The Dragon and the Unicorn

Story by OnyxClaw on SoFurry

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#9 of Smut

Shade get's laid. :U

A quick story with some old characters that I threw together the other day to try and get back into the swing of writing again.

Characters (c) OnyxClaw / -Blackout- (FA)

Sophitia cast a look over her shoulder when she heard the airlock open. Her ears twitched, rotating, naturally seeking the source of the sound; the forward airlock or the midships airlock? A ripple of worry darted through her. Shade had won his fourth race in a row today and now held pole position on the starting grid for the final race of the season. As such, she wouldn't be surprised if one of the other teams - or a member of them - had managed to breach the Nea'kemna's ageing security systems to come aboard the retired warship to do some sabotaging.

It wouldn't be the first time. She had seen the ship's security logs not long after she had joined the team and seen just how cutthroat some people could be when there was a trophy and a pile of cash up for grabs.

She reached forward and pulled down a screen mounted on a flexible arm and pulled up the ship's security feed, her other hand straying towards a screwdriver on her work mat. The midships airlock had been cycled and a familiar figure had come aboard. She gave a relieved sigh; it was Shade, the man of the hour himself and he was taking the most direct route to the frigate's small hangar. She pushed the screen back against the wall and continued feeding the new bundle of hoses into the segmented, flexible pipe that would eventually find itself somewhere deep in the drive cowling of sublight-1 the moment Chief Abigail, the ship's engineer, recovered from her inevitable celebratory hangover.

'I thought you'd still be at the party?' Sophitia said as she worked.

'I got bored.' He replied as he ducked under the wing of his stowed XR-1 Vortex and walked across to the workbench that stretched down the length of the hangar.

'You? Bored of partying? You okay?' She asked. She stopped what she was doing and turned around, her look of mild concern fading into a look of surprise.

He had come up right behind her and a faint odour of alcohol lingered about him. It wasn't strong, but it was there and he was standing steady, perfectly sober, a flicker of worry in his bright violet eyes. He was a few inches taller than her, standing at a solid 7 foot. He was broad shouldered, muscular and his black scales shone with an oily sheen under the overheads. She resisted the urge to reach out and stroke those glistening scales, to experience how they felt beneath her fingertips. She pulled herself out of her stare and took a step back, the backs of her thighs pressing up against the cool metal of the workbench. He was a walking temptation as far as she was concerned, one that often invaded her thoughts late at night. A tortured look crossed his black and metallic violet features as he considered her question.

'I'm... no. I'm not okay.' He paused, his thoughts and emotions warring. He had known her for only a year and already he had become more than smitten with her. His lust for her had deepened the more he had got to know her and had blossomed into something else.

The idea of not having her in his life had become the stuff of nightmares. He looked at the unicorn, frozen with fear. Her dark blue fur was glossy beneath the lights, like fine, Tuvenese velvet and a nebula of silver and gold shimmered in her blue, short cropped mane. He opened his mouth again, but his words clogged in his throat and his mouth felt dry. What was it his grandfather had always told him? It's sometimes better to show than tell? He wished he had had another bottle of beer to help bolster his courage as he swallowed a hard lump of trepidation.

'Shade...?' Sophitia asked softly, her concern increasing.

She placed a hand on his arm, feeling the hard bicep hidden beneath the layers of his leather jacket and cotton shirt. She gave him a gentle squeeze, hoping it was enough to bring him out of his thoughts. A soft, startled gasp escaped her as he stepped forward, an arm wrapping around her waist and a hand cupping her face. He leaned in and kissed her, her body pressing against his and any protest or question she had evaporated at the feel of his smooth, forked tongue sliding into her mouth. She stood, startled a moment and then her senses caught up and she could taste him, taste the alcohol on his breath and his natural flavour. She felt as if she would melt in his arms and she wrapped herself around him, pressing harder against him, the heat of desire and need overtaking her startled senses.

