A Real Witch (Anthro Mouse & Kaiju TFTG)

Story by skiesofsilver on SoFurry

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Written in September 2019, inspired by SunderLovely

"Haha, nice one, Kris!"

Kris winced as Block slapped his back. He snarled and elbowed his larger friend in retaliation to little effect.

"Hey, watch it, you doofus!" Kris said.

"Sorry, bro!" Block said. "You were just so funny! Calling that cow a cow right to her face? Haha!"

Kris smirked, brushing a strand of hair from his eyes. He patted Block's shoulder.

"I mean," he said. "She is a cow."

"Hey!" Trevor, the third member of the group, shouted. "Look! Over there! A skink!"

Kris and Block turned and there was indeed a skink; that is, a skink woman on the street corner who was rather scantily clad, only wearing a pair of short shorts and a low cut tank top. She eyed them warily as they stared at her.

"And?" Kris said.

"And?" Trevor echoed. "She's a total skink."

"Well..." Kris shrugged. "Yeah?"

"Isn't that funny?" Trevor said. "Cuz, she's like a skink, and also dressed like one?"

"I..." Kris sighed. " Do you mean a skank?"

"Huh?" Trevor frowned. "What's a skank?"

"How do you know what a skink is but not a..." Kris's voice trailed off. "Never mind. You tried, Trevor. You tried."

"Whatever," Trevor huffed. "I thought it was funny."

"Haha!" Block laughed. "It was!"

"You two are dunces," Kris said. "No wonder we can't find any real women."

"But..." Block murmured, pointing at the skink. "She's a woman. She even has boobies!"

"Yeah," Kris said. "But she's not a real woman!" He glanced around the city streets and the mostly non-human individuals that walked. "Where are the human women at it? Are we in the wrong part of town or something?" He turned to Trevor. "You said that--"

"There'd be plenty of chicks around, and there is! Ooh!" He pointed out a busty bovine. "Look, another cow!"

"I guess I should be more specific in the future," Kris sighed. He waved his friends forward. "Come on, there's gotta be some sort of club around here with real women in it."

"Bro, what's wrong with anthros?" Block asked. "Pussy is pussy." He guffawed. "Especially if it's a cat!"

"Too much fur," Kris said.

"Dolphins ain't bad," Trevor offered. "They're so slippery and smooth!"

"Yeah, they're great until you touch their tits and they start going eEeeEeeEee!" Kris snorted, imitating a dolphin's clicks and whistles. "Who wants a splitting headache during sex?"

"Uh, what about snakes?" Block asked. "They're so, uh, flexible and tight!"

"They only like you for your body warmth," Kris said.

"Dragons then!" Block exclaimed. He frowned and scratched the back of his head. "Though they can be weird. This one didn't have tits and looked nice, but when I was in her I felt something poke back."

"Bruh," Trevor said. "That was that dragon's dick."

"It was not!" Block denied.

"Dude, you slept with a dude dragon."

"No, I didn't. I--"

"Hey, hey..." Kris said, lifting a hand. He sneered. "Is it October?"

"Nah," Trevor said. "It's September, man."

"Idiot!" Block exclaimed.

"Guess she doesn't know that," Kris said, pointing towards a white furred unicorn woman standing under a street lamp. "Look, she's a--"

"Witch?" Block blurted out.

Indeed, the unicorn looked like she could play the part. She wore a black pointed hat with a wide brim that her ears and horn poked through, a red crop top that barely contained her generous bust, and a black, low cut skirt that only barely concealed the outline of the rounded teats that rested near her crotch. At Block's exclamation, she looked towards the trio, smirked, and started to walk towards them.

"Yeah, a witch," Kris said. "You think she's a bitch too?"

"Naw, man," Trevor said. "She's not a dog, dude!"

"Trevor, you..." Kris sighed and shook his head.

"Dude!" Block said, tapping Kris's shoulder and pointing at the approaching equine. "She's got four tits! Two up, two below!"

"It's disgusting," Kris said, raising his raise. "She's already barely wearing anything and she can't even bother covering herself up?"

"I don't know, dude," Block said. "It's kind of hot."

"It's not hot," Kris said with a grimace. "It's--"

"Disgusting," the unicorn said, approaching the young men. She stared at Kris in particular as she spoke. "I heard you the first time."

"So why did you come over here?" Kris asked. "We don't want anything to do with you."

"I kinda do..." Block murmured under his breath.

"Because I was looking to have some fun tonight," the unicorn replied.

"Well, you're not going to find any of that here," Kris said. He shot Block a glance. "At least from me. I'm only interested in--"

"Human women, yeah yeah," the unicorn said, rolling her eyes. "You say that, and yet somehow I doubt you'd go for someone in my outfit."

"Well yeah, because--"

"It's not October?" the unicorn finished, laughing at Kris's shocked expression. "You're not as clever as you think. Have you ever considered that--"


"That..." the unicorn snorted, nostrils flaring. "That maybe I'm a real witch?"

At this, Kris immediately burst out laughing. He laughed for only a few seconds, however, for he noticed he was the only one doing so. He frowned and looked to his two pals.

"Hey, what's the big deal, guys?" Kris asked. "She's not..." He snickered. "She's not really a witch."

"I don't know, man," Block said, the large man backing away. "She's a unicorn which mean she has some magic shit."

"Yeah," Trevor said, nodding. "What he said."

"Are you kidding me?" Kris said. "She's..."

He turned back to the unicorn and paused. His gaze was drawn to her horn that was currently glowing.

"Some sort of sluttish unicorn," he said. "No, a horse with some glued on glowing horn."

"Glued on?" the unicorn laugh. "It's all natural." She bounced and so did her bust and her teats. "All of it."

"As if!" Kris said. "You--"

"You are boring," the unicorn sighed. "Now, we could have this back and forth all night, but I think we should get to the fun part, don't you?"

"I'm not going to fuck you," Kris snorted.

"You really are boring," the unicorn said, rolling her eyes. "And what, just because some scantily clad woman approaches you, you think that she wants to have sex with you? No. While I do want to have some fun with you, it's probably not what you have in mind as fun. Fun for me, not for you."

"Oh shit!" Block swore. "Run!"

With that, Block booked it.

"Hey!" Kris shouted over the echoes of Block's thudding footfalls. "Come back here!" He looked at Trevor. "What's wrong with him?"

"I dunno?" Trevor said, shrugging. "But...she's giving me the heebie-jeebies too."

"She's not a real witch!" Kris said. "What does he think is going to happen? That's she's going to smother us with her boobs? Make us suck her teats? Brush her mane?"

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" the unicorn snorted, placing her hands on her hips. "You who put so much stock in a women's appearance yet don't consider your own."

"What's wrong with me?" Kris asked, looking down at himself before running his hands through his longish hair. "The girls love the piercings and the bod."

"But do they like the attitude?"

