A Chosen Path -- Chapter 5 -- A Night To Remember

Story by Moonblood on SoFurry

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#5 of A Chosen Path

Yay! Another story on! I hope anyone who likes this story wasn't going crazy for this chapter which I even felt took forever to finish. Sooooooo yeah, having what I had written for this story deleted some how, pulling an 80 pound bow string a lot and taking a tumble down some stairs can surprisingly make it hard to write if anyone who reads this didn't know. Once all that recovery stuff got done, I went crazy with getting this done fast, so here it is I hope who ever reads this enjoys it as much as I enjoyed creating it to be read by fellow furs. As usual, I'm sorry if there are any grammatical, spelling and whatever kind of errors there may be in this story. Also, votes, faves, watches, and COMMENTS are oh so greatly appreciated, just try to keep everything nice and not vulgar please!! I don't want other furs to see rude language - unless it's in a good way if you know what I mean - and ruin the good vibe of happiness I try to maintain! Heh, I love feedback and looovvvee to talk! So comments kick butt. Anyway, off to write more furry goodness and such. Also, I hope you didn't come here for an incredibly yiff-tastic story, I am starting out with the stuff I find I can write down in a somewhat easy fashion... BUT! Without further delay! I present to you Chapter 5 A Night To Remember.

P.S. Sorry if I name one of my chapters after another with the same name, these names just come to me as I write and in no way are they intentionally copied from other Authors. I hope all who read enjoy!

Chapter 5 - A Night To Remember

With the night moving on, Jake, with a large grin across his muzzle, looked over at the clock and seeing that it read 2:17 AM made him grin even more as his cell phone vibrated on his stomach. He quickly opened the phone and read all of three words that made his heart speed up and the fidgeting of his body increase. "Heh... I love you too, Trygan!" Jake hastily sent back as he yawned and stretched out on his bed. He turned over onto his belly and let his tail flail around at the excitement of being able to tell Trygan that he loves him. "Heheheheh!" Jake burst out giggling as he thought more and more about his feelings for the brown furred wolf while waiting to receive yet another message from his lover.

While waiting, Jake closed his eyes to rest them slightly and not a moment sooner, his cell vibrated once more. Jake had to fight his eyes to open as he opened his cell, letting the bright light of his screen wake him up more before he read the message. "It's 2:24 in the morning Jake! The idea is to get sleep when the sun isn't out and about and here you are talking to little 'ol me when you could be sleeping! It's Saturday, I'm sure we will be doing stuff together today, but I don't want you to pass out or something from lack of sleep... Please go to bed, Jake. We can text in the morning... or... heh, later in the morning as it stands now I guess.

Seeing the message sent a somewhat soothing and relaxing feeling throughout Jake's body as he was more or less glad he could get some sleep, but a hint of reluctance to stop talking to his boyfriend was also present. Although there was a slight sadness about it, he happily took the chance to get some sleep. "You would say that... BUT I am rather sleepy and my bed is so comfy, you should have stayed the night over here! You should come over for breakfast too, my mom loves to cook lots of food for the weekend and I could use some help eating it all! Heh, goodnight Trygan, I love you and sweet dreams!" Jake said in the message as his eyes began to feel more like weights and his yawning increased in strength. He didn't have to wait long for a reply to his message saying "love you too" and an "I'll be there" along with all the other words that made Jake even more happy and although it was dark, anyone could have told he was heavily blushing. With the last of the message read, Jake plugged his phone in to charge and quickly fell into a deep sleep after closing his eyes and covering up in his bed.

Feeling like he had only fallen asleep a few moments ago, Jake was rudely awakened by his alarm going off. He made a displeasig sound as the morning sunlight shone into hs room, making it impossible to keep his eyes open for more than a few seconds until theslowly adjusted to the light. So, while still having his eyes closed, he moved his paw around randomly till he found his mark of the button to shut the alarm off with. "Uugghh... Investing in a better alarm would be smart..." Jake said in a sleepy voice as he instantly remembered his date from the previous night and fidgeted in his bed of pure happiness and excitement.

