diet pill, and it was entirely in Japanese. He read the letter and noticed it asked him for a review over what the pill did for his body.

After a short delay, Luna sent an email back. He wrote 'Sore wa jinsei o kaeru keikendesu.' On his phone before he went to bed.


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