"Hey, fuck you!"

"We've already gone over this," the unicorn said. "I'm not going to. Now, let me show you how much judgement one can receive based on their appearance."

She tilted her head forward and something sparked at the tip of her horn.

"Look," Kris said. "Some little light tricks aren't going to--"

The man sputtered as a beam of light lanced from the unicorn's horn and struck him. He shivered from a sudden warmth that flowed through all his body and staggered back right into Trevor. His friend caught him and helped stand him up on unsteady feet. Kris pointed a finger at the smiling unicorn.

"Not cool!" he said. "That's--"

"Kris!" Trevor exclaimed.

"What?" He turned to his friend. "I'm--"


"What?" Kris said. "No, I'm..."

His words trailed off when he felt an itch on his hands and face. He held his hands up and gasped when he saw the grey fur spreading over the back of his hands. He gasped again when he felt at his cheeks and the fur he found there and it was spreading. His eyes opened wide and he looked to the unicorn.

"You...wha--" He blinked and grasped at his throat. His voice was starting to sound higher and squeakier and...where was his Adam's Apple? "You are a...you're a--"

"Witch?" the unicorn said, tilting her head. "Yeah. Did the hat not tip you off?"

Kris sputtered and stepped back, only to fall flat on his ass as he stepped right out of his shoes. He grunted, then sat up and looked at his sock-covered feet. They looked smaller and yet they were stretching too. His toes ached and he shivered as he felt them press out against his socks. A second later, he heard something tear and he watched in shock when his claw tipped toes peeked out of the ends of his damaged socks. His digits were more diminutive now and covered in pinkish fur. He tried to push himself up to stand, but at that moment, his hands throbbed. He groaned and curled them into fists, shrinking and slimming fingers pressing against palms that were getting softer and...


"Bro, give me your hand!" Trevor said, holding out a hand. Kris reached out to take his hand, but he stopped when he saw the state of his own. His hand was getting smaller and getting smaller and so was his arm, the sleeve of his jacket hanging loosely on the smaller appendage.

"What..." Kris said, gulping at the higher, squeakier tone of his voice. "What's happening to me?"

"Something fun," the unicorn said, sauntering over to him while Trevor back away. "Again, at least for me."

Kris looked up at the unicorn and scrunched his increasingly furry face up.

"You..." he began, hating how he sounded. "You..."

"What?" the unicorn said. "Go on, say it."

Kris tried to, but his mouth took that moment to suddenly press forward along with his nose into the start of a snout. He sputtered and grabbed at his face, but his snout slipped through his smaller fingers. A moment later, he sneezed and felt his reshaped nose twitch. He pulled his fingers when he felt whiskers tickle against them, his snout stretching forward just a little bit further. He blinked when he saw how his newfound muzzle just protruded in his vision, a rodentine snout with a pink nose at the end. He felt his face go flush and it wasn't just because of the fur spreading across the rest of it. He meant to growl, but all that came out was a squeak as he set his teeth together. Even this familiar motion was a surprise, for his teeth were changing too, most of them simply dissolving into dust until only two remained at the front and bottom of his jaws, teeth that grew thinner and longer and stood out like buckteeth. He squeaked again, looking to the unicorn to shout some obscenities and instead closing his eyes as they watered. He quivered as he felt them pull and resettle slightly fur apart on his altering face. When he opened his eyes, the unicorn was bent over and grinning widely as she said something. What she said, he didn't know for his ears abruptly rang with an incessant high pitched whine, drowning out all other noise. He grimaced, furred ears wiggling as they reshaped rounder and larger, piercings still retained as they took their place higher up the sides of his head. Then the ringing suddenly stopped and he could hear his harried pants while his body continued to reshape. He dropped his gaze and saw that his shirt hung loosely on a much broader chest and yet something was starting to protrude from said chest underneath his jacket, two small mounds that swelled slowly along with every harsh breath. Soon his nipples perked up too and he shivered as he felt their stiff points brush against his shirt. It caused his cock to rise, stiffening sharply in his pants but then it drooped and...shriveled?

"W-what?" he said, clutching at his groin with his diminutive hands. His dick was still there, but his crotch was starting to lack its usual substance while the same could be said for the rest of his body. His clothes seemed overly large now when they had always been just tight enough. "My...my--"

"Dick?" the unicorn said. "Yeah, it's not going to last."

Kris looked up at the unicorn and shrank away from her. She seemed bigger now because...because he was smaller. He shuddered and turned around and over, now on his hands and knees. Trevor stood, staring at him with wide eyes.

"Trevor!" Kris said, hating how high and utterly feminine his voice sounded. "You've got to help me, man!"

Trevor said nothing, only stumbling back. Kris huffed and started to crawl towards him, realizing all too late that he had crawled out of his pants and boxers in the process. He looked over his shoulder and saw a furry rear that was rounding out, plumper and more pleasing to the eyes except for his since it made him look so slutty, so feminine. He wiggled his rear, squirming as a thin, pink furred tail squirmed out just above it, growing out and out as it draped itself over his shape cheeks. At the same time, he could feel his shrunken shaft continue to pull in, but he had to ignore that for now, he had to get away from the crazed unicorn bitch witch. He continued crawling towards Trevor, ignoring how his chest wobbled, swelling tits bouncing more and more with every awkward movement forward, ignoring how he seemed to barely make any progress at all in reaching Trevor as his body continued to shrink, limbs longer yet more slender, and most of all ignoring how his hips ached as they eased apart and his thighs were thickening and yet they barely brushed against anything on his crotch.

"K-kris?" Trevor stuttered.

"Yeah, it's still me, man!" Kris said.

"B-but..." Trevor gulped. "You've got tits, man."

"So?" Kris squeaked, self consciously covering his chest. He glanced down momentarily, his now very oversized jacket and shirt hanging low so that his perky, furry breasts could be clearly seen. He looked back to Trevor, and, despite him being his trusted friend, instinct told him to shrink away from the man. Usually Kris was the bigger one, yet now Trevor seemed to tower over the prone Kris.

"And, uh..." Trevor's eyes widened further. "Where's your dick?"

Kris was about to lash out angrily at his friend when he realized he no longer felt anything tugging at his crotch. He paused and reached back and felt nothing, nothing at all, except--

There was something. His small hand met warm, moist folds and the touch of her fingers on it sent shivers down her spine. She felt warmth rise in her crotch, but panic soon overtook pleasure. She looked down and saw that her dick was indeed gone and in its place were pink lipped feminine folds, already slightly spread. She searched for her cock, but the closest thing she saw was the pink clit that was nestled near the top of her lips. It was simultaneously insulting as it was frightening and yet it embarrassed her more than anything, having her friend start at what had once been her masculinity. She squeaked and began to crawl awkwardly back from Trevor, her retreat so sudden that she was halfway through the motions before she realized she was crawling through her shirt and jacket. Already committed and panicked, she slipped out of both and landed once more on her rump, this time the impact not so hard on her shapely ass. She landed with a squeak and her legs spread, tail wiggling in distress behind her. She started to close her legs, but then looked down, fascinated again at the sight of what lay between them. She had a bonafide pussy, a slick slit eager to be filled, an entrance wet with her arousal and on her chest with tits. They weren't really that big, but there were more than she was used to, and their movement as she took breath after breath were noticeable. She was...she was a woman, and not even a human one. She was a mouse girl, and it was all the unicorn's fault. She had stolen her dick and turned her into a chick!