After calming down from his happy thoughts, Jake went past his date with Trygan and went to when he and Trygan had their little fun time and became aroused rather quickly at the remembrance of the fun they had that night. "Before our first date too!" Jake exclaimed to himself in silence as he moved his paw down to his maleness and sightly rubbed his slowly emerging erection. Right before he decided to go farther with his fun, his mother popped into his head. "Craaap..." He sighed to aloud as he remembered the last time he tried to paw off when his mother was home. "Dang sense of smell." Jake muttered to himself as he stopped thinking about enjoying himself. His erection slightly dampened his boxers as he looked down and sighed yet again upon seeing the tent of his boxers due to his horny member. "Ughh..." Jake groaned as he leaned back on his bed and tried to think of something to turn him off before his musky scent got any worse.

Laying there for several minutes, Jake realized it was utterly impossible to not think about Trygan at the time and before he could think about any other subject, he heard paw steps on the stairs. "Jake It's almost ten thirty, come on down for breakfast!" Jake's mother said with merry tone in her voice before heading back down the wooden stairs and disappearing into the kitchen.

Hearing his mother head back down the stairs, Jake let out a large sigh as his heart raced and his breathing slowly slowed to an acceptable level. He almost laughed at himself at how close that could have been to him being caught with an erection which Jake quickly noticed had completely disappeared at the close call of his mother almost coming up to see him. With a grin on his face, and a little airing out of his room to get rid of whatever scent his mother could pick up, Jake got dressed and more or less skipped out of his room as he remembered that Trygan was coming over. Reaching the stairs, he rapidly descended them, smelling a variety of scents as he reached the bottom radiating from the kitchen. Jake's stomach almost seemed to take control of him as he started walking towards the kitchen after a rather loud rumble of his stomach marked the time to move.

Rounding the corner with a huge sniff to the air, Jake came into view of the source of the lovely scents of food. There were no simple plates partially filled with a few scrambled eggs, bacon and sausage, or toast, which Jake was betting he would probably never find due to the fact his mother loved to cook large amounts of food for any reason. He instead found large amount of different kinds of food. Plates piled high with fruit ranging between sliced bananas to apples of a variety of colors, to piles of grapes in the same fashion of apple - lots of color and about 10 other types of fruits were scattered around the kitchen table. Stacks of waffles and pancakes lay in the center of the table, surrounded by toppings between several kinds of syrup to chocolate chips to peanut butter and just plain butter. Eggs were also present of their own dish, which contained portions of scrambled, sunny side up, over easy, medium, hard and deviled eggs were stacked on each side of the large serving dish, eggs and toasty fingers were clearly on the mind of Jake as he saw the hard boiled eggs and a pile of toast next to each other. There was even a corton of milk and ceral of severl kinds placed on the table aswell and about 5 other kinds of food Jake noticed too.

"I always wanted to know why you make so much food, mom!" Jake said in an exaggerated gesture as he let his tongue hang out the side of his mouth while his eyes darted around, looking for a good place to even think about starting to eat. The tall and lean figure of Jake's mother turned around from her spot at the counter with a smile so large, Jake could have sworn it would've been visible from space. She worn an apron that read "Kiss the cook" and Jake knew that if his father were here, there would have been a mini make-out scene because of the apron too. Jake stoppped thinking about that faster than he knew possible. "Nasty!" He told himself under his breath as he walked over to the table and started once again to marvle at the spectacle. "Well, good morning to you too, Jake I didn't wake you up when I hollered up did I?" She asked in an incredibly sweet way as Jake looked up at her. "No, I was just relaxing in my bed, I was already up." Jake answered back as he remembered to ask about Trygan. "Hey mom, um... can Trygan come over for breakfast?" Jake asked while he began to pour himself a cup of milk. His mother's smile seemed to grow bigger as her son asked about his boyfriend. "Of course he can come over I kind of figured you would ask, so I made extra food." she said with that familar merry, worry free tone Jake had come to like to hear, due to the fact that it mean his mother was happy, making Jake happy too.