And then he broke the kiss and a feeling of disappointment rushed in. She looked up at him, her mind reeling and unhooked her leg from around his waist, waiting for him to realise his error and pull away from her. But he didn't. Instead, he gazed down at her, the same look of worry in his eyes. He was waiting on her reaction, waiting to see if she balked at his actions and wriggle free. Their friendship had been set on a knife's edge in a matter of seconds and Sophitia suddenly realised it was up to her to determine the direction that friendship would fall.

His wings dropped and he took a step back, stammering out an apology, 'I'm sorry, I don't know what came over-'

'Wait,' She blurted and grabbed at his shirt, stopping him from backing away further, 'Don't apologize.'

His head tilted slightly in curiosity. She closed the gap between them in one long step and pulled him back into a kiss, emboldened by his actions and reactions. She pressed herself against him once again and a deep, rumbling growl vibrated softly into her mouth as he eagerly reciprocated.

'Are you sure?' He murmured against her lips.

'Yes.' She replied breathlessly and pulled his leather jacket off his shoulders.

He quickly shucked it off and tossed it over the back of the chair that sat discarded at the end of the bench as her fingers ran across the back of his head and down his powerful neck, feeling the silken smoothness of his hard scales as they kissed again. His hands slid down to her waist, one hand resting on her hip, the other sliding further still and gently groping a firm buttock. She pressed hard against him as his lips sought out her slender neck, feeling her heavy breasts pressing hard against his broad chest. A hand slid into her torn jeans and she gasped softly as a fingertip grazed across her folds. He stroked her and she squirmed as his finger dipped inside her, rubbing and massaging, gently pinching and tickling.

He was enjoying how she felt, the press of her large breasts, bound tight by her smartweave shirt against his chest, the feel of her warm breath gusting against his neck as he explored the silken heat between her trembling legs, slipping a second finger inside her to encourage her to climax. She moaned softly and rolled her hips against each gentle thrust of his fingers and shuddered, biting down on her bottom lip to stifle her voice as a shudder rolled through her body and she came, her juices trickling down Shade's fingers and pooling in the creases in his palm. He pulled his fingers out and removed his hand from her jeans, a feeling of triumph goading him on. He licked her cum from his hand and turned her around, undoing her jeans and tugging them over her wide hips.

She raised her tail, unresisting, showing off her toned ass and the red g-string pulled over her mound, now wet with the desire for more of Shade's attention. He crouched behind her, nostrils flaring and ran his tongue over the soft material, pressing it against her pussy. She squirmed and groaned at the feel of his forked tongue sliding over her, teasing her through the fabric of her g-string. She became lost in the sensation of his exploring tongue only snapping out of it when she heard a zipper being drawn. Her g-string was pulled down to join her jeans at her ankles. Shade stood up slowly, placing kisses across her buttocks, working his way up her back to her shoulders until he gently nipped the back of her neck.

He pushed her forward gently and she braced herself against the workbench, wide-eyed and panting and a little anxious over what he was going to do next. She looked over her shoulder at him, her gaze sliding down from his face to his groin. He was standing behind her, his trousers hanging loose at his hips, held up only by his tail. His fingers were wrapped around his cock, a long, thick shaft of oily black skin dappled by metallic violet spots. Veins stood out against the taught flesh and firm ridges ran from the base to the barb-crowned tip. It twitched minutely in his grip and a bead of silver pre-cum formed on the smooth, swollen tip.

The look he gave her asked Do you want this? and she licked her lips, raising her tail higher. Her eyelids drooped as he pressed against her, sliding between her swollen lips, spreading her wide. He released a soft gasp as he slid in. She was hot and tight, quivering with anticipation and wonderfully slick. He pulled back and thrust into her, relishing the feel of her trembling around him. She groaned as he continued, his hands gripping her hips as he picked up the pace. She started moving against him, increasing the tempo and the power, wordlessly spurring him to go faster and harder, enjoying the feel of him moving so deep within her body. With each solid thrust, she groaned louder and clenched, climbing inexorably closer to another orgasm as his ridges and barbs tickled and massaged her.