Despite this injustice, Kris couldn't summon up any anger. She felt small and vulnerable and a little self conscious too. She closed up her legs and covered her tits with her arms, noticing that her friend was still staring at her. She looked away from him and meant to turn towards the unicorn, but then she saw Trevor wasn't the only one staring at her. There were a few people across the street gazing at her, mostly giving her an odd glare but there were a couple that looked at her almost lustfully as if they found her attractive? But how could they find her attractive, a small, naked mouse girl with perky tits and a wet and ready pussy and--


She lowered her ears, looking away bashfully. She had to talk to the unicorn, beg her, no, make her change her back to what she should be--a man, a human man. She stumbled to her feet, pressing her legs together to hide her slit and draping one hand over her furred breasts. Still, she felt vulnerable even then and her ears perked up, as if detecting someone nearby was staring at her, no, not her, a vulnerable portion of her, like her--

She turned towards Trevor, having to look up at him, her head barely reaching his hips.

"Stop staring at my ass!" she squeaked, putting her hands on her hips. "What are you, gay?"

"N-no, man!" Trevor said, holding up his hands. "But, uh, aren't you a girl? So technically, it's not gay because--"

"No!" Kris squeaked shrilly, her breasts bouncing. "I'm not a girl!"

"I don't know, man," Trevor murmured. "I saw your tits. And your vag."

"S-shut up!" Kris stuttered. "Otherwise I'll--"

"Otherwise you'll what?" A familiar voice asked. "I'd love to hear your plan."

Trevor turned and abruptly found herself face to face with the unicorn. Or really, she was face to teats, her new (short) height allowed her to stand just at the level of the unicorn's crotch. She looked up and shrank away as the unicorn stared down at her.

"Well?" the unicorn asked, smirking. "What is it?"

"You!" Kris whimpered, quickly realizing how pathetic she sounded. She took a deep breath and stood up to her full height, which didn't do much to help her position. "You, you...you..."


"Change me back!"

"Back?" the unicorn laughed. "Back into what? A pompous prick?" She shook her head. "No can do, girly."

"I'm not a girl!"

"Oh really?" The unicorn raised an eyebrow and she looked over the mouse. "Trevor?"

"Uh, yeah," Trevor answered. "T-that's me, miss. Uh, did I mention you look--"

"Quiet," the unicorn hissed. "Now Trevor, who is this here?"

"My friend Kris?"

"Oh really?" she said, pointing at Kris. "Isn't Kris a man?"

"Well, yeah but--"

"What do you see standing before you?"

"A hot unicorn chick and a naked mouse."

"What do you think about the mouse? What does she look like to you?"

"Uh, a girl?"

"Yes, and...?"


"Trevor," Kris hissed.

"Pretend you don't know her," the unicorn said.

"Oh! Then, uh, I guess she looks like sort of a slut? I mean, who goes out naked in the middle of the city! Haha! Kris, did you know people are watching you? Someone's even taking pictures!"

Kris felt her ears burn and she hugged both arms over her breasts. She shivered in embarrassment, her tail curling around her legs.

"Tell them to stop," she said, but her words were barely above a whisper.

"What was that?" the unicorn asked.

"Turn me back!" Kris said, looking up.

"I don't think that's what you said and..." She shook her head. "No, I don't think I will. I don't think you've had enough."


"Yes. Leaving you like this for only a moment? No, no." She snorted and bent over. "How does it feel by the way? Being tiny, female, an animal? Knowing that others are judging you for it? People you don't even know and..." She glanced over Kris at Trevor. "People who do."

"This is your fault!" Kris squeaked again, indignant. "This is all your fault. They wouldn't be judging me if it wasn't for you!"

"Oh really?" the unicorn asked. "You don't think they didn't judge you as you went around town speaking so cleverly? I'm sure you got your share of dirty looks. Maybe you're just too dumb to know it. Or maybe..." She murmured, staring not so much at Kris, but past her. "You knew and you just didn't care."

"Yes, alright, that's exactly it," Kris huffed. "You're right, I'm a rude dude and I've learned my lesson. Can I have my dick back now?"

"No." The unicorn said, his eyes still distant.

"No?" Kris's eyes widened. "You can't just leave me like this!"

"I wasn't planning on it." A smile came to the unicorn's face and it was as she snapped back into reality.

"What?" Kris's ears fell back. "But--"

"I don't think you've learned big enough of a lesson," she said, her smile widening. "And anyways, it's not just about lessons. It's also about having fun. This small amount of embarrassment? Oh, it's nothing."

"She may be tiny," Trevor interjected. "But she's got a big butt!"

"Shut up, Trevor!" Kris squealed.

"Sorry, man!" Trevor said. "I mean, girl. I'm just saying I'd hit it. And by that I'd mean I'd tap that--"


"What?" Trevor murmured, hurt. "Oh, am I supposed to stop pretending that I don't know you? Sorry, this is confusing, man. I mean, woman. Dude, are we going to have to buy you bras? My sister might have something your size."

"Hmm," the unicorn murmured. "Maybe I should leave you like this. A vulnerable little mouse girl. I could even change your past. Make your friends think you've always been a slutty little mouse girl. You're roommates, aren't you? Of course, I wouldn't change that part. You'd be their slutty little friend. In fact..."

She snapped her fingers. Kris heard a metallic ping and felt a pinching in her nipples. She gasped, dropping her arms to her sides as a pair of barbell shaped golden metallic bits materialized then abruptly pierced her nipples. She moaned involuntarily, her nipples stiffening and swelling slightly larger and surely more sensitive. A gust of sudden cold wind brushing against her much more sensitive nipples sent her moaning again. Her nethers tingled warmly and she looked down at her slit and was surprised to see another piercing floating near her clit. She looked up to the unicorn with wide eyes and shook her head. The unicorn simply smiled and made a slight wave of her hand. Kris squealed as the metal piece pierced her clit, though the sensation was far from painful. In fact, it was almost far too pleasurable, the mouse girl shivering and falling to her knees as her sex pulsed between her legs. Like her nipples, her clit were growing all the more sensitive. It throbbed stiff and she felt it go erect as it could, a mockery of her lost masculinity. Kris wanted, no, needed something inside her. She brought a hand to her slick sex and--

Shook her head. No. She couldn't give in, not like that. She stumbled to her feet with her tail trembling and a slight bit of her need trickling down her legs. She looked to the witch and was about to speak when she heard two more metallic pings, the twin sound met by twin sensations as her lips were pierced, their sensitivity likewise increasing. She looked down at the metallic rings that adorned them. She...she looked like some sort of slut now, a needy one, a girl who could go for a good time, a rodent lady who needed some love who.