"Ah, well, he should be over any second I guess. I texted him last night, I hope that's ok?" Jake asked with some regret of telling his mother he had already told Trygan he could come over. Janice just smiled more and with a laugh she brought over another plate full of bacon and sausage. "Am I getting that predictable?" She asked with a chuckle. "Of course it's ok, he's always welcome here." She added while she turned around and went over to the sink to wash her paws. A wave of relief flooded over Jake at his mothers kindness right as a nock on the door reached Jake's ears. "Quickly Jake! Don't let your tongue hang out for our guest! I hear that's very rude!" Janice said with a roar of laughter as Jake just starred at her blankly. "All I can say is, be glad we have a guest, or else I would have sent back the greatest comeback mom." Jake said as he got his tongue, which has escaped once again, back into his muzzle and walked over to the door. "Be glad!" He said as he opened the door to the brown furred wolf, a grin on his muzzle lead Jake to believe Trygan had heard Janice. Jake could feel himself start blushing at it too.

"I swear Jake, you are the new image for breast cancer." Trygan said with a chuckle as he was lead into the kitchen and the variety of food placed on it. Janice pulled out two chairs for the two boys while still managing to take her apron off and she took a seat at the table. "Well don't just stand there boys, get some food while it's still hot!" She said as she began to fill up a plate of her own with fruit and waffles. "Wow You could feed the whole neighborhood with this feast!" Trygan said while taking hold of Jake's paw as they were walking over to the table and sitting down. The three wasted no time in digging into the edibles before them, several noises of pleasure ecaping Trygan's muzzle as he tried everything on the table. "Geez Trygan, it's like you haven't eaten in days!" Jake said with a bark of laughter at his lover's ravonous hunger. Trygan just beamed him a glare as he finished his first waffle in under a minute. Laughter filled the room as the three continued to eat.

After about an hour later and several plates being comeplety emtied of contents, Jake leaned back in his chair, soon followed by Trygan and then Janice. Trygan finished his glass of OJ and took hold of Jake's paw, giving it a warming and gentle squeez of passionate love. Jake felt incredible at how just a simple touch showed love. He wanted to kiss Trygan more than anything at this point and leaned in slightly to do so, but he figured it would be slightly awkward for his mother to see her son kissing a boy, so he decided to wait for the right time. He gave a squeeze back to Trygan as Janice started picking up dishes and placing them into the sink to be washed and other plates into the fridge. Trygan quickly got up from his seat and started washing dishes while Janice was picking plates up at the table.

She turned with a more or less shocked expression on her face as she saw Trygan doing the dishes and she walked over to the sink. "Trygan, you don't need to do the dishes. You're a guest in this home." She said as Trygan continued to clean the last of the plates. "I know I'm a guest, but I don't want to seem rude by doing nothing about the plates I helped dirty." Trygan stated to the female Husky as he finished the dishes and dried off his paws with some paper towels. Janice almost seemed blown away at the fact a teenager was willing to do this and that Trygan was so nice about it. She just smiled more and patted him on the back. "Now, if only I could get Jake to do the dishes with that kind of attitude, I would happily pay you to tutor him in the way of a dishwasher, such as yourself." She said with a chuckle as Jake just blushed some more at his mother's embarrassment of him. Joyous laughter once again filled the kitchen as that last of the cleaning up was finished.

"Well Thank you for all your help Trygan... and Jake." Janice said with humor in her voice. "So, what are you two boys going to be doing this day?" She asked as Trygan and Jake made their way to the open doorway out of the kitchen. They looked at each other and Jake shrugged his shoulders in the usual "we don't know" fashion. Janice had a grin crawl along her muzzle at the two and went to grab her purse on one of the counters. "Well, I actually need to go do some shopping and go to the bank, you two want to tag along? Or are you guys good?" She asked while walking over to the door leading outside after retrieving her purse. The two once again looked at each other, and both, while almost simultaneously, shook their heads, Jake cracking a smile at the same time. Janice just shook her head with a sigh. "Hmmm, a mother can't get any company with teenagers these days." she said in a sarcastic tone of voice before pulling out her keys to the car. "Alright then, I might meet up with some friends to go out for a meal and run some other errands too, so I most likely will be back late. Trygan, feel free to stay how ever long you want and Jake, be a good host while I'm gone." Janice said as she looked over at the two lovers, unknowing of their true feelings for each other.

