NM #9 ~ Go to Bed Mister

Story by Nivulus on SoFurry

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#9 of Niv & Mela

[ Summary: ]

Mela shepherds Niv to bed when he struggles to get there on his own.

[ ~600 words ]

Old work. This happened because my brain has more time for ideas than it does sleep.

Characters are mine

(C)~Nivulus 2018

Niv slouched in his chair as he stared at the monitor, clicking idly through social sites for new posts, or messages he knew weren't there. His eyes burned around the edges, wanting desperately to close. He kept searching for stimuli, his only movement the subtle back and forth of his hand on the mouse, the tapping of his finger on the button. He didn't know how many hours he'd been awake. Too many. He knew he should lie down to sleep. There was nothing stopping him, technically, but his body just wouldn't do it. Wouldn't cooperate. So he sat, staring. Clicking.

The door cracked open a couple of inches and Mela's voice came through, asking with a tiny hint of playfulness in her tone, "Are you decent?"

"Mm" Niv grunted vaguely in the affirmative, only just audible.

Mela poked her head in, stepping fully into the room once she was sure. "I'm off to bed, babe." She casually walked over to Niv, standing behind his chair. With a hand on each of his shoulders, she leant down to kiss the top of his head. "I'd say you should too." Her tone was firm.

"Mm" Niv again grunted vaguely, this time accompanied by slight nodding.

Mela leaned further down to put her mouth right beside his ear. "That wasn't a suggestion." She said gently, but with that same firmness of tone.

The rumble of her voice going directly into his ear made Niv's eyes relax and roll back. He exhaled, keeping his eyes closed and furrowing his brow as he focused on that feeling. His hands slipped off the mouse and keyboard as his shoulders relaxed. It was the same feeling he got listening to thunder.

"Close it down, mister." Mela said, straightening up.

Niv blinked the burning out of his eyes, nodding again. He closed everything and shut off the computer. He set his glasses on the desk and tried to push his chair back, but couldn't seem to overpower the friction against the floor. He tried again without success, his feet sliding forward instead. He sighed heavily, letting out a grunt of dismay.

Mela gently pulled the chair back and turned it away from the desk. Niv leaned forward, making to get up. He took a deep breath and sighed again. He sat still a moment, then put his hand out. Mela took it, their forearms together and locking her fingers with his, and helped lift him to his feet. He swayed a small bit, but felt confident enough to handle himself from there. He kissed the back of Mela's hand before slipping his fingers out of hers.

"You good?" Mela asked, moving her newly freed hand to his shoulder.

Niv nodded with a bit more presence. He shuffled over to the bed as Mela walked around to her side. They both undressed, though Niv had a harder time of it, almost falling over once. He tossed his clothes onto the dresser and plopped down on the bed. He sat still a moment, some of his body feeling as though it weren't there.

"Sweetie?" Mela said as she climbed beneath the covers. "Sweetie, lie down." She coaxed him, rubbing his arm gently and waiting for a reaction.

Niv turned his head lazily toward the pillow, his hand fumbling for the edge of the blanket. He leaned over to lie on his stomach, his face to one side of the pillow, pointed inward.

Mela curled up in her side, facing him. She watched him a few moments, an inelegant visage with his cheek smooshed up by the pillow. "Love you goodnight." She whispered with a little grin, kissing his forehead.

"Love you goodnight" he sleepily garbled back.

NM #10 ~ Predatory

Niv stood at the counter in a t-shirt and sleep pants, an array of sliced meats, cheeses, and other fixings spread out before him as he assembled a pair of sandwiches. Mela sat quietly in similar dress, legs crossed and elbows on the table, resting...

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NM #8 ~ Looking

Niv and Mela sat in the lobby, waiting and watching as people came and went. It was quiet and uneventful. There was an occasional tap and nod to pick out a person of noteworthy appearance, but no one had bothered them the whole morning. Just how Niv...

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NM #7 ~ Gone

Mela woke and stretched an arm across the bed to find herself alone. Not uncommon, but they _had_ gone to bed together and Niv usually slept longer. His pillow was missing too. She squinted at the clock, blinking a few times to clear the fuzziness in...

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