She groaned and tried her best to ignore her sexual cravings as she looked to the unicorn, her anger tempered by her growing need.

"You..." Kris whimpered. "You...you--"

"What? Witch? Bitch? Bitch witch?" The unicorn shrugged. "Call me what you want and I'll..." She whinnied. "Do what I want."

"N-no, please," Kris begged. "Don't do that to me!"

"Oh, I wasn't really planning to," the unicorn replied. "It was just fun to see you squirm. No, I think you deserve some more attention."

"What..." Kris squeaked and gulped. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that you're going to get big, real quick."

"You're not..." Kris mewled. "You're not going to turn me into a stripper, are you?"

"What? No!" The unicorn laughed. "No, I'm going to turn you into a powerful lizard with great tits."

"What." Kris said flatly.

"Yep!" The unicorn said, nodding her head enthusiastically as her horn began to glow. "In fact, right about now!"

Kris tried to turn and run, but it was too late. Just as she was scampering away, she felt another beam of the unicorn's magic hit her back. She fell on her hands and knees in front of Trevor, who stared down at her.

"Oh man, sis," Trevor said, then nodded. "Yeah, that's it, not bro! Anyways, what do you think is going to happen next!"

"I don't know, Trevor!" Kris hissed. "But help me out here!"

She reached up and Trevor actually offered a helping hand this time, but only momentarily. He yelped and jumped back.

"Dude!" he screamed. "Your hand!"

Kris looked at her outstretched hand and watched in horror as it began to twist. Her small fingers began to thicken, five merging into four as her nails grew out into cruel claws. The fur on her altering hand fell away in favor of purple scales, the scales starting to spread up her arm...and the rest of her body too, she realized. She drew her hand back to her chest and stumbled to her, spurred to stand by a sudden surge of strength throughout her whole body. It was intoxicating, alluring, and also arousing, the mouse girl panting as her who body glowed with inner power. Her other hand ached and felt it start to twist as her other one but there were other immediate changes more worthy of her attention. Her feet, for one, for they were changing similarly yet differently than her hands. Her toes, once so tiny and dainty, merged from five on each foot to three, the new thicker digits growing even bigger as their diminutive nails sprouted out into thick talons that clicked against the ground. Her heels abruptly lifted, altering her stance to one more bestial and saurian. She stumbled forward, Trevor catching her not by her shoulders, but by her tits. She squeaked, surprised, and looked up to him and was confused at how his head seemed to be getting closer and closer and yet neither of them were moving.

"Whoa!" Trevor said, squishing her rack. "Nice tits!"

Kris huffed and pushed away and was surprised when Trevor actually stumbled away. The changing mouse fell forward, landing on her hands and knees. She looked at her hands splayed out in front of her, their configuration saurian but that's not what puzzled her. No, they seemed larger and even odder seemed to be getting larger before her very eyes along with her increasingly scaly arms. They were still slender and toned, yes, but they were growing and so, she realized, was the rest of her. She shivered, her warmth fur itching as it gave way to cool, purple scales in patches all over her body while strength suffused her frame. For a moment, she felt powerful and strong, but all that was swept away by a few words.

"Whoa!" Trevor exclaimed. "They're getting even bigger!"

She looked up at Trevor and saw that he was looking down at her. No, not at her, but at her chest, her tits. She followed his gaze and squeaked when she saw what was happening with them, apart from their surface being covered by light purple scales while the coloration of her nipples shifted to a dark purple. Like the rest of her, her breasts were growing, but they were growing out of proportion with the rest of her. She cupped them in her altered hands. For now, there was room to spare in her palms. For now, they were manageable, but not for long. They grew in her grasp, slowly spreading her clawed fingers apart while also causing said claws to dig into the sensitive, swelling flesh. She squeaked out a moan, the sensation of her breasts growing heavier and larger only lifting her arousal. She rubbed her thighs together and noticed that they seemed different too. She lowered her gaze between her half-furred, half scaled legs, tearing her gaze away from her drooling slit to her thighs and watched as they plumped up appreciably, fat suffusing them so that they were shapelier, thicker, less of a gap between them than previously.

"That's kind of hot," she heard an unfamiliar voice say.

She looked up and saw that there were three other guys staring at her along with Trevor, her friend seemingly unphased by their presence. Kris quaked as she felt their eyes go over every inch of her.

"T-Trevor!" she snarled and hissed, snout growing out broader and longer as scales swept over it. "G-get them out of here."

"What?" Trevor blinked and noticed the other bystanders. "Oh. Hey, do you guys mind leaving?"

"Why?" one of them asked. "Is she your girlfriend?"

Kris shrieked in frustration and her growth surged while scales rapidly proliferated over her form, purple over her limbs and head and light purple over her stomach, crotch, and undersides of her neck and arms. Her ears rang from her own cry, yet the sound faded away as her ears shrank into her increasingly scaly skull, leaving only two small holes for hearing behind marked by her piercings that grew along with her. Plated protrusions swept down from the center of the top of her skull down her back to the tip of her tail, the once thin appendage rapidly growing out into a larger, thicker scaled saurian appendage. She felt it sweep behind her, knocking into a streetlamp while she grew and grew, now towering over the watching men despite being on her hands and knees. Her breasts wobbled and bounced, her piercings clanging against her scaly tits as they grew in proportion with the rest of her while also continuing to slowly swell beyond that.

"Oh, um..." one of the watchers said, stepping back. "Maybe we should leave."

"Totally!" Trevor said. "See ya, sis!"

Trevor and the other men turned tail and ran while Kris continued to grow. She lashed out with her tail again and her metal bend this time.

"Trevor, wait!" Kris called as her muzzle stretched to a fully saurian snout, nose shrinking into mere nostrils as her neck thickened. She groaned and tried to shout, but something felt off with her throat. All that came out was a roar and when her friend turned to look over his shoulder, all he did was look at her tits. She blushed and covered her bosom with one arm, but that only did so much. Her inflating breasts squished like balloons against her arms, but they certainly didn't feel like balloons. They were much softer and much, much more sensitive, causing her to shiver, her arousal dripping down her thick thighs. They were also heavy and she felt like her tits was dragging her towards the ground, at least until her thick tail lifted to counterbalance her growing assets. Her rear lifted too, exposing her slick sex and she hissed as a gust of errant wind brushed against her sensitive sex. She panted, narrowing, forking tongue lolling out of a mouth that was once again filling with teeth, though these ones were thin and sharp. She heard a slight drip and then again, and blushed when she realized that it was her that was making those sounds, or really her slit and the lubricant it dispensed. Still, it felt nearly nice to be so horny, the haze of arousal tinged with promised pleasure.