With a quick few more questions and answers being given, Janice was out of the house and driving down the road towards town. Not many seconds later, with arms wrapping around each other and lips meeting one another in a feverish lust, the two boys kissed for more than a minute before their lips parted from one another, both in a sea of pleasurable sensation at one another taste, scent and feel.

Coming down from his high of pleasure, Trygan licked Jake on the nose and giggled as Jake, although alone in the house besides Trygan, still blushed. Jake didn't waste any time with returning the gesture and before they knew it, They were kissing again, Trygan's paw running over the Husky's head fur, moving down his back and reaching Jake's butt, giving a squeeze to one of the firm cheeks before retreating back to their owner. Jake loved the feel of his behind being grabbed by Trygan and he again, returned the gesture, only using both of his paws, pulling Trygan closer to him as they kissed.

Several minutes passed as the two stood close to each other, kissing passionately as they were both glad to be alone in Jake's home, for a large amount of hours possibly at that too. Trygan finally pulled away from Jake, licking his lips and savoring the taste of his lover. Jake kept his eyes closed for a few moments more, soaking in the bliss and wanting more. He along with another part of his body wanted more and it was clearly showing, in both of the boys pants. Trygan let out a laugh at their feelings for each other. "Come on Jake, it's just kissing... reaalllyy good kissing at that." Trygan said as he licked Jake once more and walked over to one of the couches. Sitting down, Trygan signaled Jake to sit next to him and the Husky didn't hesitate for more than a second before he was sitting up against the brown furred wolf. Jake pulled out his phone and looked at the time, seeing it read 1:24 PM made him laugh at how fast the day was going by.

Trygan turned on the tv and rested his head against Jake's, licking the side of his muzzle as he flipped through the channels looking for something to watch. After a little bit of channel surfing, the two agreed on a channel that was showing a movie they figured would be cool to watch. "Hmmm, it just started too, cooool." Trygan said as he got comfortable with laying slightly down on the couch, helping Jake wiggle up between his legs to lay on his chest.

The feeling of Jake sliding up across his groin sent a message to Trygan's mind, telling him he was extremely horny. Trygan let out a groan he played off as one from helping Jake slide up his body, but rather it was one of horny anticipation. Jake finally found a good position to lay and looked up at Trygan's face, giving a loving lick to the wolf"s nose with a smile. Trygan smiled back as he lay his head back to enjoy the movie, letting his paws caress Jake in a soothing way.

Several minutes passed and Jake was almost practically asleep while Trygan felt the large amount of food he had consumed work it's way in that of making him really tired. "Guess I ate more that I should have huh, Jake? I'm really tired." Trygan said, not having any luck with getting a response from Jake. The Husky was already in a light sleep, holding tightly onto Trygan's shirt, assuring that there was no way he could get up without waking the Husky. Knowing he couldn't so much as move a lot, Trygan flashed that wolfish grin and closed his eyes, soon joining Jake in a light sleep.

Hours passed by and as the two slept on, a large explosion on the tv roused the wolf out of his sleep, eliciting a groan of being woken up. He quickly flipped the tv on mute and found the Husky still in a doze, sprawled out halfway down the length of Trygan, slightly snoring in a way Trygan started loving on the spot. The wolf slowly maneuvered his way out from under Jake and got up off the couch, sliding his cell out of his pocket to check the time. His phone read 6:45 PM and Trygan let out a small sigh of more or less shock at how long he slept, and a little about how it was getting dark out already. Aside from the sigh, that wolfish grin of his crept along at how he was still surprisingly turned on and it didn't take Trygan long to smell the musky scent of another male who was aroused. He knew he was already horny, but this wasn't like his scent. Turning around while looking down, he saw the very noticeable bulge of Jake's erection clearly throbbing and wanting some attention, even though Jake was still asleep.

"Heheh, a nice dream is all I can think of." Trygan whispered to himself as Jake slightly stirred a little and then moaned out in ecstasy. Trygan had to fight off the urge to not laugh at how cute Jake was right now, along with fighting off his own urge of dropping his pants and taking Jake for their first time. The wolf tried and found it rather hard to get that idea out of his head and he decided to go get a drink.