He leaned over her, pulling her off her elbows as his left hand slid beneath her tight shirt and ran across the large, velvet orb of her left breast. He gently squeezed her nipple and her hand flew to her chest, grabbing his and encouraging him to increase his grip on the erect nub of sensitive flesh. She cried out, shuddering as she came, her clenching spasms trying to draw him deeper. The sound of his voice, ragged with lust, moaning softly in her ear in response to the sudden, sharp orgasm sent another surge of ecstacy ripping through her body with a shout. She shuddered and squirmed and he held her fast as she screamed, cumming hard, her pussy twitching and clenching around his aching cock.

He slowly pulled back with a delicious, wet sound and then spun her around, setting her on the edge of the workbench, her legs high and her ankles on his shoulders. He tugged her jeans and panties off, throwing them to one side and grabbed her hips, lining himself up with her trembling pussy. He thrust back into her and her back arched, a joyous howl ripping from her throat as he pounded into her. His nails dug into her flesh and rich, lusty growls parted scaled lips that were drawn over sharp teeth in a half-snarl. Sophitia braced her hands behind her, starting to feel weak with the exertion of her orgasms. She quivered and moaned, their voices echoing around the small hangar and her ass involuntarily lifted from the cold, metal surface of the workbench as a fresh orgasm started flowing through her, her aching muscles flexing spasmodically as Shade fucked her relentlessly, a year of pent up lust being spent in a matter of frenzied minutes.

She cried his name as she came and she was driven deeper as he released a low, gutteral growl and pressed hard against her. A tidal wave of liquid heat rushed into her in long, hot waves. His cock throbbed and he panted, his movements fading and his grip going slack. A dozen waves of heat spurted deep into her pussy and she was dimly aware of the tips of his cock flaring inside her, the firm barbs flexing and holding him steady as he came, filling her with his seed. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling. Infact, she didn't want it to end, but eventually the flow of semen came to a halt and Shade started to fade, pulling out and lowering her gently to the workbench. She could feel the aftermath of their lust-fuelled coupling sliding slowly from her aching pussy and pooling thickly beneath her, like a pool of mercury.

Shade stood between her parted knees, panting, trembling lightly as he got his bearings, his cock retreating back into its sheath. He smiled sheepishly and ran a quivering hand across his leathery crest. The smile dropped away and Sophitia's words crumbled on her tongue when a familiar voice called out from the other side of the hangar, obscured by the converted starfighter.

'Everythin' okay in here?' It was Chief Abigail, her voice slurred with alcohol.

Another chimed in and Sophitia slid from the workbench and quickly gathered her discarded jeans.

'Thought we heard someone screaming- Oh.' Lucas added as he came around the nose of the starfighter. His eyes widened as he took in the scene; Sophitia, one golden hoof inside her jeans, her bare ass a spiderweb of liquid silver and Shade, carefully doing his fly up. Both unicorn and dragon refused to make eye contact with the Engarren, 'Lemme guess: This isn't what it looks like.'

'What ishn't what it looksh like?' Abigail demanded, ducking under the nose of the small ship and stopping short. She eyeballed the two and simply said 'Oh.'

'No, this is exactly what it looks like.' Shade replied smoothly. There was no point in denying what had happened; he and Sophitia had, in the literal sense, been caught with their pants down.

'It's about time, too.' Abigail muttered. The giant mammoth was swaying on her feet, her red fur tangled, her coveralls open to her naval, displaying a cleavage a porn star would be proud of. She took another swig from her bottle of beer and saluted them, 'Ahm goin' t'bed. If someone could leave me wi'a bottle of water an' some pain killersh to wake up to, I would greatly app- app... appreeeeshiate it. There. Got it out!' She added triumphantly and staggered off.

Lucas followed quickly on her heels, his pale grey skin tinting pink with embarrassment. Sophitia looked at Shade, feeling a little awkward as she buckled her belt back up.

'I should have warned you that I'm a screamer.' She said softly, glancing away. She had no idea where her g-string had gotten to. She'd have to find it before the starfighter was launched again. The idea of it getting caught up in the small ship's inner workings and breaking something was more than a little embarrassing.

Shade pulled her close and kissed her, 'It was a pleasant surprise. We'll have to do it again sometime.'

'How about you help me find my panties and then join me in my cabin.' She said with a dazzling smile.