She was drawn out of her reverie when she felt a hand pat her behind. She let out a surprisingly low growl and looked over her shoulder to see the unicorn with one hand on her plump rear.

"Enjoying yourself, dear?" the unicorn asked with a slight smirk.

"N-no!" Kris protested. "I'm--"

"A nice looking lizard lady?" the unicorn said. "Though frankly, not nice enough looking. Not quite yet."

Kris opened her snout to protest again, but she was cut off as something flashed in her eyes. She blinked and looked past the unicorn to see that there was a sizable crowd forming on the other side of the street and many of those watching had their phones out. There were a few more flashes and Kris felt herself go hot all over--including at her crotch. She hissed in distress, but the unicorn only laughed and patted her rump.

"They're looking at you, Kris," she said. "You. Or should I call you, Kristi?"

"No, don't--"

"Speak the truth?" the unicorn asked. "Fine then. They're looking at the moon. And, oh!" She made a look of mock surprise. "It's getting fuller!"

Her hand sparkled and she slapped Kris's ass. The new lizard lady's eyes widened as she felt that same energy imbue her, the one that had spurred her growth. Before she knew it, she was growing again, hissing and moaning as her muscles strained and bones popped and snapped, curves refining, thighs thickening just a bit more while hips popped apart with a shuddering gasp from her. Mostly, though, she stared at her ass. Like her tits before it, her butt was growing faster than the rest of her, inflating before her very eyes. It had already been big before, a proper posterior, but now it was becoming a big badonkadonk, a booty, surely something she would have admired on someone no matter their species, but not now, not like this, not on her! Still, she was frozen in place by her shame, all too aware of the eyes on her, no, her inflating ass, the pictures being taken of her plump posterior, the lust in some eyes at the sight of her wet and ready entrance and, despite her embarrassment, she felt her arousal build up even more. She whimpered and wiggled her rear almost out of instinct, as if to invite any would be takers in, but she knew there were none out there who could please her. How could they? She was so big now, and it's not as if there was a ready supply of randy reptilians out there too--

She growled and shook her head. What was she thinking? Pondering getting some draconic dick when she be...what? Running away? Stomping through the city and showing even more of its inhabitants just how big and bouncy her tits were, just how plump her rump was, and how ready she was for some lovin'? No, no, she had to stay in place, had to keep calm, had to--

She squealed as the unicorn slapped her rear, this time the lizardess feeling it jiggle from the force of the blow despite their difference in size and what a difference it was! Though she had hardly felt the growth, being more focused on the expansion of her rear, she now spilled from the sidewalk onto the street. It was lucky that this section of town was sectioned off for walkers, but that only meant there was a greater gathering coming together to watch the growing reptilian lass. There were so many of them now, and every picture taken caused a hot flash of shame to rush through her body. They were taking pictures of her, her rounded derriere, her bulging pussy lips, her shapely curves, and her titanic tits.

Oh god, her tits. They were continuing to grow and now it seemed her arm wasn't enough to cover them. She whimpered and hissed, dropping her hand to the ground, claws scratching at the pavement while both her breasts drooped. They hung there, not quite touching the ground but getting closer by the second, her stiff, huge nipples would surely be the first to make contact if only she let them. Instead, she pushed against the ground and sat up, plonking down on a rear that was padded and pillowy. It felt good to sit on, but now her pussy was pressed into the ground. She shivered and her tits wobbled, more pictures flashing. She looked over to the crowd and saw that it was forming around her, though the watchers kept their distance. How could they be so calm and collected about the huge, big titted reptilian monstrosity so close to them.

"You don't come here often, do you?"

Kris looked down and saw the unicorn standing in front of her. She smiled up at the large lizard lady.

"This isn't the first time this has happened, you know," the unicorn continued despite her lack of response. "I mean, turning someone into a powerful lizard with great tits. Actually, the last guy asked for it!" She smirked. "Though I must admit he may have asked to be a powerful wizard with great wits instead." She shrugged. "Not my fault I misheard him. He was a little short with me."

Kris murmured, but all that came out was a hiss. She didn't know what to say. She wanted to find something that could ease her horniness, yet was frozen from mortification and any feelings of aggression she should be feeling towards the unicorn simply weren't there. She was simply another observer and yet Kris knew better. She was the cause for all of this, and yet the large lizard lady very much doubted she would be the solution either.

"What?" the unicorn said. "Don't believe me? It was all over the news a few months ago. They even established a task force." She shrugged. "But you know the media is nowadays. There one day, gone the next. Lil miss big tits is fine now, though. I hooked her up with a dragon who satisfies her every need now. Might do the same for you but..." She smiled. "For now, there might be a more immediate solution. Still, let's get you a little bigger, girl."

"No!" Kris protested, but it was too late. The unicorn tapped her thighs and the large lizard shuddered. This time, she was more aware of how she grew, especially as the crowd gasped and stepped back away from her swelling form. She grew up, but she was also widening, pictures flashing with every bit of growth, capturing the progression of the busty, large lizard lass. Kris gasped and hissed at every tug and pop of her hips pulling wider wider apart while her waist pressed even further in to give her an almost exaggerated hourglass figure. She grew out as well, her thickening tail stretching further and further away from her, the lizard squirming at the feeling of her sensitive scaled underside brushing against the cool pavement. She was getting wetter and was all too aware of how she was soaking the ground, her arousal trickling down her huge thighs that squished together. Her tits and rear expanded too as she grew to fill the street, plumper, heavier, bigger and yet just the right size for her large body. She groaned, leaning back but there was no escaping the weight of her breasts or how they jiggled and bounced with every minute movement, but her movements were no longer minute in any sense of the word. She was huge and the world seemed so much smaller now. Even sitting, she was half the height of the tall apartment building they had been walking by before she got into this whole mess.

She suddenly ceased growing. Speaking of messes, she was going to make one of this place soon if she let her horniness go unchecked for even a moment longer. Awkwardly she got to her feet, stumbling from both the weight of her huge breasts and jiggling butt counterbalanced by her tail, but also with how she stood now. Though she mostly stood on her taloned toes, she also hunched forward slightly, her arms hanging by her side yet claws at the ready as if she were some prowling Tittysaurus Rex. She would have almost laughed at the thought if it weren't for all those watching her and her naked body, flashes of light occurring intermittently as the crowd took in her large, jiggling tits, her huge, equally jiggly rear, and her pussy that dripped her horniness at seemingly every opportunity. She took a step forward, awed at how she stood over most building and then felt a compulsion to stop.

"Just where do you think you're going?"