Leaving Jake to his erotic dream, Trygan made his way to the kitchen, then to the refrigerator, taking out a soda and opening it. Trygan was in heaven from the moment the metal of the can touched his lips and he almost downed the can in one gulp. He didn't realize how thirsty he was before now, and so he poured himself a cup of water to go with the rest of the soda.

Several minutes passed as he sat there in the dimly lit kitchen, trying to calm his senses before returning to Jake's side, but that attempt ended the second Trygan got another whiff of the - at this point - extremely aroused Husky and fidgeted in his seat as he thought about the possibility of having sex with another male. "This... is too soon I'm sure..." He tried to tell himself as his own erection was nearly fully out. After breathing sorry under his breath, Trygan went over to the sleeping dog and got down on his knees, right in front of Jake's crotch. He leaned in and took in a large sniff of a scent that flooded over him in a pleasurable way. Trygan gave the Husky a gentle, but stern shake and a smile was visible on Trygan's face. "Yeeaaahh, telling me in a text you are a light sleeper wasn't something I would guess." Trygan said as he once again gave a little shake to Jake. "Light sleeper my ass!" Trygan giggled to himself as he gave up on waking Jake up and started with undoing the dog's pants.

Getting the belt undone, zipper and button, Trygan nimbly slid the clothing down along with the boxers underneath slowly over Jake's body. I didn't take him long to see the pink flesh of Jake's member, fully erect, and if Trygan wasn't mistaken, glistening with pre already. "Geez Jake, you make it hard not to want to mate right now." Trygan breathed as he figured doing a muzzle job would hopefully wake Jake up and they could talk. Sliding the last of the clothing off past Jake's foot paws, Trygan felt himself blush at how cute his lover looked with a shirt and no pants on and didn't waste anytime with getting started. He gentle took hold of the fully erect Husky cock and began slowly moving up and down the length of the shaft with careful motions as to not harm his boyfriend in anyway. Jake murred and moaned in his sleep, moving his hips in rhythm of Trygan's paw. The wolf grinned and picked up the pace of pawing off Jake, eliciting some more sensual sounds of pleasure from the sleeping dog. Trygan couldn't help but let a little laugh out as he stopped and quickly engulfed what he could into his muzzle. He felt the heat of the flesh swim around his mouth as he started to bob his head in the appropriate fashion, causing Jake to thrust his hips more powerfully into Trygan's muzzle. The wolf could taste the pre, loving every second of being able to pleasure his lover as he judged from the size of the dog's knot, he was about to have his orgasm real soon already.

"Trygan!"Jake said in a muffled sleepy voice causing Trygan to look over the Jake's face, still bobbing his head and sucking on the Husky meat, milking it for all it's worth. Trygan smiled when he saw Jake was still surprisingly asleep and dreaming of Trygan. The fact that Jake was indeed dreaming about Trygan made him feel all warm a fuzzy inside as he was sucking cock. Trygan wrapped his tongue around the sensitive flesh and moved his head faster as he fondled with the white furry orbs between Jake's legs. Jake's knot was bigger Trygan noticed and he stopped sucking, removed the meat from his mouth and licked from the base of Jake's balls, to the tip of his dick several times before continuing with the muzzle job. More pre escaped and Trygan more then happily swallowed the warm substance, feeling it travel down his throat. Before he could hope for more pre, Jake's eyes shot open as his orgasm came to life and he thrusted into the wolf's mouth, his balls clinging to his body as he pumped his seed into the muzzle of Trygan. Five solid gushes made Trygan gag, back off and open his maw, blobs of the white sticky substance flew from the startled Wolf and splattered across Jake's shirt and his face as Trygan failed to swallow the amount he was given. Two more ropes shot out from Jake, landing on the shirt that covered his chest as his climax came to an end and his sense slowly started to return to him.

It only took him moments to realize that he was indeed naked below his shirt and that there was warm sperm across his body. His member slowly retreated, being satisfied from the fun and Jake sat up on the couch wtha confused and guilty expression clearly visible on his face. "I... um... I'm sorry, Trygan... I didn't know you were really doing that, I thought it was my dream...." Jake said, feeling rather bad about making Trygan gag on his sperm. The only response he managed to get was that of laughter. Jake looked over to see Trygan bawling out of laughter on the floor, rolling around and giggling all the way. "The first thing you say to the wolf who just muzzled you off while you were sleeping is you're sorry!? Jake..." Trygan managed to say before more laughter escaped his throat. It took him a few moments to try and calm himself down before he could even begin to talk. "Jake, I should be the one apologizing, I literally just sucked you off while you were sleeping because I was really horny. Soooo, I'm sorry for taking advantage of my oh so adorable furball." He finished saying before picking up the Jeans and handing them over to Jake with another couple of giggles.

Jake just smiled, leaned over to retrieve the Jeans and instead of grabbing them, he grabbed Trygan's wrist and pulled the wolf on top of him as they fell to the couch. "Hmmmm, I believe this position is better then you standing way over there isn't it?" Jake said with a giggle as he licked Trygan's nose and kissed the wolf, sliding his tongue inside for a welcome return of the taste of Trygan and cum together. Jake broke the kiss right as Trygan closed his eyes. "Mmmm, I love the taste of you and my cum together, But I think you got some on my face, care to take care of that lover?" Jake said in an incredible dirty tone of voice, turning Trygan on more than he was already.

The wolf obeyed as he knew this was just fun for Jake and happily started licking the side of the face where there were speckles of sperm. Jake giggled and licked at Trygan's neck while he was being cleaned and just so happen to look down at Trygan's groin, seeing a bulge and the fact it was practically touching Jake's own uncovered crotch made him want to be mounted rather badly right on the spot.

Once the cleaning was done and Jake was dressed, Jake placed his paw onto Trygan's bulge and fondled the package within the pants he was wearing. Trygan spread his legs to let Jake have his fun, but stopped when Jake went for his belt. "What's wrong baby? I Thought you were horny? I may not know how to give a good muzzle job, but I can make it worth your while I'm sure!" Jake said with a passionately lust filled voice while he tried to go for the belt again, only to fail. Trygan looked at him and smiled. "I know you would make it worth my while, but I might be saving this for something special really soon." Trygan said with that wolfish grin of his and patted Jake on the head as he realized what he just said might not have been the greatest thing to say. The Husky turned his head in the usual confused manner while leaning over Trygan's crotch, taking in the heavenly scent. "What do you mean 'something special'?" Jake asked with puzzlement before he went back to fondling Trygan. The wolf just looked at him again. "Too late to back out now..." Trygan thought to himself.

With Trygan taking Jake's paw and squeezing, he turned to face the Husky. "Jake... I don't know if... this is my horniness taking over, or what, but I... I... um..... I was thinking about us losing our... um....... vir... virginity tonight..." Trygan managed to finally finish with numerous pauses. His ears dropped low and his tail came to stick to him like glue as he felt horrible for bringing this up like this so soon. "Damn being horny..." He breathed to himself as he quickly thought about something to say to break the silence and not make Jake have to stutter with his words and feel bad. He looked with puppy dog eyes toward Jake who had tears in his eyes, causing Trygan to feel absolutely horrible along with hearing sniffles from the dog. "Y... You... would... want... me... to be... your..... first...?" Jake tried to say through his stuttering as tears dampened the fur nears his eyes. "You would really..... want to lose it... to... me??" Jake said as if he was unable to believe the words he had just heard. Trygan looked at him and slid a paw over to Jake's head and wiped what tears he could off out of Jake's eyes as he smiled. "Of course I want you to be my first Jake, I love you... more than anything and I figured this could be one way for me to show you how much I care. I don't demand to do it or anything, I just want you to know I love you with all my heart, Jake. Besides, your virginity is a precious part of you that you should only want to give to someone special, you are that someone special to me, Jake and I'm sorry for bringing this up too... Just me being in love and horny, heh." Trygan said as Jake sniffled here and there.