Kris turned her head and saw the unicorn was waiting for her, hands on her hips. She whinnied and shook her head.

"You really don't know your way around here, do you?" She giggled. "You'll never relieve your urges going that way, girl." She sighed. "Don't worry, I'll help you out."

Kris rumbled, wondering just how the unicorn intended to do this when the unicorn's horn sparkled. The equine's form glowed and then she faded away. Kris blinked, staring at the empty spot where the unicorn once was, wincing at the constant camera flashes before she suddenly felt a small weight on her shoulder. Something patted her neck and she turned her head slightly to see the unicorn was sitting on her shoulder.

"Good girl," the unicorn said, patting her thick neck. "Oh, just look at you. You came out perfectly! I hope you appreciate the view. Not many places where you can get such a good view of the city...or such a great rack."

Kris tried to say something, in response but all that came out was a hissing purr. Her eyes widened in surprise and she felt at her throat.

"Rrrr?" she said to the unicorn.

"Oh, you can't talk!" the unicorn said. "Silly girl. I mean, as long as you're aroused and you're horny aren't you, dear?"

Kris couldn't help but nod.

"I thought so," she said. "Now, we're going to Tillsburg Tower. You know, to the north? No, the north, you silly girl. Yes, that north! Forward!"

Kris complied, stomping through the city. Tillsburg Tower? What was that? How could that help her. She was horny. Oh god was she horny, and looking down at her bountiful body only made her hornier. She was physically big, yes, but she was also so damn thick, especially for a lizard. Her breasts were so big that she had to pull them out of the way, shivering all the while, to see her womanly features. Her purple scales glistened in the moonlight (and flash of cameras), highlighting the best and bountiful parts of her: her large tits, so heavy and large yet perky and firm, her swollen, stiff nipples still pierced by barbells probably larger than a man, her hips set apart that she was surely she qualified as a wide load, her thick thighs that squished against each other with every step, her booty that she felt like was drawing the attention of half the town and her pussy that pulsed with her want, no, her need, her purple lips and nubby clit glowing slightly as if she were radioactive and yes, she certainly felt like that. Radioactive with lust if anything, and it made her appreciate her reptilian aspects as well, of course, her scales, but also her talons and claws that made her wonder how they would feel inside of her slick sex or squeezing at her tits, her thick tail that swayed so sensually over her rear, and also her snout that she would love to shove into her own cunt if able. Was she that flexible?

She shivered and hissed her lust. Just what was she thinking? She was so, so, horny, dazed and lustful and yet ever aware of the crowd watching her every movement. They followed her throughout the city and soon she was at the part of town that was trafficked by vehicles. Luckily, someone seemed to have warned them of the encroaching giant lizard lady, for there were no vehicles, just areas cordoned off. There were camera crews too and Kris couldn't help but blush at the thought that somewhere someone was watching her step through the city, breasts bouncing and tail swaying enticingly over her rump. Her passage through the city wasn't marred only by the prints she left on the ground; no, there was a trail of arousal that followed her, the scent of sex that dripped so readily from her wet sex.

"Help!" someone screamed. "A big titted lizard woman is attacking the city!"

Kris hissed while the unicorn rubbed her neck.

"Ooh, how embarrassing!" she said. "Tread carefully, girl--you're responsible for any property damage here."

"Rrrr?" Kris said. The unicorn said something in return, but she couldn't hear it over the whirring thump of helicopter blades. She stopped and watched as the news vehicle approached her, swinging around her side, its focus seeming to be on her breasts and rear. She looked from it to her bosom, lifting one of her titanic tits before letting it drop back down. One of her tits was bigger than the helicopter. It also seemed so unreal. Was this really happening? One clawed hand reached up to cease the jiggling of her breasts and instead she squeezed at a tit. She gasped, knees buckling as her tail swung and slammed into a building. She heard glass shatter and the crowd gasp, but when she looked the damaged building appeared empty. Unable to help herself, she squeezed her tit again and roared from the pleasure sensation that ensued, her lustful cry echoing throughout the city.

"Was that a mating cry?" she somehow heard over the helicopter and the constant clamor of the crowd. "Is she looking for a dickin'?"

"I don't know, Billy Bob," someone replied. "That'd be a big dick."

Kris hissed, shivering at the thought of such a thing. A dick, a cock, a shaft, something between her legs! She needed it and she needed it now.

"Don't worry, girl," the unicorn said, patting her neck. "You're getting close. Don't you see it?"

She pointed and Kris followed her finger until she saw what she was pointing to. There in the distance was a stumpy metal tower surprisingly phallic in shape. The sight of it caused her to move forward faster, stomping and hissing as she raced towards her target.

"You're excited, aren't you, girl!" the unicorn exclaimed. "Don't worry, it's abandoned. It does mean it's a little dirty, but you're a dirty girl, aren't you? You must be some sort of saurian slut since you're going around town without any sort of covering!"

Kris hissed in protest, very much wanting to remind the unicorn that the reason she was tramping around town as an oversized, big titted lizard was her fault in the first place but she could hardly speak let alone think. She was so close to the tower and yet she saw and heard some things that magnified her embarrassment. There was a screen in the center of town that normally whatever the hottest news was and, as it turned out, the hottest news was her. She saw herself, a large, lusty lizard lady tromping around down, tail lifted as if inviting everyone to look at her round derriere and pulsing pussy lips, the same slick slit that she clawed at desperately as if that would do anything to stave off her arousal.

She stopped. Wait, when had she done that? She blinked and looked down to see that she was doing that now, one of her claws already dipped deep into her glistening slit. She shivered and then pulled it out, regretting that already. She didn't have much time to think before familiar voice filtered through the crowd, rising above it all. Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see the unicorn's horn glowing while she stomped towards her goal, that promisingly phallic tower.

"Yo!" he heard Block say. "Are you saying that's Kris?"

"Yeah!" Trevor said. "Some witch turned him into that!"

"No way!" Block said. "Haha! Look at him! He's fingering himself in public! Bro!"

"I know!" Trevor replied. "It's kind of hot, huh?"

"Totally! I'm glad I'm recording this!"

Kris shuddered in shame, but what was she to do? She had to relieve this burning, aching need between her legs. Sure, it felt like the whole city was watching. Sure, she might have said the same thing as her friends if she saw the same sight. Sure, she knew she could try to stop right here, just lay down on the ground and try not to touch her sensitive tits or her warm slit, but she knew that would never ever work.

"Ah," the unicorn sighed. "Here we are, girl."

Here she was indeed. The stumpy tower stood in front of her. Kris looked at it longingly, admiring its shape. She rubbed her thighs together, growling as she imagined impaling herself on it, but why imagine?

"Well?" the unicorn said. "What are you waiting for? Don't you want it inside of you?"

Kris hissed and nodded, approaching the tower. Indeed she did.

"You sure?" the unicorn giggling. "You don't have to. You just have to last, oh, another few hours and your heat might subside. Or you can use that tower here and now while the whole city watches. Hell..." she learned into whisper into one of Kris' pierced hearing holes. "The whole world might as well be watching. They streamed the last incursion globally."

Kris mewled uncertainly. The whole world? No, no, that couldn't be true and yet...

She glanced around. There were so many people watching, hundreds at least. Who knew how many were watching in the comfort of their own home? Even if it was censored, how could they not make out the outline of her big breasts, her butt, or even what she intended to do?

"A few hours," the unicorn whispered. "That's it, my dirty tail raiser. Or..."

Kris whimpered and squatted down, preparing herself. She did raise her tail, the limb and her pussy trembling in anticipation.

"Or you could go at it now. Give in. Show the world what sort of saurian slut you really are. It's your choice. Think on it. You have time, plenty of it. The night is still young and--eep!"

Kris had heard enough. The unicorn whinnied in surprise, clinging on for dear life as the lizard abruptly squatted down lower, taking the thick, metal tower into her. She shivered and moaned as she felt her lips part further and further apart. Her lips felt so sensitive, so good, no doubt "thanks" to the piercings that adorned them. Soon the makeshift shaft was inside her, its cold metal meeting the very warm walls of her inner passage. Immediately she felt her walls contract and clamp down as if there was anything worth milking from the artificial length--but there was, and it was her release from this seemingly insatiable need. Still, just thrusting herself once on the metal rod wasn't enough--she needed it deeper inside of her and a little more besides that. Awkwardly she stood up then squatted back down, hissing at the pleasure of feeling the tower thrust into her again. It went a little deeper, but there was more she could do for herself and she was reminded of this when her tits jostled from the impact of the tower entering her. She brought her hands to her tits and began to grope them. She started slow, experimentally tracing her claws over her soft scales and stiff nipples while she also set into a rhythm of bouncing up and down on the tower. Then she was squeezing her breasts, gasping and moaning as electric tingles of pleasure ran down her spine straight to her pussy, arousing her further and also pushing her closer to her sweet release, but she wasn't there, not yet. She needed more and it took her a little bit of bouncing and thrusting, groping and groaning, before she hit the right spot--her beady, throbbing clit and that slight bit of that tower brushing just the right away nearly caused her to orgasm on the spot. She roared and focused on that spot now so that when she bounced up and down the tower, she was sure to hit it. She roared with every thrust of that shaft into her, the lusty lizardess only slightly aware of how there was three, not one, helicopters circling around her and the rate of flashes kept increasing by the minute.

"You're drawing quite the crowd!" the unicorn crowed, hanging on her neck. "They really like watching you. You're quite the center of attention now, don't you think?"

Kris hissed. Couldn't the annoying equine see she was busy?

"I wonder what they think of you?" the unicorn pondered while Kris discovered just how much pleasure tweaking her titanic nipples brought her. Nudging her piercings only increased the pleasure. "Do they see some snobby man or a big titted lizard have some fun? I wonder."

Kris hissed again. When would she shut up? She huffed, going faster and faster, her tongue lolling out of her mouth.

"Of course what they see is you," the unicorn said. "A saurian slut fucking her own brains out."

Kris snorted. Could she be quiet? She was nearly there, just another thrust and she might--

"Oooh, did I mention that having an orgasm makes the change permanent?"

Kris's eyes widened, but it was too late.

With a low hiss followed by a shriek that could be heard for miles, Kris came. The pleasure overwhelmed her and she slid off the tower, her pussy popping free with a wet shlick while she shuddered, tail shivering and slapping back and forth against nearby buildings. She tried to stand, but instead fell onto her hands and knees with a thud that caused the earth to shake and the crowd to clamor. She stayed upright for only a few moments before falling forward, snout and breasts pressed into the ground while her tail and round rump were lifted in the air. The unicorn jumped from her shoulder and landed gracefully on the ground. She sauntered over to the lizard and poked her snout.

"Well," the unicorn said. "That was fun." She smiled and rubbed at the saurian's snout appreciatively. "I think you've learned your lesson."

Caught in the afterglow, all Kris could manage was a hiss. Still, she did feel something begin to creep into her despite the pleasure--awareness of not only what she had just done, but just how many people had watched her do it. She had just masturbated in public, bouncing on an abandoned metal tower as if were some sextoy while who knew how many people watched her push herself to orgasm while she groped herself and hissed like some needy animal all the while. She had been needy though, but now-

Now she was more than a little self conscious of what she had done. Now she was all too aware of just how many helicopters were circling over her, though there was one that did seemed particularly interested in her rear and her exposed slit, her pussy still twitching, feeling sore and well used. A nervous heat soon suffused her scaly form, and she didn't think another round on the tower would make it go away. No, it would only make things worse. She closed her eyes and hissed.

"Look, you've already made the headlines!"

Kris peeked one eye open to see the unicorn holding a phone out to her. "Big Breasted Kaiju Desecrates Local Monument" read the news feed on the screen. Kris whimpered and shut her eye.

"Oh, did I forget to mention the Tillsburg Tower is an important historic site? Oops."

Kris hissed, wiggling her rear and hips before realizing how high her posterior was lifted. She lowered it and lifted her aching chest off the ground so she wasn't squashing her breasts.

"You made quite a mess!" she heard the unicorn said. "I wonder how much that'll cost to clean and restore. Probably thousands. Maybe millions! You're a dirty girl, did you know that?"

"P-please stop," Kris finally managed to stutter.

"Stop what?"


"If you insist, but I must warn you that soon that the KCA will soon be here and--"


"Oh, alright then. You're right, girl. I've had my fun and--"


"Hmph. Well, at least enjoy my parting gift."

Kris waited. And waited. And waited. When she heard nothing else, she opened her eyes and the unicorn was gone. She frowned and sat up, glancing around but the unicorn was nowhere in sight, at least as far as she could tell out of the so many watching her. Wait, no! She had to come back! Someone had to explain that she wasn't normally a large lizard lady, wasn't normally so horny, wasn't--

Whatever Kris meant to think was drowned out by the sound of wailing sirens. She froze as a giant spotlight fell upon her. She hissed and raised her hands.

"Kaiju Control Agency!" someone shouted over a megaphone. "Keep your tits where we can see them!" The voice sputtered. "I mean claws!"

Kris tried to say something, anything but all that came out were hisses. Just as she began to wonder why she couldn't speak, she felt that familiar heat, that need to breed, well up in her. She moaned and fell onto her back, the spotlight perfectly outlining the contours of her puffy, inviting mound. She brought one hand to her breasts while the other wandered down to stroke at her slit. Again, she was needy and again there were so many eyes on her. And...was that so wrong? She shivered, her chest jiggling as she looked down at her curvy scaly form, that embarrassment turning to arousal.