"Don't be sorry.... I..... would only want... to give my virginity to you.... Trygan... I just thought I would be too assertive if I brought it up... not like you though... that was perfect to me... I... I want to be your first tonight Trygan... I love you so much!" Jake blurted out while he started to smile and tears of joy streamed into his facial fur.

Seeing that it was not tears of something bad, but rather that of joy and happiness, Trygan joined Jake with tears slowly coming to his eyes and leaving them at their own pace.. The two joined each other in a hug, holding each other tight as their love for one another seemed to go one step farther then where it was previously at. With one last sniffle, Jake broke the hug and licked Trygan's nose, leaning in by his ear. "Lets move upstairs into my room... for... a more private time together." Jake whispered into Trygan's ear, causing both of their hearts to start to race as they were about to experience something beautiful for the first time. Trygan gently took hold of Jake's paw and with a small tug, they were walking their way to the staircase. Jake started blushing heavily as he thought more and more about how this was really happening and he got more and more turned on by the fact Trygan wants him to be his first. He then went to thinking about how it would feel to be mounted by a guy.

The thoughts increased in his head while they climbed the stairs as he just remembered males of the canine family have knots and he tried to picture Trygan knotting him and tying them together in a passionate and sensual way. Jake almost let his tongue hang out as he tried to fight the urge not to drool about Trygan who was leading him to his room. His heart was racing rapidly and Jake thought he might possibly pass out from this excitement. "Oh... yeah... Um... If we're going to do this Jake... Um... try to keep it between us if you can, I mean... we are under age for this and stuff." Trygan stated as the two came up to the doorway leading to a night of incredible bliss. Jake just nodded knowing full well about what they were doing. "Ok... I don't think I would tell anyone anyway." He added as Trygan opened the door and the two walked in with smiles on their muzzles and erections in their pants. Jake closed the door with his foot paw as he was lead inside and before he knew it, Trygan had turned around and they met in passionate kiss right before Jake started taking his shirt off.

His brown furred lover reluctantly broke the kiss and wasted no time in helping the Husky remove the cum stained article of clothing and tossing it to some random area of the room. Jake's heart raced even faster as he helped Trygan remove his shirt and throw it at the base of the bed. They held each other once the shirts were off, running paws through fur they both missed the feel of as they met in another kiss, one more dirty and lustful than passionate.

Jake removed his lips this time first, giggling at the wolf who flashed that wolfish grin. "Oh, care to help me take care of these pesky pants, Trygan? They seem to be a problem to our plan for tonight." Jake said with a sensual tone of voice, shaking his rump at Trygan and wagging his tail in a more dirty way, turning Trygan on even more. His wolfy member's throbbing increasing in taking over Trygan as he undid Jake's belt and pulled the pants down, leaving Jake in his boxers so he wouldn't feel to horribly awkward about this. Jake stepped out of the bunched up remains of the pants on the ground, turning around after and facing his lover with a smile along with a blush. Trygan just smiled back as he undid his own pants, and pulled them down along with kicking off his shoes and socks, leaving himself in the view of his lover in only his boxers as well.

With both boys stripped down to almost nothing, the slowly walked over to each other, taking each other's paws and both crawling on the bed, still facing each other. The room began to fill with a hint of musky scent as the two began to giggle and admire the bulges in each other's boxers, both dampened from the touch of the eagerly waiting sensitive flesh. Jake leaned in, soon followed by Trygan and they kissed for what they figured would be one of the last times they would do this as virgins. Jake took hold of Trygan's boxers and gently pulled them down the well maintained muscular and toned legs of the wolf till he came to his foot paws and happily pulled them off with a little tug, letting them fall near to wear Trygan's shirt was. Jake looked back to the wolf, seeing the glistening member fully erect and throbbing in more or less rapid intervals along with the heart. Jake hesitated only slightly as he looked at the pink flesh that would take his anal virginity and lose its own virginity in the process and then he too stripped out of his boxers, getting up on his knees facing Trygan. Jake too was fully erect, his own Husky member almost painfully throbbing at the soon to come fun.

Trygan let is tongue hang out and opened his legs more so Jake could see his package in full view. "Um... so... d... do you want to go.... first... or um.... me...?" Jake started stuttering again as he viewed the spectacle before him. Trygan smiled and giggled at the question before he got up onto his knees too. "I Don't want you to feel like I'm taking advantage of you Jake, why don't you go first?" Trygan answered back, waiting for a response almost instantly after finishing. Jake's slightly puffy tail flicked around behind him as he thought about it. A grin rapidly ran across his face as he thought more and more. "Hmmmm.... I would love to.... go first... but...." His grin grew wider as he went on. "but... I believe you haven't had an orgasm this day yet like I have. I think I need a bit longer to be able to go again, so I guess you should go first, you know, be even and such."Jake finished with a giggle, being joined by Trygan rather quickly. After finishing their little giggling session, Jake turned away from the wolf and leaned onto his paws so that he was in the optimal "Doggy style" position. He raised his tail so that Trygan could get a good view of his entrance.

Trygan blushed heavily as he was just practically given permission to take his lover's virginity. "Are you sure?" He asked as he waddled on his knees over to Jake who turned his head to look back at him. "Of course I'm sure, Trygan. Take me as your first you bad boy." Jake added while he stuck his tongue out at Trygan and then giggled to himself as he felt paws on one of his hips, the other at the base of his tail.

Trygan was holding Jake by one of his hips while with his other paw, holding his tail up as he looked at the scrunched up pink tailhole surrounded by white fur. He let of a shutter of pleasure as be bent down and put his nose in between Jake's balls and his hole, taking in a large sniff before moving up more. "Ok... I guess I'll go first then, Jake." Trygan said as he sniffed Jake's rear end and giving it a lick and sending ripples of anticipation and plasure through Jake before getting back on his knees and moving closer to the entrance of ecstasy. Trygan spit on his paw and rubbed his shaft to lube it up before he spit again and spread it over the tailhole, slightly pushing inside to lube it up more which in turn made Jake shutter at the feel of something inside of him. After lubing up, he aligned his cock with that of Jake's tailhole and placed one paw on Jake's hip as he held his meat with the other. "Ok Jake, anal hurts a little at first but pleasure in right there with it... I'm going to slowly push in now and I want you to tell me the second you feel like it hurts too much ok?." Trygan said and soon got a nod right after finishing. He placed the tip of his cock against Jake's virginity and put his paw on the other hip, the head resting against the entrance but not going inside, both of their hearts were racing at speeds both thought weren't possible, Jake still feeling like he might pass out from it too as he felt the head of Trygan's cock against his tailhole.

Jake moved his tail so that it wasn't in the way or uncomfortable for Trygan. "Take me... Trygan... Take your lover for our first time... I love you..." Jake said as he felt Trygan get pawfulls of his fur for the thrusting he was about to feel. Trygan leaned over and kissed him high on his back and murred loudly. "I hope you enjoy this, Jake. I'll be real gentle and careful so you can." Trygan stated as he sucked in a large breath and was about to push in as the front door of the house opened and closed with silence, both boys didn't even hear it in their lust, heavy pawsteps though were heard by Jake as his senses came back for a moment, his eyes opened big as he realized his mother must have come home and was in the house making it seem to Jake like time slowed down as he turned his head in fear back to Trygan who was about to start pushing in. Trygan saw the fear in the scarred Husky's face right before both boys heard the stern voice of a male call out "Hi honey, guess who's home!" right at the base of the stairs.

Wooo! 5th chapter done! I hope you all enjoyed reading and I'm sorry if anyone was waiting for me to get this done Next chapter... as usual, I have no idea when it will be done, hopefully faster than this one! Sorry if this was a disappointment to anyone or if it was just plain bad, this is only my first story and practically the first thing I have ever written, please don't hate me!

P.P.S *MEGA HUGS* to everyone who is a watcher of me and who faved, voted, heck even took a glance at my story and especially commented, shout boxed or sent PMs to me! You furs out there make it worth while to write if I can make you happy with a somewhat acceptable story! I reeeaaallllyyy hope anyone who read has an awesome life as an awesome furry that you are for taking a gander at my story, Thank you all!