Well, she decided, it couldn't hurt to go for round number two at this point, could it?

She lowered a clawed hand to stroke at her slit, only for said hand to be abruptly snatched by a clawed apparatus. She hissed in surprise and then was driven to her knees as her bound hand was drawn to the ground. She snarled when her snout and large breasts hit the ground too, the kaiju moaning as she heard her lust drip onto the ground.She cleared her mind just enough to lift her head to see that the clawed anchor held her hand down and was connected by a silvery metal to a strange vehicle that vaguely reminded her of a tow truck. She realized too late that there were many more of these vehicles set up surrounding her, the letters KCA stenciled into their sides. A variety of armed and armored humans and anthros stood around the vehicle, one with a megaphone standing behind the rest. She tried to lift her hand, but the effort was futile.

"The other arm!" the man spoke and before Kris could react, another metal claw came and lashed her hand to the ground. She roared, not out of anger towards them, but out of frustration from being kept from having some more fun. She whined, raising her tail just as she realized what she was doing. She was horny--again--but it didn't mean she had to give in front of all these people. She could cooperate, calm down, then explain what had happened. Easy, right?

No, for the kaiju soon found that the efforts to restrain her were turning her on just as much as they immobilized her. Something twirled and whipped around her leg and she turned her head to see what looked like a crazy combination of cuffs and bolas settle around her legs. The cuff like portion snapped into place around her ankles while two metal portions snapped into place between the cuffs, preventing her from moving her legs farther apart or closer together. She roared, but her cry even to her sounded lustful more than fearsome. She shivered, panting as she wondered just what these naughty men were up to.

Wait, what? She hissed and shook her head, opening her mouth to try to say something to the control crew just as a metal claw whirred towards her face. It latched onto her mouth and kept it closed while it forced her head to the ground. The lustful lizard hissed and whined as a group of the containment crew headed forward her, a strange yet familiar device lifted over theirs head. She could only watch and feel simultaneously ashamed and aroused as they fit the device around her. It didn't take long for her to figure out what the device was when its components clicked into place. It was a muzzle, one that allowed her to breath and barely hiss. They were treating her like a dog! Some sort of horny, lusty bitch, but a bitch nonetheless and that was--


No, no. She mewled, her tongue just barely able to flick out of its confines. It was humiliating and that was hot and made her horny and more humiliated and thus more hot and horny and humiliated and--

She whimpered. She was bound and restrained and also kept in check by her cycle of rising shame and lust. Couldn't they see she just wanted to...to...touch herself in all the right places even with some many watching? Couldn't they give her just five minutes to finger herself and squeeze her sumptuous breasts until she could finally think and talking like a normal human being? She hissed and mewled, raising her tail higher and higher until there was no doubt in her mind at least at what she wanted. Her slick slit was exposed for all to see, puffy and dripping with a fire she had to quench.

"Ah hell," she heard someone say. "She's as horny as the last one. She's still riled up!"

"The beast has been captured!" the megaphone man spoke away from her. "You may return to your homes now!"

Despite the man's words, Kris didn't really see anyone turn and leave. In fact, were there more helicopters hovering overhead? It's not like she could lift her snout to see.

"No one's moving a muscle, Jim," she heard.

"Goddamnit it, Bob" the megaphone man murmured. He raised the megaphone. "I repeat, you may return to your homes now! What you see next may disturb you."

Kris's eyes opened wide at this. What did they intend to do with her?

"Prepare the Pleaser!" the megaphone man announced.

The what? Kris heard something large and loud start up behind her and she could soon feel it approaching her, the ground rumbling and...vibrating? She could turn her head just enough to see what was approaching her. Her eyes widened and her pussy clenched in anticipation of the approaching vehicle, a large machine that held a large, ridged purple tube that was as phallic as the tower and then some. It visibly vibrated, obscuring the words written on its side enough that Kris had to squint her eyes and really concentrate to read them. It was easier said than done in her horny haze, but she just managed to make out the words "Kaiju Pleaser 5000" written in red flaming letters along its length and what a length it had! It was thick and large and juicy looking and...

She whimpered. She was drooling, lusting over a cocklike contraption that must have cost thousands if not millions to produce. They were going to fuck her while she was bound and helpless to its advances and that was--

Ok? She hissed, unsure of herself. She was also unsure of her being able to take the Pleaser in. It was huge! Was it too big for her? Could she take it? She was excited to find out!

Some part of her protested this, but she was too hot and horny to care. She wiggled her rear and waved her tail as if the cock construct could understand what she really wanted. She knew what she wanted, though. She wanted it inside her, needed it now, and she was ready, ready for anything but mostly ready for it. Ready and wanting and--

She wasn't ready.

The Pleaser penetrated her and she would have roared if she could. Instead all that came out was a pathetic hiss as the Pleaser plunged into her ready sex. She whimpered and moaned, her eyes rolling back into her head from the sensation of it entering her. It was so large and rough and pleasing and it even vibrated against her clit too. She hissed, barely able to think, barely able to act as it went in even deeper and deeper before it started a mechanical rhythm of thrusting in and out of her. As it turned out, her slit could take it all in and then some, but not her mind. She was overwhelmed by the pleasure that she failed to remember that she was bound, her claws hooked into the ground. Still, she tried to grab and squeeze at her breasts, but when that failed she dropped her chest against the earth and let her breasts press into the ground instead. Soon enough, she was a writhing, hiss scaly mess and soon enough she was cumming, her climax upon her before even half a minute had passed. Still, even in the throes of pleasure, the Pleaser didn't stop and neither did the kaiju Kris stop enjoying it. She was a lusty large lizardess in paradise, bound in body but unrestricted in carnal pleasure. Even as a small part of her reminded her that she was getting artificially fucked in front of an uncountable number of viewers, was letting herself getting fucked while so many watched her including her friends, the kaiju couldn't bring herself to care too much. She wanted more, more, and more and the steady Pleaser was willing to please.

She came over and over and over while the megaphone man and another man stood situated far behind her and her machine lover.

"Second one this month, Bob," the megaphone man said, sighing. "Where do they come from?"

"Hell if I know, Jim," Bob said with a shrug. "We're just lucky that nice unicorn let us keep her machine from last time."

"Yeah." Bob stared at the writhing kaiju. "Wonder how many cycles she'll take."

"Oh, I'd guess a couple dozen or so before she calms," Jim said, his eyes drawn to the kaiju's jiggling ass. "Eh, but what's the rush. We've got all night."

"Do they ever calm down? And..." He squinted. "Is she blushing?"

"Hell if I know," Jim said, shrugging before a smile cracked his weathered features. "At least it's a beautiful night. Nice, full moon."

Bob couldn't help but smile too, his eyes drawn too to the kaiju as she was relentlessly pounded. He nodded, his gaze following her tail down to her plump rear where it lingered.

"That it is, Bob. That it is."